tv MTP Daily MSNBC July 14, 2021 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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washed your hands a lot today? probably like 40 times. hands feel dry? like sandpaper. introducing new dove handwash, with 5 x moisturizer blend. removes germs in seconds, moisturizes for hours. soft, smooth. new dove handwash. ♪♪ welcome to a very busy wednesday. it's "mtp daily." i'm kasie hunt in for chuck todd. right now, we're awaiting president biden arrival on capitol hill where he'll be meeting with senate democrats after they announced a historically massive $3.5 trillion plan to fund his massive legitimative agenda.
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one of the top senators going to be speaking with us on "mtp daily" coming up. there's a lot we don't know about the new framework which democrats announced last night besides the size that it will be fully paid for by lots of money. consequently, we don't know if everybody on the caucus is on board with it. republicans, of course will not back it. and democrats have zero margin for error because they have 50 seats in the senate and the sheer signs are pausing for a moment to take a look at it when combining it with a bipartisan infrastructure deal also working its way through the senate we're talking 4 trillion on spending on physical and human infrastructure. it would touch virtually all areas of our everyday lives. the roads we drive on, bridges, broadband, health care, child care, climate change and more.
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the 3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is expected to get zero support from republicans still democrats and president biden are pushing the bill along on a somewhat precarious dual-track strategy. obviously, a bill of this size carries enormous consequences. let's get starting with an all-star group. mike memoli at the white house, garrett haake on capitol hill. and former democratic senator and msnbc political analyst claire mccaskill. great to have you all on board. mike, since the president hasn't left yet. why don't we start with you at the white house. we seem to be on biden time. we expected him to be up at capitol hill near garrett already. what's the goal for the president here? this has to be the environment that heel revel in getting to go back to the lunches he attended for 36 years. see something colleagues still there from when he served.
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a lot of new faces. what's the approach? and what does he see as the main task at hand? >> well, there's obviously going to be a little bit of reminiscing when they all get into the room for lunch. the president, of course, always valued his time in the senate. and there's going to be a lot of nostalgia in the room. of course, we also have to note, and that picture you showed of senator schumer, senator sanders last night announcing this deal speaks to the level of coordination, surprising coordination at times between the white house and between to serve all, the full spectrum of the democratic party. you had senator sanders here earlier this week, as they were sort of hammering through the details of what's going to be in the reconciliation package. and on display with the president's schedule, you see the dual track or dual strategy here. the meeting inside the caucus with democrats trying to make sure there's momentum for the breakthrough agreement. also coming back to the white house to meet with a bipartisan group from outside of washington. governors and mayors who all
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have indicated some degree of support for the bipartisan infrastructure framework as well. because we know how much of a delicate balancing act this is going to be now moving forward. but whenever the president has an opportunity to celebrate some progress, he's going to do that. because in the view of this white house, momentum is not something you can take for granted. you need to capitalize on it, you need to build on it and part of what the message is going to be for the president inside the room is going to be what they are talking about in the reconciliation package is exactly what he promised a year ago, right around this time, in the campaign, he would do, if he was elected president. so that idea of promises made, promises kept is going to be critical but that doesn't mean if and when they finally schedule it, kasie, we're not going to be monitoring, joe manchin and kyrsten sinema to see how the votes went. that's exactly what they were doing in march with the $1.3 trillion rescue plan. they know it's a long game and going to celebrate every time
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they can a little bit of a breakthrough in this process. >> right. garrett haake, you're obviously up there waiting for the president to arrive so we're going to keep an eye on your camera. but two-fold question for you because obviously the president is coming up there to try and take the temperature to convince the 50 democrats to get on board. he's got to did that on the reconciliation side. but i know you've also -- and our colleagues have also been talking with republicans who would be working on that bipartisan infrastructure plan because it is a very delicate balance to try to move these two through somewhat simultaneously. what have you been hearing from senators you've talked to on the hill? >> reporter: it is a delicate balance. and there's a risk for the white house if either one of these pieces gets moving too far out in front of the other. because you kind of need them both to continue moving in parallel to keep everybody on board. on the reconciliation piece, i'll tell you it's been very warmly received from the left. obviously, bernie sanders, the chief offer of this as budget committee chair.
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i interviewed elizabeth warren earlier today who embraced this and gave a little clue of the fight ahead to make sure beyond that top line money, the money gets to various democratic priorities. here's what she told me about where she wants to make sure it goes. i don't hear any disappointment from you that this number is not bigger? >> look, i'll always be pushing to make the number bigger. but right now, my job is to say, that's a lot of money. and i want to make sure it's there to cover child care. you know, in a meaningful way. high-quality available child care. and that it's there to hit on the climate crisis. so, now, we're down into the, okay, we've got a top line number. it really becomes what we can do for the american people. this is our chance. >> reporter: so, you hear a little bit of a preview there of the debates ahead amongst and between democrats. and one thing that senator warren said that i don't think anyone will disagree with, this is a ton of money. i think that's what we're
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watching for when it coming to the joe manchin, kyrsten sinema side of the picture. they want to make sure it's paid through all the way through. kyrsten sinema saying less than that. the top line number doesn't matter. they wants to see the breakdown when it gets to arizona. republicans can sit on the sideline, they can snipe at what's in this reconciliation package as it starts to come together, but whether that number is so big that it scares away perhaps some of the more moderate republicans who might otherwise want to spend the money that's set aside in the bipartisan deal remains to be seen. >> so, senator mccaskill, you've been in these rooms so many times. you know most of these people very well. having worked with them. part of me wondering if bernie sanders didn't throw $6 trillion out there so 3.5 trillion wouldn't seem quite so see norm muss in terms of numbers?
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but what is your sense on the challenges that the president faces today? do you think at the end of the day, democrat are going to be with him on his reconciliation package? how tenuous is it, do you think? >> well, first of all, nobody is as equipped as joe biden to go into this room, maybe since lyndon johnson. he knows this room. he understands the caucus. >> that's part of the point, the mansfield room. >> exactly. keep in mind here, there are two kinds of democrats on capitol hill. one democrat is the kind that only has to worry about a primary. they never have to worry about a general election. the other kind of democrat is the democrat that has to kick and fight and sweat every single vote, in a general election. the question for joe biden and for chuck schumer and nancy pelosi is can you marry those two factions together in a way that is respectful of both? and that's really what they've
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got to do. if they don't respect the fact, it's not just joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. it's maggie hassan, it's mark kelly, it's jon tester. it's democrats that don't have any idea what luxury it must be to not worry about a general election. and that's what this is going to come down to. >> yeah. >> how big will it ultimately be. and how will they pay for it. and will the people that have to fight in the general as democrats be on board. >> all right. and claire, just to greet our viewers into what we're seeing here, we are looking at the driveway outside the capitol and the motorcade carrying the president right there. pulling up to the carriage entrance here. we don't expect that president biden would be speaking with reporters here because he's going to pull into kind of a closed-over driveway. as you can see, there's no cameras on that corner which
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there occasionally are. this, of course, he's going to head up inside. and garrett haake will probably be seeing him sat his position in a second. claire, let's just pick up on what you were saying about how to pay for this because that does seem to be a line in the sand that senator manchin is saying, we need to cover all $3.5 trillion or whatever the top line is going to be. if you look at the taxes he said he'll accept, they fall short, it's more like 2. is this make or break, how the taxes play out? >> well, there will be more negotiation here. yes. what chuck schumer is saying to every member of the senate, believe me, i've talked to a bunch of them in the last few hours don't draw a line in the sand. don't say i will only do this or i will only do that. this now is going to be fluid. it's going to involve the leaders of the party in congress. but it's also going to involve
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the progressive wing and those democrats i talked about, that are very worried about the signs of inflation. they're very worried about what this does to the economic outlook a year from now. keep in mind, kasie, all of this goes awayful we don't hold on to 50 senators next november. then mitch mcconnell is back in charge and joe biden is in a world of hurt. so, you know, everything has their eye, not just on trying to get this through to congress, they also have only eye on the midterm. >> well, for sure. and you know, i'm so glad you that sort of defined that way and split them up that way, because sometimes, we do shorthand with moderates and progressives. but really, it's exactly what you talked about, do i have to win a primary or general election? we're watching for the corner to turn the corner here. at the end of the day, it has to be about manchin/sinema, no?
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they're the ones to hold on the majority -- actually senator, why don't you give me one question to answer that question as the president is about to come around the door here. gosh knows he probably ran into somebody he knows and gotten sidelined. that would be pretty classic for the current president. right? he loves talking to reporters. there he is with chuck schumer. they're walking towards the cameras. let's watch this, and garrett haake is right where they're standing. if garrett is able to shout a question, we'll listen in. >> what's the next, mr. president? >> we're going to get this done. >> mr. president -- >> all right. well, there's your sound bite. they're heading around the corner to the mansfield room. senator mccaskill, let's pick it up right there. schumer, of course, ran the committee. he is a political guy. he knows what he's up against and what you were talking about and so does president biden for
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that matter. how has biden balanced that job of making sure progressives stay in the camp, while also underscoring, hey, if we want to keep running this town, we got to do what those other guys want? >> exactly. and this is where biden i think will, frankly, address those people that only have to worry about primaries in saying, hey, everybody, let's listen to all of us here. and get as much as we can done. and make no mistake about this, this stuff in this package is going to be wildly popular with the american people. i mean, when you expand medicare to include dental and vision and hearing. those are big deals to people on medicare. and when you do something meaningful on child care, that has a dramatic impact on the workforce. and in many ways could in fact bolster this economy until a in a positive way. but still you're talking about $4 trillion all in if they can
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manage this bipartisan deal, plus the reconciliation deal. and that's a scary number for a congress that has already spent a whole lot of money in the last 18 months. >> yeah, they sure have. garrett haake, i can't imagine -- there would have been a time i would have been flabber ghasted that we were even talking about those numbers and there were barely double, emergencies that come to mind. this is a huge, huge number. what is your sense of how democrats are dealing with exactly what senator mccaskill was just talking about? i mean, at the end of the day, they know they can only spend i think as joe manchin and kyrsten sinema are willing to spend. they've still done a nice job with the rest in the fold, but how do you think they're going to continue to keep this alliance together? >> reporter: well, that's
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exactly right, i think there will be two emergency breaks on this legislation. the more moderate senators like manchin and sinema. an the parliamentarian who may strike big items out of this reconciliation bill as not germane to spending which i think it ultimately has to be. i think you brought out that the pandemic pried open the door for a bill of this size. when we talk about trillions of dollars, thousands of billions of dollars in spending, it started to feel like monopoly money. those numbers are so far beyond what people dealt with in their regular lives and felt very necessary at the time. that partially changed the conversation and got people thinking in exactly these terms how big government could go and what it could do. and republicans, quite frankly, hurt their credible on definite silt and debt issues both with the trump era tax cuts. and their support of the
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emergency bills which they will all defend. but it's hard for them to snap back now and say what about the deficit and debt. >> yeah, joe manchin is the only one left that can actually say that with credibility. to that point, mike memoli, let me finish with you. what is the white house's sense of this, do they think that the american public has quit caring, is it monopoly money or what's the big deal? >> reporter: we've seen the white house be very quick to respond to complaints coming from especially republicans on that point. but when it relates to the politics of all of this. you also have a white house that has been very mindful of midterm politics throughout the entire process. that's why, even as they push for big expansive programs, they've been trying to do them in a way that guarantees people feel the benefits of them quickly. the president later this week will be holding an event to mark
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the beginning of monthly checks showing up in many americans' bank accounts because of the child tax credit expansion. and this is a pretty who is also prepared to spend an awful lot of political capital in 2022, as he did in 2018 and 2014, helping democrats in the midterm elections as well. >> and, he, of course, is someone who could go to all districts. mike memoli, garrett haake, claire mccaskill, thank you so much. we're going to keep close to the bill as president biden speaks afterwards. but we're going to hear from one of the top democrats in the room later this hour. plus as president biden makes the call to end the way for restrictive voting bills, the texas state that passes the new bill and the texas democrats that stay out of state to try to block the bill altogether. this.
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i'll be asking my republican friends in congress in states and cities and counties to stand up for god's sake and help prevent this concerted effort to undermine our election and the sacred right to vote. [ cheers and applause ] have you no shame? welcome back, that was president biden in philadelphia yesterday, where he gave an impassioned speech on voting rights as a wave of republican-backed restrictive voting laws are being implemented across the country. in texas the showdown continues as dozens of state representative, currently holed up in washington, d.c. after fleeing the state in order to block a bill. that bill passed the texas senate but it won't get to the governor's desk as long as the texas house democrats can hold out. nbc's priscilla thompson is in austin, this afternoon. priscilla, bring us up to speed
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isn't what is there and the democrats that remain holed up in washington? >> reporter: yeah, kasie, we're entering day two of the house convening here without quorum. and yesterday, we saw them take that vote, giving the sergeant at arms permission to go after the democratic lawmakers. but because they are in washington, d.c., law enforcement in texas has no real jurisdiction there. and one thing, other thing that happened yesterday, the senate actually voted to pass their version of that voting -- of that voting bill. but it is still being held up, because without a quorum in the house, nothing is going to become law here. and i've been running around, talking to republican lawmakers asking them what they make of democrats sort of last-ditch effort to get some sort of federal legislation on this. take a listen to what one lawmaker told me. >> i think it's a disgrace to the state of texas.
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election law is meant for the states to conduct. and they want to turn over texas elections to the federal government? no way. terrible idea. it's a betrayal of texas. >> reporter: so, republican lawmakers here not having that. they say they will continue to call a special session. the governor has said, and that this bill will ultimately become law. kasie. >> all right. priscilla thompson, in austin for us. thanks very much for that update. and coming up here, the voting rights fight of just one of the battles president biden is fighting on the hill. we'll talk to texas congressman collin allred about that and the reconciliation bill once it gets to his side of the capitol.
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that causes covid-19 from treated air. so you can breathe easier, knowing that you and your family have added protection. ♪ ♪ welcome back. two of the biggest items on the white house agenda right now, infrastructure and voting rights. after fleeing the state to block those new voting restrictions, texas democrats are urging the president to take action on federal voting rights legislation. it's an issue that biden originally hoped would be a signature piece of his agenda. right now, those efforts are, frankly, going nowhere in the senate. instead, the administration has turned its focus on capitol hill mainly the infrastructure that of course is the focus this hour as he meets with his party on the massive $3.5 trillion human infrastructure plan. joining me a lawmaker at the intersection of both of these stories and major issues, democratic congressman from
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texas colin allred. he serves on the transportation and infrastructure committee. congressman, thank you for being with us this afternoon. we really appreciate your time. and i'll start with voting rights and the texas democrats who come to washington to try to prevent the bill from passage. i understand they can delay it for some time, but at the end of the day, do you think they can prevent this from becoming law in texas? >> well, i think what they've done is shined a line on what they're trying to do in texas. they're trying to do this, kasie, over a holiday weekend, in the middle of the night without public insight into what has happened. they've certainly changed that dynamic now the eyes of the country are on what's happening in texas. i think that is the first and most important step. whether or not they're able to prevent this from eventually passing, the governor being able to recall a repeated special session, i don't know. i think they certainly highlighted what we need to do in congress which is to pass
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federal protection for the right to vote. >> it's pretty clear that the for the people act goes pretty far for people like joe manchin. manchin supports things like the john lewis act. but that one is not written yet, i'm told by democrats on capitol hill. and that frustrated people like joe manchin. do you know what it is like for the house writing and passing the voting rights act? >> i think senator manchin has laid out some things he would support and kind of lists. i think it's one that we should adopt and put into legislation as quickly as possible. when it comes to hr4, restoring the john lewis voting rights act, we're going to move pretty quickly on that. there have actually been discussion information the last few days to move up the timetable. we're trying to make sure we have the right evidentiary record making as foolproof as possible because we know it's going to be challenged in the supreme court. the redistricting data, for
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example, will be going out very soon. it would be good to have the voting rights back back in district before they're drawn. and there are other things, like what's happening in texas, we have what has to be cleared by the department of justice first. so, i think we need to move quickly. that's something i've been pushing for. and i'm going to continue to push for because i know how important it is for texas, and a lot of states, especially in the south. >> how quickly do you think you could move on it considering there is a jam-packed schedule of other things? >> well, we passed it in the last congress, and so this is something that needed to be updated and there are some changes now after the supreme court recent ruling in the arizona case that i think has to be put in to clarify the will of congress. because in that case, they did do interpretation under congress that i think is not consistent with what we wanted. so there has to be some changes. but we did pass it in the last congress. the structure is there so it shouldn't be too difficult. i think now we have to get
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moving on it and you're right, we do have a packed schedule but there's nothing more important than our democracy. i think everybody understands that. >> so, let's talk about the rest of the calendar. we've been following this news the president meeting now with your senate colleagues about the human infrastructure plan. it's a big number, $3.5 trillion. and obviously, there are a lot of progressive priorities in the bill. elizabeth warren spoke to my colleague garrett haake that said she is basically happy with the number even though she may want to push for more it's a strong start. it raises questions about more democrats in swing districts in the house with questions of raising taxes. how concerned are you of getting a massive package like this through the house of representatives even if it does get through the senate? >> you have to recognize that the need is enormous, kasie. instead of looking at the top number, look at the components
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of what's in the pack. age and why it's in there. because when you're talking infrastructure, we know nationally, we have a c-minus in terms of our physical infrastructure, with all of the experts that look at it. we're the richest in the world. the 13th ranked country in the world with infrastructure. if the last 15 or 16 months have taught us anything i think it's an extremely difficult time for american families. that we need to expand the child tax credit that we've already done to make that permanent. we need to do something about housing. particularly for child care as somebody who has two young children, i can say this, the paid family leave, prepay, access to child care, these are things that the american people have been crying out for so long and will have enormous economic impact. the cost is one thing but the impact and benefits i think are going to far outweigh that. so i'm confident we'll have the votes in the house. there's going to be wrangling and back and forth. but that's how it workings. but we understand that the need is enormous.
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it's been an extremely tough year and a half. we're coming off a very dark four years before that and we've had some of these needs for a long time. they've been put off really in some cases since the eisenhower administration that we haven't addressed some of these things. >> how do the latest inflation numbers that show the prices going up for all kinds of goods and services affect the conversation around this bill among your colleagues in the house? >> well, i think we have to keep an eye on it, but we also have to recognize in the last five months we've created 3 million jobs seen economic growth projections that are going up. unemployment going down. and wages importantly going up as well when you're talking about inflation, so we're going to have to keep an eye on it. i think it's something to be aware of but turning on the economy after a crisis of what we just went through just isn't as simple as turning on a light switch. there are going to be hurtles to overcome on your way back to recovery. i think this is one of them. >> all right.
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congressman colin allred, thank you very much for spending some time with us. we appreciate your insights. and coming up next here, the author of an explosive new book investigating facebook joining me discussing what they're calling the ugly truth of what they say has had years of warnings in fear of growth at any cost. that causes covid-19 from treated air. so you can breathe easier, knowing that you and your family have added protection. ♪ ♪
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welcome back. as a select house committee prepares to investigate the events leading up to january 6th, a new book chronicles facebook's operations leading up to and following the attack on the capitol. the book called "ugly truth" focuses on facebook's actions between 2016 and the 2020 election including the company's concerns that president trump would use the platform to incite violence and the decision to suspend his account in the aftermath of the capitol. it is no longer theoretical, he has actually incited violence.
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i don't think how we justify keeping his account online. facebook has defended its action tells nbc news, we were prepared for this and have been aggressive than any other internet company in combatting harmful content. i'm joined by the authors, both of whom are reporters for "the new york times." thank you both for being with us today. cecilia, let me start with you, that statement from facebook says we were prepared for this. it seems obvious because the riot actually happened and was organized at least partly on facebook, they were not, in fact, prepared for it. what was the decisionmaking process ahead of that, as we were starting to learn more about the gatherings that were being prepared for the 6th? and why didn't they take action ahead of time. >> yeah. the warning signs were all there and actually leadership was told about the problems emerging right after the election, the move called stop the steal was
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actuallygerm natureed on facebook. we thought we knew facebook this was a pattern that we discovered in the writing of this book where over and over the company executives were warned about problems, they did not heed warnings and not enough, oral certainly not early enough. and problems arose because of that. >> so, shira, the company, facebook, claims they do more than any other internet company to avoid inciting violence to take down content related to that. both of you cover silicon valley. is that claim true? >> well, you know, one of the things we document in the book is how facebook often interprets data in ways which are palpable to them. and in the way they took down the content but there's more for facebook to take it down. the stop the steal movement
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started there. people have made tell more viral almost more than any other group they have ever seen on the platform. so, i think that's the company kind of looking at their own behavior and maybe putting a positive spin on it. >> so, true, but spun like any good politician, i guess. this particular piece of reporting that you put in the book i found to be particularly troubling. it's on page 124. and you write that in facebook's earliest days when their office was still a glorified law space, quote, company over country was a mantra that the ceo repeated to his employees. now, i think i'm obligated to say it's false and it's a mischaracterization of an anecdote, according to facebook, i think we have a statement from them that we can also put up on the screen. but i've got to say as someone who was at the capitol on january 6th, company over
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country is a really striking way to describe what happened. and sheera, why don't i start with you, and then, cecilia, if you want to weigh in as well. >> i would note that this was in a book by one of mark zuckerberg's employees. they heard zuckerberg saying company over country. people who still work at the company today feel that about the company, that they're thinking about facebook above all else and that -- >> and i would just add that over and over, we've seen that when confronted with really tough decisions particularly regarding the former president, president trump. that the company really put its own growth, as well as protecting its business model first. a lot of the decisions became political. they wanted to become closer to the trump administration to make sure that they can fend off any regulatory threats or any -- you
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know, any sort of action or unflattering comments by the former president. and this is another example where internally, we've heard from so many employees, that they were really upset with what they were seeing publicly. and the engagement that the top executives had with the trump administration. the decisions that they were making where trump clearly crossed the line on their own policies when it came to hate speech and speech inciting violence. >> cecilia, i'm just curious, do you think facebook's learned anything in the wake of january 6th? >> yes. i think facebook has learned that -- has learned a lot, actually over the whole trump administration. and they have actually tried to expand the security team. they've put more human content moderators on appointment. and at the same time, this is a company that is really playing whac-a-mole with the scale of
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content. and the scale of content that is harmful and false and oftentimes leading to problems like we saw with the capitol riots. and they're taking a hammer and playing whac-a-mole with how small of a problem it is. and they've given a eprieve. the former president lost the election. they have 3 1/2 years to decide whether they're going to do again with the former president. >> and, sheera, in the event that the former president does decide to run again, what is the thinking right now around the ban on the former president? and what kind of responsibility facebook will need to take? i mean, they relied a lot on that oversight board to help them make that decision. again, have they learned any lessons here to apply in that case in the event we do see
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another donald trump candidacy? >> you know what was really interesting about that oversight, they kicked the can back to facebook. saying you can't expect us to make a call on this on whether or not we should -- donald trump -- you know, allow him back on or not. so facebook has to re-evaluate its policies on trump set to expire in two years. that's going to put him just on facebook in time for a 2022 run. with all of the elections around the world. the elections in a number of countries with where these sorts of policies that they decide about elected leaders is going to play a huge role. >> if i could just add -- >> go ahead. >> i would just say this is another example of a company that continues to just move forward very quickly. without a lot of safe guards in place. it really like they are in flight and building their landing gear as they're going
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and as they're flying. and they have to -- until they contend with how they actually deal with figures like trump and autocrats -- populous leaders and political leaders around the world who are constantly testing the platforms, these problems won't go away. >> cecilia king, sheera franco, amazing work. thank you for the important topic going forward. i think it's going to turn out to be extraordinarily pivot what we learned here. coming up next, i'm going to speak to another senator just in the room with president biden, senator bob menendez will be here. he also just spoke to the secretary of state about the cuba situation. that's next. i guess the most well-rounded snack isn't round at all. it's more cashew-shaped. planters. a nut above. the instant air purifier
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because we believe how you handle overdrafts should be in your control, not just your bank's. low cash mode on virtual wallet from pnc bank. one way we're making a difference. welcome back. president biden is on capitol hill right now meeting with senate democrats as he tries to rally the caucus to unite behind a proposed $3.5 trillion package. joining me now is a senator in the room, senator bob menendez, former senate relations committee. senator, can you give us a sense of what the president told you in there? >> well, i think the president pointed out that we have a historic opportunity to create high-paying jobs in america.
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to create more expanded health care in america. to provide families with the ability to take care of their children. in america. to expand medicare and deal with our climate crisis, as we see in the fires out west. and, so, i think he got a tremendous reception. and as we speak, he's taking questions from members. people saw as troubling, and especially ahead of potentially combining with theia bipartisan plan of $4 trillion in spending. does that trouble you at all? >> well, we have to keep an eye on the inflationary pressures, but what we are seeing is coming from a result of an economy post-covid, and far less demand on thele whole host of sectors w that the president's plan in
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getting vaccinations into getting people'sin arms and movg the countryd forward. there's a demand, and that demand is driving up prices, but i don't see it as a long-term proposition. i think that we will get over the inflationary period in a reasonable time and to be able to deal with the investments to make america stronger in the future. >> senator, what is your sense of the willingness of your colleagues who areil coming fro the redea states or facing re-election in thefa challengin races, are they going to be willing to support this reconciliation plan? i mean $3.5 trillion and manchin has said that he wants to pay for everything, so that is a tricky t calculation. do you think that it going to make it through the senate at this number? >> a well, it is the beginning the heprocess, and lot of work t do, but first of all, the
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committee represents a full spectrum of the caucus that ultimately came together on the agreement, and the agreement as it is presently exists fully paid for. and youly know, for senator manchin, he'll look at it and say, well, i can get my coal miners some great jobs, and better paying and better quality, and this is one of the many o examples that i think th exists in the proposal. so, i will look forward to getting all of the specifics in the proposal and the more that people see in it, the more they will embrace it. >> let me ask you to put on yout foreign relations hat for a moment, and obviously, the relationship with the cuban-americans, and as the shortages of food and medicine have so much hurt the people there, and the refugees and the
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migrants from there and senator rubio of florida has made some comments about that, and our government has said that they will be h essentially turned aw or at least not allowed to come to the united states if they do come. are you pleased or, or are you happy with how the united states is talk about this particular issue, or would you like to see ad different approach? >> no, i applaud president biden's strong support of the democracy oprotests inside of cuba, of the right of cubans to peacefully protest. i appreciate the call that he and the secretary of the state have made on the cuban regime not the use violence as they have already against the peaceful protesters and i would expect further actions and a clear statement that there will be consequences if the regime uses violence against the protesters and we have the m
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manitski law to prevent this. and i was with the cuban prime minister last night to talk about how we l hope they can ge independent internet connections there in cuba. the government shutdown the internet last night, and the only reason they could do that is because they fear the people, and the internet needs to connect the people with the world,co and the world with the people. >> and senatorit to tie these t issues together and immigration and not exactly the situation in
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cuba, but immigration and reconciliation package, we have a new sense that apparently immigration-related provisions areat included in reconciliatio and can you clexplain to us wha those provisions are, and whether you thinkio that they wl be ultimately included in the final bill? >>n well, kasie, we have been involved in a series of bipartisan negotiations with out republican colleagues on ic immigration, and it is my hope to give some fruit to some success, but in the absence of that, the budget resolution calls on, i believe, and i have not seen the final number, by around $120 billion in immigration-related issues. thatd would be to deal with th legalization of millions of people who would pay fees and ultimately have f a positive economic impact as well, but who would be taken out of the shadows and into the light, and made right with the government and r have to go through a criminal background ghcheck, an ifro they pass it, then to have long term pathway to
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legalization. so it is the opening of the possibility off immigration reform to some degree to be considered through a possible reconciliation number. >> is it fair to say that the reconciliation number includes a path to legalization for undocumented immigrants? >> i think that the reconciliation effort includes the wherewithal in the funding to make in any instructions in reconciliation possible forin a path to legalization in our country. >> all right. senator bob menendez, thank you for spending time with us, and bringing to us the latest on the cuban protests. thank you for being with us today, and i will be back tomorrow with more "meet the press daily." don't go too far though, because
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geoff bennett will be right back with us after a quick break. to help them save. with a home and auto bundle from progressive. ahh. i was born for this. and now it's prime time. cut. jamie, what are you doing? you're not even in this one. i thought it was thursday. sorry. -it is. -i thought -- i thought it was last thursday. -it is. -i thought -- there's interest you accrue, and interests you pursue. plans for the long term, and plans for a long weekend. assets you allocate, and ones you hold tight. at thrivent, we believe money is a tool, not a goal. and with the right guidance, you can get the financial clarity you need, and live a life rich in meaning, and gratitude. to learn more, text thrive to 444555, or visit (upbeat music) - [narrator] this is kate.
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it is good to be with you. i'm geoff bennett in washington where president biden is locked in a delicate and high-balancing act on infrastructure. he is meeting behind closed doors with his party on capitol hill, and here is the monumental challenge. the senate democrats say they have reached a deal on themselves on a 3.5 trillion blueprint on the left side o
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