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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  October 24, 2021 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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she's optimistic that both a deal and a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure plan could come this week. >> this is a senate proposal, and they've supposedly are writing it today. tomorrow they would introduce it. >> the framework will be agreed to, there will be a deal on the social safety net? >> let's call it an agreement. >> there will be an agreement on that, and you will also vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill, both of those things will happen in the next week? >> that's the plan. meantime, as prices across the country are on the rise, today treasure secretary janet yellen says she doesn't expect inflation rates to return to normal until 2022. >> i expect that to happen next year. monthly rates of inflation have already fallen substantially from the very high rates that we saw in the spring and early summer. on a 12-month basis, the inflation rate will remain high
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into next year because of what's already happened. plus, house speaker nancy pelosi today seemingly open to side-stepping the filibuster after senate republicans blocked yet another voting rights bill. >> the most important vote right now in the congress of the united states is a vote to respect the sanctity of the vote, the fundamental basis of our democracy. one vote that the filibuster could enable to go forward. that would be the vote. and we head now to the breaking news out of wilmington, delaware. president biden meeting with senator joe manchin and chuck schumer. look, mike, the pressure is on to pass both infrastructure bills this week. what kind of difference do you think this could make to senator manchin with getting him on board with the plans? >> reporter: well, every conversation that this president has with the key holdouts at
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this stage of the negotiations, both senator joe manchin and kyrsten sinema would obviously be crucial to getting to a deal. i'll remind you, alex, that when the president was trying to get his covid relief plan passed earlier this year, they thought they were on a good track with the caucus, and then they called the vote. that vote was held open for hours because there were even last-second negotiations happening with senator manchin that day as they worked toward the finish line. that's an indication of why we're seeing this meeting happening today. you want to get the conversation as close as you can get before the president heads overseas. now, it's been a few hours since we learned the fact that the president was going to be having this meeting here with senator manchin as well as senator chuck schumer. if it's still ongoing, which we haven't heard that it ended, but it would be qualifying as a marathon meeting at this point as we get ready to head to europe with the president. his first stop is to rome, to the vatican, in fact.
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we do know over the course of the last week there has been really some growing optimism on the part of all the key democrats that they are closing in on a final deal. we heard more of that this morning from speaker pelosi who's obviously been in close touch with the president throughout this process as well. let's listen to her fresh comments this morning. >> terms of where we are, i've said already we have 90% of the bill agreed to and written. we just have some of the last decisions to be made. it is less than we had -- was projected to begin with, but it's still bigger than anything we have done in terms of addressing the needs of america's working families. >> by the time he leaves for europe, do you think you'll have a deal by thursday or friday? >> i think we're pretty much there now. >> reporter: now obviously senator manchin, his opposition to the climate proposal, one of the key prospects here in the legislation is one of the final
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hurdles. you heard the president during that town hall meeting this week say even though senator manchin opposes it, he wouldn't quite take it off the table. this is what's so difficult for the white house because you know who really sees that as a key priority is senator kyrsten sinema who of course is the other democratic holdout in these negotiations. so it's a reflection of just how hard this rubrics cube is for the white house, but they do feel like they are on a path toward the finish line. >> i think it was maybe a week ago we were informed that they are not asking for the same things. i think there was a tendency to lump them together so it makes it even more complicated. so, my friend, if you see some white smoke, let us know and we'll come back to you. >> you got it. joining me now is texas congressman al green, a democratic member of the house financial services and homeland security committees. it's good to see you, and let's talk about the president's meeting with manchin and schumer. do you think we are really close to the finish line on this?
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do you think there will be a vote on both of these reconciliation infrastructure bills this week? >> well, speaker, thank you for having me on, first of all. i greatly appreciate it. i've read and seen that speaker pelosi is optimistic. and when she's optimistic, i think there's good reason for me to be optimistic. she's in the inner circle, she knows what's going on. and i've also heard that our majority leader is planning for a vote. so these are all very good signs. but my hope is that when they meet this weekend, these two, three powerful leaders, that they will consider the lyndon johnson methodology of getting something done. lyndon johnson would relate totally unrelated things in one civil rights bill. he related a dam in hell's canyon to try to get it passed.
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sometimes you've got to find out what your opponent wants. if it's totally unrelated to what you're doing, then sometimes you have to give consideration to it. >> well, point well taken there. what about the white house signaling that possible shift in the plan to hike taxes on the wealthy and corporations? we know senator kyrsten sinema remains pretty staunchly opposed to that. how tough will it be, sir, to pay for the bill if that component is off the table? >> well, the wealth tax is something worthy of consideration. a good many wealthy people don't pay any taxes at all, although they're earning money from their wealth. so i think that is clearly worthy of consideration. as i do also with a minimum corporate tax of more than 50 of the largest corporations in this country paid no taxes on their profits from 2020. i think that corporations ought to pay some minimal amount of
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taxes. and i think that a wealth tax may be a way for us to give some consideration to getting this down to a zero number again. because, as it was and is, we are not having any taxes -- we have taxes, but what we don't have is a deficit as a result of passage of the legislation. and i think we'd like to get back to that, if we can. >> let's go on to redistricting, those efforts in your state. as you know, the texas statehouse and senate passed a final version of their congressional maps. this one no longer pits you against your democratic colleague sheila jackson lee. i remember speaking with her about this, and she was just so upset at the prospect of having to run against you potentially in a primary. what are your thoughts on this now, relief? >> well, there was never any relief that she and i would run against each other. we met, and this of course was
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after we found out that this was a possibility. and we discussed it and we concluded that we wouldn't. i'm very grateful to her for the way she has approached this. we have a unified effort. and there are times when you have to simply decide that certain things won't happen. it won't happen, we will not run against each other in. terms of whether there's relief, of course i feel better about what has been presented because it does not pit us against each other. she has been a very fine legislator. and would have us continue to do our work. i don't think you should be allowed to gerrymander people out of congress who have been duly elected by people, their constituents. and that's what this would have done. and i'm pleased that it has been rectified. >> you know, can i just say -- i mean, interpreting what you're saying here, essentially, one of you would have been willing to fall on your sword and remove yourself potentially for the greater good of making sure that
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a district stayed in the hands of either of you, both of you being accomplished lawmakers. that's pretty remarkable. >> well, we decided that we wouldn't allow the pitting of each other, of us against each other to take place. how we would have accomplished that remains to be seen. that is one possibility, and there are others as well. but we weren't going to run against each other. and we're still not going to. she is a fine legislator, and i'm supportive of her, and i'm confident she's supportive of me. >> and, fortunately, again, the texas state legislature has finalized the districts and you will not have to do so. that's off the table now. >> finalized only to the extent that the house and the senate have passed legislation. the governor hasn't signed it yet. so we still have that one hurdle left. >> very good point, absolutely. thank you, congressman, for making that one.
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so this is still largely an issue, the gerrymandering. it's being described as protecting gop power and reducing influence of voters of color. is there anything that texas democrats can do about it at this point to try to battle this? does this underscore the need overall to get a federal voting rights bill through congress? >> absolutely does. we need to pass the john lewis voting rights advancement act, hr-4. because it restores the 1965 pre-clearance provisions of the voting rights act. as you well know, section 4b of the voting rights act was eviscerated, which emasculated section 5. section 4b dealt with a coverage area. we need that. texas has been a part of the voting rights act in terms of lawsuits filed against it since it was passed.
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and i think it's time for us to bring states that are violators back under the voting rights act. and that preclearance provision is how it's done. >> all right, texas congressman, al green, thank you for spending some time with us on a sunday. >> it's my honor. well, let's go now to some new details on that prop gun shooting that killed a cinematographer on a movie set in photographer. actor alec baldwin has met in person with halyna hutchins during the filming of the independent film "rust." and today new calls to a change for safety procedures related to how the film industry handles firearms. msnbc's erin mclaughlin has more on that. erin, to you. >> reporter: hey, alex. well, we are still no closer to understanding exactly how a live round capable of killing made its way onto the set of rust. this as disturbing allegations have been made against the man
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responsible for the film's safety. overnight a vigil held in albuquerque, new mexico, to remember cinematographer halyna hutchins. >> no one should die on a film set ever. >> reporter: the 42-year-old was killed this week on the set of the movie "rust" after super star alec baldwin fired a prop gun that was moments before declared safe. amidst the despair and sadness, the potential for serious legal consequences. days before the tragic shooting the gun in question was involved in other accidental misfires. the "l.a. times" reporting last week he accidently fired two rounds after being told the gun was cold, meaning not loaded. the same thing yelled at moments before baldwin shot and killed hutchins, injuring the film's director. a crew member telling the "l.a. times" there should've been an investigation into what happened, there were no safety meetings, there was no assurance
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that it wouldn't happen again. all they wanted to do was rush, rush, rush. hours before hutchins' tragic death, nbc has learned several crew members walked offset concerned about the film's safety procedures. rusts production company says it was not notified of any complaints. >> more likely for those in the chain of command. >> reporter: new allegations against dave halls, the assistant director responsible for safety on set and the man who handed baldwin the loaded gun. licensed pyrotechnician margaret claims halls failed to maintain a safe environment on a previous project. >> basically yelling at people that we need to get things done, ignoring people when they say they need a minute to do something safely. >> reporter: she said she raised had err concerns about halls to the production but nothing happened. >> same things that happened on our show happened here but with much more devastating effects.
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and you can't help but think, did i do enough. >> reporter: nbc reached out to them regarding galls' allegations. a spokesperson saying no complaints were received by the studios and not an assistant regarding safety concerns, adding the company does not comment on personnel matters. a source close to production tells nbc news a complaint had been lodged against dave halls and his lack of respect for personal space. the complaint was made on the second film he had worked on for the studio in april 2019. and he was not re-hired by the studio again. halls declined to comment when reached by nbc news. alex? >> okay, erin mclaughlin, thank you for that. on stage and on point, former president barack obama returns to the campaign trail trying to keep two key states in democratic hands. just how much of a difference can he make now and in the looming battle for a control of congress? heartburn...
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the families of the american missionaries taken hostage in haiti say they're relying on faith and forgiveness to get them through this crisis. the latest statement on the christian aid ministry's website includes a quote from the father of one of the 17 hostages. it says, in part, the mission is interested in the salvation of the kidnappers and they love and forgive them. the gang holding the missionaries hostage is demanding $17 million for all of their releases. the fbi is now in haiti to help in the investigation. caught on camera, the moment an earthquake rattled taiwan. this new video shows lights swinging in the capital city of taipei as the 6.1 quake struck this morning. some businesses' signs, they did crash into the streets. let's go now to virginia where former president barack
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obama delivered an impassioned speech yesterday on behalf of terry mcauliffe. >> it makes a difference when we decide to make things better. our democracy is what makes america great. it's what makes us the shining city on the hill. it's extraordinary experiment in self-government and protecting that and preserving that, that shouldn't be a partisan issue. it didn't use to be. what are you willing to stand up for? when are you willing to say no to your own supporters? when are you willing to say there are some things that are more important than getting elected and maybe american democracy is one of those things. >> joining me now president and ceo of the center for american progress and a former u.s. ambassador to south africa. patrick, welcome. i want your reaction to hearing your old boss there.
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do you think his message was enough to get the voters out to the polls in virginia? >> thanks for having me on, alex. i have to tell you, i never mind hearing barack obama rally. >> me either. >> rally the truth in virginia. he's got that gift. it does make a difference. we know that there's been a bit of an enthusiasm gap, which is natural after all of the trump fatigue, particularly that virginia voters have experienced the last few years. and it's important for president obama to come out and remind them what the stakes are now in this country, and what we could get pulled back to. let me also remind us all, alex, that last time we had an election in virginia, the margins tightened again towards the end. one thought that perhaps gillespie might overtake the north by nine points. and terry mcauliffe, when he was first elected won by only two and a half points. virginia is very much a purple state. this is a normal tightening that occurs. i'm pretty sure that former
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governor mcauliffe is going to pull it out. >> what do you think the democrats' winning message is, not just for these governor races but for the midterms next year. it's been suggested that governor terry mcauliffe's campaign has been a little too heavy on saying, look, anything related to trump, meaning his opponent, glenn youngkin, let's get away from that. what do you think? >> well, it's not enough. you can't just be the anti-trump party. you have to demonstrate that when you have majorities, you actually get things done that matter for working-class americans, for middle-class americans. so in addition to rallying to get the vote out right now, democrats in the house and the senate working with president biden have got to pass the build back better legislation, infrastructure legislation, and remind voters in that state and around the country that when republicans had their majority, all they did was pass a $2 trillion tax cut for corporations and the wealthy,
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they forgot about the middle class, and democrats by contrast, when we have the majority we passed measures for childcare, healthcare, climate change mitigations, and increased access to justice and the ballot in this country. that's the difference. >> you were an instrumental player in the making of president obama's signature legislation obamacare. the process for what we're seeing right now, the social spending bill, is being compared to those negotiations. i'm curious as to your assessment of how it's going and how confident you are that a deal will be reached. >> first, there were many brilliant people who worked on that legislation. i had the good fortune fob supportive. one of the leaders of that legislation was of course joe biden, then vice president who was one of the closers of that deal, and he understood that of course you never get everything that you want in legislation,
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but as long as you keep your eye on the north star and you stay grounded on outcomes for average americans, people will eventually gravitate toward the success of that legislation. so now as we're in the final hours of this, there are medicine is things that are coming out that i care about deeply. i'm disappointed to see them go. however, president biden, senator schumer working with manchin and sinema understand the priorities are let's make sure that working parents can pay less in childcare, let's make sure we close that medicaid gap for millions of families who unfortunately have to make tough choices about healthcare in their lives, and let's preserve and protect the climate into the future. those are the clear choices they have to make. joe biden is a great negotiator, a great closer, and i'm incredibly confident of his ability to get those priorities settled. >> well, i appreciate that interpretation of his skillset, and there are many who share it. but you have the "new york
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times" out today with a new piece titled "biden the dealmaker finds that compromise can have consequences." i know it's the nature of washington, but do you think it was smart of the biden administration to pitch this major, huge transformative legislation when they knew that a lot of those key components would have to be cut out in the process? was there another way to go about that? >> that headline may as well have been, democracy a hard thing. it is right for, given the challenges that we have recovering from the pandemic, pulling middle-class americans up at times when wages have been stagnant and we've been soaring unemployment, it's of course important that president biden was as ambitious as the moment required of him and all of us. and, yes, when you lay out a north star, you don't necessarily get to it in the first instance. but it's important that you make a down payment on that journey. so we may not get all the way
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where we'd like to go on paid family leave, but let's say we get four weeks of paid family leave guaranteed, and we're the only industrialized country in the world without guaranteed paid family leave. that would be an extraordinary down payment for the north star that we'll eventually arrive at. same with childcare. i'm disappointed about some of the compromises that are happening around climate change. but there's a predicate that this president and the democratic leadership have established with the tax incentives around clean energy that will eventually get us towards the emission standards by 2030. democracy happens not in leaps and bounds overnight but in these kinds of increments and in negotiation, and the president is right to have established the north star. >> okay, former ambassador, thank you so much for your wise words. a series of new startling revolutions in that movie shooting is raising eyebrows.
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what evidence may determine the likelihood of charges, a deeper dive into the potential legal fallout, next. i'm alicia menendez, michelle goldberg is here to talk about the criminalization of reproductive healthcare. plus, a republican who claimed voter fraud and then turned out to be the source of that fraud. we have all of that ahead for you 6:00 p.m. eastern "american voices" right here on msnbc. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪
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a new focus on safety today as members of the film community pay tribute to cinematographer halyna hutchins. she was killed when actor alec baldwin fired a prop gun on a movie set in new mexico. and today many questions remain about how deadly projectiles ended up in that prop gun. joining me now msnbc legal analyst barbara mcquade, a former u.s. attorney and a good friend to us. i'm glad to have you on this one. i'm curious, barbara, if this
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were your case, what would you be laser focused on right now? >> the facts matter in any investigation. but here in particular we know what happened which is called the actus reas of any crime, which is alec baldwin pulled the trigger and a gun was fired. what we don't know is what's referred to as the mens rea whether there was any intent by anybody to kill somebody or harm somebody. so i think i'd want to trace back what was told to alec baldwin. it appears that he was told cold gun. what was told to that person about what was in the gun and anyone else. and so i think there are potential crimes here, if not of kind of an involuntary manslaughter by alec baldwin, potentially by his production company for failing to take due care if it amounts to gross negligence. >> what do you think with regard to alec baldwin, though? i mean, it's potentially he could look at involuntary manslaughter. but you don't think that would be the case even though he's a
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very experienced actor, one would assume that he knows about how to handle guns properly. but then, again, that does come into the responsibility of others who are trained, they're specifically on the set to make sure that he knows what he's doing with it. i mean, is there anything into how he used the gun? would that have to be something that would be looked at relative to alec baldwin? >> again, all the facts are going to matter, alex. but i think he's less likely to face personal liability as the shooter because of what he was told, if it's accurate that he was told it was a cold gun. and perhaps, however, liability as the producer of the film, if it was shown he cut corners to save money and failed to take the proper procedures that are necessary to show due care. for example, it is part of the protocol of the movie industry to hire someone who is a licensed armorer, someone who handles the weapons, inspects them and makes sure they're safe before they're used.
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if they fail to have such a person, that could be a basis for a liability for alec baldwin as producer. now, if anybody else along the way either intentionally put a bullet in the chamber or failed in their duty to inspect, that person could also be guilty of the crime of gross negligence, and then of course there's always civil liability. that would be something that doesn't amount to gross negligence, but it's just sort of ordinary negligence, some violation of the standard duty of care. but i think when a gun is involved, because the bar is so high for the way you should be handling that, it does seem that there is a possibility of gross negligence that could be the basis for criminal charges. >> so there was an amoror, it was a woman by the name of hannah gutierrez reid. she admits to being fairly new to the role. said she was still learning about it. her father happens to be an armorer and a stuntman in the industry.
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what if it's an honest mistake? >> again, honest mistakes happen, and those are just accidents, and they aren't either crimes or the basis for civil liability. but when you're dealing with something that requires a licensed armorer, there are protocols about things you're supposed to do. it's the same thing when someone's packing your parachute, there are certain things that need to be done because the risk of danger or death is so high that the standards for that are much different than they are as simply walking down the street, and yet could engage in some sort of negligence. the standard is quite high. if it is shown that she didn't just make an honest mistake but failed to comply with the duties, then i think she could face civil liability and potentially in new mexico for a failure to use due caution can be a basis for involuntary manslaughter. >> one more person i want to reference here, sheriff's affidavit says that dave halls, the assistant director who
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reportedly is the person that handed the gun to baldwin and called out those words "cold gun." what kind of questions would they be asking him, the investigators? >> well, certainly i would want to know what was your basis for saying "cold gun"? i would think that the assistant director probably does not have the responsibility for inspecting the gun. he is probably trusting the armorer or someone else to give him the gun, and then to announce it as he hands it in a way so that everybody knows that it has been rendered safe. i would want to know who he spoke to, where he got the gun, and the chain of custody that that gun was in all the way through. did someone substitute it out? was this a different gun from the one the armorer had produced earlier? i imagine these investigators are asking those very questions. >> yeah. we thank you for going along with our questions as well about this. there are a lot of them out there. thank you so much, barbara mcquade. how to decide which covid booster to get.
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♪♪ well, now to the latest in the coronavirus pandemic. there is new concern about the delta plus sub variant that is spreading across the uk. right now there are a handful of cases of that here in the u.s. and doctors say this new strain is 10 to than the already highly transmissible delta variant. in earn new and this morning on
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"meet the press," dr. rochelle walensky addressed booster shot confusion. >> we saw data from the nih on mix and match that antibody levels for mixing and matching were very high. if you're boosted with j&j, you actually do quite well as well. any one of these vaccines can really be used to boost any one of the others. >> joining me now nbc news medical contributor. good to see you, my friend. lots of questions. millions more people are eligible for boosters. so how do you decide which one to get? is it better to get a different vaccine? and where do you go to either get it or get the information you need? >> alex, i think what i'd like to do is divide it into what the nih study told us and what we still don't know.
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the nih study was simply what we call an immunogenicitiy study which means they took all these different combinations of primary vaccines and then boost it with all three of the vaccines. and what we found was is that if you mixed and matched, you got the same or better antibody response at two weeks. what we don't know, however, and this is the key thing, is whether or not those higher antibodies measured at two weeks actually translates into better protection, better effectiveness, overall and how durable that is. i've heard a lot of different experts now from folks at johnson & johnson but independent experts who've repeatedly said that the johnson & johnson vaccine is not this antibody vaccine the way the mrna vaccines generate these neutralizing antibodies that we talk about obviously incessantly since the vaccinations first rolled out but that the protection from johnson & johnson very much relies on that t-cell immunity, which is not something that we're measuring. so the short answer is that if
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you are a candidate to get a johnson & johnson booster, which is essentially anyone who's received the johnson & johnson is encouraged to get one shot of some sort. and you're not in that high-risk category for women, and that is from the ages of 18 to 49. because, remember, that age group was associated with that devastating blood clot and platelet issue that you can get, you can absolutely go ahead and get a johnson & johnson booster, because it works really well. and if you choose and you elect to get an mrna, well, now the fda and cdc says that's okay and you can do that. >> okay. we talked a lot about the side effects when things were first being rolled out, first shot, second shot or the single shot with johnson & johnson. how about a booster? are you expected to get side effects, and are they milder? >> well, fortunately, alex, the data at this point says or shows that people experience side
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effects that are more similar to their first injection. so in the case of the mrnas, the moderna and the pfizer, which means typically less because we were seeing more genicity with the second shot. in terms of maio cardites or the thrombositeopenia syndrome, they were not seeing that in excess at all with the second shot. so people were experiencing the same thing, headache, sore arm, typical vaccine reactions but no safety concerns. >> we know that we're going to get a decision pretty soon about kids and vaccines. and pfizer has said its vaccine is 91% effective for kids. when and when it gets improved, how long until it's actually rolled out? could it happen as soon as the first couple weeks of november? is it there at the ready, at the
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standby just waiting for the green light? >> it is, alex. the vaccines are absolutely ready for deployed. the white house has put quite a bit of effort into making sure that hospital associations, pediatricians' offices, schools, pharmacies will all be ready to go. i have to be honest with you, i don't think we're going to see any safety signal emerge after tuesday's advisory committee meeting. but, again, that meeting is so, so important because, again, a public meeting for all parents out there, you know, who are going to be personally impacted by this decision, i encourage everybody to listen. it's always so important to hear how the decisions actually get made and the thoughtfulness of the deliberation that actually does happen. but folks who have independently already looked at the data and have spoken on it have said they haven't seen any particular safety concerns. and we're looking especially for that myocarditis which does
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appear to affect older guys but age 18 into their early 20s. so i really do think it's going to get the green light. cdc will meet on november 2nd and i think we're going to get the go-ahead. >> staying safe through the winter season. is it all about social distancing when need be, wearing your mask when need be? >> i would say it is. the vast majority of vulnerable individuals will very likely have been boosted, which is great because, of course, we know that their antibody levels certainly have waned if they were first vaccinated in january and february and march. moving inside colder weather, drier weather, this is what the virus likes. again, exercising caution and estimating your own risk tolerance and being smart is the way to go. but we're visiting family, we're visiting friends this year, it's not going to be like last year. >> yay! coming up next, everyone,
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we're going to talk about a couple of new movies. and here's something definitely worth your time. "civil war" airs tonight on msnbc from executive producers brad pitt and henry louis gates jr. you can watch it here at 10:00 p.m. eastern. astern with relapsing forms of ms... there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection... that may help you put these rms challenges in their place.
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hbo's curb your enthusiasm is back. to talk about tonight's season premiere, you can catch ayman tonight at 9:00 eastern here on msnbc. so if you ventured to a movie theater recently, chances are you have seen one of the top five film money maekers out right now. topping the list is dune which opened this weekend, followed by halloween kills, coming in second. the new oo 7 action thriller, no time to die. third. taking fourth is venom, let there be carnage and rounding out the top five is rounds gone wrong. joining me now, nikki novac. it's always good to welcome to the show.
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and nikki, i want to ask you about the tragic shooting -- shooting rather, on the film set rust. what're what are you hearing in hollywood about that and are more people clamoring for more security protocols around prop guns and the like on the sets? >> well, alex, to answer your question, i am still in shock. i think most of hollywood is still in shock. i mean, the shock waves are still being felt. i think none of us can believe this actually happened. i think one director tweeted out this is beyond comprehension and i think, you know, everybody is looking very closely to the police investigation to see, have them conclude and find out what happen in the chain of command. i mean really, alex, there are really stringent safety measure notice place. there is a safety board in hollywood and i think moving forward, they are just going to be looking to make sure that all those safety precautions are ensured on each and every set. >> makes very good sense. i know sometimes you have to cut corners on things but perhaps that's never an area under consideration for having corners cut, if they were cut. we will see. again, there is an
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investigation. let's get to some little bit lighter stuff, though. this weekend's box office. you have "dune." that made its debut in theaters on friday. that's at the top of the list. 007's no time to die, still doing well. more than two weeks since its release. both of these films, nikki, are clearly made for the big screen. i mean, you want to see these things as large as you can. how is the landscape changing since streaming movies at home accelerated in popularity during the pandemic? >> we are absolutely right. first of all i saw dune in imax, the entire theater shook and i felt sandy by the time i walked out of that. it really is an immersive experience and you hear people saying that but then i get feed back when people do see it that way, it really pays off. in the case of dune, saw a hybrid. saw it also releasing date on hbo marks and the box office was still very strong. 40.1 million. it's made over 225 million dollars worldwide and i think to answer your question, hollywood
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is really looking at each and every movie on on individual basis. but i do believe moving forward, these big blockbuster movies like a james bond, like a venom you are going to see them in 2022 and beyond strictly back in theaters for the most part. they will look at each one on a case-by-case basis but you're right. you see movies like venom that opened only in theaters, not at home, and made $90 million, surpassing the 2018 film. >> yeah. then, there is a film like halloween kills which i am not one for scary movies because i get scared so i am glad to have that one at home. like, if i could go kind of like as i'm watching it and take a break for a minute. i mean, right? so, um, but -- how about the buzziest films? that's -- that was your term when you and i were communicating about this -- the ones that are out the end of the year, november or december releases. let's look at november right
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now. eternals. spencer. belfast. ghostbusters after dpps life. and then, house of gucci. and i have my director throw up december movie releases as well. west side story. spider-man no way home. the may treks resurrections. the king's man. those are your buzzy films. which ones do you think are really going to be knocking out of the park? >> choosing between children, alex, you know i love them all but i love a good hybrid if we are talking hybrids. i love this season because you have the big movies for families, thanksgiving. eternals, for people who need instant gratification, that comes out in two weeks so you don't have wait too long for that one. but house of gucci. this is lady gaga's followup after her acting debut a couple years ago with a star is born. people are just to use a pun, dying to see this movie. this is about marriage and murder based on a true story, also, adam driver, al pacino. huge cast. and then, december, spider man no way home. i am hearing even when the
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trailer is playing in theaters, fans are cheering for this one. there is a lot of buzz about former spidermans and former villains are going to show nup this one. it is going to break open the timeline and i think fans of a lot of different genres and studios are going to be tuning in for this one. >> okay. well, good. i will start buying my tickets now. thanks to you, nikki novak. thank you so much. good to see you, enjoy. and that's going to do it for me on this edition of alex witt reports. my friend yasmin vossoughian continues our coverage in just a moment. stay with us. r coverage in justa moment stay with us ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪
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12:00 pm
hi, everybody. good afternoon. i'm yasmin vossoughian. coming to you from the heart of new york city at msnbc world headquarters. we are following a lot of news for you this afternoon. all eyes on wilmington, delaware, right now. we have the latest on a meeting between president biden, joe manchin, and chuck schumer. that could signal a reconciliation deal is at hand. new information on the safety issues involving a film set that was the scene of a deadly shooting. tragedy in texas. two kids killed in a drag race that went out of control. and we are keeping a very close eye on a monster storm out west that could certainly wreak havoc there. all of that, plus intds


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