tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC June 18, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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our understanding of what happened to communities so we are able to diagnose what communities deserve because of what is historically taken from them. >> we can't cancel these conversations. we need to have these conversations, even if they're hard. clint smith, you made it easy. i thank you. i appreciate you taking the time out on friday night. stay safe. that's "all in" friday night. chris will be back monday. you can catch me on my show streaming on peacock weekdays at 6:00 p.m. eastern. good evening, rachel. >> thank you. thanks for joining us. it has come to my attention, it's friday. which is profoundly excellent news. it makes me all the more happy you are here. happy friday. thanks for being here. today is 150 days since president biden has been
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president biden, since he was sworn into office january 20th, 150 days ago. in terms of understanding what's happened since then, over the course of the 150 days, i think there's two things external to president biden's election that have made all the difference in terms of what's happened since. things that have been defining and determining the two sides in our politics. on the republican side, the major determining factor for them is that the former president, who joe biden beat in the election, is not only still around, he is agitating among his supporters and among republican elected officials across the country to promote this alternate reality fantasy that he didn't really lose. there was something wrong with the election. americans shouldn't believe in the election results. somehow it can all be undone. that is a truly weird thing. i know we have been cooking in that stew for months now. never lose sight of how truly
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weird that is. it's utterly unprecedented in our country to have an ex-president saying the current president is a pretender. it's truly weird. i think it's had kind of a warping affect on the republican party and on republicanism over the course of the 150 days of the biden presidency. that, of course, has led to the violent attack on the u.s. capitol on january 6 and the aftermath of that. it led to the elevation of quite insane conspiracies in conservative politics and media, including the latest on the fox news channel this week that says it was secretly the fbi that attacked the capitol on january 6. those weren't trump supporters. that was the fbi. now we know why we didn't see fbi director chris wray in public on january 6. he was obviously busy applying his face paint and shining up
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his helmet horns. i wouldn't have guessed it about the chest hair. you never know. clearly, i'm no expert. on that side of american politics, on the republican side, that has kind of been the determining thing. this new thing where they pretend their one-term president was the victim of a hoax election. he is the real president. he has to be reinstatreinstated. anything is justified. that strangeness external to the election of president biden, that has on the right, that has shaped the 150 days for the republican party in ways small and weird and large and weird, including republicans nationwide to restrict voting rights. on the pretext of these baseless claims there was wrong with the voting in the last election. more on that in a moment. i think that's been -- in the
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150 days, that dynamic in the republican party and on the right has been the sort of driving force. on the other side, on the democratic side, the thing external to the election of president biden that has been sort of determining and set the course is something that happened in the first week of january when two democratic u.s. senators were elected in the state of georgia. when they were elected senators from georgia, that added two senate seats to the democratic side of the column. that made the democratic party not only the party represented in the white house and in control of the house of representatives, it meant the democratic party would also control the u.s. senate. their election means that both houses of congress and the presidency are in control -- are under the leadership of the democratic party.
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that has been the determining thing in terms of how democratic politics and the dynamics within that side have unfolded over the last 150 days. that's why we had the covid relief bill. it's why president biden has his cabinet in place. control of both houses of congress and the white house is a precious thing for any party that gets it. president biden has that. the democrats have that. it means in theory that democrats can get stuff done. the majority in both houses of congress and the white house. if they can coordinate with what pelosi is able to move in the house and schumer is able to move in the senate, the democrats should be able to get stuff done. if there aren't party defections. some democrat becoming a republican or unexpected retirements or god forbid deaths
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or debilitating illnesses within the democrats' slim majority, then they have this precious thing for two years. two years until the next election where they very well may lose their majority. right? they have two years, 24 months to get stuff done with this precious control of both houses of congress and the white house. it's, of course, democrats' goal to use that precious 24 months efficiently, to get as much done as possible. on the republican side, if we are honest, it's their goal to waste as much of that time as possible so democrats and president biden can't use the time. they can't get stuff done in this precious 24 months that they've got. that's how this works. democrats want to maximize what they can do. republicans want to minimize what can be done by wasting as much time as they can. 24 months. except this time, democrats only got 23 months. because for the first month of
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the new congress, republican leader mitch mcconnell wouldn't agree to an organizing resolution to set the rules of the senate. even though chuck schumer and the democrats became the majority, schumer became the majority leader in the first week of january, when those georgia senators were elected. it wasn't until the first week of february that republicans in the senate actually let the democrats have control of the committees, control of the floor, all of the other things that a majority and majority leader is supposed to have. mitch mcconnell kept that himself. he just kept that first month for his own party. while he very, very, very turtle speed slowly begrudgingly agreed to finally hand over the gavel, only after he had burned a solid month off the calendar. thanks to that maneuver, which
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we forgot about, democrats actually, with this precious period where they have the majority in both houses of congress and the white house, they don't have 24 months. they have 23 months. mitch mcconnell stole the first month. they have 23. then there's august, on the senate calendar, they don't work in august. what are they, french? i kid you not. the senate's official website says the reason they take all of august off is in part -- look -- so senators can, catch up on their summer reading. for that noble reason, they take off all of august every year. it's on the calendar this way. in this congress, they will take off all of august this year and next year. take those months off the calendar. that gets the democrats from 24 months in theory down to 23 months because mcconnell stole their first month from them, then drop down two more months
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to 21 because of the august catching up on reading time. they have 21 months max to do anything. and it's june. more than four months -- four of the months are passed by. february, march, april, may. now we are in june. they are down to less than 17 months total to do everything they want to do. the next big thing they want to do is infrastructure, which is, bottom line, not actually coming together. they have spent weeks now merging into months now negotiating with republicans about what republicans want from an infrastructure bill. even though the republican leader, mitch mcconnell, promised ahead of time and in public that there won't be republican votes for the infrastructure bill. he said that out loud in public in advance, which should have been a clarifying thing. he said, there will be, and i quote, zero republicans who will vote for the infrastructure
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bill. but still, even though he said that at the beginning of may, weeks now, drifting into months now, there's the democrats talking earnestly with republicans about a thing they definitely will not vote for no matter what. while time passes, while a lot of time seems to be passing, progressive firebrand congresswoman ocasio-cortez put a fine point on this. yes, it's the role of progressives to push the democratic party's leadership to
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be more aggressive and more ambitious. but in this case, the number two democrat in the senate, dick durbin, is singing the same song as representative alexandria ocasio-cortez. this is from "the washington post." he says, i'm very impatient, said schumer's top lieutenant, senator dick durbin, with the calendar evaporating and only six scheduled workweeks between now and september, the party's chief vote counter said democrats could not afford to stomach much more delay. i have seen this movie before, he said. it's called the affordable care act. referring to the lengthy talks over health reform under president obama. we waited a calendar year for bipartisanship then and it never, ever appeared. the amount of time the democrats have to get anything done with these precious majorities they have got, it's been shrunk.
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durbin says between now and the fall, they have six workweeks on the calendar. they are burning daylight. it's time to get moving. understandable frustration there, both from firebrand pro bres recei progressives. massachusetts senator ed markey has an idea. he said this week, if the infrastructure bill isn't just negotiated, if it isn't -- if it isn't voted on and passed and on the president's desk before the august recess this year, before their big break to catch up on their summer reading, he says, if this isn't passed before the august recess, then they shouldn't take their august recess. they should cancel it. stay at work and get it done. that would have the practical
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affect of putting time back on the clock for democrats to use their precious majority to actually do stuff. reading is fundamental, i know. i don't want to discourage any senators from getting through their summer reading. i have quite a stack myself. why don't they plan to give themselves more time? what's more important than that in their jobs? that's what the republicans would do if the republicans had the majority. i don't say that speculatively. say i that because we know it for a fact. that's what they did. this was 2018. >> if you look at the amount of work that we have to do, it's inconceivable to me that we can't use these weeks. we have this backlog of nominations. to sum it up, i think we have enough work to do for the american people that we should be here during these weeks. everybody should anticipate that we will be here as i announce
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today. >> everybody should anticipate we will be here as i announced today. what he had announced -- this was 2018, trump was president. republicans were in control of the senate. what he announced is they were cancelling the august recess. they shortened it. they took a single week off instead of the whole month off. they did it because they could. because mitch mcconnell and the republicans had the majority. they wanted to use it to do stuff, even if their summer reading lists were going to be neglected. they didn't actually even have legislation they were working on at the time. they just wanted to confirm more trump judges. even still, they gave themselves time to do it. they gave themselves more power by giving themselves more time at work to use the majority they fought so hard for before they lost that majority. why don't democrats do that this year? they would give themselves more power and more options by giving
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themselves more time at work to do stuff while they were this precious majority that history says they are likely to lose and conceivably could lose before the next election. whether you are for the democrats' decision to spend weeks and months talking to republicans who will never vote for anything no matter how much talking they do, whether you like that strategy or you don't, even if you think the chatting with republican senators is valuable, why wouldn't you give yourselves more time to do that? even among people who disagree as to what democrats should be prioritizing and doing with their time, more time to do all of it would help any and all of those priorities. jonathan bernstein has recently been making this case at bloomberg news. congress should cancel its summer recess. he argues that more time means more options for the majority. he says, additional senate time
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would be valuable for the basic work of confirming biden's executive branch and judicial nominations. there's an increasing logjam that have been cleared for final action. it's likely to get worse with more than 100 still needs committee consideration. the results has been that the confirmation pace has fallen behind what it was at this point many obama's and george w. bush's presidencies. leaving town as scheduled for two weeks for the 4th of july and then another five weeks for august recess without making substantial progress on that gap, that would be irresponsible. but what about the summer reading? i think that that's a point well made about nominations. i think that that point is hard to argue with. it also equally applies to the legislation they want to pass, to infrastructure, which they have said they want to pass in july. okay. good. try. if you don't get it, why not say
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now that you are going to stay until you do get it done? that's what mcconnell did in 2018 when he didn't even have anything good he was working on. he was just so worried about giving up precious time in power before he potentially lost his slim majority in the senate, which the republicans did lose in the next election, that he said, you know what, there's better things we can do than take august off. right now, the democrats have a slimmer majority than mcconnell did. he had a 51-49 majority. for the democrats, it's 50/50 with harris breaking the tie. some elderly democratic senator takes off and gets a fright in the night or gets eaten by a shark, this will be over faster. anything could happen. they've got the majority by a thread right now.
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why not use the time they've got since nothing in life is certain? infrastructure is in process already. the first procedural stuff on infrastructure started this week. it's in process already. why not stay and get it done? voting rights. voting rights is about to be in process. the first test vote in the senate on voting rights is on tuesday. this is interesting. the anti-corruption group called represent us just released an amazing one-minute spot today to try to light a fire under us, under the country about passing the voting rights bill through the senate. i'm going to show it to you. background information for those of you at home who are as clueless as i am. the woman is katy perry who is famous. the man is her partner, orlando bloom, who is famous.
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they also in real life -- they have a nine-month-old daughter who is daisy. you will see why that's relevant. with that background for those of us who are a little dumb about these things, here it is. it's one minute. it is set in the year 2055. >> let's hope this works. >> we have to tell them. >> you are our only hope. the america you know doesn't exist in the future. democracy is dead. we have no voice. the regime watches our every move. >> it started when voter suppression ran wild over america. voting rights bill died in the
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senate. polling places closed. we lost our right to vote. >> this doesn't have to be. you have the power to change it. save democracy while you can. >> call your senator now. >> tell daisy we love her. >> the voting rights bills died in the senate. that lands with the delicacy of a sledgehammer. it's very well done. on katy perry's instagram, which has 123 million followers, you can watch that and then click through to an explainer about the for the people act, the phone number to call your senator, a sample script to use when calling. it's very well organized. right now, regardless of the amount of public pressure on this, it does seem like there's
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a brick wall on the way of passing it through the senate. would more time help? if senator joe manchin is trying to move republicans to vote for some kind of voting bill, would more time for him to do that help? probably not. wouldn't move any republicans, i don't think. would more time convince him it's never going to happen and there are ways to pass voting rights without republicans? which he should support, since he gave it his all. maybe that would help. it would probably help more than senators catching up on their summer reading while they burned up another month off their time holding the majority. the pressure is coming from the states, including the republican-controlled states where the lack of federal protections for voting rights mean that republican-led legislatures and republican governors are actively rolling back voting rights in the states as quickly as they can number the new bills to do so. texas is perhaps foremost among the states in terms of how aggressive republicans are being with their rollbacks of voting
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rights. also in the forefront in terms of how insistent texans are about the fact they need help to protect their voting rights, they need federal help here, they have been making this public case that texas republicans won't stop any of this. it's likely to get worse and worse as long as they can keep changing the election rules to keep themselves in power. this weekend, there's going to be a rally in texas in austin that is effectively being framed as a plea to washington, a plea to the united states senate that the senate should pass the for the people act, the federal voting rights act, so in states like texas, republicans no longer have the option of stripping voting rights even further. joining us is texas state representative fisher. he led the walkout of democrats
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thatstopped the bill there. representative, thank you for being with us. i appreciate you taking the time. >> happy friday. >> indeed. it has been, i know, a big week and likely a big weekend with this capital steps rally in austin. let me ask you where you think you are in the fight. how durable you think the victory is that you achieved in the legislature, you and your caucus, and how hopeful you are about further progress. >> listen, we are at that crucial moment. you have to go hard or go home. america is now talking about voting rights. we need real reform. we have a chance. we are holding the line in texas. we walked out, but that's not forever. republicans are silencing voices all over this country. they started in georgia. they silenced voices there. they went on to florida. when they were down in arizona,
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40,000 latinos, they came off the voting rolls. if we can silenced in texas, republicans will march all over this country until our democracy is destroyed. we will do it for daisy, just like on that video clip. we need to do it now. now is the time. >> when you were in washington -- forgive me if i'm wrong. i understand the among the people you met with is senator joe manchin, one democrat who is not signed on to support the for the people act. is that true? how did it go? >> yes. i met with senator manchin's chief of staff, for 45 minutes. everybody is telling me by washington standards, that's almost a lifetime. i will be very frank. they couldn't have been more kind. we went through s1 blow by blow. all of the compromise points released 24 hours later, we went through them. really, what really hit them over the head is as they were
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explaining west virginia law to me, i will be brief, but in west virginia, if you are in a county jail, you can get to vote by mail. if you work a shift and because you work a shift you can't vote during the day, you get to vote by mail. during the pandemic, you could vote by mail. we cannot do any of those things in texas. the hurdles are that high. so much tripwire on the ground. the voter discrimination in texas is intentional. that's why we need national reform. >> let me ask you about another texas specific part of this. it seems like from the outside that in anger, texas' republican governor has decided to effectively de-fund the legislature, to de-fund the people who work in the legislature, support staff, as punishment for you and your colleagues having walked out to stop the anti-voting bill. is that what's happening? am i reading correctly what he did today?
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>> you are reading that correctly. the governor needs a civics lesson. you are not going to hurt me. my salary is protected by the texas constitution. he will hurt the ones drawing maps for redistricting, which is another front on the attack on voting rights. he is proving our point, that this is sham government. if you ask me, these are the shams you do when you are not as cool as governor desantis, i guess. what he really needs to focus on is do the work himself. all this notion of building a wall, de-funding the legislature, all these things when we are not in town, he should be doing it when we are there if he has the bravado to pass that legislation. why doesn't he try when we are working in austin? he wants to play this where he wants to swing at everything. the people of texas know better.
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he is exhibit a as to consider we need national voting rights so that we can deal with governors and bullies like governor abbott. >> good luck this weekend with the austin event. come back any time. i know this fight is joined and it will not be a short one. come back and keep us apprised. >> thank you. we have much more to get to this friday night. stay with us. ♪ where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪♪ ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. (dad vo) i saw them out of the corner of my eye. just a blur when they jumped the median.ica. there was nothing i could do. (daughter) daddy!
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the united states will not hit the benchmark he set, to get 70% of the adult population one vaccine shot by july 4th. it's possible we could get there. the adult vaccination rate is still below 60% in half of the states. that is worth watching between now and the first week in july. it's a sign that they marked this other benchmark today. it was very interesting to see this week the biden administration announced a $3.2 billion effort to boost and speed the development of anti-viral drugs to treat covid, not vaccines, but a drug to treat you with if you get infected. a drug that can keep you from getting seriously ill. the most effective treatments we have are the antibody infusions
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which are amazingly effective. they have to be given at a specific time. they have to be given early on after infection, before somebody is sick enough to be hospitalized. for whatever reason, we can't get it together as a country to concur the logistical challenge to administer those. they have to be administered by infusion. even those drugs show promise. their impact has been limited because of the constraints on how those drugs are used. the idea behind the new $3.2 billion anti-viral investment is that we should be able to develop an easy, simple pill you take that just makes you better if you get infected. the hope, if the research goes well, is some of the first contenders for a treatment like that could be online and ready by the end of this year. that's potentially some very good news. it's an interesting insight into the government putting that big amount of money into that. it could obviously be a game
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changer. here is my nominee for best story of the day. april last year, the inspector general at the u.s. department of health and human services released a report. that report said hospitals around the united states were desperately short on covid tests and on ppe, protective equipment for hospital staff. a reporter informed president trump about that report and its findings at a white house covid briefing where the president had been in the middle of crowing about how awesome the federal government's response was to the pandemic. trump responded by declaring that report to bemanded to know inspector general's name. he assumed it was a dude. once he found out her name, president trump proceeded to attack her publically. then he tried to replace her to install a different inspector general he hand picked. that's how it started. here is how it's going.
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president biden today announced that not is he keeping that official on at hhs, he is now nominating her to be the senate confirmed inspector general for the health and human services agency. she told the american public uncomfortable truths about the pandemic that very much upset white house and put a bull's eye on her from the president. now we have a new president. this president has decided that that is the kind of person who tells hard truths, who deserves a promotion and a permanent job. elections have consequences. character does, too. e back to that same old place♪ ♪that you laughed about♪ ♪well, the names have all changed♪ ♪since you hung around♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. darrell's family uses gain flings now so their laundry smells more amazing than ever. isn't that the dog's towel?
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we're offering a 30-day risk-free trial. call 1-800-miracle today and experience the miracle-ear advantage. it's all coming together. and teachers and school staff have worked hard to get us here. securing federal funding, vaccines and making sure public schools are welcoming and safe for everyone. this fall, it's back to school. five days a week. we're excited to be with our students in person. as a parent, i had concerns, but with safeguards in place, i'm ready now. let's do this! we're all-in! ready to help every child recover and thrive! a message from the american federation of teachers.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ monitor, check and lock down you money with security from chase. control feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. prosecutors are tough guys. they are not always guys. even when they are women, they are tough guys. they are prosecuting law breakers. they are seeking prison terms for bad guys. they are insisting the law will be followed and there will be
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consequences for those who don't follow the law, because they are many charge of administering those consequences. being a prosecutor is not a shrinking violet job. it's also not the kind of job in which you hear an apology. so this footage i'm about to show you from a conference room in the courthouse in st. louis, missouri, this is unlike anything i have seen before from a prosecutor anywhere. watch this. >> advocating for mr. strictland's freedom and his conviction should be vacated. this man must be freed immediately. my job is to protect the innocent. often, prosecutors show hubris. today, my job is to apologize.
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it's important to recognize when the system has made wrongs. what we did in this case was wrong. to mr. strictland, i am profoundly sorry. i am profoundly sorry for the harm that has come to you. it is not, however, just mr. strictland i owe an apology to. it's to the victim's families in this case. i can stop there. harms like this extend beyond criminal defendants and those with the title of victim. it goes to the broader community. to that end, i want to tell this community that i represent that i find this mistake in this system to be profound, to be one
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that i should take every ounce of energy i have to correct. i am sorry for this mistake made by this system. >> i find this mistake and this system to be profound, one that should take every ounce of energy i have to correct. that's the head of the prosecutor office. the man she apologized to directly in that statement is this man. he has been in prison for over 40 years. her office, which prosecuted him in that case, they have determined he didn't do it. that he shouldn't have been prosecuted. it wasn't him. the case against him was based on a single witness who recanted her testimony, who says it wasn't him. she sought to have him released. two other men convicted in
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conjunction with the crime say he didn't do it. the prosecutor's review of the case found that that case was brought against him in profound error. we reported on this case a few times in the last few weeks, following reportreporting. what is astonishing to me is that this story is still out there now for us to still be talking about it. that remarkable press conference by the prosecutor, that was 39 days ago. that was may 10th. he is still in jail. our justice system is adversarial. they fight it out. in this case, it is not the defense, it's the prosecuing side saying, no, there's no case. we were wrong. he needs to be freed. saying it in profound and moving and ernest terms. 39 days ago you heard that prosecutor. no action. he is still in prison. how is this possible?
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joining us is the head prosecutor. thank you for joining us. i have been looking forward to the chance to talk with you. >> thank you for having me. >> i assume that that statement that you gave on may 10th was something very profoundly different than other public statements you have had to make. i imagine that must have been hard to do and must have been something that stuck with you. >> it's a humbing job. many days in this job are humbling. this is the right thing to do. it continues to be a failure as i sit here talking to you, that he remains in jail tonight is another wrong. i intend to do everything i can in my power to make sure it's corrected. >> the missouri supreme court did not act on his case.
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the governor of missouri has made very clear that he is in rush to do right by him. he does not see this as a priority. how do you think this ends ultimately? do you think the governor ultimately will free him? will there have to be some different path? >> the governor has that power. he issued 36 pardons very recently. most of those people were already out of prison. however, i think mr. strictland is rightly in that category of someone who is deserving of that kind of government action by our governor. it may not happen. i'm looking into the future, i can't see what's going to happen here. what the governor has the ability to do is sign a bill into law that would give me the
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power to at least go to a local judge and say, judge, we made a mistake and i want -- i am asking you to hear the evidence and give a remedy. >> that bill has been sitting on the governor's desk without action, isn't that true? >> that's right. that's right. i do expect that will become law. i do expect on its effective date of august 28, at 9:00 a.m., i will act. the first moment i have a moment to act. >> i know from statements from your office that you have had the opportunity to meet with the victim's families from this crime, this triple murder for which mr. strictland was wrongfully convicted, to talk with them about the profound affect that this has to have on them in terms of closure and peace over the loss of their loved ones. you met with the family of the woman who was a witness in this case, who recanted her
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testimony, who wanted to see him cleared. she was also a victim in that crime. she was injured in that crime. can you tell me anything -- obviously, respecting privacy. can you tell me how the victim's families and her family felt about this turn in this case? >> i think i shouldn't be surprised. i have been in this job a while. victims have constantly given me great heart. it's really an honor to represent them in the system that i have. these victims, i guess i hoped 43 years would mend more wounds. it is just another reminder to me that this type of injury doesn't get mended. it's one you learn to live with. you learn to go on. the harm is always right there. each one of the victims that i
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met with, several sisters, brothers, a mom, all reported the same, that this is a harm that they live with to this day. >> head prosecutor, leading this profound effort now to try to reverse what was a wrongful conviction to free a man who has spent 43 years in prison it is believed he did not commit. thank you very much for your time tonight. you mentioned august 28th, if nothing else happens, you will have powers to try to address this. keep us apprised. we would love to stay up to date on what's happening. >> we will fight for him. >> thank you so much. we'll be right back. stay with us. ack. stay with us camera man: yeah, 1 out of 3 people get shingles in their lifetime. well that leaves 2 out of 3 people who don't. i don't know anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles.
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you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated. baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now. ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na... ♪ hey hey hey. ♪ goodbye. ♪ na na na na... ♪ hey hey hey. ♪ goodbye. ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na... the world's first six-function multipro tailgate. available on the gmc sierra. (computer beeps) the world's first six-f(shaq)n multipro tailgatemagenta? i hate cartridges. not magenta, not magenta. i'm not going back to the store.
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we have a celebration to die for. a tiny little park called sycamore park, we had 30,000 people. >> oh, my goodness. >> the paper said in a three-day period 10,000 people a day. oh, but did we have fun. we were partying. well, the park's supposed to close at 10:00, and all they did was to pull the plug that turned the lights off. that meant we were supposed to go home. why did i get on a flatbed truck and put that plug back in and partied until dawn. >> 94-year-old opal lee reminiscing about celebrating juneteenth in fortt worth texas. we talked on the show last night
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1939 juneteenth her family's home in fort worth was attacked and burnled by a white mob. since then she's become a nationwide advocate to make juneteenth a holiday. and she's also been a fixture in celebrations in fort worth, texas. every year in fort worth, opal lee organizes a 2 1/2 mile walk on juneteenth to the courthouse to signify the 2 1/2 years after the signing of the emancipation proclamation during which black texans remained enslaved. when she does that walk tomorrow in fort worth it'll be the first time she laces up her tennis shoes to do so on a federal holiday. fort worth will celebrate juneteenth tomorrow with that 2 1/2 mile walk, also with a big church service in the morning with an outdoor concert and a fireworks display. it has a celebration every year
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like lots of american cities, but this will be the first time the celebrations are marked by a federal holiday. not just in fort worth but all over the country. chicago tomorrow is going to be holding a big march to commemorate juneteenth. there'll be a parade in philadelphia tomorrow, same thing in atlanta. i have it on good authority the atlanta parade has an all female motorcycle escort team. hello. one of the many events going on in the bay area is a lawn party in oakland, in the great city of oakland, california. in tucson they're hosting a huge block party. there'll be performances at night. at the juneteenth celebration in biloxi, mississippi, music and art and free food and also free covid shots between the hours of 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. in biloxi. south dakota right now is the only state in the country that hasn't recognized juneteenth as any state holiday or day of observance. there's going to be a freedom walk in the morning and deejay
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battle and art show in the afternoon. all of those are just a sampling. see where you live. see how your city or town is celebrating juneteenth. i know these celebrations happen every year especially in black communities across the country but this year for all the obvious reasons, this is going to be the one where you get back up on the flatbed. this is going to be a special moment this year. s going to be moment this year with cutting-edge tech, world-class interiors, and peerless design... their only competition is each other. the incomparable mercedes-benz suvs. extraordinary runs in the family. visit your local mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional financing offers on select suvs.
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i just double-checked, triple checked. it is in fact friday so good-bye. i'll see you again on monday. now it's time for the "last word" where ali velshi is in for lawrence tonight. good evening, ali. >> good evening, rachel. have yourself the great first official juneteenth and let's make note of this day in history, that there's been juneteenth sell prated for many years but this is the first time we're doing it as a federal holiday which is
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