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tv   The Rachel Maddow Show  MSNBC  August 25, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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across the country, it's incredible. >> having it both ways to take us off the air tonight, courtesy of "the daily show." that's our broadcast this wednesday at the networks of nbc news, goodnight. >>, thanks home for joining, us one of those news days i spent the whole days prepping for a completely different show the weren't of doing tonight. a lot of just tearing stuff up and starting over tonight. which is fine. it is a lot of important developing, news including stories that are developing over this evening. we are going to cover a lot of different bases tonight, we are keeping eyes on afghanistan.
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unprecedented in size you izmir tory airlift out of the country, we're watching is the number of people being airlifted out of kabul climb from a few hundred today to 2000 per day. to 5000 per, day to 11,000 per day. today the pentagon has airlifted 19,000 people out in the last 24 hours. which is just an astonishing number. that's one big u.s. military cargo plane of people every 39 minutes. the wall street journal is also reporting tonight, in this confirms what we have from the ap a few days ago, they are confirming tonight that the cia is also conducting additional operations inside afghanistan. where there actually going out and picking people up by helicopter. picking people up in kabul. at the airport. but also going beyond kabul into other parts of afghanistan. the pentagon has been the main source of information for the public about these evacuation efforts. the pentagon has not wanted to
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talk about helicopters going out to extract people in hard get places. but this further reporting tonight, from the wall street journal tonight many instances and not just u.s. military personnel, that makes sense, that the pentagon would not want to talk about that. the cia has very different disclosure rules about their activities that helps us at least understand, the distance between this reporting that these military, that these helicopter x -- and the fact the defense department really doesn't want to talk about. it that might help explain. in any case, we are going to have more on that ahead, in addition will be talking about where all these people are going. when they get airlifted out. in how americans in this country are now turning up to, help some of the afghans who are going to end up here in the
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united states, that's really interesting and important, in sort of surprising next step in where the story is going. in detail and ahead that night you're going to want to see. that tonight we also have covid around the country, the schedule for booster shots for vaccines, may reportedly being sped up. the initial expectation was eight months after your last shot for your vaccine, you could be getting your booster shot. now it looks like it might be six months. plus there's new data today, for people like me, who got the johnson & johnson vaccine, today was the first news about potential boosters for johnson & johnson. we are also still seeing increasing desperation in states where people have said no to vaccination in large numbers, multiple states now shipping out refrigerated more trucks, to augments the capacity of funeral homes in crematoriums, because local facilities just can't keep up
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with the aggressively mounting death toll in places like alabama. and in texas. and in florida. it's a disturbing eventuality given the huge numbers we are seeing out of mostly southern states right now. we will have more on that ahead. tonight though out of a federal court in michigan we got some unexpected dramatic news, concerning people who helped former president donald trump used the federal court system to call the results of the last presidential election into question. to try to have the courts overturn the results of the last election. tonight a federal judge in michigan has decided that a whole slew of trump lawyers involved in those efforts, should be disbarred as lawyers to be specific that they must be referred to disciplinary authorities in their home
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states quote, for investigation and possible suspension or disbarment. it means having their law license suspended. being kicked out of the legal profession. this judges order tonight it applies to sydney who will be referred to the bar association in texas. trump lawyer linwood will be referred to the bar association in georgia. emily newman joined the she will be referred to the bar association in virginia for disbarment, julia hauer will face this bauer -- brandon johnson, sky, -- this is federal court out of michigan, only three of these nine trump lawyers, practice solely in michigan. but this broad in potential order from the federal judge reaches out and hits all nine,
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across the country. a judge ruling that a lawyer should be referred to his or her home state bar so see a shin, in disciplinary authorities, for potential disbarment. this is a rare but extreme measure. judges do this very very rarely, in this case they do it for all nine of the trump lawyers under consideration in this case. and what this is, is the fallout, from a lawsuit the trump lawyers did file after the election in federal court in michigan. basically demanded that michigan should be forced to give its electoral college votes to trump. even though biden won michigan, in that result had already been certified. a federal duck judge dismissed that case, soon after it was filed. it never had proof. but the state of michigan in the state of detroit won back in dismissed the case. to ask the judge to consider doing more.
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the state of michigan in the city of detroit, contended that federal judge, that be unjust dismissing the case, the lawyers you brought that case should actually be punished. for trying to use the court system, to advance a kind of fraud. what detroit's in the state of michigan told the court was this. the plane is filed this litigation for improper purpose, it was never about winning on the merits of the claims, but rather the plaintiffs purpose was to undermine the integrity of the election results. and the peoples trust in the electoral process and government. the filing of litigation for that purpose is clearly an abuse of the judicial process. and it warns the imposition of sanctions. meeting sanctions for the lawyers. this is been spoiling out over a period of months. tonight in a very readable frankly riveting, hundred and ten page ruling, a ruling that nbc justice correspondent pete williams calls, blistering, the
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judge in this case has basically agreed with the state of michigan, and the city of detroit, and everything they were asking for. and so now all nine of these trump lawyers are facing potential disbarment. i'll read you a little bit from the. ruling you'll see what i mean by a being very revered readable in riveting. >> this lawsuit represents a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process. meaning the lawsuit to force michigan to give up its electoral college votes. to trump even though he biden won. the question now before the court, is whether the plaintiffs attorneys engaged in litigation practices that were abusive, and in turn sanctionable, the short answer is yes, individuals may have a right within certain bounds, to disseminate allegations of fraud, that are an supported by law or fact in the public sphere, but attorneys, cannot exploit their privilege, and access to the judicial process to do the same. in winona tierney has done so, sanctions are in order. attorneys have an obligation to the traditionary, the
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profession and the public, to kentucky some degree of due diligence before presenting allegations as truth. a have an obligation to advance only tangible plans. the attorneys who filed this lawsuit abused the well-established -- by proffering claims not backed by law, or evidence, but instead speculation, conjecture in unwarranted suspicion. the proffering factual allegations and claims without engaging in the required profiling inquiry. and they dragged out these proceedings, even after they acknowledged it was too late to obtain what they really saw. this case was never about fraud. it was about undermining the peoples faith in our democracy andy basing the judicial process to do so. plaintiffs ultimate goal, was to decertification of michigan's presidential election results and the certification of the losing candidate as the winner. this lawsuit was not about vindicating rates in the wake of alleged election fraud. instead, it was about ensuring
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that a preferred political candidate, remains in the presidential seat, despite the decision of the nation's voters to unseat him. the plaintiffs counsel advanced a lawsuit for improper purpose, and will be held to account for their actions. despite the haze of confusion, commotion and chaos, council intentionally intends to create by filing the lawsuit, one thing is perfectly clear quote, the plaintiffs attorneys have scorned their oath, flouted the rules, and attempted to undermine the integrity of the judiciary along the way, as such, this court is duty bound to grant permission for sanctions. >> how. , how. lawyers, as i said for michigan in the city of district brought this case. not because they were at any risk of losing, the judge had already dismissed the, case had already left it out of court,
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shortly after was filed after the election, they went back to that judge and asked for this additional action by the judge, to persuade the judge to punish the trump lawyers who did this. for a very specific reason. in their closing arguments to the court, the lawyer for detroit asked the judge in this case to quote, let the world know, that attorneys in this country are not free to use our, cords to spread lies and undermine democracy. detroit's lawyers asked the court to sanction the trump, lawyers require them to pay the costs of the court case, including the other side's attorneys fees, they asked the court to refer these lawyers for disbarment, in part as a deterrent, against any other lawyers you might try to use the court system in the same way. tonight in this, ruling this federal judge agreed with every one of those points, the judge in her ruling even cited detroit lawyer -- that the trump lawsuit was quote, the dangerous product of an online feedback loop, derived not from a serious analysis of case law, but from
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the rantings of conspiracy theorist, sharing amateur analysis and legal fantasy, in their social media chambers. , the judge quoted that, in her ruling. and indeed, she agreed with what's she asked, and they have all been referred by the court potential disbarment in their states. joining us now is david. think representative for the tree in this matter. mr., think gratulations, this is the outcome you are hoping. for him please thank you for joining us and helping us understand this tonight. >> thank you for having me. on first let me in, -- first did i miss anything of what the judge did tonight? >> no i think he did good with the highlights for the chief points of the. judge the judge did terrific job. she really honed in on the issues, and she sent over the message, there's consequences.
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there are consequences for bad acts. in returnees have responsibilities. fertility and staying within the. rules >> how serious is it when a federal judge prefers for potential disbarment. i know this is rare. sanctions for any kind for an attorney are rare. this level of sanction is a big deal. when this happens, forgive me for not knowing this, and i poked around today to try to find i couldn't get a clear answer, when it attorney gets referred for disbarment, they actually tend to get disbarred? that would effectively kick them out of the legal profession. it would be a huge deal. >> there aren't any statistics in the likely outcome, because this is so rare. it's really extraordinary, but it was right in this, case it's
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extraordinary. the judge, issued a series of sanctions. very important ones. the first one was noted paying attorney fees for the city and state. the public shunted had to pay to defend these ridiculous claims. but the sanction is not the most important. one the judge also ordered these nine attorneys, every one of them, to take continuing legal education in election law. because they obviously didn't understand election law before they filed these cases. and to take continuing legal education in the proper kind of pleadings, which are allowed to file. most importantly, as you focus the judge did something that is very very rare, she is reporting all nine of these attorneys, to the michigan attorney grievance commission, and to the disciplinary authorities, of the states that the other state attorneys came from. this sends a critically important message, it tells lawyers, that they don't have
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the right to just say or do anything they want. it's not with the privilege of practicing law is about. as an attorney, we are subject to rules, we are subject to statues, and we are subject to a set of ethics, in rules of civility. in all of these lawyers violated those rules in those ethics. and they will pay for it. >> let me ask you to step back from this, and take a little bit of a wider lingo ends on it for just a moment i know you've been involved in this for months. in fighting very hard on behalf. but what you contended. and i was fascinated to see, the judge explicitly agreed tonight, was that the was brought by the trump lawyers, not too seriously contend with any real legal issue, but for a different purpose. what you and the judge agreed, was an improper purpose. the improper purpose was, not to try to win a lawsuit, not to
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try to address some sort of we were wrong somewhere. but to fuel efforts being undertaken outside the courtroom. to undermine the government. to undermine democracy. to try to force trump back into power. the judge agreed with, you that that's with this lawsuit was. for my question to you stepping back from this a little bit is do you think this lawsuit and others like, it did contribute to those efforts? do you think they actually contributed to for example the violence on january, six or anything other from ongoing efforts to try to reinstate trump's president? even though he lost the election? no question about it. there is absolutely no question about. is they used the federal courts to broadcast lies. they use the federal courts to tell stories that were not true and to try to give credence to the hysterical rantings of those who pretended they knew something about the way the election had gone forward. there is no question that these lawsuits and this lawsuit in
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particular you will do the flames, fueled the fire, of the insurrection that we saw on january 6th. absolutely, that is exactly what happened. and it is very disappointing that any lawyer would do that, and it is very gratifying that a federal judge has said those lawyers now must answer for what they did. they don't get to just say, we filed a lawsuit, we didn't get what we wanted, now we are going home. they did get with they wanted. they spread lies, they gave credence two things that were not true. and now, judge carter has said -- sent a critically important message. not just to the lawyers, but to the whole world. that this lawsuit was a fraud, that this lawsuit perpetrated lies. and that the people who perpetuated lies like that have to do more than just pay the attorney fees far the other side. their bar cards are on jeopardy now, hopefully some of these
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people will maybe -- maybe all of them, will suffer the real sanction of not being able to practice law anymore. because, frankly, they should not be. >> david fink, lawyer for the great american city of detroit, michigan. thank you for your time tonight. we will watch with great interest as all of the states, as a michigan, feels these a disbarment. thank you sir for your time tonight. >> thank you very much. >> all right. the lead lawyer in this ruling, and we've just been talking about -- who is facing sanctions now being disbarred. is trump's lawyer sydney powell. you will recall the recent news as well that another high-profile lawyer, rudy giuliani, he is not a part of this case in michigan, giuliani has separately had his law license suspended in new york while he too is investigated for potential permanent disbarment, being ejected from the legal profession, because of him using the legal courts
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to effectuate this coup, this ability to force trump back into power. mr. giuliani and mr. powell also turn up today in what amounts to a huge, a sprawling, demand for communications and records from the national archives, for trump white house documents and seven other federal agencies about trump's efforts to defy the election results and to try to stay in power after he lost. this is the select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capital. we now know, that committee, is taking an aggressive approach to its investigations. today, that congressman's chairman is also the home of -- he sent out sprawling demands for documents and communications for all these different agencies. demands that are impressive in their scope. for example, from the national archives, there are demanding trump white house records and communications of basically anything and everything that happened on january six, the
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day of the capitol attack. congresswoman liz cheney, one of the two republicans on this committee, had preview that the committee should try to obtain records from the white house about every communication, every movement, of any principle in the white house, on the day of january 6th. they are indeed doing that. but they are also demanding records, not just from january, sixth from days, weeks, and sometimes months, leading up to it about, quote -- that's for example, where the sydney powell and giuliani communications come. they want any documents and communications relating to instructions to stop or delay preparation for the transition of administrations. they wanted information about whether the trump administration was trying to essentially stop or block the transition to the biden administration. they want,, quote communications --
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they want all documents -- the stuff that they are looking for here is breathtaking. they are looking at the whole picture of trump trying to use the powers of his office to stay in the presidency after losing the election. but that is just a portion of what they are asking for in terms of white house records. look at what they want from the pentagon. and this is just a sliver of it. did he tried to rub the
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pentagon into that planning? oh, why didn't law enforcement and military personnel get to the u.s. capitol sooner? why don't we know more about that? and why did the army telling
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untrue story about the number of people and one particular person who was apparently involved in this discussion? well chairman thompson and the committee are planning on getting to the bottom of. that asking the pentagon, as of today, for all documented communications relating to the initial delight by pentagon officials that lieutenant general charles flynn, mark flynn's brother, participated in meetings on january six relating to the response to the attack. on january 6th, as mike flynn had stoked crowds, had stoked trump supporters, into believing that they could do something on january six that would stop biden from becoming president and would keep trump in office his brother, charles flynn, was part of pentagon discussions that day as to whether or not overrun capital police and d.c. police at the u.s. capital would get back up. and those hours, and hours, and hours of delay. during which 140 police officers were injured. those hours, and hours, and
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hours of delay which ultimately proved fatal. those hours, and hours, and hours of delay remain unexplained, and it remains unexplained why the pentagon initially denied. absolutely lied. denied, that charlie flynn had anything to do with those discussions when effect he did. finally, someone is trying to get to the bottom of that. those were just slivers of the requests of about trump house white -- >> white house records. that's not even counting, for example, the request of the justice department about trump trying to winless justice department officials to overturn the election results in specific states and ultimately what they were trying for was overall. so these demands for communications and documents have gone out as of today. and they have gone out like a carpet bombing effort. the anxiety in trump world and the republican party about there being a real investigation on january six, including the actual expectation by those mobs that
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attacked the capital, that somehow trump was going to stay president if they play their part right. that anxiety about there being a real investigation, and real efforts to try to keep trump in power despite the fact that he lost the election, their anxiety about that actually being investigated thoroughly was probably warranted anxiety. it was warranted if the president tried to use the power of his office to break our democracy and sees power by force. that's not just something that is a record that we're gonna need for the history books. it is something that we need to know now, particularly in terms of who help them and how they did so. chairman bennie thompson, of that sixth commission, is apparently going full steam ahead with that investigation in the most aggressive possible way. and he joins us live here, next. ve here, next nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling.
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it's taken a lot to get to this moment. ♪ grew up at midnight - the maccabees ♪ dreams are on the line. you got this. refresh... it all, comes down, to this. ♪♪ we need to understand how and
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why the big lie festered. we need to know minute by win, and how january six unfolded. we need to understand how it was lied behind january six and how it's continued to spread in feet the forces that would undermine american democracy. and we need to figure out, how to fix the damage. >> benny thompson last month opening the first hearing of the select committee that's going to investigate the january 6th attack on the capital. today his committee sort of
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made its first strike, making clear that they're investigating not just exactly january 6th, in the election lies that led to, it also importantly, the various concurrent schemes by which president trump appears to have tried to use the federal government, to try to overturn the 2020 election results, to try to keep himself in, power by hook or by crook. even though he lost the election. the select committee today, issues demands, and documents and communications from multiple government agencies, including defense department, and justice department, they've also issued a very large demands of the national archives, which is the agency that now holds all the records from the trump white house. the committees requests are both broad but also really detailed. they are seeking records about the run up to january six. communications within the trump administration on that day. as well as records about for example, trump's attempts to install loyalists, in key national security positions across the government. after the election. also communications about
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potentially using the justice department, or the military, to try to overturn the election results. or to try to block the transfer of power to the new president. joining us now live, is the chairman of the january 6th elect committee, congressman benny thompson of the great state of mississippi. mister chairman it's kind of you to make time for us. tonight thank you very much for being here. >> thank you for having me rachel. >> let me just ask, i've tried to sort of put in a nutshell, the grand scope, the large scope of these requests that you and your committee have made, today, is there anything i am misunderstanding about? it or anything i'm sort of misconstruing in terms of its importance? >> no, question you're right on point rachel. as you know, house bill 5:03 charged this committee to get to the facts and the circumstances behind january six, that means we need to find out, what caused it. those individuals who participated in it, and then
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create a model, to protect this democracy so nothing like this will ever happen again. we have a new mission committee, of a patriots on it. to make sure that we do just that, so the letter you have referred to, it is exhausting. it goes into great detail, the detail that we will need to do our job. the information we need to do our job. because clearly, a lot of us, at this point, feel that had january 6th been successful, this democracy would not be would it is today. we came real close. and by getting this information, we think it will provide the necessary direction and forced
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to correct, it so that the military or no other branch of government, can be used against american citizens. >> in terms of the expected response, to these requests, i was very interested to see that as you noted today with the requests, some of these agencies, that are getting these requests today, they are re-iterative caressed, from other documents, similar documents that were made by other house committees, back in january, some cases but some back in march, that implies those agencies were asked for documents like, this and they did not turn them over, i would assume, if this for the trump administration still in office, i would assume you would have a huge fight on your hands in terms of no agency wanting to give you anything, but under the biden administration, i would expect less of a fight in terms of handing over these documents that are properly within the remit of your investigation. do you know why those agencies
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did not respond to those earlier request, including the ones in march, once the biden administration is from the imposition? >> no we don't rachel, and that's why we referred to the request in our letter. and that's why we gave them two weeks. to fulfill the request. they have had since march. to get a lot of this information. the additional information we requested, they can do in two ways. the other information, by large or already be somewhere in their possession. so we look forward to getting. but again, this is how this committee will get its work done, by getting the information. we have already talked to the department of justice. they have assured us, that they will cooperate, with the production of various documents, that we request. that they will not stand in the way of our committee doing our job with joe biden as president,
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and democrats in charge, actually receiving the information, that we will need to do our job should not be as it would've been if donald trump had been elected president. >> mister chairman, i have to ask you about one thing that i noticed looking at all the different requests of these agencies. the different categories that we are looking for. some different timelines. a lot of incidents you're asking for information from it's on a different people, from a done a different things that is really narrow, just on january 6th itself. for other categories of information, you're asking for different timeframes, the timeframe between november 3rd and the january 6th attack. in the inauguration. and in some cases, you're asking for information going all the way back specifically to april 2020. requests for information about,
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basically, planning to try to undermine election results, going back as far as april 2020. i just have to ask you, what was going on as far back as april 2020 that you want records from the early? . we have information that i cannot share with you at this point, that individuals were planning in anticipation of the election not going their way, by getting access to this information, we will be able to prove it, clearly things we cited in our letter, kind of laid out the predicate, for what occurred. if this happened we will do this. if this happens will do something else. there was always a plan abc the, in this process. and they were a lot of people involved. we want to find out, from the people who took out the permits,
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for january 6th, for the march, we want to make sure that those individuals, who financed, the individuals coming, here that we talk to them. and a lot of information, that we will need, and that is why we did a significant wide net casting effort, with this first letter, which i anticipate to be very honest with you, there will be some other lentils coming off so because we need access to all of the available information, because when the president of the united states, invites people to come on a particular day, in in that invitations says, it's going to be wild. that causes the committee, and a lot of other patriotic americans, real concern, because in america, we are supposed to settle our differences of the bail up ox.
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not with an insurrection or anything like that, we did not attend on a dictatorship, we are in the united states of america. >> congressman benny thompson, chairman of the january 6th select committee, sir thank you for your time tonight. we will stay on this closely. when you say we anticipate more letters like this going out soon, we'll ask you back when that happened sir thank you. >> thank you. we have much more ahead stay with us. we have much more ahead stay with us. with us. clean free. it's gentle on her skin, and out cleans our old free detergent. tide hygienic clean free. hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. a lot of people think dealing with copd is a walk in the park. if i have something to help me breathe better,
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as the u.s. edges closer and closer to tuesday's deadline, by which president biden has pledged, that u.s. involvement in afghanistan will and full stop. the 80,000 plus people who have been airlifted out, in this week and a half long effort, some of them are americans, they have obviously been top priority for the american government. a large number of them know they are afghan allies, men and women who have insisted the war effort enough to understand. people who can no longer stay in their home country, without the threat of being killed by the taliban, simply for the crime of them having supported u.s. forces. and that all of the afghans who have been evacuated out of kabul, are going to relocate permanently to the united states, many will go to other countries. but for afghans who will find their new home here, one of the questions that remains is, how the american people can help. what they might need. whether it be community sponsorship for afghan families, donations of money, donations
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of food, of clothing, or furniture, or even toys and school supplies for kids. what are they going to need and how will that be organized? we have already seen a lot of interest in americans here at home, offering to help anyway that we can. we talk to pentagon press secretary john kirby on the show next week, we specifically brought this up, he told us that the military base in texas, where a number of afghans are staying before they are permanently settled in this country, the commanding general at fort bliss, says he has been diluted with phone calls and emails from people who live near fort bliss, they want to know what they can do to help, where they can sense applies. that question is on the minds and members of congress to, congressman veronica escobar represents the district that encompasses four plus. today she list visited the base housing afghan wretch veggies to see the start of the resettlement operation firsthand. and she joins us now congressman democrat of tucker's, man congressman it's nice you to make time.
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i know it's been a long intense day already thanks for being here. rachel, thanks so much for having. me there is such an incredible, positive, hopeful story to tell. i am so happy to be on your show to tell it. >> tell me about what the american people should know about what is happening at fort bliss, which you saw, and the scale of the operations there. >> i literally just got home about an hour ago and what i saw filled my heart with tremendous hope and pride. i have the opportunity to thank a number of soldiers, troops, whose mission it is to clear land, to do everything they can within their power to provide humanitarian support for who they are calling their guests, the refugees who were allies to us and partners to us enough dentist and. they have built makeshift soccer goals so that the kids can play and every single
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soldier that i spoke to today who i expressed my gratitude to, told me that they were grateful, that they felt honor and pride to be able to participate in that mission. i also have the opportunity to speak to afghan families and that was incredible. and reflecting on this -- once i got home i will tell you, i was overwhelmed by emotion. those families thanked me, they thanked our military leadership. i spoke to an interpreter who fled with his wife who was a journalist. these are people who are filled with gratitude and who are finally safe and sound. it is now our turn, as americans, to ensure that we do everything that we can to help support them. >> obviously, the journey of a lot of these folks have been through in the immediate sense has bit harrowing, not just in the big picture in terms of the decades of war in afghanistan and difficult circumstances at
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home, but just the immediate journey. incredible security challenges now increasing to desperate security challenges at the kabul airport in afghanistan. we have also heard difficult reports about bad conditions on the ground and cars are, that was the first u.s. base military as a way station before it was over filled with evacuees from capitol and then they started spreading them out to other first stops. we know that people had to deal with a lot on the way here. but it sounds from what you are, saying if you get as far as a place as fort bliss, conditions are good and people are being held in circumstances that are not only sanitary unsafe but positive. >> that is absolutely right, rachel. and the mission, of course, has evolved. what is happening in afghanistan is the administration is doing everything possible to save lives, essentially. you get as many people out. what they have done in terms of
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flights and people has been nothing short of impressive. the next part of their journey, ones their lives have been saved, is to make sure that upon their arrival, they are provided with the health care and the safe, sanitary security of a place to stay. so they are all getting covid tested along the way. in fact, here at fort bliss, of the 1200 guests that have arrived at fort bliss, only one has tested positive for covid. they are getting vaccinated for covid. a baby was born, just last night, at our local hospital, university medical center. there are a range of guests from infants to elderly afghans. they are finally safe and sound and grateful. it is -- there was a moment there, as i was -- right after i spoke to the
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family in the military leadership was walking me through the face and showing you the various tense, and the facilities, where the ngos are housed. all of those spots along the way. i saw a group of kids playing. and, rachel, there is nothing more hopeful than the resiliency of those kids and seeing them playing under the southwest sun. texas democratic congresswoman miss a scrub, i thank you for telling us about what is going on at fort bliss. the pentagon was talking about the community interest of your community. it's good to get your firsthand report, congresswoman escobar. thank you. >> we will be right back.
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they are overwhelmed. the area where bodies are stored prior to being cremated is stacked to the ceiling the stuff is working day and night to honor the dead >> you know, you don't want to turn anyone away. those are their loved. once they are ready morning we are at a point where we are hoping that the state will step in and supplies some refrigeration. >> we are hoping the state will step in and supply some refrigeration. staff member at a crematorium in which regard, and florida. bodies are literally piling up because of the huge upsurge in covid-19. a number of headlines like that today, not just in florida, we also hear that alabama has started distributing refrigerator trucks around that state because they cannot keep up the pace of covid deaths. covid surge particularly in the south is unrelenting and almost entirely preventable if people were willing to be vaccinated. on the vaccine front, that pfizer announced today that
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they will submit their booster, shot the third shot for fda approval, this week. also, johnson & johnson released first data that people who got that first single shot may get a booster shot. it will be a second shot of j&j. this all comes as the wall reports that the biden administration is likely to approve booster shots starting six months after a person's first vaccinated. six months instead of the eight months that had been previously expected. but as lawmakers and health care providers are working to inoculate people against this virus and treat this virus, they are right now contending with a new and bizarre challenge. that is coming from people misinformed, by right-wing media, and online disinformation. disinformation about quack purists for covid that are themselves putting people in the hospital right now. and it is nice to no longer have someone in the white house briefing room telling people to
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get lysol in their veins. to this day, right-wing media broadcast media, and online, right-wing, conspiracy theory, disinformation is leading a whole lot of people to try other totally bananas dangerous stuff that is hurting them and on that subject, we are going to have a special report on tomorrow night show, you will want to see it. we will be right back. ight back. you need an ecolab scientific clean here. and you need it here. and here. and here. which is why the scientific expertise that helps operating rooms stay clean is
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for tonight. i will see you here again tomorrow. way too early is up next. >> good evening lawrence. >> good evening rachel, as we know, judges generally have the emotional range of accountants, there's just you know, there's just not that much, and there's not that much of opportunity to present, that's what's so striking about judge linda carter's opinion and order tonight, 110 pages, where she just worked so carefully within the bounds of the law, but you can feel, the outrage in that opinion. >> hold on a second, i'm going to get. it i'm not leaving. i'm just getting it off the def