tv Velshi MSNBC April 25, 2021 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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bring any guests. it remains unknown who and how many lawmakers will attend. the efforts to vaccinate americans against covid-19 are expected to be front and center in biden's remark. your first look at a brand new exclusive news poll shows how americans feel of the current state of the pandemic and how biden handled that crisis and others during his presidency. biden's approval rating at 53% with just 39%. that's better than the failing president but slightly lower than president obama. biden's $1.9 trillion rescue plan was a good idea. 46% verses 25% who say it was a
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bad idea. this is a time when americans were fearful of the pandemic's future. 55% of americans thought the worse was still to come which is 25% feeling the worst is in the past. now, 61% of americans feel the worst of the pandemic is behind us. this new nbc polls reveal a wealth of information of covid-19. 57% already got vaccinated and a significant number of 12% say they would never get one. 7% respond they'll only do so if required. as you can see the break down by political party is stark. democrats hold a positive view on vaccines than democrats, nearly double the number of
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democrats compare to republicans. 6 times the number of republicans say they'll never get a vaccine compares to democrats. 24% to just 4% of democrats. joining me now is our senior political mark murray who by the way sends out a great note every morning to make sense of what's going on in the world of politics. so great to have you here. in addition to fighting the pandemic, biden is receiving pretty good marks on the economy. the gop messaging on the crisis of the border is hurting biden when it comes to immigration. >> that's right, ali, totality in total of this poll, joe biden is getting a honey moon from the american public, the same honey moon others ended up receiving except for donald trump four years ago in the nbc's wall street journal poll. the biggest warning sign for
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president biden is on immigration and border. he gets his lowest remark on his handling that crisis and other low mark of the issues of guns and as well as china. one thing that's really interesting is we ask our poll, what is the most one or two important issues in the country and the top response were coronavirus, the economy, uniting the country. there is a stark difference party of what people end up seeing of a top problem in the country. democrats overwhelmingly say coronavirus, republicans say it is the border and immigration. >> let's take a look at biden's handling of covid-19 pandemic. 69% approved and 27% disapprove. as you mentioned does that break down by party as well or more
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democrats approving of his handling of covid-19 than republicans? >> more democrats are approving. a significant number of independence. you are seeing republicans thumbs up. republican voters and respondents don't see the coronavirus as being as big of a concern for the country as democrats and independence do. >> mark, good to talk to you as always. thank you for joining us. mark murray, senior political reporter for nbc news. joe biden pledged to be the most aggressive president in fighting climate change. he's making a pledge to cut u.s. greenhouse gas emissions in half by the year 2030. the person task of leading the effort is gina mccarthy who led the epa under president obama.
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i spoke with her this weekend about the way the administration plans ongoing about achieving that initiative and the importance of hitting that goal. let's talk about this commitment that president obama has made to cut in half u.s. emissions by 2030. a lot of people think it is ambitious and you think it is doable and you think it is an opportunity. a lot of it is tied to this infrastructure bill that we don't know the fate of it yet. talk to me about doing it and what relationship it bears for this infrastructure though? >> ali, this plan we are discussing is actually a commitment that we are making to the united nation, on day one, president biden rejoined the - it is a bottom up
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approach. we look at opportunities that is already exist for climate actions. we know we have to have technologies and practices that we can advance and we look at what we spend on innovation and when that innovation may actually deliver some new technologies and then we add that all up and we lay another consideration on it. that's what's the president's goal here. it is not just reductions. he wants to make sure he gets clean energy in 2035 and reach net zero in 2050. he wants to make sure of a couple of things that this we are looking at opportunities for jobs growth because people need to get back to work and we are looking at opportunities for 40% of the benefits to accrue to those communities left behind. those are ones that have been systemically -- >> those communities left behind, are you talking about communities like west virginia or coal mining communities left
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behind or other people? >> we are talking about communities that are predominantly black, brown or triable communities or poor communities. certainly rural communities that have felt this transition, need to be focused on and actually specific commitment that's being made to make sure that we are actually investing in getting them jobs right away, jobs that are in their communities where they have skills set and that benefits our climate goals. we are not leaving any worker or any community behind. that's the goal. >> gina, i want to put up a chart, it shows renewable energy produced by different regions of the world and measured by terawatt hour. should we be aiming to be the
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leader in the world in renewable energy? >> well, i don't know whether the goal is the total because china is considerably larger and needs more of an energy system than we do. but absolutely. we need to start shifting to clean energy and look at solar and wind and advancing that. the good news is regions all across the country is cost effective choice. we need to recognize that carbon capture is an important technology. we need to recognize that we need to keep our nuclear units running as well. there is a lot of considerations but the most important thing is that we need to keep moving forward in a way that's going to keep growing jobs. you mentioned the american jobs plan that the president put on the table and that he's now working through with congress. that's an important addition here. we do not need those resources in order to accomplish the commitment that we make but it
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would put it in accelerating considerably and the jobs associated in that plan are in the millions. lords knows the pandemic has slowed every country down. now is the time for something hopeful and something opportunistic. >> for years the united states literally gave up its position on climate. the united states have been instrumental and gave it up. can we get it back? >> that was what the past two days was all about. we needed to have a strong commitment and 50/50 by 2030 is wrong. second thing we did was bring
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the leaders from other country of the two-day submit that president biden called for and secretary kerry helped got it delivered. we are humble and we have not been at the table, we are back and we have been welcomed with open arms and we have commitments from other countries and we have talked about two things critical. the fact that the next decade is it. if you want to actually stay within the 1.5 degrees cenigrade with science, we have to follow science. we have to spend money and get on track and change the way we run or economies and we need to do it together. >> gina, let me ask you about fracking. this was an issue during the election and became a wedge issue a number of republicans and donald trump who decided to say this is what joe biden is going to do and it is going to
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wreck jobs in america. there is certainly parts of this country where people are tied to the prosperity that fracking has provided. what is joe biden going to do about fracking? >> joe biden was clear that he's not banning fracking. what we are doing right now is investing in clean energy. what we are doing right now is establishing new standards for methane that we hope to get delivered shortly. there are ways we can mitigate the challenges that fracking poses. there is no question that the president's focus on where are we heading and what are we building and how do we get there and how do we have the courage and commitment to advance at scale, the climate solutions available to us and then look for the innovation of the future. that's where we are heading. >> gina, so good to see you again. you and i had these
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conversations from the sideline from a few years ago, it is good to see you. gina mccarthy, thank you for your time. >> thank you, ali. >> thursday is going to mark 100th days since joe biden took office. republicans still don't want to believe it. republicans are recounting their votes. doerch derek chauvin is headed behind bars. i ask a group of black minnesotans of their path forward, that remarkable conversation is coming up. satio. . tell me more. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk.
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reiser, ali velshi is having some difficulty but hopefully he'll be back. halie jackson has more on what state hood may look like and what's next for the bill. >> d.c. is a lot more than monument, it is full of regular neighborhoods like this one. places are all different but one thing in common. taxation without representation. democrats want to change that. republicans are painting it as a political power grab by democrats to take control of the senate. all of it sating upstate hood standoff. congress is one step closer to adding another. the house passing a bill that would make washington district of columbia the state of
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washington douglas commonwealth. the mayor would become the new governor and the 700,000 plus people living in d.c. who already pay the most federal taxes per capita would get voting rights including two senators. that would mean two more democrats giving d.c.'s political leaning. >> democrats support is really about hr 51. democrats partnership and power. >> some argued that d.c. is too small. >> it would not qualify as a congressional district. >> some argued d.c. is not wyoming. >> wyoming is a well-rounded working class. >> democrats blast that as racism. >> one republican argued this. >> this will be the only state, only state without a card dealership. >> d.c. does have car
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dealerships and the constitution does not mention those any way. some conservatives say they never intended the nation capitol becomes a state. >> there is nothing in the constitution that this can't become a state. >> reporter: d.c. would have the highest percentage of black residents in the country. supporters including the biden administration about half of all voters nationwide and a lot of folks who calls the district home. >> it makes me feel as if i am being robbed of a right that i should have. >> it feels my voice is not represented. >> reporter: there is also this security component that comes into play here, d.c. should be able to make its own decisions like the national guard, something that became a relevant after the siege on january 6th. they'll give with the republican opposition is to d.c. state
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hood. it is not particularly imminent nonetheless there is some kind of rules changed in the senate. things can always change but that's where things seemed to be at the moment. back to you. >> much more news on the way, velshi is back after a quick break. way, velshi is back after a quick break. and new ways for them to reach you is what business is all about it's what the united states postal service has always been about so as your business changes, we're changing with it with e-commerce that runs at the speed of now next day and two-day shipping nationwide same day shipping across town returns right from the doorstep and deliveries seven days a week it's a whole new world out there let's not keep it waiting tonight, i'll be eating a pork banh mi with extra jalapeños. [doorbell rings] thanks, baby. yeah, we 'bout to get spicy for this virtual date. spicy like them pajama pants? well, the top half of me looks good. no wonder we still single.
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arizona republican hired a cyber group, if that were not sketchy enough, the cyber ninjas banned the press from entering the coliseum to observe the recount. some members of the press entered as an observer, they were not allowed pens or note pad. one of the people able to get an access as an observer. she was the only reporter to observed the recount on friday. did you get any in trouble when you went in as an observer? >> no, i had worked it out ahead of time with the senate president to be there so they knew that i was going to be there as a reporter. >> got it. you had to do certain things as
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an observer, you had to submit a bunch of ids and stuff. is there is a good reason why press are not being allowed to watch. it is a little worry because it is not state officials running it. >> they allowed us to observe from a room where we could see it. that's what we were. if they are concerned of the ballots getting on camera is one thing but allowing us some type of access where we can check on things and see how things were going. you need to serve a full six-hour shift in order to observe this which a lot of reporters don't have the time to do. you can't bring a note pad or camera or anything to document, you have to do that on your breaks. part of what happens to me was i was doing that on my breaks and then they confronted me and said actually, as an observer while
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you are here, once your shift is over, you can file any reports you want to. >> what's going on in the recount and what they're trying to achieve? we had courts look at this before and a lot of my viewers will be surprised that maricopa is in the middle of a recount of 173 days after the election. >> yes, i am definitely still surprised to be covering it six months in. it has been a long six months back and forth. trump didn't accept the results in our state and it was specifically in maricopa, there were a lot of legal challenges and all of those went through the court system and all of those were dismissed. all the audits came back clean and senate republicans were still not happy and they want more on it. that's when they filed the subpoena to get the ballots and the voting machines they would
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need in order to do their own audit. we thought it would be more involved but then as you said they turned it over to a contractor who's really making the rules here. >> let's talk about this contractor that was brought in. you know this more than i do. is it normal, the view from outside seems a little shady, the company who ceo was perpetrating this big lie is now in charge of counting the ballots. >> the senate president told me multiple times she's going to find someone fair and unbiassed to do this audit. that's up for everyone else to judge. we found the ceo of sacramento tauted conspiracy theory of the election. we could not find much actually, any election auditing experience in his background.
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so that's when the question started to come up, who's involved and while they're overseeing on it is three other contractors at least are helping. we don't know who's exactly involved and we don't know who's paying cyber ninjas. the senate put up $150,000. this audit is costing way more than that. we are trying to figure out who all is involved in paying. we know when you know said they were fund raising and sidney powell says she was involved. it is hard when we are not given access. >> jen, reporter for the arizona republic, this would make a remarkable thriller and fictional novel but except that it is actually happening. thank you for your reporting. there is a huge difference between justice and accountability. you will hear more from the six black minnesotans i caught up
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minnesotans of who i spoke with this week. here is what they told me. >> it is too early to make determination whether justice have been served. so many things have to play out and so much in that process of baring witness and reacting that i can't say that justice have been served. i can say the right thing was done in the conviction of derek chauvin and that's where i stand right now. >> i don't think it is justice, justice would have been not seeing george floyd murdered. justice would have been doing right by his family. i think here what we have is somebody paying consequences for the actions they did after the community's outrage and after many, many protest and people coming out. i think justice for george floyd is a legacy that we can build,
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making sure that he didn't die for no reason. >> i don't know if justice has been done. i do believe accountability has been had here. what i would encourage everybody to notice what happens when accountability takes place, there is this sense of the city feels a little bit more peaceful. the weather is a little better. i don't know of the conviction but the weather is a little better. people feel this sense of peace, there is a little bit of a calming. accountability has been a good thing for our city and our community. it is going to be good for the state overall. continuing to see accountability will push our nation to heal a lot further and faster than denying these things will. >> i think we have such a responsibility and an obligation here in minnesota. i can't think of another state in the last five years where there has been more high-profile of police killings of black men. you had george floyd and daunte
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wright, that needs to stop happening here. i am hurt and angry, i feel this trauma all over again. we can't say this is a giant step forward by there being a conviction from derek chauvin because we already took two steps back by having the killing of daunte wright. >> do you think verdict things fundamentally? >> absolutely. how do we even get here? if you have not been paying attention if you are asking that question. the question is why are we still here? what can we do to move things forward. we are in a city where we know we have the opportunity to fix this. and so even though things haves changed, we know that right now is all right for more change. let's not stand down because
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this is just the start of the journey. >> one thing that i have been reflecting on over the past week is the feeling of tiredness in my body. i check myself and how dare i feel tired and i can't fight anymore because our ancestors did not have the opportunity to say that. at times it seems like we had such a long way to go. it is the work of our ancestors. i think that we have to continue to fight. i think that we have to continue to dismantle individual systems of suppression. >> i see this as a long road because the turning point is not just in the courtroom. it has to be in people's hearts on an individual level first and unfortunately we don't have a barometer for that. we can't read that. i hope it is a turning point for them. not because they're scared one day they'll be convicted but for the first time they have seen
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collectively as a culture, we say this is wrong. >> i feel like we are sort of in this holding pattern to see what will come. what i believe is the power of the human spirit. i believe that we are always moing towards doing the right thing. i think there will be opposition to that and i think people will either evolve or we'll revolutionize that if we don't allow ourselves to evolve and evolve well and keep moving in a consistent pace towards the right, it will lead to our own undoing and lead to revolution. i am in this holding pattern with so this others waiting to see, waiting to see the continuous of our ongoing march for justice. when we can stop having these conversations when they listen and we listen, we'll know. we'll know then.
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>> many thanks to my new group of friends from minneapolis for their time and wisdom. i want to bring in jonathan capehart. >> some of the real wisdom comes when you sit down with people and see how they are processing with the derek chauvin's trial. >> what a great discussion. as someone went to carleton in minnesota, i went to carleton about 45 minutes south of minneapolis, it was great to hear and see black minnesotans talking about the impact of the derek chauvin's trial and i love the one young woman who talked about this centrality of minnesota in this conversation about policing and we are actually doing a segment on that in the show in our 11:00 hour.
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how is it that minnesota, this majority white state is the vocal point of so much of what we are talking about in the last year. >> yeah, it is going to be remarkable to see how this all unfolds. none of those people thought the struggle is over by any means, they were hesitant to think this is a new beginning but it was not disappointment as they are so used to. jonathan, thank you. he'll be with us about 20 minutes. the sunday's show comes up at the top of the hour, he got representative val demings and many more. still ahead, some states are proposing legislation that would bar you from running for office or applying for student loan if you participated in a protest. we'll talk about it next. u part.
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republican lawmakers across the united states are pushing a wave of new antiprotest bills full of cruel ways to punish people exercising their first amendment rights. in indiana would bar anyone convicted from holding state assembly. in oklahoma, an iowa republican legislatures passed bills granting immunity to drivers whose vehicle striking protester s on the streets. this big republican led antipo test push did not happen 10 or 11 years ago when the most
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prominent movement of the country was the tea party. it is happening now in the rise of black lives matter. governor desantis signed a bill aimed at protesters that extra critics say it is unconstitutional. it allows anyone who kills or injures rioters to escape civil liability. here is what they're moving to protect, indiana's republican governor signed a law mandating police protecting monuments on public or private property, it allows the state to withhold fundings from communities that don't protect their monuments. >> i want to welcome dr.
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brittany cooper for gender study and the author of "eloquent." discovering her super power. i am struggling that folks are becoming selective of what kind of protests they like or they find acceptable and sort of forgetting what protests have done for this country. how about the founding of this country which is basically protest and in fact a violent protest. >> absolutely, i am here in philadelphia, cradle of democracy by many people. for people who need a refresher on the constitution, the first amendment protects the right to free speech and peacefully
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assemble and so these bills are now going to punish people who try to exercise those rights. you have to ask why when 96% of those protests were found to be non violent against police officers and these properties that they're so intent on protecting. in response to those peaceful protests, they want to make it harder for those to pursue happiness which is one of the corner stone allegedly for this democracy, harder for people to get student loans and go to college and harder for them to buy a house which is supposed to be apart of the american dream. i am still wondering where the legislation is to address insurrectionists in attempt to overthrow the government. >> right, and the things we saw last year they were not
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insurrection, they were protests against unjust government. dr. cooper, they were talking about unlawful assembly. if you are conducting unlawful assembly,lawmakers, people who changed the unjust laws in this country did so through unlawful assembly, including martin luther king. the concept of riots which are determined locally by police, you can get stuck by just showing up in something that someone decided was a riot. >> look, i think the thing we have to be clear about is the gop has abdicated their investment in governing. they are not giving us any semblance that they care about, rights or protection of rights or humanity. they are engaged in a brazen consolidation of white power. that is what this is all about. they don't compel them anymore because they see a country being taken away from them. a country moving too fast, becoming too inclusive.
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they're trying to consolidate power. the second thing is that one of the sort of hallmarks of white supremacy is that it always values property over life. when you see these kinds of perverse bills that say you must protect your monuments or can't get state funding, that's part and pearls of how white supremacists have thought about what it means to be part of the body politic. these are the same people who turned people into property and certainly they have always cared more about property than about life. so i think we should stop trying to figure out where the moral compass is or what they are trying to do. they don't care anymore about the function 7 good government. they care -- and finally, let me say this. the capitol riots, that was the only civil disobedience they think is okay is an actual takeover of state power. then they recognize it. for the rest of us, they see people's protests for justice as an attempt at a coup and they see their own attempts at a coup
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as their desperate pleas are in justice and when your thinking is so perverse and shifted, there's really nothing else we can do. >> stand by, both of you. i've got more to talk to you about on the other side of the break. we'll be right back. k. clara didn't believe gain scent beads could make her sheets smell amazing days later. boy was she surprised! and the more nights that go by, the more surprised she gets. her husband is surprised too. gain scent beads you're clearly someone who takes care of yourself. so why wait to screen for colon cancer? because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. tell me more. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk.
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false positive and negative results may occur. ask your prescriber or an online prescriber if cologuard is right for you. i'll do it. good plan. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. i'll do it. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ (ac/dc: back in black) ♪ ♪ ♪
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election had been stolen or that the election was rigged was a lie. and people need to understand that. >> if donald trump were the 2024 nominee, would you support him? >> i would not. >> back with me, erin haynes an msnbc contributor for the nineteeth. erin, this seems to be an emerging strain in the republican, generally speaking, reluctance to separate themselves from donald trump and the fact that liz cheney, a prominent republican, whose family had been in republican circles for decades is staking out territory separate from donald trump saying very clearly she would not support him again. >> yeah, ali, and it's paying off for congresswoman cheney. listen, if you'll indulge me for a second, this gives me a chance to point out excellent reporting by my colleague amanda becker on the $1.5 million that liz children was able to raise in
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the wake of her fellow republicans attempting to oust her from leadership, attempting to censure her. there was nor condemnation for liz cheney than there was among her colleagues for the insurrectionists looking to hang the vice president, looking for speaker of the house nancy pelosi during that violent insurrection that was based on the big lie. and so she spoke out against that. she was one of ten house republicans who voted to impeach. she's the highest ranking gop woman in the house. the only woman in her party's leadership and the only woman to cast a vote for impeachment. what was the response? to try to censure her instead of trying to really disabuse republicans of the big lie. but just as i guess people like marjorie taylor greene and josh hawley have been able to raise money off the big lie, you see liz cheney raising money for speaking truth to power and really standing in the truth and not, you know, really succumbing
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to the trumpism that still seems to dominate the party. >> and that record fundraising haul is interesting because what it does do is suggest to those establishment republicans who have not gone along with the big lie and there are some, they are few, but there are some, that there might be a different center of gravity growing in the republican party. >> absolutely. and, look, this is the thing we hope for. the republican party has to do some reckoning this year. you have caitlyn jenner running for governor of california. you have got liz cheney being a female voice in the republican party demanding a more moderate approach, not going along with this kind of definite right wing turn of white supremacy. the republican party is going to have to figure out what they think about women in leadership and this is a party that's anti-woman unless the women in the party parrot the most misogynist kinds of policy. liz cheney seems to be, you know, taking a different route and they'll have to think about trans issues, jnder issues, and
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i see this as white women are really going to have to grapple as they look at liz cheney with their continued sort of fealty and fidelity to the republican party, a party that does not like it when women stand up and say this is not the direction that we want to go. >> thank you to both of you. it's such a treat to be able to get your analysis. errin haynes for the 19th and dr. brittany cooper from rutgers university. before we go, i would love to give a special shoutout to one of our viewers. noehmie myers. today is her 101st birthday. last year she wasn't able to celebrate her 100th in proper style but she's now pfizer vaccinated and ready to tear up the streets on this april sunday. here's to you, nohmie myers on your very special day. if you go out to eat today, i recommend getting the surf and turf. can't go wrong with that. thank you for watching "velshi." catch me here next saturday and sunday morning from 8:00 to
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10:00 a.m. "the sunday show" with jonathan capehart starts right now. a rash of police killings after the chauvin verdict. what will it mean for police reform? i'll ask two key leaders on the issue, congresswoman karen bass and congresswoman val demings. the j&j vaccine is available once again. now we just have to get more shots in arms of any coronavirus vaccine. surgeon general vivek murthy is here with the latest. and keeping it 100 as president biden approaches a milestone. republicans approach hysteria. >> he's gone full woke-arista. >> a brand-new nbc news poll shows why gop putdowns like that aren't working. i'm jonathan capehart. and this is "the sunday show."
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