tv The Reid Out MSNBC October 20, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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media or search david chase on youtube and melber. "the reidout" with joy reid starts now. >> everyone is schooling like i got to watch the rest of that. >> i think they'll do it after you. >> okay. wait an hour but maybe wait until like midnight or something and then do it. [ laughter ] >> appreciate you. have a good night. all right. good evening. we have a lot to get to in the next hour including republicans making it very, very clear where they stand on voting rights and democracy. but we begin "the reidout" tonight with the coverup underway. the committee investigating the january 6th insurrection sent a strong message they will aggressively pursue their mission by enforcing their subpoenas that. the nine members, democrat and republican of that committee u
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-- unanimously agreed to send steve bannon. it's a dramatic and unnecessary step given bannon's involvement in january 6th and the value of his testimony to investigators but it's also a crucial test of congress's ability to hold witnesses accountable. and yet, low and behold, house republicans are now defending trump's alt right ally and shirking their responsibility as members of congress. the coverup began today with steve scalise of louisiana. he's recommending that the entire republican caucus vote no on the contempt referral for bannon according to cnn. never mind the case against bannon is open and shut, steve scalise would rather prove himself to trump and can't articulate rational for letting bannon defy congress.
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>> i think you're seeing most members get tired of the witch hunts and the games. >> when it really comes down to is this, republicans are trying to save themselves and vote away their own complicity in the events of the january 6th. that is why they want to let bannon off the hook. as chairman bennie thompson pointed out, no american, no american could get away with what bannon has done. >> for folks watching at home this evening, i want you to think about something, what would happen to you if you did what mr. bannon is doing? if you were a material witness in a criminal prosecution of some of the lawsuits, what would happen do you think you would be able to go about your business. there isn't a different set of
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rules for mr. bannon. he knows this. he knows there are consequences for out right deiance and he's chosen the path toward criminal contempt by taking this position. >> on top of that, the committee's vice chair republican liz cheney rightly pointed out that trump and bannon wouldn't be making such flimsy claims of executive privilege if they didn't have something damming to hide. >> this information should not be subject to any privilege at all. mr. bannon's and mr. trump's privilege arguments do however appear to reveal one thing, they suggest that president trump was personally involved in the planning and execution of january 6th. and this committee will get to the bottom of that. >> we also saw an attempt by cheney today to cut through the big lie that's clouded the judgment of her gop colleagues and in doing so, she thoroughly
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emasculated kevin mccarthy for his limp response to the january 6th attack. >> let me address my republican colleagues specifically. i heard from a number of my colleagues in the last several days who say they quote just don't want this target on their back. they're just trying to keep their heads down. they don't want to anger kevin mccarthy, the minority leader whose been especially active in attempting to block the investigation of events of january 6th. despite the fact that he clearly called for such a commission the week after the attack. in many nations, democracy has failed because those with authority would not act to protect it because they sat in silence. history will judge those of us in positions of public trust. remember that as you cast your votes. >> now, unfortunately as greg sergeant writes, cheney's
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warnings have fallen on deaf ears. cheney is urging republicans to accept a full reckoning into january 6th as a precondition for future democratic stability. the republicans have made it overwhelmingly obvious that they do not see the need for any serious national reckoning of any kind, let alone a national response. whether this reflects a genuine belief we can maintain democratic stability without such an accounting or whether it reflects deeper ideals of multiracial democracy remains to be seen. the problem is the gop cannot be shamed into acting in the best interest of the country because they no longer believe in the vaunted american way. as historian sean points out, they have attempted nothing less than a kind of virtual secession from the american political system. and joining me now is former acting u.s. solicitor general and editor at large at "the bull
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work" and david blight, sterling professor of american history at yale university. professor blight, i have to go to you. i asked if you were available today. i brought in my copy of "race and reunion" and if you were here, i'd ask you to sign it. you're one of the greatest historians. we just saw you. we did a clip of the documentary about the civil war you're part of. so i want to ask you because i have been in a deep worm hole about the post civil war period in the last couple days because it occurs to me that part of the reason that we're here and that we ended up with 100 years of hell rather than a proper reconstruction is that there were people in the government at the time who didn't want to fully reckon with what the secession has done and they would rather excuse them than deal with them and i wonder if you agree with that. >> i surely do. that's the argument of race and
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reunion so i think you for making it. i'm thrilled to see that book in your hands but yeah, look, the late 19th century is instructive for this moment andless about the memory what happened in reconstruction than remembering other actual coups in 1898. quick note. five days after this infamous coup with white supremacy by the officials by the state of north carolina in which almost 60 people were killed, black voters just murdered in the streets a huge rally was held in raleigh, north carolina. huge. torch-like rally celebrating this white supremacist takeover and they met under the platform
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met under a banner that read victory white supremacy and good government, getting corrupt black people out of government. just think of that banner. victory white supremacy and good government. that's almost the same banners that people had flying there on january 6th in someways and i guess one other thought is your lead in is right on in the sense that we have to realize that just talking persuasion to republicans is not going to work. hypocrisy is not just a moral failure. ist it's a strategy. to keep telling them they're hip cats goes nowhere and it has to be treated as a strategy by power to other power. liz cheney as wonderful she's on
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the right side of this but trying to appeal to her colleagues is going to get nobody anywhere. >> i think that is absolutely clear. charlie, it's beyond clear to me she's arguing to the ether because i thought sean's point was clear and sergeant, i thought they were spot on in saying we have to stop thinking about this as republicans being in denial about how bad january 6th was. and start thinking of it as them thinking how good it was for them and that they have divorced themselves from the idea of a multi racial democracy because a multi racial democracy means when people who look like me vote for somebody that person can be allowed to win but what they're saying is no, that person can't be allowed to win only the people that they decide should be allowed to win can. and that is the opposite of believing in multi racial democracy. that's the same problem we had after the civil war. and i feel like we still have it
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and the republican party, they don't believe, they do not believe that non-white voters have the right to choose the president of the united states or any other officers. i don't see any other way around it. >> no, we're way past denial. by the way, could i just say that it was only a few months ago that i read for the first time about this coup in american history what happened in wilmington, north carolina? i felt bad. and i've talked about it that i didn't know about the tulsa massacre. i don't think most americans understand what the professor was just talking about in terms of an actual coup that everybody saw in realtime. this has happened. this is part of our history. and we've been in denial about it. one other point, yes, in terms of the hypocrisy, i do think as i was watching your setup that to realize that what the republican party is doing is it's setting itself up for the restoration to power, and it is
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very possible as we sit here today that donald trump will turn to the presidency and that this republican party we're talking about will take control of congress and i think that needs to be the prime directive in our politics. understand what they are doing. they are scenical enough to believe that in fact it will work and it may work. these people can get back into power and i'm hoping that people of goodwill on both parties understand with everything else going on in american politics, this has to be the number one issue to understand that this attack on the rule of law, the willingness of members of congress to give up their own powers. it's one thing for them to be part of a coverup but they're surrendering congressional power. they're not only covering up what happened on january 6th but there is a strong element on the right that is now glamorizing
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what happened, completely revisionist history saying it was not only a riot and insurrection, it was a patriotic uprising with the own set of martyrs. i don't know what percentage of republicans believe that but they are obviously willing to tolerate it and accept it and that ought to be quite frightening. >> they did the same thing after the civil war, by the way. thistuberville, he's the newly-elected senator from alabama that replaced an actual hero that prosecuted the 16th street alabama decided they would rather have this guy. he took a call during the insurrection from donald trump, mike lee got the call and hands it to tuberville. tuberville is then told by the then president of the united states while they're hiding mike pence so he won't be hanged and lynched, i know you got problems
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protect yourself. donald trump knew that the purpose of the attack on the capitol was to prevent the certification of joe biden. tommy tuberville knows that. mike lee knows that. mike pence knows that. they're all complacent. the guy that wants to be speaker of the house knows that and wants to talk to trump that day. to what extent are they trying to protect themselves from liability because they knew about it if they weren't in on it. >> yeah, all of them look, you know, suspicious and all of them have information that's got to be given to the january 6th committee. so like right now, we're hearing these fancy terms contempt and executive privilege and the like. the bottom line is to what this is all about is people in congress just want to find out what happened on january 6th. they just want the facts. they want witnesses to come and testify and so they've asked steve bannon, you know, trump's
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friend and former advisor to testify and bannon is saying no, i'm afraid to go and tell the truth under oath and so congress has now done what -- or this committee in congress has done what any reasonable committee would do, which is to say you got to show up, otherwise we'll vote for criminal contempt and you know have are you republicans willing to twist themselves into knots to say no to that and permanently undermine our checks and balances, our ability to get at the truth, our ability to check a president who, you know, is wayward in the like by saying oh, don't vote for this contempt thing. i mean, they are so delusional, these republicans in congress they think this is somehow a defensive liberty, which is just, you know, to use the liberal term, poppycock. >> i'll give you the last word, david. donald trump was always an andrew johnson figure to me and had the same contempt for the
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system that supposedly under gerds american democracy but in this case, the andrew johnsons are all over congress trying to wipe away the evidence of the insurrection in order to restore themselves. this is the redemption era. if you liken the theme the obama era to something like reconstruction, this is redemption and i wonder how -- whether it's too late to stop it in your view. >> i hope not. redemption on steroids. i love the analogy of johnson and trump. there is a lot there. you know, it has a lot of examples of these kinds of events from reconstruction right through the end of the 19th century. the perpetrators of something like january 6th kind of have two choices of what to do nour -- now or supporters of it. they can walk away, go quiet, say it was nothing really to worry about, it was bad weather
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blew into washington. not a big deal. or they can embrace it. as charlie said. they can build their martyrs, build their mmemorials, build their monuments and make it the identifying story of a new lost cause. both of those are happening. whichever of those actually wins out, particularly in the legal process and then political process will tell us how this event is going to be remembered but they kind of have that choice. just ignore it. it was no bilge deal. or embrace it, own it. build your future around it. they're kind of doing both. it's as though they don't quite know which path to take. >> yeah. well, we shall see and i think our next -- >> both of them are unique. >> absolutely. lethal to our democracy. this is a treat. i wish we could do this for an hour. i'm nerding out with a chance to talk to all of you.
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i feel like i took a mini class of yours and got a b plus. thank you for being here. >> come on up and take one. >> i'll do that. don't temp me with a good time. you can see professor blight in the documentary "civil war." you really need to watch it. up next on "the reidout," speaking of democracy being under threat, it's becoming more apparent as they once again block a voting rights bill because of course, they are. how far is joe mansion willing to go toagenda. he's considering leaving the democratic party entirely. the oath to protect and serve does not come with a cav yacht that allows you to spread covid. "the reidout" continues after this. covid. "the reidout" continues after this everything felt like a "no". but then paul went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows how food affects his glucose.
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time this year. all 50 blocked a procedural vote depriving of the 60 votes needed to move forward to debate and wouldn't consider the bill backed by conservative democrat joe mansion. the plus side, it would have set minimum standards for voting including making election day a holiday and automatic and same day registration, two weeks of early voting and universal access to mail in ballots and bans partisan gerrymandering but on the downside, it nationalizes the idea of voter i.d. and standards nationwide. it was supposed to be joe mansion's chance on the delivering of the bipartisanship he promised could make happen under regular order. so much for that. they followed lead ghoul mitch mcconnell's hope no republicans could vote for it. they tried violent insurrection on january 6th so now they're trying legal insurrection striking death blows to states across the country. 19 states enacted laws making it harder to vote like texas.
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they approved congressional maps favoring republicans and white voters and decreasing minority representation. since the roberts supreme court cut the gets out of the voting rights, texas could put in place jim crow version 2.0 after today's failed vote that would ban the type of extreme racial gerrymandering that texas voted on. kamala harris addressed it. >> we're not going to give up. we're not deterred. there is still a lot of work to do. it's really a sad day. >> with me is executive director of battle born collective and senate majority leader harry reid and democratic strategists and msnbc political analyst. thank you both for being here. adam, rolling stones has a piece out now that talks about this being the plan, right? that the idea was to let this vote go up and fail to back
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the piece to back the mansion, sinema wing into a corner and get them to move on the filler buster. do you think that was the plan and do you think that plan -- that part two of it is going to happen? >> i think it's a plan and i think that it's probably a necessary step in the process. i think that no matter what your plan is, you know, giving mansion some time to try to chase down ten republican votes for a voting rights bill is always probably going to be neltsz necessary if you're able to persuade him to vote for some reform to the filler buster to let democracy reform pass. but i think that now the big question is will the white house get engaged? will president biden get personally engaged in starting to make the persuasion? they have given him the time. he's shown he cannot get ten republicans to vote in favor of
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voting rights and now the really hard work begins, which is persuading him and senator sinema for an exception to the filibuster. it's a fine plan up until now and the question is the plan for president biden to get personally engaged and the hope the answer is yes. >> we saw today, biden can be effective. he wasfective talking about the economy and jobs and his sweet spot but he so far has not really been very effective at getting joe mansion to give in on anything. joe mansion i think thinks he's the president. so it's hard to imagine that there is anything that joe biden could say that will make joe mansion care about voting rights or krysten sinema care about voting rights. they couldn't get the moderate, you know, conservative democrats like romney. what do you think? there are arguments that democrats and that the white house isn't doing enough. do you think -- what do you think the white house could do differently? >> i feel like if this had a chance especially negotiating some type of carveout in the
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filibuster, biden would have had to use whatever leverage available to him. if he had a situation where he could say you're not getting your bipartisan infrastrung tour deal, i could have seen that playing out. frankly, when they're struggling to negotiate the reconciliation package, still, i'm not seeing the leverage the white house could lay on them and that's why we're seeing reports that biden and harris will participate in a public pressure campaign to try to push this forward or advocate for at least changing the filler buster but i'm not seeing a carveout. i'm not seeing a talking filibuster come from this white house and what i think will happen in return is the voting rights advocates that this white house is letting down and the democratic senate is letting down, they will look at him come midterms when they're like hey, go turn out your voters and you didn't do anything to protect our rights so what energy do you want me to put forward now? >> that's what i'm hearing, too.
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i'm hearing people are saying don't tell me i have to organize my way out of, you know, the voting rights act being gone. you know what i mean? you can't out organize that. i guess the question is should they be taking joe mansion's precious hard infrastructure bill and saying sure is a nice infrastructure bill, would be a shame if something happens to it because if we don't get voting rights, we flush your bill. is that what harriet reid would do? >> i don't know what senator reid would do in this situation. i think i'm in favor of them using every available leverage tactic. i think, you know, it's hard to tell whether they would apply pressure or backfire but i think if, you know, withholding things on reconciliation was effective, i would hope they would use it. there is one thing the white house could do, which they haven't done is come out in favor of filler buster reform.
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i won't say this will be the thing that swings mansion and sinema votes but it would help and would be a major event, major political event for president biden who has more credibility when it comes to the senate as an institution than virtually anybody in the political scene today to come out in favor of political filler buster reform. that would be a major event that would change the conversation, and, you know, to the point about enthusiasm at the very least knowing he did that and that he took this important step, i think would go a long way to reenergize voters knowing he is trying everything he can. >> i have your back thing. he probably wants to do something like that. i want to read a little something that also was written. it kind of goes back to the previous segment where we talked about how this is a parallel era to the post civil war era and ari said there are erie parallels to the end of reconstruction when insurrectionists democrats than the party of white supremacy
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used every means necessary to retake control of the state and federal governments while republicans who are then the party of civil rights appeal to bipartisan unity and supported the filler buster. you know, juanita, this is what texas has done. they have taken white voters who are 40% of the population and giving them 60% of the districts. they've taken the rising majority in texas, which is hispanic and they've cut their representation which should be 39% to 18 and they've taken african-americans who apparently no longer exist as a matter of power in the state of texas because they have given them none. that is the end of reconstruction and that is the same kind of redemption level activity that we're seeing and so i wonder if what's missing here is democrats to feel as exercised about that as they do about infrastructure. >> look, it is a clear and
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present danger that's going to have long term impacts, joy. you talked about it in your opening. you said okay, these redistricting cuts they made to the districts, they don't have to deal with preclearance and don't have to deal with the freedom to vote act and they know that because republicans in congress have their back and working hard to ensure republicans will have control when those two new districts and they again, eliminated even a majority minority district already there. so now they're going from eight to seven and what is frustrating is that democrats are seeing this and just watching it happen and not using this to rawl up and motivate change. i don't know how to explain it. i'm losing my mind over here, joy, because it's soblatant and clear and not only about rigging elections but resources that go into the districts because for the next ten years, this will impact federal funding, schools, hospitals. you name it and all at the
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expense of the black and latino voters that prompted the growth in the state. >> and it's the irony of the parties having switched signs and now it's the southern republicans who are the new dixiecrats and not pretending they're not. history is full of irony. staying with us because up next, we'll put a big bright spotlight on one southerner in particular joe mansion and his role in blocking the biden agenda including a report today he's considering quitting the democratic party if he doesn't get his way. he's calling that report b.s. does that stand for basic strategy in the negotiation or what? we'll talk to a reporter behind that story when we come back. b that story when we come back this is... ♪ ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced.
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send chuck schumer the democratic senate leader and remove himself or resign from a democratic leadership post. people don't know these things but he's vice chairman of the democratic senate committee on policy and communications and i'm sure adam knows all about this stuff but he's one of the top ten democratic senators so he would remove himself from that. he then would wait a week to see if that had any impact presumably help him win whatever he's trying to get out of the negotiations and then after that, he would change his registration from democrat to independent and he would call himself an american independent. that's how he would describe himself. it's not a new party and it's not going over to the republicans and then the question is, which hasn't been addressed, whether he would caucus with the democrats or the republicans presumingly still caucus with the democrats so king and bernie sanders of
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vermont do but still, as an independent, he would have more influence, more sway i think, you know, this would be a symbolic blast and lead to a lot of political reporters to talk about disarray among democrats. it's quite clear this is what he was thinking of doing but today called the report b.s. >> he did. >> sourcing is impeccable and he knows it. he knows what we know. >> let me -- >> okay and so i think the committee's option is off the table by saying that. >> let me play what he said. let me play him saying it himself. here is senator mansion. >> i can't control rumors and this bull [ bleep ], bull [ bleep ] with a b-u-l-l capital b. >> he spelled it. is your contention and your reporting that the reason that he's now refuting the report is
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taking that option off the table. >> he's said it's b-u-l-l, it's actually t-r-u-e, it's very hard not to curse on tv. >> it is. don't get me started. >> he would actually show when he's saying it's bull he was lying then. >> so -- >> so he's been outed. >> i'm going to go to you, adam. you're my senate guru and it is hard not to curse on tv given the news cycle and adam without cursing, could this be a negotiating strategy to try to get his way by essentially trying to threaten the democratic party that he would take their majority away if they don't give him everything he wants and what he wants is basically everything ronald reagan wanted in 1980? >> yeah, it absolutely could be a tactic.
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you know, i think that we've seen similar things in the past and when senator reid was in the senate he was number two, not number one at the time. senator jim a republican representing vermont switched parties because he didn't get his way. he opposed the bush tax cuts and when they passed, he switched parties to become a democrat handing democrats the majority and the senate was deeply divided at the time. you don't have to go far back in history to find precedent for but make the reporting has taken it off the table that would be the difference. >> joel tried it too. i want to see who is up for reelection. i think the reason he's so powerful, he says if you want your liberal stuff, go i elect more liberals. here is who is up. you have marco rubio and land paul who has got cory booker you could take him out of kentucky. you have ron johnson and chuck grassley and make lee and ohio,
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pennsylvania, alabama. i wonder as our democratic strategists, should democrats take mansion up on the offer and say okay, man, you want to be independent? we're about to join you in real democrats. should democrats be stopped to think about get appeasing mansion and start thinking about really going after some of these seats and winning? >> joy, i assure you the democratic senate campaign committee is seriously considering more seats to take because if anything, mansion is just made everybody mad in the party but holding up the biden agenda to this point. let's think about it. he's obstructed the filler buster and logly gagged and dragged his feet and everybody else is like how can we cushion our majority in a substantial way to take away and neutralize power because david thinks mansion isn't going to follow through on this, i would not put it out of the realm of possibility that he comes back and says okay, you forced my hand by forcing me to accept the
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clean energy program. he's not done yet. honestly thinking about him running as an independent in west virginia no infrastructure backing you. they only care about trump. >> that's right. jim justice will have that seat. he's a billionaire. he's even richer than you mansion. >> david court, i'll come back to you and give you the last word on this because many your reporting, did you, were you able to determine what which side he would want to fall on because it doesn't seem to me that it would make any sense for him to pull a move like this and then caucus with the democrats anyway. is your reporting that this was a move in order to punish democrats for not being regan conservative enough by essentially handing the senate over to mitch mcconnell? >> my understanding is that i think it's too fold. i think one party was just sort of strategy. he threatens to leave, it makes things more uncertain and more unbalanced if he caucuses with the democrats, makes them more
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worried and sending a serious signal to biden and other would be if he did to biden and congressional democrats and he was ready to walk and so they better yield. the other thing i think is psychological. you see this in some of the pun public statements. he seems like a lonely guy that believe there is is no room in the democratic party and he's out there talking about a more partnership conservative type of government and -- >> yeah. >> i think he feels at odds and that's one reason he's considering doing this. i think the big difference between putting up with the democratic party and putting up with mitch mcconnell's embrace. we'll see if he gets further. >> what he's trying to say to joe biden is look at me, look at me, i'm the captain now. he thinks he's the president. he not the president. we'll see where this goes. thank you-all, look at me, i'm
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the captain now. just minutes away, by the way, for tonight's abls lute worst. thank you-all. haitians take to the streets to protest a deteriorating security situation that led to the kidnapping of 17 american and canadian missionaries, between that and the recent political upheaval and devastating earthquake, what is next for haiti? we have a reporter on the subject of haiti after this quick break. n the subject of haiti after this quick break. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ tonight, i'll be eating a club sandwich with fries and a side of mayonnaise. (doorbell rings) wonderful. mayonnaise... on fries? a little judgy, don't you think? ♪ that's weird ♪ ♪ so weird ♪ wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin. at new chapter.s weird ♪ its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation.
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one of the most important things you can do is to make sure you call 811 before you dig. calling 811 to get your lines marked: it's free, it's easy, we come out and mark your lines, we provide you the information so you will dig safely. i do fear for my life at times here but more now than before because i've never seen it escalate to this level. >> it's terror. it's pure terror to live here but it is our country, and it's the country we have and it is we want a new deal so that we can make it better. >> that is a small sample of what life is like in haiti right now. across that country, people are being terrorized by armed gangs
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who rule with impunity conducting kidnappings, extortion and random killing. over the weekend 17 christian missionaries with five children and one haitian national were taken hostage but a notorious gang east of port-au-prince. the gang is demanding $1 million ransom per hostage. the fbi is on the ground assisting in their rescue. according to a human rights orb -- organizations kidnappings in haiti have went up 300%. gangs are more powerful by a vacuum created by the july assassination of the president. the deadly earthquake, crumbling economy and migration crisis triggered by the massive 2010 earthquake. joining me is jackelyn charles, caribbean correspondent. tell me, just explain to me the origins of this. is it the backbone of the
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earthquake? is it the assassination? triggered this violence? >> it's interesting, since 2010 thinks have deteriorated, right? we started to see a few years ago you have one gang decided, gang leader a former cop decided to confederate and by bringing these gangs together, we start to see a proliferation of gangs. one human rights organization last year said there were 150 gangs throughout the country. i've talked to, you know, others today who think we're at 200, could be more. so the country has just been deteriorating where gang violence packed people since june. they have caused 90,000 individuals, at least, to be forcefully displaced from their homes at the southern entrance of port-au-prince and impacting the response of the earthquake. the united nations said this week they can't get aid through because of the gang violence at the southern entrance of the
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capital. >> at this point does haiti have a functioning government? >> haiti has a government and this government is under a lot of pressure not just from the outside but internally because the government is working fascination. you have groups that want a two year transition. the question that's being asked is whether or not the country in the current state, one, can it go do elections but can it sustain without an elected government for two years under these conditions. >> let me play the former ambassador on whether or not we should be deporting anyone to haiti at this point in time. >> deportation back to haiti is not the answer right now. i'm not saying that intended migrants who are illegal status shouldn't be deported but haiti is too dangerous. our own diplomats cannot leave our compounds without armed guard.
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deportation in the short term is not going to make haiti more stable. in fact, it's going to make it worse. >> is there a sense there's something the international community, which let's be honest, has contributed to the status of haiti. between the reparations that it had to pay to france, the debt and corruption. it's really not had a chance. is there something, at this point, that haitian leaders think the international community can do? deporting people does not seem to be the answer. >> what they are asking, the international community do is allow haitians to leave. instead of forcing something like elections down the population throat, let them decide. today what you're seeing is they are trying to come together in order to get some sort of agreement but they remain divided. a house divided cannot stand. i think first and foremost haitians will have to reach a
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compromise and figure out what the plan going forward is going to be. billions of dollars in aid did not arrive 37 the promise of build back better was never materialized. today they are being sent back to a country that they no longer recognize. >> we have seen protests in miami where haitian-americans are demanding there has to be some sort of answer. i thank you so much. it's always great to see you. thank you for your excellent reporting. you're the best reporter on this subject. thank you for being here tonight. >> thank you. well, before we go to break, we wanted to give you an update on 2018 school shooting in parkland, florida that left 17 people dead. nikolas cruz pled guilty to 17
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counts of murder. he could face the death penalty with a minimum sentence of life in prison without parole. a statement said a single guilty please does not bring closure as long as it's possible for a person to be murdered by a gun at school, at place of worship or in their own home. amen. up next, they signed onto serve and protect why are so many police and their unions so opposed to protecting u.s. citizens from covid? tonight's absolute worse is straight ahead. stay with us. te worse is straight ahead stay with us (sfx: video game vehicle noises, horns beeping,) (engines revving, cars hitting one another.) (sfx: continued vehicle calamity.) just think, he'll be driving for real soon. every new chevy equinox comes standard with chevy safety assist,
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new york city announced that vaccines would be mandated for all city workers with no testing option, that includes police officer who is are 69% vaccinated. their union is vowing to fight the mandate. it's pattern we have seen across the country with police unions and officers coming out against mandates. seattle police union called the mandate a public safety crisis as if vaccines for the public's
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safety. those who were fired made a dramatic exit marching to city hall to turn in their boots. trooper attacked the governor over the radio claiming he was being asked to leave because i'm dirty. no one said not being vaccinated was dirty but okay. then there's the los angeles county sheriff who said he won't enforce the city's mandate though there's still a two month grace period for employees to get their shots. there's no place like chicago where the union president urged officers to ignore the mandate making the prediction it would lead to a 50% cut on the streets. they would lock in pension. that led too a judge say he stop making statements. republicans are take advantage of the situation in chicago with indiana senator trying to recruit chicago officers to indiana saying you deserve respect. bring the covid here. none other than jim jordan
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mentioned the chicago police in a tweet along with parents saying freedom in contagious. what's contagious, the coronavirus. covid-19 has caused 64% of all police officer deaths this year. more than quadruple the number who died from gun violence. go off assistant coach. make your point. they are putting themselves ahead of the citizens they could infect. we hear that police brutality cases would even happen if only every one just complied and followed all their commands. it's clear that some officers don't hold themselves to that same standard. they are literally refusing to comply with the law. just take what happened at a new york subway stop yesterday where a rioter said he have harassed and thrown out of the station for asking officers to wear masks which is the law. the nypd says the event is under internal review. guess the cops former governor
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cuomo sent into the subway system are making an impact. officers and unions that are fighting to make the public sick are tonight's absolute worst. that's tonight's reid out. all in with chris hays starts now. tonight on all in. >> every single republican senator just blocked this chamber from having a debate on protecting americans right to vote in free and fair elections. >> the expansion of federal voting rights are blocked in the senate as trump's hench men menace the select committee. >> that might work on steve bannon's podcast. that's not going to work. i'm sorry, mr. gates. >> republicans against democracy and what we're beginning to learn from the select committee about pre-insurrection planning meetings. >> mr. bannon was in the war room on january 6th. >> senator brown
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