tv Hallie Jackson Reports MSNBC October 1, 2021 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 14 day. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. breaking news right now on msnbc reports, headed for the hill, president biden adding this last-minute meeting to his schedule today, to fight for his economic agenda. he'll by on his way to the building best hind me any minute to meet with house democrats divided. sources tell msnbc news that this isn't -- instead, the president, using the power of his plat, and many years of experience to try to break the logjam on the spending bills.
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nancy pelosi reiterated, they'll vote when they have the votes. it does not seem she has them, with progressives still waiting from the green light from key senators like joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. i'm hallie jackson in washington, along with our nbc news team, monica is posted at the white house. ali vitali is on the hill. and mon, let me start with you. we are hearing from jen psaki, we know the small group of reports that travels with the president is getting ready to leave the white house, they're going to head down pennsylvania avenue. a president showing up might
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mean the end might be near. this is it. >> this is also a big time lowering of expectations. jen saki say if there was a deal, you guys would know about it. that's not what this meeting is about. our sources say that's not where the negotiations are stand right now, and the white house is saying these things always happen at the end, they come down to the wire. just think about everything that president biden has done over the last week and a half. he had lawmakers here at the white house for about five hours of meetings. he's been on the phone constantly. there was negotiating on the baseball dime earlier this week, and now they're playing a bit of
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a final card here, but sending the president to the hill to have these meetings with democratic lawmakers. that's not to say that couldn't happen again, but that would be a move more reserved for something that is barreling towards a conclusion, but the president also, they said, his role is not to go litigate between these two warring factions at this point. that's what jen psaki just said, but to make the case for his agenda and why he feels they should get it together now. the president spent decades on capitol hill, and he'll rely a those relationships, but the white house is not prepping the rose garden for any celebratory announcement. >> let me play a bit of what we heard from jen psaki a moment ago. >> he's going over there to make the case for his legislative agenda, which includes the
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infrastructure bill, and it includes his build back better agenda. he wants to speak direct loy to members, answer their questions. >> president biden will be doing a lot of the talking when he gets to the meeting. i'm checking my phone, forgive me you but very quick trip. >> he's going to be doing -- he'll get an earful, probably, at least in some democrats. what is your expectation? >> hallie, i'm glad you're watching your phone. we're seeing this hallway getting busy, that's right down the hall is when they will huddle with the president. he'll be doing most of the
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talking, but the earful he gets might be different. progressives want to hear they're close to a deal on reconciliation. they want to move on to the bipartisan infrastructure bill that technically is still up for a vote today, though if you listened to speaker pelosi earlier, she says that timing is still fluid. take a listen. speaker pelosi, will there be a vote today? >> when we have the votes. >> that has frankly been the consistent refrayed from the speaker. at the same time we have heard from others and house leadership that they still expect a vote today. moderates say they remain bullish, though there is a reality in which time could be the ultimate motivator here. it's not locked in stone anywhere that a vote has to happen today.
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what we have seen is the contour of that price tag that they will be comfortable with, that has come out into public view. we have also heard from our sources that they are starting to get into the contours can't live without all of those puzzle pieces are coming together. the last 24 hours have been a lot of movement in the negotiating space, as the white house has gotten much more entrenched, spending top deputies to the hill. the president coming, really putting a finer point on that, emphasizing this is the key pinnacle of his economic and infrastructure agenda here but also helps -- >> let's remind people why this
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matters to americans. it's not because of dem drama on top of the hill, but it's because of what is in the legislation. you have the bipartisan infrastructure, that's roads, bridges, what they call hard infrastructure. energy, you're seeing it on the screen, broadband, rail, et cetera, et cetera. then you have the broad are social spending bill. mark, that is really a huge piece of what president biden campaigned on, what he won on, which includes major help for families and expanded child tax credit. et cetera. that's why this is relevant, right? you asked him first whether the final agreement comes in the next few hours, weeks or months? what tea leaves are you reading, mark? >> just what ali ended up saying, the last 24 hours have
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crystallized what the end game is going to look like. the end game is the marker that joe manchin put down, as well as what he was willing to go on how far on taxes. also saying he wanted means testing, that only lower-income people should be able to qualify for those programs. so we see the end game near in sight, between what progressives and joe manchin want. one of the big questions, as we go forward in today's meeting as well as down the road is, are progressives willing to go down to where joe manchin wants that dollar figure.
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ed negotiations, they ended up saying, are you ever going to turn back to infrastructure? we heard mitt romney criticizing biden for that, so i think there will be a lot of give-and-take. finally we have to see where kirsten -- kyrsten sinema wants. there are remains questions we have, whether there's an agreement in hours, weeks or months ahead. >> is somebody going to walk away, unhappy, mark with this meeting today? >> amounts. no one ever gets what they said, at least if you want the government to work. the maximalist my way or the
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highway, are always disappointed. politics is always the art of the possible. one of the key places, a role that a president can actually play is facilitator and negotiator to be able to placate a lot of people who might be upset, kind of convince them that 60% of a loaf or 70% of a loaf is as good as the system will end up allowing. that's one of the reasons the president's movement to capitol hill is significant. because there probably will be some hurt feeling on all sides, and a new president is one in which is able to usually unite the party and say, this is as good as it's going to get, and that's the way a president can have with his own party. >> i predict we'll be talking to you again in the next 20, 30 minutes.
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mon, i appreciate your reporting. as we stand by for any word when president biden arrives at the hill, if he stops and talks to the reporters that are lining his route, i want to bring in somebody else. congressman ricci torres. congressman, good afternoon. thanks for being on with us. >> thanks for having me. what do you need to hear from the president? >> we just need the president to impress upon the whole caucus of passing the entire agenda. neither bill on its own is sufficient for me the build back better act is far more consequential. we could built a 20th century social cert, it would improve
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preparedness. so it's important we pass both bills. we all to pass both bills in a spirit of unity. >> do you think that is what the president will call on the caucus to do? >> that's the message that the president has driven home from day one. the president has been intent on passing both of these billings, on parallel tracks at the same time. that's an aggressive position. that's been a long-standing position of the president. i hope we stick to it. >> there have been some of in your caucus that have seemed frustrated is this a good sign in your view that he's not traveling, he's coming to where you are? >> there's no substitute for direct engagement from the
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president himself. the president should be hands on and proactive. the stakes are high. we're determineding the future infrastructure of america, and he needs to play a central role in these negotiations. farce i'm concerned, we should remain in washington, d.c. as long as necessary to get these bills done, because the stakes are too high. >> can you update us on the status of the conversations in the last couple hours to try to find a path forward? do you think this vote could happen potential tonight? >> i mean, i have trouble imagining the vote purely on the bipartisan infrastructure framework. there are those in the progressive caucus, including myself, who field strongly we have to move forward with both bills at the same time. we have to invest in physical and social infrastructure. one of the most provisions of the build back better act is the
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child tax correct. if it were to expire, it had plunge 10 million people into poverty or deep poverty. it's not a either/or choice. >> joe manchin is asking house progressives to take the win on the infrastructure bill, take the w on that, and then get to work on the bigger bill. does he have a point? do you trust him he would get to a place you're comfortable with on the bigger bill? >> the progressive support, the bipartisan infrastructure framework, but senator martial edge opposes the build back better act. that this lies the stalemate. we have to take the time to break the stalemate within the party over sequencing and strategy, but for me it's more important to get it done right than hastily or divisively.
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>> i think i want to know where we're going on the record. senator manchin says he ade moved to $1.5 trillion. is that a number you can accept. >> keep in mind it's $350 billion a year. it's the $3.5 trillion over ten years. it's less than 0.2% of the economy. that's the least we can do to upgrade structure. if we can squander trillions in a failed war in afghanistan, why can't we invest in our own people here at home? >> congressman, we hope to get an update from you when the
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meeting is over. thank you for being back on the show. appreciate your time. >> always. on the left side of the screen, where the president's motorcade will arrive. this is obviously the white house and the capitol building, the place where it's happen this afternoon. we're covering every minute of it live. we've also got a breaking announcement from california's governor, as it's the first state to mandate covid vaccines for every eligible student. in texas, with the state's abortion law in the hands of a judge as we speak. we're live, next. of a judge as we speak. we're live, next otection, but we also bundle outdoor vehicles with home and auto to help people save more! [ laughs ] ♪♪ [ humming ] [ door creaks ] oh. [ soft music playing ] what are you all doing in my daydream?
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according to an internal memo, the fda will not extend the shelf life for unused j&j doses, but they will or might extend the life of millions of moderna shots. word of that decision coming in as california governor newsom is making another decision, announcing that every student in public school, k through 12, must get vaccinated against the virus. this is going to be mandatory for everybody from elementary through high school once the vaccine is fully approved. jake ward is in san francisco. jake, take us through the nuts and bolts of how the governor go to this decision and how and when it will be implemented. >> reporter: this is an extraordinary development for a state that holds 9 million children. just the sheer breadth of this mandate across the state will have a tremendous impact on
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public health. that's, of course, what governor newsom has been talking about again and again. you'll recall during the recall election season, the recall he survived, he said again and again that a vote for him would be a vote for health. so many of his opponents had decried the mask mandates and other steps the governor had taken. it turns out now that he has the recall behind him, he's going hard at public health. in this case an absolute blanket mandate, all students, public or private schools, have been to get vaccinated as long as it's been fully approved by the fda. you mentioned 12 to 15-year-olds are getting vaccinated under an emergency order, but it's expected coming in the fall we will have full authorization for the fda for 12 and up. beyond that, we're looking at the possibly, hopefully the probability of full fda approval for kids until 12 as well.
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at that point everybody has to be vaccinated. there will be some religious exemptions possible, but that will be up to the state health department. that i think will be a very unusual thing. really we are looking at a very broad, very serious public health campaign to make it such you cannot opt out. >> jake, thank you. new legal action involving that texas abortion ban today. with justice department lawyers in court arguing for an immediate temporary hold to be issued against it, saying the state law is, quote, in open defiance of the constitution. pete williams has been watching that hearing for us. any sense so far which way the judge might be leaning? >> it's hard to tell. there were some indication he might be willing to grand relief for the federal government here, and put a hold on this law. one of the problems is, when courts enjoy enforcement of a
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law, they forbid specific people or parties to do something. who do you enjoy here? this law was intended to get around that, but saying individual people can sue. the state officials say you can't enjoin us, we don't carry out the law. i think one of the possibility is the government said could enjoy the state, meaning state court judges wouldn't be able to entertain or do anything about these lawsuits, if they were filed. that's one possibility. hard to tell what he's going to do. >> pete, any idea when a decision might come down? >> no, as soon as the argument is over, he said we'll get right to work on the order, but not when it would come out. president biden is to make hi way to the capitol. the fundamental shift in power dynamics within the democratic party. even the centrists used to call
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single hallway in the capitol, you thought wrong. show the force here, as soon as he gets here. that room where house democrats will be meeting with the president, is starting to fill. that meeting was scheduled to begin at 3:30, obviously running a bit late, but we have another update. senator sinema on the phone with the white house, as we speak, according to leigh ann caldwell. this is obviously before this meeting we're monitoring here. very interesting timing. we also know from sources that senator sinema is not even in washington, she left for home. she has other things going on this weekend. bring us up to speed.
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you have a better vantage point, that the room has started to fill with democrats. >> that's right, hallie. there continues to be a stalemate, and the mood is quite tense between the progressive caucus and the centrists. centrists want the president to say pass the bill now, everything can wait. we have him to crack the whip and start moving votes. progressives want something very different. they want to maintain that linkage, which they argue is the only way to get president biden's agenda done to avoid risking certain reticent members to shrink it or remove it entirely. the sweet spot has been to always get a deal at least on the multitrillion package. they have to assuage these dozens of progressives who have
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vowed credibly to shoot this bill down if it comes before an ironclad agreement is struck on that infrastructure bill. they want this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to rewrite the social contract. >> the white house expects this meeting to last about an hour. apparently the president has not left yet. again, if you know washington, it's not a far drive, especially if you have a presidential motorcade. what we have seen over the last 24 hours has been a progressive flex, if you will, right? largely that is, at least in part because of the leadership of congresswoman jayapal.
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when she was first elected, she was a progressive outsider, now the activist insider that leads that caucus with 95 house members, somebody that speaks to a democratic party transformation. in the last few years, her rising influence has gone mostly under the radar. she said herself, a lot of people, because i'm a woman, i look younger than i am, people take me for granted. that's helpful sometimes. talk to me about jayapal's influence here, and how you see this affecting the landscape in the future. >> she's made the caucus much more powerful on capitol hill. the democratic party today self-identifies at the voter
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level much more liberal than it did about a decade ago. also, the caucus has grown in numbers. beyond that, jayapal has led to a series of changes. it used to be scattered. she has changed that. she talked to me, well, several years ago when democrats first took the majority of wanting to change tactics, to vote as a bloc, withhold their votes, to demand that their priorities are met. so far she's staring down democratic leadership. she appears to be winning on this. the end game is not yet written. the last part is the centrist democrats have gotten weaker and less organized than a decade ago. they used to be organized under the blue dog caucus, which has shrunk.
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>> hannah, how do you see it? progressives do see themself as almost defenders of the biden agenda here, given they're pushing for -- i want to go back to the live shot. hannah, take it away. >> yeah, that's absolutely right. so much what sawhid set, it's spot on to say when progressionives entered the majority here with democrats in congress, biden taking the white house, we saw a very swift movement and change, and very strategic attempt to make the progressive caucus something vastly different. it was extremely scatter shot, very smaller in numbers. jayapal has been a caucus chair for many years. she listened to not just the internal dilong, and certainly members of the white house, who she's in close, close contact
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with on a fairly regular daily basis, but also a key difference i've talked to, who told me that her involvement with the progressive activist community, while it's sort of a natural fit for her, is something that's almost new in terms of the broad democratic party, in the way they think about -- operate. it's not necessarily a bureaucratic position in the way that it once was. there's much more input from strategists from the movement, from -- a lot of people from bernie sanders campaigns, and people who operated really at -- and we're see the fruits of that play in part the strategy here, because, as we mentioned again, brass knuckles tactics, doubling down, and sticking to that linkage that they are hoping to see. that remains to be seen.
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you know, what happens when president biden reaches the hill, but she has certainly played a pivotal role in the way the conversations have gone so far. >> by the way, that was president biden's motorcade leaves the white house. we think we'll see him -- listen, we don't have the chopper up today. forgive us. you're going to have to bear with me the next couple minuts mon, we just got the list from the white house, he's bringing a slew of people with him. people who know the democratic party, people who will be joining him in this discussion. >> reporter: this is a longe list than would be traditional. i think that's of note. i think it's because the white house is saying they're not going to use the president's own voice. they may ask some of these people to tap into the
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relationships they have built over the last couple months. much of this has been driven by louisa terrell, and a senior adviser and director of public engagement. the office of public affairs has been highly involved there are people that the president can turn to, to say how do we get this done? he can make the over-arching speech, and then use those who have been a part of essentially every one of these conversations to try to bolster that. he did leave a bit late, but that's also interesting because of our reporting we saw from our own colleague, leigh ann caldwell, who said senator sinema has been on the phone with the white house, and perhaps that's some that delayed this motorcade movement.
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a lot of these phone conversations have been with people exactly like those heading to the hill to hammer out some of these details. those are some of the tea leaves behind the scenes why we expect he left a bit late. and i'm told that they expect this meeting will last about an hour, but we also know from covering president biden, as we have the last few months, time tends to go out a bit when he's having a serious discussion or negotiation, and i think wicked see that well into extend -- further into the afternoon. the other thing just to remind people here, this is a friday where typically the president would be leaving for his residence in delaware, later in the evening, spending the weekend there or at camp david. none of that is in the plans right now, they said they want the president fully focused in these discussion. whether something comes out of this meeting that makes him feel
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like he can spend the weekend in delaware. we'll have to wait and see how much he wants to be engaged. >> you're seeing a variety of shots we have from our team covering capitol hill, the various teams and pool cameras out there. we're showing this not because we think it's particularly dramatic, but because at some point we may hear from the president. sometimes he stops, takes questions. the hallways are lined with reporters and cameras. we may get inside to the message he'll deliver, at a critical moment. ali, i understand you have a bit of news for us. ali, if you can hear me, you're welcome to start talking. >> hallie, hey, yeah, we're here
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in the hallway. just a few minute from now in the room behind me, we will hear from president biden. he's minutes away. after we saw lawmakers filing in, he caught up with henry quellar. he's been in discussions with the larger policy debate. quellar wanted to see a vote to the bipart san infrastructure bill on monday. he did say he was disappointed it didn't come on monday, disappointed it didn't come yet, even though, at the same time, though, i asked him if this vote were to continue slipping, if it were to happen over the weekend, would that be okay with him? he did acnom that time has helped democrats continue to get closer to a negotiating point where the vote can pass. at the same time clearly what he
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wants to hear from the president in there is a message to move forward on the bipartisan package. at the same time, though, what one of the other congressman walking into the room said is the principal is about to be in there. that's how some democrats are looking at it. >> that same congressman, 24 hours ago, was insistent that vote would happen last night. obviously that was not the case, with white house aides, members of congress there close to midnight, actually. listen, president biden has a pitch to make here. mark murray, let me go to you, as we wait for the president to arrive. you will see it happening at the same time as we will. but mark, given what you just heard from ali, what does the president need to do here? >> he's got to bring he party together. you were talking about henry quellar, and the reason why he
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wants the passage now. >> there are other democrats that are or talking about the child tax credits because they feel like this is what brought them to congress, so it's important for the president to bring those together. that's one of the reasons that the white house seems to be approaching this dual-track process. one thing that we have seen over the last week, ali, has a lack of trust over democrats. if there's members who want the
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bipartisan deal. >> mark, i hate to interrupt you, i want to bring up the same shot. right before we cut away from it, we saw house speaker nancy pelosi standing in the doorway. there are places in that building where cameras can go and places where they cannot go. we have teams staked out at places where the camera can go, so if the president decides to take questions, on his own agenda -- not just his economic agenda, but broader social safety necessary, we can't talk about this enough why this matters to americans, things that democrats will help americans in their everyday lives. that is what is at stake here. i want to give folks a sense of perspective.
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the motorcade will pull up like an overhang, if you will. the president will walk out and head to the meeting room. that's the exterior shot. you remain standing by, and we talked about the progressives led by pramila jayapal, talk about the centrists and what this means for them, who had put their own positions on the line here, and who, listen, didn't get what they wanted, at least ar the last 24 hours. >> that is certainly correct. congressman gottheimer and others demanded a vote by a certain date, but that date has come and gone. they're trying to push that september 30th date to today, by recessing and not adjourning the
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way ali vitali was talking about. it's a complicated mess right now to make sure the centrist democrats feel comfortable that their concerns, their demands are being met. the fact is they were outnumbered by progressives at this point, they have dozens of votes firm, which is why speaker pelosi is in this conundrum. she couldn't get to this point without making that promise. now they're in a position to deliver. i think that's part of the reason why president biden is coming to capitol hill. he has to make they will family comfortable so they can go home and say what i fought for on your behalf is being addressed. he's got to speak to the progressives and make an overall pitch to resolve a puzzle that speaker pelosi hasn't been able to do on her own, and senator schumer has not been able to do. president biden has to resolve a price tag issues of $2 trillion
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and not a lot of time to do it. mon, i may interrupt you at any point with we see president biden get out of his motorcade, because we're going to listen and hear in he answers any questions form talk about the way the white house and folks close to the white houser pushing back a what some see as a narrative of a make-or-break moment for the biden agenda. there is a sense, i think, among some democrats that this is not it, right? this is going to get done. senator sanders alluded to this. it's a function of when and how big it's going to be. >> certainly, hallie. i do think we can read into the pause, it's been more than five machines that president biden arrived there, maybe he is on the phone, or he's having final
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conversations. i can ride my back from the white house to the hill faster. >> reporter: exactly. i think that's a fair assessment that this signals to me how fast moving this is, how much there is still to figure out and how the president is still very much involved and is the one who perhaps is dealing with some of these final pieces of the puzzle. he's not going to go into the room and do it, but we had to broaden out and think about the big picture, too, about the senators who are not there on capitol hill, who are also in his ear, trying to talk to him about how these pieces of legislation can advance. i think that's a very important thing for people to remember here. he has a lot of different balls in the air he's currently juggling. of course he could be deal with a whole different issue that he could be dealing with. that happens as well. is the motor indicate has a mini office, but as we see the cars
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pull in here, i think we'll get a sense from the president, who typically does read out what he's been doing and who he's been talking to, but to answer your broader question here about the pushback, the white house is saying this is not the president going to ink a final deal. he warrants to go and surge although make the case and tell them i'm not here to litigate your democratic party infighting. i would like you to get in line, but i'm not here to tell you exactly how to do it, but the question of the price tag has repeatedly come up, and moments ago when the white house said if they would accept $2 trillion, the press secretary said she didn't want to negotiate from the podium and she didn't have new numbers to read out. >> here his comes, president biden. >> reporter: we see the president exiting motorcade and
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[ inaudible question ] >> president biden with some pleasantries there, introductory remarks to the house democratic leadership that has met him. they are inside the capitol. i told you we have all the angles covered. we will pick up another live shot where the president is headed. he is going to speak to the entire house democratic caucus. this is a big pitch from the president a big ask, if you will, to his own party, to get his agenda back on track, essentially, to make sure that they got done two pieces of critical legislation that are key to his agenda, first that smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill, as we have talked about, roads and bridges that kind of thing. that has bipartisan support. second the broader social
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spending bill, right now at the price tag of $3.5 trillion. it is going to change. senator manchin on the moderate side wants it to be $1.5 trillion. as you heard from others like torrez on this "ultimate survival alaska" they want it to stay nearer the big number. mark, this is his first meeting with the house democratic caucus, right. >> no that kind of fanfare, of course he ended up addressing congress in a speech earlier this year. but certainly coming in, meeting with -- we ended up seeing in the picture, escorted by house speaker, nancy pelosi. >> right. >> as well as the top leadership, house majority leader, hoyer, house whip jim clyburn. i saw hakim jeffries there, too, one of the top-ranking democratic leaders. now all going in to address the entire caucus. hallie, as we were talking about earlier, there is a sense of, you know, repairing some of -- might be the mistrust or the
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some trust issues because some of those house moderates wanted a vote starting on monday. then it was pushed to thursday. we're on friday. and they want a vote now because they believe that this thing is ready to go. and you have other democrats and probably a larger share that say, no, we need to wait and hold them simultaneously. >> another chance to hear from the president here. hang on. >> mr. president -- >> why has it been so challenging to unite your party, mr. president? >> a thumbs up and a breeze by from president biden there despite the valiant efforts from the reporters around him looking to get him on what his message is. ali vitale, i want to go to you in the halls of the capitol there. what have you got? >> as i am listening to your conversation, i don't think we can underscore enough the amount of sway that the president could have over this group of people. i am struck by the fact that
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earlier today democrats had a caucus meeting this morning. everyone in there airing family grievances and one of the threads that came out of that meeting it was fact that speaker pelosi asked the members to stand up if they backed the bipartisan legislation. and a majority of the room did so. it underscores the fact that a lot of these democrats actually want to pass the bipartisan bill. the stumbling block here is the larger biden agenda, the stuff that doesn't exactly qualify as traditional infrastructure but that the white house and democrats have consistently tried to paint as social infrastructure to try to build the country back after the pandemic and the economic recession that has ensued. that is likely to be part of message inside there. i do think, though, the continued juggling act between when this vote is actually going to happen is really one of the central focal points. this debate has been going on for weeks and weeks over the top line numbers and the policy priorities. i'm struck that time was the main motivator here though.
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in the last 24 hours we have seen more movement now than in recent days and weeks. that can't be understated here. i also think, you know, when we are talking about moderates who are trying to corral the senate counterparts to their pause, coyiar told me minutes ago he was texting with joe manchin this morning. we know sear citizen sinema is not physically in d.c. but that doesn't mean she is out of the negotiations. sources tell me she has been in consistent contact with the white house about her policy priorities. it is others point to say it might be progressives in the house who are far apart on this. mistrust between these factions. but the president could be the person to paper over that. at least for now. >> sal, i think you are with us. before we have to take a break and say bye because we don't expect to see president biden again until he comes out of that room. you think manna, the meeting will likely be an hour.
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it could certainly go longer, right, if the expectation is 60 minutes. it really depends how it is going in there. your spence of timing on the next steps? this is like a relating session. i think back to when former president obama came to the hill for one of his agenda items. it was like bringing in the closer at the bottom of the ninth. this is not that, right? how do you see the time line unfold? >> the next step that democratic leaders have to decide now is what happens with this infrastructure vote. they have been dragging it and dragging it and dragging it. it is decision time. do they hold the vote and risk it failing. it is almost certain to fail if they put it up for a vote today or any time soon or do they pull the vote in which the centralists have to be placated? president biden and plocee don't want a situation where they have to pull away and say i am not
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playing this game anymore. this could fall apart. that's why the democratic leaders were happy to see president biden. not just pelosi, hakim jeffries. >> you saw them smizing, because their faces were all covered by masks. >> exactly. he is there to get the small democratic majority, the thin narrow majority on board with two massive pieces of lest that will define the president he is agenda. the one thing all the democrats have in common, from jayapal on the left to bernie sanders to joe manchin, they want joe biden to be a successful president. that's why his presence here is so important. >> we asked about next steps on the hill. what about next steps for president biden after this? >> that's interesting, hallie. for a president who even cancelled a trip this week earlier. he was going to be going to chicago to talk about vaccinations. they scrapped it entirely so that he could stay and be a part
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of the negotiations. that's the mode the white house has been in all week long. they have wanted this to be the focus and the priority. and that appears to be what continues now here. there is nothing on his public schedule for this weekend. traditionally, he would travel to delaware, or to camp david. he would be away from the white house for the weekend itself. that's not the case right now. we are told he's expected to stay at the white house at least tonight and continue to be a major player in these negotiations and discussions. and as for next week, that's the other thing we are not quite sure. he doesn't have anything on the schedule that's that firm because they are leaving room for all of this to extend into that. as we go further into october we know the conversations around the debt ceiling, that's going to be the other major, major question as this barrels closer to october 18th and that deadline, hallie, that's so critical. >> we talk about the relevance to all of us, all of you, the debt ceiling could have a serious impact on you, the
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markets, social security checks, et cetera. mark, i have about 90 seconds left, final thoughts to you. >> to me, what stands out is in addition to the president trying to build the trust level, the thing is that the senate really needs to get to work on crafting a reconciliation package. and we know that the house has basically said, hey, to the senate, we want you to take the lead on this so our house don't have to vote on something that's not going to pass the byrd rule or get through the reconciliation process. that bipartisan legislation which passed the house back in august is ready to go. that's why some house democrats but not a lot of them want that to be passed. and to be able to have this dual track approach where the white house wants it and the democratic caucus, you need to have that legislation, a dollar amount, what programs do they actually want to do? how far? is there means testing?
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we still don't have all of the details. we have some from senator manchin, we don't have a whole lot from arizona's senator, sinema. they need to get to work on finalizing that thing to catch up with the diplomat infrastructure. >> you are taking the words out of my mouth because until you have some of the hard numbers here how -- the top line for example, it is tough to sort of craft something when you don't know where those crit senators are. thank you, basically my coanors for the last 45 minutes of television here. a reminder, we are going to be waiting for president biden to walk out of that meeting with house democrats as he makes this pitch to get his agenda, the agenda this he campaigned on, ran on, and won on going in the halls of congress. we think it will happy, maybe in an hour, maybe a little longer. you can see every update here on msnbc. that does it for us. we will see you back here on monday morning. deadline: white house starts right now.
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hi, everyone, we come on the air after developments on capitol hill that will have great consequences for the priden presidency. president biden right now on capitol hill meeting with dpemts as negotiations are -- with democrats as negotiations are underway over just about every important piece of president biden's domestic agenda. it is his first ever personal appearance before the democratic caucus. nancy pelosi said there will be a vote today on president biden's signature proposal, the social infrastructure bill. progressives signalled they would block the vote and the bill if there was
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