tv MSNBC Reports MSNBC November 25, 2021 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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william "roddie" bryan could face 30 years in prison. then a hate crimes federal trial in february. ahmaud's mother, wanda cooper-jones, who wept when she heard the verdict yesterday, said she's thankful. >> when the judge said the first "guilty," i said to myself we finally got justice for ahmaud, we finally got this. and i was very, very thankful, very excited. i mean, there are really no words to explain all of the emotions i was going through at that time. >> the verdict garnered reaction from across the political spectrum. the president called it our justice system doing its job. georgia's republican governor said he hoped it would lead to healing and reconciliation. for black americans who watched this case and this trial with a mix of wariness and trepidation,
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it was a moment to see if the justice system would actually deliver for ahmaud arbery. the attorney who represented the family told "the new york times," it's good to see racism lose and you can't overstate how big this is. joining me now is cal perry from brunswick, georgia. insider senior editor katya tubman. and assistant director of the lbj school of public affairs, victoria defrancesco soto. also former federal prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst cynthia alksne. everybody, thank you so much for being here. cal, what an incredible day yesterday, and what a moment to be there in observance of it. what can you tell us about what you saw and what it's like there today? >> so there was jubilation both inside the court and outside the court. we've seen that video of ahmaud arbery's father reacting,
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yelling and being escorted out of the court. the facts of this case were never in doubt. three white men, well-armed, murdered an unarmed black man. but there was still a concern here on the ground that the verdict could go the other way. people were nervous and were worried about what would happen after the verdict if it was an acquittal. that did not happen. obviously the jury did not buy the argument from the defense that this was somehow related to a citizens arrest law, a 150-year-old law that's now off the books. people who live in this town are grateful for the quiet. the media descended on this town, thousands of folks over the last few weeks. there were marches, people were upset, and now people are taking a little bit of a breath. ahmaud arbery's mother said, look, i'm going to be looking at an empty chair at thanksgiving but maybe my son can rest in peace. that encapsulates what people are feeling. i saw a father and son, katy,
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african american father and son who came from south carolina, were basically on the shore here in georgia, down here for thanksgiving. they drove 30 minutes to the courthouse to take pictures in front of this courthouse. it just goes to show the way people feel about this verdict, people are relieved, there's pride of 11 white jurors, one african american jury, and they returned this verdict. there's a sense of pride in this community and at the same time, relief. >> katya, in the past few years there have been momentous verdicts, momentous justice given. this is another one of those cases. what do you think this means going forward about racism in this country, about using force when you're not supposed to use force? >> right, thank you for having me, katy. i think it was just said very well, there was a lot of trepidation around the verdicts being announced, not just a matter of hope or relief but the anxiety that came with a lot of
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people wondering how such an open and shut case, especially considering the video that we were all able to see, could prove that this was actually not done in self-defense and that all parties involved were guilty, despite all of that, there were still anxieties about whether or not these three men would be charged in the murder of arbery. that being said, what it means for racism going forward, i think when we think about what americans are looking at, this case and this verdict as, is a matter of saying that racism is not a single event. racism is a system. a lot of activists and community members specifically around this case have been hunkering down on this point. we also heard this from many political leaders in the past day since the verdict was announced, that this is just one instance and one step forward but that doesn't excuse so much other work that has to be done. looking ahead, there is one other case that is in georgia that we're probably going to be looking at if we're going to talk about the legacy of this verdict and this case that
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involves mark wilson, a 21-year-old black man who said he was using self-defense in shooting at a car that was trying to cut him off the road, allegedly. he is now charged and he is awaiting a trial. and we are going to see whether this legacy, so-called legacy of the arbery trial's verdict will have any say in any way in the matter of how racism plays into self-defense, all causing us to pause and take stock what have it looks like for justice in this country especially in terms of race. >> let's talk about the system you mentioned there. the system almost did not work for ahmaud arbery. the arrests in this case didn't come for months afterwards and didn't come until the video of the shooting was leaked, first to a radio station and then to the broader press. cynthia, there's got to be other places in the country where these sort of things are still happening, even today. i know president biden said this
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is not the end of trying to root out this sort of injustice, it's just the beginning. how does, i don't know, the doj come in and try to fix these systems? is it incumbent upon individuals within the systems to leak things in order to get the attention they need to make sure that injustice isn't swept under the rug? >> no. it shouldn't be done by leaking. what it should be done is by local prosecutors' offices. the department of justice has the civil rights division, where i used to work, and their job is really to come in when the local prosecutors don't. i don't think there's any question in this case if there was no video, that mr. arbery would not have received any justice at all. and we need to temper our enthusiasm about this verdict with that fact. but for the video, no justice. and that means, you know,
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intuitively, this is happening all over where there is no video. not only in civil rights cases but in rape cases, when dna first came, it was sort of a radical thing in race -- in rape cases. now we've had these two big cases with videos, and where is that going to go? but to your major point is, who is responsible for these cases? it is the local d.a.s. and the local d.a.s are elected. once again, elections have consequences and we need to elect people that care about civil rights and are rooted in the community, that are working with the police, in community policing, faith leaders, and other community leaders and find these things out. it shouldn't be a leaked video that brought this thing forward. i'm concerned about the number of cases out there. the department of justice can't do all of them.
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there just isn't -- there just isn't the manpower. so it has to be done locally and that means we have to elect good d.a.s. >> there's also the issue of citizens arrest and self-defense laws. we saw a very different outcome in wisconsin when it came to the self-defense and defense with kyle rittenhouse, he was able to use that successfully in that case. obviously you can't compare, they're not apples to apples. but there are similarities here. victoria, when you're looking at self-defense laws around the country and citizens arrest laws, what is the first step? >> katy, this is something that i and the united states collectively has been thinking a lot about. and i think this was initially kicked off, if you remember, about a decade ago, with the killing of trayvon martin, where we saw a self-defense law in play. here again, in the last couple of cases we've seen.
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and the question is, institutionally, looking at our legal infrastructure, what is going to happen? what we saw in georgia in the aftermath of the murder of mr. arbery was a tweaking to the citizens arrest law, right? so many of our laws have been on the books for hundreds of years, yet they continue to be in force. so i think this is a moment where, in an ideal world, our different localities, our different states would take a look at these laws related self-defense, related to citizens arrest, related carrying weapons, for example, concealed carry, permitless carry, and think, is this really what we need at this moment in time? maybe it made a lot of sense in the 1850s, maybe it didn't. but regardless, laws are something that are dynamic and they need to be revisited. and these tragedies that we have seen over the last couple of months, in a very short time period, really forced us to look at our laws and remember that these laws have consequences on people's lives. what we saw yesterday with the
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verdict and then what we saw in kenosha, wisconsin with rittenhouse. >> cal, when should we expect the men to be sentenced and what sort of sentences do they face? >> so the judge has said he's going to allow a few weeks for each side to get ready with their arguments. the real question here, the only question, i should say, because there's really no difference in the murder charges when it comes to sentencing, they each come with a mandatory 30 years. the only question is whether or not the judge will grant parole. his words were "a few weeks," katy. >> cal perry, cynthia alksne, happy thanksgiving to you all. a new reason why the january 6th committee should not be allowed to see donald trump's records, according to him. the argument his lawyers plan to present to a judge next week. not just businesses but families too have been hit by inflation.
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everything from the cost of homes to childcare have skyrocketed in price. when experts say we could see some relief. and coming up later, new fears that the thanksgiving holiday could spark another wave of covid. ♪♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy.
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former president trump's attorneys are now arguing that the demands for white house documents by the january 6th committee would damage the presidency. trump's claims of executive privilege over records held by the national archives will be held next tuesday in the dc court of appeals. but the fight could ultimately land in the supreme court. meantime, the committee is widening the scope of its investigation into the deadly insurrection, issuing a barrage of new subpoenas in recent days to the proud boys and the oath keepers. hardened trump ally roger stone, conspiracy theorist alex jones, and dozens of others. joining me, white house correspondent jeff mason and
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"new york times" political reporter jeremy peters. gentlemen, it's always good to see you. the committee, jeff, wants these documents. they want the memos, they want the emails from the trump white house. what do they think might be in them? >> well, that's a good question. i think number one, what they want is to see some actual evidence of what kind of communications there were between the white house and the people who planned the rallies. both on january 5th ahead of the insurrection and on january 6th itself. the president, of course, the former president, i should say, is eager to protect that and has been arguing privilege. but the argument that the previous court tossed out was for reasons that the current president, president biden, and congress want those documents to be made public. so -- but to get back to your question, katy, they clearly are looking for evidence of what sort of communication and what sort of detail was exchanged between the white house and the planners of those events. >> so jeremy, as jeff just said,
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the trump team keeps arguing executive privilege. courts have said that only the current executive has the power to invoke that, and the current executive, president biden, has said he's not going to invoke that in regards to these documents, these emails and these memos. does the trump team have a plan "b"? >> no. i think it's just stonewall, stonewall, stonewall. and you really could see a situation, katy, where this not only ends in a contempt charge but in an escalation, a legal escalation, i think as you referred to earlier, where this goes all the way to the supreme court. the people around trump who you showed in that graphic, mark meadows, steve bannon, caylee mcenany, roger stone, i wouldn't expect to see cooperation from any of those folks, if any of
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them. the big question is whether or not some of these people are involved in or associated with the paramilitary groups, the militias, the posses, who showed up to wreak havoc. even though they were there defending the president, many have said they're disappointed since then that the former president hasn't defended them forcefully enough, hasn't done anything to stand up for the people who have been prosecuted and in some cases convicted for their actions on january 6th, what trump could have done i don't really know. but that is a potential weak spot, if some of those people decide to flip. >> you know, you're talking about, i assume, the proud boys and the oath keepers. enrique tarrio, the chairman of the proud boys, he's already serving some time in prison, if i'm correct. is there a chance that -- are you saying that because of this
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disillusionment with donald trump and the idea that maybe he has not defended them, that they might want to come out and say, yeah, i was talking to this person and i was talking to that person and here's the message i was getting, is that what you're saying, jeremy? >> i think it's a possibility. i don't have any insight into what the proud boys leadership is thinking or any of the people subpoenaed by the commission. but as you said, there is a legal of disillusionment from some of them. part of trumptrump's problem wis movement is it will never be enough. some of these people, they're so radicalized and hard core that they've essentially outpaced trump with the crazy. and it's a very hard thing to control. it's uncontrollable, frankly. and you're dealing with folks who are not really rational actors and you just can't
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predict what they're going to do. that could definitely include, i think, flipping on the former president. >> jeff, if this does go all the way up to the supreme court, it's got a conservative bent to it now. a number of people that donald trump himself nominated and got onto positions on the court. is there a feeling in trump world or maybe a feeling from the january 6th committee or a feeling in washington in general about how this supreme court might decide a case like that? >> it's a great question. i think it's pretty hard to judge. the way to look at it, though, may be to look back on how the supreme court handled some of the -- some of what happened with the election results that president trump challenged. he of course was very disappointed that the three members of the court who he put on there, who he nominated and who were confirmed, didn't help him out with those arguments. and so you might be able to extrapolate from that that that's something that would apply here. but of course it's impossible for us, or it's impossible for
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me, to judge that ahead of time. but i think it is fair to say that because it's a conservative court, that that will be a concern for people who are opposed to what the president is doing. but i also think it's fair to say based on how they handled that, that president trump could also come away very disappointed in the three people and the other conservatives on the court who he expected to have his back. >> it is a decision that will have far greater consequences than just the immediate consequences for donald trump. jeff mason, jeremy peters, gentlemen, it is so great to see you, i hope you have a lovely thanksgiving. coming up, from food to fuel. prices are rising. but when will they stop? and the perfect storm. how high demand and a supply chain logjam are making giving even harder.
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today food drives across the country are ramping up to support anyone who needs help putting meals on their table. in atlanta, a local church is bringing its community together to prepare a lunch for at least a hundred folks who do need help this thanksgiving. joining me now from atlanta is nbc news correspondent ellison barber. ellison, i know this is happening all over the country.
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there are a lot of families that are in need. what are you seeing down there? >> reporter: yes, so the community thanksgiving brunch here in east point ended about 20 minutes ago but not before they served dozens of people a warm thanksgiving meal inside this church. they also had boxes of food, giving back to people who needed it at home as well. this was open to everyone, whether you needed a warm meal, whether you needed some type of grocery or even a winter coat, or if you simply wanted to share a meal with another person. we met one man who came here for that exact reason. he said it is just him at home, and he didn't want to be alone. so he came here. listen. >> i grew up in a large family. and so being alone for holidays is very challenging. so again, since i'm not traveling, this gives me an opportunity to be with people in a festive and joyful atmosphere.
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>> reporter: and that's what the holidays are really about, right? people just loving each other. the mayor of east point started this with her husband and her daughter about three years ago. she said initially they wanted to start it because they wanted to give back to their community and they knew there were people who didn't have food at home or who didn't have a roof over their heads. she wanted them to have a place to go, a warm meal. but then she said she also realized there were a lot of people who just needed other people. and so that's what this was about here. there were no labels, katy, just people. the only requirement was that you have an open mind, an open heart, and a hearty appetite. >> sometimes you're in need of conversation and company. ellison, thank you so much and happy thanksgiving to you as well. as we head deeper into this holiday season, americans are seeing soaring sticker prices
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with inflation getting as high as it was at the end of world war ii. businesses struggling to deal with a slowed economy are now trying to keep up with soaring command as costs are hitting food stamp programs. joining me is the chair of the editorial board and editor at large of "the financial times." it's really good to see you, julie. inflation is a real issue, and every corner of the economy is feeling it, from the neediest to the people who are not so needy, and businesses alike. when are we going to see some relief? >> that's what a lot of people are asking. the numbers are amazing. "the financial times" has just crunched the cost of ingredients for a thanksgiving day meal, and it's about 25% higher than it was before the covid pandemic. fuel costs, as everyone knows, about 50% up at the start of the year. and if you look at the actual rate of inflation, 6.2%, that's
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one of the highest amongst the major economies in the world right now. if you want to be optimistic, you say, like the federal reserve or the white house, this is just temporary, and once you start getting businesses investing and expanding their capacity and their ability to meet demand, once you get some of the supply chain glitches basically taken out of the system, it will heal itself. that's the optimistic view. the pessimistic view says that actually, it's going to take a long time to get these supply chain problems taken away. and what's really interesting right now is what's happening to wages, because we've had this record high level of quits in the labor market with increasingly laborers demanding more money. many people say absolutely that's very fair. but one of the realities from economic history is whenever you have sky high levels of quits like this, you start to see wage inflation coming on as well. and if you get wage inflation
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that's going to be entrenched, the chances are consumer price inflation is anything but transitory, to use a phrase that the white house and fed keep tossing around. >> the pandemic now, the supply chain issues, it feels like it's really exposing how reliant we are on just consumption and in some cases overconsumption. buy, buy, buy, spend, spend, spend. a lot of it has to do with the fact that things we buy aren't made anymore, i'm on baby monitor number 4 and i want to repair the one that i have rather than throw it away and buy another one. given how far we're into fast fashion and the business of consuming, how do we pull back from that but still have a functional economy? >> katy, that is such a great question. i was at the cop26 in glasgow, the climate change talks, recently. there's a lot of focus right now
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on what governments are doing and what businesses are doing. the question of how we build a much more sustainable economy in a wider sense in terms of looking at consumer behavior, has still not really been discussed in a systematic way. you have individual consumers doing amazing stuff. but the question going forward is are we going to see, coming out of the pandemic, a wider shift in consumer behavior? in some ways we are. i mean, there are fashion labels today which are quite deliberately saying, no, we're not going to keep embracing this idea of fast fashion going on and on. anyone who likes the tech sector, iphones and things like that, a bit of good news, this thanksgiving, we've just had a victory in terms of what's called the right to repair, the idea that consumers should be able to repair their phones by themselves without going back and buying a new one. that's coming down the tracks too. but that's one of the many questions people are going to be asking post-pandemic, about how consumer behavior does or does not change. >> it's not just phones, it's
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all electronics. i'm really focused on this baby monitor, it's been driving me crazy, i don't want to buy another one. >> join the right to repair campaign, is what you should do, if you're getting cross on that. >> i'm all in on that, i'm also into the buy nothing campaign. don't tell my son, i'm going to rewrap some of his books and give them to him for christmas, shh. >> great idea. >> jillian, thank you so much. talking about the supply chain crisis and something that may not be as easy to let go of, buy nothing, it's hitting every corner of the industry, people will need some alcohol when they're getting together with family that they maybe haven't seen in forever. nbc's kathy park has more on the bottleneck that's leading to some empty liquor store shelves. >> reporter: this store in
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philadelphia knows how to keep the eggnog flowing. >> we will go through 100,000 pounds of eggs, 80,000 gallons of cream, to make just half a million gallons of eggnog. >> reporter: while there is no shortage of the bench itself, packaging of product, and getting them out in time without delay is a different story. this year, the supply chain bottleneck is impacting just about everything you see on this assembly line. >> this is our capping machine. the caps have been one of my biggest fears with the supply chain. and typically it would be a four to six-week lead time when all is well. that's been extended to four to six months. >> jim logan says one missing link or even an equipment malfunction could spill over into a major disaster. >> reporter: say that you don't run out of labels, what do you do? >> we cannot produce. >> reporter: even if you have the product? >> even if you have the product. so then you're talking about
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dumping product down the drain. and that's worst case. >> reporter: as america's oldest cordial producer, they've learned to maneuver around the disruptions thanks to experience and early planning. >> we did some really good planning up front. the challenges within our supply chain are old enough that we were able to anticipate some of the problems. >> reporter: but some problems were unavoidable. take, for example, their signature glass bottle, running dry at the manufacturer. >> we needed a substitution. we needed a solution to get the products to the store. we used a different type of bottle which led to some consumer confusion. >> reporter: the supply chain issues will likely get worse before it gets better. >> many suggest the bottlenecks, they're expected to intensify as
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we head to the end of the year and into 2022. >> reporter: the persisting problems now passed down to consumers. >> and so when we look at prices, we're seeing in many cases double digit gains in everything from gasoline to corn feed to lumber, really seeing inflation hit 30-year highs. >> reporter: when it comes to alcohol, states like pennsylvania and virginia are setting purchase limits due to supply shortages beyond their control. >> we tried to buy a bottle two days ago and they were sold out. >> reporter: back at jaquin's, it's crunch time in the lead-up to a holiday season like no other. typically this time of year the products would be stacked high and packed in tight. but this year, due to supply chain issues, we're looking at about half the inventory. whatever is made today will be shipped tomorrow, if they're lucky. >> we'll call on a monday, we may not see that truck until
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wednesday the following week. >> reporter: the supply chain pain points stretching across industries and trickling down to customers. a sobering trend at least through the new year. >> no bottlenecks for my bottle of tequila, please. bottles of tequila. next, experts warn another wave of covid-19 might follow thanksgiving celebration. and one tradition that should be safer than all the rest. the macy's thanksgiving day parade is back. thank goodness it's outdoors. sss (vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru.
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and get your employees connected on the largest and fastest 5g network. plus, we give you $200 in facebook ads on us! so you can reach more customers, create more opportunities, and finish this year strong. visit your local t-mobile store today. clerk: hello, how can i? and f sore throat pain? ong. ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. as families gather for the holiday, there is another frustrating development. covid cases are rising once again this thanksgiving. nbc news national correspondent gabe gutierrez is here with the latest. >> hey, katy. the biggest covid wave was last winter. all signs pointed to there not being a resurgence this year but
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unfortunately the numbers are going in the wrong direction. the reasons are not so simple. this morning covid is on the rise again, now topping 48 million infections in the u.s. cases surging 30% nationwide this month. the midwest seeing the biggest uptick. in michigan, cases have spiked nearly 70%. >> we're looking at two to three times the number of covid patients that we had going back a month or two. >> it's definitely very frustrating. we're hoping that we will be approaching this holiday season where all of us will be able to enjoy the company of our loved ones. >> parts of the northeast also hit hard. erie county, new york, just recorded its highest daily number of new cases since the pandemic began. >> i wish i had better news but unfortunately we're going in the wrong direction and it is is the worst direction we've ever had. >> but hospitalizations among those who are vaccinated and younger are extremely rare. in minnesota, for example, the death rate for fully vaccinated
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people under 50 during the delta surge was 0.0 per 100,000 people. >> i can't stress this enough. the biggest keys to stopping what you're seeing, the most effective means, is vaccines. >> so why the new wave? >> there's three driving factors for the increase in cases. high unvaccination rate still in parts of the country. two, a majority of the cases are children, who are also unvaccinated. three, we're seeing these cases cropping up in social settings. >> what are you telling people who are getting ready to see their family members for the holidays? >> yeah, if they're going to or from an area with high cases, which is now becoming a large part of the country, i'm telling people to try to isolate their movements in advance of traveling. trying to do a test before they travel. >> still, public health experts say it is safe to travel if you're fully vaccinated. and that's the biggest change between last year and this one. the availability of vaccines. despite that, though, the u.s. is still seeing about a thousand
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deaths a day from covid. katy? >> joining me now is a doctor you just saw in gabe's reporting, msnbc contributor dr. kavita patel. she served as white house health policy director during the obama administration. all right. so kavita, we're seeing this rise again. it is frustrating a lot of folks, especially since so many of us are vaccinated. i think the vaccinated are now wondering, at what point am i really at risk here, is it really true that at six months past my vaccination, i do need a booster? and for how long is that going to last? am i going to need another booster six months after that? >> katy, very important questions. i'll just say this. everybody over the age of 18, six months from their second shot, should get a booster. but i really put in bold and underline and emphasize that, especially for people over the age of 40, because that's where we see data really jump through, if you have waning immunity. and of course chronic conditions. and that can lead to
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breakthrough infections. that can lead to a hospitalization. we're seeing those numbers ever so slowly tick up, but they're ticking up. your second question, what will this mean, it is highly likely this booster will give us longer lasting immunity, past the six months. why? it looks in the modeling, the way we've set up mrna vaccines for the virus, three shots in total, is very similar to other types of vaccines we do for other viruses like hepatitis. and that means that that booster gives your body that priming and it also kind of keeps that memory cell immunity really active. i think the question will be, do variants emerge that escape that immunity. that will also dictate the pace at which we might need injections. >> i guess i'm wondering, if you're vaccinated and were told if everyone gets vaccinated, we're all going to be out of this pandemic, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. there was a period during the summer where masks were on sale everywhere. then we had a variant and everything went back in the opposite direction. so if you're vaccinated and
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you're getting these boosters, i guess the question is, when are we going to be able to go back to normal? can we go back to normal if there is a segment of the population that just flat out refuses to get the shot? >> yeah, and i do -- the answer is yes. i think the question is when will that happen. i'm hopeful that that will be in early 2022. why do i say that? we're already seeing cases increasing, but as we pointed out from gabe's segment, this is a pandemic still of the unvaccinated. but katy, at some point, between people who are vaccinated and up to date on their immunizations and the third of the country that's not vaccinated getting infected, we will acquire pretty much broad immunity to create a wall of defense. as long as we can do that around the world as much as possible, which is why i put us more in 2022, then we can just transition, katy, to having it be normal for people to get a covid infection and not feeling like all of life has to stop. right now we're responding with pretty blunt policies.
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travel restrictions, mask mandates, because we do not have those measures to think about individual risk and keeping the unvaccinated safe. i think the advent of children's vaccinations has helped us broaden the availability. and to your point, people who are not vaccinated will likely get infected, it's just a matter of when. and that creates its own immunity as well. >> what are the chances of long covid if you are vaccinated and still contract the diseases? has there been any cases? >> there have been. and this is where i wish we did a better job of setting up more proactive registries, katy, ways for me as a physician to say, look, i've got a breakthrough infection and they're showing some long covid systems several months past their diagnosis. we just don't have that. so the numbers, katy, they're variable. anywhere from less than a percent depending on what date source you look at, to as high as 4% of these breakthroughs. the good news is the severity of the symptoms we're seeing even
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in those long covid cases so far are nowhere near as much as those who unfortunately suffered these symptoms prior to the availability of vaccines. and in some studies, the vaccine itself is helping the symptoms. so i want to emphasize that because i know people are scared, trying to think about what to do if they've got long covid. >> long covid is a whole other discussion that i hope we have because i'm just so confused about it. and i know a lot of folks out there just don't know what to expect and what might be psychoso mattic and what is not psychosomatic and what happens if they get it. dr. kavita patel, thank you so much, we appreciate your time, and happy thinking to you. next, how do you cook the perfect yet moist turkey? an important question in my household. jo ling kent is at the butterball hotline where she says she has the answer.
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performance, the event was live. there were balloons. there were floats, marching bands and crowds back in new york city after they were banned last year. today's proceedings even included one special phone call for our own al roker. this one from president biden and the first lady, dr. jill biden. >> hello, mr. president. >> hello, al. how are you doing, pal? >> dr. biden, mr. president. thank you so much. happy thanksgiving to you. what is your message to the american folks? >> my message is after two years we're back. america is back. there is nothing we're not able to overcome, al. >> they have a long standing parade relationship, those two. as for parade covid protocols, all staffers and volunteers were required to be vaccinated against covid-19, also to wear masks. the same was not expected of the spectators, though. but macy's did encourage wearing
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masks when folks were in the crowd. okay. so are you having last-minute turkey panic? well, you're not alone. cooking a big bird for the first time or even the umpteenth time can be stressful, especially if you have your family or hungry children or hungry in-laws or hungry husband, but this year the ace team from butterball is standing by ready to talk turkey with anyone who needs it. nbc's jo ling kent has a look inside their hotline in naperville, illinois. >> hi. happy thanksgiving. we're at butterball where the call center is already buzzing about how to make sure that turkey is perfect. now, i know you have a question for me. we will get to that in just a little bit. but so far of the calls coming in, it seemed like things were relatively calm. is good news is no one has had to toss a turkey yet. it all started 40 years ago with
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just six phone operators who handled a total of 11,000 calls. >> her first turkey is america's first turkey. >> reporter: back then butterball turkey tutors were working from a paper script and we couldn't google our way to a golden bird. these days butterball takes 10,000 last-minute questions by phone, text and even tiktok. for 37 years, carol miller has been saving thanksgiving for frazzled cooks. she's talking to a caller in cincinnati. she's one of 50 turkey whisperers who graduated from butterball university to help answer questions from all 50 states. >> i wanted to get out of the house. and it was great. i have a degree in home economics education, so it was a chance for me to use my education. >> reporter: her colleagues are food scientists, chefs and dietitians.
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around here, carroll is known as the turkey godmother. >> one of my first calls i do remember was a young man that wanted to propose on thanksgiving day. we designed it, he and i, that he should put it on the drumstick and present it. >> reporter: that's incredible. i can google anything. >> yes. >> reporter: why would i call? do you guys have better info than the internet? >> yeah, we actually do. we've done hundreds and hundreds of turkeys. we know it's going to work. >> reporter: the most common questions she gets, how do you thaw a turkey and how do you know when it's done. >> you know what you need to do, too, you need to test early because you can always keep cooking. you cannot uncook. >> reporter: and the questions don't stop at the bird. white wine is best to serve chardonnay and red wine should be -- >> bough lay. >> reporter: the talk line operated entirely remotely. this year half the team is back
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in person. >> i think there is something to be said about that human connection when they hear our voices on the other end. we get this a lot on thanksgiving day. people are surprised we're not artificial intelligence. you're a real person on the other end. >> reporter: even if your turkey ends up being a total fail, don't worry about it. serve your feast backwards. pumpkin pie first, then the sides. enjoy the day anyway. >> thanksgiving is family, friends. if it's not perfect. it's still fun. >> reporter: okay, katy. i know you guys are working on a bird at home. i just got your text. you are asking me how do i keep the skin crispy but keep the meat moist. it is all about oiling the turkey before you put it in the oven. you can use any kind of oil, veggie, olive oil. peanut oil gives you that nice brown tone. but if it continues to get too brown, you can take that foil and tent it and make sure it's
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evenly beautiful for your thanksgiving feast. so there you go. happy thanksgiving. >> that is a hot tip. thank you so much. i'm going to call my husband and tell him right now to make sure he uses the peanut oil. actually, i'm going to call my mother-in-law because my husband is working, too. the whole household. anyway, we will be right back after a very quick break with a lot more news. on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara®
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