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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  October 25, 2021 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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educational achievement. now the organization of economic cooperation and development ranks america 35 out of 37 countries when it comes to investing in early childhood education and care. 35 out of 37. we cannot be competitive in the 21st century global economy if we continue this slide. my wife, who is a community college professor, says any nation that out-educates us will out-compete us. that's a fact. that's why i resolved that we once again build america from the bottom up and the middle out. i've never seen a time in american history when the middle class did well, the wealthy didn't do very well. i'm tired of trickle-down. trickle-down hasn't worked so much for the last 15 years, for working class and middle class folks. that's why i propose two critical pieces of legislation being debated back in washington
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right now. these bills are not about left versus right or moderate versus progressive or anything that pits one american against another. these bills are about competitiveness versus complacency. competitiveness versus complacency. they're about expanding opportunity, not opportunity to deny. they're about leading the world or continuing to let the world pass us by. first, the infrastructure bill. it's about rebuilding the arteries of america. and the portal bridge project is showing why investments like this are so important. when the portal bridge was built, it was state of the art. and really was. about 110 years ago. today, it's been called something different. a choke point. a bottleneck. an achilles heel in the northeast corridor. since the portal bridge was built, it's become the busiest
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rail span in the entire western hemisphere. let me say that again. it's the busiest rail span in the entire western hemisphere. 450 trains pass over it every day. 200,000 amtrak and new jersey transit passengers. but ships and barges also need to get under it. many can't fit. that means the bridges need to swing open and closed again, a process that stops rail traffic and causes other problems. the bridge opens over 100 times a year. and 15% of the time, something goes wrong. 15% of the time. for example, if the rails don't lock back in place exactly right, the bridge closes. and sometimes, you know what fixes it? in the 21st century? a sledgehammer. they come out with a sledgehammer and align the tracks.
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literally, a sledgehammer to knock it back into place, in the year 2021? one report a couple of years ago found that the portal bridge was particularly responsible for 2,000 hours of delays between 2014 and 2018. you know the expression, time is money. as one commuter said, if you're on the train and they say portal bridge, you know you better make other plans. infrastructure like this is more than a nuisance. it's an impediment. it's an impediment to america's global competitiveness. we're in a worldwide race. things have changed. take a look. that's why what's happening right now is so important. today, we're moving forward on a new bridge that will be higher over the water so it won't need to open and close, allow us to increase speed, safety, and
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efficiency, and capacity. it's going to make life a lot better for new jersey's commuters. it's also going to create nearly 8,000 construction jobs in this area alone, this area's workers. 8,000. [ applause ] union jobs. union. it was pointed out to me not long ago, i said i'm a union president, but someone calculated i used the word "union" more than the last seven presidents combined. [ applause ] because guess what, it's a decent wage. it's about to make rail transportation, which is a cleaner, greener way to travel, the better choice for a lot of new jersey residents. but not just new jersey. everybody up and down the east coast. if i can pause for a second, i apologize, because some have heard this. i commuted every single day, 263
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miles a day on amtrak, from the time i got elected a united states senator. as a matter of fact when i was vice president i used to like to take the train home because my mom was very sick and dying, i would come home every weekend to make sure i take the train home. the secret service, and i'm not criticizing them, legitimately would rather me fly, because it's safer. i'm getting on one friday, and then one of the senior guys on amtrak, angelo negri, i got to know all the conductors really well, they became my friends, i mean really, my genuine friends, i had them home for christmas. angelo came up to me and grabbed my cheek, "joey baby," the secret service was about to blow his head off. i said, he's a friend. he says, i read in the paper,
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you travel 1,200,000 miles on air force planes, because they keep me particular meticulous tabs. he said, big deal. you know how many miles you traveled on amtrak? the boys and i figured it out at the retirement dinner. you traveled 2,200,000 miles. how did you get that? he said, 267 miles a day, we figured you traveled 119 days a year for 36 years, then your travel as vice president. he goes, so joey, i don't want to hear this about the air force anymore. i'm a train guy. because it also is the single most significant way we can deal with air pollution, single most significant way we can deal with global warming. it's going to be help the region's maritime as well by
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making the movement of bridges and ships safer and more efficient. look, with my infrastructure bill i'll make sure projects like this are just the beginning. across the country, there are 45,000 bridges in disrepair, some of them dangerously so. 173,000 miles of roads are in poor condition. we're going to create them, totally new. we're going to fix them. this is going to be good union jobs for a prevailing wage you can raise a family on, jobs that can't be outsourced. we'll make the largest investment in public transportation in the history of america, replacing vehicles that are past their useful life. during peak periods when railroads are congested and rail carriers have more passengers, rail is up to ten times more energy efficient than a person driving. ten times.
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we have a huge opportunity here to provide fast, safe, reliable, and clean transportation in this country. every study shows -- i won't bore you with them all, i've been working with them my whole life. every study shows you can get from point a to point b faster on rail than you can drive your automobile, you would take the rail. the northeast corridor, we're talking about a $30 billion investments in major projects like the hudson river gateway tunnels and the portal bridge which it feeds into. look, we're going to create jobs, replacing lead water papers so families can drink clean water, something governor murphy has been leading on. we'll make high speed rail affordable. how many times have you seen people pulling up to an mcdonald's sitting outside during the pandemic so they can do their homework so they can
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get off their lot? we're going to create thousands of miles of transmission lines to build a modern and resilient energy grid and we're going to invest in strengthening our infrastructure against the impacts of climate change. the governor and i were talking earlier, just this year we've -- global warming has caused over $1 trillion -- excuse me, $100 billion, $100 billion in damage. i visited new jersey after hurricane ida came through. the governor and several of you were with me. in manville we met people who had been put out of their homes by flooding, it was devastating. water marks over people's heads. they would show me where the water had gotten to. i told them that help is on the way. since then, fema processed assistance applications for nearly 30,000 new jerseyans and
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approved $150 million in repairs, replacement, rental assistance and other needs. between 2010 and 2020, this state has had 24 extreme weather events. 24. nationally, extreme weather, as i said, cost the taxpayers over $100 billion a year. it will make our levies stronger, power grids more durable, all to withstand the ferocity of extreme weather. with my build back better plan we'll address the root cause of ever-increasing weather and destruction. the climate crisis. we have a climate crisis. i've flown all over this nation this year in helicopters, going from lake mead -- you know, more land has been burned to the ground in the west, to the ground, forest homes, than the entire state of new jersey, from all the way down to cape may,
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all the way up to the hudson. that's how much has burned to the ground. my infrastructure bill is always part of cleaning up the country. we're going to invest $42 billion in modernizing and electrifying our ports and airports like the port of new york and new jersey. newark, liberty international airport, reducing congestion and emissions and creating thousands more good-paying union jobs. it's going to help us meet the moment of the climate crisis in a way that creates good jobs, makes the economy more competitive, and we can breathe. look, we haven't passed an infrastructure bill for a decade. think about this. how many times under the former guy did we have infrastructure week? not a single thing happened. we need to get this done.
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and it isn't enough just to invest in our physical infrastructure. we also have to invest in our people. that's what my second bill, the build back better bill, does. i just had an opportunity to visit a preschool in north plainfield. north plainfield provides access to preschool for all kids 4 and above. my plan will make it possible for the district to expand that program to 3-year-olds all across america. the earlier our children begin to learn, the better for themselves, their families, and for the nation. studies show that children who have attended quality preschool are 50% more likely to finish high school and get a two or four-year degree after high school. but right now, we're lagging behind. today, only about half of 3 and 4-year-olds in america are enrolled in early education. in germany, france, the uk, and even latvia, that number is over
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90%, over 90% of three and four-year-olds are in school. my build back better plan gets us back on track. we'll make two years of high quality preschool available to every child in america. an average two-parent household in this state spends $15,000 to care for just one young child every year. everybody says how do you know. i know about this. when i got elected to the united states senate, my wife and daughter were killed, i had two little boys. i was making a lot of money as a u.s. senator, $42,000. and i could not afford -- that's why i started commuting every single day. i couldn't afford to have two houses and day-care. thank god i had a sister who is my best friend, my brother, my mother, and my father who helped out. my build back better plan will cut childcare costs in half for low and middle income new jersey residents.
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we'll also extend historic middle class tax cuts for parents by expanding the childcare tax credit. everybody talks about children, josh has heard me say it, i video you it as a tax cut for middle class families. a tax cut. we never have an argument when we talk about the wealthy. this is a tax cut. it changes the lives of the american people. [ applause ] many people in new jersey understand, it means you get $300 for every child under the age of 6 and $250 for every child between 6 and 17. that money is already a life changer for so many working families. it's projected it cut child poverty in new jersey by 36%. these bills are going to change the lives of millions of people across the country for the better for years to come. for everybody here today,
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governor murphy and other dedicated officials here today, thank you for showing us what's possible because when we make these investments, there's going to be no stopping america. we will own the future. this initiative is about betting on america, about believing in america, about believing in the american people. if you look at the history of the journey of this nation, what becomes clear is this. given half a chance, the american people have never, ever, ever let their country down. so let's get this done. let's move. folks, we have the most talented workforce in the world. what are we doing? what in god's name are we doing? and by the way, you hear these numbers, 3.5 trillion or 1.75 trillion. we pay for it all. it doesn't increase the deficit one single cent. so let's get to work.
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let's put people to work. and let's once again reestablish america as the most advanced country in the world. god bless america, and god bless our troops. thank you, thank you, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> president biden there selling his build back better agenda at a new jersey transit facility. the president framing his social spending and infrastructure bills as a matter of competitiveness versus complacency. i want to go straight to nbc news white house correspondent mike memoli who is traveling with the president and joins us from new jersey. capitol hill correspondent leigh ann caldwell. and eugene daniels, great to have you with us. the president is working policy and politics, as we see him work the rope lines and meet with local politicians on his way out of the venue there. we saw him sort of sell his build back better agenda and his infrastructure deal. he was welcomed by the new
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jersey governor phil murphy who is running for reelection. it would seem based on all the reporting that he is coming really close to fulfilling what is the historic promise of his presidency, mike. >> that's right, geoff, but he's not there yet. you heard the urgency in the president's tone especially towards the end as he said, what in god's name are we doing here, we have to get this done. that's the president's state of mind especially as he's preparing to head off to europe, not just for the glasgow climate summit but for the g20 meeting. he wants to show that for all the talk he's delivered about the importance of democracies delivering for their people, the united states is following through on that. geoff, this is interesting because it was a much more comprehensive speech than we've heard from the president about what's at stake here. i was especially tuned into the fact that he was focused primarily on the bipartisan infrastructure bill at this point. we know the reconciliation
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measure and that weekend meeting with senator manchin has been really the hardest part here, the bipartisan infrastructure deal is passed already by the senate, waiting for a vote in the house. and that's really what the conversation now is in the white house and in washington, can they have a vote on that infrastructure bill without final legislative text on the reconciliation measure. i also thought it was interesting to hear the president sort of casting some of the climate proposals which we know have been dropped from the reconciliation measure at this point, but saying that there's enough in the bipartisan infrastructure bill that would sort of address the climate crisis as well. we often talk about all the things that qualify as infrastructure in this context, in this discussion. well, it turns out that infrastructure is specifically rail, passenger rail is also climate infrastructure. and so the president knows he's going to go to glasgow without being able to deliver on some of the climate solutions he's
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proposed. >> that's a great point, it caught my ear as well, the president trying to find a win wherever he can. leigh ann, as we were listening to the president's speech, senator schumer told reporters there are about three topending guess is progress, because president biden in his town hall on another cable network a couple of days ago said there were four to five issues left. what are the remaining sticking points? >> yeah, geoff, there do seem to be three to four issues left. my sources are selling me those issues, in regards to negotiations with senator manchin, include things that have already been scaled back and compromised on but senator manchin is still not there. they include the four weeks of paid family leave. it includes $800 of vouchers for medicare, for people to pay for hearing and dental coverage. also this issue of medicaid expansion as well. so those are three of the issues that i know about that senator
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manchin isn't settled on, things that he does not support, despite a lot of optimism from the white house on friday after the president's town hall, thinking that they had four weeks of paid leave locked down, that they thought that they could get senator manchin on the $800 for medicare vouchers, and medicaid is another last minute issue. so they do still have some work to do. and senator manchin told reporters this morning that he's still at the point -- the president wants 1.7 to $1.9 trillion, that's disagreement on the top line number. they haven't even talked to senator sinema, they want to get her on board on issues including wealth tax, especially since she didn't want to increase income tax rates for the wealthy or the corporate tax rate for corporations. so there is still work to be
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done despite the goal of getting some sort of framework or legislative text this week, geoff. >> and eugene, to leigh ann's point, other than universal pre-k, it seems every other agenda item the president has mentioned as being parts of this plan has been either reduced or cut out entirely. what is the white house saying about that? is that for them a matter of defeat or is just getting this bill done in and of itself victory enough? >> they definitely will never say that it is an aspect of defeat. but i think president biden has talked about this in some of those meetings with progressives and moderates a couple of weeks ago. he wanted to make sure there's more stuff in the bill, that the bill has -- dictates a lot of other aspects instead of going smaller for longer. i think what i'm told is that that is because they want to make sure that once you get a taste, if you give americans a taste of some sort of benefit, they'll likely want to keep that
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around. so the hope is that you add all of these things in there, whether the child tax credit only goes for another year, or, you know, paid family leave is four weeks instead of 12, at some point the money is going to run out and congress and some president, possibly this president, will have to negotiate whether or not to bring those back. and they think that once the american people see these, if these logistically work out for everyone, that it will be easier to come back and do it. so i think they see it as a longer game than a lot of people see it because that is a better way to sell it, we're giving you this and we'll continue to fight for these things. >> and as the three of you know, we're at the point in these negotiations where we as reporters try to get a sense what have the president is telling these lawmakers privately. we're at the point now where the president gets a question on the tarmac or the south lawn or whatever and he'll just tell you. the reason i bring up this, last week i was talking to a member directly involved in these talks and this person said the
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president conveyed to them that he really wants to have an agreement by the time he goes to this global climate summit because how can he rally global ambition for climate change if he can't even have a deal done by his own party. he said today, i would like to have a deal, mike, he was straight up about it. >> yeah, that's exactly right. this is the benefit of covering him over the years, that i know the best way to show as a biden whisperer what the president is saying is just to ask him the question. but i think there's another dynamic here. as we talk about the climate deadline as it relates to the glasgow summit, the fact that the president is in new jersey today also speaks to the other sort of unofficial deadline here and that's the fate of democrats in gubernatorial races in virginia but also in new jersey. there was a poll out in this race that showed it a single digit race. we hadn't really thought it was that close. if you talk privately to both campaigns, they'll tell you they don't think it's quite that close, but there's enough concern on the part of the
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president and his party that his low standing in the polls is also affecting the incumbent democratic governor here. that's why talking about an infrastructure project that's been stalled for a long time that this governor has been championing was part of the formula today for the president coming to new jersey. >> mike memoli, leigh ann caldwell, eugene daniels, my thanks to the three of you. thousands of leaked documents reveal internal debates over facebook's polarizing content. plus new details on the shooting on the set of alec baldwin's new movie. what a search warrant reveals about the moments just before the fatal shot was fired. mm. [ clicks tongue ] i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to break 'em in a little bit. you don't want 'em too loose.
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thousands of leaked internal documents from facebook reveal debates that were happening inside the social media giant over the impact of its platforms on society. now, provided to nbc news, these documents show an internal divide between facebook management and employees on the day of the attack on the u.s. capitol. with the riots still under way, facebook's chief technology officer took to internal message boards. hang in there, everyone, he wrote, facebook should allow for peaceful discussion of the riot but not calls for violence, he added. employees began to chime in. these are quotes from the documents in response to the cto's message. quote, i'm struggling to match my values to my employment here. i came here hoping to effect change and improve society but all i've seen is atrophy and
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abdication of responsibility. how are we expected to ignore when leadership overrides research-based policy decisions to better serve people like the groups inciting violence today? joining us now are nbc news correspondent jake ward, and early facebook investor roger mcnamee, also the author of "zucked." give us a sense what have stood out to you and what did you hear back from facebook as did you your reporting? >> geoff, what's extraordinary is these are not documents and complaints being raised by outside journalists or academics. these are internal researchers, ph.d.'s and the like hired by facebook to help them understand us better and understand their own product better. and the objections and concerns these researchers are bringing up are about the things that make facebook what it is. comments, likes, shares.
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and they point out at the end that those core functions may in fact be backfiring and creating all sorts of problems. we put this to the head of policy for facebook and basically asked, if the core functionality is creating this stuff, is this somehow an impossible problem to solve. have a listen. >> is facebook irredeemable by its nature? >> there will always be challenges in the social media landscape. but just like you will never stop abuse in the offline world and you'll never stop abuse in the online world, you can get better at detecting it and preventing it and curbing it. >> and here, geoff, the researchers are pointing out essentially, if this is -- there's the real world, as she says there, but that if the online world is our responsibility, then we have to do something about it, geoff. >> so roger, if the documents suggest that the problems with facebook are baked in, is this
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social media platform reformable, is it redeemable? >> geoff, the answer is yes, but you have to have a radical transformation to the business model. the underlying problem is that facebook is a global network of about 3 billion people with no barriers on the inside. and they have a business model that rewards extremely emotional content. the result of which is that ideas from the fringe, things like white supremacy and anti-vaxx, covid denial and the like, get thrust into the mainstream and get rewarded, so they outcompete good information, honest facts. and that kind of stuff is a business that has been enormously profitable. and the incentives in our economy for facebook and others are to keep doing more of the same because it maximizes shareholder value. >> to that point, i want to focus attention on the internal criticism over how the company handled the baseless stop the steal movement that fueled the
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capitol insurrection. it says, facebook was alerted on election night in early november and disabled it but in the months ahead facebook allowed new conspiracy theory groups to remain even as it recognized the groups were breaking its rules. this strikes me not so much as facebook being unable to control groups like this, it's a matter of them being unwilling to do it, roger. >> that's exactly correct, geoff. the economic incentives are to amplify hate speech and conspiracy theories because it maximizes engagement and drives revenues. there are essentially no rules for behavior and every ceo is judged on his ability to maximize shareholder value. in mark zuckerberg's frame of reference this is exactly what he's supposed to be doing. the problem is when you get to the scale that facebook is at or the scale that google at, the
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same size as the largest countries in the world, at that point the impact you have on society is so damaging that maximizing shareholder value is no longer acceptable. you have to take responsibility for your actions. and the thing is here, geoff, facebook has also broken some laws. there are some felony investigations that need to happen by the securities and exchange commission, department of justice, and states attorneys general, because real harm has been done and facebook and others need to be held to account. >> so in the minute that we have left, roger, you know mark zuckerberg, you served as an adviser to him. how is he likely to respond to all of this, do you think? >> i think at one level mark thinks it's unfair, because he looks at this and says, wait a minute, every ceo maximizes shareholder value. on that i agree with him because i think if you were to put the vast majority of fortune 500 ceos in mark zuckerberg's seat today, without changing anything else, it wouldn't make things better. i do think mark's absolute control is a huge part of the
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problem. the real problem is the incentives are wrong and we need to have legislation for safety, for privacy, and for competition, and we need to pursue the law to do the things that are illegal and get rid of them. >> roger mcnamee and jacob ward, thank you for is your insights and your great reporting. up next, the new plan to make covid-19 testing at home cheaper and more widely available. and florida's surgeon general asked to leave a state senator's office for refusing to wear a mask even after being told she had a serious medical condition. that state senator joins us after the break.
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it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. [ ferry horn honks ] i mean just cause you look like someone else doesn't mean you eat off the floor, [ chuckles ] or yell at the vacuum, or need flea medication. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ the white house wants to make at-home covid tests more widely available and cheaper. the $70 million plan would allow the top health agencies to streamline the authorization process and guide test makers through regulatory hurdles a lot
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faster. right now there are ten at-home tests available to the public but most are not widely available and those that are are kind of expensive. meantime an fda advisory panel will meet tomorrow on pfizer's request to approve its vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. dr. anthony fauci predicted kids in that age group could be eligible by early next month. >> it's entirely possible if not very likely that vaccines will be available for children from 5 to 11 within the first week or two of november. >> and joining us now are nbc news correspondent heidi przybyla here in washington and dr. peter hotez from the center for vaccine development at texas children's hospital. heidi, great to have you with us. this announcement from the biden administration that they'll make these tests cheaper and more widely available, i thought they had already made that announcement. how is this different? >> this is actually getting more money for the $1 billion that biden has put aside, because what he's doing now is
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streamlining the fda approval process. you mentioned the ten kits. the fewer companies that you have competing, the more expensive the tests. the goal here is to streamline the process and to also pick those manufacturers, geoff, who have the greatest potential to bring high quality testimonials and manufacture a lot of them quickly to give them an expedited pathway for approval. this couldn't come at a more important time because you and i all know we're waiting for the president's osha rule, the rule that's going to mandate testing or vaccines. there's a lot of companies that will mandate the vaccine but those that don't are going to have to test and they're going to say, this is prohibitively expensive, i need much more access, i need cheaper sets. this is going into the holiday season, schools are trying to set up testing protocols. we need more tests on the market. if you look at europe, way cheaper, way more competition, way more testing. >> and dr. hotez, if you've got a family of four and you're testing, you know, weekly,
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that's like 80 bucks a week for these tests. how does this at-home testing regimen fit into the overall fight against covid? would we be in a different place now if a program like this existed earlier on? >> it certainly would have helped, geoff. i think i heard bob redfield, the previous cdc director, say if he had to do it all over again, he would have added a whole diagnostic program to operation warp speed or would have recommended it and it would have made a big difference. so i'm glad this is happening. it's about a year too late, but at least it's finally happening. and even though the number of new cases is going down now, many of us are expecting an acceleration after the thanksgiving holiday. so, for example, if we had this home kit, an antigen based kit that we could get an answer on, if you're bringing relatives over for thanksgiving or getting together for various holiday events, that could be helpful. or for the schools, if we could
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do regular testing especially if we don't have vaccine mandates, it adds an extra layer of protection. no doubt it will be helpful. >> let's talk more about covid and kids. the covid vaccine in kids. because pfizer's vaccine data in children ages 5 to 11 will be reviewed tomorrow. moderna says it will be submitting its results for children's vaccine to the fda pretty soon. we know the white house wants to push this to pharmacies and pediatricians as soon as possible. there is a question of how quickly parents will allow their kids to get inoculated. what would you recommend to your patients? >> i think it's clearly needed. the centers for disease control recently reported we've had a five-fold increase with this delta variant in pediatric hospitalizations. so this old notion that this is exclusive an illness of older americans is simply not the case. we're seeing a lot of pediatric hospitalizations and a lot of pediatric illness and even long covid.
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so i think having a vaccine that protects over 90%, as the fda has said, is going to be really important. in terms of acceptance, i think we're going to see a couple of things happen. one, there's going to be a regional difference. so for instance up in the northeast, where 75% of the adolescents are vaccinated, we might expect a similar rate. parents will also want to vaccinate their little kids as well. but here in the south, for instance, where there's been a lot of hesitancy and resistance against adolescent vaccines, in some counties 20, 30% only are vaccinated, i think we'll see the same kind of problems. i think the other driver is going to be what happens with covid over the next few weeks. if the numbers continue to decline, parents are going to be less eager to move forward on it. and so that may exacerbate some of the differences as well. so i think it's going to be very interesting. a number of us are prepared to work hard to encourage parents to get vaccinated and vaccinate
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their kids. >> a viewer asked me an interesting question, will the vaccine for kids age 5 to 11 be rolled out in much the same way for adults, where kids with preexisting condition or compromised immune systems would be at the front of the line and everyone else gets in line after that, or is it all at once? >> we're going to find out tomorrow from the fda's recommendation. then it has to go through the centers for disease control and the advisory committee immunization practices. i think hopefully from past lessons, they'll make it as unfussy and straightforward as possible. i think a big game changer here is going to be a lot of parents don't vaccinate their kids at pharmacies or at vaccine centers, they're going to want to do this through their pediatrician, so you'll see a lot more involvement of pediatricians and nurse practitioners. >> thanks so much. in florida there isn't much
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of anything in terms of florida to stop the spread of covid-19 and the state's newly appointed and controversial surgeon general is helping keep it that way. he's questioned the effectiveness of masks, he's downplayed vaccines too and has spread disinformation about both. barely a month after his appointment, he's making headlines for being asked to leave a state senator's office after refusing to wear a mask, even after being told she had a serious medical condition. she later revealed she was diagnosed with breast cancer. that state senator joins us now, she represents parts of broward and palm beach county. thanks for being with us. so describe what happened in your office that day. >> thanks for having me, geoff. i had an appointment set up with the surgeon general. the senators have to confirm his position. and i have a strict mask policy in my office. i take a lot of meetings, as you can imagine, with groups of people and we have a sign out and we have masks available. and we've only been back in
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tallahassee for several weeks. i had my diagnosis before i went back. so i decided the safest way to protect myself was to require people in my office where we're in close quarters, for extended periods of time, having a long discussion, to wear masks. no one has ever questioned it. i've had dozens of meetings. and this was the first time anyone refused to wear a mask. we had a meeting set up on wednesday. he wouldn't wear a mask and he had two aides with them and i asked them multiple times, they just wouldn't do it. >> were you surprised at his reaction to your simple request and did he give you a reason? >> he didn't give me a direct reason why he wouldn't wear a mask. he kept trying to negotiate with me, offer alternatives such as going outside. and he wanted to debate the issue with me. but here we were, standing in the waiting room of my office which is also small. basically having a meeting when they weren't wearing masks, having a meeting about the
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meeting. so i was trying to get them to put on a mask so we can start properly and he wouldn't. it was a lot of back and forth, unfortunately it went on longer than it should have. i said, is there a particular reason you can't wear a mask and he didn't answer that. he kept trying to negotiate and change the topic and get into the debate. and i said, you need to put on a mask before we can have a discussion. and he kept saying, well, i'm trying to come up with alternatives. i said, just please wear a mask. i have a very serious medical condition. at that point i had not made myself public. and again, he just refused to do it. so after enough time had passed and i saw he wasn't going to, i said i know all i need to know, can you please leave. >> the president of the florida state senate on sunday, who, by the way, is a republican, he called the surgeon general's behavior unprofessional and said visitors in the future who fail to respect these requests will be asked to leave.
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so this meeting was part of his confirmation process. what do you believe should be the outcome of this? >> i was so happy to get the support of president simpson and really it feels like the senate as a whole. i think the outcome should be that his nomination is withdrawn. i don't want this man serving as surgeon general. he is the surgeon general until his confirmation, which could either take place this session, which doesn't begin until january, or even next year, which doesn't begin until march 2023. so i don't want to see him sitting there as surgeon general this whole time without a proper nomination process or his nomination should just be pulled. this man is not fit to serve as our surgeon general. he certainly didn't care about my health, so i don't know how he's going to care about the public health of 21 million floridians. >> and lastly, given your diagnosis, how are you doing, how are you feeling? >> oh, thank you for asking. i'm doing okay now. i had surgery and i have radiation coming up, so right
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now i'm good. i'm just trying to, you know, juggle going to tallahassee, keeping safe, and getting ready for my treatment. i appreciate it, thank you. >> it's a lot. we certainly wish you the best. florida state senator, thanks for being with us. still ahead, deadly accident. what a search warrant is now revealing about the shooting on the set of alec baldwin's new movie. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults.
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. 7 million americans in the pacific northwest are under flood alerts after a monster storm system released a weather phenomenona known as a bomb cyclone. it put the pacific northwest and california under heavy rain and wind. meanwhile, we have an update on the shooting at alec baldwin's new movie. a series of events led to the death of cinematographer halyna hutchins. >> reporter: new details at this new mexico movie set of alec baldwin that led to the death of
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cinematographer halyna hutchins. after a prop gun was declared safe, baldwin was sitting on a chair, drawing his revolver. joel souza said he was looking over the shoulder of halyna when he heard what sounded like a whip and a loud pop. witnesses say halyna was shot in the chest, complained about her stomach, couldn't feel her legs and began to stumble backwards. two days after her tragic accidental death, baldwin seen embracing her husband and young son. court documents reveal it was dave halls, the film's assistant director, who said the prop firearm was a cold gun, indicating there were no live rounds. >> we were rehearsing and it went off and i ran out. >> reporter: nbc news has learned that safety concerns, including multiple previous
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misfires of the same prop gun baldwin used led several crew members to walk off the set hours before the accident. the film's production company says it was not made aware of any official complaints. margaret gall is a prop maker who says halls did not maintain a safe working environment on a previous project they worked on together. >> he did not have any care whatsoever to those conditions in any of our experiences, and especially not in my experiences. >> reporter: 24-year-old hannah gutierrez reed was in charge of weapons on the set in new mexico. she recently discussed her experience on a podcast. >> by all means i'm still learning. i think loading blanks was like the scariest thing to me because i was like, oh, i don't know anything about it. >> reporter: hollywood gathered overnight to mourn a life taken too soon. nbc news has reached out to
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hannah gutierrez and dave halls and have not yet heard back. the set of "rust" has been shut down due to the pending situation. hallie jackson is back from vacation and picks up our coverage, coming up next. r coverage, coming up next from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪ ♪ ♪
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biden reels up after washington, after hitting the road to again pitch his economic agenda and heading home with what may be one of the most critical weeks of his presidency, with all eyes on this building. the senate coming into session as we come on the air with growing skepticism of democrats. why? this guy. what we're learning about the sticking points that senator joe manchin has and what he's telling our team on the hill about a possible agreement on that massive social policy bill. this hour, when votes might be going down, and the latest on how to pay for it. spoiler, billionaires. looking at you. we have our health team standing by with the very latest. plus representative ilhan omar. i'm hallie jackson with our msnbc newsroom. leigh ann caldwell is on the
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