tv The Reid Out MSNBC May 14, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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dan is an interesting and unusual person. thanks for spending this show and this week with me. i hope you have a great weekend. see you back here monday at 6:00 p.m. eastern. and don't go anywhere, "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. good evening, everyone. happy friday. there's a lot to get to tonight, including the explosive news today for matt gates that his friend admitted to six criminal offenses, including a charge that is central to the information of trump's little buddy himself. but we begin with the gop's attempt to cover up the crisis within their party. two days after dumping liz cheney from leadership, house republicans voted behind closed doors to replace her with elise stefanik. and stefanik is already
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signaling they'll gladly surrender to the orange-hued retiree in florida. >> i want to thank president trump for his support. i look to the voters across america, republican voters are unified in their support and desire to work with president trump. i support president trump, he's an important voice in our republican party. we're unified in working with president trump, my job representing our republican members, the vast majority do look forward to working with president trump. >> the problem is, that blogger isn't president anymore. he doesn't hold any elected office, and he has no vote in congress. there's nothing to work with him on. yet, instead of representing their districts, which is their job, house republicans intend to spend their time and your tax money representing donald j. trump. it's exactly what liz cheney has
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warned them not do. >> there are people who believe we should embrace him, who believe he's the leader of the party. who believe we need to, you know, go forward, rehabilitating him. i believe that is dangerous. >> to the embarrassment of republican leadership, cheney has only become more outspoken, using her newfound platform to highlight the mass delusions of her party. including this unwelcome reality check she delivered last night to fox news. >> we all have an obligation, and fox news especially has the particular obligation to make sure people know the election wasn't stolen. >> we've said that numerous times. >> brett -- you're doing the interview. i'm answering the questions. >> congresswoman -- >> we need to make sure that the
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american people recognize and understand that the election wasn't stolen. that we shouldn't perpetuate the big lie. and there's real danger. >> oops. meanwhile, kevin, the trump marionette who plotted to oust cheney, has been too busy kissing trump's posterior to notice that lawmakers in both parties have reached a agreement to investigate the january 6th insurrection. but kevin was out of the loop. not only that, but he came out against the deal after it had already been finalized. >> can i read you this statement on the commission? it says it's going to be focused on january 6th. the commission will be charged with studying the facts -- >> you can't do that. you got to look at the buildup before, and what has gone on
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afterwards. otherwise, the commission does not work. >> why did your top republican come out with an announcement that they have a deal? >> you should ask him. >> you didn't sign off on it before -- >> no. >> is that a problem? >> no. >> in other words, poor little kevin does not want a january 6th commission to focus exclusively on january 6th. never mind that the pro-trump mob nearly overthrew our government and he was hiding from everyone else. and that may be because kevin doesn't want to testify, under oath, maybe, about the reporting shouting match he had with trump while that attack was under way. joining me now, angela rye, and michael steele. you know, michael, i got to come to you first. >> of course you do. >> i feel like part of the
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problem with poor little kevin is, number one, nobody talks to him. and number two, that he might be worried about a commission because he might have to actually testify. here's the thing. this violence that occurred at the capitol occurred while he was on the phone with the former president. here's what liz cheney had to say about whether kevin should have to testify. >> should kevin mccarthy be willing to speak, testify before that commission? >> he absolutely should. and i wouldn't be surprised if he were subpoenaed. he said publicly he has information about the president's state of mind that day. i would hope he doesn't require a subpoena. but i wouldn't be surprised if he were subpoenaed. >> that's what he's afraid of, isn't he? >> absolutely.
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and if she could hand-deliver this subpoena, she would. you put stefanik in this afternoon or this morning, and she immediately stays on the talking point, no matter the question. the talking point, the talking point, that is key. deflect and move away from anything, this is part two, what kevin and the whole investigation, we deflect from january 6th. let's look back at what antifa did in the summer of 2020. if we can go back further, we'll do that. kevin knows he's on a particular tip of a spear here. doesn't know exactly what it's going to stick him. but he wants to avoid as much as possible getting stuck by an investigation, liz cheney out there who now has, and a lot of us knew this would be the case, is going to use this bully
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pulpit to go on fox and call out fox. two weeks ago, it wouldn't happen. now, this is where they are. and, you know, let's enjoy the moment, kevin. >> i mean, a week ago, two weeks ago, no one was trying to book liz cheney. now everyone is booking her. she's everywhere now. they've raised her stature. and the thing about it is, angela, you have got her stature on the one side, being pro-democracy and pro-commission. and the other side, what is looking increasingly like a coverup of january 6th. you have marjorie taylor greene who was toting somebody around who later ended up at the insurrection. she is somebody you might see. other members, ali alexander, who organized the
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pre-insurrection activity. and says these three congressmen helped me. this could be a serious issue, right? >> yeah. and that's the thing they're most afraid of. the honest truth is, i actually agree with kevin mccarthy. i agree that we should be looking at the events leading up to and before the commission, the actual date of the terrorist attack, which is what i call january 6th. and will repeatedly say that. because i'm still traumatized by it. and the things we need to unpack are why the last president was able to run an election, frankly, on terrorism, on terrorizing people who are different, whether it was rooted in racism or xenophobia. and what he did before he was running for office, when he said
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our first black president was not born here, the birtherism movement, that should be looked into. and mccarthy has to be called on to the carpet for that. as well as everyone else who agrees with donald trump, or is too afraid to speak truth to power. which is what this commission is doing. congressman thompson reached this deal with his republican counterpart. it's going to be a ten-person commission. and part of what the democrats are proposing is building in redundancies, so this can't happen again. it's terrifying to me that this call happen again. and $700 million, it's going to go back to pay back the national
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guard to pay back the d.c. police. all of those things. they're having to pay for what should have never happened, because this president, and the republican imps on the hill, were too irresponsible to realize that in their words is the power of life and death. and we know that. >> michael, i'm going to let you in here. >> yeah. >> the thing that it feels like kevin was trying to avoid was to make this year a referendum on what happened in january. to drop that down the memory hole, and say we're going to forget about that and focus on -- i don't know what their new party is. the teeny dater from florida, and marjorie greene bullying weirdness. but now, it's going to be about january 6th. the commission will go through the year, and now they can't
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avoid this topic. >> they can't. and angela puts her finger on a very interesting slippery slope for the republicans. particularly some of the 149. i want to see the cell phone records of marjorie taylor greene. now that we know that someone that she was stalking aoc, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, are we all talking during this? because there were some reports that there were some communications of some of these insurrectionists being directed from inside the capitol. >> that's right. >> so i want to get into that. there's a lot of information out there, if this commission is stacked up the way it should be, and stocked with the power it needs and the subpoena power is one of them, that's a very important power. yeah, this could get ugly really quick, and kevin knows it. the fact that he's standing
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there and apparently is telling people he didn't know that this had been signed off on, and that his republican member was agreeing with his democratic counterpart on the deal, yeah, right, kevin. it doesn't work like that. and this gets ugly quick. >> cnn reported on this video recorded in 2019, it was before marjorie greene was a congresswoman. she visited congressional offices with a man, she demands a confession from aoc. >> alexandria ocasio-cortez, i'm an american citizen. i pay your salary through the taxes that you collect from me
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through the irs. i'm a woman, i'm a female business owner. and i'm proud to be an american woman. and i do not support your socialist policies, and i do not support your murderous abortion policies. if you want to be a big girl, get rid of your diaper and talk to your american citizens. >> angela, as someone who worked at the capitol, the fact that this woman was stalking a u.s. congresswoman, took a person who then turns up as part of that insurrection, right up to alexandria ocasio-cortez's door, meaning that she was showing somebody who later participated, you know, the geography inside that building. your thoughts on that? >> you know, i am so curious to know who elects these loony
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bins. this isn't even a partisan issue. if this was a person on the other side of the aisle doing this, i would be like, who put this fool in office? right? and there are always crazy people on capitol hill, but this is a whole different brand of crazy. i'm calling it out what it really is. she scares me. for her to be someone constantly coming at aoc, who speaks truth to power, the one thing i can say for sure, if marjorie taylor greene's negotiation strategy around legislative language and amendments is going to be talking through a flap and following people in the hall and stalking them and harassing them, they're not going to get anything done. part of what we should be doing in this time, where
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redistricting is happening, and there may be some gerrymandering happening, following a census year, this is what happens, we may want to pay attention how we do these districts. >> and i can tell you, working where i work right now, somebody like that would be in hr in five seconds. and nobody would feel comfortable working with her. she would not be allowed to work here for five minutes. she would be in hr. and i think we're going to try to find out, is there some system where people who don't feel safe around that woman, particularly given her connections to people who were part of the insurrection, how is she still there? this is my question. angela, michael, we'll keep up with the story. thank you both very much. up next on "the reidout," pete buttigieg joins me on the
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gas shortages and the threat to our infrastructure. will congress finally do something about it? plus, are we really about to go maskless? and, oh, my goodness. the criminal offenses matt gates' wingman admitted to are staggering. remember when his attorney said, i'm sure matt gates is not feeling comfortable. you think? "the reidout" continues after this. continues after this kyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer. ♪ ♪ i feel free to bare my skin yeah, that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin, ♪ ♪ that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way it's my moment ♪ ♪ so i just gotta say... ♪
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ransom. in some states, there are still a large percentage of gas stations that remain completely dry. this comes as the biden administration says it has had productive infrastructure talks with republicans. >> very, very good meeting. and i'm optimistic we can reach a reasonable agreement. but even if we don't, it's been a good faith effort that has been started. >> joining me now, transportation secretary pete buttigieg. let's start with the pipeline issue. i've never been more happy that i leased a hybrid. but has this incident made you think differently about the way that the transportation package should be put together?
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you have this koch brothers allied company paying a ransom because they were attacked and couldn't bill people. it feels like maybe, i don't know, you need more regulation, maybe more public, less private, koch brothers private ownership? >> the first thing it shows is just how important infrastructure is. you have a piece of infrastructure owned by a private company that most people hadn't heard of a week ago, and it's disrupted up and down the eastern seaboard. we're only as strong as our weakest link. and that's why the president's executive order was an important step. we have so much more to do, to be more resilient and to be harder targets for these cyber
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threats. but it's also shown how an administration can come together and draw different elements of our different levers that all of us can pull to get something done. from the get-go, the president was instructing us to figure out how to minimize the impact on the american people. when gas wasn't flowing, i was really proud to be part of a team that snapped into action so quickly. even though gas is flowing once again, clearly we're not back to normal again. >> do you think, as somebody in charge of our transportation infrastructure, should private companies be paying ransom, doesn't that just set the stage for other bad actors to understand how they can just get paid off of what you said is a largely privately owned infrastructure system? you had that happen.
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you had what happened in texas, where another private entity failed completely. millions of texans had to go freezing cold, other than ted cruz, who flew out of the country, or tried to. should these companies be paying, or should there be some other solution? >> yeah, the problem with paying a ransom is of course it creates an incentive for those kinds of attacks to continue. but when you're in that situation, you're facing an impossible choice between possible further damage and the solution. that's why we have to make sure we have the right reporting, accountability, and security, so this kind of situation can't happen again. these kinds of attacks are going to increase, not decrease. it's part of a bigger pattern where threats we weren't talking about much a couple of years ago, like global public health threats and cyber security
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threats, and climate threats, all three have visited the american people in a very blunt way in the last year and a half. it shows what it will take is not just doing all the traditional things we've within been doing for the last 50 years. >> and the biden plan, i'm just going to put it up on the plan. $621 billion for the things we normally think of as infrastructure. roads, bridges, electric vehicles. care for elderly and disabled americans. safer drinking water. broadband access. revitalizing manufacturing. affordable, sustainable housing. have events in recent weeks helped you make the case to republicans and to people like joe manchin, that they do need to think a little bit more
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broadly about what infrastructure is? >> i think they have served as a reminder of the bigger picture here. roads and bridges are definitely part of the story. and we have a lot of concerns just around the conditions of our roads and bridges. but that's not all of the story. you have a piece of infrastructure most people don't think about most days. people certainly aren't thinking about cyber in the traditional model. but here it is, up close in our faces. and when these things don't work, you can't live a life of your choosing, whether you can't get gas or you don't have power, or your drinking water may not be safe, or if you can't get child care or care for an aging parent, these are all things that keep you from living your life and could keep you out of the workforce. this is what we need to have a
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stronger economy. infrastructure is the theme of the plan, but jobs is the point of this plan. that's why it's called the american jobs plan. and all of those things make it possible to have the kind of economy that we really need. >> it seems self-evident, but you have a lot of pushback from republicans, who don't believe all the other things are infrastructure. and then some democrats who are apparently open to using user fees instead of taxing big corporations. some of whom pay nothing in taxes after they get their deductions. to me and to folks who think like i do, user fees mean we pay twice. why should regular, ordinary americans have to pay again through tolls and user fees, when big corporations don't pay taxes, and they're getting off the hook in that situation? >> especially when we don't even
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have to go there with user fees to raise the dollars. the way you can tell if it's affordable, the president's jobs plan is fully funded while not even raising corporate tax rates to the level they've been at for most of my lifetime. most of my lifetime, it's been 35%. the president is calling for it to be 28%. it's just regular taxes, not high taxes, closing the loopholes. and making sure that corporations pay their fair share. especially when some are paying zero on billions in profits. it's absolutely affordable, and we can fund this whole thing without turning to a tax on people making less than $400,000 a year. republicans view that corporate tax cut they did a few years ago as very important. and that's why the president has said, if you don't like our way, what way are you looking at? and the president is not going
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to be interesting in anything that would raise taxes on ordinary americans. >> hopefully the president will keep that all the way through. to me, user fees is a tax. we'll keep this conversation going. secretary, thanks for being here. up next, you wouldn't think matt gates, joel greenberg's sexual misconduct scandal could get any grimier, but it is. stay with us. [sfx: thunder rumbles] [sfx: rainstorm] ♪♪ comfort in the extreme. ♪♪ the lincoln family of luxury suvs. wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation.
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17-year-old girl, and paid for her to travel with him. according to documents filed this afternoon, his former confident and wingman joel greenberg is set to plead guilty on monday to 6 of the 33 charges filed against him, including a count of sex trafficking of a child. he will agree to fully assist in the investigation of others. and he spent more than $70,000 in 150 transactions to pay women for sex according to the documents. a statement of fact said he was involved in what are sometimes referred to as sugar daddy relationships, paying women for sex, but disguising it as school-related or living expenses paid for with a venmo
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account. the filing also said he would offer and supply the minors with ecstasy, which he would take as well. greenberg will plead guilty to these charges. now, what does this mean for trump's little buddy, and one of the republican party's leading trolls? well, matt gaetz has not been charged, but it does signal greenberg could be a very important witness against gaetz if prosecutors find he had sex with the same 17-year-old girl. and it also signals that greenberg has something damning to offer in exchange, which is how it works. and we'll be following this story very closely with airsickness bags in hand. we'll bring you the latest next
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the surprising announcement by the cdc that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask in public has left some confused. some states are eagerly removing their mask mandates, while others are keeping them in place. states like virginia, michigan, nevada, kentucky, and others announced plans to implement the new guidelines in the coming weeks or immediately. since the pandemic started, more than 588,000 americans have lost their lives to this virus. to date, roughly 47% of americans have had at least one vaccine dose, and nearly 36% of americans have been fully vaccinated. while the country is headed in the right direction, not everybody is on the same page when it comes to the new rules. >> i think obviously for some spots, if it's touch and go, and
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local guidance says you wear it, you can put up with it for a little bit longer. but i think it's long overdue. >> i already go to outdoor restaurants, indoor restaurants. i take my mask off. >> are you going to ditch your mask or no? >> i'm going to keep it. >> joining me, the doctor -- the last guy is most of my friends. who say, you know what, the cdc thing hit kind of fast. i don't trust all these people out here in the store. i don't trust all these people in the walmart. i don't know which people are vaccinated. keeping my mask on. did this seem premature to you? >> yes. first of all, joy, so great to see you. you're looking radiant as always. >> thank you. >> so, yeah, it seems like this
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new cdc guidance that states that vaccinated people can be unmasked, but it has prompted a fractured response from the public. there are those who are relieved at the sense they can move a step closer to normalcy. then there are those who have legitimate concerns. some of them feel the data and decision was rushed. what about kids, what about people who are not vaccinated, and won't wear masks? what about the effect of variants? there's a lot of legitimate concerns. let me break this down as far as the science. dr. rochelle walensky said the cdc decision was firmly rooted in science. the data shows that based on case numbers, infections going down really nicely, and hospitalizations, and deaths, in concert with vaccination rates
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going up, looking at real world data, these vaccines have been proven to be highly effective at reducing asymptomatic transmission of the virus from fully vaccinated people. in addition, they're looking at cohort studies, nursing home studies, real world data. and the cdc has been looking at this for many, many months, it's not rushed. >> and here's the thing. i think for a lot of people, they say to themselves, it's almost like they're too specific, and not specific enough. can you go to a museum, and religious worship. but singing could be spreading droplets. "a," how do we know who is vaccinated and who is unvaccinated inside the
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restaurant? how do we know there's not anti-maskers around us? and kids can't even be vaccinated. it's not that we don't trust the science, we don't trust the other people. 36% ain't herd immunity. we need to trust that everyone around us is doing the right thing, and a lot of people are addicted to fox and they don't do the right thing. >> i get the concerns and questions. the way i look at it, what the cdc is saying, based on the science, it almost doesn't matter if the people around you are vaccinated or not. what they're saying is that when you get fully vaccinated, you are protected and you're able to actually protect the people around you because this recent data has shown that asymptomatic transmission is severely reduced once you're fully vaccinated. that's the key to remember. and to address the point about children, a really key point. with kids, the previous cdc
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guidance is that children in homes around fully vaccinated people need not wear masks. outside that, they need to continue wearing masks and distancing. but by the end of 2021, we believe that children of all ages will be able to be vaccinated. they're working on that right now. >> and the final question would be, for people, let's just show this gym. this was in miami, i saw this, this morning, everybody was smushed together. and bill maher has been vaccinated, and he's gotten covid. some prominent people, a member of the miami dream got it, but she was unvaccinated. we're still hearing about people getting it. what you're saying is that if you're vaccinated. we don't want to spread it to
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loved ones. if you're vaccinated, you're not at risk of giving it to someone else. >> i was just tweeting about the maher case, people are asking, why should i get the vaccine if people can still get vaccinated? these are called breakthrough cases. we know that, the cdc never lied about that. you can still get the virus. the key point is, your risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death, are significantly reduced once you get the vaccine. that's the key point to remember, joy. >> are we at the point where we'll have to live with, there will be a certain percentage of americans who will be prone to get covid, because they won't protect themselves, and they'll just be around until they get
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sick? >> i mean, look. short of mandating the vaccine, i don't see how -- i mean, yeah. look, there's going to be a certain percentage of people who will just not get the vaccine. i'm dealing with this with my own organization and my own colleagues. we do the advocacy every day, but some people just will not get the vaccine. i'm hoping the number will continue to decline, not just in the u.s., but worldwide. this is a global outbreak. but, yeah, i'm praying that those people don't get sick and that number will go down. but time will tell. i'm just hoping that more and more people get the vaccine. clearly, the data shows it's safe and effective. >> i'm praying even more for the hourly workers and restaurant workers and clerks who have to deal with people who will be even more belligerent now and saying, biden said i don't have to wear a mask. and hopefully people will be
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kind to the folks who are working hard to keep stores and everything else open. dr. roy, thank you very much. have a great weekend. up next, a palestinian man is forced from his neighborhood after speaking out against the actions of israeli forces. he joins me next. stay with us. (burke) phone it in to 1-800-farmers and you could get all sorts of home policy perks like the claim-free discount. go three years without a claim and get a discount.
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violence continues to es ka late at the border of israel and the gaza strip. rockets continue the fly over gaza this morning. israeli forces and artillery remain in place. moved in last night as israel stepped up its assault. overnight israel launched air strikes toward a series of underground tunnels and bases used by the militant group, hamas. more than 100 palestinians have been killed, including dozens of children and eight israelis.
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we want to give you an update on a young man whose situation is at the heart of it. his family has been forcibly removed from the neighborhood in jerusalem. >> what's happening to us is ethnic cleansing. >> the next david owe posted showed him being forcibly removed from his neighborhood by israeli defense force members who pushed aside a woman and shoved him outside the metal barricade surrounding his community. he said he was fine and unintimidate bid the incident. the young man joins me now.
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thank you so much for being here. rail appreciate your time. i want to ask what happened whn you marched out of your neighborhood and have you been able to return home? >> hi, joy. thank you for having me. i believe what was happening is a tactic of intimidation. it's what they do. the forces place palestinian in den tension without trial. yesterday seven palestinians were killed in the best bank after they were shot in the upper beside in the head by israeli terrorist forces shooting them. >> are you okay? are you able to return home? >> i'm fine. i managed to get my way back home and i'll all find my way back home. >> that is good to hear.
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can you just sort of give us a bigger picture explanation of what's happening here. what is being called evictions doesn't feel like it's the right word. what is happening in terms of the homes that people have in east jerusalem. >> ish supremacy is the main goal. many others were saying we will be in turn apartheid. we're already living project of religious exclusion and purity. this is what happened after years of excitement, weaponization of religion and weaponization of race. it doesn't matter democracy. even palestinian who live
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inside. what matter is their ethnicity. what matters is the race, the religion and it's basically this stage where the occupation is make us decide. not only in gaza or the west bank or east jerusalem but inside israel. what you're seeing is what we see here in america with the white supremacists under jim crow and also what you see. if you can see the images of a young man from occupied east jerusalem, taken from his home like this, expelled from his home. not because home doesn't belong to him, because of who he is. because of his ethnicity. we know this well. the heartbreaking part is we cannot this happened recently in american history. where you saw the mosques where worshippers are gassed or people marching in the streets saying
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kill all the palestinians, kill the arabs. bomb them to oblivion. we have the right to kill them all. we seen this force whether in january 6th. we seen this kind of politics when they put kids in cages in the united states. we have seen this before. the most heartbreak thing that the united states subsidized this project of exclusion and purity. we subsidized atrocities that are taking place. >> let me ask you this because it feels like this is the endless never ending conflict. the resolution dates back to 1967. there's opinion a talk of two state solution. bigger picture. is that dead? are what we looking at now the
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continuation of this forever meaning an occupation for ever and never being a two state solution. is that dead as an idea. >> any peace deal that signed any kind of agreement or thought of any diplomatic agreement, he was killed by jewish extremists. today they are in parliament. netanyahu doesn't want a political solution. he wants not only to wage war on democracy and e terminate palestinians. he want to come back and tell joe biden don't interfere in my business.
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he will willing to lobby. the main newspaper editor in chief, he was beefing up and somehow surrogate. guess what, he was a january 6th insurrection. what happened there, the authoritarianism, it's coming back here. we need to uphold democracy, everywhere. >> muhammad, this is your community. what do you want to see happen, the bigger picture. you're a young man. you're one person. what is the solution in your view? >> i think the solution gips with calling things by their name. people often speak about two sides and they are correct. there's two sides. someone the fascist regime while
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the other side is minuscule in comparison. sadly they get articulated propaganda to narrative of their assaults on our life. it's not self-defense to bomb residential neighborhoods. it's not self-defense. context matters here. >> we have got to go. my time is over. i have to go into the next show. thank you very much for being here. that is tonight's reid out. tonight, on "all in." >> we're unified in working with president trump. my job representing the republican members. we look forward to working with president trump. >> how donald trump's take over of the republican congress just ended general
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