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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  June 13, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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response for receiving the pulitzer award under the most tragic circumstances. thank you for being with us. i'm alicia menendez. i'll be back here tomorrow for more american voices. but for now, i hand it over to my friends zerlina maxwell, who's in for joshua johnson. tonight zerlina, i hear there is going to be photos of you from your gymnast days tonight. >> oh, yeah. i think people should stay tune. because there is definitely a throwback in their. and i will be wearing a white leotard. it's a throwback. >> i'm all in. thanks, zerlina. >> thank you so much, alicia. good to be with you. i'm zerlina maxwell. in four joshua johnson. it's 8 pm on the east coast and 1 am in england, where president joe biden and the first lady are preparing to meet with queen elizabeth at windsor castle, sunday. we have the details just ahead. plus, an internal investigation into whether the trump justice department can probably seize
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democratic lawmakers for data. i'll speak with congressman raja krishnamoorthi. and attorney general merrick arnold says the doj will turn its eye on new restrictive voting laws passing in states all across the country. we'll get to all of it. welcome to the week. we begin with an astonishing story. former attorney general william barr is attempting to distance himself from reporting that the trump doj seized the phone records of at least two prominent democratical makers. barr tells politico that while he was attorney general, he was quote, not aware of any congressman's records being sought in a legal case. the justice department has announced that the departments inspector general will investigate. and democrats are calling on
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barr and trump's other former attorney general, jeff sessions, to testify before congress. but really, none of us should be surprised. remember, he literally called for this to happen. i called this receipts. roll the tape. >> they're going to investigate adam schiff for leaking that information. he should not be leaking information out of intelligence. they ought to investigate adam schiff. >> of course, congressman adam schiff is one of the democrats whose records were subpoenaed by trump's doj. of course, the enormity of the scandal could not be any clearer. donald trump used the office of the presidency to exact political retribution against his perceived enemies. in a word, it's nixonian. let's begin tonight with a cynthia ochsner. she's an msnbc legal analyst and former federal prosecutor.
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thank you so much for taking the time out tonight. >> good evening. >> what exactly was the department of justice doing here? what kind of information were they going after? and it is spying the right word for what they were doing? >> they were going after what's called metadata. and they can actually do that. metadata is information -- metadata means data about data. for instance, if you are looking for metadata on an album, you would get the data was published, and maybe what were the names of the songs on it, and who was the artist. but not the music itself. they were getting the metadata about who congressman schiff and congressman swalwell were communicating with. so they were getting phone numbers, leaks of conversations, but not the conversations themselves. and they were not just getting to, they had over 100 subpoenas
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that they got. it's impossible for me to believe that attorney general barr did not know about it. there are lots of department of justice policies, specifically have to do with the fact that if you're getting information on a congress person, you have to communicate with the department of justice, the public integrity section. there is no way on god's green earth that you got a 100 subpoenas and members of congress and the attorney general of the united states was not told about it. and that's the big outrage for me. it's not that is just nixonian, it's worse than nixonian. because nixonian is the attack on basically the first amendment. this is the attack on the separation of powers. this is the most fundamental attack on the constitution. it comes in this world of lying, right? here we have an attorney general, the man who is responsible for delivering justice to the country, he lies about the mueller report. he lies about the findings. he lies about whether or not
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trump cooperated. he lies about what's happening on lafayette square and the tear gas. he lies about stone sentencing. everything he does, it's flying. he's responsible for delivering justice? so those of us who work in the department of justice, i find it infuriating, even though they're already gone. i can't almost compose myself, i'm so angry. that the head of the department of justice is still lying to us. >> maybe we should make a witness list of sorts for the upcoming and potentially very interesting investigations. whether they be at congress or elsewhere. there is going to be an ig investigation looking into this. who would make the decision like this within the department of justice? other than bill barr, whose desk does this come across? >> it comes across the head of the public integrity division. it comes across the assistant
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united states attorney, who's brought in from you new jersey, to be bars guy on this. who had no experience a national security issues. he was a health care fraud a usa, he was brought in to handle this. he certainly on top of the witness list. the united states attorney from new jersey who with such good friends with barr that he recommended this guy. and he's the guy that barr tried to get into the southern district of new york in that failed coup attempt on berman. he's on the witness list. everybody in the national security division of the united states -- at the doj, who was not included in this, who should have been included. should also be included. anybody who had their fingers on anything to do with the subpoenas needs to be in front of congress. they can't be in front of the intelligence committee because that's where we went and it would be a conflict. but they need to find a committee quickly. i completely agree that the attorney general and the ig investigation is a very good
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idea. the problem with is it slow. it could take over a year. and we're at the point where we have a year, four years of lying's from the justice department. we have to have some consequences. we have to have clarification. we have to have something quickly for the american people to begin to return to have faith in the department of justice. we can't wait for the slow process of the ig. >> absolutely. i share your outrage. the integrity of the justice department and the rule of law are foundational in this country. so, this is critically important. cynthia alksne, thank you so much for taking the time out to join us tonight. >> thank. you >> i'm joined now by congressman raja krishnamoorthi. he is a democrat from illinois and a member of the house intelligence committee. and the committee of oversight and reform. congressman, thank you so much for taking the time. >> thank you thank you, zerlina.
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>> so, was this an act of pure political retribution by donald trump, in your view? >> it looks like it. it looks like something that would happen in putin's russia or xi jinping's china. not something that should happen in the usa. >> you are a member of congress, just like adam schiff and congressman eric swalwell, your colleagues. how does the story make you feel as a person on a human level, how would you react if you found out that donald trump got the doj to subpoena your phone records as well as members of your own family and staff? >> it's an appalling abuse of discretion. it's a gross abuse of power. it's shocking. in the case of me or my family, i think they probably find a lot of goofy tiktok videos, but on a more serious note, i think
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this is what is considered to be a fishing expedition. when they start looking at records of family members or the records of personal staff, that is staff members who have nothing to do with national intelligence or the house intelligence committee, it looks like they are just looking for some type of gotcha information on these members. and i think that is deeply, deeply disturbing. and merrick garland needs to clean house right now. >> so, merrick garland is now the attorney general and he is heading up a department where some of the people who were involved on the staff level in this investigation into these leaks, going back to 2017, they're still there. you think they should be gone? >> i don't know why they still have jobs. mister ben benito from new jersey. there's a whole raft of line prosecutors in the doj who actually carried out this
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particular investigation, who should've known better. you cannot go to a grand jury and start presenting secret subpoenas on a coequal branch of government. of course, i think people need to be held up accountable, up and down the chain. and i'd like to see jeff sessions and bill barr testify under oath. i would be very interested in seeing if they say they had no idea that this investigation was going on and they did so under oath. >> these leak investigations began all the way back in 2017, when jeff sessions was the attorney general. but according to the new york times, they actually were revived by william barr when he became the attorney general. i want to play this exchange that now looks very different than it did then even. from may 2019, between then senator kamala harris and william barr. let's take a look. >> has the president or anyone
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at the white house ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone? yes or no please, sir? >> the president or anybody else -- because >> it seems you would remember something like that and be able to tell us. >> yeah, but i'm trying to grapple with the word suggest. there have been discussions of matters out there that, they've not asked me to investigate. >> perhaps they've suggested? >> i wouldn't say suggest. >> hinted? >> i don't know. >> i love how senator harris met was quoting the source he realtime. congressman, william barr claims to have no awareness of the records that congress was -- that were being sought at that time. do you want to bring him before congress? and what other questions you want to ask him? >> u.s., we need to bring him before congress. we need him to testify under
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oath asked to what was the scope of this investigation? who were all the numbers that were targeted. we still don't know, by the way, all of the members that were targeted. who were all the staffers? and we also need to know why he revived the investigation in 2020, sorry, in 2019, after he became attorney general. if you recall, they started in 2017. apparently it died out in 2018. but then in 2019, when he becomes attorney general, he revives it and the question is what were they suggestions from other people that led him to go ahead and revive that investigations? and who made those suggestions? something tells me that the should gesture was located at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> i think that's probably a good guess. and it could've been hurt his twitter feed which is now defunct.
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congressman raja krishnamoorthi. thank you so much for taking the time out and being with us tonight. up next, we have an update from the uk on president biden's big week. including the g7 summit and what's next on his agenda in europe. plus, vice president harris is taking a lot of heat during her trip to central america. but does she deserve it? stick around. stick around
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>> just hours ago president biden wrapped up day two of the g7 summit in the uk. here he is posing with other world leaders for a socially distant family photo of sorts. china dominated today's discussion which also included talks on infrastructure and the coronavirus pandemic. nbc's matt riley has more from england. >> another busy day for joe biden at the g7 close to where i'm standing here in --
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what we heard today was an initiated that is named after the location near where i am. the idea is that global leaders are getting together to try to shave off a future pandemic. the main headline from this is that they hope to ready the world to confront the pandemic and come up with a vaccine for a new disease within 100 days of a pandemic appearing. lessons learned from the covid-19 pandemic. the other things are working on the big headline, it's infrastructure. it's quite a big difference from joe biden's infrastructure bill domestically. this one we could almost call it the weaponization of infrastructure. the idea is that they're trying to confront china's huge global belt and road initiative, which -- essentially to build up their infrastructure so china can trade with them. the g7 is hoping that their plan will be a more ethical, more politically palatable,
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then china. zerlina? >> that was nbc's matt bradley reporting. now we turn to the other half of the biden, harris administration. vice president, kamala harris is taking a little bit of heat from both sides of the aisle after she said this while on her trip to central america. what >> i want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous track to the united mexico border. do not come. let's do not come. >> republicans pounced on the comments, of course. but they also didn't go over to well on the left including with representative alexandria ocasio-cortez who called the comment disappointing. here is what i want to know, given that immigration is one of the most complex issues we face as a country, the situation where there is no
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quick fix, is there anything harris could've said that would not have drawn criticism, as a woman, a person of color and the daughter of immigrants herself, the first ever vice president who isn't a white men, by the way, always remember that, is harris being held to a different standard? joining me now to discuss is a journalist and the host of the very cool named podcast. she's also the author of the book the pain gap how sexism and racism in health care kill women. thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you so much for having me, zerlina. great to be on with you. what >> i know, it's so fun. harris is in a no win situation with this crisis, let's be honest about that up top. i think this line from your recent opposite sums it up quite well. you wrote, as a woman of color, how russ would be getting much
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more intense and negative blow back if she had flung open her arms with a huge come to america sign, and came off as soft on immigration on her first official trip to guatemala and mexico. so she didn't have a whole lot of option when it came to messaging on this trip. what do you think of how she did? >> you know, i think this was a really tough topic a tough portfolio and for her first trip for first international trip abroad and it would've been a tough portfolio for even a seasoned diplomat. because she is a woman and a woman of color, the level of scrutiny that she is getting from both left and the right is really off the chart. it is interesting that you mentioned the point about white men, zerlina, because we always give them the benefit of the doubt. no one criticize jared kushner once, for not delivering piece to the middle east. but people really do expect kamala harris, our vice
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president to solve the border issue overnight. all that being said, and i know she is in a really tough situation, it was jarring to hear this administration sounds so much like the last administration, especially on the issue of immigration. because she is the daughter of an immigrant. but as i say in my usa today piece, as the first black and first asian, and first woman to hold the second most powerful job in the country? she can't keep anybody happy. it is not possible. >> one of the things i think is very important to remember is that the intention behind a critique that matters. the intentions behind the critics from the left, they're really different then the criticism she gets from the right, they're like go put on the little vest and stand at the border into cosplay. somehow that is supposed to effectively solve this complex issue. speak a little bit more to what
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you just said about how it was jarring for the daughter of immigrants to say, do not come. how can she say something different that is more authentic to her own experience? >> exactly. the reason she is in a tricky position is the because the republicans are very good on this issue. not good on this issue with solutions and policy but with their messaging, and with their false information. they have framed this issue. they have their talking points already ready to go. to be quite blunt with you, zerlina, it shocking that the vice president wasn't briefed better. wasn't prepared better with her language and her wording on such a complicated issue. because for the republicans going to the border is a photo opportunity. kamala harris is tasked with solving the root issues that drive the border crisis. while the republicans are
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pouncing on this, the messaging around it is the fact that it is a very complex issue. while republicans are very good with images, the democrats need to get better with the messaging because we kind of set the vice president to load lions den on this issue. >> it seems to me like we cannot forget how complex this issue is and sometimes if a criticism is why are you doing this thing instead of that saying, explain to me how doing a is more important than the other thing. women and men are not assessed in the same way, and that is something we don't have to keep in mind talking about the vice president. can women get angry and actually show it, is that something that we are going to have to get used to now that we have a vice president in kamala harris who is a woman? how does she now navigate that dynamic? >> it is so tricky and it's full of land mines, as you and
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i know, zerlina, and as you know as a black woman, women of color, were not allowed to get emotional or be angry. we will be dismissed and written off as hysterical so fast, faster than you can say border. which is what i talk about in my upcoming book, we will be labeled and dismissed as hysterical, even when we have something valid to say. >> i do think that kamala harris is in a tough spot and people need to remember that just as jared kushner did not deliver middle east peace, our vice president is not gonna be able to solve for the crisis overnight. >> it's only been six months everybody. anushay hossain, thank you so much for being with us tonight. pete please stay safe. and be sure to tune in tomorrow morning, andrew mitchell has a one-on-one interview with secretary of state, anthony blinken from brussels ahead of nato summit there next week. the wide-ranging discussion will include biden's upcoming summit with putin, g7 disagreement over china and whether the u.s. is doing
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enough to get vaccines to the world. it will air throughout the day tomorrow on msnbc and nightly news. next, attorney general garland says the justice department is ready to take action on voting rights. but what exactly can the doj do, and will it be enough?
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and where we see violations we will not hesitate to act. we are also scrutinizing current laws and practices in order to determine whether the discriminate against black voters and other voters of color. >> this comes as democrats confront the reality that their window to enact sweeping voter protection laws appears to be closing. the john lewis voting rights act is working its way through the senate, but with only one single republican so far committed to supporting it. the likelihood of passage is pretty slim. for more, we're joined by msnbc's haze brown. a writer and editor of msnbc's daily. we are to see you hayes, thanks for joining us. >> glad to be with you. you've written a lot this week, or just period, full stop. specifically about voting rights. what's your reaction to merrick garland speech this week? is it too little, too late?
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>> i'm very glad that this is a top priority of the justice department. i'm really glad that after four years of trump the administration, basically leaving the voting rights section of the civil rights division shut down, i'm glad to hear that garland is really putting more resources to. it i'm not sure though, how much they're going to be able to do right now. one of the things that merrick garland said that was really interested is that they're going to be doubling the amount of staffers they have working on voter enforcement at the department of justice. but no one else no one knows how many that is. no one knows how many are working there right now. i try to acid apartment of justice, yesterday. haven't gotten an answer. yet the new york times is that. no i want to see how much -- how many resources is garland going to coordinate to. this because it's going to need a lot. between the scrutinizing of the new laws your they're talking about, looking at laws that have passed since 2013, when the voting rights act made section of enforcement was stripped away by the supreme court. they're going to be looking at
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redistricting. this is the first cycle for disrupting were states decided to redraw the lines they saw population from the census. since this voting rights law act was taken down by the supreme court, there is going to be really interesting to see how they juggle all of these very varying things. how much time, energy and money they're reeling to pour into the north suits that we necessary through rollback these changes. >> there is also this important point which is that lawsuits take time. challenges to laws take time. while the doj is over here hiring lawyers and getting them to work on that, congress has the the john lewis voting right act sitting there. they also have hr1, or as one, sitting there. but they need nine additional republicans for the john lewis voting rights act. there are zero for the hr1, for us one. just listen to what mitch mcconnell said about that on tuesday. ell said abo>> there's no threag
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rights law. it's against the law to discriminate in voting on the basis of race already. so i think it's unnecessary. >> what is your reaction to that? >> not surprised. because mitch mcconnell has had years. so in 2013, the supreme court in the shelby county decision said, sections four and five of the voting rights act of 1965, we don't need them anymore. section four decided which states the doj could look at and say, okay, give us your election laws before they are enacted. and will decide whether they discriminate. section five gives them enforcement ability to take action against those laws before they came into effect. that got taken down. mitch mcconnell has had years to correct this, because the supreme court said these are old, outdated. congress, do your job. and rewrite this so that -- because right now it's unconstitutional. mitch mcconnell has said no
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four years, to updating the voting rights act. there's been no proposal from republicans to update the voting rights act. despite many of them. so i'm not surprised that mitch is now saying oh, it's fine, there's no need to do anything else with the voting rights act. it's part of his stick for a while now. especially now that we see these actions in the states for republicans. i'm not surprised that this is what is coming out of his mouth. >> it's also pretty funny thinking about american history. we got the right to vote as black americans a really tongue long time before we were really able to actually vote. it was legal, but again, what you're able to do not always the same. let's talk about senator joe manchin, for a moment. his logic here is that he wants these voting rights bills to be bipartisan. but the ones that are passing on the state level, they are partisan. explicitly republican and partisan. doesn't his position seem to be
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contradictory when it comes to his opposition to the bills that are before him in the senate? >> i completely think so. i think it would be easy for him to justify by saying no, we're the federal and state can do what they want. except, that's wrong. that's a bad idea. we've seen what happens when states are given the ability to pass laws that are discriminatory against their voters. that is something that we have worked very hard as a country to stop the states from doing. and now here we are, ready to allow it to happen again. i think that mention, part of it is that he comes from this culture in west virginia of democrats, republicans, not being that far apart. trying their best to work together. but it doesn't work that way on a federal level, right now. none of what manchin is talking about works in the senate where mitch mcconnell has ability to return to his colleagues and say, if you do any vote for this, you will be cut. so i really think that mitch is not really thinking about this
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works at the federal level. >> i wonder if he did that motion? [laughs] >> msnbc's hayes brown, thank you for taking the time out tonight. please stay. safe still to come, one of the most decorated female gymnast in u.s. history, chelsea mammal, joins us live. and we'll talk about why going for gold is just as important. more and more important than winning it.
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>> crowds gathering in orlando tonight, to mark the five years since the polls nightclub shooting. 49 people died and dozens more were injured in what would become the deadliest attack targeting the lgbtq+ community in all of american history. this morning, in a statement
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commemorating the event, president biden called on congress to pass gun violence prevention measures, and address what he called a public health epidemic of gun violence. in the coming days, the president will sign a bill designating pulse nightclub as a national memorial. biden row in part, the bill will enshrine that pulse nightclub is hallowed ground. msnbc's candice gibson sports with members of that community. about how they're doing five years later. >> brandon wolf makes this journey he says, as frequently as possible. each visit to pulse, reigniting the memories of june 12th, 2016. brandon was inside the clubs bathroom when a gunman opened fire on the dance floor. the music was still -- >> the music was still playing. and about a dozen people rushed in the door, panic. they were screaming but their eyes were screaming. if that makes sense.
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i remember them crouching on the floor saying that there was a man with a gun. and there was this furious debate about whether we should hide or run. but we were in a men's only restroom, with no stalls and no doors. so the only option was to run. >> brandon escaping through a back door, his two best friends were on the dance floor at the time, did it stand a chance. they were around the 49 people killed, and more than 50 others who were injured. >> i'm curious where everybody is at this level? >> i think what has changed for me is that i've learned how to focus those things into a place of optimism. >> his optimism borne out of recent congressional elections where 40 plus an array backed candidates lost their elections. new gun laws banning bump stock and raising the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21. the state's first new gun
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legislation in more than 20 years. and in 2020, for the first time, moms demand action, outspent the nra. but his level of anger has also increased. >> i'm angry, yes. i'm angry that we still have elected leaders who turned their backs on us. >> specifically, florida's governor ron desantis, who removed funding for poll survivors from the next budget and signed an anti-trans bill on the very first day of this month. >> where are you, what's changed? >> that's such a big question for so many reasons. >> barbara is the owner of pulse, who's traveling overseas when she got that fateful phone call in the middle of the night. exactly four minutes after the shooting started. >> and that person said? >> the shooting inside, he shooting inside. i just kept screaming it. that someone was shooting inside. i didn't understand what that meant. that's just not comprehensible for a place like pulse which
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never had any problems before. not even altercation of any kind. so it was really hard to wrap your brain around. you can't quite comprehend what that really means. >> she spent the last five years trying to understand what took place at a pulse. >> so much has changed. where i am ebbs and flows every single day, throughout the year. i know it's been five years. sometimes it feels like it has been a long time. sometimes it feels still, like yesterday. i think it's just because of either things you see, or how you wake up in the morning. it really hits you at certain moments. of course, the closer june comes -- >> these days, pullman is using her energy and focus to the one pulse foundation, which includes a scholarship bearing each of the victims names. and the creation of the museum and memorial. the club itself will never reopen. >> i knew instantly. i knew instantly after being inside there that it could not
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reopen. we would not dancing there again. that was sacred space. we did it -- that was it. >> the pope massacre. a tragedy so immense, not even the passage of time can change its raw emotions and memories. >> that was msnbc's candice gibson reporting. next, shocking faculty misconduct allegations at yale law school. and what i can tell us about the power dynamics at early institutions. stick around. stick around
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switch now and get 2 unlimited lines and 2 free smartphones. and now get netflix on us. it's all included with 2 lines for only $70 bucks! only at t-mobile. >> yale law school has a
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reputation that precedes itself. it gave us four of our current supreme court justices. the students are challenging the power of that institution. and to people known as it's quote social sector. professor amy tua and her husband jed reuben fell. new york magazine detail a number of applications against julia. among them using her -- making -- and engage in an excessive drink with students in her home. tua spoke to the magazine. she denied posting the parties. but she did admit inviting students into her home for mentorship. she said she was quote publicly humiliated with the total falsehood. rubin health himself is halfway through a two year suspension after the university committee found he sexually harassed at least three former students.
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last august rubenfeld told new york magazine he denied ever sexually harassing anyone. adding, yes i've said stupid things that i regret over the course of my 30 years as a professor. and no professor who has taught as long as i have, that i know, doesn't have things they regret that they said. joining me now is a senior correspondent for new york magazine, a rain carbon. who wrote that piece. she's also the author of notorious rbg, the life and times of ruth bader ginsburg. thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you for having me, zerlina. >> erin, speak to why eel law school in particular, is really a power center. and how these two professors were at the center of it? >> sure. one of the reasons i was interested in reporting on this piece is precisely this nexus of power that you mentioned. that four supreme court justices that are sitting on the court right now attended, including brett kavanaugh and
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neil gorsuch, sonia shorter mayor, samuel alito. and the kind of pathway to power those go through law school. but it also go through very powerful professors to correct men students for all kind of opportunities. chief among them the clerk ships. if you get one of these clerk ships on the supreme court puts you on a big path in corporate law can involve a 400,000 dollar bonus. just to sign a deal with a law firm. six of the nine current supreme court justices clerk to on the supreme court themselves. so it might even lead you to the supreme court. this unusually small, only 200 students a year attend law school. is a pipeline to a lot of the powers that be right now. so, for two individuals who are happen to be married to each other. happen to be pretty colorful characters. to now stand accused of abusing that power by a whole new generation of students. this pointed me towards a new conflict that there were people who were coming forward and
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going through official processes, that were often really challenging once. saying that there had been an abuse of power. that this was -- the way the power was being told out in the case of dead rubenfeld, came at a cost to equal access to education. involved at the allegations of sexual harassment, from at least six women. possibly seven. found credible in at least three instances. and that kind of abuse of power that did not involve sexual harassment, alleged against amy chau. >> you wrote that factual key members at this school had mixed feelings. so you have the students collectively coming out. but the reaction of other faculty was mixed. one unnamed person said quote, there's a weed schism among school and students where they want to be the -- they want the place to be utterly transparent and utterly equitable. they also want to keep the prestige and privilege that the place affords. what do you think they were getting at there? >> i think that's the core
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message of the peace. the core tension of that comes up in the piece. which is to say that the students at yale law school are some of the most dazzling resumes in the country. they arrived there, they want their prestige, they want the access to the clerk ships. they want to clerk on the supreme court, maybe serve on the supreme court. maybe the attorney general. at the same time, they are protesting a way that these powerful bubbles are being handed out. for example, are the big handed out on the basis of favouritism? who the professor likes to party with. are they been handed out in an illegal way, arguably, because they're based on sexual harassment. which again, interferes with someone's access to education. >> absolutely. irin, thank you so much for being with us. that point at the end there about title ix is very important. coming up at the top of the hour, kim john lynn has strong opinions about k-pop? our saturday night roundtable is back and will get into it.
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up next, the states are offering a lot of wild stuff to can vince vaccine hesitant americans to get their shots. but the state of washington is taking it to a new high. it to a new high.
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wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans
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with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. i hope you're ready. 'cause we are. >> states and cities are offering residents all kinds of incentives for getting vaccinated. everything from amusement park passes to custom trucks, and lotteries are up for grabs. the cdc says that 64% of
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american adults have received at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine. president biden wants that number to reach 70% by the 4th of july. washington state, they're setting the bar high. puns intended. with its latest vaccine promotion. it's called, joints for jabs. nbc news said bone voice has the story. >> washington state residents who have yet to roll up their sleeves for a covid-19 vaccine could soon be rolling up a free joint. thanks to the states newest vaccine incentive. it's the latest spin on similar freebies popping up around the country. >> the cannabis industry had been asking to do the same. and our discussions we disk that we decided we could be able to make that happen. >> but there is a catch, the government is requiring participants get the shot on site before receiving any free we'd. instead of simply showing proof of vaccination. >> this means that pop shops in washington are scrambling to
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find qualified health care workers to administer the vaccine. >> i think many people are going to be interested in this? >> yeah. it's washington state. [laughs] >> on top of all that, the program is slated to end on july 12th. leaving little time for shops to set up an onsite clinic and and their window for the stores to offer visitors their second dose. so far, the incentive appears to be off to a slow start. only a few dispensaries have formally asked a stay about the program. other cities are trying out this idea, to. joints for jobs tables have been spotted in a less official capacity in both new york city and washington d.c.. a program out of one shot in michigan also saw some success earlier this year. >> the owner says, since then, he's handed out more than $30,000 worth of those pre rolled joints. >> and arizona dispensary also unveiled snacks for backs, which gives the newly vaccinated an edible gummy and a pre-will join. let's discuss different about washington's giveaways that is
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set up at the state level. but some critics see these bureaucratic barriers as confirmation that these incentive programs are falling flat. still, many argue, that every vaccine helps. >> i definitely think it will be well worth the effort getting as many people vaccinated. and if you can incentivize people to do that with a free joint, that a few people come out, when i think we did our part. >> that was nbc news is simone reporting. it's the top of the hour and i'm zerlina. right now president biden taking big steps on the world stage he met earlier with the french president, but is it enough to show america's biggest allies that democracies here to stay. we'll dig into that in just a few moments. plus -- ♪ ♪ ♪ king joan moon is calling k-pop a vicious cancer.


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