tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC July 8, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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appreciated. happy to have you. here tonight, the first lady of the nation of haiti is in the united states. united states. home in the middle of the night last night by armed attackers who shot and grievously injured her. the same armed attackers killed her husband, the president of haiti. the u.s. has told staff at our u.s. embassy in haiti that they cannot leave the grounds. they are closing the u.s. embassy there.asmb haiti has a land border with one country, the dominican republic. crossings between haiti and the dominican republic have been closed. nobody's quite sure what's going to happen next, but chaos does seem like a good bet after the assassination of their president. haiti is a country with very close ties to the united statest there's a huge haitian-american
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diaspora in the united states. haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere.n we're their largest donor in terms of assistance of all kinds. but haiti has been in more than its usual share of chaos lately, including political chaos.of the president who was just assassinated late last night, arguably his term in office as president came to an end this past february, but he stayed ont nevertheless and declared that efforts to remove him for a coup attempt. and he had his political opponents arrested. haiti has multiple sources of authority in their government. there's a president and a prime minister and a haitian supreme court. the head of the supreme court just two weeks ago died of covid. there's essentially zero covid vaccination in the country, even among the elite, even among people like supreme court justices. in the wake of their president's assassination last night, it's the prime minister who has proclaimed now that he is in charge of the country.
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but nobody seems quite sure if y that's true or if that's proper if it is true. there's also the question of who did how were multiple assassins able to get inside the president's private residence to shoot him and his wife? and then how were they able to get away afterwards without a trace? there's a hunt on for them now. there are conflicting reports as to whether there may have been arrests.e basically it's been more than half a day since this happened. nobody seems to know conclusively what has become of the multiple assassins, despite the fact that witnesses from that neighbor in port-au-prince last night where the assassination happened said this was a large phalanx of attackers heavily armed in multiple vehicles, making no effort to hide themselves or to be quiet about what they were doing.s t where are they now, and who were they?
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the languages spoken in haiti by and large are creole and french. the president said that the assassins spoke english and spanish, presumably implying some sort of foreign attackers carried out the assassination or mercenary forces of some kind.t there is video circulating online of somebody at the scene of the assassination last night saying in whatas seems like an american southern accent that a dea operation was under way as in a drug enforcement administration operation.y nobody actually thinks a dea operation was under way, but who was at the scene of thisun presidential assassination in haiti last night speaking in an american southern accent and then apparently getting away afterward plus without being caught? president biden today released a statement calling the killing ap horrific assassination, calling it a heinous act. he also took a couple of questions on the matter from
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reporters at one point, he said, quote, we need a lot more information. but it's just -- he said, it's -- it's very worrisome. yeah, it is very worrisome. again, the first lady of haiti has come to the united states. she is in miami tonight for emergency medical care to try to save her life. she apparently was shot multiple times. but the haitian president is meh dead at the hands of assassins who got inside his home. those killers, as far as we know, have not been found. although, again, there are conflicting reports about potentially having been arrests tonight. everything we know about these assassins so far is spiked with about 1,000 red flags and tons of intrigue. w so we'll be, you know, watching this as it -- as this story continues to unfold. you know, spare a thought for our brothers and sisters in he haiti tonight. haiti, of course, an absolutely
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beleaguered country. it is just a few hundred miles off our coast. there are so many accomplished and wonderful haitian-americans in this country who are worried about their families tonight, worried about what is going to come next in that country. so keep haiti in your thoughts tonight. it's been an interesting day in the news today. lots of news developing. lots of very serious matters. on covid i think today may, in t retrospect, look like a landmark day for what appears to be a new phase of the covid response in our country. we've been watching really worrying headlines over the past couple of weeks out of southwest missouri, particularly out of springfield, missouri. missouri broadly has less than 40% of its population vaccinated. it apparently is far worse in the southwest part of the state. that has had consequences. they've got a rip-roaring covid
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epidemic right now in south western missouri thanks to low vaccination rates and thanks in significant part to this delta variant, which the vaccines apparently do work against, but it doesn't help you if you're not vaccinated., and the delta variant appears to be so much more transmissible than the initial variants of covid were, again for people who haven't had the vaccine. and this is a part of the country where not very many people have had the vaccine. multiple hospitals in the springfield, missouri, area started diverted new covid patients to other facilities because they were full up and couldn't handle anymore. the president and ceo of cox health put out a call to arms, respiratory therapists. springfield, missouri, is struggling with surging covid volumes. our heroic staff need reinforcements. if you are a respiratory therapist who can come to our aid, please call or text. we would be so grateful. that was yesterday at 10:30 a.m. the call to arms. by this morning at 8:21 a.m., lm apis that hospital ceo said that 14
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respiratory therapists had contacted his hospital offering to help. by today at lunchtime, more heartening news. the same ceo saying we've now had over 40 respiratory therapists respond to our request for offers will go out this afternoon, meaning offers to employ them will go out this afternoon. he says, quote, this will be such a relief for our staff who will allow us to better care for our community in this surge. q r again, that's the ceo of cox health in springfield, missouri, but the surge he is talking about there is for real, and it is bad. "the kansas city star" reporting just for context, a month ago that hospital had 35 inpatients. now they have 95. they've gone from 35 to 95 in patients in one month. the hospital says they're admitting on average 18 patients every day now.
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they think they're going up to 27 new admissions a day within the next two weeks. so they are trying to scale up their staffing and their physical capacity to handle the number of hospitalizations they're coping with because of the covid surge in southwest missouri. on top of their public call for respiratory therapists to please come from all over the country to help, they've already upped their staffing in the hospital. they've gone from their usual number of about 40 traveling nurses to 150 traveling nurses right now. and still they are struggling to keep up. at a different hospital in springfield, the chief administrative officer of mercy springfield is also publicly asking for respiratory therapists to come bolster their staff. tonight at mercy, he said their census is 120 covid patients. of their icu patients, 88% of them are on ventilators. he's been putting out these kinds of numbers daily for the m last few days, along with begging the people of southwest missouri to please get
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vaccinated to try to stop the surge there. this is some of the stuff he's posted in the last couple of days. quote, new day, new record. spent the night looking for ventilators because we ran out.n 47 patients on vents now. quote, running almost 50 vents now -- on a different day.-- we're expanding to a second covid icu and second stepdown. physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists are tired. heck, everyone is tired. traveling nurses coming this week. physician support being arranged. he says, if you are a respiratory therapist, call us. so the situation we've been watching -- and there's been public calls for help out of the health care system in southwest, missouri, springfield, missouri. now the federal government is responding as well.arng they're deploying what they're calling a covid surge team from the federal government to help in that part of the country. this is personnel from cdc, department of health and human services, from fema.
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they're apparently sending an epidemiologist and research assistants and contact tracers to try to get their arms around this rapid spread and big surge in missouri. dr. anthony fauci, the country's top infectious disease doctor, keeps saying in public remarks these days that he thinks we are heading into a real bifurcated response now as a country. parts of the country with high vaccination rates returning to something approaching normal in terms of lifestyle and restrictions and health care utilization, while on the other hand,n simultaneously parts of the country with low vaccination rates are sliding back into potentially some ofck the worstf what we saw last year, particularly now that we've got the n rising presence of this extra contagious variant, this delta variant that is just ripping through unvaccinated populations now. again, the vaccines all appear to be effective against the ti delta variant, at least initial clinical trials -- excuse me, al
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initial studies of the effectiveness of the vaccines versus the delta variants show that all of them are effective against delta. but if you're not vaccinated, the delta variant is more va transmissible than what brought the country to its knees last year. and so that's a dangerous place to be for parts of the country that have lower vaccination rates. and if that means this is what we're going to see now, federal surge teams fanning out to unvaccinated pockets of the country to try to stop situations like what we've got right now in southwest missouri, then, indeed, it's good that they're innovating new responses. but, indeed, this looks like a new phase of covid in america, a new test for our national ability to respond to covid. and depending on how this goes and whether this becomes the new sort of contours of the americae response, we may look back on this week and even today as a sort of landmark news development for covid and for lo the biden administration's
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ability to adjust and adapt and react and innovate new strategies to deal with the new problems this phase of the t epidemic poses. so it's a serious thing and an important thing this the government is doing. we're also seeing a big test for the administration simultaneously on the end of the afghanistan war, on the u.s. troop withdrawal from afghanistan, which is now nearly done.hi president biden said he wanted i that done by mid-september. it's apparently more than 90% done now. and whatever that says about the end of the war overall and the pace of the withdrawal and how u.s. troops got out, there's a lot to be said about all of those things. but in the very short and immediate term, that rapid withdrawal is putting all the more pressure and all the more urgency into the task of air lifting out of there. the translators, the afghan
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translators, the afghan citizens who worked as translators for u.s. troops during the u.s. ward effort there over all of these years. now, we have been covering this over the past couple of weeks, but a real scramble has started to really get it done, to stop talking about it and stop implement -- start implementing what needs to be done, and we have seen increasing pressure from afghanistan, veterans in particular, including multiple afghan veterans who are serving as members of congress now. and as all of that pressure is ramping up and as time is getting very, very short in terms of the need to get this done, we've just heard tonight from the white house that president biden is going to make a speech about this tomorrow g i about the withdrawal of u.s. troops and about this now deadla urgent mission to get the translators out of there immediately before the taliban overrun the entire country and kill them so we're going to talk tonight -- again, we've been following
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this in the last couple of weeks. we're going to talk tonight with an afghanistan vet whose translator saved his life twice over there. he has since been able to get his translator and his family over here to the u.s., and now they're working to try to get all the translators out right away, right now, as u.s. troops are almost all the way gone from afghanistan. we're going to talk with him about what we're expecting to hear from president biden tomorrow, how the plan is shaping up to actually do this,r and why so many afghanistan veterans are focusing on the idea that translators and their families could be moved to a third location. conceivably, they could be moved to guam, where the governor of guam says he welcomes this idea where they could stay in guam while their visas are processed, while they are effectively vetted for entry into the united states, but they don't have to do that waiting in afghanistan with their lives in deadly peril every passing day. it's a fascinating prospect, innovative, interesting,
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aggressive, and it needs to be doneee immediately. so we're going to talk with somebody who's intimately involved in that advocacy tonight. we're also going to talk tonight with congresswoman lauren underwood. she's, in my opinion, an incredibly charismatic, effective, interesting young member of congress. we've been talking with her periodically ever since she was first elected to congress in anr upset victory where she ousted a long-term republican incumbent from his seat in a relatively conservative part of illinois. president biden went to lauren underwood's district again today. it's a bright purple swing district. president trump liked to go to very red districts that only elected republicans. president biden is proving to be sort of the opposite of that. he has shown thus far in these first months of his presidency that he likes to go to places that are right in the middle or even places that voted for mo trump. he was in lauren underwood's district today, gave her a major shoutout for her effectiveness as a young congresswoman.
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we're going to talk with congresswoman underwood in a moment about having the president come to her patch today and whatid it's like to b serving from a swing district in this congress with president bidenis versus her first term during the trump administration. but, you know, today -- like i said, there's a lot interesting going on in the news today. it's a really substantive day in the news. but it's one of those days in the news where there isn't that split-screen quality that i think the beltway press looks for every day, that split-screen quality between what's happening on one side of politics and the supposed mirror image of how the other side of politics is approaching the same set of problems. on the democratic side, there is all that stuff i just described going on with the administration today. below the federal level, at the state level today, we just got really interesting new law in new york state passed by the democratic legislature in new york state, signed by that state's democratic governor. it's a new law that would allow
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individual communities in new ey york or the state attorney general in new york to sue gun makers, to sue gun manufacturers for the harm that is caused by the illegal use of guns, the criminal use of guns in new york state. again, this new law just signed in new york. it's -- this is something that is definitely going to go to court, but there's a federal law that's not that old that was passed by a republican congress, signed into law by a republican president. there's this federal law that is designed to shield gun manufacturers from lawsuits, otd that this runs right up against. and arguably that federal law has really never been properly well, here's blue state new york today going on offense to say, hey, we'll test it. we want to be able to treat gun manufacturers like the tobacco companies got treated or like any other company thatea makes
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products that kill people, that society has to otherwise clean up after without their help. that innovation, that policy innovation, which, again, will definitely be tested in the at courts, coming today out of new york right on the heels of something from the west coast. san jose, california, the biggest city in silicon valley, enacting a new regulation by which local gun owners in san jose will be required personally to get liability insurance because gun ownership has proven to be something that inherently poses a risk to others, they want gun owners to have to buy liability insurance. they also want an annual tax fon but that, too, will end up in court. but that's the community of san jose, california, relatively progressive community in progressive state going on
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offense on gun violence, trying to innovate some kind of policy solution to something that is so intractable and so intolerable in so many american communities, a problem for which republicans have blocked every proposed reform or advance of any kind at the federal level. phillip atiba goff, a yale y nclar and an advocate on guns and policing issues and katie porter who this week in the "new york times" about trying to promote nationally an innovativg idea to reduce police shootings. when people call 911 because somebody is in a mental health crisis or because they need a safety check-in, somebody behaving irrationally, somebody, for example, posing a threat to hurt themselves. if somebody calls 911 for that kind of a crisis, the first responders dispatched in response would be trained mental health workers. that's who would get there ho first, not necessarily armed police officers as the first response, but people instead
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specifically trained in mental health and substance abuse issues to defuse the situation, deescalate, try to get some help you might have heard this kind of discussion for a sort of different approach to 911 calls for people in crisis. this is a new approach that is being piloted with considerable success in multiple places around the country right now, in basically progressivele communities around the country. so far the initial responses to these pilot projects show that it's good for police. it's good for people in crisis not getting shot by police.s it's good for the people trained for this work to be able to do it at the tip of the spear where they can do the most good and save the most lives for people in the most dangerous part of mental health crisis. t it's being tried out in parts of the country and initial indications are that it's ng working out where it's being ou tried, which is interesting.
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congresswoman katie porter trying to get a national grant program for communities everywhere to try that approach if they are interested in that kind of approach, to apply for a grant, to put into effect that kind of pilot program to see if it works for them. places that are trying it are having good success. how about a national grant program to allow communities als over the country to try it. constructive, right? innovative at least. policy ideas, new approaches to hard problems. and, you know, trying to withdraw safely and ethically after 20 years of war in afghanistan and covid expert surge teams to unvaccinated pockets of our country that are starting to get overwhelmed with covid cases again. and, frankly, wrangling with these russian organized crime groups and russian state hackers that keep mounting increasingly brazen cyber attacks on u.s. targets, including apparently
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the national republican party hit this past week. handling this as a national security matter, as a legal matter, now as a new foreign confrontation with vladimir putin and the kremlin. we'll have more on that story tonight as well. it's all this hard work of governing, right, thinking and working our way out of and r around hard problems here on earth one. and on earth two, how's things today? people say that there's a split screen -- you can always take a split-screen approach to american politics. whatever the problems are in the country, the democrats will have an idea of how to do it, the republicans will have a different idea and then we'll have a fight as a country and maybe we'll come down somewhere in the middle. that's not what our lives are like right now. that's not what our country is like right now. what i just described is what'se happening on earth one, right? that's what democratic party politics are wrangling with in the contours of the kinds of problems they're trying to approach right now. that's earth one. earth two? here's the other party. here's the headline today in
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"the philadelphia inquirer," quote, key republicans ask counties to hand over ballots and election equipment for an arizona-style audit in pennsylvania. here we go. eight months after the 2020 presidential election, republicans in pennsylvania are starting up their own inquisition, summoning the ballots and the voting machines and the tabulators because they, too, just like the republicans in arizona, just like the republicans in wisconsin, just like the republicans in georgia insist that their real work as elected officials right now is to ferret out the inferno machinations of the illuminati and the deep state and the jewish bankers and the dead communists who tricked the worlo into believing that the lord emperor donald trump is no longer president when clearly he is poised to be reinstated after the fraud is revealed.
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i mean, in arizona today, here's the headline in "the arizona republic." it's about a couple more weeks. headline in "the arizona republic" is how their ou inquest decision into the election which started in april is going to go on for a few more weeks.ap they're enjoying themselves, frankly, playing with the ballots and the eel equipment they used their power to get. they know they said it would be over by may, but it's july now. and as of today they said they're not planning on actually it being done any time soon. it's really working out for them. they're enjoying it and pennsylvania republicans really are as of today starting up their own version of what's going on in arizona. they've started in the pennsylvania legislature. they started with a voluntary to request from this pennsylvania republican legislator, voluntary request to three pennsylvania counties.
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but they're threatening that subpoenas, mandatory demands will follow if and when the counties say no. and might the counties say no? i don't know. what would you say if you were a pennsylvania county and this was the list of things this guy just demanded you hand over? all the ballots from the presidential election, the mail ballot applications t mail ballot envelopes, voting machines, ballot scanners, vote counting equipment, ballot production, all computer equipment used throughout the process, in all 45 different categories of material they want handed over in full to the republicans and legislature who will have a look-see. in arizona -- this mess in arizona has been one county. this inquisition in arizona and the cyber ninjas, it was supposed to be done in may. now it's june. now it's july. it was going to be done last thursday. now we think we'll take it to
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august. we've been enjoying ourselves. in arizona that was one county and it's been going on since april. in pennsylvania they are starting with these demands to three counties, including zo philadelphia. and then say after that initial response, they'll make the same demands of more counties. maybe they'll be able to keep theirs going on for years. there is no split screen. there are two different worlds. there is a party that is trying to use electoral politics and the democratic process to make policy about problems that the country faces. there is another party that is trying to end the use of electoral politics as an objective way of deciding who has power and how questions get resolved in our country. the two parties are engaged right now in fundamentally different projects. one of them is engaged in the political cogitation around solving problems. the other one is engaged in cogitation about ending democracy, right? on earth one, there's serious stuff going on right now. a presidential assassination in
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a nearby troubled country that we are inextricably intwined with, ending a 20 year war, ro trying to save our allies there while we're on the way out the door. innovating new approaches to a rapidly approaching covid challenge. innovating long-standing ppap intractable violence. on earth two it's like, look, dude, rudy giuliani just lost hisdu license to practice law i d.c., too, as well as new york because he's the former president's personal lawyer and he's been doing lots of lying about whether the last republican president actually lost the because maybe he didn't because maybe communists or something. which is something apparently we're going to be litigating full-time now in multiple states wherever republicans have power as the only detailed project rising republican officials and candidates want to work on full-time, aside from anything p they can do to make it harder to vote and to pick on trans kids.
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and who wouldn't want to do that, right? i'm sure it's fun to visit places where people love you more than they love fresh air, they love you more than beer, they love you more than the smell of fresh cut grass. who wouldn't love to bask in that? but our current president has take an different tact. president biden lately has been traveling to republican-held districts and also to swing districts that are only narrowly held by democrats. today president biden headed to a historically red congressional district inside the blue state of illinois. this is a district that went for trump in 2016. it's since been very narrowly blue since electing a democrat to congress in 2018. but that specific member of congress may be part of why president biden went there today. >> this woman here, hang onto her, man, hang onto her. >> thank you. >> hang onto her.
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she knows what she's doing. she knows what she's doing. >> that woman there is democratic congresswoman lauren underwood. she and president biden today visited mchenry county college, a community college in underwood's district. the president promoted his legislation to invest in child care, education, and health care. the president went out of the way several times to praise congresswoman underwood who is a big democratic success story in a previously red corner of that state. lauren underwood is an rn. she's a registered nurse. after trump was elected and she watched her republican congressmen in her district vote to repeal the affordable care act, she decided that -- well, she'd do it. she would run against him. she was 32 years old. she had never ran for anything before, but she ran a flawless campaign, and she won. she became the first woman and the first person of color to represent her district. she of course also immediately became one of republicans' top targets in terms of trying to flip that district back to red, back to the republican party.
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and her re-election race last year in 2020, she was seen as one of the most vulnerable democrats in the entire congress, and she did have a very close race, but she won again. we have been checking in with congresswoman underwood periodically ever since she was first elected, in part because she has such promise and she's such a good campaigner. she's so obviously talented and so focused on her district and so perfectly suited to her district even though it's not an easy place for democrats to win. to have the president there today after this hard-fought re-election battle is -- seems like sort of a benchmark moment both for her and for where the democratic party is going. so i wanted to check back in. joining us now is congresswoman lauren underwood of illinois. congresswoman, it's really great to have you back. thank you so much for making time. i know it's been a big day. >> thank you, rachel. i'm so delighted to be speaking with you. >> tell me about having the president come to your district today.
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how much of a surprise was it? what do you make of his decision to be with you today? >> it was a complete surprise. we found out on saturday that he would be coming here to northern illinois to a community called crystal lake. this is a community at the intersection of suburban and rural areas here in my congressional district, and it's a politically competitive area. and so i was excited to be able to welcome the president to talk about this american families plan and his ideas to move our country forward in this pandemic recovery period. >> one of the things that was so remarkable about your first term in congress is not only that you won it but also that once you were there with president trump as president, you authored four different pieces of legislation that got signed into law my president trump. you have been a remarkably effective young member of congress and first term member of congress. now you're in your second term. i was interested today to see president biden shout you out
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specifically for something in the american families plan, this issue of maternal health, and part of that legislation that you're essentially spearheading, i wanted to ask if you could talk about that a little bit. >> yes, i am so excited. in the spring of 2020, i introduced a bill called the black maternal health momibus act. this is a comprehensive legislation. nine bills at that time. now we've introduced it. it's 12 bills to end our nation's maternal mortality crisis. in our country, in the united states, in 2021, black women are three to four times more likely to die of pregnancy-related complications than their white counterparts. and this is a disparity that's been around my entire lifetime. and for every death, we have 70, 7-0, near misses, but the
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majority of these deaths are preventible. so i am so pleased that we have the opportunity to reintroduce the momibus rules. we know there are significant disparities when it comes to covid diagnosis, covid deaths and pregnancy-related complications. and president biden believes in this work and this opportunity to save moms' lives and so has carved out $3 billion in the american families plan to address maternal health of which the momibus is being included. and so we are so excited to be able to partner with the president of the united states to be able to do this important work. >> let me ask you also. you've been so focused on health care, that legislation you are talking about, i love that it is called the momnibus. that's fantastic.
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i want to ask about covid and vaccine uptake and vaccine hesitancy and skepticism in your district, which, again, is a very mixed political district and we know there's a lot of interaction between political leanings and vaccine hesitancy. i wonder how -- if you feel with your health care background and that being such a priority for you, if you've been able to approach that in an innovative way or a way that might be -- might give lessons and help to other parts of the country that are struggling with that. >> one thing that we've seen is the power of local leaders stepping up, validating and normalizing this idea of vaccination. one of the things that we know is a core value in our community here in illinois is respecting data, respecting science. we have a community filled with people who are educated, who vaccinate their kids, and, quite frankly, who want to move on from the pandemic. and they recognize that vaccination is the key to doing that. so, across my congressional district we do have variation in vaccine rates. but by and large, over 50% of eligible adults are vaccinated, fully vaccinated. and i get a daily report on our
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covid diagnoses numbers, our vaccine numbers, and we've been doing this, tracking this in my office, every single day since the pandemic began. and we've seen some variations. but we've largely seen an uptick. there are areas of concern. communities of color, an area of concern. our very, very, very rural communities that didn't have great health care access to begin with remain area of concern, those areas that are more remote. so i do think that we have some more work to do as a country to make sure that we're talking to people, having these conversations door to door. and that's what i heard in the president's new plan. he's interested in putting resources to those outreach efforts to embrace these communities that have been a little bit more reluctant and make sure that they have the opportunity to get their questions answered and to get vaccinated. >> congresswoman lauren underwood of illinois. it's such a pleasure to have you back on the show, congresswoman.
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thank you so much for your time tonight. >> thank you very much. >> she's just -- i don't know why congresswoman underwood doesn't get more national press. she's an honest-to-goodness star in the democratic party, practical, effective, excellent communicate e representing the swing districts perfectly tuned and timed to the needs of her district, running a great office, doing effective work at home and washington, getting bills signed as a freshman. she's a star. she's an absolute star. we'll be right back. stay with us. text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough.
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>> my translator is as much of a veteran as i am. >> as i am. >> as i am. >> thousands of our wartime allies -- >> remain left behind. >> our nation made a promise -- >> to ensure no one is left behind. >> president biden, keep our promise, evacuate our afghan allies. one of the vets featured in that ad is matt zeller. he's captain of the army when he served in afghanistan, alongside the afghan translator. two weeks after he arrived in afghanistan, then captain zeller was caught in a taliban fire fight. he thought he was going to die. he says it was his translator who saved his life. since he left afghanistan, matt zeller personally lobbied to bring janice and his family. mr. zeller has extended that advocacy work to all the other translator who still there as u.s. troops pull out of afghanistan rapidly now.
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president biden's expected tomorrow to address this now very pressing crisis. joining us now is matt zeller. he's actually major zeller now with his interpreter. he cofounded the group no one left behind, which advocates bringing afghan interpreters safely to the u.s. thank you so much for being here. i appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me, ma'am. >> what are you hoping to hear from president biden tomorrow, and do you have any expectations about what you will hear? >> i hope he says the words "we're going to get them to guam." guam is the best place to bring these people. the island stands ready to receive them. it has a historical precedent having been used in other evacuations at the end of the vietnam war. in 1996 we actually moved a contingent of 6,000 kurdish allies there for a couple months. we want to say, "get them to guam." what we don't want them to say is we have to move them to a third country where we might
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negotiate a camp where they may be in perpetuity. we want them on u.s. soil where they belong in safety so we can process their asylum cases without them having to worry about the taliban death squads that are hunting them right now. in fact, when i get off this interview with you, i'm going to be interviewing a guy for our podcast called "wartime allies" who had a grenade thrown into his house last week. they're hunting these people down one by one systematically, and it's for a purpose. they're trying to convince others american friendship is a death sentence. in addition to have a moral obligation that we made a promise we would take care of them, we're going to have to stand to them, suffer higher casualty rates in future wars if we don't take care of these people now because no one's ever going to believe us again. and our nation's veterans are going to suffer a profound moral injury, too, if we don't keep this promise.
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>> help me understand the fight here because this is so urgent and so timely. this is not some prospective thing that we're spelling out as some sort of hypothetical or some sort of war game. this is right now. as you're saying, people are being hunted down right now as u.s. troops withdraw. as far as i can tell from here, veterans serving in congress, people who served in afghanistan and are now veterans who are now members of congress think that guam is a good idea. veterans' advocacy groups think that guam is a good idea. there is reporting that the white house thinks guam is a good idea. the people of guam are in favor of this and there is historical deference for playing this kind of role. given i don't see anybody lined up on the other side of the argument, what is the hold up? >> we're told it's department of homeland security. we're told it's career officials who want to do the whole, we can't bring them here. they might be bad people. this program has existed for over 13 years and not a single nefarious individual has snuffed through.
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these people had to be vetted to work with us overseas so they've gone through extensive vetting just to be able to serve alongside u.s. forces. the reality is the taliban does not care about our standards of vettings. if you worked a day with us, they're going to kill you. and it should be a national security imperative to now save these people's lives. you're right, you point out, we've built a bipartisan coalition that could prevent a human rights disaster in the making. we call this a never-again-moment in the making. this is an administration that champions itself as a defender of human rights. well, here it is. here's one of those moments that we're all raised on as children that if we fail to do this, mass murder is going to take place.
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we just now need courage and conviction to do the right thing. >> matt zeller, the co-founder of no one left behind. thank you for being here. i have a feeling we'll hear significant news from the white house tomorrow. i'm not saying i've heard anything. i just have a feeling they wouldn't announce the president would make remarks on this unless he had something significant to say. we would love to be back in touch with you as this moves hopefully in a rapid way. >> i will come back any time you'll have me, rachel. thank you so much. >> all right. we'll be right back. stay with us. >> all right we'll be right back. stay with us
1:51 am
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1:54 am
today president biden said some things to rt roers he was a walking out of the white house to get onboard marine one. it was hard to hear because of the helicopter whir. we have it from the official white house transcript. reporter one. mr. president, these cyber attacks keep happening. at what point does the united
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states take action? reporter two. what's your message to putin on cyber? any message after your briefing on cyber from your officials? president biden responds to the two reporters, i will deliver it to him, meaning that's his message to putin. we don't remotely know what his message is to putin on cyber attacks originating out of russia, but that was president biden this morning saying he has a message on that, and he intends to deliver it to putin himself. that was about an hour after president biden had a situation room meeting today with national security officials on these ongoing cyber attacks out of russia, including the one on friday hit somewhere between 800 and 1,500 businesses around the world. one of the widest reaching ransomware attacks ever. that is being attributed to a group called r evil that operates out of russia. the national republican party looks like it was also hit this weekend. an attack that both bloomberg and "new york times" describe as originating from the russian intelligence services. now just within the past hour, breaking news from "the new york
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times" there has been yet another russia-based cyber attack on an american target today. the reporter from "the new york times," on wednesday, meaning today, r evil had a new target. a florida defense contractor that sells space and weapons lawn technology that sells space and weapon launch technology to the army, the navy, the air force, and nasa. the administration's line on russia has been that they want things to be predictable and stable between us and russia. right now in this cyber stuff, maybe this is predictable but not stable. this seems to be escalating rapidly. watch this space.
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2:00 am
that is going to do it for us tonight. tomorrow will be a big day in the news. be sure to be here tomorrow night. "way too early" is up next. two weeks after the surfside collapse. what will it do to bring closure to help families who lost loved ones. and tracking elsa. how bad will conditions get in the southeast and up the coast. and the deepening crisis in haiti after the assassination of the country's president. immensely poor, unstable, and increasingly violent, the question is what's next for that already troubled nation. it's "way too early" for this.
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