tv The Reid Out MSNBC June 10, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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the first lady sending a new message here with the word "love" across the back of her jacket. people saying it reminded them of another first lady's jacket, melania trump. had the "i don't really care" message. you can say a lot with fashion and culture for sure. that's our "final thought" tonight. "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. hi, joy. >> ari, just telling my producer i am now kicking myself because i have one of these jackets that says, i really do care: don't you" a green jacket. literally have one. i'll post it on instagram. better like that pic. >> i need to see it, joy. >> i expecting a like. thank you very much, ari. appreciate it. good evening, everyone. we begin "reidout" with a fragile democracy and tattered reputation around the world. today president biden continued his first trip abroad holding a
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face-to-meeting with president boris johnson even as president biden works to restore america's image after four years of the disgrace twice impeached former president, he does so in the face of a world that has frankly lost faith in our democracy here at home. a new pew research center report on global attitude showed only 17% of respondents from 16 nations said democracy in the united states is a good example for other countries to follow. and 57% said it used to be a good example, but has not been in recent years. another 23% said it never was a good example at all. that's not exactly surprising, given that one of our two major parties in the united states, the republicans, have become a leading force against democracy. maga cheerleaders taking turns questioning fbi director chris wray today in a house judiciary committee hears and while democrats pressed wray on the
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january 6th insurrection, a blatant attempt at destroying our democracy, the top rb, jim jordan used his time to whine about cancel culture and disgrace the ex-president's disgraced tv lawyer rudy guiliani while matt gaetz, remains on the judiciary committee, despite being investigated for alleged sex trafficking of a teenager by the fbi ho should probably be answering questions what role he played in whipping up the insurrection. instead got to question the fbi director, too. of course, it's hardly surprising that the republicans on the committee would avoid questions about the insurrection, given that another member, arizona republican andy biggs was named by the organizer of the rally that preceded the siege. alexander, one of the people who helped plan it. remains on the run gommar.
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>> january 5th talking to capitol police officers and said, you know, let's face it. most of the conservatives that come, they don't have any intention of being violent, and they said, well, we've been briefed today that there's a good bit of, i understood online activity that there are people that are going to be coming that hate trump but they're going to dress up in red, maga trump paraphernalia to blend in and create trouble. >> okay. remarkably, louis gomer was a judge in texas in his former life, but if that scenario he claims, if it's true, perhaps he should be called as the witness, if there ever had a house xlect committee investigation of the insurrection. don't forget a joint report by two senate committees made clear capitol police leadership knew trump supporters were planning to breach the capitol. in an interview with pbs, suing
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the former president for inciting the mob, gave a firsthand account of what he endured that day. >> looked like a sort of, a hoard of zombies, people far as you can see just salivating i was called [ bleep ], i was called a traitor. i was called you know, various epithets. >> in fact, what louis gomer claims is true, that it was antifa or zombies or poltergeist or aliens, the real culprits on january 6th, a bipartisan commission could have gotten to bottom of that. gomer like most republicans voted against it. instead he got to grill director wray on how he characterized the attack. >> you were careful to note that most of the protesters who were left last summer were basically peaceful, but you haven't said that about the 100,000, 200,000
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people that showed up on january 6th. do you know how many people actually came in to the capitol on january 6th that were unauthorized? >> i don't have an exact number. i know we now are approaching around 500 arrests. >> joining me now, former senate doug jones of alabama, angela write, impact strategies and former executive director clint watts and former fbi special agent and distinguished fellow. we have to still do this months after the insurrection, but we have seen multiple prosecutions begin in these cases. a few headlines, what they're saying, their lawyers saying, proud boys, trump is to blame for inciting the capitol riot. not even qanon disowns trump claiming he was duped by the former president. proud boys leader, you left up,
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slams trump in expletive laden message. percenters and proud boys accused of conspiracy. serious charges related to the insurrection. clint, once and for all, who was responsible so that if louis gomer, doesn't seem to be the brightest tool in the shed apparently wants to make this countercase, who's responsible for the january 6th insurrection? >> that would be president trump supporters, several different militias, the qanon fantasy, it was there, joy. he was out in the yard. he was delivering speeches. saying he was going to walk to the capitol. why they were there. what i find interesting about these defenses, they're going if it a couple ways. one group sticking together. no, no. election stolen. go with the big lie and try to
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perpetuate it. now you're seeing exactly the quotes put up a minute ago saying president trump betrayed us. he sent us up there. we are falling because of him. that charge of conspiracy insulated by the capitol, just came out with the 3 percenters is major groundbreaking. love for that to come out before the hearing. director wray say, just advanced a conspiracy charge a group called the 3 percenters there for president trump. don't give us false flag nonsense anymore. >> to be clear. 3 percenters, proud boys, are they left or right-ring? so elementary. put it on the table. >> good point, joy. all hard right-wing militia groups. >> okay. thank you. doug jones, former senator, you prosecuted the klan. you've done these kinds of cases before. have you seen these kinds of instances with far right racist right-wing groups to try to
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portray it that, well, clultly it was'tus. are you familiar with this as a way these kind of groups do business? >> youjoy. this is anybody that's charged with a crime that's going to try to point the finger at somebody else. somebody's going to try to deflect. don't look at the man behind the curtain from the "wizard of oz". they'll continue to try do that. you said something error important. if representative gomer had that conversation, a bipartisan commission can get to the bottom of that. know who went in there. you can look at the conspiracy. i agree, damning information that's coming out whether it's a conspiracy, but criminal cases will never tell the entire story and why you need a bipartisan commission, both sides can look at facts. facts that can be agreed on by both sides of that commission, and that's what's so stunning about this.
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that people will make these allegations but essentially say we really don't want you to look at these allegations. we want to just say it. >> seems to me, angela wry, bennie thompson, a lawsuit filed regarding the violence seen. potential for there to be a select committee speaker pelosi could theoretically put together. if you were still working on the hill, he will made a subpoena and tell under oath who told him it was going to be quote/unquote antifa? people dressed up at trump supporters? would you call as a witness? >> absolutely. before louis gomer, kevin mccarthy, suggest he be called, and before kevin mccarthy, suggest the three gop lawmakers who were responsible for coordinating with these groups be called. all of these folks need to come to the table. this shouldn't be a partisan issue to point, joy, at mitt romney was running down the hall
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with capitol police escorting him like lease virginia blunt rochester on her hands and knee praying with democratic colleagues. their memories failed them. there was a noose with mike pence's name on it. right? this isn't about partisanship it's about what happened. how can we prevent what happened? it's great, that, yes, fbi director wray needs to talk about what happened, what the fairs of the fbi were. why weren't people believed? certainly congressman thompson had this intelligence, certainly congresswoman maxine waters chaired services and called this, this is something we need to be mindful of as we get closer to the inauguration. there were a lot of people who have access to intelligence, but also have access to just plain, old common sense and should have been listening to the members receiving death threats for months, for years, under donald trump. why would they all of a sudden act peacefully? tell me why?
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and that is, i think, the thing we really have to begin to answer. there are a number of people who have to be called, that if they're subpoenaed they have to be willing to tell the truth. >> absolutely. doug jones, if you prosecuted this case, looking at it, i knew something bad was going to happen january 6th. all you had to do, get on twitter, if you could read, looking at social media. every who knew, every law enforcement person i was saying be careful on the 6th something bad's going down because donald trump said, join us in washington, d.c. on the 6th. it's gonna be wild. would you call donald trump as a witness if you were prosecuting a case of this nature? doug jones? >> i certain would try to interview the president. i'd try to interview all the speakers that were there, and we would see what happened. whether or not they would consent to an interview or a grand jury subpoena, i don't know the answer to that. my guess is they would not. but i think, i've said this so many times. i think anyone that was at the mall, speaking, anyone that was
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at the capitol, trying to break into the doors, everyone should be investigated and looked at and complete tried to be interviewed. quite frankly, joy, i think the fbi and department of justice is doing a remarkable job of doing just that. their first order of business is to prosecute and identify and prosecute as many people as they can, and they are making incredible progress. in the four, five months we've seen pass here. i think they're making good progress, and we got to give them a lot of credit for the work they're doing and there's a lot of information coming out of this. >> do you agree with that, clint? go on. please? go ahead. >> really quick, just going to say i disagree a little bit, because i think that if we're honest, the u.s. capitol attack wasn't an isolated incident. there was issue with the michigan governor. a number of attacks on state capitols and just even following that would have helped. again, the fbi is supposed to be
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a non-partisan agency that should have been happening, these investigations should have been happening under donald trump's administration. they were not. so perhaps they're doing a good job now. i could have lost colleagues and friends and so could you have senator jones. be honest with that. they got to catch up as well. >> and you know -- >> go on. >> joy, there have been people indicted involving the michigan issue as. i think thhave done some, but let me quickly add, i do not believe that the fbi early on before this insurrection was doing all they could. i completely agree with that. i think they could have done more, should have done more, should have been looking at the entire white supremacy landscape, which they were not doing until after the biden administration took office. >> yeah. and angela, completely anticipated my question i was going to ask, clint, set it up perfectly, because that's the question i have as well. because before any of this took place, and let's just listen to
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louis gomer. if he's claiming that he was being told pie capitol police officers that there was going to be an influx of antifa they claimed were basically the devil, anti-fascist, if we're seeing these case where is proud boys and et cetera say they anticipated that antifa would come fight them. black lives matter supporters would come fight them so donut could them impose the insurrection and act they could act as a militia. seeing that in cases. did the fbi do enough? didn't seem to be prepared or prepare the capitol police. capitol police completely flat-foot the and left the capitol police officers completely you know, unprepared. so do you think that this was intelligence failure on the part of the fbi? >> i do not, joy, for a couple different reasons. one, i testified to the senate in 2019 on this exact issue, domestic terrorism. there is no domestic terrorism statute by which there's a designation process allowing the
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fbi or any investigators for that matter in the domestic space to develop intelligence, even anticipating that a group might mobilize to something. you have to have a probable cause to start investigations on each individual case. that's very difficult to do, particularly when it's just social media posts. if the fbi went around to everybody that threatened everybody of, every day, we would need 100,000 more fbi agents. and arrests around the country, glad you brought up the michigan militia. a major case. did pretty well in the online space with acceleration of, i call them, these are the angry white supremacists online. not there really on january 6th. militias have uss been problematic because they usually toe right up to the line of what is legally permissible. they kind of know what that is. unless you have some way to actually police what is politically free speech, that's protected, versus what is violent threats, it's very
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difficult to open that. so i would offer imagine an intelligence bulletin issued by the fbi two days before january 6th that said, we watched all of these trump supporters social media accounts and they're talking about going to the capitol being disseminated throughout the federal government. would you have a major problem with civil libertarians saying that political spree speech was policed. you hear it in the senate hearings, they're a little better. i feel the senate report failed. they did not clear that up. if we want hs and fbi to protect against domestic extremism, pass a law and define at what point we'll let them watch social media. >> or -- or, no ed to behave in the a vance the way they freak out and deployed the national guard and all the police they can find when somebody simply tweets black lives matter. because they sure do figure out how to show up when that's going to happen, and they arrest 1,000 people at a time. that's my problem with what we're seeing here. aye leave it there.
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we're out of time. gone over. former senator doug jones, angela wry, clint jones, thank you. and the previouspresident attorney general mayor irk garlic serious about fixing it and why is he defending trump? plus tonight's absolute worst. a few years ago he declared himself a new man. apologizes for divisive rhetoric. now had a new revelation, that the gutter of dishonest divisive rhetoric is exactly where people belong. remember the cuckoo bananas doctor? she's not alone. a metal key, saying i can prove i am now a magnet. >> sticks to my neck, too. yeah, so if smub can explain this, that would be great. any questions? >> i have so, so many questions.
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"the reidout" continues after this. ♪ maybe i didn't love you ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ quite as often as i could have ♪ we're delivering for the earth. by investing in more electric vehicles, reusable packaging, and carbon capture research. making earth our priority. i thought i'd seen it all. ( ♪♪ ) ♪♪ ♪ i want to see you stand up ♪ ♪ i want to feel you be proud ♪ ♪ i want to hear your beating heart ♪
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we now bring you a tale of two justice departments. one under donald trump who with his handality the king william barr executed a complete takeover of the agency u leading the contents of the mueller report and then the doj under a new president. attorney general merrick garland has a daunting task transforms trump/barr llc back into the original doj. but some decisions under this new doj haven't gone over so well. one of them involves a woman accusing trump of raping her in a department store in the 1990s. trump publicly told the press it never happen and saying about his accuser, "she's not my type."
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she sued for defamation, but now biden's doj is defending the former president and failed blogger arguing that trump is protected because he made those statements as part of his official role as president. seriously. a.g. defended his decision on wednesday. >> our job is to represent the american people, and our job in doing so is to ensure adherence to the rule of law. >> joining me now, justice correspondent for the nation, and former acting solicitor general and professor at the georgetown law center. thank you for being here. you inspired the segment with the things you've tweeted about what merrick garland has been deciding lately and a new piece ow "why is garland's doj taking barr's side." make your case, sir. >> yes. i know the law can sometimes be confusing and lots of, like, big
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words. let's be really clear. there is nothing in the constitution nor any u.s. statute that says defaming women who accuse you of rape is part of the presidential office of responsibilities. there's nothing there. that's not a thing. right? so garland is choosing, he is choosing to defend trump here. he is victims is part and parcel of being the president, and we are, therefore, aloud he's making that choice. garland is trying to gaslight the nation saying, oh, my hands are tied. had no choice. no, no. he had a choice. he's choosing poorly. this is the problem. right? so, like, yeah, there are arguments on both sides, but garland is choosing to make the bill barr argument. if i may quote briefly al pacino from devil's advocate, guilt is like a bag of bricks. all you got to do, lay it down.
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if merrick garland does not think that u.s. policy should be that the president of the united states can defame whim accuse him of rape all he has to do, take that horrible argument left to him from bill barr and drop it down. the fact he's not is a problem with him. not the law. >> let me give you one piece of counterpoint. a guy named randall alyson writes in the "washington post" the following. saying that people are angry. he thinks people like yourself angry at garland, the issue is whether a duties require answering questions given in official capacity incluing questions about his earlier life that may reflect on his fitness for office. any federal employee speaking in courts of his or her duties would need to fear if a particular comment strayed from the official into the personal. what do you make of that? >> nope, nope. the alternate rule is that any person as part of their official duties if they defame somebody has to hire their own lawyer.
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again, nobody's saying trump isn't allowed to defend himself. he can go look on the subway and call up a lawyer just like anybody else in this country. the question is whether or not he is absolutely immune from the charge of defamation and whether or not the justice department, yours and mine and the tax dollars have to feed into making that defense for him. that's the question. nobody's saying trump isn't allowed to defender himself from these charges but can sure enough hire his own lawyer to do it. >> yeah. neil, let me bring you in. one of the things that really bothered my merrick garland said in defense of the decision, they're defending the american people. there's no american people involved in donald trump raping this lady allegedly and her saying that he raped her. the american people ain't involved in that. can you make sense what he's trying to argue here? >> i 10you, joy. look, i lack the powers of understatement here, but no matter how refreshing to have an
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independent doj, turns out justice also demands having a doj make the right decisions, and a lot of times i think garland has made the right decisions because when you walk into the justice department, there's an employee, i have twice, you walk into an institution. an institution with credibility built over time. you need that credibility. this is the department that, after all, fought for desegregation in the south. this is a department has one day may have to indict a president or vice president, and you need that credibility in court, meaning you don't flip positions from one administration to the next normally, because the justice department is not an ordinary litigant. that's how it gets credibility in the court. the problem, not an ordinary shift in the administration. not like clinton to bush, or bush to obama. they spit on the department -- excuse me. leaves the justice department in
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a quantity degree. do you now flip just to get back to the normal position jie think elie is right. one piece, the department shouldn't, we shouldn't, our tax dollars shouldn't be going to fund trump's defense. he know he stiffs his lawyers. that's not our problem. it's his problem. oneley's favor. dismissing the suit, means carroll loses, doesn't get a day in court. isn't about dollars and cents but who wince and loses. i think the attorney general is wrong here to defend this. >> told you. >> and i think elie is right. >> i saw you earlier, the other day on with nicolle. another case. lgbtq religious discrimination biden's doj is upholding a court
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filing after, lawsuit. revised language it says the same objective is religious universities accuseded of discriminating against lgbtq students. slavery was an institution. right? lots of things are institutions. are you concerned that garland is such an institutional, even willing to uphold bad institutions, to be an institution? >> this is more than upholding institutions. this is about upholding a federal law, section 1681, a3. the justice department has, maybe it's a solemn obligates to defend federal laws. this case is about that federal law. it's not surprising that the department defended it. we, defended obama, president bush hated feingold, defended that as well. that's not unusual. i ams did appointed about the garland decision here is not the defense but that they didn't couple it with the statement that said, look, we're going to go to congress and try to get
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this law repealed. this is an odious, you said, discriminatory law that should go, but don't have the lawyers do it. that's something that should be done through the political process. >> so out of time, elie. you and i were not fans of merrick garland nominated with the supreme court. do you find in general you're disappointed with him in this current position? >> bill barr ran a car into a tree. merrick garland is trying to rebuild the car as opposed to going and getting the person who ran the car into the tree. that's my problem. what a drunk driver wrecks their car you don't go to a mavis. you arrest the bar tender that served him the drinks. what i need garland to do and he's not doing. >> thank you guys veryvery much. and a freakout over critical race. the "big reveal" is next. stay with us. h us.
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i, like most americans, had forgotten about glenn beck. easily forgettable. like most of the garbage spit out that that network tossed into the great teep called history. at least, tacos. understudy for ricky schroeder in "silver spoons" decided to reach into the heap and drag glenn beck back into our lives. and tucker summers in maine and probably yeahs two collars out on the town attacked barack obama. shaded him for having a home in hawaii and martha's vineyard and tucker meant to signal gravitas went on to say that the first black president thinks that people who complain about critical race theory are bigots. coming from a guy who pushed
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white replacement theory and added obama is obviously hostile. but what the former president actually said -- >> you would think with all of the public policy debates that are taking place right now that, you know, the republican party would be engaged in a significant debate about how are we going to deal with the economy? and what are we going to do about climate change? and what are we going to do about -- lo and behold the single most important issue to them apparently right now is critical race theory. >> obama -- so hostile. president obama rightfully noted the republican party is focused on the wrong issue as. where is the lie? here's the point in the show where you think, you think, that i'm going to say that tucker is the absolute worst. nope. not today! because his guest, the aforementioned garbage pail kid glenn beck went even further. >> i take my apology back. i was exactly right.
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and i even stated it right. you are a racist, if you believe in critical race theory, if you think that what dr. martin luther king said, that he envisions a country that is, is -- seeing, seeing people for the content of their character and not their color, if you think that's wrong, then, yes, you are a racist. >> some context. back in 2009, beck called obama a racist, because in beck's twisted mind the first black president hates white people and "the white culture." beck eventually apologized for that utterly student comment telling the "new yorker" obama made me a better man. speaking to the content of his criticism, i would like to point to bernice king. youngest daughter of the reference dr. martin luther king jr. who tweeted this message. please, stop using out of context quotes from my father to excuse not working to eradicate
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racism. his content of their character, live with a full speech, i have a dream, in which he talks about ending racist police brutality and economic injustice." so today's absolute worst, conservative flip-flopper an opportuist glenn beck. stupidity doesn't stop there. and what they're squawking about today. it will sound very familiar. we'll be right back. ight back. no. you know what you want? no fettuccine. no fries with that. no foods you love. no added salt. no added sugar. in a can? you can-not. no pizza. have that salad. unless there's dressing. then, no. remember, no skipping meals. but no late-night snacking. and no sleepless nights! is this stressing you out?! no stress! bad! exercise.
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they're not only trying to raise up minorities and make sure the playing field is even, they're trying to take down the white culture and wondering why -- and this generation of americans wonders why aren't we all americans? why are we being marginalized and gender, sexuality and color of our skin? >> "fox & friends" claiming
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white people addressing racism in country. and education the slip for conservatives using racism as a catchall phrase. florida's board of education became the latest state to pass rule banning ideas of critical race here to any classrooms. nor more, jelani cox staff writer at "the new yorker." i late to reiterate this every time we talk, but can you make out why something taught literally in law school only is suddenly "the" cause of the right? there's no teaching of it in elementary school. it's in law school, but can you explain it? >> it's really clearly this legislation is aimed at protecting your fifth grader, and the classes they'll choose between torts and contract law, and whatever they decided they'll take that semester,
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maybe advanced legal here to in there as well. honestly, i think that this is all a cannard, it's taken out of context and critical race theory that began in legal ak dima impacted other fields. sociology, history and so on, but it's not like fifth graders or eighth graders or seniors in high school signing up for these courses. it's a theoretical approach to questions of litigation relating to race and civil rights in the united states. and how inequality persisted. now, the most ironic part of this is that everything they're saying is an object lesson in exactly what what critical race theory holds, which is that people have used the language of civil rights in order to undermine the idea of civil rights, and so they are simply
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switching out of the aggrieved party to say that white people are now under the thumb of black people, and that they need some sort of legal protection, or mechanism to ensure that white people are not further marginalized. and if you're looking at the critical race theory, the only acceptable comment is, si. >> yeah. and i'm glad you said that because i see a trend here that is in the end about the law. it is in the end about minority rule and about sort of trying to carve out a protected class for not just any white people but specifically white conservative christians. go to a couple things. kricht fer rupo from the manhattan institute, a right-wing think tank and also couldn't define this, couldn't look it up. a come comments tweeted. successfully frozen their brand into the conversation and steadily driving up negative perceptions. we will eventually turn it
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toxic. the goal, have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think critical race theory. tells you this is deliberate. this is a campaign. one more thing. conservative think tank. another think tank, center for renewing america led by dr. russ bout, former director of office of management and budget under trump created a to z guide for parents trying to hold their school board members accountable. one section entitled winning back your school board and reads identify potential candidate or candidates to run for school board seats currently used to perpetuate the school sunkz of racism of crt. so this is a campaign. a campaign for 2022, but do you believe it's a campaign for more than just trying to help republicans win elections? >> oh, certainly. it absolutely is, and i mean, it hearkens back. this is not new. first, the arguments deployed here, if you go back to the 1964 civil rights act, the arguments that you were hearing from
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southern senators and congressional reps, that they did not believe in discrimination, and their argument against the civil rights act of '64, that they didn't believe in discrimination. obviously this is inverting the entire purpose of that legislation, which had been precisely to protect black people fromeoe were being discriminated against. they're playing on the same sorts of anxieties and hoping k that trumpism induced, and has used to such political profit. they're trying to cement that. this is a kind of further attempt as a means of also looking at what people that come out and vote for in 2022. >> sort of reminds me, they've used gay marriage, used trans kids, going to take over all of girls' sports. all of these connards, going to white, working class people.
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>> caravan. >> correct. caravans. i feel it's actually offensive. they're presuming, these people have racist undertones. pick them and get them to be freaked out by brown and black people or anything about people of color or immigrants. it is sort of a pretty horrible statement about wa they think about their own base. you know? >> the first rule of public speaking is know your audience. they're making comments in public. so it's a cynical ploy but the problem is not the cynicism. the problem is the effectiveness of it. so they have shown time and time again they know exactly how to get under the skin, to get that kind of neural panic reaction stoked. >> right. >> in the minds of their electorate and do it, done it one presidential election on the basis of it. >> yeah. absolutely right. demographic panic. you can use it for anything. what they mainly use it for, to get folks to lay down for policies that only help super rich people and hurt the very people who vote for it. trick people with it every time.
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easiest trick in the book. jelani, thank you very much for helping us understand it more. up next, evictions allowing israeli settlers to take over palestinian homes, leading cause of the recent violence in gaza. a palestinian facing eviction under this disturbing policy joins us, next. don't go anywhere. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good ahhh! get out of here mouse. ahhh! ♪♪ don't flex your pecs. terminix.
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the conflict between israel and the palestinian people is far from over despite a cease fire between israel and hamas. "the washington post" reports israeli police have arrested more than 2,100 people over the past few weeks. more than 91% of those arrested have been arab. arrests continue today with several people detained at the damascus gate in east jerusalem while protesting the visit of a politician. police appeared to be detaining young adults. nbc does not know what
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transpired before or after the incident. palestinians have continued to protest. a neighborhood in predominantly east arab rejerusalem. on sunday, 23-year-old activist who's family faces eviction was handcuffed and taken from her home by israeli officers. reuters reports that wit explicitly naming muna. muna's twin brother later turned himself in after receiving a summons and both were released hours later. i'm joined now by mohommad who faces eviction and was recently arrested by israeli police. thank you for coming back on. what have you been charged with? >> thank you, joy, for having me again. my sister and i were charged
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with inciting violence against police, which is a baseless charge. i want to take a second to correct a little bit of information. the boy that was arrested in the video earlier is indeed a child. he's 16 years old. in fact, many of the people today were arrested were children. and according to grass roots, about 25% of the 2,000-plus palestinians that were arrested were minors. >> and what are they accusing them of? these are people who are marching in their own neighborhood i'm assuming, right? what are they accusing them of? >> everybody is getting accused of the same thing, inciting violence against police. and of course, you know, israeli police has enough integrity for us to believe what it says. i want to let people know that the damascus gate where people are getting arrested today and
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sprayed with tear gas is one of the last remaining public spaces in which palestinians can hang out. it's becoming heavily militarized and we are facing a steady wave of police brew tail for branding in there. there were many far right israelis in the damascus and none of them were arrested. they could gesture at palestinians and palestinians could get thrown into a police car and take sboon custody. i also want to point out many arrested have been reporting being tortured inside these facilities. >> i know a lot of what is captured for a olot of younger americans is this image that resonates with -- because we have black lives matter as an issue here in terms of the way police behave. so, i think a lot of people are increasingly sensitive. just some background for our audience.
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in 1876 -- this is interesting history -- palestinian land owners sold a lot of land to jewish trusts. in 1948 jordan captured the plot in the arab-israeli war. in 1967, israel captured east jerusalem and returned land to the jewish trust who later sold it to right wing settlers. but there is this issue that jewish people are allowed to try to reclaim property that they may have owned before 1948, between 1876 and 1948. the palestinian families don't have the same right. is that the issue? the palestinian families have lived with very different rights. >> israel system is one that states if palestinians were allowed to reclaim their lands, there would not be many israelis in this country.
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as my grandmother was allowed to go back to her home, every palestinian was allowed back their land. but the other issue is that these claims, the idea that these lands were bought by jewish people in the 1800s are also baseless. the difference is that we are not allowed to present our own ownership documents within israeli occupation ports, right? so, they can just bring in their documents and the judgment will take them at face value. yet we have been asking for decades and decades and decades, asking the judge to open the file to the land ownership to see who owns the land and the judges have refused repeatedly. this isn't a flaw in the system. this is the system that was established by settlers to help settlers. this is something that has favored settlements and colonialism. 97% of permits submitted by
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palestinians get rejected. the same person that rejects these building permits is the same person that comes to my neighborhood and vandalizes the murals that say welcome and facebook lives it to his followers. so, the system is complicit in this. it's not just about who owned lands. it's about who gets to claim lands and who gets to prove their ownership of land. it's about who gets to have a fair trial. palestinians will never receive justice because they're inherently anti-pal tinian. >> let's play a video from pay of a young woman and a man who are discussing this very thing. take a listen. >> you are stealing my house. >> if i don't steal it, someone else is going to steal it. >> no, no one is out to steal it. you know this is not your house. >> yes, but if i go, you don't go back.
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what's the problem? i didn't do this. i didn't do this. it's easy to yell at me, but i didn't do this. >> you are stealing my house. >> do you expect things to change with the new administration if it turns over? >> absolutely not. i think there is an abundance of evidence against israel's abuses, israel's apartheid settlers. i think it's time for the world to stop giving israel immunity and hold it responsible for its crimes. >> i am out of time. thank you very much for your time tonight. that is tonight's "reidout." tonight on "all in" hold on to your burritos, new signs the biden recovery is roaring. to pay for better wages for workers. tonight behind the scare mongering over labor shortages and inflation and how american
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