tv Hallie Jackson Reports MSNBC October 11, 2021 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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right now the blame game blowing up with nbc news obtaining an explosive capitol hill police whistleblower, accusing two senior leaders of dropping the ball, even lying about intelligence leading up to january 6. what else that letter says. how uscp is now responding to us today and what congressional investigators are going to do with all of it. the man who incited the attack back on center stage for republicans, in the meantime. what former president trump has to say on the campaign trail and why some republicans seem to want him seen but not heard. plus, what house leadership
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has come out with cementing donald trump as the party leader. plus a big rsvp over a face to face on facebook. the facebook whistleblower, what she knows. we are joined by former fbi special agent executive katherine schweit. a man identifies as a capitol police whistleblower. acting as capitol hill police sean gallagher and yoda pitman. she stepped into the role of chief. you can see some of these quotes from the 16-page letter. "failed so epically."
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"failed in every aspect of their jobs." saying they contributed to the death and injuries of civilians. this letter is addressed to senators schumer, mcconnell, pelosi and mccarthy. talk about first the response that we do have, and we do have one from capitol hill police here this afternoon. >> reporter: hallie, it's a scathing letter that accuses -- excuse me -- it accuses the capitol police leaders, i'm sorry, for mishandling this intelligence that came their way. they said there is plenty of evidence they have that an attack like january 6 was going to happen, and they did not act on that intelligence. they describe that as a failure of capitol police. they also describe that as a failure of the congressional community. by that they appear to mean those four congressional leaders that they addressed the letter,
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too, saying they did not do enough to hold these individuals responsible. they say the capitol police chief, although there is more work to do, many of the problems described in the letter have been addressed. u.s. capitol police chief leaders, under chief tom manger, are committed to learning from prior mistakes and protecting our brave officers who fought valiantly on january 6, so we can continue to carry out the department's critical mission. they said there are major failures and that going forward they will try to learn from those mistakes, hallie. they said congressional leaders have more to do to hold these two officials responsible as they are still on the capitol hill police. >> katherine, we should note there are claims made in this letter. there has been a lot of investigations, as you know. there is the senate report and other things related to january 6. there is one quote from
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gallagher and pitman who say, the failures and inactions of these two prior to and on the 6th unquestionably contributed to the death of officers and the serious physical and emotional injury of hundreds of other members of law enforcement. can you talk about the other members of law enforcement, how this might be being received inside the department? >> yeah. today, i think this letter has obviously been circulating a little bit around town, and the frustration that you can hear in the letter is that -- and even if you look at the capitol police response, their response didn't acknowledge that this is a failure, that they had failures, and we know that, but they didn't say, oh, the latter is inaccurate. they just said we're working on those. so inside, part of what that means is some of what we saw when we heard the acting chief pitman talking about intelligence, she said in her testimony, we were consumers of intelligence. you know, that's not how you
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handle intelligence. i'm sure the major is very experienced and he's focusing on the fact that intelligence is in two parts. you gather it and you make a plan based on that information. >> how confident are you, katherine, that the steps that need to be taken down the road, right, god forbid something like this happens in the future, have been taken. because what he read from capitol hill police is acknowledging there is more work to be done but they have actually addressed a lot of the concerns that have been raised already. >> i think there is two parts to that, honestly. i think the first part is that clearly the writer's frustration is the fact that the two individuals are still on leadership roles, and that is very -- that is the crux of the frustration for this writer. but do i think that the changes are going to get made and they're going to be taken seriously, the comments in it? absolutely, because manger is solid. i know him, he's led the fairfax county, montgomery county.
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he is an operational police chief. he knows what he's doing and he'll get it done for the american people. >> he's no stranger to the folks in northeastern virginia. salid, let me go to you. we're hearing from committee members on that investigation, how their committee work is proceeding, and on the potential for real consequences for people who are not cooperating with them like sawhill, former aides to former president trump, steve bannon among them. >> that's right, hallie. as far as this committee is concerned, everything is fair game in this investigation. they're trying to look at everything that led up to january 6. it was described as a fire that's been kindling for months and months, and their job is to
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find out who led the kindling, and who threw the match on it after that. this is arguably failure of imagination that led up to this where officials had reason to believe that something like january 6 could happen but did not sufficiently act on it. the committee has a big decision to make in terms of how they enforce these subpoenas. there is no indication that these four money are fully complying with the subpoenas and their schedule to appear for testimony depositions the end of this week. what is the committee going to do about it? two of them, adam kendall and jamie raskin talked about this. >> that is our lead-in to say critical contempt. this is our moment. >> i can tell you he's absolutely determined to see that we get all of these subpoenas enforced. >> reporter: now, criminal intent will be a referral to the justice department to prosecute these individuals until they cooperate. hallie, you know as well as
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anyone who covers the trump orbit that there is an expectation of investigations toward them. they'll first slam in the gears. they're less interested in the language to comply with this stuff. they understand the language of power and consequence, and that's where this committee has to show its teeth that they want to make sure people recognize, hostile witnesses recognize, that they need to comply or there will be consequences. >> thank you both for that. remember, the insurrection at the capitol was prompted by the lies. former donald trump kept pressing that the election was stolen from him. it was not. he's still saying it even though it's not true. as our first political team points out, he is getting a tacit lead from republicans. >> so you think the election was stolen? >> what i said was there are states who didn't follow their legislatively set rules. >> the last time, i promise.
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do you think the election was stolen or not? >> they didn't follow the rules which the constitution says they are to follow. >> not stolen. keep in mind steve scalise is a member of the house who picked up republican seats in the election. mr. trump said he never conceded, including in the rally in iowa, and two-thirds of republicans said he should remain a key figure in the gop. liz cheney, republican congresswoman, who has been an outlyer in her party, i think it's safe to say, relating to matters about donald trump fired back at steve scalise after that moment we just saw. >> yeah, she did, hallie. it's clear parties are divided on the former president, but the anti-trump component of the party is getting smaller and smaller and smaller as the days go on. liz cheney is the leader of that anti-trump contingent, and after
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representative scalise said that on fox news sunday yesterday, she took to twitter and put out her own statement saying the republicans have a duty to tell the american people that this is not true. she's talking about the election lies. perpetuating the big lie is an attack on the core of our constitutional republic. but, hallie, it's clear that republicans, as they get closer and closer to the midterm elections, have made a choice. and that choice is they need the former president, or they cannot upset the former president if they want to succeed and win their elections. you saw senator grassley, as you mentioned, at that rally in iowa with the former president over the weekend. i'm told despite grassley being very popular and despite him having won something like seven senate terms previously is still standing with the former president because in part, i'm told by a source, that he was getting a lot of blowback from
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iowans in this vote in favor of the bipartisan infrastructure bill. so he needed to shore up that republican base. now, you saw some republicans who have decided not to run for re-election again, people like senator roy blunt and senator richard berg, north carolina. they didn't have a path. it wasn't viable for them because they were not trumpie enough. it's going to depend on the state and the candidate, but it's purely politics. you have the outlyers like representative cheney and even senator murkowski in alaska who is running a very independent race and being an independent senator even though she's still a republican. but one other thing, there are some republicans who are worried that the more the former president is present in the political cycle, that means that republicans are unable to focus on president biden and his low approval numbers, because democrats will now have a foil,
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and that will be the former president. >> lee ann caldwell live for us on the hill. i want to bring in carlos scabello, former congressman. let me show you that poll. two-thirds of republicans think donald trump should stay active in the party, but 44% think he should run for president. they don't want to see him run but they do want him as a leader. does that seem like a disconnect to you? how do you reconcile that? >> i think a lot of republicans like donald trump, they think he's interesting, they think he's entertaining, but clearly many don't think another four years of donald trump would be good for the country or for the party. i hear a lot of republicans come up to me and say, hopefully he doesn't run.
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hopefully he will allow someone new to rise up and lead the party in a different direction. while we republicans, because we're so polarized, still have some sympathy, some appreciation for donald trump, i think deep down a lot of them are realizing that he is dangerous, that he's highly undisciplined and that he could be very damaging to the party and the country in the long term. >> you described him as folks saying he's interesting or entertaining. what is entertaining about lying about the results of the election? >> well, that's the problem, hallie. unfortunately, these are not joking matters. it's really sad to see people in positions of leadership being unable to express simple truths, like the fact we have no election in this country, the votes were counted, those votes were challenged in numerous courts including the supreme court where there are six conservative justices and there was no evidence found that there was any fraud or massive fraud
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or stealing of the election. it's just a shame, it's sad, it's leading to the disints -- disintegration in many ways, and that's why the power of the truth is so important at this time. >> i wonder by that you're perhaps referencing congresswoman cheney who fired right back at steve scalise for refusing to answer that question from chris wallace on sunday. one of the things we look at here is sort of the truth of the matter, but then also the perception that people have. because, congressman, we had teams at the rally in iowa over the weekend, and one woman told nbc news that she truly, truly feels like there could be potentially a civil war. like she is that prepared to fight for what she sees as the -- what she thinks is a stolen election which obviously it was not. there is a disinformation bubble, depending on what kind of media you consume. how do republicans who do want to speak truth to power, who do
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want to say like congresswoman cheney and others, hey, this isn't right, this isn't accurate, how do you do that when there are outlets promulgating the exact opposite? >> you have try to get on those outlets and you have to show up at town halls all over the country and you also have to talk to your colleagues. someone like steve scalise, hallie, i served with steve, i know him well, i know his family. he's a man who is admired by republicans and democrats in the house. i remind people steve scalise almost died because he was shot by a gunman while he and other republicans were practicing for the congressional baseball game. obviously he's admired in his district, in his state. he does not need to promote donald trump's lies in order to be politically viable. and his colleagues who are serving with him in congress need to go to him and tell him this because not only does he not need this, but the damage
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being done to the country is deeply troubling. like you said, of course people are preparing for a civil war. if you tell people an election was stolen, that their will was overturned by fraud or by manipulation, that makes people very angry. my family came from cuba, a country where there is violence and a horrible relationship because democratic institutions were diminished. it's horrible, and other republicans need to speak to steve scalise, kevin mccarthy and other leaders to try to convince them to do the right thing. >> if they haven't yet, why would they now? >> well, look, they are examples, hallie, of republicans who have done it. look at mitch mcconnell. as much as people disagree with him, on this issue of the election, mitch mcconnell has been unequivocal, and he still has the support of almost all senate republicans, if not all. there is a way to do it, it just
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takes a little courage. >> former congressman carlos scabello. thank you for being in the headlines and talking about this. the spies and the sammy. why two americans, a jar of peanut butter and a microchip are on the edge of an espionage case. plus, the facebook whistleblower. who else wants to hear her story? that's coming up. and the texas abortion law. where things stand right now, next. law where things stand right now, next at'sliberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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trick or treat. trick or treat. give me something good to eat. trick or treat. trick or treat. give me something good to eat. [ children chanting ] trick or treat. [ sirens blaring ] i want to take his mask off... and see the life leave his eyes. [ eerie music playing ] trick or treat. the clock now ticking for the justice department ahead of a deadline tomorrow to make its next move in a texas abortion case. remember over the weekend, the u.s. fifth circuit court of appeals put a hold on a lower court's ruling, bringing that near total ban on abortions back in effect in texas. the circuit court's order is merely a stay meaning it has to
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appeal the ruling that blocked it in the first place. barring that, they must hear why the law was struck down. pete williams has been all over this story. pete, can you tell me what they might be whispering about what the doj will respond here? >> it's pretty clear what the department of justice will say. the government will say, yes, it does have the power to sue, and no, texas didn't have the authority to pass this law. they will say you can't take constitutional rights away from women without giving them a chance to challenge that law in court. that's what texas has done, and texas also can't deputize people to do something in the state that the state can't do on its own, namely to ban abortion after 16 weeks. that will be the argument here. after that, the three-judge panel will make a decision about whether to lift the hold -- or
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lift its order that stopped the judge's ruling. let me put it this way. the fifth circuit will decide whether sb-8 can be enforced or not, and whoever doesn't win in that three-judge panel, can either go to the full circuit court of appeals or come to the supreme court to try to ask the court to get involved in this once again. at this stage the issue is not about abortion, the issue is about the ability of texas to pass this novel law. >> you talk about the fifth circuit, pete. correct me if i'm wrong, current makeup pretty conservative, right? is there any question to how they would respond if the doj responds as you suggest they will? >> the fact they did grant the administrative stay on friday, which is the normal thing courts do when someone says, hey, let's keep the status quo for now. it will be when it went into effect, not when the judge issued its ruling. the fact that they agree with
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texas is pretty telling that the justice department has a pretty tall order to overcome that. >> pete williams, thank you. still ahead here on the show, are southwest workers forcing huge flight cancellations because they disagree with the vaccine mandate? what the head of the union just said about that. plus that dramatic story seems like something out of a movie about some spies, some sandwiches and a navy sub. that's coming up later in the show. doesn't your family deserve the best? eggland's best eggs. classic, cage free, and organic. more delicious, farm-fresh taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. ♪♪ ♪ because the way we care is anything but ordinary. (vo) subaru presents... the underdogs.
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some breaking news out of the tech world. francis hougen just confirmed she had permission to brief the oversight board. it comes after testifying about facebook on capitol hill. she said, facebook has lied repeatedly and i'm looking forward to sharing the truth with them. with me now is mike isaac. welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me. >> we heard a lot from francis hougen last week when she
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testified before congress. it's important to note she could be before the oversight board. what could she tell them we haven't already heard in public? >> the oversight board is interestingly more toothsome, i guess, than we thought considering their connections to facebook. i think francis coming in and perhaps walking the board through some of the documents that she shared with congress, with the "wall street journal" so far, giving them a little more granular detail other than what has only been shown so far in the "wall street journal" stories out there. she has repeatedly said there is a lot of information that the public has not seen yet. >> do you think mark zuckerberg and cheryl sandberg, if you're in their shoes, are you concerned about this meeting with the board or not? >> i think they're all sort of on high alert at the company right now. my colleagues and i have been reporting at these emergency
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meetings they're holding on a daily, if not semiweekly basis at this point. mark and cheryl are getting blasted by the oversight board for not being fully forthcoming in the amount of information they told them about this program called cross check and the idea that there is a two-tiered system for how they treat people on facebook, you know, high-profile people versus you and me. so i think they're worried that they're going to get caught and at least stop being fully forthcoming with the board they hired to produce insight to them. >> then comes the question, what can the oversight board actually do? what tangible action could come out of this, and is anything with real teeth going to come from the congress side and not the board side? >> 100%. the main criticism of facebook's oversight board is that it is facebook's oversight board, right? they keep sort of going out of their way to say it's
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independent, and there's a few dozen folks, journalists and foreign politicians and really various folks who want to hold them to account. but it's hard to say. at the end of the day the board makes suggestions to facebook and facebook has to decide if wants to accept them or not. there's still the out for facebook whether they want to do them or not, and i think at the real end of the day, congress and the parliamentary bodies abroad are going to be the things facebook has to worry about. >> mike isaac, great to talk to you. thank you for being on. appreciate it. turning now to a story you probably heard about today. it sounds like it is something from hollywood. a navy engineer arrested for trying to pass intel about navy submarines to a foreign agent, allegedly with a peanut butter sandwich. his wife is accused of helping him also. nbc's ken delanian has been
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working this story. ken, it sounds bananas, but it's serious. it's like real stuff here. >> it's serious because these charges carry a term of life in prison. these are about nuclear secrets, this is about designs in the top weapons of our arsenal, nuclear submarines. jonathan tebby was a navy engineer for ten years. his wife was a phd who taught until recently at a school. the government suspended her without pay. about a year ago, he reached out to an unnamed foreign country that we believe was an ally country, not an adversary country, because the information then found its way to the fbi and they basically conducted a sting operation, and they ensnared tebby, according to this criminal complaint, into incriminating himself in multiple ways because he thought he was talking to a foreign government. he was actually talking to an undercover fbi agent. he made arrangements to sell
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$100,000 in cryptocurrency. the fbi convinced him to go to a rural place and put a memory card, in one case, inside a peanut butter sandwich so his foreign handlers could retrieve it. presumably the fbi has all this on video, and the bottom line is a really strong case. and a sad story, because this is a couple who have young children and they are both in jail now awaiting a court appearance tomorrow facing life in prison, hallie. >> ken, thank you for breaking that down for us. the head of the pilots unit for southwest airlines responding to speculation that maybe those flight cancellations were because of some sort of mandate. southwest answered that is absolutely not true, adding pilots are still in place for customers, even though the pilots recently asked the court to block the vaccine mandate requirement. we're now in day 3 of major
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flight cancellations for the airline. as of today, more than 600 flights have been canceled or delayed. that's on top of 2300 southwest flights that happened on sunday. look at these lines in denver. thousands of people waiting for hours to rebook their flights. that's them on the second floor. that's how long the line stretched. sam brock is following all the latest from miami international airport. >> reporter: hallie, good afternoon. good to be with you. we came in with some optimism that things may turn around. they thought it would get close to normal today, completely normal tomorrow. we have more than a thousand flights for southwest across the country that have been canceled or delayed so far today. that is 30% and more for all the flights. that was compounded by an air
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traffic control issue that originated -- the faa says it was one airport in jacksonville and only lasted a short time. so many of them are frustrated. they've had flights canceled multiple times. this is what we're hearing. do you think southwest owes it to passengers to refund their money? >> sure. it's an inconvenience. i was supposed to be home yesterday and i'm still here. >> i don't know if they're giving all the information. i don't know if that necessarily is true, but you can try to get another flight, but for an hour and a half a woman was at the desk talking to an agent trying to get a new flight. it's certainly not a quick remedy right now. they're doingly. chicago's o'hare, sam brock.
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over to you. where democrats are in their intra-party fight over straur. we'll talk to eric swalwell one on one after the break. we'll talk to eric swalwell one on one after the break (vo) at t-mobile for business, unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs. being first on the scene, when every second counts. or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g. #1 in customer satisfaction. and a partner who includes 5g in every plan, so you get it all. without trade-offs. unconventional thinking. it's better for business.
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so for congress and the house of representatives, the first order of business when they come back is the debt ceiling. they are going to try to raise it short term until december. it was going to be $3.5 trillion. now it looks like it will end up somewhere around$2 trillion. what to keep, what to cut. let's talk to congressman eric
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swalwell. listen, i teed it up in the intro there. you are looking now, it seems, based on what all of the discussion is around some of the democratic leadership here, somewhere in the neighborhood of $2 trillion roughly. that means there are a whole lot of things that were president biden's priorities that are going to have to go. so what goes? >> we're going to get it done. it's pro family, pro worker, pro student. i wouldn't look at the dollar value, as people negotiate, they should say, well, am i going to take away free community college for the first two years? am i going to take away paid family leave? am i going to take away child tax credits? the money matters, but the money needs to be used for what makes a difference in people's lives. we're back in session tomorrow. i'm confident we'll have a deal very soon. >> what's interesting, here, congressman, i think we're circling around the idea that
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nbc news have circled around that a lot of people know the price tag but don't know specifically what is in this bill. even though some of those that you mentioned are actually pretty popular, if you ask people about that separately from the context of the bill. are democrats doing a good job messaging what this is all about? >> no, we have to do a better job, because build back better means that you're going to be able to not have to decide anymore when you have two persons in the family about who stays home and takes care of the kids and who works because you have a child care tax credit or lower taxes with a child tax credit. i'm the first child in the family to go to college. that would have made a big difference to my brothers who were not as fortunate because of the impact it made to the family budget. we should never say the r word, which is reconciliation.
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let's not talk about the amount amount, let's talk about the policies because that's what's going to sell. >> they do talk about the amount, they do talk about the policy, like means testing. progressives have said that's not enough, but does it seem to you that's the direction that this is headed? >> i think we all have to compromise. we need 98.7% of democrats to agree on this. franklin roosevelt governed and presided over the new deal when he had 310-plus democrats in the house. speaker pelosi has plus 4 in the house and an even senate. we all need to recognize that doing nothing is not an option, but delivering for the american people a big down climate on climate, on health care, on community college and then going to the voters in 2022 and saying, we've got more work to do. we need a bigger margin, and here's what we'll do because we've already done it. >> you and i talked a lot about
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the events of january 6, what led up to them, what unfolded, what transpired in the days and weeks after. we now have this letter that has been sent from -- you could call them a capitol hill whistleblower, if you will, a former officer alleging serious failures at the top level of leadership inside that department. i wonder what your reaction is to reading this letter and what your takeaways are. >> it's all the more reason we need to continue to see an aggressive bipartisan group on what happened that day. unfortunately, i'm afraid when letters like this come out, we have the tendency to want to blame the the her o'ism that day of those who were in hand to hand dom bat. let's also not let off the hook the person who waved his arms, and that's donald trump. >> do you believe they should pursue the claims made in this
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letter as part of their investigation? >> yes. if they want to take a 4-dimensional approach to this, you know we're going to have to do it. we could have another insurrection in 2025 when a certification would have to take place. we want to know will law enforcement be ready? again, we have to hold responsible the six who incited the mob, and as long as donald trump is still out there and kevin mccarthy is enabling it, this could happen again. >> we know at least one of them, steve bannon, is not cooperating with the subpoena based on what his attorney said to the january 6 select committee. we heard this morning the illusion that maybe they're leaning towards criminal action,
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potentially. do you think that would be the right move for the select committee against those who are not cooperating? >> yeah, the select committee should refer the lack of compliance on those subpoenas to the department of justice, and the department of justice, taking an honest look at that, should prosecute people like steve bannon and others for criminal contempt, and let them stand in an orange jumpsuit in a d.c. courtroom and tell the judge where they are above the law and they should not have to answer for what their role was on january 6. >> you think that's what they should do. do you think that's realistic based on what we've seen in the past? former trump officials defy subpoenas. we've seen this movie play out. >> but this is not donald trump's enabling doj. you don't have donald trump's personal lawyer presiding over the department of justice. we're just asking that merrick garland not treat these individuals any better or any
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worse than john or sally q if they decided not to honor any other subpoena in any other allegation. if steve bannon and others, if they are not going to comply, should be held criminally responsible. >> thank you for joining us. >> thanks, hallie. today is the international day of the girl. we're talking about big issues for women today. global issues and that conversation, next. s and that conversation, next it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi. i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers, even in early stages. early stages! yep, it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. count me in! me too! this...
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the taliban's narrative that this is so-called islamic thing that women cannot be equal. women are challenging that. so this is something that gives me hope and that is why we need to listen to the voices of afghan women. >> that is the prize winner speaking to savannah today reacting to the taliban's takeover in afghanistan and what it means for young girls who stay there. she of course was shot in the head by the taliban before fleeing the country almost a decade ago. and it the day of the girl.
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it is meant to increase awareness. this year's theme focused on the digital generation. calls attention to the widening gap between boys and girls around tech inclusion and literacy. i want to bring in now the former ambassador at large for women's issues and executive director of the georgetown institute for women, peace and security. ambassador, good afternoon. thank you for being with us back on the show. >> hi, great to be with you again. >> it's a big day. and it is so interesting to hear from malala. i spoke a few weeks ago with an afghan journalist. this isn't the taliban 2.0 that suddenly want to include girls. talk to me about what you've seen there as far as evidence pointing in one direction or the other. >> i think you're right and malala is right and the people with whom you've spoken. the taliban have mounted, some
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of them, a charm offensive to say this is a different time than when they were last in power, and we all know what happened 20 years ago when girls were prevented from going to school. women were kept home. they were not allowed to work outside of their home in the professions, et cetera. it was a very oppressive situation. what we're seeing now is no different. boys have been allowed to go back to school. but the girls were told they should stay home until some decisions could be made about their future. what we know already is that if they are going to go back to school, it will only be to puberty. it will be more rote, madrasah style. it not be the education that they have been aware of. you know, the taliban professes a very radical extremist view of
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islam. in fact, it is the hijacking of islam. their views are not practiced anywhere else in the predominantly muslim world and they are basing their decisions on what they do. whatever draconian measures they take on their view of so-called shari'a under their islamic code. i do worry terribly about what will happen. the signs we've seen have not been propitious and i think all of us, governments, those working, trying to get the taliban to do the right thing, to establish humanitarian quarters because there's now a tremendous catastrophe unfolding there. they have to raise their voices for women and girls. but for girls and their education, particularly given what's going on. >> i only have about a minute left but i want to talk about the back drop here in 2021 and
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that's the pandemic. can you talk a bit, we talk about how the pandemic has affected women, moms specifically, but it has affected girls differently, too. >> it really has. and all the data shows that women and girls have been disproportionately impacted. we know more of the data having to do with women losing their jobs. childcare challenges, et cetera. but girls through the lockdown have left school in huge numbers. and seeing malala at the beginning, her fund has done some reporting saying at this rate, from 11 to 20 million girls may not return to school. this was one area that we made a lot of progress in development in girls' education and it will be horrific if that is the case. so i think every effort has to be made to get girls back in
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school. many in leaving school have been forced into child marriages, into trafficking they've been trying to earn some income for their families and instead, they have found themselves in terribly horrible situations. >> it is such an important topic to shine a light on and ambassador, we're very glad to have you, to have this conversation with us on the show on a day like today, day of the girl. thank you very much. and thanks teufel you for watching this hour. we're starting the week off. we'll be right back here tomorrow. in the meantime, you can find us on twitter @hallie on msnbc. deadline white house starts right after this break. white h right after this break hing ...t. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant™. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis...
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