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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  June 14, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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country. that's what he did. he founded this movement. the world is my country, which is a quote from thomas payne, the rights of man. and this is one of his passports that he -- there are about 600,000 of us. and i was given one as kind of an honorary member. >> hey, hey, look at that. bringing your i.d. i love it. i have to pass it to joy. >> i'm sorry? >> i'm going to pass it to joy. we have the url up on the screen so folks can find out a lot more about this documentary. i know the issue is meaningful to you. >> okay. >> martin sheen, thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you, ari please say hello. >> i'll say hello to everybody. the hello to nicole, hello to joy,
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good-bye to me. joy reid is up next. i owe you 45 seconds. thank you. >> if you say hi to martin sheen and tell him i'm a fan we'll call it even. >> you got it. a reidout tonight with something we haven't had in four long years, a president who actually talked tough to russia. president biden continues his clean-up diplomacy today, bringing america back into the international fold at today's nato summit in brussels. in a news conference following a very busy day he previewed what is undoubtedly today's event, his meeting on wednesday with russian president vladimir putin. >> i'm going to make clear to president putin that there are areas where we can cooperate if he chooses. and if he chooses not to cooperate, and acts in a way that he has in the past relative to cyber security and some other
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activities, then we will respond. we should decide where -- it's in our mutual interest, and interest of the world to cooperate. and see if we can do that. and areas where we don't agree, make it clear with with what the red lines are. >> that's a stark departure from his predecessor, who you may remember humiliated himself and us, and repeatedly threatened to end america's involvement with nato alliance that has defined the world order after world war ii. president biden held meetings with key partners, reaffirming america to the alliance. and article v which states an attack on one is an attack on all, which our allies lived up to after 9/11.
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biden refused to discuss in detail what he intended to bring up with putin but said he wasn't looking for conflict. meanwhile, putin himself has already spoken out in an exclusive interview with nbc's keir simmons. the russian autocrat weighed in on american politics and insurrection in particular. he argued with literally no sense of irony that the roughly 500 accused insurrectionists facing charges are being persecuted for their political beliefs. and if it sounds like putin is now a full-fledged member of the republican effort to whitewash the events of that day, look no further than the leader of the crusade to rewrite history. moscow's little helper, wisconsin senator, ron johnson. >> we've seen plenty of video of people in the capitol. and they weren't rioting. it doesn't look like an armed insurrection when you have people that breached the capitol. and i don't condone it.
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they're staying within the rope lines in the rotunda. that's not what an armed insurrection would look like. >> wow! for his part, in his nbc news conference president biden renewed a call with respect to the maga insurrection, he said our allies know the character of our nation. >> i think that they have seen things happen, as we have, that shocked them and surprised them that could have happened but i think they, like i do, believe the american people are not going to sustain that kind of behavior. >> joining me now is ben rhodes, former deputy security adviser to president obama. julia aofi, washington correspondent for the new media company hook and michael steele, former chairman of the rnc and columnist. every leader who spoke today, ben, 10 to 12 of them, thanked him for meeting with putin right
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now. he called putin a worthy adversary. what do you make of putin weighing in on the maga insurrection on the side of the insurrectionists? doesn't seem surprising, but what do you make of him going out of his way to do that? >> well, i don't think there's anything surprising in that at all. there's been a putin that's always been something of a troll that likes to insert himself in american politics. let's not forget if you look at the russian disinformation campaigns and interventions in our politics, it's often to fuel the kind of conspiracy theories that led to that insurrection. they've been a party to this kind of information ecosystem that has propulgated conspiracy theory. on the other hand of the equation, joe biden very deliberately wanting to moot with our allies before he sits down with vladimir putin. just as he's working to fortify american democracy where there's a lot more work to do, there's work to be done to try to unify our g7 partners, part of the
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core of that democratic world that has been the subject of vladimir putin's efforts to sew division within our democracies and between us. his hope and objective is let's try to get unity within our alliances as best we can. let me hear from these other leaders and then this whole trip will culminate with a series of tough messages while exploring some areas where they can find some way to if not cooperate, at least coexist. >> absolutely. and jewel gentleman, this is your area of expertise. let me let you listen to vladimir putin in this interview with keir simmons. he wouldn't even say alexey navalny's name. >> will you commit that you will personally ensure that alexey navalny will leave prison alive? >> i perceive from the premise the person you mentioned the same measures will apply, not any worse to anyone else who happens to be in president. >> his name is alexey navalny.
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people will know -- >> i don't care. i don't care. >> he will leave prison alive? >> i don't care. obviously, this is somebody who has made his chief rival basically illegal. he has made his organization -- he has outlawed it and is starving and persecuting this man. how ironic for someone like that to talk about persecution. at this point do you perceive putin as fearing that the band is back together and he's on the other side? >> i think that's an excellent point about putin talking about persecution. it's quite rich. the rioter who broke into nancy pelosi's office and put her feet on his desk was on russian state tv over the weekend, and as some people have pointed out, if somebody had done that to putin's office, he wouldn't be alive to tell the tale on american tv, to put it mildly. as for the alliance, yeah, i
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think putin is a little worried but is trying to project an aura of calm that he's the one adult in the room watching with amusement at the american circus. i think the republican party is certainly providing a lot of ammunition for the russian side when they talk, you know, about -- and engage in what about-ism and say who are you to lecture us about democracy and human rights. if i were vladimir putin i would be thinking how long is biden going to be around and who will he be replaced by in 2024? will he be replaced by somebody much friendly to russia, from the trumpist camp? i wonder if he's waiting this out and saying okay, i just have to get through the next four years and then i'll be fine. >> and to that point, michael, the sort of putinization of the republican party precedes trump.
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in the president obama era, people like rudy giuliani praising putin as the real great leader and liking his autocratic style even before donald trump started suchlt supplocating himself to him. >> it is a shock and surprise that what's happened in terms of the consequence of president trump's phony populism has happened. and it is disappointing that so many of my republican colleagues in the senate, who i know know better, have been reluctant to take on, for example, an investigation because they're worried about being primaried. >> and he does talk about the fact that republicans are diminished in numbers, leadership fracture. it is an interesting thing, michael, for the republican party, the party of ronald
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reagan, in a very real way to have become the party of vladimir putin. >> oh, yeah. we are a hell of a long way from reagan's declaration of the evil empire formerly known as the ussr, soviet union, russia. and just calling out, you know, the balls and strikes in the relationship between the united states and russia. to the point that you made about, you know, this going back before trump, a lot of the rudy giulianis and others, and i think we will find out more, business relationships and ties that created this opportunity, this entry point for putin and his allies in russia to get ahold of, to look at both parties and see, where can we land? you know, when i went to one of the inaugural parties in 2016, '17, it was amazing to me, joy.
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there were more russians in the room than there were americans. and it was hosted, you know, by political interests that had financial ties. so you begin to see how all this works. and i think, you know, both ben and julia have made the salient point when it comes to putin. he's playing a longer game than most americans can even imagine. he's thinking, okay, i can hold out till 2024. my bet is that if not trump, a trump-like, someone a little more charismatic and a little more sophisticated will rise to the top. and i'm good. so, what you're going to see and what biden is doing is so important. he's trying to lay down some cobblestones so the next version of this relationship, to try to push it. navalny? i don't know who this man, i don't know who the dissident is. he's playing this like i'm above it all, but is strategically
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trying to position himself to be anyway stronger point when we get into the next presidential election and all hell breaks loose with what they're going to do in that election. the long game for russia is the bigger play here. >> julia, you were giving an amen there. a guy who is nicknamed moscow mitch as the leader of the republican party. you talk about lechlt nigrad lindsey. >> to michael point, it has pivoted from spreading democracy, in part because of the disaster that was the iraq war, and has turned into embracing this role of defending minority rule and saying we're not actually democracy, we're a representative republic. and the more they try to hold on to power by undemocratic means like packing the courts and gerrymandering and passing voter
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restriction laws, the more they are in natural alignment with moscow. i do have to say my last trip to moscow right before the pandemic, i went to this trendy food hall and i sat down in the restaurant, ordered a glass of beer, and they brought me a giuliani in an associate's glass. >> makes sense. >> how did that glass get there? >> makes sense. the end of the bebe netanyahu era, at least for now. we don't know if it's permanent. this guy has been around. i was watching him since he used to be on "nightline" in the late '80s. he has been around a really long time. what's the end of the era mean? he went out trumpy, too, angry, screaming and the whole thing. >> couple of things i would say. israel itself clearly it means an opportunity to move beyond the stalemate of politics that
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bebe netanyahu represented, extremely corrupt, showing autocratic tendencies. why the right, the left, islamist parties, jewish parties came together. this is who he is. it's kind of like saying we're shocked that the republican party is what it is in 2021, that we're embracing the big lie. the idea that netanyahu would go out in a torrid of conspiracy theories and attacks, this is who he has been this whole 12-year tenure t shows the danger of this particular strain of politics where you blend together a populism and a nationalism together with some authoritarian tendencies. >> yeah. >> and it ends up leaving societies deeply divided. my hope for israel is that they can move into a new era, healthier debate, a lot of huge issues to deal with. i think they can deal with it in a better way. they've decided collectively as an opposition if they can get
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beyond the psycho drama that's gripped them in four elections in less than two year. >> maybe not having somebody under indictment might be nice. that would be helpful. i'll have you come on to talk about your book. ben, julia, michael, thank you very much. nicole hannah jones joins me next on the freakout of her project. plus we'll head to charleston, west virginia, where a moral monday march is being led to ensure that joe manchin do the right thing and protect america. and stacey abrams is fighting to protect voting rights, launching a major new effort and is here tonight to sign you up to help help. what's the most consequential thing you've ever done in your life? raising a family, giving back to your family? tonight's absolute worst reveals his most consequential thing and it's just sad and evil. the reid out continues after this. reid out continues after this vo: the world is racing to create the clean energy jobs that will solve the climate crisis.
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from slavery to genocide to internment has been so sanitized you would be hard pressed to associate it with history at all. take, for example, how this textbook describes slavery, shown in a video by vox. >> the master often had a barbecue or picnic for his slaves. then they had a great frolic. even while working in the cotton fields they sang songs, making their work seem like. yikes. that's from "history of georgia" taught across junior high schools in georgia for decades. >> the danger of teaching whitewashed history isn't just tucked away in some dusty oiled
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textbook from the jim crow era. no with more than 20 states to ban the teaching of critical race theory, including idaho, where task force is looking into claims of indoctrination in schools. they've now committed a public records request to the boise school district that could cost tens of thousands of dollars because, remember, racism can be expensive. asking for all materials, curriculum and assignments used in classrooms and teacher trainings, using nicole hannah jones' 1619 project. joining me now is nicole hannah jones, creator of the 1619 project. at first it seemed like it was a fringe sort of attack on your project, on this project. it has now become a cause. just a sampling. in nevada, they want teachers there to wear body cameras so they can monitor what they're
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teaching to make sure they're not teaching things like the 1619 project. ron desantis in florida has accused -- he's making hay out of this for himself, want to make sure that we're not teaching kids to hate their country. in arizona they're talking about fining teachers $5,000 if they discuss hot button topics such as racial equity. this seems like madness, nicole. some of them are calling it -- they want patriotic education instead. in your view, what is this about? >> they for take time to discuss this, joy. we're in a dangerous period right now. people scoffed at them, when you read language of them they appear very silly. when you think about what this is actually trying to do, we know it's a narrative that allows us to enact dangerous policies, it is narrative that allows citizens to accept these
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erosions of civil rights. it's not incidental that the same states that are introducing the anti-critical race theory, anti-1619 project laws are also introducing voter suppression laws. these things are going hand in hand. the textbook you were just reading from, this is part of the lost cause narrative. the lost cause narrative is what justifies jim crow. it is a narrative that really erases the cause of the civil war. it really tries to saying black people were not ready for self rule, that black people could not self govern. that then justifies the enactment of laws that denied black people the right to vote and denied black people their citizenship right. i'm really concerned what these laws mean, outside of the fact that they're antithetical to the first amendment. that is going to lead to some very, very troublesome policies. we should really be concerned
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even though the laws seem silly. i don't think the emotions and the kind of really his teara that they're intended to invoke is silly at all. >> i agree with you. you're seeing these things enacted at the same time that some of the same voices are attacking black lives matter which a lot of young white people have joined, white people have joined. maybe their parents and grandparents don't like. you're seeing this national security threat of white nationalism that is actually threatening the lives of people in state capitals, what do you make of the fact that they've now merged and fused this idea of critical race, which has nothing to do with k through 12 education, with the 1619 project? they basically turned the two things in the same thing. it is a way of vilifying your work and dragging your work into this dangerous narrative. >> absolutely. i mean, this is really trying to take a turn.
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most teachers have not heard nor studied critical race theory. andteenliccally to use that to stoke resentment and also centric and hook it to the narrative of the 1619 project. why is that? when we looked last year, right, these were the largest civil rights protests in the history of this country. a 99, 98% white town in texas that had, you know, fought the federal government as late as the 1980s over segregation, was holding black lives matter marches. we saw in the polling the highest support for that movement. these weren't just young liberals. they were speaking to the moderates, conservative white americans who were also looking at this and saying, oh, my god, my country isn't what i thought it was. so 1619 unsettles that narrative and in unsettling that narrative, people are afraid
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that it unsettles power. that's what we're seeing, is a need to hold on to power and divide that social movement toward justice by making white americans, at least a significant of them who will be susceptible to this message believe, no, you're under attack. they're trying to take your history. they've gone too far. and that's why wedding these together is working so successfully. frankly, the media has played a big role in that, right? they were allowing republicans to really lead with this idea that, look at this bad diversity training. that's critical race theory gone amuck. those two things are not related whatsoever. by telling the stories in that way, we've really fallen victim to this propaganda campaign. >> you know, i have to tell you, first of all, one thing that the righter is very good at is branding. and because the critical race theory has the word "race" in it it's easier to talk about the complex narratives in the 1619
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project, they decided critical race theory, dragging a totally separate body of work into your work. i can tell you we're trying to get kimberly crenshaw on. she created critical race theory. we're trying to make sure people understand the difference. i'm waiting for scope trials. when the first first amendment case goes through, we're back in that world. it's pretty scary. nikole hannah jones, thank you for being here. appreciate your time. stacey abrams will be joining me to talk about her new effort. it's all one fight, guys. she'll be talking about her effort to protect voting rights. it's all connected. first the twisted logic and wacky rationalizations of a so-called would-be lawmaker would be hilarious if they weren't so dangerous. tonight's absolute worse is next. rous tonight's absolute worse is next this is hal. this is hal's heart.
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today, mitch mcconnell made something explicitly clear. a gop-controlled senate would never again confirm a democratic supreme court nominee. in other words, if they regain the majority, they plan to pack the court with conservative justices in perpetuity. the minority leader told radio host hugh hewitt it was highly unlikely that he would bring a biden nominee to the floor for a vote. >> i think in the middle of a presidential election, if you have a senate of the opposite party of the president, you have to go back to the 1880s to find the last time a vacancy was filled. i think it's highly unlikely. in fact, no, i don't think either party, if it controlled -- if it were different from the president, would confirm a supreme court nominee in the middle of an election. what was different in 2020 was we were of the same party as the
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president. >> well, mcconnell, the bible might call it wickedness in high places, aka evil. what he's also doing is daunting democrats, daring them to do something, anything. let's be honest, so far democrats have not done a thing to punish his rotten behavior. let's not forget in 2016 when mcconnell refused to even schedule a hearing for merrick garland. once he was elected, mcconnell blew up the filibuster rule to confirm federalist judge neal gorsuch, calling that the crowning jewel of his time as majority leader. >> i do think the issue that you raise is the single-most consequential thing that i've done in my time as majority leader of the senate, i preserved the scalia vacationancy for the gorsuch
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appointment. >> suffering the same fate as merrick garland. confirmed to the d.c. circuit court of appeals just moments ago. despite this outright taunting, west virginia senator joe manchin insists on having a little bit of faith in senate republicans. arizona senator kyrsten sinema believes the way to fix a broken senate is not to change the rule or change the behavior. good luck with that, kyrsten. then there's dianne feinstein who told forbes, if democracy were in jeopardy, i would want to protect it. i don't see it being in jeopardy right now. that said it's not democrats who are gleefully blocking the will of the american people. it's the republican party led by senate mantle leader mitch mcconnell. for that reason he, despite everything else, he is the absolute worst. and after the break, william barber doing more for democracy than the senators elected to
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the focus today, senator joe manchin. their goal, to get him to back off his unwavering commitment to the filibuster. joined by 150 west virginians. >> all the roads are falling apart here. and we need to get some things done. and we need to make sure that our votes can't get stolen. >> do you think that joe manchin and the positions he's taking right now are representative of all west virginians? >> i think they're representative of almost no west virginians. >> joining me now from charleston, west virginia, co-chair of the poor people's campaign, i don't know if you're
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able to hear the young lady, who our great reporter was talking with. what are you hearing from west virginians as you go around and talking to folks, bishop? >> well, people are angry here in west virginia. they're nonviolent but they're angry. and it was over 300 people from west virginia, ohio, kentucky. they said this man, joe manchin, is lying on them. 79%. manchin is 15,000 people who make less than $15 an hour. he's wrong when it comes to poor people. he's wrong when it comes to infrastructure. 46.7% of west virginians can't even afford water. today one of them said he was riding around in a porsche
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rather than doing right by poor people and another brother wanted me tell you, joy, in this country, we are the rulers of people. he's acting like the people are the hired help. he can sell out to the u.s. chamber of commerce, the koch brothers, and they have to do what he says and they have to do what he says. these are mountaineers and mountaineers say we are always free. they're coming to d.c. on the 23rd. they are angry. and they are saying this is not what their senator should be doing and start lying on them and saying he's doing it for west virginians. >> west virginia is a very poor state overall. but it's also not a very black state. you have a multiracial coalition behind you. people who work in the mining industry, people who are working low-wage jobs, who are white. so the perception has been that this people are right-wing, conservative, that joe manchin is doing what he's doing because they are conservative, these
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voters. you're saying that's not what you're finding? >> that's a bunch of foolishness. the fact of the matter, we make a mistake when we make voting rights and restoring the voting rights act, people's act all about race. it is about race but it's also about class. dr. king said you have to understand aristocracy in this country fear poor and low-income, black people and white people forming a coalition to change a nation. that's how it always happens. by him doing what he's doing, he's forcing us to show that this is about a battle for democracy. it is racist, but it's also class based. we've got to challenge it. and i'm telling you, the people here in this state, the coal miners are just as hot as the people in the hood. the nurses are just as hot as the teachers. and what they're saying is, look, he's serving the u.s. chamber of commerce and not the u.s. constitution. and by filibustering, he's blocking -- he's blocking the things that this state needs. he's standing against his own
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state. they didn't send him here -- send him there for that, send him to the senate for that. and they are coming to drchlt c., joy. let me tell you, when you look at this state, you're right. it's one of the poorest states in the nation. but it also, west virginia has a history -- they split from virginia because they didn't want to be like the rest of the south. and what they are saying is do right by us in this state. why would a senator from west virginia have his office in the lotto building? maybe because he's gambling with people's health care, living wages and people's voting rights. why would a senator from west virginia stand against $15 and a union? why would he stand against universal health care? why would he join and encourage the west virginia legislature in their passing of restrictive voting laws? when you suppress the vote guess what, you hurt poor folk in the mountains. you hurt black folk in the city. you hurt everybody. this is not about democrat verse republican and left versus right and conservative versus liberal. this is about right versus
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wrong. >> yeah. >> this is a moral issue, constitutional issue and we're going to stand and fight against it. >> bishop william barber in west virginia. >> we might do nonviolent sit-ins in his office. the people here are ready to go. you do not mess with mountaineers. that's the last thing you do is mess with mountaineers. am i right, mountaineers? [ crowd chants ] >> we hear y'all. former deputy chief of staff to senator harry reid. i hope you were able to hear that, senator reid, because they did vote overwhelmingly. it's a low turnout state. that's not what i just heard. what do you make of what you heard from those mountaineers and bishop barber? >> that was an incredibly important message.
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the work bishop barber is doing is incredibly important. i'm glad to hear that those folks are coming to d.c. that's a critical need right now. overall whether senator manchin is representing west virginians or not, one other piece of evidence, his opposition to the filibuster and for the people act are not being done on behalf of west virginians is the simple fact as recently as six months ago senator manchin was a co-sponsor of the for the people act. if it's so toxic to west virginia or so dramatically opposed by people from west virginia, that questions why he himself was a co-sponsor of it in the last conference. i think something else is going on. >> then let's talk about what's going on. i have been -- this has been puzzling me, too, adam. you have him being a co-sponsor, as you said, of the for the people act. u.s. chamber of commerce and koch brothers organization, americans for prosperity, put out a list of things they would like mr. manchin to be against.
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he's now against all of them. he also is stalling on an infrastructure bill that a state as poor as west virginia could very much need. is that how it works, organizations like the u.s. chamber, like americans for prosperity simply dictate to senators and then those senators do what they're told? is that how it works? >> well, you know, it's complicated. money plays a big role in politics. it certainly has played an even bigger role since the 2010 supreme court decision in citizens united. now we have not just campaign contributions to think about, but the way these groups are able to fund outside organizations, super pacs, c4s, those kinds of things. i think something else is going on here. i think senator manchin is very caught up in something that senators get very wrapped up in, which is sort of this inside the belt way ethos, an obsession with bipartisanship. i think they often fool themselves into thinking they're living in the west wing episode. and so i think it's a combination of factors here.
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and, you know, a big one is this idea that he's going to save the country by demonstrating bipartisanship. he said this in a number of interviews. and i think that's just rather silly. him and susan collins coming together on a bill is not going to change the historic forces that are working on this population and driving us into a polarized state that we're in right now. i think that what he is able to do something more achievable, which is to either deliver results for the people he represents or not. >> yeah. >> it really comes down to that choice. so far he's choosing not to deliver those things and i think that's a poor choice. >> he's up for re-election in 2024. it isn't about whether they vote for the record donald trump. that was a presidential vote. quet, joe manchin, is what did you do? what did you deliver for those people? that state is awfully poor for having a senator who seems so powerful. think about that, sir. adam, always great to have you here. the aftermath of trump's big lie is still playing out in statehouses across the country.
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thankfully, stacey abrams is here to tell us about a big push this summer for action on the federal level protecting voting rights. and that's after this quick break. rights and that's after this quick break. jeff's been to the bottom of the ocean. the tops of mountains. and wherever this guy runs off to.
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the big lie that the election was stolen pushed a -- pushed by a wannabe autocrat and his feckless followers is starting to have real consequences for the future of our democracy. "the associated press" reports that county officials who run elections are quitting or retiring early. after facing threats and intimidation, during the 2020-presidential election and its aftermath. and the possibility of punishment, in some states. that potentially opens up those jobs to various kooks and conspiracy theorists. and in arizona, we have seen what those conspiracies lead to with the state's ongoing election fraudit. but, because, you know, cyber ninjas searching for bamboo and ballots in the chicken poop
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wasn't bonkers enough, republicans are now to outsource that to other states. they are clearly meant to undermine faith in american democracy. and according to the brennen center, there are currently 389 suppression bills in 48 states. the senate could counter those efforts by passing the for the people act, which would expand voting rights. but with joe manchin in opposition, its chances of passing aren't looking so great. that's why, as we enter this hot-vax summer, stacey abrams is launching her hot call summer campaign. asking their supporters to call candidates every day. and i am joined now by stacey abrams, founder of fair fight action and author of "our time is now" available in paperback now, which is a great book. and, stacy, part of what we are seeing with these fake audits which are, also, now, apparently, georgia republicans
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are interested in bringing it to your state. part of it seems, to me, that it's gotv. it's way to excite their base by saying don't worry, we won't let the black people vote. but what's scary is it actually could stop a lot of people of color and young people from voting. how worried are you that these efforts, as ludicrous as some of them are, will actually impede people's ability to vote? >> well, i'm -- i'm deeply concerned because it's worked before. we keep forgetting that voter suppression isn't new. and these are variations on the theme. i -- i talk about it in "our time is now" that voter suppression began with the inception of this nation. but what has happened, in the 21st century, is that it's been digitized. it's been commoditized and it's been franchised out of the south and across the country. and what we are seeing with the fake audits, with the intimidation of election workers. with the criminalization of simply doing the job of managing democracy. we are seeing attacks, on all levels of our democracy. and we should be deeply
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concerned about it. but we should, also, remember that it's our democracy and we have the right a reassert ourselves and to push back. and that's why we are doing hot-call summer and why we are reaching out to every-single senator. calling on each of them, to do their job and to pass the for the people act. >> i want you to explain about how people can get involved in it because you are right. it's not just joe manchin. there -- there are 50 of them and it's not clear that there are not, you know, even ten of 'em, who are on the same side as him. with 389 bills in 48 states. every state, except delaware and vermont, is now pushing to make it harder to vote. and again, i think it's partly gotv but we're talking about -- you are also seeing limiting the power of secretaries of state. or taking away their power, nay if they don't do as they are told. it's bad enough to have a secretary of state in your state that said i am going to make this electorate perfect for myself, and then i am going to run for governor. what will it mean if some of
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these really-out-there people, get the job of secretary of state? >> so, we have got to pay attention to the fact these laws do things. one, they are anti-voter. they are designed to stop voters the republicans found inconvenient in this last election. namely, young people, people of color, the disabled. number two, these are anti-election worker bills. they are designed to get good people to abandon their post. to criminalize those, who still want to do their job. and to replace them with those, who will undermine the administration of elections. and, three, they are designed to subvert democracy. and the challenge is, to the extent we have secretaries of state, who support and suborn this behavior, they are hastening the demise of our democracy and this is not hyperbole. this is exactly what happens across the world when, you know, past, long-standing democracies start to erode. it begins by undermining how people feel not about the democracy that they have but about the administration of that democracy. and what this is intended to do
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to convince voters that it is not worth the effort, to your point, about being gotv. it's to convince those, who decided to show up for the first time. who, you know, decided they were going to push through those barriers, once more, that's not worth it and it's trying to convince those who want to believe the big lie that there is something in it for them, on the other side. that, if they break done democracy, they get something better on the other side. unfortunately, we know that is autocracy. it is not designed for their benefit and not designed for america's benefit. >> so what do we do? we talk on our calls when we do our calls like what is the plan? what is the pushback? what do we do? >> so, number one, go to stopjimcrow but we are asking everywhere to call their u.s. senators, both of them. call them every day. the number is 888-453-3211. 888-453-3211. when you call that number,
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it's -- it's painless. we will connect you to your u.s. senator. both, the first one. then, you talk to that person. then, you call back and do the second one. and yes, there are going to be some u.s. senators who won't answer the phone, who won't return your call. who will argue with you. but this is not about them. this is about them knowing that you know who they are. you know what you deserve. and that we are putting citizenship above -- above partisanship. we need a hot-call summer because they need to know that they cannot withstand the force of the american people when we decide to protect our democracy. >> and you have been an elected official, stacey. you know the power of big money and you know win of the reasons big money oppose s 1 is because it would go at the big money. a lot of people feel powerless against that kind of big, dark money. how do we defeat it? >> we have to remember that politicians are often motivated by money, peer pressure, or attention. and if we don't have the money to sway them, we can get to them with attention by calling out those who are doing right.
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and calling out those who are not doing their jobs. and then, it's peer pressure. it's getting those, who are standing on the side of right. giving them all of the attention and support we can. and forcing the other side to recognize that, if they want to keep their jobs, they have to do their jobs and protect our democracy. money is the easiest way to do it but we have got the power of the people, behind us. and if people stand up, especially those who showed up and changed the future of the world in 2020 and in january, 2021, here in georgia. if we can do that, we can do this. and hot-call summer is how we are going to get this done. >> have you talk today people, like warnock? senator warnock? about whether or not they believe that this kind of a strategy can work? because he's got a run. he's in this -- he's in this '22 -- he is on that ballot. >> absolutely. we know there are a number of u.s. senators who stand to lose their elections in 2022 if we do not protect our democracy. but we also have to remember that, beyond each, individual candidate, it's about who we are, as a people. as a nation.
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are we willing to lose our nation, to those who had the failed insurrection in january, and decided to franchise it to every-single state? the insurrection is continuing, and we have got to stop it in its tracks with the for the people act through hot-call summer. >> stacey abrams, if you will tweet all of that information out, put it in a tweet. i will retweet it and our show will as well. thank you very much, stacey abrams. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. tonight, on "all in." prosecution of capitol rioters continues in the republicans selling the big lie start cashing in, again. tonight, the latest turn in the slow-motion insurrection. then, first, it was the media. then, the democrats. now, his own white house counsel? who wasn't donald trump spying on? with the reporter who broke the mcgahn news. plus. >> everyone in that room, today, understood the shared appreciation, quite frankly, that america is back. as the


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