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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  June 20, 2021 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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our offices next to each other and we used to sit and have some fun conversations, just sitting and talking about the world. may that happen again, my friend. d.l. hughley, actor, comedian and author of the new book "how to survive america". it's on sale now. thanks for joining us. the voting rights battle is heating up in texas. state democrats there continue to hold off the passage of a restrictive new voting law and now they've got the support of the white house. i'll talk to a member of their new chamber in just a moment. also, we're keeping an eye on the situation in wilton manors florida, where at least one person is dead after a truck plowed into a crowd at a pride parade. good morning, it is saturday, june the 20th. i'm ali velshi. the fight for voting rights continues. the gop's ongoing assault on democratic institutions continues in the form of partisan anti-democratic power
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grabs, all steeped in the insurrectionist former president's big election lie. in "the new york times" this morning, republican state lawmakers have introduced at least 216 bills in 41 states to give legislators more power over election officials. 24 have been enacted into law across 14 states. already, gop lawmakers have stripped secretaries of state of their power, asserted more control over state election boards, made it easier to overturn election results and pursued several partisan audits and inspections of 2020 results. the situation continues to deteriorate in texas where democrats have prevented the gop from making it easier to overturn the results of an election, but only temporarily, and in response to democrats' efforts in texas, the republican governor, greg abbott, followed through on his threat of what is essentially extortion of the legislative branch. he's withholding pay, defunding
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the legislature, until they come back for a special session and pass republicans' package of voter suppression rules. that move came at the end of a busy week for abbott, which also included signing seven new gun bills into law, including one allowing for perm mit-less pistol carry and still fighting for donald trump's 2016 campaign promise and will indeed build a border wall using $250 million of state revenue. that's not actually close to enough funds, so abbott is literally crowd funding for donations to build a wall of former reality tv show host said that mexico would pay for six years ago. remember that, mexico was going to pay for this wall. vice president kamala harris hosted several of the texas state democrats at the white house. their collective walk-out is what has temporarily halted the passage of sb-7, which is the
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voter suppression package. >> the right to vote is a given. all citizens have the right to vote. what we are seeing are examples of an attempt to interfere with that right. we are not asking for the bestowal of a right, we are talking about the preservation of a right, the right of citizenship. frankly, this is not a democratic or a republican issue, this is an american issue. this is an american issue. >> as i mentioned before, texas democrats have only temporarily stopped sb-7. that's what it's called. they are specifically and urgently calling for action at the federal level to support voting rights. on tuesday, the majority leader chuck schumer is set to bring the for the people act to the floor of the united states senate, where it's almost certainly going to fail. it doesn't appear to have votes to overcome a republican filibuster. but the latest version of this
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for the people act is a pared down version, which includes making election day a public holiday, mandating 15 consecutive days of early voting for federal elections, banning partisan jerdy mannedering, making automatic voter registration through the state dmvs and requiring voter i.d. that has allowable alternatives to allow you to prove who you are. this is all very reasonable and obvious stuff. not clear why anybody would have an objection to any of this. joining me now is one of the members of the texas slate legislature at the white house. democrat raphael, representative, good to see you. thank you for joining us. you had a message that you and your colleagues had sent to the vice president and, by the way, joe manchin, is that you cannot
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hold out against the republicans in texas for very long. they remain the majority. the governor is set against the protest effort that you and your democratic colleagues have launched. you need this for the people act in order to stop the things that are going on in texas, in arizona, in michigan, in georgia, in pennsylvania, and across this country. >> ali, thanks for having me this morning and happy father's day. >> to you, too, sir. >> to my dad who is watching for sure, we went to washington and we were well received by leader consumer and vice president harris. it is clear that the white house is focused on texas. they understand the voter suppression we're seeing in the state. what we told the white house and really senators in both chambers is that we need to make sure that the big lie, which has shown up at the steps of our
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capitol, is not successful. we need to preserve voting rights and we need federal legislation that is going to make sure that for partisan purposes people will not in fringe on texans rights to vote. >> walk-outs, peaceful protests, they're also stopping the pay of staffers in the legislature. how does that affect how long you can hold out for? >> well, imagine for a second if joe biden was unhappy with congress and he zeroed out congress's budget. first of all, it's unconstitutional and that's what greg abbott has done. he has defunded the legislative branch that eliminates the checks and balances that are protected by the federal and state constitution. we can hold out on both sides of the aisle, they're the ones that are going to suffer and have sick parents at home and need to
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put food on the table and take care of their kids. he has unconstitutionally zeroed out our budgets and the hypocrisy is amazing, someone who touts himself as a constitutional conservative, ignoring the state and federal constitution. >> what can you do about that? can you sue, will you sue? >> the lawsuit is forthcoming shortly. i expect us to win that lawsuit. and then we're going to be back in a legislative session potentially where both republicans and democrats can let the governor know how we feel about his defunding the legislative branch. i suspect that the executive branch may have some comeuppance that's coming its way. >> what is the argument that you make to others? you have made the point to me often that your secretary of state in texas has made it clear that there was not voter fraud in the election. one of your statewide officials has been offering a reward that no one has taken up for finding
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voter fraud. this remains a problem in search of a cure, and yet republicans across this country have succeeded in convincing a number of lay people, citizens of this country, that, boy, we need to stop voter fraud wherever it happens, despite the fact that it's not happening. does this action by the governor of texas help you in your argument with republicans to put pressure on them to say, guys, this is simply undemocratic behavior? >> well, it's tyrannical behavior. our republican secretary, i'll reiterate it, said our election was safe, smooth and successful. and there was no evidence of fraud in the state of texas. in fact, you pointed out the billion dollar bounty that our republican lieutenant governor put out. it remains uncollected because nobody has been able to find voter fraud in the state. clearly when the going gets tough, greg abbott engages in political stunts and that's what's happening now. you know what texans care about? they cared about our failed
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electric grid, which we have statewide notices of conservation where companies are saying they're not coming to texas because we can't keep the power on. we had 700 texans to died during the winter storm. again, greg abbott is really comfortable engaging in political stunts for his own preservation and political gain, and not representing the people of texas. our election was safe, secure and successful, we need to preserve the right to vote. and republicans and democrats both know that. >> i'm getting to know a little bit about your family because you were on with me on mother's day, and i know your mother is watching, now your father is watching. so happy fathers day for him. i guess we should make a habit of getting together on some of these important memorial days. you are an interesting story in america. you are the child of immigrants. i believe your mother is from mexico and your father is from spain? >> you nailed it. i'm a proud son of immigrants. and i love america very much, and so do they. my mother came from mexico, that
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had one-party rule for 70 years with the pri and did not have free and fair elections. my dad came from an absolute dictatorship in most civil war sprain under general franco. so when you talk about stripping voting rights for no reason, then it really gets our attention as a family and we're going to fight like hell to make sure that does not happen. we want america to live up to principles of freedom that brought us here. the only way we have a free democracy is if we have a right to vote. if that's going to be taken away, i'm going to fight like hell to make sure it doesn't happen. >> representative, thank you again for joining us. best to your father. joining me is democratic representative davids of kansas, member of congress. she is a regional whip for the house and vice-chair of the house transportation and infrastructure committee. she's the authority of a new picture book autobiography telling the story of how she
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became one of the first native american women in congressman, the first open lgbtq congressman person and my favorite part is you are a mixed martial arts expert. thank you for joining us. you represent a different story as an american, but a different story than representative anchia. your family being here for a really, really long time in america. >> yeah, well, i'm happy to be here and, you know, i was just thinking about -- i have to come up with as good a line as my good friend secretary holland has. she says she's a 35th generation mexican. i'm somewhere around that 35th generation wisconsin-ite, i guess, since i'm from a tribe in wisconsin. we have been here for a very long time. >> which means that your struggle to be represented equally and the struggle of your
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people to be represented equal goes back a very long time and in a lot of ways this is deeply personal to you. the idea that voting rights are being taken away. because, frankly, for native americans, your rights are not complete as it stands in this country. everybody talks about the treaties that were signed with america's first nations, pretty much all of which have been broken. >> yeah, that's right. there's been a lot of -- there's a long, complex history that this country has with a lot of different groups, but for native folks or indigenous people here, we see a lot of disenfranchisement of the vote and it continues to go on. and i think the more we can push for the people act -- i know you were just talking about that a few minutes ago, the more we can push for that, the more likely it will be for all of us to be able to exercise our freedom to
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vote, and i think that -- you know, this is one of those areas where the history that people don't necessarily know is so important. native americans were not considered citizens of this country until 1924. that's a travesty, considering how long our people have been in this place that we call the united states. >> the only way we are going to change this, however, especially when you look at the democratic caucus in congress with respect to women, with respect of women of color, with respect now to native women, and there's some history of indigenous people in congress that goes back some time. but the only way we're going to change this is that, getting these people who have otherwise been disenfranchised or not fully represented to do that. that's part of what your book does. you're talking to kids, to say one way to fix this is to have
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the level of involvement that they have had. now, we've seen that in georgia with the women, particularly the women of color, who have gone out and said despite the efforts to disenfranchise people, we are going to enfranchise people. that has met with some success in indigenous communities as well. >> yeah, you know, we only have to look at this most recent election where in states like arizona the turnout of native voters really had an impact on the results, and i think that every time all of our communities can come together and speak with one voice in terms of making sure that everybody has the ability to exercise their right and freedom to vote, the better off we all are. we don't all have to vote exactly the same way. we don't all have exactly the
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same issues. but when it comes to the core of our democracy, it is so important that we all move toward a direction of making sure that everybody who is eligible to vote is able to get registered, cast their ballot and have it counted. >> you represent the 3rd district in kansas, which is not known for a concentration of minority populations or indigenous populations. you are representing a group of americans who thought that you were the best candidate to represent them, and in fact in that election your background, your ethnic background didn't play a substantial role. you just presented as the best candidate and they voted for you? >> i think that when it comes to, you know, the resetting of expectations that we saw in 2018 and the continuation of that resetting in 2020, i think what we saw was that people want to
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know that you are showing up to help your community. and some of the things that have kind of failed over time are that people have not felt like their voices have been heard. and in some ways it's because we have a congress that for so long has been made up of a very homogenous group of people that were not listening. and i think one of the most powerful things that we bring as the most diverse class ever to come into congress and the new members who come in in every session, i fully expect we're going to have some pretty amazing people in the next session of congress as well, is that people who have different experiences than the traditional path to congress are able to show up and say, who isn't in the room? who hasn't been here before? who do we need to talk to and listen to in order to get to the better policies that are going to make our country the
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idealistic place that we want it to be and that we hope for? >> representative davids of kansas, thank you for joining us. good to see you. still ahead, the global covid recovery is depending on a full economic -- or is dependent on a full economic recovery. i'm going to talk to the managing director of the international monetary fund about how we get there. plus, tragedy strikes at a pride parade in florida. i'm going to speak with someone on the scene as it unfolded. and senator ron johnson long pushed to fight juneteenth as a federal holiday, then he showed up at a celebration yesterday. that didn't go well. back in a moment. new citi c cas℠, a different kind of card that rewards dan where his spending is trending. just ask stepping outside his comfort zone dan... dan: okay, i don't know where the hole for this is. or fourth time streaming that period drama dan... dan: you just made me miss her best line, dan: so now i'm going to have to start it again. even insisted he didn't need directions dan.
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history says: fine jewelry for occasions. we say: forget occasions. (snap) fine jewelry for every day, minus the traditional markups. ♪♪ tragedy strikes at a gay pride event in southern florida. a driver slammed into spectators killing one man and injuring
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another at the stonewall pride parade in the town of wilton manors. the driver was taken into police custody but it's not clear if the individual has been charged with anything. the driver and victims appear to be connected to the ft. lauderdale gay men's chorus. according to the group president, the truck was to be part of the entry into the parade. the group's president released a statement saying, to my knowledge, this was not an attack on the lgbtq community. however, police are saying they continue to evaluate all possibilities. joining us now is elijah manly, a candidate running for a seat in the florida statehouse. he was not yesterday's event when the incident occurred. thanks for joining us. whatever the cause was, it was tragic, and at the moment it seemed to be a very dangerous and frightening thing. tell me what you saw. >> well, first, thank you for having me on this morning. it was just a traumatizing
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situation all around. we went to the pride parade to have our first outing since this pandemic started, we haven't had the opportunity to go to a pride parade in about two years and i saw people go down and the first thing i thought was, you know, at first, maybe they're playing around, people are a little excited, and then people are running over telling me somebody is slamming a car into the crowd. it was just traumatizing. we just celebrated -- well, not celebrated, but had an opportunity to observe the lives lost from the pulse nightclub shooting just a few days ago. so seeing that all take place, i just thought to myself, is this happening again to our community? over time, we got more information. but the entire situation was just a scary situation all around. no one had any information, we didn't know if it was intentional or not at that time. i saw bodies on the ground. it was just a traumatizing
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experience all around. >> as you noted in your tweets, you had had an opportunity to talk to police. we don't have absolute clarity on what this is. it first sounded like it was an attack that may have been deliberate, then it came out that it may not have been, this may have been an accident. police are not ruling it out one way or the other. what is your latest information as to what has happened here? >> from what i understand from conversations with people in law enforcement, this was most likely an accident, the individual who was behind the wheel has been arrested, but it's more likely that this individual, his foot got stuck between the gas and pedal and it's a tragic, freak accident. unfortunately, they still have to go through with the investigation and get all the details and interview people to really get a full picture of how this accident happened.
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but, you know, still, for many people who were on the ground and who were in that scene at that time, it didn't seem to be an accident. it just seemed to be very intentional. but the information i have right now suggests it's an accident, and in that case i would ask that we wait until all the official details are released from the local law enforcement. >> well, regardless of what the cause is, there was some tragedy involved. but we would all be happier to learn that it was an accident than a deliberate act. thanks for being with us, elijah. elijah manly was at wilton manors at the pride parade. america's economic recovery from covid is only as good as the rest of the world's is going to be. if other countries are struggling to vaccinate, the u.s. will continue to suffer. i spoke to the managing director of the international monetary fund about that very issue. that's next. h, it's time for grilled cheese. ♪ ♪ after we make grilled cheese, ♪ ♪ then we're eating grilled cheese. ♪ ♪ because it's time. ♪
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el-erian test.
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starting to settle somewhere in the united states as vaccinations, somewhat in the united states as vaccinations increase, but inequality and lack of vaccine access in other countries around the world mean success is not universal and may not be for some time. the managing director of the international monetary fund says the key to bringing the world to a high level of growth economically is to get everybody vaccinated. earlier i asked kristalina georgieva if the imf is concerned about the vaccine situation globally. >> we are seeing a two-track recovery from the pandemic, with some countries, the united states in particular, doing really well. but others falling way behind. and this two-track recovery is because of a two-track vaccination. in the united states we may not be at 70%, but we are close, and you can see with your eyes
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traffic is back, restaurants are full. but you go to latin america, to africa, to south asia, and the rates of vaccinations are way below, even just 1%. why is that bad? of course it is bad for people and businesses in these countries, but it is also bad for the united states when these countries are wrestling still with the pandemic. supply chains can be effected, and we see when they're effected that translates into higher prices for goods. but most importantly, as long as this pandemic continues to roam around the world, it creates a fertile ground for new mutations and they ricochet back in countries that had vaccinations. so at the imf we have a simple
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message, vaccine policy is economic policy. let's vaccinate the world. >> and we have to look at this two ways. one is how we prepare the world for the next time this happens. we know that there were some failures in international coordination on this. but there's another concern, and that is you have policy goals at the imf that 40% of the world is vaccinated by the end of this year, 60% vaccinated by a year from now. the concern is not only if these new mutations ricochet, we might see at pandemic. how do we get to a point where we have vaccinated enough of the world that we can move on? >> we have presented a plan for vaccinations with a price tag of $50 billion. it sounds like a lot of money, but it is not, because if we do
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so, if we achieve the goal of 40% vaccination this year, 60% by next year, we will boost output globally by $9 trillion. in other words, our plan is possibly the best return on investment in our lifetimes. when we are presenting actions to be taken, they're very straightforward. one, some countries have more vaccines than people, and others do not have enough vaccines. so move from surplus to deficit countries as much as possible. united states has led the way. now we have a commitment of 1 billion doses. we need more. to produce more than necessary because we have the mutations, maybe we need boosters, because
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in poor countries the use of vaccines, unfortunately, is more difficult and that means more waste. and, three, and this is so important, vials have to turn into shots in the arm, and that means the logistics to get the developing world vaccinated ought to be in place. >> this is all still dealing with the current emergency that we're in. you have this remarkable view of the world. what has to be in place so that this isn't as much of a struggle next time? a lot of that infrastructure, that last mile, that idea of getting vials into shots in the arm, what should we have in place so we're ready for next time around? >> what we need are three things. one, we need health systems that are stronger, more able to respond when a pandemic hits.
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in other words, invest in the systems so they can serve us throughout. second, we need the alert system of the world to be more effective and be able to mobilize very quickly our scientists and our production capacity to deal with the next pandemic, instead of 300 days, let's aim for 100 days between a signal that pandemic is hitting us and vaccines being in place. and, three, we need cooperation. one of the failures this time around was everybody trying to take care of its own people, not recognizing we are interconnected. we need each other. we need solidarity in a time of crisis. >> you make it sound so simple. i know this is a complicated matter that you've spent a lot of time on. i appreciate you making these recommendations and these
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suggestions accessible to our audience. always good to talk to you. kristalina georgieva is the international monetary funds managing director. thanks for your time. let's go to space for a moment. here is a live look at the exterior of the international space station. you know i love this stuff. two astronauts are currently conducting a space walk right now as we speak to install new solar panels. space walks are incredibly dangerous, but i guess not as much for highly trained specialists like these guys. during a space walk, the astronauts literally walk in space, exiting the relatively safe interior quarters in order to make outside repairs. it is cool, but it is scary. this space walk is expected to last about six and a half hours, which is a remarkably long time to be on the outside of the space station. keep an eye on that for you. another eight states have ended their enhanced federal unemployment benefits earlier than expected. we'll tell you what you need to know about that next.
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said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh. age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. [music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ is mealtime a struggle?
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introducing ore-ida potato pay. where ore-ida golden crinkles are your crispy currency to pay for bites of this... ...with this. when kids won't eat dinner, potato pay them to. ore-ida. win at mealtime. shingles? oh... you mean bill. he's been a real pain. potato pay them to. again with the bill... what? it looks like a face. ...hearing about it 24/7 is painful enough... i don't want to catch it. well, you can't catch shingles, but the virus that causes it may already be inside you. does that mean bill might have company? - stop. you know shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaaat? yeah prevented. you can get vaccinated. oh, so... i guess it's just you, me and bill then. i'm making my appointment. bill's all yours... 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles today.
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this weekend more than 400,000 out of work americans lost a good chunk of unemployment aid. eight republican states, alabama, idaho, indiana, nebraska, new hampshire, north dakota, west virginia and wyoming ended enhancement benefits effective yesterday. they follow alaska, iowa, mississippi and missouri that
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opted out of enhanced benefits a week earlier. over the next month a total of 25 states will suspend the extra jobless benefits before they officially expire in september. according to cnbc analysis of labor department data, most states are cutting off all federal benefits, while some are only ending an extra $300 a week, as well as benefits for certain groups like the self-employed and the long-term unemployed. the federal unemployment assistance was launched in early 2020 when millions of americans found themselves out of work when the pandemic shut down much of the economy. the extra funds were a life-saver for millions of americans. now republican governors claim the aid is basically paying people to stay home, creating labor shortages and making it difficult for businesses to hire. but others say factors like continued covid risks and lack of liveable wages are holding folks back from re-entering the workforce. some lawmakers are pushing to end a loophole in the
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constitution that allowed another form of slavery, prison labor. any friend jonathan capehart joins me now. this is a story that a lot of people don't know the history of and the association of, that prison labor in many cases was started shortly after slavery, chain gangs and things like that were there to provide labor to a lot of american industry. >> right. that's right, ali. the 13th amendment, this all goes back to the 13th amendment, which abolished slavery, but there was a loophole and it was an exception as a form of criminal punishment and under the loophole many african-americans were arrested for minor crimes and forced to work, essentially put back into slavery. and you can still see the effects in our mass incarceration crisis today. and, ali, i'm going to talk to senator jeff merkley of oregon about his effort to revise the 13th amendment and close the
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loophole. also i'll talk to beto o'rourke, who is leading a big rally today in texas on voting rights as the senate prepares to vote for the for the people act, and then chicago mayer lori lightfoot will be here to talk about why she calls racism a public health threat in chicago. a very busy day on the sunday show. >> i'm exhausted just listening to that. for those people who didn't -- over the last year a lot of people watched films associated with black history in america, but for those who haven't watched "the 13th" this is a good example of when there were labor shortages, police went on round-ups to find people who committed no crime or committed remarkably petty crimes so they could be made to work for corporations. and that is a legacy that we still live with today. so i am really looking forward to this conversation on your show. jonathan, thank you, as always. jonathan capehart on the sunday show starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern here on msnbc. what happens when you do everything in your power to block a federal holiday that commemorates when the last
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enslaved americans learned that they were free two years late, and then you show up to a celebration of said holiday? you get booed. we're going to talk about this bold move by senator ron johnson next. introducing the new citi custom cash℠ card, a different kind of card that rewards rashida where her spending is trending. just ask overly confident diy rashida rashida: wait, was this the right wall? or last minute gift shopping rashida rashida: i'm putting a bow on it! wow. even sneaking away for a vacay rashida. rashida: shhh! i've earned this? from home improvement, drugstores, select travel and more earn 5% cash back that automatically adjusts to your top eligible spend category, up to $500 spent each billing cycle. ♪ making a fire ♪ by: foo fighters the best part of stepping into the spotlight isn't the awards or the acclaim.
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tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection, and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. are you ready to du more with less asthma? just ask your asthma specialist about dupixent. about, juneteenth finally coming into being a federal holiday, but a lot of things under attack, including critical race theory, which is being misrepresented by a lot of its opponents, and the 1619 project, which we've been talking about a lot, but without the presence of the person who has been central to it. so joining me now is nicole hanna jones with "the new york times" magazine and the creator of the 1619 project, and the staff writer for "the new yorker" and an msnbc
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contributor. welcome to both of you. nicole, you and i have had many conversations over the last couple of years about the 1619 project, and i am naively so excited about the fact that you sat with me in the studio i was in at the launch of that project and taught me things that i simply didn't know. and my only reaction to that with you was that, wow, i'm just smarter for something that you taught me. it has evolved and become convoluted with critical race theory and it has become the thing that republicans are very, very determined that their children don't learn, not because it's actually an interesting part of history, but because you are accused of having little white children hate themselves. can you please correct the record for me? >> thanks for having me on. i don't even know what to say to that. clearly there's nothing in this project or in critical race theory that says anything about
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little white children and how little white children should feel. that is just republican strategy and it's a way of dismissing this work that is forcing us to confront both the racist past of this country and the way the racist past shapes the society we live in by pretending what it's really doing is trying to paint all white children as racists or make all white people think they're racists. that's the opposite. my work is about structures, not about individuals. and they're actually trying to move us away from thinking that individuals alone are responsible, a few bad apples are responsible for inequality and are responsible for discrimination, and trying to show that there's actually much larger structures at play here. that's what we're trying to do. they don't want an exam nation of the systems of power or the larger structures that we started to see coming out of the global protest movements last year. they want to pretend that the inequality we see is a matter of
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a few bad actors and they're trying to suppress these truths. >> you were a child of the south and i was in mississippi this week about the story about the two black women who were awarded the valedictorian and salutatorian and two white parents complained. i had a great conversation with one of the white parents and black parents, but we really struggled with the idea of structural things that could have been at play here, because what folks wanted to think about is this is, as nicole says, a mistake, a clerical error, that thing that has no context to it. one of the things that critical race theory, which may just be poorly named, i don't know, because it's not actually meant to be critical of white people. it's meant to take a critical look at structures. it is something that is absent from so much discussion. a number of the people i spoke to in mississippi were saying everything here is not about race, and the fact is, maybe everything is not about race. everybody might be about structures that disadvantage
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certain people over others. >> sure. i am a child of southerners, i am personally a child of south queens, but the thing that is crucial here is that when we look at american institutions, there's an eni gma, all of them seem to produce fairly predictable outcomes, housing patterns, housing policies, lifetime expected income, our life expectancies, our educational system. if we look at our employment data, if we look at all of the major institutions that relate to life outcomes, they tend to yield the same sorts of racially hierarchal outcomes, and it's an enigma unless you can understand the history of those structures and how they have related
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specifically with policy and law. that's what critical race theory wants to do, say one of the dynamics at play here that are producing outcomes that have shored up a racial hierarchy despite the fact that we had a major civil rights movement in the middle of the 20th century that was supposed to eliminate these problems or vastly reduce them. that's the conversation we're trying to have. the last thing i'll say is there's a severe irony that brown versus board of education rested on the tests conducted by kenneth clark that showed that black childrens' psyches were damaged by racism, it was little black children who were damaged by white supremacy and bigotry. and the conversation we're having about exploring how that happens is being upended by the false allegation that we're making white children in fact hate themselves. >> i was talking about the fact when i was in birmingham you were telling me your people were
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from there, right? >> that's right, that's right. >> so, nicole, i guess the distinction that some people are having trouble making with this is whether it's the 1619 project or critical race theory and they are not the same thing and we shouldn't convolute them, but the idea that there can be responsibility to change things without there being guilt. i go back to the me too stuff that we all went through a few years ago. you can realize, as i do, that you can be part of a construct that has disadvantaged women across this country without having deliberately done anything to disadvantage those people, but you can actually be part of the solution if you recognize the construct in which you have lived and benefitted from. >> absolutely. i mean, i say this all the time when i give talks about the 1619 project, when i give talks about racial inequality in this country, that it doesn't do any
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of us any good to feel guilty about things that other people have done or that our ancestors before us have done. but we do have to acknowledge what are the impacts of what our ancestors have done. and then we have to make a decision that we are either going to just bury it and not deal with that, or we are going to try to change our society to address the inequalities that were created. ties that were created >> what people are arguing for is an understanding of what built this country and all of the inequalities, and once you have that knowledge, you cannot pretend that you didn't know and then you are forced to actually do something. >> right. >> this is what me too did. we have to acknowledge, wow, all of this discrimination and harassment has been happening to
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women, we have put it under the covers, and once it's uncovered then we do bear a responsibility to act. that's really where we are. people don't want to be confronted with this because then they must do something different. >> that's okay, because we can all do something different. we can change things for the future. standby, both of you. i want to talk about voting i want to talk about voting rights in this country.ts in thy age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. with downy infusions, boost® high protein also let the scent set the mood.
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back with when he, nicole
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hannah jones, prize winning journalist creator of the 1619 project, jelani cobb is a staff writer and from queens, ancestry in the south. roy blunt was asked by a reporter why he wasn't on side with the changes that joe manchin suggested to the for the people voting rights act. listen to what he said about it. >> well, we all, i think every one of us, looks for opportunities to work with senator manchin. we found those opportunities. i actually think when stacey abrams immediately endorsed senator manchin it became the stacey abrams substitute, not the joe manchin substitute. >> what a way to undermine an interesting idea. joe manchin faced a lot of criticism. he came up with a compromise republicans might support.
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not joe manchin's idea, it's stacy abrams and hence republicans can't support that. >> yeah, if we are looking for republicans to support an effort that would make it much harder for them to do what they're doing in statehouses all across this country, we're just being very naive about the political landscape. and to our democracy's detriment. yes, stacey abrams, if she didn't endorse it, it would be a sign they don't want bipartisan ship, if she did endorse it, it's a sign it's a bill republicans can't support. republicans are not willing to support efforts to strengthen the vote. this is clear. we can see this by their voting patterns, what they are doing in georgia where they are removing democrats and people of color from election boards, where they are making it easier to overturn election results. we shouldn't be surprised by this, but we certainly have to keep reporting on it.
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>> jelani, rene graham who i spoke to wrote an op-ed in the boston globe about juneteenth, see them arguing over critical race theory what it is. it does not lionize whiteness. now when he's accused of thwarting bipartisan ship and stifling president biden's agenda, mcconnell can point to the juneteenth holiday as proof of republican cooperation. when he and his party are racists, he'll evoke the day when they laud black emancipation. i ask you this, jelani, in the context of voters rights, does supporting juneteenth give these republicans a bit of cover, we voted for juneteenth, we're all for black people? >> no, it does not give them cover at all. politically in terms of publicity, it might actually
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work. it is a deeply cynical premise beneath this, which is one of the reasons i think people have had such ambivalence about the coming of the holiday. i believe it is important to recognize emancipation and the demise of the institution, the demise of the institution, but at the same time recognize it was used to supplant other more substantial political claims we have, fundamentally, our ability to cast a ballot, to elect people of our choice. so, yeah, politically this is likely how this is going to play out. and, you know, we'll see again whether or not anything comes of this. the last thing i'll say about senator blunt's comments is it really is more honest than you anticipate because literally, it was perfectly fine when joe manchin said it. but the fact stacey abrams agreed with it made it toxic. their agenda does not define compromise. it's to do the opposite of whatever stacey abrams likes.
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>> thank you to the two of you for joining me. it's always a pleasure to speak to you. nicole, you shouldn't speak to it, wouldn't it be great if hannah jones were available to join our faculty. if she did, we would give her remarkable honors she earned and deserves because nicole hannah jones is an actual genius, something i don't get to say about my guests very often. jelani, you're a smart guy yourself. but nicole hannah jones is empirically a macarthur genius. thank you for being here. plus she's a pulitzer prize winner with "the new york times." 1619 project, jelani a staff writer and msnbc contributor. that does it for me. i'm neergt genius nor pulitzer prize winner. thanks for watching velshi.
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congratulations to all the dad's out there. jonathan capehart is loaded and ready to go. a critical week for democracy with the for the people act coming up for a senate vote. beto o'rourke jones me live before his big voting rights rally in texas. now that juneteenth is a federal holiday, there is a move to revise the 13th amendment to eradicate a lingering vestige of slavery. senator jeff markley is behind the effort and will be here to explain. and then there is this. >> critical race theory is bigoted, it is a lie, and it is every bit as racist as the klansmen in white sheets. >> come on, man. i'm jonathan capehart. this is the sunday show. this sunday the pressure is on for the senate to pass voting


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