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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  April 26, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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from the moviemovie. >> clearly not much has changed since he was speaking out against these things. it's our responsibility to continue his work. >> a big congratulations to all of last night's winners. that does it for me. ari melber is back tomorrow. a reminder, you can catch me every weekend, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. eastern on "american voices." "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. moment the conviction of derek chauvin gave us hope and brought a sliver of relief to so many around the country. that now feels like a distant memory. roughly 24 hours after tuesday's verdict, it felt like reality came crash back down on us. on wednesday in virginia, isaiah brown was shot multiple times by a deputy. brown was unarmed and remains in critical condition.
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that same day in elizabeth city, north carolina, yet another black life came to a premature end after a police interaction. andrew brown jr. was shot and killed by multiple sheriff's deputies who the suspect claims were carrying out search and arrest warrants. he joins daunte, adam toledo, ma'khia bryant, george floyd, and breonna taylor, just to name a few other black americans killed by police. and that's just recently. also today, attorney general merrick garland announced the department of justice would investigate whether there was a pattern or practice of unconstitutional or unlawful policing in louisville, kentucky, which may have led to the death of breonna taylor. we'll have more on that a little bit later. for several nights now, hundreds have taken to the streets in elizabeth city, north carolina, demanding that the sheriff release the body cam video. mayor betty parker has joined the calls, and so has governor roy cooper, writing in a tweet that brun's death is extremely
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concerning and body camera footage should be made public as quickly as possible. we know about andrew brown jr.'s death is murky. the county sheriff tommy wooten has not made himself available to the public since a press event last wednesday. the deputies who shot brown were wearing active body cameras at the time of the shooting. sheriff wooten declined to identify the officers involved and declined to say how many shots they fired. media reports citing police scanner audio indicates that brown seems to have been shot in the back while in his car. today a family lawyer told reporters that brown was shot in the back of the head. one eyewitness told the raleigh news and observer that she heard the first shot and ran outside and watched deputies continue firing. she said the deputies unloaded on him, meaning andrew brown jr. here is what another eyewitness told nbc news. >> he was sitting in his car,
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and about that time, the police had pulled up behind him, and he started to drive off, and they started shooting. and you could see mudslinging up on the side of his house everywhere. and they shot out the back window of his car, and he lost control and he ended up across the street in mr. mike's yard. and he hit a tree. they crowded around his car. they shot -- were shooting the front window of his car. >> on saturday, sheriff wooten posted a facebook live video reading from prepared remarks, he said he would release the video if granted permission. >> only a judge can release the video. that's why i've asked the north
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carolina state bureau of investigation to confirm for me that the releasing of the video will not undermine their investigation. once i get that confirmation, our county will file a motion in court, hopefully monday, to have the footage released. >> the north carolina state bureau of investigation is leading a probe into the shooting. today andrew brown jr.'s family was allowed to view body camera footage, but only after deputies redacted it. and brown's family was ultimately allowed to see only a 20-second snippet of the video. it remains unclear if the full video will be released to them or the public. the video has not been viewed by nbc news. joining me now bishop william barber, a former president of the north carolina naacp. and ben crump, attorney for the family of andrew brown jr. ben, i saw that press conference today. there were a lot of angry folks there. a lot of angry people. i want to play a couple of them. this is andrew brown jr.'s son
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khalil farabee. >> it's like we're against all odds in the world. my dad got executed just trying to save his own life. >> multiple people calling that an execution. were you able to see that video yoers, ben, and would you characterize it as an execution? >> joy, our co-counsel got to see the video. and the reason was this county attorney, they are for whatever reason, and we don't understand it, they continue to try not to be transparent. they said no lawyers who were not barred in north carolina could come with the family to see the video. so we had attorney lassiter go in and see the video, and she took copious notes of the 22nd video that said three main things to, us joy. and it was number one, the fact
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that when they turned on the video, they were already shooting. so we don't know what transpired to them shooting the video. they were swearing at him, telling them to show the hands. he had both his hands on the steering wheel. and you can see that clearly from the video. his son, as well as tern lannister said. and the fact that he never used a car to put them in any jeopardy or danger. he was evading them the whole time. they were shooting at him from the side and behind while he was getting away from them. and the final point is it confirmed what we had already heard, that all the shots were from the back. >> right. and let me quickly play bakari sellers. he is also counsel to the family. here he is talking about the redactions. >> how do you redact body cam video without the prosecuting agency? >> okay. cover-up. >> right. so if i'm outside and i commit a crime, you can't have somebody
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that works with you every single day redact the video. >> and he also mentioned that the prosecutors are also very extremely belligerent toward him inside of that meeting. this is a statement from the county attorney on the redactions allows us to blur some faces on the video, and that process takes time. this may be done when necessary to protect active internal investigations. this is the same county attorney who did say that bakari said i'm not going to be f'ing bullied to him. one more to you, ben. do you feel like this is an attempted cover-up? i've never heard of a video being redacted before even the family could see it. does that sound normal to you? >> it doesn't at all, especially when it's the family. we're not talking about what's released to the public. bishop barber knows eastern carolina better than i will ever know. but the one thing that just was appalling to us was the fact that not only would you only
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show them 20 seconds, you recontacted the their faces, but you then release the warrant and all the criminal history of andrew brown to assassinate his character, but you will blot out the faces of the officers and not give their names. well, we want to see their rap sheet since they are putting out the rap sheet of andrew brown. and finally, joy, my 8-year-old daughter could understand that if you're only showing 20 seconds of a video, then you're hiding something, because of andrew brown would have did something bad in there, we wouldn't need a judge to silent. they would have that all over the news. >> absolutely. bishop barber, tell us about this community. this is a small town i understand. this is not a very big city. tell us about this community and what the reactions are from the people you're talking about. >> this a city where the university. it's in eastern north carolina there is a long history of police conduct in northeastern carolina. and people know it. they know the arrogance.
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this is where jesse helms and others had his stronghold. you should also add to your list, joy, donovan lynch and virginia bench the list of those who have been killed since the trial. also, we should be putting pressure on the d.a. what the sheriff didn't say is he didn't have to go the fbi. the fbi said no, you don't have to do that. they could have gone straight to the judge. the d.a. could have done that. it's been 120 hours. think about this. i was thinking about what crump and other lawyer daniels and bakari, they were there. 120 hours have passed. they only got to see 20 seconds. 120 hours have passed. they only got to see 20 seconds. and that's why tomorrow the local pastor, one local pastor's call for the north carolina naacp, the north carolina council of churches and the ame zion church, we're calling together pastors to declare a state of moral emergency. no, the real emergency is this moral emergency, this judicial emergency, and this is not a
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matter of national security. that's when you redact. the national security is the killing of black folk. and it doesn't matter to us whether it's because of black or white. when you engage in violence toward people and shoot unarmed people and people fleeing away, and we think that that there may have been a major assault like a s.w.a.t. team kind of going after this one young man with no history of violence. but what people should also know about eastern north carolina is people in north carolina, they might be slow. but when we move, we would take deep root, and we stand. some of the strongest work came out of eastern north carolina. so this fight will occur. the people will be nonviolent. but they will be vigilant. they will be vigilant. and we're going get to the bottom of this in this county. this cannot stand. this young man, seven children, two grown, five minors, he is a nephew, he is an uncle, he is a son. 42 years old, shot in the back, shot in the back.
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this is something that cannot stand and it won't stand. we must put pressure on the sheriff and the d.a. lastly, joy, you should know, i talked to the attorney general of the state along with dr. spearmon. you should know this. the d.a. right now, brother crump knows this as well, could call the state attorney general just like they did in minnesota and say take this case. now north carolina, the local has to ask for it. the state can't take it from him. but the local d.a. could right now say this is too messy. we messed it up. give to it the state a.g. and they can handle this. all that could be done in 20 seconds. >> yeah. >> the same amount of time they let the family see this tape after 120 hours. >> that is a really good point. three deputies from what i hear have resigned already. seven have been put on leave. that seemed to be awfully, awfully quick. the county had only 55 sworn deputies. out of those deputies, ten of them have either resigned or gone on leave.
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people keep talking about the fleeing felon rule. you said something today i thought was very important to repeat. you said the most dangerous thing apparently to police is a black man running from them. under the fleeing felon rule, police are not allowed to shoot somebody simply because they are fleeing, correct? >> absolutely. the united states supreme court has that it is not against the law to flee from police. and it should not be the death penalty just because you're black and you're running away. we never hear about them joy and bishop barber shooting white men in the back. but them shooting black men in the back in america is almost like a cliche. i mean jacob blake jr., kenosha, wisconsin. walter scott in south carolina, laquan mcdonald in chicago, terence crutcher in tulsa, oklahoma, christian hall, oklahoma. anthony mcclain in pasadena,
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california, who literally ran out of his shoes and they shot him in the back. we have to get this george floyd justice in policing act passed, and hopefully bishop barber eastern carolina can be added to the list of george floyd and breonna taylor and jacob blake adds reasons why we have to act now. we cannot hold this off. >> bishop barber, merrick garland, the attorney general of the united states has announced a pattern and practice investigation in kentucky. do you think there needs to be one in north carolina? >> yes, there needs to be first of all we need to in the north carolina state assembly that would open up body cams for public. that needs to be done. but we need accountability. the only way you get accountability is you have to have proper investigation. then you have to have proper -- when you find that someone has murdered someone, shot them in the back, a police warrant, a badge and a gun is too much for
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someone trigger-happy, there needs to be prosecution, imprisonment and needs to be fellow investigation of pattern and practice. it's been a long time overdue in northeastern carolina. this case needs to make it happen. and you're right. we need to get these things passed. we don't need this blocked. this is about people's lives. we can see clearly if you don't have the kind of federal law to standardize this stuff, then you have one thing happening, another county, depending on the sheriff, the d.a. no. we need accountability, transparency and truth, and we need it right now. >> absolutely. i will add to, that bakari sellers said something. he is very familiar with the media, to people in my profession. don't fall for the banana in the tailpipe. >> that's right. >> don't run with andrew brown's history. rudy giuliani used to do this when he was mayor of new york. police would kill someone. their whole juvenile record would come out.
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well, they're not a choir boy. don't fall about that. this is not about this dead young black man's history. this is about him getting killed. don't fall for that. we don't want to hear about whatever he did wrong in his life. we need to know why he was shot and killed, whether he was shot in the back while he was driving away. that is my story that is my plea to those of us covering the story. bishop ben barber, ben coming up. thank you both very much. really appreciate you both. up next on "the reidout," america's reckoning on police reform, and why it is so hard to get rid of bad cops. you're going want to hear these stories in our next break. plus, attorney general merrick garland, as i mentioned, announced the investigation at the louisville police department following the killing of breonna taylor. and george wallace became a conservative star with talk of law and order, which really meant racism and civil rights violations. well, now a current southern governor is mimicking george wallace, and he is the absolute
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worst. "the reidout" after this. reidos for cash flow that lasts, even when you're not working, so you can go from saving... to living. ♪ let's go ♪
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last week's guilty verdict in the murder trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin was heralded by many as a step in the right direction for racial justice. and while chauvin will now face the consequences for the brutal killing of george floyd, this was not the first time that chauvin used excessive force during his 19-year career as a police officer. in 2017 he was accused of using the same force against a 14-year-old teenager responding to a 911 call about a domestic assault. the minor was slow to comply with chauvin's demands and was met with force. according to court documents, chauvin struck the child multiple times in the head with a flashlight before applying the same type of neck restraint with his knee for 17 minutes. that's 17 minutes as the boy and his mother pleaded with chauvin to stop, and that the boy couldn't breathe. now fortunately he survived. at least three other people of color have come forward with
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similar stories of excessive force at the hands and knee of derek chauvin. "the new york times" points out that chauvin's conduct before george floyd led to at least 22 complaints or internal investigations, but only one resulted in discipline. so while chauvin will finally have to serve time in prison for his actions, the question we need to ask is why are officers like chauvin allowed to remain on police forces in the face of such horrendous practices? joining me now are marq claxton, director of the black law enforcement alliance and a retired nypd detective. and michael harriot, senior writer for the root and the person who alerted me over the weekend to all of this background from derek chauvin. i will confess that i knew he had 22 past incidents in his record, michael, but i didn't know the specifics until i saw that in the root. talk to me about how egregious a police officer this guy was. >> right. we know that he's had at least
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18 complaints of force alone. we know that he's shot or been involved in three shootings. he shot two people. he killed one before he ever arrived to arrest george floyd. we know this about derek chauvin, and he was allowed to stay on the force. he was never disciplined except once. my point about this, right, when you see people talking about systemic racism, this is the point that we're talking about, right. it's not about one guy doing one thing to one other person on one day. it is about a system that allows a person like this to stay employed to move up the chain of command and to flourish in a system that brutalizes black people. we can't forget that police officers in minneapolis use and choked someone out 370 times in
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the past three years. 60% of those people were black in a city that is 18% black, meaning black people were six times more likely to be choked unconscious by a police officer in that city. that's the systemic part. when stuff like this happens, you wonder why. this guy must be crazy to have his hands in a pocket or on camera while people were looking. no. the city allowed him to get away with that year in, year out repeatedly. and so he knew what was going to happen when he got called out on it. nothing at all. and that's why he continued to do it. >> it's shocking to hear this, marq, except the tamir rice officer got in trouble at his previous place of employment as a police officer because he had some psychological evaluations that he failed. he was able to resign, probably pocket a pension, go on to cleveland where he then kills tamir rice where it looked like a jump-out. it was almost a drive-by
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shooting. he jumped out of the car kill this 12-year-old kid. you can go on and on. we saw one planted for evidence. it keeps going. how are these officers, in some cases who are deadly literally for the community, allowed to stay in their jobs for so long and collect the pension at taxpayer expense? >> this is a tragically repetitious pattern, and it will continue into the near future. listen, in every other profession, when you know better, you do better. each profession has an opportunity to evolve, to turn better, to become better, to educate better, to train better, to select better. not policing. policing is so mired in the muck of the toxic culture, that it reflexively is stubborn and defiant and entrenchd. it will continue to be that way until we get to the point of talking about moving away from the current structure.
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there is no escaping it. realistically, we can no longer co-exist. black people can no longer co-exist with this policing model. it has to be transformed into more of a public safety model which incorporates other disciplines and allows the police if you have what are termed police to focus in on crimes, on offenses outside of what should be social issues that are there evolved. right now this policing model is lethal for block and brown communities. and is defiantly stubborn. look at north carolina what happened. look at the reaction. look at the lack of situational awareness as to what's going on, how they are escondidoing in such a way. and to point one other thing out in north carolina, joy, i'm just stuck on this is because they're playing good cop against bad cop, the media, with the attorneys. they're pretending that the sheriff really wants to release this video, and the other entities don't.
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it's a classic case. but it's typical and toxic police environment. >> absolutely. and michael, because you are in the business i'm in, you're in the journalism business, you have police rushing out to try to demonize andrew brown jr. you need to know he has these drug arrests. you need to know that. they did the same thing with ma'khia wright. you need to know these bad things about her. even with george floyd. meanwhile, here is a piece in "the wall street journal." "wall street journal" review last year found officers in the minnesota police department who faced criminal charges during the past 15 years have been routinely allowed to return to the force. half of them were still working there for cases involving the use of force. seven out of nine were reinstated, including officers in the minneapolis police department. less than 10% in most police forces get investigated for misconduct, yet some officers are consistently under investigation. nearly 2500 have been investigated in ten or more charges, 20 faced 100 or more allegations yet kept their badges. michael we don't get to find out the records of these bad police officers, but we get all the
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information about somebody that they've shot. >> right. and that's one of the reasons that we should be pushing for this george floyd justice in policing bill, because that's one of the things that they -- that is included in that bill, a database of police officers and their misconduct. and i think that's one of the -- you rarely see an unknown person killed by police for the first time. like that police officer is usually shot someone. he has usually been complained about for numerous times before they even get to the point where they can just blatantly kill someone. they foster this injustice, and they foster these criminals. it's a culture of criminality. and one thing i'd like to point out what marq said earlier, the main part about this is it doesn't work. >> right. >> they're not solving more crime. >> no. >> 42 to 48% of all crimes in america go unsolved. it's not like they're stopping people from being in neighborhoods.
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it's not like they're solving these drug cases. it's not like they're putting the people who import drugs into black communities in jail. it doesn't work other than killing black people. so the only thing that you can surmise is that must be the goal, dead black people must be the goal because nothing else work, right? no other business in the world would operate this inefficiently and hurt as many of its customers and still continue to operate in the same way. >> yeah, absolutely. i should point out it's not just police. the medical examiner in maryland who testified on behalf of derek chauvin, now he is having all his cases reopened because now people want the see. he has also written off some past police abuse oh, that person died of a heart attack. he has done that before. so it's not even just police. it's their friends. the people who help them. marq claxton, michael harriot, it is mind-blowing, amazing. thank you for being here. still ahead, the good old days, ah, yes. you can hit someone with your car for exercising their rights to peaceable assembly and free
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speech. well, one modern day southern governor is making sure everything old is new again, which makes him tonight's absolute worst. stay with us. i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer. ♪ ♪ i feel free to bare my skin yeah, that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin, ♪ ♪ that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way it's my moment ♪ ♪ so i just gotta say... ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs
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people that commandeer highways, which we've seen in other parts of the country. they start to do that, there needs to be swift penalties, and that's something that just cannot happen. >> well that was florida's republican governor ron desantis rolling out his new anti-protest law last week. what he didn't say in that press conference is the new law grants civil immunity to motorists who just happen to hit protesters in the streets with their cars, effectively absolving those drivers of civil liability. when we covered that news on this program last week, i compared desantis to former alabama born george wallace, something that upset some of the usual suspects on the right. now it's a comparison that i've made to donald trump in the past. but whereas trump talked a lot like george wallace, even using violent rhetoric against protesters at his rallies, desantis is actually governing like the former alabama governor, especially with his new anti-protest law. and that makes him tonight's
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absolute worst. after all, george wallace made no secret of what he would do to protesters if they were lying in the street in front of his car. >> i said in california that if i come to that state or go to new york or come to seattle and a group of anarchists lay down in front of my automobile as president, i'm going wean them of lying in front of automobiles. >> specifically cracking down on street protests. desantis is taking a page out of the wallace playbook. in fact, governor wallace actually cited possible traffic violations as a justification to ban the historic civil rights march from selma to montgomery over the edmund pettus bridge in 1965. that too was unlawful assembly, according to wallace, who unleashed state troopers on the peaceful protesters, including john lewis, on a day that would go down in history as bloody
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sunday. and gleefully signing that anti-protest bill last week, governor desantis also brought in the sheriff of polk county, one grady judd who gave a patroning speech to warn protesters about the consequences of this law. sheriff judd sure sounded like a throwback to another florida sheriff, walter headley. as head of the police department headley was famous for his tough talk against protesters in the 1960s. he is the guy that warned when the looting starts, the shooting starts. something that trump as president would notoriously repeat. as you watch practically complete each other's sentences. >> pay attention. we've got a new law. and we're going use fit you make us. >> my job is to protect life and property. that's a job of every police officer here, and we're going
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use any means at our disposal to accomplish this. >> peaceful protests, we encourage and more riot, we can tell the difference. >> people know the laws they're violating as well as you do and i do. >> you can compare and contrast. look at seattle, portland, minneapolis. >> that's the reason that some of the incidents that have happened in the north have been as serious as they were. >> don't register to vote and vote the stupid way you did up north. you'll get what they got. >> florida's among four states to sign anti-protest bills into law. and coincidentally that. >> all come in the wake of the black lives matter movement. but according to one republican senator, there is no systemic racism in this country. it just doesn't even exist. and that is coming up next. so why wait to screen for colon cancer?
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on sunday, south carolina senator lindsey graham managed to peel himself away from his ar-15 to offer a presidential version of "i have a black friend." >> senator, is there systemic racism in this country in policing and in other institutions? >> no, not in my. . we just elected a two-term african american president. the vice president is african american-indian descent. so our systems are not racist. america is not a racist country. within every society, you have bad actors. >> that's right, america. thanks to president obama, vice president harris, and let's throw in oprah while we're at it. there is no more racism, ta-da! poof. magic. meanwhile, arizona republicans are doing everything they can to dismantle the fair election that
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put a black and asian woman in the white house to begin with. recounting again and six months after the election the nearly 2.1 million ballots cast in maricopa county, the state's most populous county. this partisan taxpayer funded fake audit is being run by a private vendor called the cyber ninjas, you just can't make this stuff up, whose founder has spouted pro-trump conspiracy theories. joining me jonathan capehart and susan del percio. susan, unfortunately this lands with you, my dear. tweets from the arizona republican party last wednesday, the long-awaited hand counted forensic audit of maricopa county starts friday. processes will be live streamed nationally, exclusively to oann viewers. no one's allowed to see it. our vaughn hilliard tried to get in and was told you can't get in.
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you're not from oann. >> you can't make this stuff up. you're absolutely right calling it a fake audit. these are oath members of the oath keepers and qanon representatives who have appointed this group to count some ballots. now we have no idea if they're actually even counting them. there is actually no proof that they're actually counting these ballots. they've come out with some wild accusations. there is no reason to believe a single word that comes out of their mouths. even the republicans election supervisors are against this audit. they know that it was done right three times. now if donald trump wants to lose a fourth -- lose arizona a fourth time, so be it. but i don't even look at this as a real count. it doesn't exist. >> i'll bet you they're burning the ballots and dancing around a may pole. that's what i think they're doing. we can't go if you're note oann. let's talk about another person, rick santorum, who decide he
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wants to take racism all the way back to the early 17th century. he said the following. let's just play it. let me just let him speak for himself. here is rick santorum speaking. >> we came here and created a blank slate. we birthed a nation from nothing. there was nothing here. yes, we have native americans. but there isn't much native american culture in american culture. >> i think the iroquois confederacy would have a word. i'm sure you do too, jonathan. it's your turn. >> ooh, lord jesus, help me. blank slate? okay, sure. you know what? he has a point. they did start with a blank slate. but it's blank because of genocide. that's why. what rick santorum had to say is not surprising because rick santorum has been saying these things for a very long time on another network.
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and it sort of -- anyone who has paid attention to even a couple of minutes in a history class, assuming they still teach history class, that what he said is not true. he is still part of this legion of people who are sort of living in this fanciful mythical view of how this country was formed, how this country started. and were it not for projects like the 1619 project and a whole slew of books that have been out there that shows that this country's origins were not pure as they're portrayed. they were not beneficent as they've been portrayed. in making this country there was a lot of pain, there was a lot of killing and murder and genocide and a whole lot of other stuff that we as a nation more than 200 years after our founding, we still try to
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ignore. and if there is one silver lining about the year of hell that we've been through, and i'm not even talking about the pandemic. i'm talking about the killing, the murder of george floyd is that at least there are a few more eyes that are open to the history of this country and why these things still persist. i'm sorry, senator graham. there is systemic racism. were there no systemic racism, well, one, we wouldn't be talking about you. but two, george floyd would still be alive. >> yeah. >> there wouldn't be this fear of black people that is pervasive in every aspect of our lives. and i have to give a shout out to carol mason, the president of jon jay college who yesterday on the show said that is the one issue that this nation has yet to address. >> absolutely. and by the way, the people that rick santorum thinks were the be all and end all, a fair number of them believe witches were real and burned them at the
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stake. i don't think they got that from jesus. i'm pretty jesus was not burning people saying they were witches. to stay with you for just a moment, we've also got newt gingrich. why let rick santorum be alone on the terribles list. here is newt gingrich saying some things about he doesn't like the flags that are flying at some embassies. >> if you listed every idiotic thing that the biden administration has done in the first 100 days, you begin to realize whether it's threatening everybody who believes in the second amendment or it's attacking everybody who believes in right to life or it is attacking people of traditional values who are appalled that this administration would fly the gay flag at american embassies all over the world. >> so irony died the minute that newt gingrich who was married and i think he divorced one of the wives while she was sickened
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with cancer is talking about family values. but i'm going let you handle that one, jonathan. >> oh, no you just stole my thunder, joy. that's exactly what i was going say. i refuse adds an out gay married man who is also black, i refuse to be lectured to by newt gingrich, refuse. don't even fix your mouth to say anything about anybody given your personal life. >> how many times you been married, jonathan? how many times have you been married? >> once. >> okay. >> and that's all any lgbtq person wants to be able to do, not any. some do. wants to be able to get married. but what we all want is to be able to live our lives in peace in this country. >> amen. let's go to one more. we got to get one more in. this is kevin mccarthy, because i feel like the sort of connective tissue to all of this, you know, susan, is just this nonbelief in reality and in
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the modern world. you have rick santorum wanted to go back to 1619 thinking that was the good old days and thinking those people were sort of carrying the banner. you've got newt gingrich who i guess maybe two marriages ago believed in marriage. i really don't understand his ideas on marriage. now here is kevin mccarthy attempting to rewrite his january 6 call with the former president. take a listen. >> i was the first person to contact him when the riots was going on. he didn't see it. when he ended the call telling me he'll put something out to make sure to stop this. and that's what he did. he put a video out later. >> quite a lot later. and it was a pretty weak video. but i'm asking you specifically, did he say to you some people are more concerned about the election than you are? >> no, listen. my conversations with the president are my conversations with the president. i engaged in the idea of making sure we could stop what was going on inside the capitol at that moment in time. the president said he would help. >> susan, is that the kind of coward das that makes a man speaker of the house? >> no, it's not.
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what's even funnier, he thinks that kind of talk will help him with donald trump. that's exact language that donald trump jumps on and will seek to not make him majority leader. that's the funniest thing that these republicans don't get. leader. that is what the republicans don't get. he is not for you, he is only against something. listen to kevin mccarthy try to kiss up to donald trump and erase part of our history is disgraceful and what cowards are made of. >> i suspect that donald trump would not recognize kevin mccarthy if he walked on the golf course and handed him a diet coke. don't know you, don't care about you. watch every sunday, thank you seven. up next, the covid variant
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has been spreading like wild fire in michigan, is and the young people is have been the target. we will be right back. be right n [ cellphone vibrates ] you'll get proactive alerts for market events before they happen... and insights on every buy and sell decision. with zero-commission online u.s. stock and etf trades. for smarter trading decisions, get decision tech from fidelity. for smarter trading decisions, the dove beauty bar makes my skin feel amazing and clean. i've encouraged serena my best friend to switch. her skin was always beautiful. i wanted her skin to glow just like mine. it feels moisturized and clean at the same time. my friend stefanie, her skin was dry. i'm like girl you better get you some dove. she hooked me up. stefanie only uses dove now. i use the dove beauty bar everyday. made with a quarter moisturising cream.
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download the xfinity stream app to get ready to watch. is. with more than 900,000 covid cases reported, michigan remains a national hot spot, and now, cases are rising among younger adults. according to the "new york times" in some of the state's hospitals, entire units are
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filled with younger and middle age adults. the spike in sick younger people reflects a national trend as well. the reasons range from a new more contagious variant to something else that the officials are desperate to counter, vaccine hesitancy. doctor, what the hell is going on in your state? >> what is happening is a combination of two things. one, we have with more cases of the b-117 strain compared to any other state in the nation. >> just to be clear, is that the uk strain or what strain is that? >> yep, that's the uk strain, quote unquote. and that strain doesn't follow the rules of the previous covid-19. so, you know, they used to say, it's disease of the elderly, it's the disease of people with pre-existing health conditions. it's if no longer true. it's more variant and that means more contagious and if you look
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at every age group between ages 0-60, if you look at each decade, 0-9, 10-19, all the way up to age 60, we have seen a 500% increase in the number of cases of covid in michigan because of the b-117 strain. that's on the one hand and on the other hand, we have a democratic governor and a republican led legislature, house and senate that is blocking her at every turn. they have sued her to try to take her powers away successfully in the supreme court, and you know, the he can on open chamber in which the republicans exist as well as their supporters over the past year, they have heard from president trump as well as all of his surrogates that it's not a big deal, it's going to go away, and it's nothing other than the flu. and so, that trickles down to the supporters. and we are vaccinating people in my clinic every day. and the bottom line is, i need to get as many shots in to as many arm as as possible. and i'm hearing from way too many patients that live in that
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echo chamber that watch the news channels and that go on the social media channels that the same thing, oh, this is just like the flu. i'm going to take my chances. i have not gotten sick yet. why should i get the vaccine, it's over blown. when i hear those kinds of things, i get really, are sad. as a public health leader and physician, if we don't get to the 80% herd immunity, we will not go back to the lives we live and the lives they want to go back to living. that's the strong irony. >> that is what is scary. we have polling showing people 61% of americans say they think the worst is behind us. and the 8% of people not going back and getting the second dose. i got my first dose, i'm good. is this a case of over optimism, you are sounding like you are saying it's not over optimism, it's people not accepting the reality of covid even though there's new strains and they are living like there's no covid and winding up in the er. >> that is exactly right. in our ers in hospitals across
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michigan, we are seeing people who didn't take this seriously, didn't think they were going to get it and then, you know, they found out the hard way to really -- it's really, really sad and unfortunate. 43% of all republicans in united states are saying that that they are never going to get the vaccine. >> yeah. >> never. and it as an individual physician, it's difficult to deal with that. you know i'm spending so much time on each and every patient trying to convince them about the safety and when we have conversations about safety, i generally can win people over. but when we have conversations that are based on an alternate reality where people are are -- people are telling me things that are not true and it's not real and you are making a big deal out of nothing and i don't know anybody that got sick with covid are, it's just like the flu. . >> are your patients that have covid doubting they have covid?
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>> we have encountered people in er that were told they have covid and they were like, well, you must have given it to me, because i did not have it before coming if here. the alternate reality is laughable but to that extent. there's people convinced that we are trying take their liberties away, we being physicians. >> that is battie. i have never heard anything like that. unfortunately i have heard it from nurses and doctors that have been on the show. the last thing i will say, has johnson & johnson issue played in though that as well, do you any? very briefly we are almost out of time. >> it has, to some extent and i'm able to explain that away. and able to tell people that the fda and are cdc looked in to it, there's a rare blood clot associated with it about 20 people out of eight million, but you know what if you get covid-19, your risk is 40 out of -- >> right and people are all
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sorts of putting junk food in their bodies and they don't ask what is in it, they eat it and drink it and drink sodas and everything. anyway. good luck, stay in the fight out there. before we go, a quick programming note on wednesday night, immediately following the reid out, we are going to get the band become together. join me and my pals for president biden's first address to a joint session of congress. that is the "the reid out," "all with chris hayes" starts now. >> they call it a republican auditor an attempt to under mine the credibility of our elections. >> the republican push to nullify democratic voters continues. and eric holder on the fight to protect the vote and why today's census announcement will shape elections for a generation and then robert draper the "new york times" on the ongoing republican


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