tv Morning Joe MSNBC November 2, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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up and one woman of color, michelle wu seems to be the favorite right now. that's a huge deal for boston's history because a white man has served as mayor of boston forever. this is the first time of a woman of color, looks like she's going to be the next mayor. >> as someone growing outside of boston, a historic day indeed for that city. thank you so much for being here today. it's election day, we like to close with that personal note. get out there and vote. it's one of the most important things you can do. we'll be following it all day long. we'll see steve kornacki once or twice. thank you all for getting up way too early with us on this tuesday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. i will see you over there.
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all right, it's 6:00 on the east coast. welcome to "morning joe" on this tuesday, november 2nd, you know what it means. today is election day. one of the most highly anticipated off year election day in recent history. virginia, terry mcauliffe looks to hold off the searching momentum. a republican glenn youngkin of what many say is as test of a national political landscape. in new jersey, republican challenger, jack ciattarelli, cutting in the lead of phil murphy, in a state that president biden won by 16 points last year. new york city will decide its next mayor, eric adams seeks to become the second black mayor of
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the city's history if he defeats curtis sliwa and in minneapolis, a ballot measure is asking voters the city should amend its charter replace the police department with a new department of public safety. a lot going on there. >> i think virginia is the one we are looking at. virginia is an important one to look at. we'll talk a lot about that but also willie geist, new jersey, this is a state that's not been close for such a long time. iden won by 16 points and 10 points in virginia. even that new jersey race is starting to get close. it's always important, we remember what tom brokaw said to us, the day before we were all shocked of hillary clinton's shocking win in new hampshire back in 2008 when many people thought it was barack obama going to finish her off there and then and tom had been
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warning us along. same thing here, we don't know what's going to happen especially in virginia. the race according to some polls are so close. it could be a blow-out. maybe youngkin wins by a blow out and terry pulls out a point or two. both of these races are competitive, i would say bad news for democrats. >> virginia, one year ago joe biden won by ten points and new jersey, biden won by 16 points. those races are tighter than democrats would like them to be. phil murphy does have a more comfortable lead than terry mcauliffe who's now trailing in many polls statistically tied. that raises the dead heat and so many eyes on the state of virginia as you have been saying all along. it may be on trumpism, does it pay to tie yourself to donald
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trump. do voters buy the argument made by terry mcauliffe that glenn youngkin is donald trump 2.0. many independents have said no. we got jonathan lemire with us and over at the big board, national political correspondent for msnbc and nbc news, there he is, he's got a wide stance. he's ready for a long day. steve kornacki, start us off in virginia. how is it looking? >> the polls coming in and its average slightly is youngkin ahead. as you say in a state to joe biden didn't win just last year, he won by double digits, ten points over donald trump. i think two things i will be looking at closely as the return comes in virginia. number one is sort of, we'll call this the trump's backlash of virginia. the reason biden was able to rom
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up a big margin over trump last year, northern virginia, always in the suburbs of richmond here. you have seen long-term and over the last two decades or so, movement towards the democratic party, when donald trump became president in 2016, that movement accelerated, you saw massive movement away from temperatures, towards the democrats, it's why biden able to win so big. number one there, how much of that have democrats been able to hold on. you mentioned terry mcauliffe, democrats have been doing everything he can to get donald trump into the mix in this campaign, the republican, glenn youngkin, has not exactly welcoming. i will give you one good example of. loudoun county right here outside of washington, d.c., joe biden won this county by 25 points last year. the last time there was a
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presidential election without donald trump, the republican almost won loudoun county. romney came within about 4.5 points winning loudoun county. less than ten years ago. donald trump comes along, republicans lose by 25 points. how much of that 25 points can glenn youngkin and republicans shift away from that road. if there is a trump's backlash in virginia, there were also trump's surge in area of virginia, southwest virginia and let me highlight one in particular that jumps out at me. take a look here, alleghany county here. trump wins this county by 44 points. a small county but i want to show you the movement. donald trump wins it by 44. let's go back here before donald trump came along and look at
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this. mit romney won this by less than three points. you saw a movement and not necessarily quite that big but 20 or 35 points movement in southwest virginia. there are not as many people here as there are northern virginia in the richmond suburbs, that's the other question tonight. how much of that trump's surge can a non-republican hang onto. >> trump surge happens in -- you look at loudoun county and another county surrounding washington, d.c. and they're massive suburban vote totals which brings me to this point, i am wondering what you are drawing out the trump's effect.
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i am talking about his negative effect. there are so many people asking why did republicans do well across the country but donald trump still lost. ron johnson gave us that answer in a hidden video where he says our republicans have the same amount of votes whether he runs on state or national levels except for disrupt and he lost 50,000 votes. the negative effect, could we be seeing that here and virginia as well that we are talking about massive trends that were breaking the democrats' way. at the end of the day it was really an overwhelmingly negative reaction to donald trump. >> yeah, here is as way to look at it. what i was just telling you to keep in mind here. if you take this whole area of virginia that i am circling right here, all the red right here and the counties very
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small, generally massive trump's victory. from the entire area of virginia, donald trump beat joe biden by 230,000 votes last november. 230,000 votes from this massive swath. what i am circling here is fairfax county and you got the tiny speck, there is arlington county and next is the city of alexandria. joe biden beat donald trump by 400,000 votes. when i say trump's backlash and it's concentrated in bushes and metropolitan areas and democrats driving up enormous margins, you are talking about arlington county right there. alexandria next door, and fairfax county. squeezing out that kind of
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plurality and it absolutely dwarves and doubles up what trump is getting out major land area right there. again, my question tonight is not when you look at a fairfax county or arlington county or something like that. it's not can loudoun win it but can youngkin cut 10 or 15 points off of trump's lost. that will be key for republicans. >> well, and that's really of course and that's when the question comes if he does that, willie, democrats have to start asking themselves whether they have to retool their message, whether they have to retool their strategies proving forward because they are not going to be running against donald trump and they'll not be able to run against donald trump in 2024 as much as the democratic party fears donald trump politically. trump actually is a guy that
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lost to hillary clinton by 3 million votes in 2016, only won of the day because of anthony weiner's laptop and comey and a number of other things and the comey letter coming out of that laptop. they got a guy who obviously they loathe in office but you look at race like this and when trump removes from the equation, youngkin has removed trump from the equation and suddenly, people look at republicans and democrats and go, man, you know i am comfortable voting for this republican guy. they can say he's trump but he's not trump. >> yeah, that's what we are seeing some of the polling and you hear it ntidotally.
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as you say he distance himself a little bit and republicans perhaps not buying that argument and independence may not be buying it either. what are they voting on. youngkin has made education down the stretch and the focus of this race, parents obviously and many of them frustrated of the way schools been handled the last year. is education going to be a lot of what people vote on there? >> you see the final rally that youngkin held and he held it in loudoun county. that was the theme of it. this is theory of the case for the youngkin campaign d one that republicans nationally are paying close attention to the question for them the last five years ago and has been in a place like loudoun county and fairfax county, i will show you
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the trajectory on fairfax county. biden 70 and trump 48. this is still a democratic county but there is a big difference if you are a republican trying to win virginia in losing fairfax county by 20 versing losing it by 40. mit romney was in the game, he came close to 20. he lost by four points. donald trump got blown out in 2020 and losing a place like fairfax by 40 instead of 20 makes a huge difference there. this issue of education, they believe terry mcauliffe gave him a big gift in the campaign when he made that comment. education gives them away to roll back the clock politically to before trump came along in a place like loudoun county. this area right outside of
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washington, d.c. again, i believe chesterfield county outside of richmond. all right, steve kornacki, thank you very mump. much. >> now you will be in front of that board for quite a while. >> jonathan lemire, it's interesting talking about these issues that republicans are using so effectively in virginia. i saw a clip last night of a guy being interviewed on the news and he says critical race theory is top issues, what is it? oh, i don't know what it's. do you know what it is? no, but it's a top issue. we had nancy pelosi on and we had just about every democratic leader on and they all said the same thing. no, we are not for defunding the police. reform the police but let's support the police. but, you would have all of these
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people coming on tv and saying oh, people are not going to be suckered by that. they were. they were. that was a huge issue in 2020. now republicans have moved onto critical race theory from what i understand, something that's not even taught in virginia's schools. that's now become the big issues. republicans staying one step ahead of the republican party, they're still fighting and getting pushed all over the board. >> yeah, let's start there. critical race theory is not taught in virginia schools. the video clip is very funny and can be found on twitter if you want to find it. it shows republicans are good. it's dishonest. it's not a good faith argument that they are talented at branding and making elections at certain issues. those issues prop -- it picks up
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traction here as a closing argument. democrats are nervous, let's be clear democrats are always nervous, they do think this race is always thin. they believe mcauliffe can win this but it's going to be a squeaker. we have heard mcauliffe for weeks talk about the idea of wanting the bipartisan bill signed into law. we see him talking with biden there. that's not happening. it's not going to be passed today to sway any voters to mcauliffe's side. republicans are watching this race carefully with youngkin even if youngkin were to go down to defeat here. it seems to be a sense that he established a play book, how
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moderate districts would be able to compete in the midterms bouncing donald trump where youngkin did enough to keep him at arm's lengths and not alienate that who are turned off by the former president. and tlas sense of this is how a lot of republicans can play next year in districts that they may not be able to win. maybe you do what youngkin did no matter the results. the stakes don't come much higher. >> yeah, you know and you may be watching jonathan lemire at home and saying my gosh so the republicans are good at branding but they're lying. they are lying about defunding the police, they're lying about critical race theory being taught in virginia. well, it's incumbent upon the candidate to be able to tell
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voters that they are lying and democrat candidates have to do a better job. mika, i will just say if when i was on the campaign trail for four congressional elections, sometimes he lied about me. i just went after him. i kept pounding politically and kept pounding him politically until everybody in the district knew they were liars. i don't know if it's an instinct or something but when you are being lied about, you turn that into an advantage by attacking your opponent and staying on them until you are pulled off. and i must say and this virginia race where critical race theory is becoming a top issue. they don't teach critical race theory, yes. we can all be upset at republican candidates who are lying but democrat candidates have to do a better job calling
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out that lie and mocking the person who's doing it. >> they have the boogie man attribute those lies to it. this is more trump and more fire hose of lies or do we want to go to a better direction. joining us now is chairman of the democratic national committee, jamie harrison, it's good to have you on the show, let's continue that conversation right there. why is it so close to some of these races, is it republicans branding talents or are democrats falling short? >> mika, we know what the history is. the history in virginia in particular is that the party that's in the white house tends to lose the virginia's governor race. what we have the asterisk there is terry mcauliffe, he's able to buck history, barack obama won the white house in 2012.
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terry mcauliffe was able to pull off a victory in virginia, in 2013. we believe the same thing will happen in this race that we always knew from the start that it was going to get tight and close. we were going to run aggressive race that terry was a right type of candidate for this type of race and then in the end, we pull out a squeaker and we think that's going to be the case tonight. >> mr. chairman, good morning, if you look at the polling, it appears youngkin is donald trump 2.0, the second coming of donald trump. do you think is a wise strategy to tie youngkin to donald trump, do you expect that to work down the stretch here? >> willie, one other things that's important is glenn youngkin was a blank sleeve for a lot of folks in virginia. it's important when you have a blank slate candidate is to give
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people an idea of who that candidate is. you take a look at youngkin, this is a guy against marriage equality. this is a guy for banning books like beloved and written by black authors. this is the guy that believes in the big law. many of those things are very much attributes of trump. we know that trump interjected himself in this race a number of occasions and endorsed youngkin six or seven or eight times and i can't event count. it's important to give voters the context of who this guy is. he's not a moderate in a sweater vest but this is a guy who has radical ideas of where to take virginia. we want to make sure that voters understand that and know that. >> jamie, good morning, it's
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jonathan lemire, voters are tired of trump and it's not the factor that many have hoped. how do democrats balance that? >> listen, every state is different. we were just in california for the recall and we saw in that race, governor newsom was able to effectively link alder and and his radical ideas to donald trump and trumpism. >> jamie is frozen. we'll try to get back. >> luke at what happened in the california's recount race, we
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heard many times that newsom was in trouble. think of all the forests that fell so you can read headlines that okay, maybe what works better in the '60s and '70s right now and he ended up wiping out his opponent. we don't know how these races are going to turn out. but, you know trump is in mar-a-lago, he's off twitter and facebook. i would think just my god, being on the campaign trail, i would think it would be hard to attach a guy to somebody else sitting in mar-a-lago who's desperately trying to remain relevant when people are not hearing from him day in and day out and not reading his obnoxious tweets day in and day out and not reading his anti-american screech against free voting and
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elections day in and day out like we had when he was on twitter. >> gavin newsom, republican opponent certainly embraced trump. that race ended up not being close at all and there is a limit to how much polling has been done here. there is a lot we don't know about this race and we don't know what the margins are going to be. that's about as far as we can get on that. you make a good point there. trump has receded some what, he'sless of this ominous threat to decolor everything about an election. of course he's still there. his e-mail statements go out but they don't have the traction like before. they do think that could be something good for them. trump being off stage is
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helpful. >> many people in the media and twitter talking about what a nightmare if donald trump ran for president in 2024, the only people more worried about that are republicans, who want trump off the stage and want him gone. the ranking file still want thoim run and make no mistake of it. everybody you have seen on your show that talked to republicans on capitol hill and across the country, off the record all say the same thing, donald trump is bad for their party. they're scared of him publicly but they loathe him privately. people like youngkin, they kept donald trump in a tiny little box. youngkin let trump call in on a
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phone line to talk. youngkin was not even there. he's embarrassed with donald trump and he's ashamed of have trump associated with him. he just thrown him to the side of the road of this general election and let him call into some supporters. the press was not allowed to go into because youngkin knows. if donald trump shows up in virginia, he loses. >> youngkin has had it his way and that's both ways throughout this campaign. i was going to mention that call last night. donald trump calls into a rally that youngkin did not show up at. during the primary, he hugged donald trump close and boy, have
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he drifted from the call. donald trump putting out these statements saying we are very close, youngkin is a great guy and fantastic, we are very close. youngkin effectively not paying attention to him publicly. >> glenn youngkin -- to paraphrase al gore, youngkin put donald trump in a lock box. in a lock box. and donald trump has remained in the youngkin's lock box throughout the general election campaign. it's remarkable how tiny that lock box is. it's so tiny he only let him and they put a phone right up to the lock box last night in
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mar-a-lago and let donald trump speaks. they talked to a couple of people in virginia from his locked box. >> it's a little muffled. >> remarkably enough youngkin was not even there. i will tell you what, i will never let anyone treat me that way. let's go to jamie in washington, what's wrong with democrats? when are they going to get things done? they have jamie. whether we are talking about basketball, baseball, or whether we are talking about school work or grades, know they'll start talking about stuff and made sad little grandiose, you know what i will say? just put some points on the board. you know where i am going here. it's time for democrats to have a bipartisan bill.
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when are they going to start doing it jamie? >> the hope is this week. we hope to get both of these bills dislodged and on the floor and then to the president's desk for a signature. it's so important and people ask me all the time. what's the message of the democratic party. i believe that the message going into 2022 has to be that democrats deliver that we deliver for the american people. we are fighting each and everyday in order to make their lives better so they get closer to living the american dream. and in order to make that the message that we have to get these bills out of the house and onto the desk of the president. i am very hearten by what congresswoman jayapal said yesterday. she basically said listen, we are going to vote on these bills
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and we'll get them to the president's desk and that's a mindset that we have. we have to deliver these bills because the american people watching and they expect us to do that. all the while republicans sit on the sidelines and trying to gum up the work and obstruct. we have to deliver for the american people. >> jamie harrison, thank you very much. we'll be talking to you again soon. >> see what happens. we'll speak with someone who once held the virginia's governor job, we'll speak to senator tim kaine and mayor bill de blasio joins us. we'll continue to follow president biden on his final day. and new update of the kyle
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rittenhouse. the judge is coming out saying hey, i really want y'all to get this guy off the hook. this is insanity. >> he's accused of killing two people and wounding another during a kenosha protest. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. >> what's the most important issue in the governor's race here in virginia? >> getting back to the basics of teaching children, not teaching them critical race theory. >> what is critical race theory? >> i am not going to get into the specifics of it because i don't understand it as much. it's something that -- what little bit i know that i don't care for. >> what you heard that you don't? >> i don't -- i don't have that
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much knowledge on it but it's something that i don't care for. . (vo) i am living with cll and i am living longer. thanks to imbruvica. imbruvica is a prescription medicine for adults with cll or chronic lymphocytic leukemia. it will not work for everyone. imbruvica is the #1 prescribed oral therapy for cll,
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>> you know what that is? that's me having dinner at 6:30 p.m. in america. >> mika and i would fall asleep at 6:30. you see those guys and you look at it at the vatican city. >> it's a rough schedule for anybody that's doing it. it's tough stuff. it's a long day for whoever the president and whatever the party. it does look like the current president may have hit rem sleep yesterday. i am with you, joe, we finished dinner and the kids start to clear the plates and we are like
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good night everybody and we just go in and whack it out. >> that's the way to do it. >> jonathan lemire, you have been going to overseas with both presidents and i remember donald trump always would block off more time, some time to rest a little bit and same with joe biden, i would guess. speaking of early bedtimes, some of us have the 5:00 a.m. show. these schedules are grueling. looks like president biden may have caught on some sleep yesterday. their schedules are pretty non-stop, yes, president trump was certainly known for blocking out executive time.
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he delivers three different sets of remarks today. he's got a lot to do and sweeping goals to accomplish today. might as well be rested for it. >> mika and i went out for dinner last friday. >> 5:30. we got back in time. >> we were the only ones there. >> got back in time for "wheel of fortune" which is really nice. i got some cracker and milk and watched it. >> okay, as for the issues at play in the summit.
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>> well, mika, first of all, thank you for having me. secondly when i saw the president yesterday, he was not wide awake but he was on fire. he was excited to have the united states back in action here in glasgow and working not to claim leadership again but as you recognize he's a humble person. he comes in knowing that we lost four years but we are actually going to be the best partner ever. he's coming in not with just strong opening statement that he made it clear that we are fully back but also recognizing that we have to work with other country and work to help with the developing world and make resilience and adaption and investment that we can help them and work with. we are delivering on methane reduction which is going to buy us time to make sure that 1.5
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degree centigrade can be held. we are working together. we put out a u.s.'s long-term strategy. president biden has put a $555 billion package together. he's going to move that through congress. democrats are going to make it happen. it does it in a way that's going to grow thousands of good paying jobs and spark our economy as we move out of this pandemic to really capture the future. >> i am so grateful for president biden working so hard to get us back in. >> what are some of the tangible
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ways the u.s. can work with these countries to make significant impact on climate change. >> let me give you some examples, we came with significant money, we are talking about a commitment four times larger than we ever made before. we'll make an announcement on a methane strategy. that strategy looks at opportunities to not just regulate but provide investments that'll lower super polluters like methane so we can catch the work. that's going to be in the oil and gas sectors and looking at the pipeline leaks and how we do agriculture much smarter. it's an approach that we'll buy us time by reducing the major
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pollutants that gives us more leeway to accentuate and make demands. >> good morning gina. >> what's in there that's going to change the trajectory of what's happening in the climate? >> we are looking at first and for most of how we advance renewable energy and how we make it the clear winner, it has a large package of tax credit that'll extend for a solid period of time so that we can actually make that transition to clean air energy which is going to be our opportunity to grow. you know that we did a lot of work with the automakers and workers. labor is a big constituent here.
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they are going to win as we move forward with these new jobs and move forward with electric vehicles. gm says so and ford says so. we are ready to roll on that. we are hooking at rebuilding and charging stations so we can have the infrastructure for that. the young people are all in and we want to put them to work right in the u.s. and beyond. we are looking opportunities moving for r ward and many past getting to the reduction we are looking for. it will far exceed what we promised to other nations to determine our contribution and we are going to put us on a path to a future that's really going
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to be not just safe for the climate but economically prosperous for the united states of america. this is not sacrifice, this is not penalties. this is investment for ourself and the future for ourselves our kids and our present day ability to grow jobs that pay good money and build on middle class again. this is a full-thrown strategy to make the united states come back and not just in the international community but domestically, to make sure we are doing the work for the american people for today and the future. >> white house's national climate adviser, gina mccarthy, thank you very much for being on the show. we appreciate it. let's bring richard haus. great to have you here, how is the president doing overseas?
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>>. >> good in certain areas. clearly with senator manchin and others, the fazing out of fossil fuels is clearly not happening. you don't have china and brazil on the table. the world is not narrowing the gap between where it's and where it needs to be. one thing joe biden can do which is reassure people that what you just heard is going to continue to be the case of 3.5 years. given american politics, there is no way he can guarantee that the united states is on a certain trajectory given our domestic politics the feedback that the republican party is in a different place on climate issues. >> it seems to me any job after
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the president, restabilize nato and restabilize those relationships with great britain and france, germany and our closest allies in europe. it seems the meeting with macron went well. his relationship with johnson and merkel seemed to be in good order and good standing order compares to the last four or five years. how is he doing reestablishing those bonds that are critical to american foreign policy? >> there is been some progress there. joe biden has been going up for decades. he knows these people and he's comfortable with trans-atlantic issues. there is some big differences right now. one of the real questions, can
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the united states and the europeans line up on a policy towards china. what about russia and the taiwan/china scenario? there is certain real policies. >> another one is in india but they said they're trying to meet net zero carbon emissions by 2070. a full two decades later. i want to get your sense on him and european allies coming together forming a new policy. >> i was talking about climate and he as that's all very well mr. haass, we still have 500
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million people who don't have regular access of electricity. climate for a country, a developing country like india, the gdp per capita is $2,000 roughly in india. this is a tomorrow problem. they have got massive challenges. united states is a wealthy country, we are in a different part of conversations with people like india. on iran, can you get them back into the agreement? it's not clear to me if you can. what's plan b? what are we preparing to tolerate and what do we prepare to threaten them with or incentivize them with? it's a sooner or later we have to deal with the europeans and others with an iran that's moving very close to nuclear weapon. what are we preparing to tolerate and what are we
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preparing to do? >> do the benefits getting back to that deal out weigh the risks? >> i would say not. i don't think the couple of years we would buy worth it. sooner or later we'll end up in the same place, which we have to threaten iran with certain types of penalties if they get too close, that would put them in an enormous risk. this agreement ensures we don't reach that point. richard haass, thank you so much for coming in this morning. coming up, donald trump has long told his supporters that american elections are rigged. it's not true. yet, new polling shows how
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deeply that message has been in grained. sam stein points us with politico's new numbers. >> it's like republicans don't believe their count, they don't vote. hello georgia, we'll be right back. vote hello georgia, we'll be right back bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual
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appears to be white except for one man. circuit judge, bruce shroder, says the trial can take two weeks. according to washington post, experts say while the context surrounding the case is political and charged, the legal issues involved are not. the trial they say will come down to whether jurors accept rittenhouse's argument that he fired in self-defense. the new york times reports that when one man explains his support for the second amendment was so -- i want this case to reflect the greatness of kenosha and the fairness of kenosha and
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i don't want us to get sidetracked into other issues judge schroeder says, i don't care about your opinions about you are the second amendment. this is the last judge that ruled the three men rittenhouse shot can be labeled as rioters or arsonists. they should not be called victims. the judge cited his long health policy allowing the word victim in his criminal trials until there is a conviction. he says the word is loaded with prejudge. >> if somebody says to any judge and in this case especially that
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i can't be fair because my view of the second amendment is so strong and obviously this person believed if this were a bank robbery, he would not say that. this is a case where somebody's view if they have an extreme view of the second amendment that allows you to run around with ar-15s and shoot other people in other states, ovly he's got concerns. this juror is saying oh, i don't think it's fair. it's turning this trial and it's just a complete sham. >> well, if you look to some of the jurors that is were dismissed and if you read this closely, these long days inside the courthouse, there was a
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juror who was dismissed who said i would likely vote to convict because mr. rittenhouse has an ar-15. she made her view known she was dismissed. it seems to be cherry picking here and mika laid out the previous statement. the two people that are killed here can't be called victims because it's a loaded term. looters is a loaded term as well. some curious things happening outside of the courthouse. associated editor of "the washington post," let's remind people that mr. rittenhouse was 17 years old, he said to keep order because of some of the things he read online and killed two people, he said in self-defense and now charged with homicide. >> he was a little sort of wannabe vigilante went to
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kenosha and killed two people. looks like he got the judge he wanted in this trial. it's not a judge in theory in my view that promises to deliver justice to the victims, i can call them victims of kyle rittenhouse's. that's where we are, we have to see how the trial plays out and you know one understands that judges do have to select a jury panel and so they sometimes, i have seen cases in which judges have said okay, put aside your personal views and be fair but not to this extent, not when somebody says look, i have an extreme view of the second amendment, i can't be fair in
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this case and the judge says never mind, you will be fair enough. so, it looks like the deck is kind of stacked against the prosecution here but we'll see how the trial progresses. all right, today is election day. there are a number of consequential races. the most closely watched has been in virginia where terry mcauliffe looks to hold off the surging momentum of republican, glenn youngkin in what many say is a test of the national political landscape. former president trump made a brief appearance encouraging his base to vote. >> i bet youngkin loved that. >> no, he was not there. >> are you telling me youngkin put trump in a lock box so small
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that he only let them call into the state here and youngkin ghosted it? >> it was a little box. trump referred to the republican businessman turned politician as a quote "fantastic guy who'll do a job like nobody can do." the former president released a statement earlier in the day accusing the news media and quote, "some of the perverts doing ads on primarily fox are creating the impression that he and youngkin are at odds." >> i am sorry -- can we go back? he called people on fox what? >> it was people who put ads on fox are perverts. >> really? >> doing ads -- >> well, i guess youngkin warned us. he does not get out and he does what youngkin tells you to do.
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youngkin has not campaigned alongside trump in the state. youngkin campaign says they are not affiliated from trump. >> really? >> who lets anybody treats him that way. it seems humiliating. >> jean, how has the democrats put on defense despite the fact that trump is sitting in his little lock box in mar-a-lago. democrats are on defense. how have democrats put on defense so much, just one year after they won the white house, the senate and the white house of representatives? >> i think you are right that democrats are on defensive, that's a new thing in virginia. you have to, i mean virginia has been getting bluer as as state,
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joe biden won it by ten points. that's a relatively recent phenomenon, you know, glenn youngkin came into this race with his -- the patterns of the days of jimmy carter is one party wins the white house one year and the following year the other party wins the virginia's governor race. the only time the pattern was broken in 2013 when a leader after barack obama was reelected president and some guy named terry mcauliffe was elected governor of virginia and then the pattern went back to the same as it always been. one party wins the white house and other party wins virginia's mansion. youngkin has history and momentum on his side. what mcauliffe has on his side
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is math. the fact that this has been a bluer and bluer state and so the question is, do enough democrats come out to vote for mcauliffe? does youngkin motivate republicans in a year when trump is not on the ballot which plays both ways. right, trump is in a lock box. we'll not know until tonight how this works out. i think anybody tells you they know how this is going to play is wrong. we just don't know yet. i don't rule out the possibility that other candidate could win convincingly either because of the momentum or the math. let's see. >> let's put sam stein in the position telling us how this is
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going to play out. >> white house senator for politico. sam, how is it looking in virginia, any polls giving you any insights? >> there is no way i would know everything like that, nor would i tell it? >> i know, why did you book me today? >> i would agree with your assertion. gubernatorial elections are not the same as presidential election. you saw democrats winning governor and louisiana and kentucky during the trump administration and donald trump went onto soundly win both the states. these are different. the historical trends again, not in democratic party favor and
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you look at enthusiasm, you can see across the board that the republicans are enthusiastic right now to go to vote. this perception, this false perception that elections are rigged and whether enough voters in virginia primarily, whether they believe that, their votes simply won't count and there is no value ensuring that. you see in the screen. i mean 32% of republicans, 79% democrats and 49% independent. that's just a bizarre and har fieing to buy. >> self defeat. >> it's self-defeating as well. >> this happens in georgia. donald trump went around saying the election is rigged and you
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can't trust the system and of course it was the safest and the fairest and the most secure election in american history. donald trump went down to georgia and he convinced georgians not to vote and ended up maing schumer the majority senate. this is stupid and self-defeating for republicans. >>. >> republicans are fired up. any idea as to why this is part of it but more so. some of tease issues that republicans are prompting up that if you talk to every voter about and they don't know what it's about but they are angry. >> i believe you are referring to teaching critical race theory
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which was not taught but becomes a rallying cry for republican voters to outlaw it. youngkin promised to outlaw the critical race theory in day one which should be easy because there is nothing to outlaw. the enthusiasm i think for republicans is there for two reasons. one is let's be honest, the biden administration stumbled on some bad fronts. republicans are fearful. secondly this is subtle and mostly antidotal. youngkin's run and he's given those republicans who may have hated donald trump who may have been disinfected by donald trump. he's giving them permission to rejoin the party. look, i am not that type of guy. i am a different type of
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republican. you can be proud to show that you support the republican again. i am a business-minded guy with a carlisle group. i am not inflammatory. he's kept his distance from trump in a strategic way and tapping into trump and making sure the basis motivated. >> some may say he's been kept in a lock box. >> democrats in virginia have hoped to be able to campaign on a path infrastructure bill but democrats in washington are still searching for a way forward on the party's agenda. that path forward got murkier. peter alexander has more. >> reporter: president biden on the global stage warning this is
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a decisive decade for climate change. >> we hope to lead by the power of our examples. >> reporter: back home the president facing a new surprising setback on his ongoing struggle to unite democrats around his $1.5 trillion social and climate spending plan. joe manchin firing a warning shot saying he's still not on board. >> this is a recipe for economic crisis. >> the political games have to stop. holding this bill hostage is not going to work in getting my support. >> reporter: the white house responding, we'll remain confident the plan will gain senator manchin's support. the house's top democrats saying
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they'll hand the concerns. >> we intend to pass both bills the next couple of days. >> reporter: the president's approval raing has dropped 42%. >> all right, it's really interesting, jonathan, you look at this and it's hard to not come to the conclusion that if that infrastructure bill had been passed last week, mcauliffe will be in a much better position today. joe biden is sate sitting at 42. that's higher than donald trump was throughout most of his presidency and higher than bush throughout the second term. if he loses and is because democrat just can't deliver on this bill. >> right. >> let's remember that president biden was elected with the over arching promise that the government can work together and deliver for citizens. that's a harder case to make
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when it's not doing so and it's his own party here. >> republicans is not supporting this. that needs to be stated every time. it's democrats alone who are unable to do this right now. no question. we heard terry mcauliffe have been pleading for weeks to get that infrastructure deal to be done by election day. that didn't happen. the argument on the other side from the progressives that if we pass this bipartisan bill which has gone through the center. if the house says okay, that gets done. does that give a victory of this piece of legislation becomes law. if that point they're furious, the reconciliation bill never happens. at that point they lost all leverage. democrats who are reluctant and dictated the process here. i think that's going to be a real test for president biden and he's busy a full day and
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return to washington late tonight and that's going to be the focus these next couple days back in d.c. and can he deliver. we heard from congresswoman jayapal that president biden needs the get manchin on board in order to bring these things to a vote or the longer it goes, the more chance it has all of democrats. >>. >> he made a deal with joe biden and he didn't want to move, biden was at a 2. they took hands-on a $1.75 trillion deal. manchin said last week, we got to write this all out. no, i am not going to agree with everything progressives want. a lot of thing that is progressives want are bad more
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america in this bill but we can meet half way a lot a lot of people setting their hair on fire yesterday on twitter. there were members of congress that were attacking manchin and won't even suggest and basically calling manchin a racist because of his concerns about inflation. >> manchin agreed on the money. they got to agree on the framework and these people are saying tell us now. are you going to support exactly -- he's not going to do that. he said he was not going to do it last week and what we saw yesterday is more of the same. this is going to take two to three weeks to it up and get legislation and language, progressives and manchin can agree on. i am not sure why calling him a racist or stupid, i saw that a
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lot yesterday, too. anybody worked with manchin knows he's not the stupid ones. i am not defending him. i am just saying yesterday was much adieu about nothing. manchin has been saying this all along. let's get there but we got to get the language down because we are rewriting the tax code and rewriting help. the industry is going to be retooled for climate change. we are rewriting a lot of very complicated complex things. >> yes, and public insults and accusations are not the best way to persuade manchin to your pr have said the same thing. progressives are saying slow down, we want to see what's in it and see some text. congresswoman ocasio-cortez says i want to see the texts of the
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bill, i am not going to blindly vote on it. they want to know what's in the bill before you vote for it. we are talking about $3 trillion of government's spending. it's worth reading what's in there before you vote on it. tim kaine is joining us now, it's good to see you this morning. we'll talk about virginia and that race today in a minute. what's your sense of where things are and on joe manchin's position about wanting to see what's in this massive piece of legislation before he casts as vote? >> i am confident that we'll pass both the infrastructure bill and the reconciliation bill. i think it will happen right before thanksgiving and people will say joe biden's first year of presidency, infrastructure bill and this build back better framework with child care, it
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would have been consequential first year of a president in my lifetime. my only sadness is i wish we could have gotten these two bills done before election day in virginia. it would have helped and some of the backing and forth and the name calling have slowed down and getting to a place i know we'll get. i think these bills are going to do tougher. everybody and every zip code in this country will get it done. it will be a big accomplishment for congress and president biden. we talked about some of the insults. joe manchin is going to take his time and we'll figure it out together. how do you get to that number and how do you get to the vote? >> you know you guys spend time on the hill and you know this, too. you can tell it's in the air when there is a deal. there is basically a deal.
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we have to work out some of the details of legislative language and i think that's likely going to be done next week with votes beginning in the senate the following week. i think there is a deal when president biden put a statement last week and mentioned manchin and sinema in the first paragraph, that tells everybody they're on board. of course they want to see the language and they may have a couple of details they want to put out. we have a framework to pass the infrastructure bill that we passed months ago and the combine effect of this is going to be great at a time the nation still needs an economic boost and work force training as we are coming hopefully near the end of this horrible pandemic era. >> yeah. >> so, tim, senator tim kaine,
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some may argues that nobody knows mcauliffe more than tim kaine. i want to ask you what's going on from virginia aside from historical trends with these races. why does it feel so close? >> some of it, mika, really is governor's race stuff. i was running 16 years ago for governor and this is day shoe deja vu. >> republicans are hungry, they lost every state since 2009, presidential and federal and state races. they lost every single one. we are not the bluest state in the barrel. i heard sam talking about there are a whole lot of virginia republicans who can't stand donald trump. they want to find somebody that they can believer in in the
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republican party again and so they are coming back because they can see the possibility. what terry has going for him is not just math, he's got one other thing which is this is the first governor's race where we had 45 days of early voting. we started at presidential and virginia used to be one of the toughest states voted and now it's one of the most convenient states to vote. terry has done well in the 1.2 or 1.3 million people voted early. he goes in the polls which just opened an hour and a half ago. how does the election day turn out scramble that? early voting is new to governor's races and that'll work in terry's favor. >> senator, i make this mistake that so many of us make national
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media and national politics. you try to nationalize everything. yesterday i was thinking that when i was in connecticut, i was really upset at the democratic legislature. they were driving companies out in the state and eventhough i was disgusted with national republicans, i was not going to vote for a single democrats in 2014. they have driven great companies out of the state of connecticut. just like i voted a straight line for democrats in 2006. i was disgusted of what was going on in hartford. could you explain to people if somebody that's been on the campaign trail that you can shake hands with somebody that votes for republicans and every
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national race. it's not as neatly lined up. >> they get nationalized to some degree. virginia under democratic governor has been the best state, two years in a row by cnbc, we have one of the best public education systems. youngkin is kind of running on a nationalize critical race their i, he's running to a state where a lot of people move to virginia because the colleges and universities are viewed as so strong. that does not mean anything we kabt do better but in terms of business climate, you know and amazon announced they'll bring 20,000 points here because we got a great business climate. families are jenrry happy with
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our k through 12 schools. so yep, there is national trends and a year after a presidential election usually there is a little bit of ahmad term head wind. virginia is doing an awful a lot of things right and that's also something that terry has because he's running a campaign that virtually - he's running a reelection campaign. the one term governor means that terry is the only two -- and trying again. i am telling you what i will do and you can trust me because i told you before and i did it. we saw in new york city where mayor bloomberg tried to run a third time eventhough most people considered him to be effective mayor the last two terms. he received a lot of blow back
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in the third election because new yorkers are saying no, that's just not how things are done here. i am wondering is terry getting some of that push back as well because this goes, you got to stay in virginia, to say history means a lot to virginians, do you think he's trying to do something that has not been done? >> there is a comfort level with terry that's positive. the little dynamics in the race, terry has the math and the early vote, the thing i mentioned about the young campaigning, republicans are hungry. you know how politics works, if you lose one, you get hungry and virginia and republicans, he's got a base obviously in the
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republican party here. he's like the opposite of what virginia republicans have been for a very long time and so they're hungry for a win and they're projecting on youngkin and their hopes for moderation, i am worried they're going to get policed. they're projecting on youngkin. i don't think there is negative energy about him running the second time. terry got the math and early vote and a track record. i think it's going to be close. i think we are going to win and i think early voting is going to be the key to it which i am going to use with my colleagues trying to persuade them this freedom to vote act which will guarantee a certain amount of early voting. >> senator tim kaine of virginia, thank you very much for being on. >> good to have you. coming up on "morning joe"
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we'll go to georgia, an inside account from secretary of state brad raffensperger to overturn the 2020 election. plus, the new york times calls huma abedin a front row humiliation, she will join us next. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. we'll be right back. each genera moment to make sure it's leaving the world a better place for future generations. and right now is our moment. climate change has reached a crisis point. our very way of life is at risk.
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pfizer's covid-19 vaccines to children. one of the last steps for approval with a green light expected sometimes this week. the white house response team rolled out its plan to vaccinate kids within that age group with 15 million doses shipped out to states so far. now some justices signaling they may allow some justices to proceed. pete williams has more. >> reporter: opponents of abortion rallied outside the supreme court in support of sb 8. the texas law that bans abortion
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after doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat. >> there is no question that a heartbeat signifies life. that beating heart is a life of a human child. >> reporter: officials cannot ban abortion early in pregnancy. the state says abortion providers should have to wait until they are sued before challenging the law. texas ran into a wave of skepticism from even some of the court's conservative including amy coney barrett and brett kavanaugh who voted against it. >> i am wondering if in a
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defensive posture that the constitutional could be faired. >> we would be like open for business and nothing like the supreme court can do about it. >> guns and same-sex marriage and religious rights. >> everyone who sells an ar-15 is liable for million dollars of many citizens. >> the court will take that off in about a month when it hears mississippi's challenge to roe v. wade. travel issues continue for american airlines. that brings its total cancellations to more than 2,000. the airline had cancelled 376 flights, roughly 13% of those
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had been scheduled. another 375 flights delayed. over the weekend, american airlines's coo toll staff that the problem began with high winds which runway capacity at its hub in dallas. that created a domino effect causing many other crew members to miss their flights. still ahead, he's one of the republicans who stood up to donald trump's pressure campaign to overturn the election. georgia's secretary of state joins the conversation, next on "morning joe." conversation, nex "morning joe."
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new polling shows republicans are driving a major drop in overall election trust in the u.s. the latest nbc news polls say they believe their votes will be counted accurately, 66%. while democrats views are on change, only 5% fewer in independents believe their votes will be counted accurately. joining us now is brad raffensperger, his new book, "integrity counts" is out today. boy, do we need a book like this from a guy like you. you went through this firsthand. >> yes, i did. >> how do we begin to bring back integrity and trust?
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>>. >> well, i wrote the book and set the record straight that president trump did lose georgia. it's 250 pages of it. we have to look at what we have really done. we have been looking at voter suppression and voter fraud, the whole stolen election claim and never supported by the facts. i addressed it specifically because people need to understand that last year was a fair election. in 2018, stacey abrams lost the state of georgia and still has not conceded. these are facts that what do you do moving forward? >> if you don't do the hard work of digging into the details and coming into grips like that then how are you moving for ward? >> how do you move forward when
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someone you are arguing with, some of these trump supporters in your state, if they read your book, would they be moved? >> well, what they would understand is 28,000 voters in georgia did not vote for anyone. they voted a down ballot. if you look senator purdue got more votes than president trump did. the republican congressman collectively got 33,000 more votes than president trump. those are facts. when you see that, that helps put that into perspective, oh, that's why we came up short as republicans. my job is an honest and fair election. that's what we did. >> mr. secretary, good morning, it's willie geist, it's good to have you on the show. the phone call that president
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trump made for you and asking you to quote, "find the exact number of votes." what was your reaction? we know your reaction because we got to hear the tape. what were you thinking as you were listening to the president? >> well, the reason of the call is i reported the three facts of 28,000. that got the president's attention and he wanted to have a call, that was arranged and we ended up having a phone call. we respectfully and i listened to what he had to say but i let him know he didn't have the correct data. there were not any unregistered voters or 66,000 under age voters, there were zero. we had all the facts on our side.
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he's been fed a string of misinformation and falsehoods. we want to correct the record. >> as you know secretary raffensperger, there is concerns that the next time something like this comes up, maybe in the midterms or tonight, who knows? could be in the 2024 presidential election, there may not be someone like you there. there may not be someone like your colleague there, both republicans who is saying this is not the way it happens. i am going to stand in the door and preventing you from flipping the election. what should officials know about that job and the courage they take going forward. >> our job is to follow the data and be resolute about it and firmly about it. we owe it to the candidates.
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there was not anything there and we called them the gbi and the fbi, there were not anything there. we ran down every single obligation. also people hold elected office really should be mindful of. if someone says ron raffensperger was my brother and he works for the chinese. that's the type of things we are facing, just wild accusations never supported by the facts. sam stein has the next question. jump in. >> thank you, secretary raffensperger. this past week on the federal evolve, representative adam kinzinger announced he's not going to reseek elections, he's one of the happened full republicans who would agree of your assessment of the election, publicly but not privately. i am wondering if you can take an assessment of the republican
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party and whether you feel like people will say there is in fact no fraud and what do you think that pertains to the future of the republican party, your own state. candidates are running across the board for statewide and local office, likely they'll win. where does republican state party go from here? >> well, i think all of us need to realize that we have a great country with great people. so we have been all over the country and what we see ace beautiful land and beautiful people and i think we need to learn back into the past of the standpoint of the values that really makes this country a tremendous country. people are good people by and large and by talking to
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republicans, i talk to people who are reagan republicans or trump republicans and trump republicans. a few of them cussed me out because they are mad about that. a load of misinformation and disinformation. many others know that i did the hard choice of making that decision. it was some republicans that i talked to that didn't vote for president trump. i supported president trump, i was one of the early supporters in the state house because i believe that he had a better vision than others may have. if you look at all of us got together and played nice in the sand box and still did not add up to 50%. we have to grow the party. the last person that did that was ronald reagan. he ended up with a 49 states in 1994, that's what we need to do. that's about winning big when we do that. we need a message that em bralss
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more and accomplishes something for the people. >> mr. raffensperger, this is jean robinson, it's fairly clear that president trump discouraging of georgia's voters led the state to democratic senators of the special election in january. will those republicans come back and vote? we saw a polling that shows a shocking number of republicans who no longer have faith that their votes will be counted, is this serious lasting damage potentially to the republican party or will it rebound? >> the reason i wrote the book is to set the record straight and let people understand how safe and secure the election process is. we go through every single point
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that was raised and we really answer people's questions. if people take the time to read this, dig into it and understand that their vote is secure and i certainly hope they do come out and they find candidates worthy of supporting. we do have a great worthy of supporting. we do have a great plan for america but we have to be better at broadening the base of the party. >> good morning, mr. secretary, jonathan lemire, the interview where mika began it on the idea of these false claims of voter fraud. we are seeing this become more and more of the playbook. senator elliott alleged voter fraud before votes were cast, and miss youngkin from virginia start going that way only to back off a little bit because it seems like this race is so tight.
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what can be done up front? what can be done to change the scenario ahead of election say to voters can have confidence their vote is being cast and counted fairly? >> we did voter education and encourage every county voting executive to go out there and go to the city, county, high schools, kawannous, rotary, machines, be out there. people need to understand we in georgia have thousands of precincts. you look at how many there are. local volunteers who volunteered to be precinct workers. those in the grocery churches and ball fields and people doing the hard work to make sure the numbers line up. and this is a process starting at the precinct level and reports to levels to the county who then report them to state.
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as long as we have personal integrity up and down the line, that's where it really makes it, would. integrity counts, always has, always with. backing those values of honesty, integrity, character and kindness, including the civil discourse in this country. >> "integrity counts," georgia's secretary of state brad raffensperger, thank you for writing that and being with us this morning. still ahead -- president biden pushes force leaders for his idea on a green energy plan. but is the u.s. still depending on fossil fuels? can america have it both ways? we'll go live there in a moment. .
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>> oh, no. >> is youngkin allowing donald trump to come to virginia now? >> no. >> or is he in a lock box? >> he's in a lock box, 756 times square, he's kept him, even on election day. >> people are not walking out on election day, no. >> so glenn youngkin figured out ho keep donald trump in a lock box in mar-a-lago. i wouldn't let somebody do that, you're either for me or against me. if he's ashamed of him, from youngkin is ashamed of donald trump, that's a real problem, right? you're either for me or against me. >> so we have a pact. "morning joe" straight ahead. new york city will choose its next mayor today. the current mayor, bill bg, is facing a shortage of essential
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workers over a new protest -- >> i have two words, fire them! >> he joins us the top of the hour. you can say it to him. we're covering a lot of other big elections across the country. we'll go live to virginia and boston. >> if you're in charge of the health and safety of americans and you go out on strike, call in ronald reagan. fire them. that's what he did with the air traffic controllers who put americans' safety at risk. that's what's happening in new york city. >> back to boston -- >> do your jobs or your fired. >> there's a historical race under way and we will also go live to minneapolis where there's a consequential ballot initiative for funding. >> we're going to be there whether the minneapolis shooterser stupid enough to defund the police. i don't think they are.
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>> come on, stop. and huma abedin joins us with a look at her new memoir, and why her disgraced, soon to be former husband, may have cost her boss the presidency. "morning joe" is back in 90 seconds. ♪♪ bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression
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we're back live on msnbc. the weather, knock on wood, looks decent. i'm counting on bill karins, who is also running the marathon. very excited. i'm doing it so people don't know, 100% of the money i'm raising is going to the michael j. fox foundation for parkinson's. my dad has had parkinson's. and please go online if you're able to help out. i have never dong any marathon before. i'm hoping the crowd and motivation i have will push me across the finish line sunday. >> it will, but little advice, willie, everyone, please, support, i know what you're running for, research on parkinson's disease, and you're doing it for a great cause.
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just to tell you start a race, all of a sudden it starts to hurt really bad right away. >> yeah. >> all of a sudden the weight of the race is like descending upon you and it gets stressful. so just understand that's how you feel like for mile one, mile two, mile three. just stay steady. all of those people surging, all of those people surging, you'll pick them off one by one because they're going to burn out. so stay steady. >> i've heard that from almost everyone because your impulse with the crowds and excitement of the day is spin out and you go dead when you need it at the end. so i have to slow it down, like joey told me. >> slow it down. >> don't be like oh, my god, how will i ever -- it will level out. >> reminds me when with i was in the marine corps in washington, d.c. -- >> come on. >> i did a mile, stopped, had a
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meat loaf sandwich and decided to the to go again. seriously, i don't know how you're doing this. i'm a little disappointed in you! >> we had a deal. >> i thought we had a deal. i will have to get a motorized scooter. and talk trash all day long. what are we doing here? you're letting me down. what has been the hardest part of training? getting the first five miles, ten miles? what was the hardest part for you? >> it's funny, i have a photograph on my phone from last april, two miles, and i was so excited i took a selfie of myself holding up two to send to christina and she said wow, i can't believe you ran two miles, which gives you the idea of where i started. i think the long runs on the 20-mile run, after mile 15 you start getting in your own head about how long this really is and you've got a big straight
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away ahead, conquer that, turn and there's another big straight away. as mika knows and anyone who's ever run, a lot of this is mental. my body is in the right place but it's mental, the motivation of my dad and mika's mom and everybody else i'm running for hopefully helps out. >> i know you would never be doing this except for your father and motivation. that will be great motivation for you. i hope you stay healthy throughout the entire marathon. >> enjoy it. >> it is really a challenge. but we want to ask everybody if we can, do what you can to help willie, his dad, amica's mom, everybody who's suffering from parkinson's, please do what you can to help out. willie, you're also -- you're going to be on seth meyers tonight, is that right? >> yes, going to be on seth meyers tonight. going to head up a few stairs at 30 rock, talk about election day, the marathon and whatever
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else seth wants to talk about. hopefully to push the message out about raising money for the michael j. fox foundation. >> very cool. politico's jonathan lemire and eugene robinson still with us. it is election day 2021. it all comes down to turnout. >> do we not get the music, t.j.? >> i thought we did. >> i want the election day music. do you have it queued up? >> or not. >> or alice cooper's "i want to be elected." i'll take either. queue the music -- one, two, three. >> i can feel it coming. >> no, i can't. it's not happening. >> t.j., you got it? it's the big button -- >> there it is! ♪♪ that's the very official music. >> now i feel very important.
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>> polls are opening across america! america decides. what year? '21. >> we'll soon see which candidates -- >> doesn't this feel better? don't you feel uplifted? are you not entertained? >> no, i'm not. we'll see which candidates across the country were able to gather the most supporters. big races from virginia to minnesota are playing out right now in realtime. we've got live reporting from those two states. plus, on the ground updates from the governor's race in new jersey and the battle to run boston's city hall, which is seeing major changes in this race. history being made in boston. first, the race for mayor of new york city. democrat eric adams squares off with republican curtis sliwa.
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>> he's got a lot of cats. look at that. >> and mayor de blasio is joining us now. he's man, man, working on getting rid of this virus in new york city -- >> finishing strong! finishing the marathon strong! let me ask you, mr. mayor, if these people whose job it is to defend and protect and serve the people of new york city are not doing their jobs and they're putting the lives of new yorkers and americans at risk, shouldn't they just be fired? >> hey, joe, let me tell you, these vaccine mandates work. let me give you the update, and we have breaking news for you, put a mandate in place on october 20th, and as of today, 92% of the new york city workforce is vaccinated. >> that's news.
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>> new numbers this morning, 92%. >> that's great. >> the bottom line is, when you say for the health of your family, everyone you work with, everyone you served, your whole community, you've got to get vaccinated, no exceptions, no compromises, just get vaccinated, it makes an amazing impact. people respond to that. here's my message, every mayor in america, every governor in america, every ceo of businesses in america, put the vaccine mandate in place and you will make all of us safer and you will help us end the covid era once and for all. this is what it's about. end it. stop living in way. vaccines will do it. so, joe, if someone doesn't -- we're giving people a chance to recognize the science, recognize what's healthy and right. they don't get vaccinated, they don't get paid. that's how we're doing it, and a lot of people are waking up and saying, wait a minute, i need
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that paycheck, and coming in. 2,000 more vaccinations in the last 24 hours. >> wow. >> 2,000 vaccinations because people realized they weren't getting paid and now they're coming back. >> are you disappointed by some union officials who were actually basically saying the hell with 80%, the held with the 85% of the people who were playing by the rules, who were doing the right thing, protecting and serving new yorkers and americans and they seem to be focusing too much on the small number of people within their force who basically are saying the hell with everybody's health, including mine and my families? >> yes, joe, entirely frustrated. i've got to tell you, first of all in this city, the most opinionated place on earth, 86% of healthy adult have gotten one dose of the vaccine. that's one thing new yorkers agree on. a stunning majority. the people spoke, the people
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decided they support these mandates and want to move forward. in fact even in the workforce, overwhelming majorities in our agency. nypd has now hit 85%. >> that's great. >> so there are few very, in my view, not only angry but folks spreading lies and disinformation -- actually colleagues endangering fellow new yorkers, and some of these unions are doing exactly the right thing. some union leaders have stepped up in recent days and said okay, guys, the law is law. much it was decided at this time to get vaccinated. some union leaders did the same thing, i want to give them credit but several unions have been in my view downright unpatriotic the way they handled it. they put their own internal politics ahead of the need of the people. by the way, we have firefighters faking sick leave the last couple of days, saying they're sick when they're not and leaving their fellow firefighters in a lurch and
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creating a danger foreall new yorkers. that's unconscionable and i assure you they're going to experience some consequences for what they've done. >> and it reveals who they are, and you don't want those people on your workforce anyway. the good people of new york city, the good americans who again on them to do their jobs to protect and serve. mika, you and i were talking the other day about after we went over 5 million worldwide, hey, i want to see how things are going, let's check the tread lines out. fortunately they're down in states like florida and united states overall, but you look at new york city -- >> exactly. >> -- you look at new york city's numbers, i thought when i was looking at the numbers that there was an error there. the numbers are so low compared to other states, the numbers are so low. mika, that's exactly what we're seeing. you want evidence vaccines work, look no further than new york
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city's numbers on infections. new infections and deaths. so much lower than most states. >> and mayor de blasio, when you say vaccine mandates work and not only are people getting the vaccine but it's these numbers in terms of covid that are showing you the vaccine mandates work. i wish that you could, you know, put that on all the billboards on times square, the science where these nibs are drastically decreasing. >> you know, mika, it's really about freedom. i want to use a word that -- uses in different ways but i want to make it simple, it's about freedom. i thought we would be able to vaccine every new yorker and what we're finding out as more and more new yorkers get vaccinated, we are going back to the lives we loved. you've seen the outdoor dining in new york city, it's joyous. people are out, the city is active and alive again. halloween was beautiful. there were trick-or-treaters all
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over new york city and life felt like it was moving forward. but that's because we have that high level of vaccination. that's given us the freedom. and sometimes you have to use a muscular approach to help make sure things go right. these mandates, i'm telling you, anyone out there listening, ceo or public leader, just do it. yeah, there's a lot of noise -- >> just do it, baby. >> -- to it because people respond to deadlines, people respond to a firm, tough decision. i guarantee you, people don't like to lose their paycheck. you say get vaccinated or no paycheck, that will get people moving quickly. the proof is in the pudding. it happened with lightning speed in this city and now it's made us safer and now things are coming back to life, and we have to end this era once and for all. >> mr. mayor, you said yesterday only 6%, 6% of city employees are out on unpaid leave right
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now. there are a lot of focus on them and concerns about whether fires will be put out and garbage pile up on the streets but if you have 94% of public workers, seems like the city can get through this. do you concerns about public safety because of walkouts and sick leave? >> i'm telling you, i want to commend the new york city workers and i want you to give you crucial advice, focus on something, willie, carbo loading, carbo loading! >> yes. yes! >> i am, around the corner. >> carbo loading, specifically, a lot of pasta. i don't want you getting partway through and there's no energy there. >> you'll be okay. >> can you imagine if all of this talk and hype, if i only made it halfway through? trust me, there's enough spaghetti in this city to get me
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through the race. >> we'll have an nypd vehicle that picks you up if you start to falter and bring you to the finish line. >> i worry i may need it. >> to your question, willie, the vast majority of our public servants have done the right thing. i want to commend the good folks, our public employees, who got vaccinated and are protecting their fellow new yorkers. my job is to protect people's public health and safety. and the vast majorities are doing it. the ones who are not going it, they're not going to get paid. if they're leaving their colleagues in the lurch, making it less safe if they didn't show up, they're going to suffer consequences. but the good news is the vast majority of workers did show up, they're making it, would. all of our firehouses are open, response times good because we have a lot of public employees stepping up and doing the right thing. we have great leaders in all of our uniform service agencies that made sure people are safe.
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in the end, you will hear anyone, anybody out there, mayor, ceo, you will hear everybody say the sky will fall every time i put a mandate in place for restaurants, school system, biggest school system in the country, all of our employees, but it worked every single time and made us safer. now we need the whole country to do this so we can move forward. >> mr. mayor, this is gene robinson. this little election going on in your city, who is going to win? who is going to be the next mayor? and will the next mayor continue your tough policies on covid and continue your freedom policies on covid? >> well, again, if we had the music go off right now, i would say we have an msnbc projection that eric adams is mayor of new
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york city. this just in. he's just a great person, spent over 20 years spending the people of this city as a police officer out on patrol but also has been a leading voice for civil rights, for equity. i think he's going to be a great mayor. i have worked with him over eight years. he's a brooklynite. i'm proud of that. i'm a brooklynite too and brooklyn will continue to lead this city. i'll tell you, he's been great on the fight against covid. he's been a strong voice in favor of making sure the people get vaccinated. i think he has a real inner strength humanly and also because of the work he's done. and i'm looking forward to this handoff because i think he will be able to take the things we've done in the city. very proud of the pre-k for the kids, very proud of the affordable housing and changes and reforms we've made in policing, and i think he'll be
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able to take it to the next level. >> mr. mayor, poll sites close at 9:00. at 9:01, you will be the lame duck because eric adams will likely be projected the next mayor of new york city. what's next for you? you filed for fund-raising for a statewide campaign, and it's called new yorkers for a fair future. and a few candidates have jumped in to next year's governor's race. are you going to do the same? >> jonathan, let's put it this way, i want to continue in public service. there's a lot that needs to be fixed in albany, the state of new york. i think everybody watching anywhere from around the country over the last years has seen dysfunction in our state capital, has seen scandal. this state has fallen behind in ways we must address. but i'm very proud that i put a very progressive but also aggressive policies in new york city that made a difference. the vaccine mandate is a great example of that. i look forward to being part of
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the discussion of where our state needs to go in the future. i'll tell you more about the politics a little down the line. but i have to tell you, i'm excited and energized to get out there and continue to serve. >> governor hochul said, of course, she will run again. they have a relationship, different than the one you had, with aandrew cuomo. >> breaking news, there. i'm working on it. >> an understatement. how different would it be for mayor adams and what does that mean for new yorkers? >> it means for new yorkers that more can get done for the people. i had to find anthony cuomo for things i should never have had to fight him over. if i woke up in the morning and said the sky is blue, he would try to define a different color. it doesn't have to be that way. it's painful to think back on all of that, but the good news is we're experiencing normalcy now where when the mayor of new
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york city, largest city in the country, 43% of the state's population says, hey, we need help on an issue, a governor should be saying, great, let's work together, let's figure it out. i said i wanted to do these vaccine mandates, kathy hochul, the governor, said municipalities, do what's best. i have to say andrew would not aloud first responders to get vaccinated when they were first available. he had a different priority. i called it freedom to vaccine, and i had to fight for the right of police officers and emf officers could get vaccinated. instead of saying, hey, you know what's best for your city, everything was a fight. i hope for eric adams and i believe with this governor this year, next year and whatever the result of the gubernatorial election, he will be dealing with a governor who's actually
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trying to help him get something done rather than standing in the way each time. and that's going to be good for the people. >> mayor bill de blasio, always great to have you on "morning joe." >> really, thank you very much for your training advice, carbo loading for willie. he been looking in another direction. they've been calling him lance armstrong the last couple of weeks. carbo load, piles of mashed potatoes. >> there should be pasta in front of you that you're eating during the show. if you're serious -- >> willie's going to be fine. >> thank you for what you're doing and on behalf of your dad, we on the behalf of new york city appreciate you. >> thank you. i'll see you out there sunday. >> we'll be there. we've been following president biden taking part in a series of events this morning in scotland as he wraps up a global
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summit on climate change. joining us from edinboro, scotland, nbc news chief white house correspondent peter alexander. peter, what can you tell us? >> hey, mika, good morning to you. we've heard from the president multiple times today and while he's facing challenges and complications back home about his multi trillion dollar spending and social programs, he is announcing things he can do without congress. among them the epa unveiling some of the toughest, strictest rules as relates to the emissions of methane, a potent gas released in the operations of coal and oil productions. that does not need the help of congress. separately we're hearing a pledge from many leaders, dozens of them including the united states, that will target defoorestation, try to end it by the end of the decade by the end
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of 2020. so critical in preserving carbon dioxide and slowing the process of our warming planet. but the back drop is the president at home and challenges, coal country, west virginia senator joe manchin yesterday saying of the $1.75 trillion plan that it was an economic crisis. in many ways got to throw a gr nad to the president's plans as he arrived here as the president was on the global stage. progressives over the course of the day again this morning are effectively saying, hey, we feel strongly we will have votes on both of these in the next several days. nancy pelosi, as you know putting out a statement yesterday touting progress but not details. mika, in many ways it's possible when president biden leaves here in scotland, wakes up back in washington tomorrow, he returns to the very same challenges on his agenda that existed when he left. mika? >> so, peter, joe here. let me ask you quickly, you were talking about divisions within
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the democratic party here at home. i'm curious there, after a couple of days of meetings, do you sense that the divisions we've seen between the united states and their close alpine allies over the past decades, do you think the ties have been rejoined over the past couple days? >> they said these countries now trust the united states again from the post trump years. but at many ways it's trust but verify. you heard the president when emmanuel macron saying it was clumsy the way the u.s. handled that nuclear submarine deal with australia, that cost france about $66 billion. yesterday the president's extraordinary statement sort of apologized for what he said put the u.s. behind the eight ball, that was former president biden pulling paris out of the paris
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climate accord. the u.s. is now in it right now. so there's scepticism and america's credibility remains on the line. joe, when you think about it, the president had three deadlines the white house set to get the spending plans done. they wanted it done before the surface transportation bill expired, they wanted it done before the virginia gubernatorial race that is now on election day and he wanted it done before he got here to glasgow or scotland. they missed all of those deadlines. for a lot of folks here as the president's making the big pronouncements, the message seasonal only to the folks here but back in washington. >> nbc's peter alexander, thank you very much, as always. we appreciate it. up next we will check in with nbc news correspondents on the ground across the country at the start of one of the most consequential off-year election days in recent history. we'll have live reports from virginia, new jersey, boston,
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minneapolis. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tremfya®. emerge tremfyant™. janssen can help you explore cost support options.
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31 past the hours. polls are open and a number of states holding key elections today. nbc news has a team of reporters on the ground covering these high-profile races. nbc news correspondent heidi przybyla is in virginia beach covering the virginia governor's race. nbc news correspondent rehema ellis is in new jersey for the race for governor there. msnbc correspondent trymaine lee is in boston for that city's historic mayoral contest, and nbc news correspondent shaquille brewster is in minneapolis covering the city's ballot initiatives on the funding of its police department. a lot to get to.
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let's start with heidi przybyla. heidi, take us into the final hours of mcauliffe and youngkin campaigns. >> yes, mika, the outcome here won't necessarily predict the outcome of the midterms but i think we can agree mcauliffe loss here would not be the optimal segue. there are a couple of things we're watching. first of all, is trump still the powerful motivating factor for these suburban women, independent women, who we all remember marched in pink hats and waited in long lines in the rain to catch their anti-trump referendum, or whether some of these suburban republican modern women will come home, combined with lower democratic-based turnout. here's what we are seeing, overall the numbers are in northern virginia but we're in virginia beach because this is the largest, most populous city in virginia and it slipped from trump to biden. youngkin must win here and we are seeing a lot of youngkin
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voters, a lot bringing up this issue of education, their belief that parents don't have much control anymore in the classroom, that critical race theory is being taught, though we were not able to get any evidence or examples of that from them. i can't remember a time education loomed this large as an issue. at the same time african-american voters were standing outside this location here, we are seeing a lot of them come in here and accept that sample democratic ballot and we know terry mcauliffe is making a last-minute push for these african-american voters, knowing it is critical to his base. we cannot read anything, though, i have to urge this, just standing out looking at the lines, whether they're long lines or not, because this year, opposed to 2020, both sides, democrats and republicans, were urging their voters to vote early, to vote absentee, mika. >> all right, heidi, thank you. >> thank you, heidi. >> it's fascinating, donald
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trump said voting by mail is fraudulent and yet republicans, like they have in the past in florida, urging voters to vote by mail. let's go to new jersey now where rehema ellis has the latest on the gubernatorial race there between incumbent democrat phil murphy and republican jack ciattarelli. this race should not be close and many say it is a lot closer than the two points. tell us about what's happening in new jersey. >> both of these candidates, incumbent as well as challenger, are hoping to make history tonight. if democrat incumbent phil murphy is able to win re-election, it would be the first time a democratic governor has been able to do this in this state for 44 years. ciattarelli hoping to repeat history by unseating him.
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the topic of covid, of course, but women's rights, climate change and economy. ciattarelli, a businessman, is talking about the economy and taxes. new jersey has the highest property tax of any state in this country. both of these men, i should tell you, are working very hard. while biden won this state last year, there are a lot of democrats but there are also a lot of independents. so nobody is taking anything for granted. i've got to tell you, in the last few days this race has been narrowing so they both have been campaigning very hard. last night even up to today, and the polls, open until 8:00 tonight. joe? >> rehema ellis in new jersey, thank you so much. let's go to boston. trymaine lee is following the city's mayoral race there where history will be made regardless of who wings tonight. good morning, it's good to see you. set up this for viewers who have not been following it closely and why it's so significant in
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history and also on the issues. >> good morning, it's great to be here. in its 400-year history, boston has never elected a woman or person of color as its mayor but they will do it today, this historic race between the two city counselors. and more than just race and gender, this race is really about old versus new. when many of us think about old-school boston politics, we think about the machine and union workers. they lined up behind george. and boston being a growing progressive constituency who lined up behind michelle wu, who climated up for bold action change, lined up with elizabeth warren. and this is about race and gender and so much more. remember, boston is a city with nonwhite majority and changed demographic, so again, it's about old versus new.
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>> trymaine lee, thank you very much. boston politics, man, it is -- i mean, there's some old-style politics there. looks like today may be a turning of the page. thank you so much for being with us. finally, let's go to shaq brewster in indianapolis, where a year and a half after the murder of george floyd residents are voting on whether or not to replace the city's police department. shaq, we heard some of this talk right after -- in the middle of the protests. we heard city council people talking about doing this. there was sort of back and forth. democratic politicians especially have been quick to say oh, no, we're not interested in defunding the police. minneapolis is moving forward and talking about if not defunding the police, dramatically restructuring the way the police department is controlled there. can you just educate our voter, listeners, viewers on exactly what's going on out there, what's at stake?
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>> of course, joe. you talked about that part where you had a majority of council members come out and support dismantling and funding the police and we're in that exact spot right now and behind me voters will now have the question on the ballot. what do they want their public safety to look like here in minneapolis? let's talk about the ballot question. it's ballot question number two and it asks voters, should the minneapolis city charter, the official governing document here in the city, should that be amended to replace or eliminate, i should say, the indianapolis police department and replace it with a more encompassing department of public safety? it goes on to say with specific functions to be determined by the mayor and city council, not just the mayor as it is now, and functions that could include licensed police officer or peace officers if necessary. that is what voters will have to decide on whether they go in this ballot right now. i'll tell you, this is the first election, first local election
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here in minneapolis after the murder of george floyd. so it is under normal circumstances a big deal. there will be the mayor on the ballot, city council on the ballot but you have this question about policing and this is something that has drawn out coalitions of groups from both sides. people who support the ballot initiative saying it will allow the conversation much how to dramatically restructure policing in this city. start a community conversation over what functions this department should have and what roll should police officers play and what professionals should be brought in. then you have an opponenting this is largely undefined at this point but with crime going up in the state and shootings being an issue predominantly in the african-american north side neighborhoods, this is too risky, there are too many questions what will come to take a risk on this chance right now. joe, we heard that phrase defund the police. we heard it was mentioned as a
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point of contention throughout the election in cities all across the country. this is the first real electoral test of that phrase. again, the amendment doesn't mention defund the police but it really was kind of borne out of that push to defund the police. joe? >> shaq, could you give us a little bit of background on minneapolis, because while most of us think about minneapolis, we sort of extend that iowa nice to minnesota nice. but you look at what's happening not just with the george floyd murder but go back to 2016, and remember castillo was another stop that ended in a death, just an absolutely unnecessary death. and there seems to be a long festering problem with the minneapolis police force. can you give us a little background on that? >> yeah, and you also have the department of justice still investigating the minneapolis police department that started
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after the murder of george floyd. it's not just minneapolis, but you talk to folks here, it's the municipalities in some of the suburban areas around minneapolis as well. you remember during the chauvin trial, there was a shooting of donte wright, about ten minutes from where the trial was happening. there's questions about how they're being policed, distrust that's there that existed long before the murder of george floyd, and that's what activists will tell you, many of the conversations about defunding or dismantling police departments, that had been taking place before the murder of george floyd. that just put the national spotlight on it. so part of the energy that led to the question being on the ballot in the first place, but you also have concerns from members in the community dealing with crime on a regular basis, dealing with they'll tell you the daily sound of gunfire even in broad daylight. that, as many members of the
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community say, is there and they want to take it seriously. they have voters struggling. this is something they're studying. i went to a forum where they're taking notes on both sides on this issue. they're struggling with this decision because they say we need the police, we need public safety but we don't like what we've been seeing, we want police accountability and now is the question of how best to do that. >> shaquille brewster, thank you so much for reporting. we appreciate it. gene robinson, shaq brings up something, so many mayors, so many public leaders are wrestling with right now. you can look at the mayor of washington, who a year ago was saying something very different about the police force than she's saying now with crime rising, not just in washington but across america and most urban centers, homicides specifically. it's a really tough balancing act as people look at these challenges. if you're a mayor of a major
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city. >> well, yeah, it's a balancing act but it's one that has to be performed. i mean, look, we've had this uptick in crime rates, crime statistics are the most difficult to pin down as to why it happens, crime is still much lower than it was at its height in the '80s when, yes, it was out of control in major cities. and that's actually not the case now. it's not out of control the way it was. nonetheless, it has bumped up and caused a lot of concern among people. and there's this sort of constant pull and tug in big cities often with political leadership and police forces and police unions especially. and that's a dynamic that's not new but it feels particularly
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acute in these days when there are so many legitimate and tough questions about policing in big cities in this country. we talked about the minneapolis area examples, which are just egregious and awful. and, you know, when people see that, they want roorm, they want serious reform. and we're going to be fighting this battle for a while i think at the kind of municipal level where the rubber meets the road. we can talk about it internationally and say what needs to happen but in individual cities when it comes to what are we going to do, how are we going to fix this problem, those are tough fights that are just going to continue for years. >> gene robinson, thank you very much. up next -- if you see a photograph of former secretary of state hillary clinton from
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the past two decades, there's a good chance you'll also spot her top aide, huma abedin. she's been a steady presence for the former first lady and now she's telling her own story in a revealing new memoir. huma abedin joins the conversation next on "morning joe." welcome to allstate. here, if you already pay for car insurance, you can take your home along for the ride. allstate. better protection costs a whole lot less. ♪ vo: it's always been true, costs a whole lot less. that each generation has a moment to make sure it's leaving the world a better place
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and many worlds indeed. thank you very much for coming on the show this morning. i have been watching your interviews and reading the book, which is really incredible. and you talk about how you're used to being the person behind the scenes in that strong supporting role, but you've been out on book tour and in front of the cameras and people asking you all sorts of very difficult questions. what does it feel like on this side, huma? >> first of all, mika, i'm so excited to be talking to you. i confess that you're not here with me in person but hopefully one day. >> yes. >> and i have to say, i think i still prefer being behind the camera but it's been an extraordinary experience writing the book with incredible therapy. and i have this extraordinarily privileged life and the moment my parents brought me into this world and raising me in different worlds and just watching and listening to you and joe and jonathan and everyone talking about the election, i'm actually having a
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very surreal experience. i'm used to being in new hampshire with you on election day. and now i'm here and privileged to be able to talk about my book and my life. >> the book has so many incredible stories, really, you were catapulted from white house intern to working for the fist lady. i believe it was advancing her trip to argentina back in 1997 that really was the moment that kind of put you right in front of her. and you really describe an incredible career that crosses the world. we'll get to the fraught moments in it in just a moment, but i would just love for you to share a little bit about that rise to becoming the most important -- to becoming hillary clinton's right arm, and some of the little lessons you learned along the way. the day you were carrying luggage all day long for like 12 hours straight and it wasn't hers! >> well, i have to say, i
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remember like it was yesterday when i was a 21-year-old intern walking into the white house residence, that feeling, those goosebumps, walking on that red carpet. there's just something for somebody who was an american abroad most of her life and carried an american with tremendous pride. it was nothing less than awe-inspiring and lucky to join an administration i felt was more like a cause. i felt i was doing important work every day. one of the first lessons i was taught by hillary clinton, fail to plan, plan to fail. they threw you into these adventures and certainly yes one day following hillary clinton around chile carrying a mystery bag, having no idea what was in it, turned out to be the president of the united states raincoat, had no idea i was carrying or another day when the
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presidenttraveled on marine one, i managed to have a hanging bag fall into the east river and managed to retrieve it. tremendous adventure, and i'm thrilled to have join this club called hillary land i'm still privileged to be a part of, and we had lots of great adventure. >> when you look back on everything, so many great lessons especially for young women or anyone who wants to enter service. this line resonated with me. the write 22 years old, always in a hurry. rarely stopped to think what i was leaving behind nap resonated with me in a big way. what was it you were touching on there? >> oh, mika, i start the early part of my book. i talk about my parents. they were both very important influences in my life. particularly my father, who, you know, died just before i moved
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to the united states, and one of the things my father always said is a good life is a balanced life. but for me, i fell into this, you know, extraordinary experience. i fell in love with my job and for most of my life didn't have balance. i always tell my young colleagues, young women who tuk me, young brown girl, muslim girls i think might relate to my story that balance is important, and it took me a long time to find it and in that story i tell at that wedding 25 years ago at a family wedding, i chose to leave and go to work, and -- and it's -- balance is important. it took me long time to figure that out. >> still an incredible journey and in the book you talk about your marriage to anthony weiner and the sexting scandal which seemed to drag on even when he ran for mayor. your standing by him, deal wig dealing with the trauma in the
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moment. your explanation, a lot of people questioning, judges, why is she still with him? you're in shock. you're young. never benny anybody else and you really lay it out beautifully, and painfully, if i may add, about all of these experiences that add up to whom is you. one of the most compelling excerpts from your book is when the comey letter, reopening the email investigation, breaks in the news, and it broke my heart to read. you write this -- the instant she said anthony, my heart stopped. no, no, no. i had handled this. i had taken control of this. i had sent him away. this couldn't be happening now. but there was no time to linger on any of that. no matter how hard i tried. whether it was to help anthony, to threaten him, to simp thys with him, to ignore him, to throw him out of my house, it was impossible to move on. this man was going to ruin me.
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and now he was going to jeopardize hrc's chances of winning the presidency. when could leave our country in the hands of someone dangerously unfit for office. you go on to write that you called him on the phone, anthony, i said. if she loses this election, it will be because of you and me. that night i wrote, one line in my notebook. i do not know how i am going to survive this. help me, god. you did say that writing this book, huma, was therapy, but i'm wondering. that moment cuts so deep. how do you live with the trauma of that moment today? and what do you do to move forward? >> well, i think that for, for me, it did take -- i had to do the work, and in that moment when i was writing those lines, and i -- as i write detail, i actually chose to go into a lot
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of detail about my marriage and my relationship, in part because i don't think i'm the only woman in america who's had to go through what any kind of betrayal. i know i had to do it on the front page of the news, and there were consequences to that, and i carried a lot of guilt. it took a lot of work. i got to a very, very low place. i think in 2016 as i write in the book. i just couldn't feel, it felt selfish to feel, stopped feeling, it was about the mission, about her winning. obviously did not happen, and then i actually sank lower, but had my faith. i had my family. but i had to do the work and i had do it with him. you know, he is -- people look at our relationship from a 2021 perspective, but back in the moment, we were just trying to get through the day, get through the moment. >> yeah. >> and -- and we both had to do the work to get to this place, and i just -- as i think a lot of people knew, i was carrying
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his child. when this first broke. and no matter what he will always be the father of my child, and so i did try to help him and when my son grows up, mika, i want to be able to tell my son that i tried to help his dad. the consequences of the election, i will carry with me for the rest of my life. >> i understand that completely. and i wonder especially with writing this book, if you have any advice for women and/or men dealing with betrayal and dealing with challenges? you were so young. i wonder if i knew then what i know now -- any advice dealing with challenges in relationships and in trial you learned through this very, sue herera difficult experience. >> one thing, i'm surprised the number of text messages and direct messages i've been getting on social media from
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people has been overwhelming. i always say the same thing to people, which is allow yourself to feel. i think for me i shut myself off. i was so angry and so bitter. and i think that anger and bitterness was only hurting myself. and i had to find my way through, which is why i went through this process with anthony, and it's, you know, it's a constant work in progress and you have to both be committed to the progress. but don't forget about yourself. take care of yourself, and don't blame yourself. and there is another side. i'm here today. i get to sit with all of you on election day and, i'm, in 2021. i'm so proud of my book and i'm optimistic about the future. >> good morning, huma. willie geist. good to see you. you write about a moment in 2013 when this scandal was breaks out where you sort of assumed, i guess guilt by association, that you were a liability and might be fired by hillary clinton. and yet as you write in the book, had you a conversation with her, and i think maybe some
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other executives could take something out of this conversation you had. what did she say to you in that moment? >> well, she -- she has been, hillary clinton generally in my life, anytime i've had challenges has approached it, approached the conversation with me first as a friend and with my self best interest in mind and as a boss second. and, yes, lots of people calling. i don't know who they are. never actually been told who they were, but did tell he she should let me go and when i drove out to her house, tock my little boy and i sat at her kitchen table and she basically said, i -- i value you as a staff person, as an adviser and i don't think you should pay for a mistake that is not yours and i'm not going to listen to outside voices, and -- i'm grateful to her for that. >> can you tell us, huma, a little bit more about the woman you worked for for so many years?
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i remember in '94 when i ran, i ran against hillary clinton and constantly talking about hillary this, hillary this, that, hillary, hillary, hillary. met her. go back poem. how bad was hillary clinton. i said, i liked her. there always seemed to be a massive disconnect between the woman you worked with and the image that's out there. can you talk to us about that? >> well, joe, i tell the story in the book in 2016, and you know, i'm doing the thing right now that i am most scared of. i am conquering my worst demons which is being in front of the camera and speaking in public. the thing that terrifies me most. in 2016 on the campaign trail for hillary and tell stories about her what she meant to me. not just me this community of hillaryland, and people would be shocked, and they would say, why doesn't she talk this way about herself? i always said the same thing. which is she's been in public service her entire adult life and never thinks about it's her. it's always about the mission,
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the cause, how to help people. and i -- i completely agree. i write a lot about the, you know, the sexism and challenges she's faced both in 2008. i'm extraordinarily proud of the work she did in 2008, that new hampshire primary she won, still one of the greatest moments in my life as a young woman to witness, and in 2016. i mean, i think there are challenges for women running in public office. i think that's a fact even today, but i hope people, when they close the book, one of the takeaways they'll have that hillary clinton would have been an extraordinary president of the united states, and she also happens to be an extraordinary human being. >> absolutely make the case, the new book is "both and: a life in many worlds" huma abedin, thank you for sharing and thank you for writing the book. that does it for us this morning. st
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