tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC May 14, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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bloodshed, and what you saw these nights. it's going to become the norm in israel and palestine. >> pray for that not to be the case. thank you both so much for sharing your thoughts. i appreciate it. that is all in on this and thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. we have a big show tonight. really happy to have you here particularly on a news day that we are all going to remember for a long time because of this. today cdc is updating our guidance for fully vaccinated people. anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask or physical distancing. if you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing the things that you had stopped doing because of the pandemic. we have all longed for this moment when we can get back to some sense of normalcy.
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based on the continuing downward trajectory of cases, the scientific performance of our vaccines, and understanding how the virus spreads, that moment has come for those who are fully vaccinated. >> that moment has come for those who are fully vaccinated. that's the cdc director rochelle walensky announcing this afternoon that if you're vaccinated you can stop wearing masks, indoors and out, except in very specific situations. in health-care facilities, in congress regat care facilities like nursing homes or shelters, jails or prisons, or interestingly on transportation. busses, planes, airports, but depots. these are the exceptions. other than those things, if you're vaccinated it's okay to take off your masks now, indoors and out. really? are you sure? how sure are you? this is a big change.
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the previous cdc guidance on where and whether americans could take off their masks was confusing and hard to explain. the chart they put out initially wasn't any help to me at all, but the new guidance makes sense. if you're vaccinated, that's you on the right side there. you're good to go. happy, green lit without a mask in all those circumstances. if you're not vaccinated, that's you on the left. still lots of danger, lot of complexity, lots of reason to worry. lots to pay attention to. but that's the bottom line. the simple bottom line. that's what's so important about the cdc's announcement today. life on the right is you, smiling without a mask on, vaccinated. life on the left is you still mask in the almost every circumstance, and a lot of them still dangerous. life on the left is you not vaccinated. are you sure you want that kind of complexity in your life and that kind of risk?
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you can make your life much less risky and more simple if you move to the right side by getting your shot. the cdc made this announcement at the white house covid briefing today. the news networks all broke in with special reports on the big news. president biden himself along with vice president harris, they came out the address the press and the american public about it. it's a big deal. both the president and cdc director dr. walensky repeatedly making that bottom line point clear, that this news is great news for people who are vaccinated. your life, if you are fully vaccinated, can go very much back to normal. you can almost entirely drop the masks. but if you're not vaccinated, that doesn't apply to you. and that simplicity, the benefits of vaccination, this huge weight on the scale in terms of getting your shot, that's the big deal today. this is -- the cdc director and the president making that clear and making the case that it's
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time to get your shot if you haven't had it yet. number one, because your country needs you to, but number two, because your life will get better and safer and easier if you do it now. >> when your country asks you to get vaccinated, you did. the american people stepped up. you did what i consider to be your patriotic duty. that's how we've gotten to this day. after a year of hard work and so much sacrifice, the rule is very simple -- get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. >> the science is also very clear about unvaccinated people. you remain at risk of mild or severe illness, of death, or of spreading the disease to others. you should still mask and you should get vaccinated right away. your health and how soon you return to normal life before the pandemic are in your very capable hands. once you are fully vaccinated,
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two weeks after your last dose, you can shed your mask. >> you can shed your mask. once you're fully vaccinated. joining us now on this very big day is cdc director dr. rochelle walensky. pleasure to have you with us tonight. thanks for making the time to be here. >> my pleasure. good evening, rachel. >> so, i have a lot of feelings about this announcement, if i can just speak in personal terms. when you said today in that briefing, we have all longed for this moment, my heart leapt into my throat. it's true, and it is such great news after all this time, and at the same time i am very nervous about what you said today. it is hard for me to imagine myself waltzing into the stop and shop and not wearing a mask. i feel i'm not wired that way anymore and it still feels risky. so again, forgive me for speaking in impersonal terms and i don't mean to be too blunt,
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but how sure are you? this feels like a really big change. >> we're sure. there's an extraordinary amount of evidence now that demonstrates the vaccines are working in the real world, in cohort studies, in care facilities, in -- across all states that these vaccines are working the way they worked in the clinical trials. importantly there's also new data just even in the last two weeks that demonstrates these vaccines are working against the variants that we have circulating here in the united states, and also data has emerged that has demonstrated that if you are vaccinated you are less likely, not likely to asymptomatically shed the virus and give to it others. so it is this coalescing of all the evidence now that tells us really, it is safe to take off your mask. that said, i think your point is really well taken -- for the last 15 months we have been saying wear a mask.
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and so we've become -- it's engrained in us. you can't leave the house without a mask. i went for a walk for the first time without a mask outside a week ago, and that felt strange, right? so i think we all are going to have to become comfortable with this again. but what we're seeing is now is time to make those efforts to start getting comfortable. >> you're going to, i know, end an up reiterating some of what you just said to answer these questions, but i surveyed a lot of people on the staff and in my personal life about things they feel nervous about still even after listening to you and listening toth president today. here's one. if i am vaccinated and the coworker i sit next to at work is not vaccinated, it is really safe for me not to wear a mask at work if i know i'm in the presence of people who aren't vaccinated? i can't control whether or not they're wearing masks.
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i can only control whether i do. is it safe to be around somebody indoors who's not vaccinated who's not vax compliant. >> what i would say is you're 95% protected from disease, in some studies, 97%. in those infections that rarely occur they're resulting in asymptomatic or mild disease. it's safe for you as the vaccinated person. it's not unsafe for the unvaccinated person. especially if they're taking off their mask. what we would say for the unvaccinated person, please keep your mask on or better yet, go get vaccinated.
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>> in terms of breakthrough infections, people who are vaccinated whoever nevertheless contracting covid -- i know it's a very, very small number of people, but the cdc have talked about the fact that there have been thousands of these cases. importantly, they're less dangerous cases. they tend to be asymptomatic. very small portions of people who are vaccinated end up sick or hospitalized. they also pose less of a risk to other people in terms low viral shedding. but have we learned anything? tens of millions of people vaccinated. hundred of millions of shots out there. have we learned enough about the differences between the vaccines? can we yet say there's more of less of a chance of a breakthrough infection with any of the three vaccines or should we think of them all as offering equivalent protection? >> so, we do know from the clinical trials that the vaccines did what they were supposed to do. they were supposed to prevent severe infection, hospitalizations and death, and all of them worked equally well in doing so. they were essentially 100%
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effective in preventing severe infections, hospitalizations, or death. do we know exactly whether one vaccine might result in more asymptomatic infections than another? that is still under study. but for the most part when we have seen these studies that have been doing screening of people, testing of people who have been vaccinated, what they're finding is when they're asymptomatically infected, they're not shedding virus to others. >> on that point, i guess i have a testing question, too. when i think about my own experience over the past 14 months, if i found myself for some reason in a car without a mask on with other people who didn't have masks on or in some other enclosed space where we didn't have masks on, over the course of this past year, i am now wired to think of myself as having been exposed and needing to get tested because i have
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been in an unsafe place. now that i have been fully vaccinated. i hear you in terms of how safe i am, even in that weekend of an environment, but under what circumstances should i still consider getting a test? should i be worried about having an infection that's asymptomatic? should i be just looking out for symptoms. those of us who are vaccinated, when do we test now? >> so really our guidance actually updated on this a bit ago, several weeks ago, and has basically said you do not need a test if you're fully vaccinated and have been exposed. however, you do need a test if you're fully vaccinated and have symptoms. this is one of those things that's really important, and that is if you are vaccinated and have symptoms of covid-19, please do put your mask back on, get yourself tested and keep your mask on until your test comes back negative. >> let me also ask you about the exceptions to the broad rule that you -- or the broad guidance that you laid out today. it makes sense to me that in
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places like homeless shelters, nursing homes, health-care environments, jails, prisons that even vaccinated people are advised to still wear masks in those kind of environments because of the risks associated with those environments specifically. i don't understand the transit guidance. what is it about being on a bus or in a plane or in a bus depot or in an airport that's different than being in a restaurant or a bar or a grocery store? why do we have that exception for transit? >> yeah, this is a really important question. thank you for that. so this guidance today was about individuals, and what individuals who are vaccinated can do. and we now at cdc have the hard work in the weeks ahead of taking all of our guidance, our child care guidance and school guidance and camp guidance and travel guidance and updating it in the contex of what we can do as individuals. importantly for the traf guidance, we have travel
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guidance but a travel policy that involves not just cdc but multiple agencies coming together, and that policy is something we're going to have to look at in the context of our new guidance. >> so if policies around wearing masks on transit are revised the, cdc guidance about masks on transit would also essentially revise to comport with the policies? they're being addressed in tandem? >> yeah, we will collaborate together among different agencies to decide what to do about our current travel policy. >> okay. last question for you. for parents who have kids under age 12 -- obviously the pfizer vaccine now is approved for kids age 12 and up. if you've got kids under age 12,
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how do you approach the guidance within your family? if kids need to keep wearing masks if they haven't been vaccinated even if older parents and siblings haven't been vaccinated and they have to wear masks, that seems like it's going to be an odd dynamic. >> right. so first of all, let's celebrate for a brief moment we have now a vaccine for 12 to 15-year-olds, which i think was really great to see that we can now vaccinate 17 million more people in the united states because of this new authorization and recommendations yesterday. but you bring up an important point about what about children who are between the ages of 0 and 12, and we have to treat them as unvaccinated. so yes, those children still do have to wear a mask to protect themselves. and the same sort of mitigation strategies apply -- wear your mask. distance if you can't, go to well ventilated spaces. >> dr. rochelle walensky, director of the cdc. congratulations on -- i mean, in
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some ways this is an achievement of our public health folks, an achievement of the cdc to get us to a point where we can announce this kind of historic change in guidance today. this be for being with us on a big day. come back any time. as always, let us know if anybody starts messing with you or the scientists at the cdc and we'll knock their block off for you. god the see you. >> you too. no problems so far. thank you so much. >> let me know. you know how to reach me. all right. it is an amazing thing. i'll tell you at a personal level -- sorry for speaking about that at such a personal level. but when i was talking to people about this new guidance and what to ask her, everybody had such personal feelings about it and i realized i did too. part of it is i'll have to rewire myself so when i see somebody out in the world who doesn't have a mask i don't instantly think, you are a threat. or you are selfish or you're a covid denier and you haven't
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been vaccinated. we're going to have to rewire how we think about each other, because the cdc guidance -- she just told me, we are sure, if you're vaccinated you don't need to wear a mask except in specific circumstances. that means as we change as a country we're going to look at each other differently and unwire our preconceptions about what a mask or lack of a mask means. president biden spoke to that today asking people to -- president biden and dr. fauci both spoke to that, asking people to be patient, be compassionate, respect whatever they decide on this front because with the changing guidance we're going to have changing norms and we have to give each other space to have feelings as we go through what's going to be a big change that's going to create a lot of visceral reaction in a lot of us just in our day-to-day lives. big day, big change. all right, so there's lot going on in the news today. obviously this amazing milestone moment. i'm grateful to have a chance to
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talk with the cdc director about the announcement. one nice change for me is being able to talk with policy makers and people -- not having access from the last administration was petty but a drag for us. on days like this, i'm grateful the administration puts these folks out. we've also got the head of the intelligence committee in the senate joining us tonight. president biden today, he spoke on the mask announcement but also spoke today on the crippling cyberattack on the colonial pipeline. he ascribed blame for it today. blamed it on a criminal enterprise base in russia, and said interestingly the russian government itself didn't do it. that it's the conclusion of the fbi that the russian government isn't responsible for the attack directly.
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but he said the criminal network that did it is base in the russia. and he said the administration is now talking to moscow directly about how responsible countries should handle criminal enterprises like this that are operating within their borders. lots to say and ask. we've got mark warner, head of the senate intelligence committee who's going to join us on that. i'm looking forward the that conversation. there's also laugh outloud news on the republican recount of the arizona election results. we've got that ahead. interesting news on whether we're going to get an infrastructure bill, and just how urgent that question is getting. we're going to get to all of that tonight. i'm looking forward to it. but while i'm just being myself. while i'm just talking in personal terms tonight, can i just take a second here this part of the show to tell you what i think is the most single insane thing that came up in today's news? i don't know that anybody else
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is covering this in tv news. it's definitely not getting a lot of attention, but honestly i find it completely astonishing, and i just need to get it out of my system. all right. about eight weeks ago, a fantastic reporter jane mayer at the new yorker, a national treasure, published a newsy article at the new yorker about new york state prosecutors and the criminal case they're pursuing against former president donald trump. that piece in the new yorker was published at a high profile time for the investigation. it was right after a court ruling cleared the way for the prosecutors in new york to obtain a hard drive that contains millions of pages of donald trump's tax records and business records dating back ten years to 2011. and jane mayer is such a good reporter, such a good writer. here's how she laid it out. she said, the hard drive includes potentially revealing notes showing how trump and his accountants arrived at their tax numbers. the hard drive is believed to be
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lock in the a high security annex in lower manhattan. a spokesman declined to confirm the whereabouts of the hard drive, but people familiar with the office confirm it's been secured in the radio frequency -- on center treat in new york. the chamber is protected by a double set of doors, the kind use in the bank vaults, and its walls are lined with what looks like glimmering copper foil to block attempts to tamper with digital evidence. such extreme precautions are not surprising, she writes, given nature of the case. trump remains the republican party's most popular potential presidential candidate. he recently signalled interest in another run. but if he's charged and convicted he could end up serving a prison term instead of a second white house term.
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jane mayer goes on to profile the district attorney who is leading this criminal investigation of trump in new york. in fact, in this piece they breaks the news he's going to be leaving office at the end of this year which really puts a ticking clock on how fast the case against trump is likely to move this year since the prosecutor is not likely to want to hand it off midstream to his successor. he's going to want to do it himself. tons of news there. super interesting. in the middle of this piece -- i have had this physically cut out and tacked up on my book shelf ever since. jane mayer said this, quote, trump already demonstrated a willingness to engage in unthinkable tactics to protect himself. among his social circle in palm beach, speculation abounds that florida's republican governor ron desantis might not honor an extradition request from new york in one issued for trump's
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arrest. the attorney points out extradition is a constitutional duty and a governor's role is ministerial. but admits the process might not go smoothly. you know what, he says, i thought january 6th was going to go smoothly. congress' role was ministerial, too. the governor did not respond for comment. this was eight weeks ago. just dropping in the middle there that if trump is indicted by those new york state prosecutors and there's a warrant out for his arrest in new york state, maybe the republican governor of florida would, what, like hide trump? shield him from extradition like he's an international hijacker hiding out in tehran or
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something? well, apparently yes, that's a thing. that's happening. i mean, they're at least working on it. today picked up this story line and run with it and it turns out this is a thing in trump world that they are working on. the naughty problem of how to shield him from extradition, you know, once he's indicted. and there's an arrest warrant for him. because apparently they expect that's on its way. here's politico's reporting today -- call caps, scoop. palm beach makes contingency plans in case trump is indicted. law enforcement officials have actively prepared for the possibility that new york prosecutors could indict former president donald trump while he's at mar-a-lago according to two high ranking county officials involved in planning sessions. among the topics discussed in those meetings -- because they're having meetings about
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it -- quote, how to handle the thorny extradition issues that could arise in an indictment against trump moves forward. an obscure clause in florida's statute on extradition gives the governor the ability to intervene and investigate whether a person ought to be surrendered to law enforcement from another state. which mean as mar-a-lago prepared to close down for the season -- didn't even know that was a thing -- and as trump therefore relocates to bedminster, new jersey, this summer, it isn't just the florida heat he's leaving behind. he could lose a key piece of political protection if an indictment comes down while trump is in bedminster for the summer this could play out very differently. an attorney for trump declined to comment. so, high ranking county officials in the county where
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trump lives in florida are having meetings now reportedly preparing for an anticipated standoff that will ensue once trump is criminally charged -- because they're expecting that? and once a warrant is issued for his arrest in new york. law enforcement officials, county officials meeting the about this possibility in florida, and now through the press publicizing in advance that there is a clause in florida state law that might let the republican governor down there try to shield trump from arrest somehow. you wonder why all the trump people keep floating the idea that desantis is going to be trump's running mate in 2024. keep flattering the guy. they're trying to line you up so you'll keep trump out of jail. soon. this year, way before 2024. when they tell you you're going to be his running mate it's because they're trying to get to you build a note around the castle to keep the -- to keep law enforcement away. well now trump is apparently planning on leaving florida for some portion of the summer,
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moving to misplace in new jersey, and that i guess would be a comparatively easy place for him to be arrested. so maybe that is affecting his thinking about his summer plans. right? i mean, forgive me, but it is crazy to me that this is part of news right now. a former president has never faced criminal charges in our country ever. this former president is still running the republican party, demanding the scalps of his enemies and demanding loyalty, and demanding people repeat his bananas claims that he's still the president and didn't lose the last election and it's put the republican party in convulsions while they purge people who no longer please him. that same former twice impeached president is facing criminal charges in the state of georgia. yesterday we found out the main witness for the federal obstruction of justice allegations against him is about to testify to congress about trump's behavior, which could result in a federal criminal
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referral to the justice department on those serious obstruction allegations for what he never had to face the music while he was in office. the new york criminal investigation of him really does have millions of pages of his tax and business and financial records, apparently all on a hard drive locked up in a modern day tomb. "the wall street journal" reported a private school in new york has been subpoenaed for the investigation, which might signal that additional tax related allegations about violation of federal tax law could be referred from those state prosecutors back to sdny, which would involve a whole other set of prosecutors on his case. and in that context, the, like, 378th most clicked on news story of the day is, oh, by the way, ho hum, we might have a physical battle ahead soon in which the
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former president tries to barricade himself in florida with the help of local republican official who is say they're try to keep him from being arrested from either the feds or new york state. you know, totally normal. some ex-presidents open a library or start a foundation. this one goes shopping for somewhere without an extradition treaty where he can rule from exile? i wish this were hyperbole. amazing times we live in. we've got lots to come. stay with us. [sfx: bikes passing] [sfx: fire truck siren] onstar, we see them. okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. thank you, onstar. ♪ my son, is he okay? your son's fine. thank you.
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♪♪ for deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years. trying this. doing that. spending countless days right here. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. awful feelings she kept sugar-coating. finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. that her symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why she said yes to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative.
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it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be... about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yes to linzess. ♪♪ people locally call it the "m" bridge was it's kind of in the shape of the letter m. it was built 48 years ago. a stretch of interstate 40 that connects tennessee to arkansas across the mighty mississippi
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river. this week this was an alarming dispatch from the westbound side of that bridge. >> memphis 911 emergency. do you need police, fire, or ambulance. >> i am doing a bridge inspection here on the i-40 mississippi river bridge. and we just found a supercritical finding that needs traffic shut down in both direction on the i-40 mississippi river bridge. we need you to get people off the bridge as soon as possible in both directions. >> a supercritical finding. that was a 911 call made by an engineer doing a routine checkup on that bridge on interstate 40 over the mississippi river in memphis this week. he keeps calling it a critical finding, a supercritical finding. what he means by that is that he and the other bridge inspectors found a crack in one of the structural beams that holds the bridge up.
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the director of the department of transportation said that fault, that crack could lead to a, quote, catastrophic event, meaning it could lead to bridge to fall down. so yeah, when you are a bridge inspector, you see that kind of damage, you actually do just call 911, and the bridge was immediately closed, not just to all traffic on the bridge, on the road, but to all boats under the bridge in case it didn't just collapse but collapsed down into the mississippi river. 35,000 vehicles cross this bridge every day. between that and the barges on the mississippi river beneath it this is an important transit point for lots of different things and people. right now it's closed indefinitely because of a giant unattended crack that might cause the whole thing to collapse at any moment. we're kind of having that kind of a week as a country. today was also day seven of the huge fuel disruptions up and down the east coast after the biggest fuel pipeline was taken
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offline as a result of a cyberattack. we're going to talk about that in just a moment. but the difference between the shutdown of the pipeline and the interstate bridge over the mississippi right now is that the bridge wasn't attacked. the bridge is a piece of critical infrastructure we just neglected badly enough that it almost fell down. it's of course not just this one bridge that's falling apart. there's bridges and roads and infrastructure decaying all over the country. that's the impetus behind biden's big infrastructure bill, so start investing in repairing that old infrastructure now, patching it. you before it starts to crack and break and fall down and build new, better, more modern infrastructure that will keep us going for the next generation or two or three. today president biden took a meeting with multiple senate republicans trying to find a bipartisan deal on an infrastructure bill. as it stands today, the president's offer has been rejected by every must be of the
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republican caucus. they want to agree to a smaller less ambitious, less expensive bill on infrastructure. president biden called his meeting today with republican senators very good. he said he was optimist, a deal could be reached. shelly moore capito of west virginia said they made progress towards finding middle ground. good for them? does raise the question of why the biden administration is moving towards the republican plan on infrastructure at all. they don't necessarily need them, and if what republicans want is less ambition, less work, why do that? are they even going vote for it in the end? this week a group of progressive groups led by john podesta sent a letter to president biden essentially telling him to
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abandon the pursuit of bipartisanship here, to just use the democratic majority in the senate to pass the bill he has proposed and the democrats want, don't water it down the way republicans want it, particularly because they're probably not going to vote for it any way. they say those who argue for small minded measures are on the wrong side of history. it's an interesting counterpoint to the president's repeated persistent attempts to try to broker a bipartisan agreement on infrastructure or, frankly, anything else. if the president does what republicans are asking, if he makes the infrastructure bill cost less, the end result is that the bill will do less. >> we have a broken braj. we need to get traffic off the bridge. >> we're having a 911 moment, literally in terms of failing infrastructure in this country. what to do about it, how ambitious to be. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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doing that. spending countless days right here. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. awful feelings she kept sugar-coating. finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. that her symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why she said yes to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be... about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yes to linzess. ♪♪ as for the people who
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carried out this attack, the fbi released detail on the attack to others can take steps to avoid being victimized by colonial has been. we do not believe the russian government was involved in this attack, but we do have strong reason to believe the criminals who did the attack are living in russia. that's where it came from. we have been in direct communication with moscow about the imperative for responsible countries to take decisive action against these ransomware networks. >> are you confident that putin was not involved? >> i am confident that i read the report of the fbi accurately, and they say they were not, he was not, the goth was not. >> do you plan on doing retaliatory cyberattacks to shut down the criminals? are you ruling that out? >> no. >> are you ruling that out? no. are you ruling out a retaliatory cyberattack against these guys? no.
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president biden staying the cyberattack that shut down the biggest fuel pipeline in the country for a week was not mounted by the government of russia but the guys who did it live in russia. he said it's something the biden administration is taking up with the russian government as they move to disrupt groups like this. what does that mean to disrupt a criminal network who mounts these kinds of attacks? for that matter what would a retaliatory attack look like if that's what the u.s. government was going to do? because in the wake of this successful attack on us, here's the other part we have to think about. >> were you briefed on the fact that the company did pay the ransom? >> i have no comment on that. thank you.
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>> thank you, sir. >> were you briefed on whether the comment paid a ransom? no comment. which implies the company did pay a ran some. bloomberg was the first to report that the company who owns the pipeline did cough up something on the order of $5 million to the group who attacked this piece of infrastructure, which means the group who did it, their bottom line outcome is that they made $5 million. and they got worldwide pub his the i and the pipeline was still shut down and disrupted for nearly a week. as it stands now, that is a bad outcome for us, because not only did we display this vulnerability to the world, and not only did we incur that kind of pain in terms of the fuel shortages and all of the inconvenience that this caused in terms of shutting this thing down, but now they were paid, so that's plenty of incentive for
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them and groups like them to keep doing stuff like this and worse. bottom line, the way this resolved is bad for the united states in terms of incentives going forward for the attackers. unless there's something tells we should understand about how the u.s. can strike back here. joining us now is the chairman of the senate intelligence committee, senator mark warner of virginia. it's a pleasure to have you with us tonight. thank you for making time. >> thank you, rachel. >> i look at the overall picture of what happened with that pipeline, and i think, we lost and they won. they got paid. they got away with it as far as we can tell, but i know i don't have the visibility you do. how do you see it? >> maybe worse than you see it. i have been talking about this for years, getting no traction. the number of ransomware attacks that go on every day that people often pay in crypto is your honor curran says like bitcoin could stun most of your audience. while in this case, colonial
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pipeline did the right thing, notified government, the law enforcement. they were under no obligation to do this. this was one ransomware attack that shut down a third of the nation's gasoline against one company. probably the bad guys -- let's assume the president's right, there was no russian government involvement, but the russian spy services were definitely watching this, watching this. so let's think back a couple months ago. some of your audience probably remember something called the solar winds attack. that attack, which was the russian government, penetrated 18,000 companies. luckily, the russian spies only took out information. they didn't shut down those 18,000 companies. they could have done the same
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kind of thing in terms of a ransomware attack that attacked colonial pipeline. that would have brought our whole economy to a halt, and we don't even have a requirement at this point that says if you're attacked, even if you're a government agency, you have got tell the fbi, the cybersecurity administration, and we cannot solve this just with the government. we need microsoft, amazon, we need the cybersecurity companies all colocated so mid incident we can get this information and try to respond, because the awful secret is, in a world of cyber, a good -- a talented, not good -- a talented bad guy can one time out of 1,000 break through the barriers of most countries. we saw the ramifications of that with colonial over the last five
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days. think about that when the russian spies were in 18,000 companies for six months and most of us in the government didn't realize that. >> when the president today said that the u.s. government is taking action to disrupt the operation of these people who carried out this attack, how should we understand what that means? >> we have offensive capabilities as well. we've got to be willing to punch back against our adversaries. we cannot, whether it's the russians or chinese, allow them to steal our intellectual property, basically hold hostage companies for ransomware or, in the case of solar winds, trade information about individuals. and at times when you've got companies that are negligent like equifax was, we need to hold some people accountable, but we also need to make sure there was at least a -- you know, when the fire is burn got to report it to the firemen, and you've got to then pulse the whole network the make sure
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there's not other fires out there. this appears to have just been a case of hack against one pipeline. i think back again to the solar winds hack -- 18,000 companies. luckily it was only an espionage mission. it had had been a ransomware attack it could have shut down part of the economy. and people say, that may never happen here. the only way to look at what russia did to ukraine, repeatedly, they shut down the ukrainian economy or turned off all the power right before christmas in ukraine. think about that happening in america. we can do a better job. we have the capabilities offensively. we can increase our defense, but we also need to make sure this information is at least share in the a public private way. you know, the government can't do it alone. the private sector can't do it alone. we need to equivalent of an incident reporting mission, and this is one area, rachel -- i heard it earlier about the bridges, and i'm with you, we need to fix that. we need to deal with our infrastructure in major, once in
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a generation way. but on this there is bipartisan support, and we need to put a new legal legislative response to build upon president biden's executive order he put out yesterday. >> virginia senator mark warner, chairman of the senate intelligence committee. you have absolutely been sounding this alarm for a very long time. i feel like even in the coverage of this colonial pipeline attack it's almost being covered like it's a natural disaster of some sort of accident. it is in fact an attack, and there's a lot of complexity. thank you. appreciate it. >> just as we can fix our bridges we can also do a better job on cybersecurity. this is the united states. we can do it better. thanks so much. >> i hear you, sir. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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last week i traveled to a giant arena. in a giant arena next to an actual carnival. >> it is headed by a company that has no auditing or election experience, and they're making up the rules as they go along. >> so who's running the audit? >> cyberninjas. >> did you say cyberninjas? >> i did. >> is it run by a 12-year-old boy? >> sounds like it. >> we must not judge audit companies by their splash page. >> you give it to the pros. let them handle this. >> these are not pros. >> they're ninjas. >> they're firm has nothing do with audits or elections. >> how many audits have they done? >> none. >> well, i mean, give them a wide berth, right? first job. sometimes you make some mistakes for your first job. my first job i burned a lot of hamburgers.
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and i worked at a t.j. max. >> jordan cleper of the daily show interviewing the secretary of state of arizona about whatever they're doing. this is what's happening right now in the arena that republicans rented to do whatever it is they're doing to the 2020 election ballots. looking for water marks and folds and bamboo that will reveal the dark side plot to steal the election from donald trump. in just a few minutes, tonight they're expected to stop whatever it is they're doing and pack everything up. they're going to put the whole thing away for a week while the same venue hosts a whole bunch of high school graduations. then they're going to move everything back in and start counting and scanning again. what could go wrong? that's a totally normal and professional thing to do, right? already the twitter account for the audit run by an
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uncertified -- revealed they discovered significant discrepancies as they box and rebox ballots they'll unbox again. oh, you're finding discrepancies. what a turn of events. i know we have been covering this since three weeks ago, but you'll know this was supposed to be done by tomorrow, but instead they're packing it up and going to unpack it again in a week and keep the thing going all summer long, because they think this is going great for them. watch this space. it comes from within. it drives you. and it guides you. to shine your brightest. ♪ as you charge ahead. illuminating the way forward. a light maker. recognizing that the impact you make comes from the energy you create. introducing the all-electric lyriq. lighting the way.
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all right, that is going to do it for us for now, but i will see you again tomorrow. today, cdc is updating our guidance for fully vaccinated people. anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask or physical distancing. >> but remember, all this good stuff is only for vaccinated people. the cdc's making a huge distinction between americans who did or did not get the shot. they put out this actual candy chart. on the unvaccinated people with yellow and red shades of risks, but on the right vaccinated people are all green for the go. we can do everything.
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