tv The Reid Out MSNBC September 24, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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>> thank you, man. >> thanks for having us on. >> absolutely. thank you very much. we'll mention the criteria and collection here you see on your screen of those first four films comes out next week. thank you for ending the week with us here on "the beat." "the reidout" with joy reid starts now. >> legendary. have a great weekend. cheers. >> you, too. we begin "the reidout" with breaking news. joe biden has officially won arizona's most populous county or maricopa helping to solidify his victory in the key state. that's not breaking news. we've known that for a year. since last november when the election was decided. biden's victory in the state was certified by the arizona secretary of state katy hobbs and witnessed by state officials as required by law and yet, the republicans and maga cult members behind this fake arizona
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fraud-it felt compelled to offer nothing damming and nothing new and after that, after nearly $6 million and the corrupting voting equipment, the great search for bamboo from asia and a five-moment campaign with zero election expexperience, the curn closed with the republican party of arizona announcing president biden did indeed win the election. according to their tally, biden won by a wider margin than first thought by 360 more votes to which i hardly say. [ laughter ] >> i mean, come on. it funny. objectively funny. so yeah, we can laugh about how this entire ordeal ended with the cyber ninjas looking more like cyber fools. but in all seriousness, it's no
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laughing matter for our democracy. here is the rally happening right now outside the arizona state senate building where the sham review hearing is underway. a place where big lie slogans and militia men with semiautomatic weapons emerge. what we're seeing here in arizona is a full on attempt to over throw the democracy happening out in the open because those cooky optics were the point. republicans can't win elections fairly anymore so their new strategy is burning faith in democratic institutions to the ground and having fake fraud gaslighting exercises matastized. they are ramping up investigations. in texas a full forensic fraud-it of the election in four counties has begun. the secretary of state did not
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explain what prompted it but the announcement did occur hours after the dear leader made a public demand for it prompting texas governor greg abbott to take time off from putting woman member's bodies under state control to green light those mind you trump won the state of texas. fraud-its are happening in pennsylvania and wisconsin, too and there is nothing funny about that. meanwhile, we're awaiting potentially bombshell information about the front end of trump's attempted coup. last night the house select committee investigating january 6th subpoenaed four former trump officials and associates for documents and depositions to be held next month. they were not only privy to donald trump's thinking before and during and after the insurrection, some were involved in the planning of the stop the steal rallies as well as the pentagon's response to the seeing after. so laugh until you cry. joining me is claire mccaskill
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and joyce vance. a lot of this thinking is sort of main stream and main lined. it feels like what this is in the republican party is accept they did accept after president obama won, we have trouble winning voters of color. that was the old way of thinking wow, we need to rethink our strategy. the new thinking is yolo. we're going to pretend we didn't lose. we're not going to admit it and psychologically accept it's possible for us to lose. but what do you make of my theory? >> well, i think the problem here is you have a leader in the republican party who has no regard for truth, who has lied his entire life. i mean, this is a man who lies like other people brush their teeth and put on their shoes. it is his main way of come mup
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kating. when he doesn't like what the truth is, he makes up something else. look what he did today. his cyber ninjas basically say hey, guy, you didn't even get as many votes as you thought you got. you got less than you thought you got, and what does he do? he sends out the cry to all the trumpers in the country hey, the main stream media is lying here. there really was fraud. i talked to some trump supporters over the weekend, joy, and i had a civil conversation with them and let me tell you, they sincerely believe donald trump. they think the election was stolen. they believe this is a fraud. they believe that he is actually the legitimate president of the united states right now and it was so unbelievable to have a face-to-face conversation with someone who says well, yeah, of course he won. this is all just a fraud. this is just the powerful people in the swamp pulling the levers
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of power to take the presidency away from him. so today, he sent out a message to them, hey, guys this was still a fraud. i'm still the president of the united states. >> you know, joyce, the thing is at the voter level, right, because i mean, look, they did this audit, there was some of this after president obama won, too. nobody on my block voted for obama, he didn't win. i don't know anybody that voted for that guy. that's not possible pause when you see yourself as the majority and main stream, it is hard for you to believe that people unlike you of another race, of another region could possibly have gotten their way, right? and it's one thing for people at the voter end to believe that but there are a lot of people that don't believe it, they're acting on it. pennsylvania's attorney general who is a democrat filed a lawsuit against the republican state lawmakers because what they have done in the state of pennsylvania is to try to subpoena detailed personal information about voters.
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so they want to rifle through people's personal information because they know a lot of voters believe the people that claire talked to believe and they're willing to reinforce that. my worry is that this -- we can laugh about it but this is now become a feature of our politics on the republican side. >> it's an incredibly damaging trend. when you think about it on one hand, this is voter intimidation. you'll remember, joy, in arizona right after the fraud-it started d.o.j. sent a letter to the state of arizona and said we've got some concerns about this so-called audit that you're doing. you're going to lose control of ballots, which are required to keeping your custody for 22 months after an election but we're also worried about people going out and knocking on the doors of arizona voters because you're asking the cyber ninjas to find out if voters were legitimate voters.
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d.o.j. raised those concerns and same issues are implicated in pennsylvania and other states now. it's not just voter intimidation, which would be more than bad enough. now we're talking about collecting information on voters. we know that that information can be used in really negative ways. in 2017 when trump was president, he created a commission on election integrity and their job was to look for fraud. they had to fold a couple months into their operation because they didn't find any fraud, but what they were caught doing was collecting information on voters and asking states to turn that information over. it was clear that was being collected for political purposes. that was enough to shut them down in 2017. the problem is, now it doesn't seem to provoke as much outrage. >> also, they're putting in place people at the local level and at the election counting level they know will go along with it or believe it, who
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actually believe this fiction that it's just not possible for republicans to lose elections. this isn't possible. unless they win, it's fraud. i want to play one of the sort of people who normally i would say this is an extreme but this is a main stream republican. this is patrick maloney taking about who is the happiest on january 6th. >> i was in that undisclosed location with a bunch of republicans who were, one in particular was gleeful what was transpireding outside. took me a minute to figure out why she was having a good time. they were excited about what going on. they had been at the white house, i believe, the day before talking about what was going to happen. >> who was the gleeful republican member of congress? >> well, i don't want to say but her initials are marjorie taylor greene. >> thank you very much. >> claire, it's been replicated across this country at the local
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level and people like her are going to be in charge of counting the votes in 2024. that scares me. the coup ain't over. >> there is no question what they're trying to do is not just keep people from voting, but also, to rig the count. and that's what is the scariest thing. i actually have said on this program and other programs, i think the more they publicly try to keep people from voting, the more it's going to motivate our voters to get out there, but rigging the count is a whole different bowl of fish and that's a huge problem and that's why we got to make sure that doj is on point here. we got to make sure that we're bringing lawsuits everywhere we can and frankly, we got to remember, joy, there is elections out there that matter besides u.s. senate and president and governor. we have got to pay attention to local elections, and democratic donors across the country that are busy sending 20, $30 to
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somebody who has got a slam dunk race, do your homework. find local races where you can make a difference. that's one thing republicans have done better than we have over the last decade. >> they're going from the school board up. they're trying to infect the same sort of factious memeology using critical race theory and mask mandates to get their voters mandated and changing the voting laws. they're pretty open. this is about motivating their voters by trying to guarantee them a win. if you come out and vote, we'll guarantee a win. i want to read a little bit from a robert column that is scaring everyone. this is everyone's worst nightmare. he writes trump charges a fraud in the 2020 election are primarily aimed at establishing the predicate to challenge future election results that do not go his way. the armature stop the steal efforts of 2020 have given way
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to an organized nationwide campaign to ensure that trump and his supporters will have the control over state and local election officials that they lacked in 2020. the big nightmare, joyce, is that they will rig the system by running the system and there won't be the gugu good government local republicans that stop them. next time they'll just take the election regardless of what the majority says. >> joy, i can remember a time not very long ago when people like you and people like claire who raised this issue were dismissed as ing hyperbolic or alarmists. the big lie unrealistically strove to overturn the 2020 election what it is now and the reason it continued so long for the biden presidency, it sets the tone and narrative for 2022 and 2024 and obviously, the former president and perhaps
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other operatives in the republican party have realized that it's possible to sell the american people a negative narrative, a bill of goods that says elections are fraud and they hope that will let them take over elections in the future. >> claire, did d.c. republicans on the senate side, did they understand that in your view? >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. most of the republicans in the senate are privately embarrassed at the big lie and the fact that all of them are too timid to take on what is now, without any doubt the controlling base of their party. >> but do the democrats get it? are the democrats prepared to fight this? >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. i think everyone gets what is going on and i think there is frustration because we have an evenly divided senate. we have an evenly divided senate and have a majority because we have a couple people elected
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that frankly, especially those in states that trump won by more than 20 points. i mean, they are democrats but they are there because they have always campaigned as somebody who was more moderate than the democratic party. so we have this horrible conflict of trying to get to 51 on things or trying to reform the filibuster to get at this. that's why it's so important and by the way, even doing this stuff in washington doesn't necessarily take care of the state and local level. >> for real. >> so take a chill here and real lead if we did away with the filibuster, that doesn't fix this problem. you got to fix the problem at the local level so start paying attention who your local recorder is, who the county clerk is, who your secretary of state is, get involved in those elections. >> it is not sunday but you can get elujah for that.
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up next on "the reidout" president biden promises consequences for the mistreatment of haitians at the border. a guest joins me on what he saw. this week you heard about missing white woman syndrome. what about the people of color missing? tonight i'm joined by the father of daniel robinson that went missing in june and imagine a white maga senate candidate lectuing the children of the reverend dr. martin luther king junior about what their dad, their father stood for. we live in strange times, y'all. "the reidout" continues after this. times, y'all. "the reidout" continues after this grandparents! we want to put money aside for them, so...change in plans. alright, let's see what we can adjust. ♪♪ we'd be closer to the twins.
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-- remain. according to mayorkas, since sunday 17 repatuation flights have returned about 2,000 haitian nationals to haiti. 12,000 individuals were relocated and will have their cases heard by an immigration judge to see if they can remain in the united states. 8,000 remain in mexico. many face expulsion because they don't have temporary protective status that grant the right to remain on american soil if here prior to july 29. mayorkas said administration's determination that despite a recent presidential assassination and earthquake, haiti is capable of receiving return nationals. they rely on a public health law invoked by the trump administration called title 42
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to suspend all entry to prevent the spread of the pandemic. critics are calling for an end to the use of title 42. earlier in the day president biden took responsibility for what was happening at the border. >> of course, i took responsibility. i'm president, but it's horrible as you saw, to see people treated like they're dead, horses running over people being strapped. it's outrageous. i promise you those people will pay. >> while they're willing to take responsibility, it doesn't look like administration will end expulsions any time soon. vice president harris, the point person on immigration did acknowledge that more had to be done to help haiti during a rather weirdly elated appearance on "the view." >> we've got to do more. there is no question. the united states is a member of the western hemisphere and haiti is our neighbor so we have to do more on terms of supporting the haitians returning to the island, returning to haiti. we've got to do more without any question to support haiti in
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terms of its need to get back up and to recover. >> for more i'm joined by president of the center for american progress. former ambassador to south africa. he toured the del rio encampment yesterday. great to see you. secretary mayorkas has been doing interviews and on this program last week. i want you to hear his latest comments whether or not haiti ought to be receiving migrants. >> we have continued to study the conditions in haiti, and we have, in fact, determined despite the tragic and devastating earthquake haiti is in fact capable of receiving individuals and we're working with haiti and with humanitarian relief agencies to ensure that their return is as safe and humanely accomplished as
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possible. >> based on what you know about what is going on in haiti right now, do you agree with that? >> absolutely not. i respectfully disagree with my friend secretary mayorkas. first, joy, let me acknowledge the progress we did make today. it's terribly important in two separate appearances, the president and vice president acknowledged what occurred was inhumane, the president said there would be consequences and we're seeing that. i acknowledge secretary mayorkas is allowing migrants, asylum seekers to come into the u.s. there are human rights attorneys that need to provide counsel to the asylum seekers. even before, folks were still reeling from the earthquake. they were reeling from tropical storms. that was profound political vie
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-- violence in the country as a consequence of the unconstitutional extension of the haiti president. he tragically was assassinated in july. woe need to appreciate there is a connection between the policies we're seeing in haiti. i respectfully disagree with the president and the progress they made in short order. i want to say we have to know it works because the combined voices of americans saying this is not us compelled administration to act. >> it was seen people bing herded like cattle, men, women and children was shocking for anyone with eyes. i have to just bring up the elephant in the room. because you were an ambassador and know what this role is like, to have a special envoy to haiti resign in a dramatic fashion in that letter written was pretty alarming and i think he spoke
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for a lot of people who felt sort of disgust at seeing the way that haitian migrants are being treated. at the same time, the push back against him is also been kind of alarming in that one of the things administration, the state department is saying is ambassador, one of his ideas he put forward declined by administration was sending the military into haiti. that doesn't sound like that makes sense, either and is alarming. is there anyone that has a good idea about what to do regarding our island neighbor? >> there is a lot to up pack there, joy. it might be emotional reaction to the footage. you know i'm haitian american. >> of course. >> my family came here and were welcomed by our fellow americans and it's difficult to see what happened. i was there yesterday speaking to pregnant women that traveled
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5,000 miles. they said there is no way they can be sent back. i know ambassador dan foot. i worked with him in his two months as envoy. i'll tell you that he is one of the few in the american administration over several presidencies who acknowledge haitians in the society and lean into the aspirations of average haitians who just want democratic path for their country and so there was a residence that he found in community. many of us were in and out surprised by his resignation because he had expressed some real disagreements with the pat -- path of policy. the haitian american commuity found someone to be purposeful and not only did he speak to the inhumane treatment but spoke directly to failed u.s. policy in haiti and very clearly, if we are not endorsing and supporting the path that's been carved out by over 300 civil society groups
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that have come together to talk about what future democratic aspirations should look like in haiti, we will continue to have these kinds of crisis at our border. it's important to bring these two pieces together. >> yeah, indeed. i have to let you listen. i even hate to play this. i want you to listen to some republicans because they haven't been honest brokers on this. they are using this hoary that we've watched for politics, of course. here is what some of them have been saying about these migrants. >> we know what the democrats are up to here. they want open borders. this is exactly their strategy. they want to replace the american electret with a third world electret that will be on welfare and public assistance. >> in political terms, this policy is called the great replacement of legacy americans with more obedient people from foreign countries.
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they brag about it all the time. >> we'll talk more about that. we'll talk about how the other side has openly admitted this is about bringing in voters that they want and they like and honestly diminishing and decreasing white demographics in america. >> so that is obvious and blatant white nationalism, the great replacement theory is white nationalist. what you heard is white nationalism. what do you think? >> there is a time when people used to sound dog whistle and there would be some -- that is straight up racism. what tucker carlson said, that conspiracy and theory around the great replacement is racism. it is nothing new in this country. we had that rhetoric and violence in the past. i'll tell you that there were individuals that addressed the full kind of military reference at the border yesterday. they were using that rhetoric and trying to incite us into some kind of violent reaction.
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you know what i also saw yesterday? i saw hundreds of del rio residents. it is a small town. i saw those residents, average america caps give food, shelter, whatever assistance they could to the asylum seekers and refugees. to think that's the real heart of america and not what we're seeing on fox news and elsewhere. >> amen. >> and republicans occupy. >> let us hope. my friend, thank you very much. pleasure speaking with you. all the best to you. >> thank you so much. still ahead, the search for daniel robinson, the family of a 24-year-old arizona geologist missing since june is not giving up hope but they need your help. his father david joins us next. stay with us. ther david joins ut stay with us i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks!
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earlier this week we had a conversation about the gabby petito case and the lack of coverage for missing people of color. boy, did that start a conversation? who the hat tipped to the gwen identical, people are paying attention to other cases like jelani day. his body was identified yesterday in a county morgue for weeks. his family criticized police for dragging their feet in trying to find him. there is the case in arizona of dap yell robinson who has been missing for three months. the 24-year-old geologist was last seen leaving a job site in the desert. nearly a month later his jeep was spotted overturn in a ravine a few miles away. according to police, his cell phone, wallet and keys were found with the vehicle. they say no foul play is
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suspected. daniel robinson's father says police have dropped the ball in the search for his son. as a result, he's hired a private investigator and is taking up the search himself. david robinson joins me now and mr. robinson, i am so sorry for what you're going through. i have children your son's age so this one hits me hard as a mom. so let's talk about this. i noticed your story after the whole conversation started about missing white woman syndrome. lots of people started tweeting your story and petition to me and that's how i found out about it. not through mainstream media and local news. tell me your son's story. your son went out to arizona and then what happened? >> well, my son is from charleston, south carolina straight out of college he came out to arizona to tucson to take a class. from there, he landed his job in
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phoenix. he was happy to be here in arizona mainly so because he's a geologist and gave him the opportunity to work his profession and do the things that he loved. >> so when your son went missing, how long did it take before the last time you heard from him and when you said okay, young people sometimes won't check in. when did you make the connection that this is something other than him not just checking in? >> well, you know, my daughter, she live in phoenix, also. the people from his job came over there to her apartment and notified her that they was looking for her. of course, she called me or her mother. she called me about it. we didn't think anything too bad other than, you know, he was starting to not answer his phone. after i realized it was from the time he -- they say he was last seen at his job and the time
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that he wasn't answering the phone, it became six hours. for daniel, that's totally unusual. he would never ever get to that point. >> and what did local police do when you contacted them? what did they tell you? >> well, they helped for the first day. they took the report. first, they said wait 12 hours, i was three hours off. i called back after three hours. they took my report and also started asking questions around the job, you know, to try to locate him that way. i think one of the officer crews went out and did a drive-through of the street area, not in the desert. i requested them to go out and look for my son. they said he's a grown man so it was night. so they couldn't go out and the next morning i said hey, can y'all please go out there and look for my son. he said they would go out there and called me back and said it's been denied from the higher ups
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because he's a grown man and he has the right to leave if he want to. from that point, i have aunty who called and i don't know what she said so them but she called me back and said hey, they are going to send a fire bird from phoenix, arizona and that was the first search. by that time as soon as they told me they was going after my son, i was in my car headed to phoenix. by the time i got to phoenix, they was out on the 26th. >> he has a right to leave but his car is overturned and find his keys and wallet. that's not just somebody heading off on a vaca or deciding they want to go away. the circumstances surrounding your son's disappearance are so strange it would seem to be a natural story for media to pick up. did you get a sense local media were taking an interest in his story due to the bizarre items that are associated with it? >> well, of course, i started my
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own search. made it to 200 people. we've been doing it for several weeks. in the meantime i was trying to reach out to the media. i was able to get some media coverage with the local news. i was desperately trying to get more coverage through, you know, social media and things like that to get national attention because i wasn't getting anything from the buckeye police department at the time. i had to take matters into my hand. it's took three months to do so. >> do you feel that the police have failed you in this matter? >> yes, i do. yes, i do. and the biggest part is the urgency. i feel like if it was something taken seriously from day one, prime example is the gabby story. every situation should be handled the same way. the first 24, 48 hours is crucial to finding someone. >> thank you for pointing that out because i think also because he's a guy, not a young woman and there is all sorts of factors into what people pay
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attention to. you're right. each story should be treated with the same urgency. we wish you the best of luck. keep in touch us with and we'll stay on top of daniel's story. david robinson, thank you and on wishing you the best. if anyone has information to help find daniel, you can reach david robinson at this website, please help find please help find or contact the buckeye, arizona police at 623-349-6400. please help if you have any information at all. we've got a lot of politics to talk about coming up on "the reidout" and that continues after this. e reidout" and that continues afr tethis bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis.
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and cooks. look at the ohio u.s. senate primary race to the bottom where anti non-white refugee former state treasurer josh mandel is on twitter lecturing the reverend dr. martin luther king about his father's legacy telling martin luther king, iii get this, you don't know what you're talking about and he told king's daughter, dr. bernice king to spare him the lectures about her father's legacy which she specifically works to preserve. he went on to tell the ceo of the king center that he'd take his civil rights guidance from his cousin, thank you, which is unsurprising since she's a big fan of the disgraced former president. josh mandel undoubtedly knows nothing that dr. king actually preached beyond i have a dream. he probably memorized that one line. nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and stupidity.
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meanwhile, hedge fund hill billy j.d. vance in an interview this week he defended the texas abortion ban was asked if anti abortion laws should make exceptions for rape or insist. >> it's not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term, it is whether a child should be allowed to live even though the circumstances of that child's birth are inconvenient or a society or a problem. the question is about the baby. >> no one thought to ask of j.d. when she thought of commander vance's thoughts. not that they could. maybe they could query her martha. ohio's moderate former governor john kasich sign into law some of the most restrictive abortion bans. in a sign of our dark future, these two fair mongering maga suckouts are replacing the norm core bland senator rob portman
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getting the hell out of cooky town. orange julius cesar gets who he wants. i'm joined by david jolly, former republican congressman no longer affiliated with the party and i love you emphasize that, david but i'm going to make you answer for this one. right now in ohio it's cooky or cookie, are. one despises non-white refugees and thinks he knows more about dr. king than dr. king's children. >> can i give you my time to continue with your rift? >> no, no. you may not. [ laughter ] >> listen, so we're so far out from 2022. here is what i'll tell you. i'm a relatively informed political analysis, what ever you want to call me and i wouldn't otherwise pay attention
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to this race other than the fact j.d. vance and this other guy are in this race to out stupid each other. you hit on something very interesting, which is they are looking to succeed rob portman and rob portman is from that, call it the jeb bush chamber of commerce a director under43. fairly traditional republican. if you can take any analysis of what you're watching, look where we're going to from rob portman to j.d. vance or josh mandel and tells you everything you need to know about the republican party today. >> he doesn't have giant red shoes and crazy red hair. you have to be like woo to be republican now or else you don't fit in at all. let's go to the state of georgia where the favorite of donald the
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trump is a herschel walker. a few things about herschel walker, he threatened his former wife's life during and after her marriage. she got a protective order in 2005. he has written about his identity disorder, used to be known as multiple personality disorder and writ and given interviews about playing russian roulette with a gun. he's lived in texas since 2011 so his current wife was investigated for illegally voting in the state of georgia. that's donald trump's candidate so guess what mitch healthcare reform -- mcconnell says. there are some things to unit kate he had challenges in his life but he made some performances on national television. your thoughts? >> he should move to ohio and make it a real fight. mandel and vance are trying to out bigat each other. i doesn't matter.
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one thing, joy, will you pledge a loyalty oath to donald trump? all this is about. he's trump's guy. he played for the washington generals. he loves him. that's all. there is nothing else. he'll campaign on i had problems. i might have a few personalities butpersonalities, vote for all my personalities in this election. and i'm not making fun. >> no. >> if he had an actual disorder. but again, none of that matters. all that matters is loyalty to trump, that's what the election is about. just like jodi heist running against brad raffensperger because jodi is way out there. as long as they have the permission of their husband, he said, that's jodi heist. so, you know, in georgia, the bigots are much more troubling. loyalty to trump is all that matters. >> real quick, lightning round. what's your favorite breakfast
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cereal? >> i'm not sure, raisin bran. >> raisin bran. okay, david, favorite breakfast cereal? >> is red bull a cereal? >> no. >> no. i don't know. >> i'll answer for you, captain crunch is the best breakfast cereal. now let me let you know what michael flynn thinks he might be having soon for breakfast. >> somebody talked about putting the vaccine into salad dressing. have you seen this? >> i thought it was breakfast cereal. i'm sorry. mine was funnier. he should've said it would be in your cereal. he said it was in the salad dressing. so that's totally sane, david. i messed that up. totally sane to say it's going to be on your salad. >> there's something good that can come from this because now the maga constituency might start ordering their salad dressing on the side, which is better. >> i didn't know why it was a
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breakfast cereal in my head, but i think this worked out better. let's talk about marjorie taylor greene. she basically to me is those two old guys in the muppet show screaming at everyone. she's screaming at not only debbie dingle, but anyone else who walked out of the captain today just screaming at them. your thoughts, dean? >> she should scream please pay attention to me. she put honey dressing in my food. she literally just wants attention. she's on no committees, nothing else to do but scream at other members of congress for attention. here's the worst part. in the first quarter she raised $3 million in campaign contributions, so we look at her and go, wow, that's almost unstable, there's something scary. republican base looks at her and goes, i love that, i'm going to
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send that person money. that's scarier than yelling at people on the hill. i couldn't believe she was yelling at debbie dingle who is a nice person. >> these republicans are going to run on race baiting haitian migrants and claiming that they are part of great replacement theory, on critical race theory, which is taught in law school supposedly infecting the minds of white children and anthony maskism, demanding children infect each other with school. that is the 2022 campaign on the republican side. is there any chance that despite redistricting and gerrymandering that will succeed? >> republicans have an advantage in the house because they could pick up eight to ten seats just on redistricting. the republican playbook in ''22 is about culture wars and
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critical race theory. this is all -- use the word racism. this is a racist republican platform. you know, when i see replacement theory, i think of this. it's the poem on the statue of liberty, emma lazarus tells us bring me your tired, your poor yearning to breathe free. the passage before that she says, hey, keep, oh, distant last night, keep your pomp, famous, and fabulous. send me, send us, the united states, your tired, your poor, those yearning to be free >> yeah. >> the story of the united states is a story of diversity and immigration. today's republicans don't want you to believe that. >> they don't like emma lazarus, she was too woke. david and dean are going to stick around for who won the week and you should too. it'll be fun. back in a second.
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folks, once again we made it to friday. that means it's time to play our favorite game "who won the week?" dean obeidallah and david jolly. who won the week? >> texas democrats, the news that beto o'rourke might run for governor. he is a rock star among democratic politics. he's a national figure. he can nationalize this race. we know that statewide in texas
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democrats continue to encroach upon republicans. he's not the perfect candidate. some of his statements on guns and other progressive issues don't seem too texan but the reality is texas democrats have somebody that could be a massive fundraiser. there's a lot of chatter about an independent third party, but texas democrats won this week. >> interesting race. dean obeidallah, who won the week? >> hold on to your hat, i'm picking a republican, and you may not have picked it up, but i'm not a fan of the go. his name is jack sellers, the chair of the maricopa county board of elections, he's a republican. for months he's been denouncing that sham audit as a grift. he said it's craziness, you're wasting time, and sure enough the report comes out and he's proven correct. in fact, not only did jack sellers win the week, but joe biden won it as well because he
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keeps ing with arizona. >> there you go. >> biden wins every week. >> he doesn't win every week. my choice is whoever made the imeach sign for lauren boebert. but i'm picking melba wilson. today she hosted meghan markle and prince harry at her restaurant in harlem. there they are. oh, my god, i'm so proud of melba. that was awesome. that is tonight's readout. "all in with chris hayes" starts now. tonight on "all in," texas caves after trump demanded an audit of the election he won. tonight, an escalating effort to undermine the very foundation of american democracy. >> the president already concluded that it would it don't tell appropriate to assert executive privilege. >> the white house scotches trump's attempt to invade the
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