tv Deadline White House MSNBC October 20, 2021 1:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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hi, there, everyone. it is 4:00 in new york. ringing out across our nation's capitol today another scathing rebuke of the republican party from republican liz cheney who at one time was the third highest ranking republican in the house. that was before she was ousted are from leadership for daring to tell the truth and criticize the disgrazed, twice impeached expresident, cheney last night shining a spotlight on her colleague's hi poe accuracy causing an existential threat to democracy. >> almost every one of my colleagues knows in your hearts that what happened on january 6th was profoundly wrong. you all know that there is no evidence of widespread election fraud sufficient to have changed the results of the election. >> now, cheney goes on -- we are
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going play more of what she said last night for you. but i want to stop right here. because there is tons of tape, tons of proof to back up her point that her party knows the so-called widespread lauks fraud lies that continue to dominate the gop conversation is b.s., false, baseless, tolgsly made up. we know they know because they have told us themselves, once upon a time. >> nothing before us proves illegality anywhere near the massive scale, the massive scale that would have tipped the entire election. >> what we saw last week was not the american way. neither is the continued rhetoric that joe biden is not the legitimate president. let's be clear. joe biden will be sworn in as president of the united states in one week because he won the election. >> when it's over, it is over. it is over. the final thing. joe biden, now i travelled the
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world with joe. i hoped he lost. i prayed he would lose. he won. he's the elect mat president of the united states night would be hard to believe that that was the high water mark for the republican party, the modern republican party. yet the gop continues to revert back to cow to donald trump and the big lie even at its own peril with more republicans voicing concern that his dominance politically speaking could cost them elections in 2022 and 2024. liz cheney not mincing words on the consequences of their -- to donald trump that they continue to display. >> you know these claims are false. yet former president trump repeats them almost daily. he has now urged republicans not to vote in 2022 and 2024. this is a prescription for national self destruction.
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i ask my colleagues, please consider the fundamental questions of right and wrong here. the american people must know what happened, they must know the truth. all of us who are elected officials must do our duty to prevent the dismantling of the rule of law and ensure that nothing like that dark day in january ever happens again. >> cheney's comments last night preceded a unanimous vote from the january 6th committee to put to the full house floor a recommendation for criminal contempt charges for steve bannon. steve bannon says that in the name of donald trump he will refuse to cooperate with their investigation. that vote, expected tomorrow, will put every single democratic member, every republican member on the record as the whether or not they want to get to the truth or look the other way when it comes to the deadliest attack on the u.s. capitol in centuries. on the procedural hearing on the
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matter today another appeal from liz cheney to her own party doing their part to obstruct the probe. >> let me address my republican colleagues specifically. i have heard from a number of my colleagues in the last several days who say they, quote, just don't want this target on their back. they are just trying to keep their heads down. they don't want to anger kevin mccarthy, the minority leader, who has been especially active in attempting to block the investigation of events of january 6th. despite the fact that he clearly called for such a commission the week after the attack. i ask each one of you to step back from the brink. i urge you to do what you know is right, to think of the long arc of history. we are told that it bends towards justice. but it does so only because of the actions of men and women in positions of public trust.
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in many nations, democracy has failed because those with authority would not act to protect it, because they sat in silence. history will judgment those of us in positions of public trust. remember that as you cast your votes. >> liz cheney is a one-woman truth squad calling out republican hypocrisy and cowardice. that's where we start today. msnbc political analysis former senator claire mccaskill is here. also joining us, a.b. stoddard, and robert costa, national political reporter for the "washington post" and coauthor of "peril". robert, i will start with you. liz cheney is so done with mccarthy, that she's calling out the victims he's squeezing and pressuring to not participate into this relationship into the deadly insurrection. i didn't think their
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relationship could get worse. it sounds like it has. do you have the cess, from talking to your sources, that that's the case? >> you can't just see mccarthy as a ol' sole figure. he is now someone who is politically in lock step with donald trump. he went down to mar-a-lago after the insurrection and said to trump, i want to work with you for 2022 and 2024. he's like senator lindsey graham of south carolina, someone trying to rehabilitate donald trump to help republicans win power again and perhaps for trump to win power again. >> stoddard, i have a puppy. i am going the use a puppy training -- she basically paints her own party as used wee wee pads. useless, there is stan on the democracy. i have not heard a more brutal rebuke not just of donald trump. he's not on the scene anymore. i know he influences everything and everyone. but she is calling out the people that she runs into in the
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rest room, the people she runs into when she goes to the gym, the people she runs into on her way in and out of the building in a fearless, scathing, brutal way. >> it's so hard to listen to her actually talk about these conversations and to hear her try to implore them to do the right thing, to step back from the brink and to remind them that they are, as people who have the public trust, responsible for the preservation of the rule of law and the protection of democracy. and she and kinzinger, adam kinzinger have both said this several times, about these conversations that they have. as hard as it is to hear them say it, i cannot imagine what it's like for them to have those conversations with their colleagues really say, it is great you are doing this, you have so much integrity, whatever
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she just said, i don't want a target on my back, i don't want death threats. i don't want my wife to have death threats. i don't want get in trouble. i can't lose donations, my district won't tolerate this. it must be staggeringly sad for them even though their colleagues secretly continue to thank them. >> i want to play some more. because liz cheney, claire, has also been the canary in the coal mine pointing us to where she believes the evidence will actually take the investigation into the insurrection. she called out kevin mccarthy for a subpoena before the select committee was formed, before she was its co-chair. here she is talking about motive, motive for the privilege claims. >> mr. bannon's and mr. trump's privilege arguments do, however, appear to reveal one thing. they suggest that president trump was personally involved in the planning and execution of
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january 6th. and this committee will get to the bottom of that. >> not equequivocating. laying out her theory of the case. her theory is that by claiming privilege it reveals one thing, just one, mr. trump was personally involved in the planning and execution of january 6th. this committee will get to the bottom of that. i don't doubt that's true, claire. but just talk about what that puts in motion. it puts in motion the enforcement of the criminal referrals. it puts in motion, most likely, a subpoena for donald trump. >> well, you know, i think it's really important to focus on what this vote is tomorrow. this is a big, big vote because what these members are going to decide tomorrow is whether or not congress has any power at all. this is a private citizen who
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has said pound sand to the united states congress, a supposed coequal branch of government that is tasked under the constitution they supposedly revere with oversight over the other branches. it's the essence of checks and balances. so this is the moment for check, over the executive branch. and what are they doing? out of fear, out of cowardly, pure political fear, they are going to say to this private citizen, yeah, it's fine, ignore us, because the personal wishes of a defeated president say -- he says he doesn't want you to do anything. it's un -- everybody said it would be unprecedented for bannon to be prosecuted. this is unprecedented. congress has never ever willingly given up this kind of power. and they are going to do that tomorrow. and i really worry about that,
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the story history will tell. and what comes after it? will congress never again have the power to subpoena a witness? it is frightening. >> robert costa, i want to play for you something steven scalise said. i don't know if this answer's claire's question, but it goes as far as to say he doesn't believe conshould subpoena another witnesses. >> is it likely a number of republicans could vote to hold him in contempt because it is important to uphold subpoenas. >> i think you are seeing most members getting tired of the witch-hunts and the games. let's focus on the policies that affect everyday families instead of these partisan witch-hunts they want to keep going on. >> robert costa -- i'm floored here. let me just talk about policies that affect everyday families. scalise is on the other side as everyday families on covid, i
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could go on. but nevertheless, is that statement holding water? >> let's step back for a second. with all of these partisan shots happening, coming across bow from the republicans and others, what really matters with this bannon subpoena is not only the power of congress, potentially being diminished if bannon doesn't end up testifying under oath. but we are not going to have the full story. the willard hotel is mentioned by representative cheney in her remarks yesterday. january 5th is the day that trump and his allies pushed democracy to the brink, coordinating from just steps from the white house in a hotel suite, rudy giuliani, jason miller, steve bannon, talking by phone with the president, who is pressuring pence over at the white house, talking to lawmakers, coordinating the message with conservative allies. this was the day, the eve of the insurrection, to try to make it all happen, to put it in motion.
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and bannon, in our reporting, is in that room. what this committee clearly wants to figure out, under oath, what was being said specifically by trump to this car room at the willard. what was being done? they issued a statement in pence's name late ate night saying pence agreed to push the election to the house. pence did not. there are so many looming questions on why what happened on the th gets put into notion. if you want to answer that you need to know what was said by the people at the willard hotel and by the president sitting across the street. >> it is one of the most vivid scenes you depict in a book full of vivid scene. i think you for the first time reported this, that bannon talks to trump about kill the biden presidency in its crib. you also, i believe, are the first to report on the eastman
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memo, which is what was written on paper, the white paper, if you will, for the coup plot. talk a little bit more about the premeditated nature and how 1/5 makes clear that 1/6 was exactly what they had planned. >> when does bannon talk to trump? december 30th, 2020, that's after they had failed in the courts. and the electoral college has already said biden's the winner. the only thing left is certification on the 6th. disrupting certification on the th becomes key. you can't just disrupt it with some kind of conflict at the capitol. you need a legal cover, legal rationale. john eastman enters the scene and says there is a legal rationale for pens to push to it the house. he comes with this idea of alternate electors. bannon and trump say that's the play. let's use this memo as the legal rationale and give to it
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partnerships and say, mike, this is all you have to do. we are giving you a conservative lawyer's argued for it thing it toward the house. they needed to create momentum. that's why it is given to senator mike lee of utah, given to others. they want conservative buy-in. it all culminates on the night of the 5th. total buy-in is necessary so events unfold on the 6th to delay the certification and eventually push to it the house. >> claire, it's a day that was so horrific, we don't often tout its accomplishments, but we should stop and do that. because they did succeed in delaying the vote. they put -- the eastman memo laid out the plan. everyone played their part. now, pence ultimately refused to leave the capitol, which robert's colleagues, carol enic and phil rucker report may be one of those dominos that didn't fall. but they did delay. and if pence had driven away
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they might have heard out more of what was on paper. i want to show you what the chairman of the committee, bennie thompson had to say about how aggressively they will pursue this evidence. >> we won't be deterred. we won't be distracted. and we won't be delayed. if you are thinking of following the path mr. bannon has gone down, you are on notice that this is what you will face. the process we have begun tonight is a grave one. it seldom happens. and we would rather avoid it all together. but it's not reserved just for steve bannon. >> i want to play one more piece of sound for you, claire, because i think this is where the rubber might meet the road, as they say. this is congressman adam schiff on merrick garland's reluctance to look back yards. obviously f the d.o.j. chooses no the prosecute, bennie thompson's commitments may not
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hold. let me show you that. >> look, i think there is a real desire on the part of the attorney general for the most part not to look backward. do i disagree with that? i do disagree with that. and i disagree with it most vehemently when it comes to what i consider even more serious offenses. for example, a taped conversation of donald trump on the phone with brad raffensperger, the secretary of state from georgia, trying to coerce him into fraudulently finding 11,780 votes. because i think so if you or i did that, we would be under indictment by now. >> so, claire, the question is, do you believe that under merrick garland, d.o.j. will enforce these contempt votes in the house? >> it will be interesting to see, first, how quickly d.o.j. acts, and what they do, whether they pursue civil contempt or criminal contempt. if they quickly pursue criminal
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contempt, we have another problem. that is, there will be every effort by bannon and trump to delay and to try to make this take months, even years. so it's really important, i think, for congress to do a gut check and for nancy pelosi and the chairman of that committee and other members of that committee, including liz cheney, to decide should we go also down the route of inherent contempt, that congress has done in the past. it would be incredibly unusual. but after all, january 6th was incredibly unusual. extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. and that was an extraordinary time. and just listen to mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy and lindsey graham. they agreed on that day. they agreed on that day. so i think so most of the country wants there to be some kind of accountability for what happened on that day. and if merrick garland won't deliver it or if it can't be
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delivered in timely fashion, i think congress needs to think about using its powers of inherent contempt, which means they would gallon and arrest steve bannon. >> wow. wow. from you, claire. i want to try to dig into what is actually happening with the subpoenaed witnesses. a.b. stoddard, mark meadows has a real lawyer. you can't say that about everybody in donald trump's circle. george twillinger is representing meadows. bennie thompson says quote our people are still talking to kash patel, dan scavino. they are somewhat quote cooperating, he says. politico also reporting the news about george twillinger representing mark meadows. what do you think mark meadows is doing? what do you think his posture is toward the committee?
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>> well, it's interesting that he has retained a credible lawyer whom he is likely paying well. it makes it sound like he's not going to just do the steve bannon defiant route. he -- doesn't mean that they are engaging and that they intend to actually continue to engage. i have listened carefully to congressman thompson and kang monday kinzinger responses when they have been asked about what patel and scavino are doing with the committee. what they say is they are engaging. we don't have patience forever but we wanted to make a good faith effort. at this point, they continue, quote, to engage with the committee. so their depositions were delayed and they didn't get the steve bannon treatment. it doesn't necessarily mean they are not going to ultimately stall -- use this as a stalling tactic and then also defy the
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committee. but at this moment, the committee wanted to make a good faith effort to be seen as working with everybody with the exception of course of steve bannon because of his outright refusal to cooperate. but i don't think we should look into this as evidence that they are actually ready to testify. >> robert costa, do you have any reporting or insights into mark meadows or kash patel or dan scavino's posture toward the committee? >> it's evident they are all wait forth the supreme court to ultimately weigh in here. if you think back to u.s. versus nixon during watergate, and the tapes. the supreme court said that the presidency of the united states is not protected from releasing material, if it especially involves a criminal case ask. criminality was evident during the nixon presidency. the question thousand for the supreme court is going to be, there was an insurrection at the u.s. capitol. congress is trying to delve into
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it. clearly, the d.o.j. is investigating it. so what will they do? will the supreme court protect the president, a former president, and say his conversations about possible criminal acts are protected speech, protected? because when you look at executive privilege, it's not something that the founders talked about. it is a relatively modern concept in the law. it's about protecting national security secrets for the most part. will the supreme court ultimately have to weigh in? it's likely they will. and so many of these trump allies are hoping this executive privilege by some of these conservative justices will be protected and they will have to testify. >> claire is sticking around. when we come back, the party that spent the last ten months down playing the violence of the january 6th insurrection called out today for its complicity in it. will more republicans be asked to account for their roles this the insurrection? plus, the white house
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writing up what they hope will be a busy holiday season offering covid vaccines for kids final lesion ages 5 to 11. the latest on their rollout strategy. as well as dr. michael osterholm's outlook in the country and the world's fight against the pandemic. later in the pandemic we are expected to hear from president joe biden from his hometown scranton on his now trimmed down infrastructure bill. when "deadline: white house" continues after the break. don't go anywhere. k. don't go anywhere. unlimited data and if you join a group it's as low as $25/mo. all powered by verizon. 5g included. woo! just get together and save! we look goooood! what's everyone's handle? visible. unlimited data, as low as $25/mo all-in. powered by verizon, 5g included. wireless that gets better with friends.
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what did you do when congress was attacked, when a mob, provoked by a president, tried to use violence to stop us from carrying out our constitutional duty to count electoral votes, when a mob, provoked by a president, tried to i don't have turn the results of an election? will you be able to say you did everything possible to insure americans got the truth about those events? or did you look away? did you make partisan excuses and accept the unacceptable? >> what did you do? liz cheney today before the house rules committe with a pointed message aimed right at members of her own party. will they, as she puts it there, look away, and quote, make partisan excuses in order to whitewash the insurrection and embrace and honor and lift up the twice impeached disgraced
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expresident who incited it. or curtain number two, will they choose to hold the insurrectionists accountable? there are fresh signs the republican party's embrace is working. a poll says only 29% of republicans think that january 6th was actually an attack on the country. joining our coverage, congresswoman madeleine dean of pennsylvania. claire mccaskill is still here. congresswoman, i want to play you an exchange between congressman jordan and congressman mcgovern. let's watch into when did you speak with the former president on january 6th, before, during, or after the attack on the capitol, or all three? >> of course i have talked to the president. i have been clear about that. i talked to him all the time. this is not about me, mr. chairman. >> did you take to the president, former president, before, during, or after the attack on the capitol? or was it all three? the reason i ask s you know, you
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had 84 days since you said you couldn't remember, that you would check. so, if you could just clarify the record, was it before, during, or after the attack on the capitol? >> i talked to the president after the attack. >> not before or during? >> right. >> my understanding is that you said to a reporter from politico that you spoke to him during. so it's now after the attack? are you -- >> during? . no, i did not speak to the president during the attack. >> congresswoman, jim jordan not able to really get a straight answer out of his mouth. and with liz cheney i think really gunning for the truth, that will take her straight through members like jim jordan and kevin mccarthy. do you see subpoenas for your republican colleagues from the 1/6 committee in the future? >> i think that's a very serious possibility in likelihood.
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i'm not serving on this committee, but i did have the solemn-or to serve on impeachment number. two i was speaking with jamie raskin during votes today. what we see from somebody like a jim jordan is an inability to string together a sentence because he would have to be trying to tell the truth or hide the truth. what we also see from what the committee is doing and what liz cheney is so correctly saying is just simply, what were you doing? what did you do? when did you do it? who were you with? how did you support? or how did you push back against an insurrection incited by the president of the united states? i am proud of the committee for their vote last night of course to move forward. we will have a vote on the floor tomorrow. i will have a chance to speak on holding mr. bannon in contempt of congress of it is a vital role that we have to play. and i'm confident that the committee will use every tool,
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including what senator mccaskill just said, which is the possibility of not just criminal contempt or civil contempt, but also inherent contempt. and mr. bannon thinking he can sit at home and ignore a lawful subpoena, he will learn otherwise. >> claire, let me bring you in on that. >> yeah. congresswoman, as a member of the judiciary committee, i am sure there have been informal discussions about inherent contempt. but how far along are you in terms of a road map on how that would actually work is this and most importantly, what is the timetable? is there a sense that you are going to wait to see what d.o.j. does before you move on that track? or could we look forward to congress acting more quickly? because this is their game, as you know, just to draw it out until they think they can get another election under their belt. >> you are absolutely right. so i hope what you will notice,
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and what the american people will notice, that we are here and capable of walk asking chewing gum at the same time and completing this oversight each as we negotiate and work on build back better. so the judiciary committee is very much watching and supporting the work of the select committee and chairman bennie thompson. so we stand ready to move forward with inherent contempt if they should need us. in the meantime, what you saw w the speed with which they voted and we will then vote on the floor of the house to refer mr. bannon for criminal contempt -- that should send a signal to anybody involved in this. this is a grave matter. and the truth matters. they need the come forward. mr. bannon needs to come forward. but many other people also. i think an interesting person that we need to talk to is mr. meadows. as you point out today, he has hired what is known to be a very serious lawyer. i'm not surprised. he is facing some very serious
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questions, some very serious issues, and some very serious consequences. we need these people to come forward and answer liz cheney's call, what did you do? >> do you believe what liz cheney's theory of the case, in terms of why they are exerting privilege, because they know exactly what donald trump did on january 6th and they are trying to hide it? >> well, it would be hard for mr. meadows for example, not to know. and obviously, jim jordan is dodging these questions. mr. meadows was with the president prior to january 6th, on january 6th. in fact, he's seen in video at the so-called tailgate party while the president, in a tent, watched the insurrection with some joy and some appreciation for it instead of standing as the commander in chief pour the safety of our country, the safety of our democracy. we cannot forget how serious this was. this was a violent attack on our
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capitol on the seat of our democracy. it was destruction. it was desecration. and it ended in death. and so mr. meadows and everybody around him ought to be saying, i raise my hand, i want to come forward. >> yeah. >> and do the patriotic thing and tell the truth. i can't imagine why mr. meadows, who served this institution for years. >> yeah. >> and made friends and colleagues here across the aisle wouldn't also feel the assault on this institution, his democracy, our democracy. he should step forward, as should these other elected republican leaders who were in constant communication with the president. >> i want to come back to jim jordan because i wonder if today's testimony revealed a new inconsistency. and i wonder if you will look at whether members are telling the truth of their own interaction with other members and if there is any safeguards in that. jim jordan said this, politico reports, quote, look, i
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definitely spoke to the president that day. i don't recall. i know it was more than once. i just don't recall the times. jordan told a reporter at politico. he later said i'm sure one of the trump-involved calls took place in the safe room, quote, because we were in that room forever. let me go back to the top because it is important to know when he was in the safe room. after a group of lawmakers were evacuated from the house into the safe room on january 6th jordan was called by gates and asked to tell the supporters to stand down. what he said today was totally different. he was asked. you said you couldn't remember. so did you check so you could clarify for the record was it before, during or after the attack on the capitol? jordan says i talked to the president after the attack. not before or during. he says after.
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i wonder if you are concerned that members aren't telling the truth? >> certainly, i'm concerned. you have seen how glib mr. jordan can be in judiciary hearings or markups, spewing the big lie over and over again without a stammer. you see him stammering to try to answer this question. i was in that safe room. we were all in that safe room for hours during the insurrection. trust me, when that door opened and we were able to leave, i don't think people hung out and thought, this is a place to stay. mr. jordan knows exactly -- by the way, we have cell phones. mr. jordan knows exactly when he spoke to the president. he's dolging it. he's avoiding the truth. if you don't mind, i am going to take a moment of privilege. >> please. >> we are here at the capitol where flags are at half staff honoring an american patriot, colin powell, who i had the
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privilege of meeting 20 years ago, a man who was really beyond politics even though he worked in a political world, ultimately. but he served his country with honor, and we honor him now. because what is one of the things we remember him for? for telling the truth. for saying he regretted something that he did. for saying he was sorry about it. where is that kind of honor and principle among these folks who were witness to and possibly complicit in the greatest attack on our capitol since the war of 1812? where is that honor? >> well, claire, it's -- at this point my opinion is it resides in just two republicans, and the democratic party who is trying to get to the bottom. speaking of colin powell, he was on tv on january 7th. he called the january 6th insurrection a national disgrace. but they aren't just silent and failing to tell the truth. the leader of the republican
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party trashed colin powell. so it's actually worse than what the congresswoman describes. i wonder, you know, claire, we have these conversations about whether one party can protect the right to vote, whether one party can beat a deadly pandemic. i mean, can one party, with the help of two republicans on the select committee get to the bottom of 1/6? >> i don't know. i think courage and honor are on a -- at least a temporary, maybe a permanent vacation from the republican members of congress. and i was fascinated that when trump, from his luxurious home in florida, trashed colin powell, who served bravely and honorably this country for decade after decade, most of which -- most of the time in a military uniform. when he trashed him in death -- the republican i knew would have
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risen up. >> uh-huh. >> they would have said, stop that. stop that. senators would have taken to the floor and condemned any elected official who, upon colin powell's death called him names. it is so trashy. it is so without dignity. it is so without -- to quote the congresswoman, it's so without honor that it is -- that is also a disgrace to our country, that we have a leader that felt comfortable doing that and knew there would need be no political repercussions for it within his little calcified party. >> it is some sick stuff. congresswoman madeleine dean thank you for spending time with us. >> thank you. >> claire 66 around. the white house indicating covid vaccines will finally be approved for kids. we look at how the rollout will work next.
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today the biden administration announced the details of its months-long preparations to quickly and equitably roll out the long awaited pfizer covid vaccine for 5 machine 11-year-old kids across the country. it is pepdsing emergency use authorization by federal regulators who are meeting on that decision over the next two weeks. the biden administration says it already has enough supply. they are smaller doses but it is still a two-shot regimen for the 28 million kids in that age group who will suddenly be
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eligible. they say they are ready for them to be administered by more than 25,000 pediatric and primary care priors. tens of thousands of pharmacies, hundreds of clinics and community health centers, and more than 100 children's hospitals and health systems. it's a huge deal. let's bring into our coverage dr. michael osterholm of the university of minnesota. this happen for me this far-away horizon that i have been waiting for and hoping for. i wonder if you can talk about whether this will be rolled out any differently, lessons learned. what your advice is for the kids' vaccine rollout? >> it will be rolled out differently. we decided the best way to take care of kids is where we usually take care of kids, in their medical home. instead of going to venues somewhat foreign to the child they are going to get their vaccines where they typically
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get all of their childhood vaccines. i think it's a very smart move to do it that way. >> talk about whether or not you are optimistic or pessimistic that the vaccine for kids will maybe avoid some of the extreme and brutal disinformation in politics that have surrounded just about every other public health effort during the pandemic? >> you know, nicole, i wish i could offer that optimism, but i can't. i think that we are going to see the disinformation follow this vaccine wherever it goes. i think, however, all we can do is continue to emphasize that just like the other childhood immunizations which are so important for kids, this one is, too. i think the fact that we have had so many cases in children over the course of the last three months people are now well aware that kids cannot only get infected with the delta variant, they can get very sick with it, and they can spread it to others, including grand in a and grand if a and mom and dad and
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older brothers and sisters. so it becomes even more important to get them vaccinated now more than ever. i think everything that can be done is being done to make it effective in delivering the vaccine to the kids, needles that are shorter, special doses. all i can say is we should continue pushing forwards. >> there are two meetings that have to take place before any mom or dad can go onto the went and make an appointment for their kid. explain what they are and what is likely to happen at each? >> the first thing that's going to happen, the fda is going to make a decision can this vaccine actually be approved under emergency use authorization, the point you made earlier. once that happens, then it will be transferred to the centers for disease control and prevention, they are the adviser on immunization practices will side how the use the vaccine, who should get it, what should the dosages be? once that's done, then it
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becomes the next day, available. that's what the administration is working hard to do, make sure there is not a time gap between the final approval. this could take place in the next week and a half to two weeks. by the end of this month or early next month we could easily be vaccinating kids. now, i will have to add, i remain concerned that in this group transferring a vaccine to a vaccination is still going to be a challenge. survey data suggests only one third of parents in this age group have indicated outright they are going to get their kids vaccinated. so we have a lot more work to do with good information, science-based information, not disinformation. >> pediatricians are a good source of that. dr. michael osterholm, thank you so much for spending some time with us. we will stay on it with your help. thank you. up next, remembering the 17 bufld exquisite young souls who were lost in the most unheinous and unthinkable of tragedies in parkland, florida.
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students, coaches, and the teachers whose lives were cut short that day. jury selection for the sentencing phase of the trial will begin january 4th, 2022. joining us now, fred guttenburg, who lost his daughter jamie that day. his new book is find the helpers. what 9/11 and parkland taught me about recovery, purpose, and hope. fred, i follow you on twitter and every time you tweet something strong and
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inspirational, i want to reach through and ask you where that comes from. so now i'll ask you, where does that come from? >> jamie. and i mean that. i mean, if you look at that sign behind me, that's jamie's quote. that's what she lived her life by. she was the toughest little 14-year-old i knew, but honestly, the toughest person i knew. she always did what was right. always stood up for others. she always -- she would have been the person no doubt doing what i do now if she wasn't killed. my daughter gives me my strength, you know. nicole, i've watched your show for a while. you're a parent and i know you're a parent like me who always reacts to what happens to your kids. that's what i do.
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i am reacting to what happened to my kids. to my family. to the other 16 families. they were a beautiful group of people. who i didn't know all of them before this and i shouldn't know them now, but we do. and in fact, i want to make sure they all get the proper recognition because i'm not sure if you said elena petty's name and i want to make sure she gets reflected, also. they're the ones we need to remember. >> there she is, chris. >> thank you. thank you. the 14 kids, three adults, and the families. you know, all of our families have been affected by this. my son heard his sister get shot. all of our families have been through three and a half years of emotional torture with this, with this legal process. today was a first step.
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to move forward from that. >> what is today, just tell me how you went through not just today, but all the days this week. i hate the word closure, but is it a milestone? is it -- tell me what it is. >> it's not closure. and i'm so glad you said that. because walking out of the room today, all the reporters asking about closure. i left there to visit my daughter at the cemetery. there is no closure to that. but what it is is a step and a process towards justice. towards maybe some kind of peace for the families going forward. but it is not closure. and an opportunity for us to ensure the person who did this to our family pays the ultimate price. >> fred, you're involved in
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making sure that more families don't go through your loss and all these families losses. talk about that fight. does that also come from honoring jamie? >> listen, 100%. i talk about it all the time. the two toughest people i ever knew, what my book is about. my brother and my daughter. and they're two people who spent their live doing right by others. my daughter did not need to die. it was preventable, but also predictable. and so is the next one. as long as that remains true, i will never stop fighting for change. you know, nicole, after jamie died, i set out on a mission to
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change the politics around gun violence. i wanted it to be a key voting issue. it now is. i wanted people who would do something about gun violence to be elected and in fact, we now have a president and we now have a house of representative who will pass gun safety legislation. we are a few votes short in the senate and what we saw again today is how there is a nongoverning party in the senate who will play games with the lives of our children in order to maintain a hold on power. break the damn filibuster before more of our kids die because listen, for me, this is real. i sat in a courtroom to look eye to eye with my daughter's killer today. break the damn filibuster. let's pass legislation that will save lives. this is not an anti-gun statement. it's an anti-gun violence statement and we can do something. >> fred, i know you believe that you are the lucky one to have
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jamie as your daughter, but she's also very lucky to have you as her dad. thank you for spending some time with us today. >> thank you, nicole. i appreciate you. the next hour starts after a quick break. don't go anywhere. starts after a quick break. don't go anywhere. instantly clear everyday congestion
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i want to be clear about what just happened on the floor of the senate. every single republican senator just locked this chamber from having a debate. simply a debate on protecting americans right to vote in free and fair elections. let there be no mistake. senate republicans blocking debate today is an implicit endorsement of the horrid new voter suppression and election subversion laws pushed in concern with states across the country. if there's anything, anything worthy of the senate's attention, it's unquestionably this.
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>> hi, again, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york. it's your move now, democrats. republicans have made clear all along with their complete obstruction, even starting debate on voting rights legislation to the 400 plus restrictive voting bills racing through state legislatures as we've covered here every day. 33 of them have been signed into law. republicans have shown their cards. they are no longer on the side of american democracy or democratic norms. less than two hours ago, all 50 republican senators voted to block a procedural vote on the freedom to vote act. meaning the legislation did not meet the 60 vote threshold to even move forward. so now, the fate of future elections, fate of making everyone americans voice heard, lies in democrats' decision over the filibuster. the filibuster remains in place. this bill, the -- to voter
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suppression at existential threat for our democracy dies. it will never make its way to the president's desk if the filibuster stays in place. intraparty disagreements among democrats. first about what was in the legislation and now about whether or not to reform the filibuster have brought us to this moment. ari writes this -- we're quickly passing new laws on party line votes. the democrats could not protect voting rights unless they assembled a 60-vote super majority. essentially given mitch mcconnell veto power over any pro democracy legislation, which is the dynamic we saw play out in the senate floor today. now, of course, predictably, calls to remove the filibuster mount. "the new york times" quote the vote intensifying for democrats to do away with the filibuster or find themselves at a steep disadvantage in next year's
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midterm elections and into the future. some in the senate recognize do or die nature of the moment. >> if i have to choose between democracy and a senate rule, that's a pretty easy call i think. i think this issue is so tran senn dent that it deserves a solution because otherwise, you know, we're sunk. this democracy is fragile and it's under attack. >> two of his democratic colleagues in the senate, manchin and sinema, don't see it that way. they remain opposed to eliminated or even carving out certain pieces of legislation from the filibuster. president biden has been quiet on the filibuster question as well. as the vote was underway, he put out a statement that spoke to his moment, but makes no mention of the f word. the reason part, it is urgent.
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democracy, the very soul of america, is at stake. to vote freely, fairly and to have your vote counted the fundamental. it should be simple and straightforward. let there be a debate and a vote. filibuster, right to vote. we start with some favorite reporters and friends. ari is here. senior reporter for mother jones. also joining us former rnc chairman, michael steele and msnbc political analyst, claire mccaskill back with us. i want to start with you, ari. i feel like you wrote this many months ago. you saw all the structural pieces in place. bringing us to this moment and here we are. my question for you is do you think it's dead? >> i don't think it's dead, but the bill and democracy itself is dying and nicole, you're right. i feel like i'm watching the same movie over and over.
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with equally bad sequels because this is now the third voting rights bill that senate republicans have blocked and every time we hear it's going to lead to a conversation about the filibuster and then nothing changes with the filibuster and therefore democracy is undermines more and more. and every time the vote is blocked, more and more voter se precious laws, gerrymandered, election laws, go through. so what this means for voters, if democrats fail to pass voting rights legislation, it means that tens of millions of voters are going to live under new voter suppression laws. under extreme gerrymandering maps. it means they're going to live under candidates who want to overturn future elections and what it means for democrats is they are going to lose their majorities through a combination of voter suppression, gerrymandering and election subversion and are going to be powerless to reverse republican attacks on democracy.
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so this wasn't about one procedural vote over legislation. this was about are we going to protect democracy or allow it to be undermined indefinitely. >> when you work on campaigns or white houses, you're choosing between a bleep sandwich or double bleep sandwich. there was nothing super appealing on the menu, but they continue to have this delusion that there might be in some republican corner of the party be support for this. there wasn't. kinsinger, cheney, are not for federal voting rights legislation and we can deal with that in a second, but it feels like democrats never accepted the truth around this issue and i wonder if you have a theory as to why that is. >>ive scratched my head over it and you can see my head.
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it's been scratched a lot because i have no hair left. it's been crazy. i don't get it. you et up is narrative that we find ourselves in. ari just laid out the road that we've been on. very clearly. so the question becomes, all right, dems, what do you want to do? this is raw power. that's what this is. and i tell you, nicole, if someone landed on this planet from outer space and asked may i see the majority leader of the united states senate, you know who they'd take them to? mitch mcconnell. because mcconnell's played this as if he's still running the senate. he's played this as if he still has command and control of operations, meaning the vote, and what the senate business will be. so if i'm sitting there as a democrat, i'm going to go, damn, how did that happen?
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didn't we win? not once in november, but in several, several times in a number of states since then. arizona comes to mind. so the reality for democrats is how do you want to play the power? what are you waiting for? i mean, look, i understand the filibuster. i'm agnostic on the filibuster. arcane made up rule in the senate. fine. if they love it, they love it. but when it comes down to power and getting your agenda through, i've said it on this program before, i will say it again. mitch mcconnell wouldn't take a second breath to think about the filibuster if it meant the gop agenda would get done otherwise. i don't see how or why the democrats don't see it. i get the niceties, but baby, i don't get it. you're losing. >> and claire is responsible for the education of nicolle wallace on the filibuster.
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i get it. it appears to be over, but what i want to understand is where the threshold for pain comes from for democrats. why tolerate being dominated by mitch mcconnell? why tolerate 33 voter suppression nullification laws signed in. why tolerate all of the discontent from your base? >> well, first of all, let me say clearly why these voter suppression laws are happening. i'm going to quote senator warnock. he said it best. some people don't want some people to vote. and the some people are the republican party and the some people they don't want to vote the people who don't vote for them. so what really is getting teed up here and i do think this will make a difference, what happened today. joe manchin was for this bill. he negotiated this bill. and joe manchin has been given the ever loving arms of the
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republican party around him. oh, joe's our guy. joe's standing up for what's right. he couldn't get one vote for his bill. it makes joe manchin look so weak that he can't manage one republican vote. and i think this is a moment where they've got to, you know, and by the way, it's not just joe manchin and sinema. there are other senators, i know for a fact there are other democratic senators that are patting joe manchin on the back and saying i'm glad you're doing this. reporters should ask every single democratic senator to get on the record as to whether or not they would vote to carve out the voting rights legislation from any filibuster attempt and every voter in their state should know about it. and i really do think we maybe move the needle a little bit on a carve out today. the states that have passed these laws are the states we
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have to win to hold the majority. >> the truth, ari, is that by the time anyone votes again, they'll all have laws. we've covered them here every single day since january. not only do they target in texas, the most secure ways to vote, were drive up voting. where you show your driver's license. that was eliminated. not because it wasn't secure. that was the lie sold with the voter suppression measure. they targeted the measures where people were not voting for republicans. they did it. naked and proud. voter suppression is the gop brand. the piece i didn't understand, i can explain republicans as michael steele, until i'm blue in the face. 70% of americans support the freedom to vote act according to data for progress poll, but senator king went through in this program. you got a super micro minority of republican senators who represent 21% of the country who will kill it if they don't carve
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it out from the filibuster as claire just explained. is all of that sort of public opinion? is that political power reality check? on their minds? or what do you think happens next, ari? >> i think clearly the parties have different priorities. the central organizing principle of the republican party is voter suppression and election subversion and extreme gerrymandering and they've done those things in the first nine months of this year following an attempt to try to overturn an election and an insurrection. so they just keep going and going and going when it comes to undermining democracy and what is joe biden doing today? he's talking about infrastructure and budgets. so he's not talking about voting rights. so the leader of the democratic party is mia right now when it comes to protecting voting rights. one statement, one speech is not going to get this done. we need a full-court press from
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the white house to reform the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation. we have not seen that. we have seen the white house prioritize passing an infrastructure bill. passing reconciliation. we've seen them do a full-court press when it comes to raising the debt ceiling. we have not seen that same sense of urgency when it comes to supporting voting rights. maybe it won't matter. maybe joe manchin is unwinnable, but at least you have to try. that's the frustration here. the white house hasn't even tried and that democrats have to be as aggressive at fighting voter suppression as republicans are at doing voter suppression. and we are still missing that sense of urgency. especially from the president. >> yeah. i mean, look, and in fairness, the vice president made some comments. i'm going to play them.
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i think ari's getting at something, as an ex-republican, republicans, if they're being honest or they're drunk, will tell you they're not sure they're right, but they know they're going to win. democrats know they're right. they know they have the more noble cause. they know that major league baseball is low to get involved in domestic politics, but they moved the all-star game many months ago out of georgia because that bill was so offensive. that bill's been copied three states are looking at georgia, georgia heavy and georgia light. that is the future. voter suppression measures. things to make it harder to vote. there was no fraud. it was the most secure election in our country's history. republicans call me and say, you're so tough on this. what could you live with? no fraud, none. i can't live with any of it because there was no fraud. it's all based on a lie. but republicans have this brazenness, knowing they're wrong, knowing it's fraudulent, knowing the politics aren't on
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their side and they go. the democrats have the facts ond their side. they have public opinion on their side. like 60% of the public. and they're afraid. what switches that around? how do you get democrats to act like they're the ones with the politics and facts on their side? >> it goes back to my first point. claire is getting behind the curtain on the democrats and how they see and think about these things so let me share a little bit behind the curtain of how republicans look and see these things strategically. we know the democrats won't act. it's not complicated, people. call their bluff. democrats won't call their bluff. on nothing. or anything. they talk. they whine. they wring their hands. they wipe their eyes. republicans are sitting there going, mm, okay. because it changes nothing. where's the accountability?
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how do you hold them accountable? how do you force the issue? if i know, look, if i know, if i break a vase in my mama's house, she goin spank me. if i know she's not and she's going to find another vase to replace it and she may be upset for about five minutes, but then say okay, baby, go and sit down at the table, have a bite to eat. i'm going to be less concerned about breaking ish in the house. there's nothing republicans do to change the political behavior of their opponents. republicans on the other hand know exactly how to get the democrats to change their behavior. and what is the change in the behavior? get them talking amongst themselves. meanwhile, they just keep doing
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what they're doing, which is why i say when that martian lands from mars and looks around and asks for the leader of the senate, they're not going to schumer. they're going to mcconnell because he comes off as the one who's in control of what's going on politically and that says a lot when you're in the minority and we know it and we exploit it. it's not complicated. >> ari, you want to defend your party? >> well, not really. i'm not sure. i'm not sure, i'm not sure that they would take them to mcconnell, first of all. i think, and i get that biden is totally distracted. i get that president biden is totally distracted and putting points on the board with his major legislative priorities and he has given short trip as ari said. to this important issue.
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but maybe that's because he doesn't see a way around it right now. and so what really of anybody who cares about a democratic majority in the senate and maybe having enough democrats to get rid of the filibuster, everybody needs to focus on those states that have successfully passed those laws and let's start with ground zero, which is georgia. everybody needs to pay attention to those elections in georgia and everybody needs to pay attention to the election in florida and other states where they have done this. many states have done the opposite. they've actually expanded voter rights. there's 25 states that have expanded voter rights, but those aren't the states that are going to decide the senate majority next year. so i'm hopeful that this will move the needing on a carve out for the filibuster for voting rights. if it doesn't, we've got to get busy and make sure manchin and sinema's vote are not the ones that can stop the filibusters. >> i'm going to give the vice
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president and i say it's the last word here. here's kamala harris after the vote. >> members of the united states senate had an opportunity to uphold the importance of every americans right to exercise their fundamental right in a democracy, which is the right to vote, and when presented with this opportunity, the democrats unanimously upheld the importance of that right and the republicans, sadly, unanimously, failed to do so. so we're not going to give up. we're not deterred. but there's still a lot of work to do and i think it's really a sad day. i'd like to think that we have evolved as a nation and that we would not have to return to a moment where the united states senate would have to debate. yet in this situation fail as a body, to even move forward protections as it relates to the right to vote. so we're not going to give up. we have never given up. those of us who fought for the
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right of every american, going to continue to do the work. >> we're going to continue to cover it. ari, claire mccaskill, thank you so much for starting off this conversation and for your candor and passion. michael steele sticks around. when we come back, president biden is in his hometown of scranton, pennsylvania today pushing his slightly scaled down domestic agenda as democrats edge closer and closer toward a deal. the president's hometown sales pitch is next. plus, disturbing findings from a brand-new investigation into the use of force by police officers against children. little kids as young as 6 years old. why it's happening and the disproportionate affect it is having on minority children. later in the program. and two high profile media personalities both with underlying medical conditions underscoring the urgent need to get beyond the disinformation and get everyone vaccinated against covid. we continue after a quick break. don't go anywhere. nue after a q. don't go anywhere.
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any moment now, president biden will take the stage in scranton, pennsylvania, where he will make the case for his domestic agenda. it has been nearly a year since he's come back to scranton. he was last there on election day to make his closing pitch to voters. with democrats coming closer and closer to a deal on the massive reconciliation package meant to address climate, healthcare and social safety programs. thanks to a flurry of negotiations led by the
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president himself. "washington post" reports president biden told democrats tuesday that he believes they could secure a deal on a new tax and spending proposal between 1.75 trillion and $1.9 trillion. far less than some in the party initially thought even as some lawmakers maintained it would still allow them to accomplish broad swaths of their vast economic agenda. joining us now, ashley parker and msnbc political analyst, rick stengel. michael steele is still here. ashley parker, talk about the president's efforts today. >> so the president is sort of doing the full biden. this entire week, he has been on the phone with progressives, moderates, both sides. he has been bringing them into the white house having conversations and he is going on the road and this is why i called it the full biden. so scranton, pennsylvania, which
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anyone who has ever heard president biden speak, knows it is his hometown. it was the center point of his campaign as he set up the contrast between main street, those people who grew up with in scranton, and wall street. this is a place when you talk to aides, not just holds more for him, but it affects how he thinks about policy. oftentimes, people will be in the oval office debating something. he's known for heeding washington acronyms and jargon. wait a minute, how can i explain this to someone i grew up with? a neighbor, a friend in scranton. more importantly, how will this actually affect someone in scranton? and that is what he is going to explain. with scranton sort of being the every town for every day middle class, struggling, working americans across the country. >> i am going to apologize in advance if i interrupt any of you. we are waiting for the president to begin his remarks in scranton, so if i jump in, i
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apologize. let me read something that i wanted your thoughts on, rick. the president will emphasize how the legislation will better compete with china, which has at least 22,000 miles of high speed rail and is planning to double that by 2035. the president is making a national security argument inside this economic argument and i wonder if you think that is sort of one of the best. to me, that feels like one of the best prospects for surging bipartisan support, the likes of which we saw around the covid package. >> i think it does resonate. we rank 27th in the world in healthcare and education. 11 in terms of education and healthcare. it's making us unable to compete with china. i hear that beautiful music. >> i know. i'm such a sucker. he's still shaking hands.
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he's hugging. finish your thought, rick. >> so i think he's in scranton because he wants to make sure people understand this is a bill for working class americans. for hard working middle class americans. you know, healthcare. the expansion of medicare. children's tax credit. free kindergarten. those things are important to every day americans and democrats haven't made the case like they should have made about why this helps people. why this helps ordinary americans. that's what's so powerful about it. whether it's 3.5 trillion or 1.9 trillion. the most important number is 51 and that's what they have to get to to get to this bill. >> he's introduced here. michael steele, this is the full biden as ashley parker described it. >> nailed it and that's what we need to see more of around these big issues. we were just talking about voting. we need the full biden on
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voting. just as we're seeing on the economic side as we've seen on the international side where he's, you know, sort of rallied our nato and foreign alliances around certain issues. so this is an opportunity for the president to take his message to every day americans as we see in the backyard of scranton. and hopefully that resonates and begins to turn around those dismal numbers the latest poll is showing of 37%, to get the big mo that the full biden often generates. >> all right. let's listen in. >> for years to come, but president biden's broader vision would go further. the build back better act addresses the rising costs of both childcare and eldercare, which would help ensure my young son, my daughters and my aging parents are taken care of with dignity, grace, and understanding. my wife is going to school for
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nursing but with three kids, and both of us working, it's tough to find enough hours in the day. joe biden's american rescue plan gave us an expanded child tax credit which helps us to cover the cost of two week of childcare every single month. this has given my wife is flexibility to devote more time to her studies. president biden's build back better act would extend the child tax credit and invest more in childcare, helping my family and families just like mine. with this help, my wife and others like her will be able to pursue their passion for helping others and fill a role in healthcare that our community desperately needs right now. my wife and i have talked about the possibility of having more children one day. but like millions of americans, i only get paid for the days i
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lace my boots up and go to work. i have zero paid time off for the birth of a new child. but the paid family leave called for in the build back better act would give my wife and i the ability to plan for another child with less worrying about making ends meet. we would be able to focus on what truly matters. our family. without further ado, it's my honor and privilege to introduce to all of you, the president of the united states, joe biden. >> hello, hello, hello. it's good to be home! thank you. please be seated. i just want to know, we have a tradition in biden finnigan
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family. when you see relatives, you see them first. these are my relatives in the front row here. spent a lot of time across from st. paul's church at my uncle jack finnigan's house. his daughters are here. he taught up at the u and i just want you to know that amtrak is here. they can tell you. you should name half the line after me. i'm the most railroad guy you're ever going to meet. 2,100,000 on amtrak. not a joke. what happened was when you are a president or vice president, they keep meticulous mileage of when you fly an air force aircraft. so i guess it was about seven years in to my tenure as vice
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president, and i used to always like to take amtrak home on friday. i try to go home and see my mom, who was living with us at the time after my dad passed and i would try to get home and the secret service are wonderful. they're the best in the world. they never liked me taking amtrak because it stops too often and too many people get on and you don't know. but i turned out i was about number three in seniority on the road at the time, if you -- well in terms of actual time on the road. and a lot of the folks in amtrak became my family. not a joke. i'd ride every day. i commuted every single day for 36 years as vice president of the united states after my wife and daughter were killed. i went home to see my family. never stopped going doing that. and so angela negri was from, remember ang?
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ang came up to me one day when they just announced that i had flown 1 million x number of miles on air force aircraft and ang comes up, he goes, joey, baby, i thought the secret service were going to shoot him. no, no, he's good. true story. and he said, i just read big deal. big deal. whatever it was, 1,200,000. you know how many miles you did amtrak? i said i don't have any idea. we were at the retirement dinner. we added it up. you averaged 21 days a year, 121 days a year, plus as vice president. you've traveled over 2 million miles. joe, i don't want to hear anymore about the air force. but in the build back better plan, i got more money for passenger rail than the entire amtrak system cost to begin with. we're going to change the nation
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in a big way. shane, i want to thank you for that introduction. i really do. eric page, you've got a great job. i mean it. i'm a big fan and i, she when i got elected, it's the god's truth. when i checked the margin in the state of delaware, i called up here. she won that year, too. i found out that i won every precinct in scranton and i looked up and said, mom, i did it. i did it. look, it's great to be here in pennsylvania with the great close friend and governor. it's great to see you. and matt, thank you for the passport to let me back into the district. and you know, you know, we, it's interesting. i grew up not very far from
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bobby where, excuse me, the senator, where he grew up. it was about, if you add it up, about five blocks, six blocks, and his dad and i were about 18 years apart and we're 17 years a part. so it's like a continuum going on here, but i just want you to know we went to the same schools. same parrish. just a few years apart. give or take a few years. scranton is where i played shortstop in the little league and the first year it was put up, my dad helped build the field down there and spent a lot of time at semi's buying candy and watching movies on the weekend. and trying to re-enact all they did and when you watch those movies, i think i was told, i don't know if it was true, i was
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the only kid in my year that i was the only kid able to walk across the pipe. if you fell in the lackey, you were a lackey. you were in trouble. but any rate. that's right. look, no matter how long you live here in scranton, it's a place that climbs into your heart and it never really leaves you. that's the god's truth. like the old saying goes, you can take the boy out of scranton but you can't take scranton out of the boy. i believe home is where your character is etched and i really mean that. some of you have heard me say this before. it's where your view of the world begins and where it takes shape and that happened to me in 2046 north washington avenue. we used to come back after 10:30 mass at st. paul's, st. clair's
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wasn't built until after i moved. in those days, all the men would have breakfast in kitchen. a guy who was the chief political reporter at the newspaper, tommy phillips, who lived a street behind us, a good friend of my grandfather's. the women in the dining room would have tea and men would in fact have a big breakfast. and if you were a kid and you're a young boy, you could sort of wander around the table. you could never sit at the table. and so i used to every once in a while walk in and wander around. i'd stand by my grand pop and i, i put my hand on his shoulder and they'd talked about everything from sports and politics and that's where i learned an awful lot. at that kitchen table. i learned from my grand pop that
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money doesn't determine your worth. i learned, he told me, and that's not a joke. those of you who know me know it to be true and you guys know it, is that no one in the world is more worthy than you, joey, but everyone's your equal. everybody's your equal. my mom would remind me. she'd say joey, you're defined by your courage and redeemed by your loyalty. and my dad when things got tough in scranton after the war when there wasn't any work, when dad did not work in the coal mines, my great grandfather was a mining engineer, but my dad was in sales and worked for the follow trucking company. things got slow in scranton, i think the longest walk a parent can make is up a flight of stairs to tell your kid they can't live here anymore because mom or dad doesn't have a job. my dad moved from wilmington,
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delaware to scranton when he was a junior in high school. he was then called st. thomas, not the prep. it's since called st. thomas in those days. i remember him walking up and in the bedroom saying honey, dad's going to have to move. but it's going to probably take about a year. i'll come home every single weekend. it's only 155 miles. i thought that was like 600 miles away. i'll come home every weekend. when i get enough money, i'm going to bring you and mom and everyone down to wilmington. you're going to like it. and i thought that was like, you know, a flood of parents left scranton in those days who had to move away. and you know, i gained so much respect thinking about how much it must have heard him and the pride it took him to walk in on
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my grandfather's pantry, ambrose, can i leave gene and the kids with you? i'll be back every weekend, but i'll make it up. that's a hard thing for a proud man or woman to do. when we moved to delaware, my friends would say joey, all my friends noticed. heard him say it i don't know how many times. joey, your job's about a lot more than a paycheck. it's about your dignity. respect, about being able to look a kid in the eye and say, honey, it's going to be okay. think about it. think about what it is. it means a lot more than just whether you get a paycheck. it defines who you are in his mind. and i learned that at the kitchen table in scranton, a place where you take care of one another. and as i said, my mother, i used to stutter badly when i was a kid. if tommy and charlie and my old friends were here at st. paul's,
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my nickname was blackbird. wasn't meant at a compliment. i wasn't very big, you could beat me, but i'd hurt you. you think i'm kidding. i'm not. it's one of those things that i was fortunate because the people i was surrounded by, our neighbors in scranton as well, that people, people stuck up for you. stuck up for one another. my mother used to say, look at my, joey. you're a -- man. like i'm a -- swear to god. you're a biden. nobody is better than you. and everybody's equal to you. nobody. the point i'm making is the truth is scranton isn't my home because of the memories it gave me. it's my home because of the values it gave me. so when i ran for president, i came back to scranton. i came back to scranton.
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i started here in scranton. and i resolved to bring scranton values to bear to make a fundamental shift in how our economy works for working people. to build our economy up from the ground. not from the top down. i've never known a time when the middle class has done well that the wealthy haven't done very, very well. i'm here to talk about what's at stake for families and our country. for most of the 20th century, we led the world by a significant margin because we invested in our people. we invested in ourselves. not only in our roads and our highways and bridges, but our people and families. we didn't just build interstate highways. we built a highway to the sky. to outer space. we were also, we invested to win the space race and we won. we were also among the first to provide access to free education getting back from the late 1800s early 1900s. we invested in our children. does anybody think today if
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we're making that decision for the first time, we'd say 12 years is enough in the 21st century? it's not. but back then, they did and it's the reason why we left ahead of the rest of the world. not a joke. and became among the best educated countries in the world, but somewhere along the way, we stopped investing in ourselves. america's still the largest economy in the world. we still have the most productive workers, but we risk losing our edge as a nation. our infrastructure used to be the best in the world. not a joke. the best in the world. today, according to the world economic forum, we rank 13th in the world in terms of infrastructure. roads, bridges, highways, the whole works. 13th in the world. we used to lead the world in educational achievement. today, the organization for economic cooperation and development in europe ranks america 35 out of 37 major companies when it comes to
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investing in early childhood education and talk about an equalizer. the greatest equalizer in the world, the great university has done studies the last 15 years. you give a kid no matter what the kid's background, from a broken home, from a home where mom or dad didn't go to school or whatever, and you put them in school, third grade, school, not day care. you increase by 56% the chances they'll complete 12 years of school and build confidence. what's education all about? it's about building confidence. in a child. it's about giving the tools to do something. we can't be competitive if we continue to slide. that's why we have to build america from the middle out. not the top down. i'm a capitalist. i think if you can be a millionaire or billionaire, fine. just do your fair share. just do your fair share.
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you know. trickle down economics is always failed hadn't built this country. you know who built this country. like the young man who just introduced me, union people. people who in fact can make a decent, hard wage. build a country. it's not hyperbole. i mean it from the bottom of my heart. that's why i proposed two critical pieces of legislation that are being debated back in washington. now there's some really smart national press where me today and they have understandably believed that there's no possibility of my getting this done. this has been declared dead on approval from the moment i introduced it, but i think we're going to surprise them because i think people are beginning to figure out what's at stake. you know, when i use the phrase build back better, it's being used internationally now. i got the g-7 to agree we're going to have a build back better world and we're going to invest, we're going to build around the world. and democracies and ability sos the rest of the countries don't
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fall prey to those like the belt road initiative out of china and other initiatives where i'll do something for you if you give me. if you give me. folks, look. these bills are not about left versus right. or about moderate versus progressive. or anything that pits one american against another. these bills are about competitiveness versus complacency. about expanding opportunity, not having opportunity denied. they're about leading the world and continue to let the world or let it pass us by and by the way, they will not increase one single penny of the deficit. they are fully paid for and all wall street points out they will grow employment by tens of thousands of people. tens of thousands of people. 17 noble lauriets in the economy
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sent me a letter three weeks ago saying we'll also reduce, not increase, inflation. here's what these initiatives are all about. first the infrastructure bill. when i say infrastructure back home, people look like infrastructure. what the hell you talking about, joe? they know infrastructure generically. it's about rebuilding the arteries of our economy. across-country right now, there are 45,000 bridges. 45,000. a significant portion are ready to fall. fall into the water, into the gap that they cover. there are 173 miles of roads in poor conditions that have to be built up. including more than 3,300 bridges and over 7,500 miles of highways here in the state of pennsylvania. that need to be repaired and built. increased timing and commerce.
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we're going to put hard working americans on the job to bring infrastructure up to speed. good union jobs. not $7 an hour. $15 an hour. the prevailing wage. a wage you can raise your family on. you can look at your look at yoh pride. jobs that can't be outsourced. jobs replacing lead water pipes like you have in the scranton area. kids getting brain damage because of the ingestion of lead. clean water all across america, we're going to replace every single lead pipe in the nation, again, creating jobs, but doing more than that, increasing the health and well-being of our children. 44,000 schools are in a position where they have lead pipes. you sent your kid to the water fountain and you've got to wonder about it. jobs laying thousands of miles of transmission lines and building a modern energy grid. folks, we're in a situation now
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where we see what's happening. you realize more of our land has been burned to the ground, burned to the ground in the west and northwest than the entire state of new jersey. every single square mile in new jersey, more has been burned down this year, this year in the west because of climate change and because of electric utilities failing, wires falling. we know if we can put these wires underground we increase exponentially the service, but it costs a lot of money. we have to do it. we know that if we, in fact, allow people to be able to store -- we have this incredible energy. i've visited one of the largest solar fields in america. it's in the southwest. guess what? you can transmit all that energy
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enough to really light up half of the state of nevada, but guess what? how do you transmit it? what lines do you put it over? do we have capacity to do that? we have the engineering capacity and the will to do it. imagine what that does. do you realize we had $90 billion in loss this calendar year because of natural disasters, $90 billion. jobs, making sure there's high-speed internet, affordable and available anywhere, including for nearly one in six families who go without internet. you saw what's happened when we've had this covid. try teaching from home. how many people did you see out in mcdonald's parking lots with their kids in their cars because they get access to the internet to be able to help the kid in
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school. what are we doing? this is the united states of america, damn it! what are we doing? both these bills are going to help us meet the moment on the climate crisis on the way that creates good jobs and makes us more economically competitive. $60 billion in passenger rail and freight rail. why i talk about passenger rail and high-speed rail? you realize chinese are building a high-speed rail line that will go up to 300 miles an hour. you say what difference does that make, biden? guess what, you take the train, we will take literally millions of automobiles off the road, off the road, sending tens of millions of barrels of oil, dealing with cleaning up the air. this is not hyperbole.
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these are facts. these are facts. right now, when i went out to silicon valley, they show we're in a situation where if you put solar panels on your roof, guess what? when the sun is not shining, you're in trouble, except they have now battery technology, you can have batteries in your basement about the size of the width of this podium and about this thick that will keep you going for seven days. so what do we have in this legislation? $39 billion to modernize american transit. i remember riding the trolley. i lived at the end of the line, as they say, in greenwich. maloney field was on the right and the little league baseball field i played in was down at the bottom of the hill. but the point is, getting to work, most people live in
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cities. the vast majority of people working now live in cities. their jobs are out of town, no longer in town, but 65% do not own an automobile. they live in a black or hispanic neighborhood or a poor neighborhood, and all the time they waste trying to get to work. look, more than $7 billion to build out the national network of electric vehicle charging stations. the way my grand pop got up here, my grandfather biden who dried at mercy hospital of an aneurysm two months before i was born, he was at the american oil company. he was here opening up gas stations. that's how he got here. this was 1942, late '42. guess what? the same thing happens. we build these charging station. what happens? communities build up around them. we get everything from the
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figurative mcdonald's or dunkin' donuts to the drugstore. and $21 billion for environmental cleanup and remediation. look, it means putting people to work in good jobs, prevailing wages, capping hundreds of thousands of abandoned wells in eastern pennsylvania and ohio. it's the same salary you paid the mine worker to dig the well. they've got to be capped. we have thousands of them that need to be capped. in addition to that, we have methane leaks that are all over. you understand in pennsylvania about that. guess what? it increases the health of the community and provides good paying jobs. my plan also makes historic investment in clean energy including tax credit for people who do things like winterize their homes, install solar panels, develop clean energy products, help businesses produce more clean energy. it's real, i promise you. i won't be around to see it, but
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i promise you your kids are going to see a time when they're not, in fact, generating any homes from the homes here in scranton other than renewable energy. not a spoke. by the way, one of the things that the president put me in charge of -- i want to be clear here, president obama put me in charge of when i was vice president, we brought down the price of solar and wind cheaper than coal and cheaper than oil on a btu basis. it's cheaper. coal built this town in this part of the country, but we've got to provide other evidence for people to make the same kind of living they used to be able to make. look, all told, i just said this project is going to save
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literally hundreds of millions of barrels of oil annually. folks know what inaction will cost us in terms of climate change. it's cost $10 billion in the last decade. i flew overall this territory in marine one, not a joke. i've seen it. seen reservoirs that are down 60, 80 feet. concerned about the colorado river, whether or not we're going to be able to keep things moving. not a joke. it's real. this is serious stuff. and so, you know, it's not going to ease up on its own. we have to invest in our resilience. building roads higher -- when i say build back better, we're the only country in the world historically that's gone through a crisis and come out at the other end better than before the crisis hit. that's who we are as americans. think about it, those of you who teach history. think about it.
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we've come out better than it was before because we don't give up! we invest! we trust our instincts! that's what i'm talking about. we need more, stronger levees, stronger power grids, more durable, ever to withstand increasing ferocity of intense weather. you have capacity, a road washes out, you can't build it back to the same standard. you've got to build the road back literally higher. not a joke, because the weather has already changed. if we do do something before we reach 1.5 degrees celsius, we're in trouble. look, we haven't passed a major infrastructure bill for decades in this country. last four years you hear every month is infrastructure month.
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didn't do a single damn thing. nothing. i mean nothing for four years. we can't afford to sit while other countries pass us by. we're going to breathe new life into the economy in our workforce. here's the deal. these jobs we'll create for people were too often left out and left behind. the vast majority of the jobs in my frvgt bill don't require a four-year degree. 98% don't require a four-year degree. guess what? it's the ultimate blue collar, blue collar middle class renewal. real serious work. it needs to get done. folks, it isn't enough just to invest in our physical infrastructure. we also have to invest in our people which we always did. we invested in our people. that's why the second bill is the so-called build back better plan. here's what it does.
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