tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC September 28, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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much. >> thank you. that is "all in" for this evening. "the rachel maddow show" starts right now. good evening, rachel. >> good evening, chris, much appreciated. when a criminal complaint is filed in a case like this, it's not unusual for an affidavit to ma up the bulk of the complaint. the officer writes up a first person narrative that's an explanation of why the charges were being brought. they explain their background and expertise in law enforcement. the person describes the investigation that led the charges to be filed against this defendant. if the defendant got interviewed before or after the arrest, the fbi agent or the officer will explain what the defendant said in that interview. it's narrative. it explains basically the nature of the evidence, what the investigation turned up, and why
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the charges are warranted from the point of view of the prosecution. that's often how these things are structured. along those lines, here's what we got from an fbi agent's affidavit filing criminal charges against a woman named bancroft. on or about january 12, 2021, the fbi received a tip with a video purported to be filmed by bancroft. the video was a selfie video which depicted bancroft and another woman identified as santos-smith, in the process of attempting to exit the u.s.
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capitol. the video further captured a large mob of individuals who had become bottlesynnexed ate capitol exit point. during the video, bancroft stated, we broke into the capitol. they believe bancroft referenced in this quote is house speaker nancy pelosi. bancroft was wearing a make america great again hat. the screen shot of this video is depicted below and they you'lly included a color screen shot in the complaint. there she is. quote, bancroft was interviewed on or about january 20 by your affiant. bancroft said she had entered the u.s. capitol building on january 6, 2021.
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bancroft saw a window that had been broken. she witnessed people entering the capitol building. bancroft said she followed and entered this broken window at approximately 3:00 p.m. bancroft stated that she knew she was entering restricted grounds. bancroft further stated she had sent the video to her children and subsequently instructed her children to delete it. bancroft showed fbi agents additional videos she had filmed on her cell phone. on or about that day, january 20, your affiant reviewed cctv footage that captured bancroft attempting to enter the capitol building on january 6, 2021.
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she informed me during an interview that she had entered the capitol. she had climbed into a broken wiow and knew she shouldn't be doing that. she then filmed the video inside the capitol in which she said, we broke into the capitol, we did our part. we were looking for nancy to shoot her in the frigging brain, but we did not find her. she then sent that video to her children. hey, kids, look what mommy is doing. but then told her kids to delete it. presumably so mom wouldn't get in trouble when the fbi came looking. we were looking for nancy to shoot her in the frigging brain. she said that to her kids. today in court in washington, d.c., something really interesting happened and quite provocative. there's been a lot of these january 6 cases where people have done and said shocking things and been caught and charged for it. but this was buff those cases where the judge basically
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balked. a federal judge today accepted a guilty plea from this defenda from the shoot her in the frigging brain defendant. you're not going to believe me when i say this, but the guilty plea the judge was accepting from her today was a guilty plea to a single misdemeanor charge, which is something that prosecutors are apparently fine with even though the judge doesn't seem to necessarily agree. the defendant is charged with basically being disruptive inside the capitol building. as this is ld out in the criminal complaint against her, what she is charged with is the vehement charge of parading and picketing inside the capitol building. parading and picketing. that's what we're calling this now. the federal judge hearing bancroft's case had a little bit of a hard time accepting this is
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how the case is going and this is how it's going to end. here's reporting from wusa reporter fisher who was in the courtroom for the hearing. a federal judge pressed the justice department today on why a capitol riot defendant who said she wanted to shoot speaker nancy pelosi is only facing misdemeanor charges, saying during the hearing he was appalled by the comments. then fisher quotes the judge. quote, it is very troubling to hear someone say the reason they entered the capitol on january 6 was essentially to murder the speaker of the house. judge emmet sullivan told don bancroft, quote, it is very troubling. at the hearing, sullivan called bancroft's comments about pelosi horrible and outrageous. he asked a federal prosecutor on the case why it didn't rise to the level of a threat. he said, bancroft was fortunate there wasn't a more serious charge. they said it will surely up in
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bancroft's hearing in january, and she should be ready to explain the language then because it could have an impact on her sentence. judge sullivan reflected on one of the large questions of january 6, how so many law-abiding citizens like bancroft had turned against their government. so many people up until january 6 were outstanding members of the community, never been in trouble. but on january 6, they morphed into, they morphed into terrorts, sullivan said. these cases keep coming fro insurrectionists on january 6. over and over again judges keep king prosecutors once these cases get into court, are you sure this is all you want to charge this person with? you know what this person
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participated in, right? you know this was an aempt to overthrow the gernment by force? and we're charging the participants in that effort with having a parade in the wrong place? that was today in federal court in washington, d.c. here's another piece of it. the republican accountability project -- you might remember that name. this is a group that was formed -- they got lots of attention when they came together and formed last year. these are republicans, many of them high-profile former trump administration officials who have changed their mind, who reject trumpism in their party, who are horrified by what happened when donald trump was in office as president. the republican accountability project sort of sees their role now of trying to expose trumpism
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in the republican party and trying to break his hold on the party. a few days ago they showed a tape online which showed a republican named paul gossar addressing what appears to be a small crowd of supporters. the tape is really quite something. for one thing it is really hard to believe looking at this -- it's hard to believe this is a sitting member o congress. but it is. >> we can do that and follow through on this audit. folks, if it's what i've been told, and i had people come to me early hours of the day after from the security exchange fraud department to the cia fraud department, that between 450 and $700,000 got altered in the state of arizona. i'll give you some validation. the dominion which happens to the machines in maricopa county. why do i bring that up?
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they're known for switch and delete. kind of suspicious? if this comes out the way it is, i have to tell you, we have to charge people. >> absolutely. >> so what i'm telling you, the governor knew exactly what i just told you, and he still certified them. now, there is also some good news. in georgia they're doing a forensic audit in fulton county, which is the salon. he tells me there are 60% errors. >> 60% errors. he's got sources from the securities exchange fraud department. anybody have any ideas, anybody? the securities exchange fraud
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department he has sources and also the cia fraud department. now, when somebody e mailed you, congressman, and told you they were the cia fraud department, did they also ask for your bank account number? did they also ask for you to wire them a little something? is it possible the e-mail came from a nigerian prince? he's got his sources. the cia fraud department, the fbi fraud department, it's 60% error in the election. this is this month, this is september 20, '21. his name is paul gosar. there has been some reporting in the arizona press that it's possible he is not well. there may have been something healthwise going on with congressman gosar. i have no reason to believe that's true and he has said in that reporting that he's fine
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healthwise. the republican star is not saying, i'm sorry, i don't know what that is, ichl having a meltdown. >> all the press is saying, there's normal paerps. >> it deserves looking at. deserves attention, because what they're sailing particularly at home to their constituents, particularly as they start getting ready to run for election is all this stuff. and it's a current animaing force in one of the two major parties in our country. pretending that it's not or pretending this is in the past is not helping us. i want to show you another piece of this now. i mentioned a few days ago that a colorado lawsuit was about to become a font of information about where all this stuff came from. about how these lies and conspiracy theories about the election got invented, how they came up with this stuff, how
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they started propagating it. you heard this congressman in arizona, for example, sharing this stuff about dominion voting machines, right? that's been one of their big villain machines. it's been the conspiracy theory of why they needed to bring in the cyber theory because they couldn't be believed. that's what they've been selling from the beginning. an executive from dominion systems filed a lawsuit against president trump and trump's lawyers and his allies whovsh -- who have been promoting these conspiracies and lies on voting machines. those lies have led to a lot of important information, in part because it's led to a lot of people involved in concocting those conspiracy theories in the first place having to sit through depositions under oath. having to explain under oath why
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they sent this stuff. that gives us a priceless window into how this stuff came into being, how this ended up being promoted by the president's former lawyers and now it's overdrive. that's what's drawing the republican party today. i may be wrong, and i'll correct myself if i am, but so far this has not been previously reported on tv. we know in colorado, the colorado news outlet picked up on this, but as far as i know, we're the first one to report on this. what we've got is a deposition from this lawsuit in which former president trump's lawyer, rudy giuliani, is under oath. and the portrait the deposition lays out into where all these conspiracy theoies and complicated lies came from, all
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this stuff he sold to the public. he sold to the courts, what went wrong in the election. the initial seeds that is the animating force of the republican party, rudy giuliani was pretsd under oath to explain where that stuff came from, where he learned it from. here is trump's lawyer rudy giuliani. i should mention he right now is currently awaiting word as to whether the suspension of his law license will be permanent or if someday he might get it back. here he is under questioning and under oath explaining the due diligence he did as a lawyer, as an officer of the court, when he decided he needed to go public with these claims that the election was stolen. he needed to go public with these claims that dominion voting machines and executives of dominion were the villains who somehow stole the election from donald trump. remember, this conspiracy thory
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is not just for them. they believe it and said president biden should not legally be president, that donald trump belongs in the oval office because of all the things that went wrong in this rigged election. where did all that come from? now we know. because here is the president's lawyer explaining how hard he worked to make sure the rigged election was a real thij before he started spreading it. here's what he says. question, as i heard your testimony in ter of your claims about voting systems, we've got some media reports that you gerallydescribed, and then you looked at some facebook postings that you described? answer, giulia. i don't remember if it was facebook. those social media posts get all one to me, facebook, instagram, twitter. >> social media postings.
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>> i think it was facebook. >> what else did you lay eyes on? right now i can't recall nils -- anything else that i laid eyes on. >> he thinks it was probably facebook. he doesn't remember looking at anything else. then the deposition turns to mr. giuliani's claim that there was a source, there was a witness who claimed to know that dominion voting systems have rigged the election for joe biden. there is a witness. oh, mr. giulia, did you talk to this supposed witness? question, i take it from your testimony that you or your team didn't interview him? answer giuliani, i didn't interview him. question, okay. answer, giuliani, i can't tell you if somebody on the team didn'tnterview him. i think somebody interviewed him. question, you said the source's story was credible. do you have any knowledge that
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says he is credible? giuliani, no. i didn' have any information that he wasn't. it's not my job to go out and investigate every piece o evidence that's given me, otherwise you're never going to write a story. he says, why the heck wouldn't i believe him? i would have had to have bee a terrible lawyer that liked to exercise rather than give my client the benefit of the doubt. i'd like to exercise everything i could against my client. gee, let's find out if it's untrue. i didn't have the time to do that and there is nothing that said to me that i should do it. the lawyer then says to him, question, have you heard the term trial by press conference? i have. was this a trial by press conference? answer, giuliani. it was an invtigation by press
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conference. i laid out what i knew, and what i knew i had no reason to believe was untrue. it wasn't trial by press conference, it was investigation by press conference. i read some stuff, i think it was maybe on facebook. i laid it out to the public adds what we knew to be the facts. and no, i had no idea if it was true or not. i didn't even try to check. why would i try to check? you wouldn't have a story then. it literally says, why the heck wouldn't i have believed him? i would have had to be a terrible lawyer. i would have had to be a terrible lawyer. gee, let's go find out if it's untrue. i didn't have time to do that. there was nothing to me that said i should do that. this is a deposition filed in court in colorado in a case brought by an executive from one of the companies that has featured in the republican party conspiracies, ongoing conspiracies about the last
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presidential election. the president's lawyer admitting that when he seeded that conspiracy theory with the public in the first place, which has now grown into the animated principle of the republican party, at that time he seeded it in facebook posts, but he can't remember. he never interviewed anybody who so-called survived the store, survived the evidence if any of it was true, because that would ruin the story. why would he do that? again, this deposition from rudy giuliani filed in a defamation cates. but that story he admits was just concocted is what ultimately led to the attack on the u.s. capitol building on january 6. a federal judge today saying in
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bewilderment that that turned people into terrorists that day. it led to the fiasco in arizona where republicans did spend months undoing and retrying their election results. and even today their republican congressman, paul gosar, is saying because of their audit of the review and the voting systems and the blah, blah, blah, there should be a redo between biden and trump. >> that story, that concocted story is behind all of these editorials you might see in texas today, if you live in texas. all these editorials in different texas newspapers today. they're not going to alleve that
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thely because of this story. >> it's all made up. this is the scene today in chicago with former president barack obama when he picked the spot on which this happened today. he was actually still president. it was july of 2016 when president barack obama chose this site, jackson park in chicago, to be the official home for his post-presidential library. today in chicago was the official groundbreaking, you see the former first president and the former first lady there. a new presidential library is always a cool thing. it's a research center, a museum, a monument history for the public to be en, and no
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plans have been announced for his library. these things take a while to get off the ground. barack obama chose the place for his presidential library five years ago. they just started shoveling the dirt today. why is there no trump presidential library being cited as we speak? for donald trump to start planning his presidential library, that would require him to acknowledge that he is post his presidency. apparently we are not there yet. the emanating life force in the republican party right now means that their republicans and three-quarters of republican voters agree with him. president biden canceled his
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chicago trip to deal with other things. how much money should we be raising instead of -- it has to do with overthrowing elections, overthrowing small deed democracy and getting stuff done by force. ignoring that when you're looking at the rational negotiating positions of the two parties in washington is to put your head in the sand. that said, we do see president biden and the democrats trying to get stuff done. we see them under the gun in terms of timing to get it done? we'll be right back. it done we'll be right back.
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in senator joe manchin's home state of west virginia, the $3.5 trillion build back better legislation that's being proposed by president biden, it is overwhelmingly popular. the number of west virginia voters is almost unbelievable. the build back better proposal as -- has people worldwide. if senator manchin wants to be known as the democratic senator holding things up, his voters back home may not be happy about that. it's not just west virginia where the state rumblings might be disconcerting to democratic
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conservatives who are holding this thing up. the state's democratic party in arizona is so fed up with her not being on board with the bill that they passed a resolution this weekend which says, if she votes against the senate reconciliation budget bill, supported by president biden and the vast majority of democrats in both the house and the senate, and if she continues to delay, disrupt or votes to gut the reconciliation package of its necessary funding, then she gives a vote of no confidence. democrats almost unanimously want to pass a huge groundbreaking piece of legislation on climate and the social safety net and infrastructure. in the senate these two conservative democratic senators, joe manchin and
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kyrsten sinema are holding the whole thing up. but they have a problem. when you look at the package, it's very popular stuff, including in their home states. take a for instance on what the bill would do for electric vehicles. in the newsletter volts this week, he talked about if the bill gets passed, here's what you get in terms of buying an electric vehicle. if you buy an electric vehicle, you get a tax credit, a rebate, essentially, of $4,000. but it goes up from there. if you were to buy that car before the year 2027, you would get an extra $3,500 on top of that. it keeps going like that until this bill reaches a grand total
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of 12,500 back. you could get $12,500 back if you chose an electric car rather than a traditional gas vehicle. who doesn't want to save 1 $12,500? it's also worth talking about what's in the bill, not just because it's popular and that should and will affect whether it gets passed. but also because if this thing gets passed, it's important that it be right that, it be the next big bang for the buck we could get. this could be the biggest piece of legislation we've passed for the country, ever. as such, is it a collection of
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right ideas? would it make a dent? joining us now is bill kibben. mr. kibben, thanks for being here. >> what a pleasure, rachel. >> i imagine you are rooting for the reconciliation bill, the build back better bill, to pass because it seems like america's biggest stab yet in doing something on climate. but what do you actually think substantively about the climate stuff that's in it? does it appeal to you? >> yes, absolutely. not only is it our best stab, it would be theirst piece of serious legislation that the u.s. congress has ever passed on climate change. i looked through it in great detail, and they're very good at this, that there are provisions in there about the electric car plan, tax credits, the home
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electrification thing, they're enough to get us to that goal of 2030 that joe biden has promised, that science has said it's the absolute minum we could hope for, and it would give john kerry something to negotiate with when he goes to this international climate conference in a month in glasgow. >> i know, bill, that in addition to being an expert on climate substantively, you're also a pretty distinguished expert in terms of knowing how things get done on this and how the politics and how power works around these issues. are the right people making the right arguments to help get this thing passed? if it would be as consequential the way you're describing in terms of climate, it's a high stakes decision this week for everybody for whom that is a number one issue. >> first of all, the process in and of itself is crazy. senators sinema and manchin are behaving in a cruel fashion,
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trying to play one constituency against another. that's not how this thing has been fraught, the sunrise movement and the d.r.e.a.m.ers and the nurses working on health care, they've been rallying together to get this $3.5 trillion bill through. to negotiate with someone who won't even tell us what their end goal is, sinema and manchin. that being said, they've really been working to get this in place, and it's painful to watch the progressives in the house stand up and insist it's got to pass. the bipartisan infrastructure bill by itself really doesn't do much. it's a series of giveaways for the fossil fuel industry. the only reason for doing it is so you have the chance of passing a very important climate bill. we don't know if it's going to happen. we know if it doesn't happen,
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just as it didn't in 2009, the last time congress teed something like this up, then there's likely to be no significant climate legislation ever in the period of time that is scientifically relevant. children born this year will pay 7,000 more times for weather disasters in their life. all we're trying to do now is protect civilization from being cut off at the knees, and we're back to our last innings. >> down to our last innings, bill kissinger, thank you for helping us understand the stakes. >> thank you, rachel. take care. i will tell you that in
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terms of senator kyrsten sinema in arizona, she is being told if you don't pass this thing, we don't know what to make of you as our senator. we'll pass a vote of no confidence. i don't know what else we can do. you sense this real regret of democrats in arizona who worked so hard to get her in that seat feeling now they have to fight against her for democratic priorities she said she agrees with. something she really wants to get something done about is climate. she says that's one of her biggest priorities, one of the main reasons she wants to be in the senate, which makes it more difficult to imagine why she's standing in the way. she and senator manchin are the ones standing in the way in the democratic party of the only significant climate legislation we have in the hopper and the
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biggest job we've had in a generation. lots more to come tonight. stay with us. > lots more to com. stay with us you're driving innovation. you're racing to the cloud. you need to dot securely. that's why palo alto networks developed prisma cloud - an integrated platform that secures your cloud environment end to end. used by the world's largest organizations, prisma cloud provides the cyber security you nee from code to cloud. prisma cloud provides so you can get cloud se, the cyber security you nee the first time around. we've got next.
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(man 1) oh, this looks like we're in a screen saver. (man 2) yeah, but we need to go higher. (man 1) higher. (man 2) definitely higher. (man 1) we're like yodeling high. [yeling] yo-de-le-he... (man 2) hey, no. uh-uh, don't do that. (man 1) we should go even higher! (man 2) yeah, let's do it. an 2)th)i'm od. woah! (man 1) me, too. (man 2) mm-hm. (vo) adveure haa new ok. an 1)let'go low. mm-hm. o) scoverore inhe allews gook. baru oback wdernes
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so this is interesting, and this is a real change, and this is something that probably deserves more attention than it's getting. as recently as this summer, as recently as july, the percentage of white adult americans who reported getting at least one shot of the covid vaccine was 70%. that's accordingo a kaiser family foundation poll. compare that number in july to black adults. that number was 65%, and for hispanic adults, that number was 61%. this is adults who got their first shot. as of july, whites, 70%, blacks, 65%, hispanics 65%. racial divide. that was in july.
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take a look at a new poll today by pfizer, showing that gap has officially closed and there is a different gap that explains what is going on in country with our vaccination rates. look at the gap closing. as a baseline, the number of all american adults who report getting at least one shot now, that number for all american adults is now 72%. look at it by race. the numbers have really evened out. the percentage of white adults who say they've gotten one shot is 70%. compare that to black adults and hispanic adults. 71% among black adults, 73% among hispanic adults. so those are all really, really tight, and hispanic adults is actually the highest proportion. this basically means that race is no longer a statistically important factor when it comes to those who are vaccinated. there isn't a racial divide
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anymore. but there is another factor that sticks out like a skyscraper. 72% of american adults have had at least one shot. that's our baseline here. in blue there, that's the number of democrats who say they've gotten at least one shot. that's 90%. now look at republicans who say they've gotten at least one shot. that is 58%. that is the gaping divide now. that is the difference now. that is where we are as a country. how do we defeat that challenge. with us now is liz hemla. liz, thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> let me ask you about the significant changes over time. for me it seems like positive chans for the country, positive changes to see the racial divide shrink. it is largerhan it is today.
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in statistically significant terms, have those numbers tightened up? >> yes, in our surveys they have. we go back to april and may early on in the vaccination effort. what we find in oururveys is that any black or hispanic adults were telling us they weren't yet ready to make a decision about getting the vaccines. they had questions and concerns both related to side effects but also to access to the vaccine or time off from work. we found tha gap that used to exist between bla and hispanic americans and white americans in terms of vaccination has cloetsd -- closed in our surveys. >> in terms of the divide that remains with political party affiliation, is there anything in your survey data that indicates, other than calling yourself a democrat or republican, what might be driving those decisions? you just spoke about the kinds of concerns that were driving what we've previously seen as a
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racial gap. are there any other subtleties about why republicans are so much more reluctant to get vaccinated that your surveyors and your polls are able to figure out? >> well, you know, it's not a new thing that we see these big partisan divides in how people think about the vaccine, and it really reflects other attitudes about the public in general divided along party linds. i think one of the big ones in understanding attitudes about the vaccine is republicans are more likely to feel like the seriousness is exaggerated by the news media and they're less likely to feel like they would get sick and democrats are more worried about themselves and their family members getting sick. >> one of the things we have seen in terms of policy interventions that's been, at least to my untrained eye, shockingly effective are these
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vaccine requirements. and i'm saying they seem to have been shockingly effective mostly on self-reported results of the entities putting in place these new rules. for example, united airlines reported last week that once they announced they would require a vaccination for their employees, 97% of their work force is now vaccinated. today with requirements for new york health workers going into effect, today the percentage of new york health care workers who have gotten a dose of the vaccine is up to 92%. it does feel like employment-based vaccine requirements, at least anecdotally, are showing themselves to be very effective in terms of raising vaccination numbers. is there anything the survey data tells us in terms of what to expect and how that may interact with this big partisan divide in terms of republicans not believing the seriousness of those requirements in the first place? >> we did ask people how they feel about these employer
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requirements, and not surprisingly, they're not very popular among unvaccinated people. if we ask unvaccinated people, what would you do if your employer required you to get a vaccine, about 3 in 10 say they would be likely to get it. but if you instead give them the option to say, what if you had to get a vaccine or be tested weekly, about half say they would take the weekly tested option, so the increase in vaccination rates might have to do with how employers rolled them out. >> liz hamel, director of public opinion at pfizer research, thank you for putting these results out in a way that is digestible and understandable to our lay audience and thank you for being here tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> it is important to understand these dynamics.
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one of the things that caught my eye in terms of vaccine requirements, the vatican is now putting in place a vaccine requirement. as a catholic, it's been interesting to me to hear people say they should get a religious exemption from the vcine because they're catholic. well, not only is the pope vaccinated, he will now start docking pay for vatican officials who don't get vaccinated. which i think will complicate the effort to make tt a religious exemption in this countr but we shall see. we have more so stay with us. se. we have more so stay with us who pays more for prescription drugs than anyone else in the world? americans do. and whose tax dollars does big pharma use to develop those same drugs? that's right. our tax dollars.
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but this is a real thing. still happening. we a eight mths io t biden adminisation and you know who is still running a major federal agency we all count on in this country, louis dejoy, still postmaster general of the united states. he was appointed to that job last year during the trump administration. he has zero pta svice expericeut ls o experience running companies that compete with the post office and therefore wish the post office to be worse at what it does. he also has lots of experience shoveling huge amounts of money to republican candidates including then president trump. as you say recall, as soon as mr. dejoy took this post, he said about deliberately slowing down mail delivery in this country. you might remember some of his greatest hits like destroying 10% of the custom made multimillion dollar mail sorting machines just as the postal
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service was preparing to handle time sensitive mail-in ballots for the presidential election. but you know, during the time he's been in charge, his own former company has done well and he's done well personally. the u.s. post office ramped up its business with a logistics company that louis dejoy used to run and continue to pay him millions of dollars in his ongoing investments and contracts with him. so the postal service is going more business with the company that pays him what it does well. he's running the postal service. oh. and to top it all off, he is currently right now under fbi investigation for an alleged brazen illegal campaign donation scheme. former employees describe to "the washington post" where he pressured his employees to make donations to republican candidates of his choosing and he would reimburse them.
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that is very much against the law. how can this guy still be running the postal service? it is true president biden cannot hire him directly. he reports to a postal board of directors. the chair of that board who has backed louis dejoy, the chair is the head of an investment firm from which louis dejoy purchased hundreds of thousands ofollars worth of bonds. i mean, how is this tenable that he is still postmaster general? which means more of his big plans for ruining the mail going into effect. as of the end of this week u.s. mail service will be becoming even slower and more expensive in a way that's designed to be permanent. under the latest changes, 40% of first class mail will be effected. a spokesperson for the post office says these changes, quote, will improve service
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reliability and predictability. as in your mail wl bereliably slower and no expensive for no reason other than the fact that louis dejoy is still baking the post office because he is still in that job. how long wl we remain stuck with this guy? watch this space. got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> tech: every ctomer has their own safelite story. this coue was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to felite for sa. this coue was on a camping trip... and with their insurance, it was no cost to th. >> woman: really?
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what recology is all about. as an employee-owned company, recology provides good-paying local jobs for san franciscans. we're proud to have built the city's recycling system from the ground up, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america. let's keep making a differene together. all right. s that going to do it for us tonight. i will see you
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