tv Morning Joe MSNBC November 30, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PST
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to talk about the new covid variant first identified last week in southern africa. it's called omicron. travel restrictions can slow the speed of omicron. the delta variants and now the omicron, and we move forward now in the face of the omicron. >> so even before omicron -- >> this morning i provided an update on the omicron variant. >> yay. he got it right there. it's kind of a hard word to say at first. president biden is urging emerges to remain calm as the world learns more about the omicron covid variant. we'll speak with dr. na heeb bedelia about what we need to know to keep the holidays safe. we'll also talk about the continues efforts by a number of
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controlled states to undermine the administration's push to get everyone vaccinated. joe, it's interesting because as time goes by and the science bears itself out right before our eyes, i just wonder if those efforts fall on more deaf ears along the way. >> i don't know. first of all, i probably called it omicron yesterday. >> i did yesterday. >> omicron, i don't even know what that means. yeah. omicron, omicron, i'll tell you why. here in new york, i can tell you nobody is paying attention, and nobody cares, and nothing's going to shut down. >> we're done. >> they're done. i was flying up to laguardia. i've been flying here for 30 years 35rks years. never once has a pilot come on over washington, d.c., and say, traffic is so backed up in laguardia, we're going to have to circle around washington,
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d.c., for 45 minutes. we vectored around d.c. so we could find a slot at laguardia, and then went out to east last night, you know, where i usually do at the grill out there. you know, 187th. and i'm up there. the place is packed. i mean i've never seen it packed so much. so it's like this place is -- this the prepandemic new york. good luck. good luck getting that ten pound of sugar in a five-pound bag. it's not going to back in. and the general attitude of everybody is i got my vaccine. i got my vaccine. >> that's right. >> you know what? we feel really bad for people who don't have their vaccines, but we're here, we feel safe, and we're not going to stop living. and if we get covid, we've got the vaccine, we'll go home, get better, and come out next week. that's the attitude of
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everybody. >> first of all, i'm glad you could make it to the iconic great 187th grill. all the greats dine there. here in new york city the vaccination rates are very high. public workers, 96%, something like that. the feeling is we went through this, we were at the front of this, we got through it because we took some of these precautions, because we closed down our schools for too long for some people, because we stayed home from work. because of this, we got to the other side of it. we're not going back. >> we're not going back. >> yes, there may be some perils with this new variant, i don't know yet. we're inside more, but if i get it, i get it. i'm fully vaccinated now. >> you know how when you go to school your mom packs your lunch back and she writes the note, i love you, joey, with a heart, mika fortunately packed my vaccine card, which you don't have to use in florida.
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>> right. >> you kind of hide it because the kids will take you out back and beat you up. >> okay. >> but here, though, you can't go anywhere literally. can i have a tissue? show me your vax. >> joe. >> hold on. you can be a moral scold in a second. >> i will. >> every restaurant i was in, they all showed the vaccine card, they were all in there, they all were relaxed, they were all comfortable. by the way, this doesn't mean -- don't tweet me. i really don't care. the truth is i only look at beatle tweets now. but anyway, the thing circumstance -- is, mika, this does not mean you're going to get covid. if this thing spreads all over the country, it's probably going to be delta squared where it's going spread a lot faster, and as it spreads faster, people unvaccinated will get hit.
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people who are vaccinated will get covid, but this is just science. you can frown if you want to, but people are vaccinated for the most part have better reactions. >> i'm just going to point out we have a doctor coming up to talk about what we still don't know about the variant. >> doctor spoctor. come on. >> secondly, i want you to tell the viewers you were masked on the plane. >> i've already said,'ve got to wear a mask? you make me wear a mask? >> yes, i do. >> you make me wear a mask when we board a plane, when we go to sleep at night. you knew that was coming. not true. no. i wear masks. i wear masks, you know, where i could get sick. >> we're not suggesting not coming here and it won't be a problem. there was some guidance from the
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mayor suggesting indoor masks, but not man dating them. >> just get the vaccine. it's really that simple. i don't understand these people, i really don't. they think there's a great conspiracy against them? we just don't want you to die. seriously. if you want to die, that's up to you. i've said this long before. cigarettes, not good for you. if you want to go out back, smoke a camel, that's your choice. i shouldn't pay for your health care insurance. like it's going to go up, you should deal with that. a little resentful of you sneaking for 30, 40 years and then everybody having to pay for your medicare. there should be some personal responsibility, but i understand. same thing with covid. if you don't get a vaccine -- we can only beg you to get a vaccine for so long for your own good, and after that, we're going to talk about the beatles,
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and we're going to talk about this really intense looking guy right here. max. >> again, good news for the mets fans, willy, and bad news. let's go good or bad first? >> good. we can always use it. >> they've got max and they've got degrom. that's frighting. p sources tell me, good sources, highly placed sources, we're not going to see baseball next year. it's not going to happen. >> i hope you're wrong about that. >> professor glug. >> of baseball. >> lemaire knows a little about baseball too. again, people -- pretty good sources are saying they just don't expect these -- lockout no, baseball next year. >> the reason why there's such an active free agent market now early in the off-season which is
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not the norm is baseball is staring at a lockout on december 1st. if there's not a deal t owners will lock them out. >> by the way t red sox is rushing snanld picking up everybody. >> i looket at the list. we've not signed anyone. >> can you second-check that list. >> we've got michael wacha. i consider him more of a minor league. >> the yankees? >> another blank page. our teams have not been the big spenders. this has been a labor crisis in the making. there is still hope, people that i've talked to on both sides suggest, that hopefully won't miss games, both sides recognize how devastating it would be for this sport or any sport go out
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right now and miss games. we're still in a pandemic. tv sports consumers have so many options. they're cutting kabls. we saw how long it took them to come back from the 1994 strike. there's a hope that a lockout there -- you're right. this is worrisome. there's a chance there might not be baseball next season, and that would be for mets fans the big effort outcome. >> if they take the year off, max scherzer will go on a nice vacation. they'll pay him $43 million a year. >> how about the texas rangers spending half a billion dollars. everybody is getting paid before
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the lockout. lee elder, obviously an absolute trail blazer in golf. you used to talk about going into a sport where you really have to break the color barrier. lee elder, really the first black golfer to complete the masters and other major tournaments. >> you think back on it, 1972 -- >> '75. >> '785, so it's -- it makes sense that we want to lift him up in this moment. >> by the way it talks about jack and arnold palmer. of course, they're the standards and my hero, but lee elder is who i looked up to. there was an incredible screen what he qualities.
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le and the staff at adoes ta, national, moment o. who are black. they come out and step out on the green. he'll eat never forget. they got to walk up the course where black people weren't supposed to be. >> i'm not a golf player. i just hit the ball. >> i heard you're better than you let on. >> is he? >> that ee whoo sources are telling me. >> i thought you studying those. >> i need to go out. >> i thought you were a pro. >> i thrive at the 19th hole. when speaking to tiger woods, it's the first time since his car crash.
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neegd multiple surgeries, woods is walking again and believes he'd it his days as a full time zbfrter of other. i can still maybe if my leg goods good enough, here or there. but as far as climbing the mountain, getting all the way to the top, i don't think that's a realistic expectation of me. what is realistic is playing a tour, never the full thing. we're going to have to play it for reality. it's my reality and i accept it. >> it was so nice to see that video of him just on the range hitting balls, to show he can do it. he said very clearly, i'm not a
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full-time fore. if we doechbl see -- do see him. >> i remember when muhammad ali left the ring, when he lost to leon sphinx. i remember what he wanted. it was an important milestone in my life. what does it mean for all the young folk watching tiger woods change the sport saying he won't be on the tour nament. >> nikkhah, that's all the news, now let'snys at the 13.
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>> we have new reporting claiming allies of. donald trump are tryling to remove some of the guardrails. according to the post, they're looking to mv things. the trump supporters seeking office claim they want to secure the system. "the post" says a spokesperson for the former president didn't respond to a request for comment, but, joe, this is what you were talking about recently. in terms of this constitute senn and errs. it's where resources can, you know spring a legal. people are saying this is going to help can help donald trump or
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somebody else reach constitution allege alarms. you look at jury instructions that are offensive to you. that comes from a spate of stories how redistricting in florida is going to do it. it's happened in wisconsin. and melissa. they knew if they counted the voigts early, they would have to announce who the wehner was saying lest tease achlg the guessing out of who is ripping and -- recounting these. they want time to do it to allow trump the time to spread the big
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lie. now we can -- go i -- ahead. >> we us go doing component on the fallout. >> for people who tell me don't interrupt mika, my dear wife, who interrupted me. it's, this willie, oh, you just interrupted me again. >> my god. >> my point was this. that was a long, long windup. p here's the pitch. we can't whine about what's happening in state ledge lie turs. we have to reflect it. they don't have to be liberals or republicans. it's too late. when these people are doing what they're doing in state legislatures and democrats lost
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over a thousand seats in the eight years president obama was president. they need to get those seats back if they want to have an impact on all that matters so much. we're in dangerous, dangerous territory. >> absolutely. two things can be true at once. we can decry them and we need to im. from every level. >> it's trump himself. he's going around state by state and encourse kanlts michigan, i think, sichb aileen because he think, okay, if i run again, i need people in place, and the thing they all have common.
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the legislature has been looked into in front and mrch. that will side be him if things get cold. wouldn't do the a bit of a long game. showering more strategy. the president ways noechb. he selects state can'ts who were last time and without again, that he and his team have looked around the country at the key battle ground states and putting in place people who might be needed if the trace in 2020, and they're looking to gain every edge they can. democrats are certainly aware of this. alarm bells are going off. there's certainly no effort there. the filibuster is not going to
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move forever h. there are some states where voteling might ts. this is all part of an over y'all plan can go ahead in 2024 with the thought the president will run again. >> it's not even the voting restrictions make it harder to vote that's the gravest danger. the greatest decision is what ones to count. you're taking the power way aprisoner p. the younger man who was a republican in michigan whoo said do my job. i'm not going to there out these
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votes. every day between now and election day, i hope the democratic party and any of the republicans or independents who care about peaceful transfers of power, i hope they're working dafr asiding the worst because if they're not. this democracy is going to be in grave danger. >> we're going to talk about that eight a a little more coming up. now, though torque the fallout of republican congressman lauren boebert's islamphobic remarksen congresswoman elam ilhan omar. she released a statement, i
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graciously accepted call from rep active lauren boebert in the hope of receiving a direct apology for falsely claiming she met me in an elevate eric suggesting i was a terrorist and for a history of anti-muslim hate. instead of apologizing for her islamophobic comment ts and fabricated lies, rep active boebert refused to publicly acknowledge her it. >> i never want anyone to have to defend their religion. i told her that, even after i put out a public statement too that i phen she said what she had done wasn't goocden in, she kept asking for a publy apology
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and i told ilhan omar should marriage apology. she continues to press and i continues to press pan. p and then she hung up on me. >> eddie, she basically baits congresswoman omar to taking the phone call with the appearance of a twig. . that's what you said in an even -- elevator. you can take a phone call and then you go out to your people and say, look what i did to her. called her a member of the jihad quad. >> the expectation often is we
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take the moral my road, that we accept their apologize and. it seem is. would have me hang up the pho. why play with this. we have to draw the line, kind of entertaining the hate, allowing it to fester because we're assuming that people are engaging in good hate. i think hanging up the phone in this instance is the right thing. >> listen, i'm a baptist and my parents made me go five days a week. if you folks are at home, get your bibles out and turn to 523
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which says if you're standing at theal tar and you're v to givele a gift and you realize somebody is against you, leave the gift ncht to that perch. apom is, and come back. there are so many other things. if you read the letters in the gospel, it could suggest, quote, a strong christian woman would actually act just the opposite of what we saw in that video. >> right. so perhaps leading with that was actually a tell because i don't know. it's kind of like war heroes. i don't know war heroes that go around talking about being war heroes. they don't like to talk about it. i must say -- eddie, can i get a
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witness here. they're strong, faithful servants of the lord. they don't go around telling you that. >> these peacocks who declare nair faith, they've no,sir. anyway, the point is it's just -- she knew what she was doing. >> yeah. >> and on top of that, you just ask who is -- this is what i wonder. who's the constituency for this? who's the constituency for, you know, marjorie taylor greene. >> right. >> like holding up ar-15s and having pictures of four women who are members of congress, people of color. who's the constituecy for this gosar guy or whoever, the
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character out of ghostbusters. what's the content gency doing a car teen where he murders the image of a woman who as many moeb of congress. that actually speaks ill for the people doing and for those in their district. >> it's a good question. and still ahead on "morning joe," stock futures are down this morning. >> hold on, hold on, hold on. >> oh, my god. didn't we expect more of a response? >> no. okay, you want me to answer it? i'll tell you. it's trump votersing okay? they're all like that. >> not all of them, sweetie. >> listen. you want me to talk? i'm going to talk then. >> my bad. >> trump got the vaccine and they still won't. for some reason, there's like
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this strange disconnect between these people ar they constituents. here it is. these people don't give a damn about their constituents. they don't care whether they live or die. that's what holding them before. it's all very twiggedle and cult like. they follow conspiracy theories and hay trt triem on it, and it's what gets them up in the morning. >> i opened that gate. you walked right through it. >> i sure did. i was trying to be polite. i was going to be like, wow honey, that's a good question and then i was going to toss to break. you want to hear what the answer is? it's a twisted you-know-what. they all stick together underdonald trump.
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donald trump doesn't care about them, and these people don't care about their constituents. they care about phone meanting hate. >> can you do me a favor? lean back in your chair and point at me. you want the truth? you can't handle the truth. because that's about where we are right now. they're talking about dr. fauci -- i mean -- >> i know. it's sick. i think we can all agree. making a comparison between dr. fauci and dr. men gla. i want to know who's the news director and thinks they're a director of a news organization.
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they're feeding lies. emerges love to watch fox news, but it's not news. it's lies and hatred and people using the trump way of lying. twisted and sick. that was thence to my get by the way. it's locate krady town. it's been taken to a whole new level. you see that clip where dr. fauci is being compared to a nazi doctor. by the way, the continuing comparison of public health officials trying to keep snal businesses alive, trying to keat local family rehn straes inlts afoid. they're trying to keep everyone healthy.
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no with due smas -- >> it seems strange to talk about and lift up marjorie taylor greene and the weak who are bending to the easiest low-hanging fruit in trump world. they're floating around the very bottom and feeding off of it, and it's kind of sad what they're doing to our country. it's upsetting. and then to see it on a major news network. we haven't talked about fox because you open that box and it gets ridiculous and gets really ugly. there's millions of examples. >> i can tell you when roger was
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there, if somebody said something like that, they would be off the air the next day. i understand everybody hates roger ailes, whatever. roger actually pulled glenn beck from the air. like roger said enough. and glenn will probably deny that and that's fine. he can deny it if he wants to. roger would pull them. there are no boundaries. anyway, thank you so much for opening up. >> you're welcome. >> we're all better for it. listen. this is a kirkle of trust. nobody else is talking. nobody else has heard any of this. next block, if you want to get it off your chest -- >> i got it. >> it's safe here.
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it's like connie chung said to newt gingrich's mom, hey, it's. >> a single shot of mika? >> still ahead on "morning joe," stock futures are down this morning amid concerns over the new omicron variant. we're going to be joined by a doctor about what we knee and don't know about this latest covid strain. plus senate majority leader chuck schumer wants to paid by christmas. everything else lawmakers need to get done. also ahead, the story of the beatles breakup has been told time and time again. but the new ddocuseries, the
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final days. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. joe." we'll be right back. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last.
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this variant is a cause for concern, not cause for panic. a year ago america was floundering against the first variant of covid. we beat that variant significantly, and then we got hit by a far more powerful threat, the delta variant. but we took action, and now we're seeing deaths from delta come down. we'll fight the -- look. we're going to fight and beat this new variant as well. the best protection against this new variant or any of the variants out there, but the ones we've been dealing with already, is getting fully vaccinated and getting a booster shot. do not wait. go get your booster if it's time for you to do so. and if you are not vaccinated, now is the time to get
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vaccinated and take your children to be vaccinated. on thursday i'll be putting forward a detailed strategy outlining how we're going to fight covid this winter, not with shutdowns or lockdowns. we're going with more widespread vaccinations, boosters, testing, and more. joining us now, the boston university ofious disease, dr. badelia. how long will it take to get a sense of how serious this is? >> mika, we don't know a lot. i think the thing that's concerning is looking at this virus, it has all of these mutations we've seen in other variants that could make it more transmissible, potentially give it qualities that would evade or
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decrease effective or make the antibodies less effective. we actually won't know how it will behave until we look in the laboratory. in in the next few weeks what many are doing are neutralization studies. the only other thing is with south africa, their numbers are going up, however, it's unclear if they eave recently loosened their restrictions. it's a cause for concern, not just because we don't know a lot, but even if the word comes true and it affects part of the immune system, many good things are working in our favor. the tests are still working, the rapid test, the pcr test. what we've learned from other variants is there's still going to be some protection, which is why you're seeing a push to not
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just get vaccinated but boosted. we now know how to take care of ourselves and you're likely to see them take those interventions with the masking and avoiding crowds if the cases are going up in our communities. >> can beexpect more variants as long as a good part of the world is not vaccinated and even in this country? i mean isn't that where variants run rampant? >> it is, and, you know, you can sort of see the cycle that we're falling into, me -- mika. what we need is very specific boosters, which may take months. during that period of time the vulnerable amongst us are likely to take the brujt of the potential new variant. so instead of that, we had
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focused on the very beginning of trying to get most of the world -- you and i talked about this. 7% of the world has gotten fully vaccinated compared to the rest of the world. many countries in the north have much, much higher rates of vaccinations. in the poorer areas, the fewer vaccinated, the more likely the variants will show up. we need to invest in getting everybody else vaccinated. it's not just the right thing to do, but also our way to get out of the pandemic. >> good morning, dr. bhadelia. we heard from some in south africa, the symptoms so far seem to be relatively mild. do you have a sense for how this impacts the human body, this new variant in ways that may not be
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needed for the new virus? >> not enough, willy. it would be great if that's what it turned out to be. we can't say that with good certainty. the thing that is concerning is it might make treatment of antibodies less effect active, which might take a potential tool away from our toolbox. then there's a riff of course people particularly unvaccinated to get something after they get sick, but the good news is the way that the new antivirals might work, the virus, we don't think they'll be affected the way they attack the virus. >> we'll be watching this, dr. nahid bhadelia, for coming on the show this morning. meanwhile workers who were
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fired or quit for not complying with vaccine mandates to keep them alive so they don't get covid are now eligible for unemployment benefits in several republican controlled states. florida, iowa, kansasing and tennessee, have changed their unemployment insurance rules to undermine the biden administration's vaccine requirement for federal workers. tennessee has also passed a law prohibiting private businesses from asking employees to show proof for religious or medical exemptions. and in florida, a new law allows workers to be exempt due to future pregnancy or have been infected with covid in the past. that brings us to the latest columbia from "the washington post" by columnist max booth. it's written, the rush to
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dismiss omicron as a hoax is demented and depressing on multiple levels. it suggests that republicans have learned nothing from their unwillingness to take covid-19 seriously in 2020 because they thought it would hurt donald trump's re-election chances. but while democrats benefitted politically from trump's calamitous miss handling of the pandemic, its persistence, with its attendant supply chain woes and surging inflation is now hurting president biden. indeed at the same time that republicans fight vaccine mandates and continue to play down the risk of covid-19, they also shamelessly attack biden for not ending the pandemic. you would think that such a shameness ploy, hampering
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biden's attempts to fight the pandemic and then hampering him for its persistence could not possibly work, but in the it kracy that america has become, this shachlless and disingenuous argument could actually resonate. joe? >> yeah. i read is somewhere last week, jonathan lemire t idea of the big lie is not to get people to believe the lie, and those lies do not need to be consistent with each other. sometimes it's better that they're not consistent with each other because it shows more confusion. it's not what you're telling people. it's the process of disconnecting them from the truth. so when nothing is real and there's nothing to get hung up about, the big lie starts working because you've disconnected them. so, here, yeah, extraordinary. ronny jackson, by the way, we knew he was a shameless idiot when he got up and said donald
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trump could live to be 200 years oeg, those superior genes, blah, blah, you knew he was an idiot. now he's running for office and he said, the democrats have hatched this. he knows it's a lie, a shameless stupid lie. but it's also a shameless stupid lie. even the conspiracy theory doesn't make sense. biden's numbers go down when the covid goes up. it's stupidity, like next level stupidity, and yet it works for some really stupid people out there. can i say that? can i say that on tv? it works for some really stupid people out there who just refuse to get information from sources other than facebook or chinese religious cults. >> right. it's about conditioning the lie. it's repetition of the lie.
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it does seem far-fetched. but if people hear it over and over andover again, he said it so much, you didn't know where he stood. he just wanted to pound it into people's heads to confuse and doubt credible news sources, therefore, they gravitate to their own teams and pods to get that information. i can assure you, talking to officials in the last 48 hours, this is not something they wanted. after the first few months with the strong vaccine numbers, they hit a road block this summer. delta caught them by surprisele they're afraid it's happening again as they try to focus on his agenda, the second part of the build back better act and now with the supply chain crisis, this variant could reset that and endanger further. they know this is politically pearlous for the president as they try to navigate a variant
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that they at this point don't know much about. >> this is one reason why i'm very careful not to say all trump voters, all republicans, all this, all that. you just can't do it because you see these crazy people like ronny jackson running around and talking about -- not crazy, extraordinarily cynical at a guy who literally if you judge him by his words does not give a damn whether they live or die am thnld own u look at mitch mcconnell, pro vaccine, survived polio. pushing the vaccine since the very beginning. i'm wondering what the interplay is between a lot of senate republicans and then these crazy house-backbenniers they eej been talking about. they're not gerrymandered.
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they actually have to win entire states with diverse ideological breakdowns. i just wonder what mitch and other republicans are thinking when they hear this crazy anti-vaccine talk. >> we know that he's not explicitly condemning it. i don't understand the political calculus like you in terms of the connection. when we cannot trust what is being said, when we can't engage in serious deliberation as citizens of a democracy, the democracy is really in jeopardy. if truth is not at the heart, reasonable deliberation, reasonable exchange, reasonable disagreement is not at the heard, then the policy can't exist. it can't thriving. what we're seeing over and over again, joe, is the deformation of attention. >> right.
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>> it's from clickbaits on various social platforms to liesle. we're seeing the deformation of the ill-informed, misinformed citizenry making decisions about the country. i don't know how we survive that. >> by the way, willie, we talk about this among ourselves, that there's always -- you know, you read the papers. you think the people who are looking to these facebook postings or you take the chinese-driven websites, they're walking out of caves. no, no, no. they're people with advanced degrees. in fact, some of the smarter people i met in my life, pre-trump who were moderate gerald ford republicans with law degrees, with other advanced degrees, falling for it too.
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i don't know if it's falling for it. they choose to belief. >> there was a time not long ago, you'll remember in congress but more recently than that, but comments like ronny jac's, lauren boebert a few minutes ago would rather be snuffed out or at least pushed to the margins. but now you have people like kevin mccarthy who wantss to be the next speaker of the house. he says, i need voters like her, people like her to win to get a majority in the house. you're always going to have crazy people. there always have been in politics. there always have been in society. what we don't have anymore is leadership who's willing to say, no, we don't do that here. this is america. you can say those things, but we're going to to push you off to the sidelines and you're not going to represent our parties. >> 20 years ago you had members helping to raise money. now the more crazy thing you say, the more money you get
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online. >> yeah. that's the bottom line at this point. it's a sick system. coming up, it's not only the big luxury stores being targeted with the smash-and-grab robberies. small businesses are also getting hit. we'll have more on threat that could put some out of business. and one of the pilots of jeffrey epstein's infamous private jet will be back on the stand today in the sex trafficking trial against epstein's longtime confidante ghislaine maxwell. we'll have the latest from the federal courthouse in management when we come back. federal courthouse in management when we come back.
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larger group that entered the retailer around 8:00 p.m. on friday and made off with $400 worth of tools including bolt cutters and crow bars. this comes as stores across the country are seeing a dangerous spike in these kinds of crimes. nbc news correspondent miguel almaguer has the details. >> reporter: the chaotic and increasingly dangerous crime sprees are now unfolding in more cities. san francisco, los angeles, chicago, and minneapolis. on some of the busiest shopping days of the year, flash mobs with upwards of 80 people armed with hammers and crowbars are smark and grabbing their way through high-end retailers as terrified shoppers and employees are terrified with their lives. >> we built this thing with our hands. this is our baby. just to see it violated is just crazy. >> reporter: while well-known
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retailers are often targeted, it's often the small businesses paying the biggest price. >> reporter: a mom and pop jeweler was robbed of $250,000 of goods in three minutes. another retailer nearby is now spending $30,000 a month on 24/7 security. the cost of doing business could put many out of business. >> it is absolutely organized crime. it does look like chaos, but its have very, very well organized and choreographed. >> reporter: a security guard was shot and killed. to prevent another disaster, some are reducing hours and allowing fewer people inside. for far too many, the most joyful time of the year is quickly becoming the most dangerous. >> our thanks to miguel almaguer for that report. and still ahead, "the atlantic's" david frum joins us
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on how some of dip's own critics are helping him push one of his big lies. and it's being called an instant classic, the docuseries with never-before-seen footage of the beatles in the last days before splitting up. we'll talk with "the rolling stones" editors on the film that flipped the script on the band's final act. "morning joe" is back in 90 seconds. ning joe" is back in 90 cosends. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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welcome back to "morning joe." you're looking at the top of the comcast tower of love, they're calling it, mika. in the pent house delivering her diatribe. welcome back to "morning joe." it's tuesday, november 30th. i'm glad junior is still with us. thank god, mika. joining us a republican strategist susan del percio who still calls herself a republican, and director of redirect, it's not only the way you look at the news but your back swing, john heilemann. he's also host of "hell and highwater".
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>> mika should be attacking me as if i were lauren boebert. >> can i correct? >> she would be doing this if you were john heilemann. >> good point. >> no. i only attack john heilemann when he goes on and on and on and on. >> look who's talking. look who's talking this morning, mika. >> what? >> look at who's talking. you were on the rampage this morning, talking over joe. >> it makes me sad. >> chewing up the scenery, gobbling the air time. just incredible to watch. >> can we just say, mika, i guess every day people text or people tweet that i talk over you. honey, i just want to say, i'm sorry, and i know -- the thing is these people when they write the tweets, they act as if you're so frail and i don't know how you put up with it. >> that's funny. >> then we get off the air, and mika is like, okay, this is what you're going to do today.
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like people act like brzezinski is frail. you can't handle being talked -- >> yeah, okay. joe, can i say one thing, and that is earlier, i didn't interrupt you and you didn't interrupt me. we have a delay, and often that gets clunky, and so then everyone gets mad at you. does that make sense? >> yeah, sort of. >> but it's not a long delay, is it, dear? yeah, we do have a delay. it does make it a little bit harder. >> see? it's a delay. >> i had no excuse for the 14 years we were live here. coming up here, our 15th anniversary, can you believe that? >> that's great. >> holy moly. >> how is that possible. >> from those early days of driving the wrong way through the tunnel out of new jersey to a converted liz claiborne outlet and a tv show. >> oh, my gosh.
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i just am so tired. that was something. >> 15 years. >> 18 years. i'm very excited. we're going to talk about the beatles in a little bit. anybody see the documentary yet? >> many clips, many clips. >> it's unbelievable, it really is. i can't wait to view that, to talk about that. anything else? or do we want to go to david frum? >> let's go to david frum. >> it seems like we should be able to -- >> you know what? let's follow up on the smash-and-grab stuff really quickly. your son -- your son goes to school -- >> berkeley law. >> berkeley law. and talk about what happens to your son like once a month when he goes out. >> he's experienced twice where he's come out of his apartment, his car is right outside his
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apartment to see his car on cinderblocks, wheels gone. >> you know what loss angelenos would say, come on, son, it's all fine. >> are you kidding? >> i'm just kidding. they have the drugstores out there. ite -- it happens all the time. >> we were talking about a year ago cvss and walgreens closing at 4:00, 5:00. maybe it's the republican in me. if it's happening, take care of it. put more cops on the street. put people in jail. keep them in jail. and i will say it's not popular. it's never been popular. i've said it from the beginning. the worst time doing that -- what do they call it where they were hugging each other?
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criminal defense reform? criminal justice reform. the worst time to do that is when crime is at a 50- or 60-year-old low because you've reached a lull, utopian society. now we can let people go to jail with gun crimes and they can be back on the street in 15 minutes. it's not just about here. it's -- but there is -- it's like willie said the other day. there's a per missive attitude on the west coast especially. oh, property crime, what is it? $950? as long as you only steal $950. no. put them in jail and keep them in jail. i know i'm making you nervous, but let me tell you something. i want your son to be able to go to law school without having his tires stolen, and i want people to be able to walk across that
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campus and every other cam pugs and not feel at risk. your son and other students feel at risk right now. it's out of control, susan. it's out of control. i tell you, democrats feel this way as much as republicans and others i talk to. >> my sister who lives in san francisco tells me people are fleeing the city like they did in new york in the early '90s. they do not feel safe. i think back five years ago when it started with laundry detergent started being stolen out of cvs and it was under lock and key. it was a criminal enterprise. i know it sounds trivial. but it was one thing after noochlt now we see crime expanding. this is basically not just gang-related, but there's a criminal organization enterprise behind this. they're selling this stuff online. again, when there's no serious
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penalty when you get caught, what's the point? cops on the street don't want to -- cops on the straight don't want to make the arrest because they figure it's just going to be thrown out. they don't want to be taken to jail -- or taken to the courthouse to waste their time to file something that's going to go nowhere. the point you raise about when you're feeling safe, this is the time to remain vigilant. and we can adapt our policing without question, but we cannot just retreat from it and say there's certain things that are going to be permissible. you twunlt change the laws? look at marijuana. it's changed. it's recreational or medical, and those crimes have been voided from people's records. that's good reform. but to let it go makes no sense. >> i don't think anyone's trying to let it go. we know we have to give a
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different kind of account. part of what i want to respond to to sheriff scarborough, one of the things we don't i want to do is go back to the policing that's produced the carceral state where we lock up 2 million of our fellow citizens. we have to figure out what are the motivations to cause this sort of spike in this crime. although it's a spike -- we have to look at the data across the board, whether or not we're seeing an increase in non-violent crime. we're seeing an increase in violent crime. we have to be careful that we don't use these spikes as justification to return to a form of policing that has devastated communities, communities we care most about. so i understand -- i understand my son when he calls me and he's angry, he's also at law school want to become a public defender. he understands the context of
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roy's happening. u i want to be careful not to use this rationalization to go back to what it was. >> i'm not suggesting that. you want to go forward, but you have to rejust and find your problems like mayor eric adams is trying to do. >> i'm a cop, this stuff is happening, people walking in and cleaning out the shelves, that's got to stop. we can't have chaos in our city. yes, i was a new york city police officer but i was a thorn in their side because we were calling for reforms. yes, we need to change the way we police, but we also have to have a functioning society where people cannot just walk in a store and take what they want without no punishment. you can't do what the police did in san francisco, as long as it's 950 bucks or under.
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>> these attitudes were shaped when crime was at its lowest. i must say when i was running in '93-'94, that was coming off a huge crack epidemic. we decided to pass the crime bill -- the crime bill was the year before me, but we were all talking three strikes and you're out and all this other stuff. emerges were saying enough is enough. but we should have waited a couple of years. i will say 100,000 more cops on the street. that's bill clinton. >> like basketball, much derided at the time and a very effect active program. i know you don't mean this when you were a little bit dismissive about criminal justice reform. you're for qualified immunity.
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you recognize police violence in the country. you recognize there -- there's a huge amount of stuff that should be reformed, but you also don't mean defund the police. that's a bad slogan, bad policy. i think people who embraced that last year were embracing it because of some of the things that happened last year through it into a pretty stark light, how much needs to be fixed in the system. we have agreement on this. >> two things can be true. >> yes, 100%. >> i'm just says sometimes people need to be thrown into jail because they're bad people. they're criminals. by the way, no cash bail? i understand it comes from a good place in people's hearts. it's a bad idea for violent crime. it's a really bad idea for a slew of crimes. >> i think that's a fair point, right? we want to end the mass incarceration state but we want
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repeat offenders to go to jail. >> the way new york implemented it is very different than the way new jersey's implemented it. it's working in terms of bail reform. >> by the way, that's great. i mean, again, i'm a big believer in, you know, looking at the 50 states as laboratories of legislation. let's see what works best. i'm just saying a lot of people rushed in and they all hugged each other and said, hey, crime at a 50-year low, we can afford to do all of these sweeping things. it's time for a re-evaluation. what works? what is working? what is not working? and then go back at it and pass those reforms because right now there are a lot of areas simply out of control, and the government owes a responsibility. people pay taxes. the government owes a responsibility to keep them safe. and that's all, people. mika. we have this headline now.
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the january 6th house select committee announced it will meet tomorrow to vote on whether to cite former acting assistant attorney general clark for criminal a contempt of congress and refer him for prosecution. though clark appeared for his deposition, he refused to answer questions about former president trump's efforts to use the department of justice to help overturn the 2020 presidential election. the announcement made no mention of whether there will be a vote to cite mark meadows for contempt. the former white house chief of staff did not appear for his deposition at all, citing trump's claim of executive privilege. meanwhile the committee has a full slate of dep sigs scheduled this week including former white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany it. is unclear how many trump administration officials will comply with their subpoenas. let's bring in the staff writer
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at "the atlantic," david frum. his latest article is entitled, "it wasn't a hoax." people with scant illusions about trump are volunteering to help execute one of his big lies. david, in your arts kl you write in part, the steele dossier undertook to answer the question, "what the hell is going on with with trump and russia?" it was to silence that question that the ongoing trump administration appointed a special counsel of its own to investigate its investigators. john durham has now looked at it. it remains fact that russian hackers and spies helped his campaign. it remains fact that the trump campaign welcomed the help. it remains fact that trump and those around him lied and lied
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and lied again about their connections to russia. anti-anti-trump journalists want to use the steele controversy to score points of politicians and media institutions that they dislike, but if you choose, as a journalist or a consumer of journalism, to focus on smaller issues, you need to retain your perspective about what it is. so by all means, follow the trail on steele, be alert to how the twists of the trail block your view of the surrounding landscape, otherwise you may discover too late you have been misdirected and mislead and you have become a participant in the selling of a greater lie, and that, joe, also seems the like how democracy dies. >> well, david, it's fascinating
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that everybody that -- trump apologists are the anti-anti-trumpers steele dossier to say it's all a hoax. even andrew is saying it's all hoax and people run around saying russian hoax, russian hoax, as if it completely obliterates completely everything donald trump and his campaign did during the 2016 campaign, which, by the way, the republican intel committee took apart bit by bit and considered it a threat to america. >> part of the sickness of what the country's been to in the trump years was his ability to change our mind about what was wrong. so there are people -- and as you said, many of them are people who have done stallworth
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work and exposing donald trump in other areas of democracy. of course, the russians spied on the hillary clinton campaign and democratic activists in 2016 dumped all that stuff to expressly help donald trump. we ewell know that. those are all facts. but, you know, that's not a big deal. unless there's an exchange of letters between trump and putin, unless you can show they had a handshake deal -- well, there was a handshake deal with trump over moscow, but unless you've got the signature in blood, you don't have anything. and we have everything. we have everything we need to show one of the largest scandals in emerge history and there's now a project of retro speck active denial that want to score points off of hillary clinton and media institutions. >> david, they want to attack media institutions. it's their way to say, see,
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they're wrong about this. david, i want to let you go, but just for people at home that have been reading this anti-anti-trump disinformation, i want to read from marco rubio's senate intel committee report. i want to start with something i have and then we'll put up a full screen. taken as a whole, manafort's high-level access and share with closely affiliated intelligence services represented a grave counterintelligence threat. that's the republican senate intel committee chaired by marco rubio saying manafort's position on the trump campaign and the back and forth with individuals closely affiliated with russian affiliate services represented a, quote, grave intelligence threat to the united states of america. here's some more light reading. the committee found vladimir
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putin ordered the russian effort to back computer networks and accounts affiliated with the democratic party and lack information damaging to hillary clinton and her campaign for president. moscow's intent was to harm the clinton campaign, tarnish an expected clinton presidential administration, help the trump campaign after trump became the presumptive republican nominee, and undermine the u.s. democratic process, so said marco rubio's senate intel committee run by republicans. on the man who kicked off the federal investigation into the 2016 trump campaign, by the way, not steele, but the man who actually kicked it off? the committee found that papadopoulos likely learned about the campaign in as early as 2016 with a maltese academic
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with russian tice well before confirmation of the russian effort. they found papadopoulos communicated the information he learned to at least two separate foreign governments. the committee could not confirm that papadopoulos wanted the information. though the committee finds it implausible that papadopoulos did not do so. in other news, offering dirt on hillary clinton, this is what the intel committee with the chairman rote. committee assesses that at least two participants in the june 9, 2016 meeting -- have significant connections to the russian government, including russian intelligence services. and trump and senior campaign officials sought to obtain
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advance information about wikileaks planned releases through roger stone. at their direction, stone took action to gain inside knowledge for the campaign and shared his purported knowledge directly with trump and senior campaign officials on multiple occasions. trump and the campaign believes that stone had inside information and expressed sats fax thatstone's information suggested more releases. the so say it, the republican senate, intel committee report on russian threats to american democracy. david frum, with reference to the hoax, they're spreading hor shit. that's all they're doing. >> you put the emphasis on
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grave. the emphasis needs to be on the word "counterintelligence. wts one of the things that did go wrong, i said it over 100 times on television between 2017 and 2018, -americans were lead to believe that would be a criminal choice. you're not going to be able to formulate the crimes here. it's a loyalty threat, security threat. it's not illegal for an american business to do shady business with characters. it's not illegal for him to hope for a giants payday if he does what they want. it doesn't become a conspiracy because you bring people into it. what we need to be looking for is the question why did russia do this extraordinary thing in
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2016? russian has an economy the size of italy. everybody assumed hillary clinton would probably win. what a terrible risk they ran in 2016 to help someone who would probably lose. why did they do that. >>? why did they care so much? that is the mist. the answer is not going to be found by prosecuting crimes. it's going to be found through counterintelligence. >> a grave threat, by the way. a grave counterintelligence threat. >> grave. >> come on. >> so, david, i want to try to tie tie up the thread. if you go back and look at the
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struck our justice and the cooperation, not collusion, always a fake term, it makes the point you're making to great effect in your piece, but here's the way i want to tie these two things up. we now live in this world where as you say people have basically completely distorted this history, and i ask you as we go forward whether you have the fear that i have, which is that the 1/6 commission is going to have the same thing happen to it, that the trump people are going to run out the clock, we're not going to get to a conclusive answer at the end of next year. the republicans take control of the house. the committee ends, and when then liv in a twilight zone going forward where 1/6 has the same thing done to it that the relationship with trump has done to iit. it's you can't see the forest through the trees. >> it will go looking for crimes. that's not what you need to know. if i could make one reform to the mainstream media, stop book
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former federal prosecutors to talk about these issues because they put it into the box of -- i mean they -- it's fascinating to hear about the legalities of it. but what we want to know is what happened, why did it happen. people can do -- lots of things are wrong that are not criminal. united states has draconian punishments for crimes, so it often makes it dch to prove a crime. we don't need to send people to prison. we need to know when and why. stop thinking about this through the criminal justice lens and think about it through the threats of the democracy lens and seek acknowledgement, not punishment. >> mika, david is so right. you know, i've heard enough people saying so-and-so is going to go to jail for this or that. it's so important to see what they said. every time somebody says russian hoax, you know, they talk about
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what a grave threat it was. i want to follow up with what john just said. if you really believe it's a russian hoax because i have people who also aren't taking vaccines an also believe donald trump won the election, they'll say, well, what do you think about the russian hoax? and i'll say, listen, i'm not going to do your work for you. all you have to do is read the mueller report. i'm not is exactly sure why mueller didn't tie that thing up better than he did. it was really a disaster in presentation. but if you read the part -- everybody was talking about the ten obstruction of justice articles. if you really read that report, the really scary part for america democracy was the part on russia. if you read it and you aren't completely biased, it will scare the hell out of you still about what was going on in america presidential campaigns, but
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idiots just run around and write russian hoax. please. just stop. stop embarrassing yourself. >> it cease frustrating sfloo read rubio's report. stop humiliating yourself. read the mueller report, okay? stop playing to the lowest common denumber nadir. when a democrat does this, i'm going to tell you to be tough on them too. >> okay. the new piece for "the atlantic" is entitled, "there wasn't a hoax." they're volunteering to help him execute one of his big lies. david frum, thank you very much for being on this morning. and still ahead on "morning joe," musical genius at work. back in 1969 paul mccartney was filmed toig around with a few guitar riffs and sommelier
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ricks. it's just one of the remarkable moments featured in the new docuseries. we'll talk about it next on "morning joe." l talk about it n "morning joe." as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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smart kid, bill. oh oh so true. and now, the moon christmas special. gotta go! take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes switching fast and easy this holiday season. 33 past the hour. the new york attorney general's office released transcripts from the investigation into sexual harassment allegations against former governor andrew cuomo. the thousands of pages of documents and houshs of video testimony shows cuomo being questioned about those allegations. nbc news correspondent anne thompson has the details. >> reporter: over nearly 11 hours of questioning under oath about allegations of sexual harassment. >> if somebody were to sit on my
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lap, you know, i wouldn't -- i wouldn't push them off, you know, but as a general rule, no. >> reporter: then new york governor andrew cuomo was at times testy with investigators. >> do you understand what a girlfriend is. >> girlfriend means different things to different people. >> reporter: denying to officials that he asked lindsey boylan to play strip poker. >> never happened. >> and a photo published in "the new york times." >> do you remember asking her on occasion, can i kiss you? may i kiss you? >> no, i don't remember that. >> reporter: photos released by the new york attorney general's office. cuomo will be arraigned in january for allegedly groping an aide's breast at the executive mansion in december 2020. though not named in the complaint, the story mirrors that of executive assistant brittany commisso. >> i remember his hand just sliding right up my blouse.
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>> reporter: cuomo insists that never happened. >> it would be an act of insanity to touch a woman's breast and make myself vulnerable to a woman for such an accusation. >> all right. our thanks to anne thompson for that report. and the newly released documents also show that cuomo relied on a group of allies, including his younger brother, cnn anchor chris cuomo, in an effort to deflect and survive the sexual misconduct investigation. the recording reveal how the anchor appears to have played a larger role than has been previously known. that includes using his media contacts to provide information on the women who accused his brother and keeping tabs on
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reporters who were pursuing the stories. chris cuomo was actively in touch with the former governor's top aide at that time, melissa derosa. after reporting surfaced that one accuser, anna ruch, objecting to the governor kissing her at a wedding, kwis crow chris cuomo texted to derosa, i have a lead on the girl. another, rumor going around from politico. a spokesperson at cnn said the documents deserve a, quote, thorough review and investigation, adding, we will be having conversations and seeking additional clarity about their significance as they relate to cnn over the next several days. and up next, the beatles' final live concert ever. we're digging into the new dock
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series that takes a never-before-seen look at the month that led up to this rooftop show. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. ♪♪ biden: when i think about climate change the word i think of is jobs. these investments are a win win win for this country. creating jobs, cutting energy costs, protecting our climate. so let's not waste any more time. let's get to work. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪
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sheffield. he's also the author of "dreaming the beetles: the love story of one band and the whole world." rob, we talked about the beatles before at other events. i've never made any apologies, and i freaked my wife out because somebody will ask me a random beatles question, and i'm go jimmy nichols, and i'll just keep walking. what blokes me away, some people play golf. i listen to the beatles, i study the beatles. i'm not ashamed. it's been time well spent. and yet despite reading through all of their interviews, despite listening to all of their music, despite reading every book i could get on them, i watched this documentary, and it completely blew every preconception i had about 67 to
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70 host brian epstein and the break june. blew it all out of the water from everything i read over 40 years about my heros. >> everything we thought we knew about the beatles has completely changed. it's amazing all of this footage was sitting in a vault for over 50 years and now there's so much to feast on this. >> one thing i did know was that paul was superhuman in dragging them through '67, '68, '69 because a lot of them were -- you know, they were just sort of scattering. but paul, whether it was sergeant pepper and the concept, the backside of abbey road, he was always going, come on, boys, come on, come on, let's do it, we've got it in us, and you could see the exhaustion in his face saying, oh, my gosh, i don't know how much longer i can
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drag these guys over the finish line. >> he's writing, "hey jude," black bird" and others. you watch this and you could tell right away, this is a band that does not have a manager. >> and they say -- i think one of -- i think also -- and this is also what surprises me, too, because, again, even if they're my heroes, john heilemann, you always hear the bad things about them. john lennon's last week in '74. he acted horribly. over 50 years somebody is going to act out. i was taken by -- actually i know this is going to sound strange, how nice they were, how decent they were in that studio, especially to each other because we've read that they hated each other. but they would talk about mr. epstein, mr. epstein. and paul would say, i don't want to do this. john, you're the leader. i don't want to do this. i don't want to have to drach
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you guys in here. >> i think to rob's point, the first movie turns out to be one of the great pieces of misinformation or disinformation. even all of us doors who read every single beatles book and bootlegs, everybody is under an impression and now you go back and think, oh, not only was it not right. it was absolutely wrong. >> you know who else was under the disinformation? the beatles themselves. >> reading the stuff you've written about it, the two mole striking things is how much they loved each other and how much they were trying to hold together in this period. they're trying. it's like the centrifugal forces are pulling them apart, but they're in this realtime way trying to hold each other together because they love each other so much, and that's like the die mettic opposite of the
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original movie. and then you have this -- we've forgotten how great these songs were. you go back and watch them working on it, and it reignites your sense of, my god, is it the best beatles blum? no. is there amazing amaing work throughout the entire thing? yeah. those are the two biggest eye-opening things. they loved each other at the end and they were still making incredible music right up to the last date. >> they just released the white album. and then they said, let's do 14 songs rs we're going to learn them and play them. >> in 14 weeks. >> i want to go to join's point about, again, it's almost like they believed their own negative press. first of all, "let it be," for the biggest beatles fan, it's so
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depressing. then in '75 john lennon trashes everybody. and paul mckarltny preaching. how do you sleep at night. this was an ugly breakup. these guys hated each other. what i saw second after second -- this was probably the biggest shot other than how engaged john was was that extraordinary love and connection between paul and john, and you saw it every second with them looking in each other's eyes. it really was like nothing i've ever seen. >> it's unbelievably moving to see the scene, for instance, where paul is at the piano and starts playing "strawberry fields forever" and john is sitting at the end of the piano and he has to turn his face away because of how much it means to him. john is sing his most personal
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vulnerable songs and he cannot show his face to paul because he's afraid he's going to cry. >> by the way, his extraordinary book t lyrics h e was being interviewed. he was like, did you ever tell john you loved him? he was like, we are guys from liverpool. you don't do that. we see a great moment where george leaves. they ask john, what do we do if he's not back by tuesday. he said, we'll get clapton. he did it. that was like him being tough guy. then they have a secret -- in the most extraordinary moment, they have a secret mic in the flower pot in the cafeteria and they're talking the next day. here's john. hey, we've opened the wounds on this guy. the guy has gaping wounds. we put him there. it's our responsibility. we've got to bandage this guy. we've got to help him. and paul's agreeing. and suddenly you realize, that's where the cameras -- off camera
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-- these are brothers who love each other desperately even at the end. >> yeah. the conversation we never would have seen without the movie obviously sitting in the vault. the film is called "get back." there's a moment where we're present at the birth of this song "get back." it's paul mccartney picking on the guitar. the guys look bored. there's yawning. and then we hear a song come to be. let's listen. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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man ♪ wandered around thought he had it coming but he got it while he can ♪ no ♪ ♪ get back, get back ♪ ♪ get back to where you once belonged ♪♪ >> that is stunning to watch. go from a yawn to george picks up his guitar and ringo starts clapping. it's so rare to get a look at any position how they work but to see the birth of a song that iconic, it's just stunning. >> if somebody did the movie about the beatles and put this scene in it, you would laugh and say come on, so on the nose. but yet that was sitting in a vault 50 years. we had no idea they just whipped up "get back" out of thin air. >> one thing i love you pointed out in your piece, rob, obviously, for so long there was so much focus on yoko ono where paul jokes the beatles broke up because yoko sat on an amp, but
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all of those characters, yoko is one but linda mccartney, we joke about this so much they're in the room working on "long and winding road" and he's showing off for her, his new girlfriend, and at that point you said he's completely convinced he will spend the rest of his life to her, which he will, and he's the most famous bachelor in the world and he's 26. that's the most incredible thing. they seem not 26. they seem like they lived eons everybody by the time he's 26. and it's mind-blowing. >> they have the wisdom of those 66 and one thing to be said, they're timeless. that could have been a great group recording in london last week. they looked timeless in there. >> absolutely. and we see loyalty, so many
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beautiful moments they're protecting each other, when anyone tries to speak to him. the beatles can roast each other all day but if anybody who isn't a beatle steps in, they absolutely block them out. i love when the director is trying to get them talking about foreign locations and paul says straight out, ringo doesn't want to so we're not even thinking about that. end of discussion. i think he puts it, i think you'll find we're not going abroad. perfectly paul mccartney way to put it. >> diplomatic but, there's so -- john heilemann talked about this, there's so many moments like that. the director then goes to ringo starr. obviously this will be your last day. you don't need to show them. and ringo goes, who are you to say that? yes, we get grumpy with each other. we can knock each other because we're brothers, we're soulmates, but the rest of you, get out.
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same thing with yoko, when paul starts loving about yoko in this loving way. she's great. they're great together. that's one thing i saw about yoko and it's funny you saw in the gordon-reed say i love yoko but i do wonder how people create, i saw for the first time here -- because as a beatles' fan, you grow up, why isn't it just the beatles in the studio? why does yoko have a mattress on "the while album"? why is she in the studio? you realize john at that pointp cot be there without yoko by her side and with paul loving john the way he did and vice versa and them being that connected, he had to know. without yoko sitting through there, let's look at it differently, very patiently, right, when she's kind of bored, john wouldn't have been there. >> yeah, it's incredible. yoko and linda, mel evans -- >> i love mel. >> just a beautiful presence
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through the movie. >> and george harrison stood on the floor the entire thing. incredible. >> you know what's funny, the anvil sitting in the middle of the floor. by the way, talking about an open, gaping wound for john lennon. the practice john lennon doesn't want and they have john's anvil sitting there waiting to hit the two notes. bang, bang. maxwell, it's there the whole time. >> it's a great solo and i love the expression on his face, mel, can you get cigarettes and lunch? and can you get us a hammer and advil? and mel opens up at that point, i don't ask questions. >> by the way, who was your favorite sort of supporting actor/actress in the whole thing? >> i don't know. i like the hare krishna guy.
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that's the first guy you see, hare krishna friend on the floor. i think the styling presence the entire six hours. >> by the way, the director, he might as well have been for spinal tap. to show the patience of the beatles and how they can be extraordinarily diplomatic, i think a lot of rock bands would have thrown that guy out on his head. god bless him if he's watching right now. but, yeah, he kept pushing them and i don't think he quite realized who he was dealing with. >> he wouldn't listen to them. they keep letting him know what they're not going to do and going to do he keeps ignoring them throughout. >> again, showing what gracious, kind people they were even after this extraordinary superstardom. people ask me something, after the third time, they don't ask me a fourth time. i really think we should go to the studio. what the hell? >> any random ten-minute stretch of this has so much that we've
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wondered about, imagined about, listened to all of these years, there's so much in all of the details we're still absorbing. even for geeks like you and me who marathoned through the whole eight hours right away, we're going to keep going back to it. i think it's a classic and something we will keep rewatching forever. >> and the wonder of paul mccartney at the end. >> always. we're always trying to catch up with the mystery of paul mccartney. nothing to explain that guy. he's still that guy. he loves making music as much as anybody loves making music. he hates to step offstage. he made a record during the pandemic because he felt like it. >> if you haven't read the lyrics yet, that is just as revealing in many ways as this. we should get him on the show. >> we should. >> to talk about the lyrics. >> the book, the lyrics, even the intro he talked about his mom and dad in a way he's never opened up.
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deeply moving touching. extraordinary. this has been, as i was hoping, an extraordinary thanksgiving weekend for obsessive beatle fans and hopefully some of you who were just introduced to the beatles and actually great introduction to the beatles instead of seeing the old "let it be" of the movie thinking it was a grim breakup. it was night. the three-park docuseries "the beatles get back" streaming on disney plus. contributing editor rob stone, thank you very much. coming up -- quote, the terrifying future of the american right, columnist david brooks joins us to report on what he saw at a national conservatism conference. "morning joe" is coming back in two minutes. ♪ get back ♪ get back ♪
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it is the top of the hour. 8:00 on the east coast as you get a live look at the rockefeller plaza and the christmas tree, up and beautiful, getting ready to be lit. i believe that's wednesday night, one day away. welcome back to "morning joe." it is tuesday, november 30th. jonathan lemire, eddie claude jr. and susan del percio are still with us. and we want to turn now to the new reporting from "the washington post" that allies of donald trump are trying to remove some of the guardrails that prevented him from overturning the 2020 election. now according to "the post," trump and his supporters are pushing a plan to push loyalists in key election posts from poll watchers to precinct judges to county clerks and state
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attorneys general. the trump supporters seeking office claim they just want to secure the system. a spokesperson for the former president did not respond to a request for comment. joe? >> let's bring in columnist from "the new york times" and con trib thor to "the atlantic," david brook. his piece is titled "the terrifying future of the american right." david, terrifying look into the future. explain. >> terrifying for me. it was a conference in orlando in november called the national conservatism conference. it was some of the bright young thens that populate the building behind me, young heritage foundation staff, journalists and bunch of senators. senator cruz, senator hawley, marco rubio. the crew, the generation like me, were naive and we wanted the best for the country and didn't know how to get there. that is viewed as passe now.
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the left kept saying the left wants to destroy us, they despise america, hate america, there was a poplet olympia there. so you saw the intellectualism wake of the trumpism and they control everything and we need to fight back using state power. and that's not something i ever heard on the conservative side of things in the years i have been covering american conservatism. >> david, it's a question asked a lot over the last five or six years, but where have the bush, reagan, mitt romney, john mccain republicans landed in this trump era? where does someone like joe, for example, who left the party, what are they left with at this point when all of the trump and leftism seems to come from trumpism? >> they're fighting. if you go to mainstream places like conservative thinktank,
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there are people over there saying this is not the future of the republican party. they take on the critiques which say we have an elite, con glom rate of big tech corporations and media and there's a popular rebellion against that elite. they take that on board. and they argue trumpians are good at fighting culture war but they have no positive agenda. if you take sort of the folks who would have been in the bush administration, they moved to the right. little more for free trade, against foreign intervention. they want to use state power in different ways but to help working class. they have come to acknowledge it's a working class party but they're not nearly as populist in tone, not nearly as hysterical about immigration and not much as cultural warriors as what you would call the trumpian. >> david, susan del percio here, call me passe, very passe.
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still in the republican party trying to find a place top lad because it's still not with trumpism. something we've seen since the january 6th insurrection is republican state parties especially are drilling down into local races, they're drilling down into their operations as far as election workers. many i've heard things like steve bannon has targeted the top 20 clerks in the five states in which president trump lost to actually get them elected into positions. can you talk about the need for democrats to match this and to really instead of talking a lot of times at 20,000 feet to get down into the trenches to keep us a democracy? >> or even mainstream republicans. after i went to this national conservatism conference, i went out to oklahoma with a lot of trump people, west texas with trump people, and they were republicans but they were not
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this brand. they were not steve bannon. when i described to them what i just heard or what steve bannon might stand for, they looked at me like i was on mars. no, we're a free business party, free market party. that's still their party. go back to the russian revolution, a small vanguard that's really motivated and thinks about that stuff 24 hours a day can have immense power, and we happen to be an age where majorities don't rule right now. angry minorities rule. this is not only true in america, it's true across the western world. you're seeing people of this sort in france, about the run for president, the tucker carlson of france. and these are people on the move because of the information age there's a lot of resentment about what's perceived as the cultural elite. >> i wanted to pick up on what you said about culture wars and what you heard there. it seems as a republican strategist recently said it
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seems like elites own the list. it's not about policy or ideas for constituents, it's simply about the gotchas. i wanted to get your thoughts on what you heard there, particularly we've heard from senator josh hawley even on things like manhood, manhood, the left, big bird, whatever it might be, what is the animated principle on these culture wars you heard? >> it's based on the idea there's a culture in sort of coastal cities that is not the real american culture and trying to take away church, trying to take away manhood. josh hawley's interesting. donald trump doesn't have to talk about manhood. hawley is like a preserve, trying to fake it. but he understands the issues that resonate. i think it's interesting to me, culture wars, trump was culture wars, not a policy president. what was interesting to me is what emerged on the right. to the lesser extent of the ted cruz, we need to move beyond cultural wars. we don't control the media or corporations, we only have a
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shot at controlling state. we have to use state power to enforce some sort of basic american rule. that's why there's some great fuver for victor hoar bong, the authoritarian that uses state law to ban teaching of trans gendererism in schools and other things. they want to move beyond the culture wars, which they can win, to actually using government. you couldn't say a lot of this stuff on the republican party ten years ago. but now it's very sayable by people like marco rubio who say corporations are not our friend. corporations are the enemy. we need to break them up and regulate them. that's just a different republican party than a lot of us are used to. >> david, good morning, this is eddie glaude. right to see you. >> good to see you. >> let me ask you a basic question. what you heard, would you describe it as fundamentally liberal? >> there's a difference. some people are there are
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blatantly illiberal. and they're saying that, they wrote a book, liberalism is not a failure. others say no, no, we still need normal democratic elections and liberal institutions. so the effort of this conference is to marry those who say liberalism is done but to those who say i'm liberal but i'm against the left. so there's a debate about that. but it's striking to me how we were raised with the idea liberal democracy, that's our system. that's what won the cold war. that's what won world war ii and that's now a very much open question across the western world. >> david, we grew up believing in liberal democracy and as conservatives, we grew up believing in small government. the government that governs least governs best, et cetera, et cetera. but you're right, you now have
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illiberal forces claiming to be forces who once again want to use state power. it's laughable how governors like "dancing" and abbott declare themselves to be conservatives and yet they're telling businesses what they can and cannot do to keep themselves safe. we see that time and time again. i do want, if you could for us, underline the point you made before, that we talked about this, you can't say all republicans are this or all trump supporters are that. because i can tell you a lot of the trump people in my neighborhood, people who voted for trump, you start talking about it, we don't talk politics much, but if trump says something crazy they will like see me walking around the block and laugh and roll their eyes and laugh and say good lord, did you see what he said today? it wasn't celebratory. it's like we can't wait we can
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vote for desantis or vote for somebody else. you're right, a lot of people vote for trump because they're pro business, they still believe in free trade, they still believe in small government. it's not out there in the national press, but democrats should not underestimate that force out there as well. >> that's for sure. because of covid, i didn't get a chance to do much reporting for a year and a half and now i'm out in the states and it's so refreshing because you find exactly what you just described, joe. you find people who are republicans for the traditional reasons. or i was in southern virginia during the governor's race and people are angry about how their kids are treated, they don't want their kids learning that america is a bad country. and they're not hyped up on whatever steve bannon is smoking. they're out there. the question is, do they have institutional power, do they have voice? are republican senators running for office afraid of them? and one of the guys at the conference, this guy j.d. vance, who so many people will know
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from "hillbilly elegy," the book and movie, he's figured out where's the party? and he's gone full trump. until the authority can make the j.d. vances of the world think you got to be with us, not steve bannon, then it's a pretty impotent majority. >> david's new piece for "the atlantic" is titled "the terrifying future of the american right." david brooks, thank you so much for being on this morning. now to coronavirus, amid growing concern over the newly identified omicron variant of covid-19, president biden is urging americans to stay calm and repeating his pleas for everyone to get vaccinated. nbc news national correspondent gabe gutierrez has the latest. >> reporter: with the new covid variant omicron spreading around the world, president biden said he's not considering any widespread u.s. lockdown. >> this variant is a cause for concern, not a cause for panic.
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>> reporter: the president, of huddling with public health advisers over the weekend, now says the white house is working with machine manufacturers to develop vaccines or boosters against omicron if needed. >> the best protection against this new variant or any of the variants out there, the ones we have been dealing with already, is getting fully vaccinated and getting a booster shot. >> reporter: the cdc is stressing that people 18 and older should get a booster. it comes as the biden administration's new travel restrictions for eight south african countries take effect. they bar foreign visitors to the u.s. but not american citizens trying to get home. other countries such as israel, morocco and japan are launching even more drastic steps, banning all travelers as a growing list of countries confirm omicron cases, including canada. new york city reinstituted its indoor mask advisory, regardless of vaccination status. >> we have notification that it has arrived in ontario, which is literally across the bridge from
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where i live. i can see canada from my house. >> reporter: with stranded passengers at johannesburg airport, south africa's president said the travel restrictions are an overreaction. some doctors saying the variant symptoms are mild. >> are our hospitals overwhelmed? no. >> reporter: but there are mounting questions about omicron's transmissibility, resistant to vaccines and severity of symptoms. here's what we know so far, based on very limited evidence from south africa, this new strain appears to be highly contagious. here's what we don't know, whether the variant is more deadly than previous ones and where our existing vaccines work as well against it. all three manufacturers in the u.s. are testing them right now. >> it's highly likely there will be a loss of vaccine efficacy and effectiveness but whether we will have to tweak the current vaccines, we just don't know. we have to wait a couple weeks until we get the key data. >> reporter: moderna's chief medical officer said omicron's
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specific vaccine should take months to manufacture. >> should americans start getting used to the idea they may need a covid vaccine or covid booster perhaps every year, much like the flu shot? >> i think so, gabe. these beta coronaviruses we see this, they become endemic. they just remain in societies. >> and one of the reasons for that is because not everyone is vaccinated. meanwhile, a good sign for the airline industry coming out of the holiday weekend. the transportation security administration screened close to 2.5 million people at security checkpoints across the country on sunday, making it the busiest day for air travel since the beginning of the pandemic. in all, tsa acts screened more than 14 million people last week, more than double the number of people who flew for the thanksgiving holiday last year. the busiest travel day in tsa's history remains the sunday after
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thanksgiving in 2019. willie? >> yep, people moving through airports out on the roads pre-pandemic levels. john, this is omicron variant, we should point out, we don't know a lot about it yet. it's likely here but we haven't seen any cases here. we hope it's not what it's been advertised to be. but this sort of reinforces the truth for this administration and for this president, nothing is solved until covid is solved. >> it's the defining mission of the presidency. he was elected to manage the pandemic. he got the vaccine distribution program up and running in the springtime with real success. white house aides acknowledged they were caught off guard by the delta surge over the summer. they regret the 4th of july celebration where the president declared independence from the virus. we see cases start to tick up again. as far as the variant, there's a lot we don't know. south africa cases seem mild so far but also younger patients. we will have to see what happens when older folks are affected. also, the head of moderna said
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there's a real chance their vaccine may not be quite as effective against this variant. the white house is trying to mobilize, the message, of course, get vaccinated. get your first shot, second shot and booster if you haven't yet. the president are outline more of his plan thursday. we will have to see if there are other measures put in place. the other concern, how to be the messenger. they feel like so much of the country tuned out the president, tuned out dr. fauci even, who has become a polarizing figure through no fault of his own, vilified on the right. they're looking for another face to be out there. the doctor we had on the show yesterday retiring so he might be less available going forward as well. but this is something they're prepared for. they're thrown for a little bit of a loop in terms of how bad it is. it just won't be known for a couple of weeks. >> and they know there's no appetite in this country for another round of lockdowns and everything that came with the first round. >> no, there's not, but there are things you can do to protect yourself. it's pretty basic at this point and it's scientists showing itself to be true and safe and
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that's vaccines and masks, when necessary. coming up -- juan of jeffrey epstein's closest confidantes is facing the possibility of decades in prison after being accused of heinous crimes. an update on the criminal trial of alleged sex trafficker ghislaine maxwell next on "morning joe." ning joe." you might feel bothered by it. so talk to a urologist. because a bend in your erection might be peyronie's disease or pd. it's a condition that involves a buildup of scar tissue. but, it's treatable. xiaflex is the only fda- approved nonsurgical treatment for appropriate adult men with peyronie's disease. along with daily penile stretching and straightening exercises, xiaflex has been proven to help gradually reduce the bend. don't receive if the treatment area involves your urethra, or if you're allergic to any collagenase or any of the ingredients. may cause serious side effects, including: penile fracture or other serious injury during an erection, and severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. seek help if you have any of these symptoms.
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epstein, telling the jury the defendant was trafficking kids for sex. that is what this trial is all about. maxwell, the daughter of a british media mogul and epstein's former girlfriend, faces six criminal counts, all focused on a decade-long period between 1994 and 2004, when federal prosecutors say she helped recruit four underage girls to have sex with epstein, and in some instances, participated in the abuse herself. the prosecution details the experiences of one of those girls, who was just 14 when she allegedly met maxwell at a summer camp. prosecutors say her abuse went on for years when the girl was 15, then 16. then had a playbook. first they got access to young girls. then they gained their trust. the defense arguing maxwell is being blamed for crimes allegedly committed by epstein, who took his own life in 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. the defense calling maxwell a convenient stand-in, arguing the
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four victims at the center of the case saying they will point their finger at ghislaine maxwell. there's nobody else to point their finger at. they say maxwell was in charge of managing epstein's properties and one of many who fell victim to his manipulation. maxwell's seen arriving to court amid a swell of cameras. maxwell, her sister. maxwell has pleaded to not guilty. the trial is expected to last six weeks. >> that was nbc's stephanie gosk reporting. coming up -- tiger woods gives his first in depth interview since that devastating car crash last february. what he's saying about his future and his hope for a return to competitive golf. "morning joe" is coming right back. ♪♪
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welcome back. tiger woods is speaking out for the first time since that terrifying crash in january, talking about his health, his fears and future. nbc news correspondent miguel almaguer has the latest. >> reporter: could another comeback be in store for tiger woods? speaking out about his golfing future after his devastating accident. the golf legend says he won't ever play full time again but he does think he'll be on the pga tour in the future. >> i think something that is realistic is playing in the tour one day.
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never full time, never again. i can choose, like mr. hogan did, pick and choose a few events a year and play around that. you practice round it to gear yourself up and play. >> reporter: the 30-minute interview with "golf digest" comes after he released this clip of his swing on social media with the message, making progress. but the road to full recovery remains long and uncertain. >> i'm not wolverine, though sometimes i think i am. >> reporter: in february woods flipped his car colliding with a tree at 75 miles per hour. >> we have a rollover with someone trapped. >> reporter: the accident leaving him severely injured. surgeons stabilized his right leg and foot with a rod and screws. now after months of recovery, tiger admits he did fear the leg might have to be amputated. >> there was a point in time when i wouldn't say 50/50, but it was not sure whether or not i would walk out of the hospital with one leg.
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>> one of the things that sticks out about his recovery so far is he thought he would be quicker, further along. which shows the kind of person he is. >> reporter: the accident also gives woods a new appreciation for simple pleasures. >> i'm just happy to be able to go out there and watch charlie play or go in the backyard and have an hour or two by myself, no one talking, no music, no nothing. i just hear nature and birds chirping. that part i sorely missed. >> reporter: woods comparing his recovery to climbing mt. everest, saying he doesn't think it's realistic to get all the way to the top of the mountain again. >> our thanks to nbc's miguel almaguer for that report. coming up, how are the markets absorbing the latest threat from covid-19? a new variant of the virus was not on anyone's list this holiday season, but that's exactly what we got. stephanie ruhle spoke with the ceo of mattel and she joins us
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with that, straight ahead on emergency emergency. emergency. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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through a wisconsin christmas parade earlier this month now faces an additional count of first degree intentional homicide. six people were killed, more than 40 others injured when darrell brooks barreled through the parade in waukesha with his suv. prosecutors charged him with five counts of first degree intentional homicide last week. at the time they said they would consider a sixth charge after a young boy died of his injuries. investigators say brooks was fleeing the scene of a domestic disturbance when the attack happened. twitter co-founder jack dorsey is stepping down as the social media giant ceo. dorsey says he made the decision to let the company move on from is its founders, adding it was
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his choice, say, there was a lot of talk about the importance of being founder led. ultimately i believe that's what will prove this was the right move. the chief parag ago ra wall will be appointed the ceo. dorsey will remain until the board expires next year. >> he said he wanted to go off, have time to spend with beer, his family. more important things. >> there's a lot of manicuring. >> come on, it's hard. president biden hosted the ceos of several major retails at the white house yesterday to discuss the government's effort of dealing with surging inflation and global supply chain bottlenecks. sectors from grocery store chains all took part and the senior administrator from
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mattel, including nbc news senior correspondent stephanie ruhle. >> i was very impressed n95 -- and encouraged by the keen partnership the president biden is showing with supporting the private sector and collaborating with retailers, with suppliers to make sure there's enough product on shelves for the holiday season. >> so are all of these headlines overblown that shelves are empty and santa won't be here for christmas? >> it's not that we're not facing challenges but we're able to work through them, and do our best to meet as much as we can from the demand we are seeing out there. >> and stephanie joins us live in the studio before we turn things over for her hour in the studio next. is the supply chain crisis getting better, is that what you heard? >> it's definitely improving. walmart's ceo said he has seen a 26% increase in the amount of
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cargo ships making their way through congested ports. mattel's ceo said he's seeing improvements. these big, big producers said they have been planning for this for months, the shelves are not empty. it's not to say supply chain issues are solved or not, it's going to take time. remember, we underinvested in our ports for years and years. there are no technological advancements there. but are things improving? 80% will tell you 100%, without a doubt. >> so what is leading to the improve the, why is the bottleneck loosening a bit? >> opening the ports 24/7 did make a difference. we know people are going back to, would. there are public and private partnerships where the government is working with the businesses. the businesses we should be most worried about are the small businesses, joe. >> right. >> walmart owns the supply chain. they can figure this out. >> right. >> walmart, their margins are so big and scale is so big, they don't have to raise their prices but if you run a small
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mom-and-pop shop, you have to raise your prices. it's hard to get stuff. the businesses that are most concerned about, small retailers. >> we talk about family restaurants, family hardware stores, local businesses because they had to endure the pandemic, they had to deal with that, they had to deal with the disruption. they can't find the workers. they're having to pay workers a lot more than they can afford on their very small margins. and now this. >> the big businesses can do it. we're living in two very distinct economies. these major companies have made more money than ever. they can afford to pay up for workers, that's good for workers. but for small businesses, it's really rough. >> let's talk about the markets on friday? was it friday such a crash. monday, you know, willie and i invest in dog tracks -- don't invest in dog tracks, we just go to the dog tracks. yesterday afternoon around 5:00, wonder how the market did. i switched and it's red and i
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refreshed and, boop, all green. are the businesses freaked out on friday about the new variant, i won't even say it because i can't pronounce the name right, did they wake up saturday morning and say maybe we shouldn't have done that? >> it's the businesses but, remember, it's investors. all sorts of investors. when you get news like this, you think back to last summer. you saw the delta variant, the delta variant did change our behavior. suddenly you saw travel restrictions announced friday you go hold on a second, this is going to kill hotels, this is going to kill airlines. then yesterday came, over the weekend came, maybe this variant isn't as scary as one thought. remember, we're going to be lived with covid a long time. >> don't you think that's what's being factored in now? i was just talking about flying up to laguardia. i've done it a million times. first time a plane ever been vectored over washington. traffic was so heavy. get into laguardia. last night alex and i go out to
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eat, the place, i have never seen a restaurant as packed. of course, you show your vaccine card. it was just -- i laughed on the way out. i said to alex, wow, these people are really concerned. it's like -- and willie was saying this too, listen, we're going to live with this. we're not going back in our apartments for another year and a half. we're going to figure out how to work through this. >> okay, but what needs to get solved, how is it our airplanes, restaurants and bars and sporting events are packed but our office buildings are still empty? >> by the way, "the new york times," i saw yet another thing -- let me say this, i'm sure this is very unpopular and i'm certainly not talking about anybody who works for "morning joe." you do whatever you want to do because we love you. okay, but i've seen one -- and at times doing it but in the business section, one sunday times business section after another, they're talking about young workers who are getting crushed, who don't have the ability to go up to somebody
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that's been around for 20 years going hey, what do i do here? they're afraid to ask the questions over zoom that they have no problems sticking their head into an office. i just can't emphasize enough how terrible that is for young workers. >> we know how to do our jobs. we've been doing them for a very, very long time. >> and let's just say, we made a lot of mistakes in the office where our bosses said, don't do that. >> and we also have the opportunity of being in a conference room saying, i have an idea and someone saying let me give you a chance. that's something a lot of young people are actually missing out on. they're saying i'm comfortable working from home and like this new lifestyle and they may not realize the opportunity to collaborate, not necessarily five days a week, but to be together and get a real mentor or real opportunity, that's a difference between a career and a job. >> i will tell you, my mentor in law, willie, was ed moore. i think back to ed, i love him. he's like a dad to me. i think back to the times ed
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called me to the office and said sit down. he said scarborough, this isn't how you do it. and he just -- write up the paper, rewrite it. give it back and say, go back and do it right. what did i do? i went back and really focused on it. i didn't want that meeting to happen again. he was respectful to me but it was him taking time to actually teach me how to write a pleading properly and it made all of the difference in the world. >> yeah, there's no question, we all sound like old folks but it's the way we got where we are. stephanie points out, we are. but, steph, at some point it's a choice. new york city is 90% vaccinated. it's safe to be in new york. it's safe to come back into your office and into your building but maybe things are changing in a permanent way that we haven't fully grappled with yet. >> when you talk to business leaders privately, they will say i'm dyeing to get my employees back, not to crack the whip but because there's a difference between a business functioning
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and operating and optimizing. right when you think about that optimization for so many businesses, that's not happening. some tech businesses have said, guess what, we can work for home forever but for others there's a missing link. businesses are trying to solve for it. >> do we have a sense what the occupancy rate is across the hudson? >> it remains low and to get the hard numbers is difficult because you're not going to find people that want to share them. certainly not anyone who owns a building in this town. >> let's talk about the tale of two economies. you have outrageous numbers as far as people going back to work. i think adjusted gdp growth. the numbers are just fantastic. we really with all of the money swarming out there in the economy, something that scares the hell out of me as far as inflation goes. but it's going to just -- i think the economy is just going to keep improving over the next year. what is the outlook for businesses going into 2022? are most of the ceos you're
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talking to optimistic? >> absolutely across the board optimistic, right? when you think about where their stock is trading, for the most part, companies are very, very happy. they're in hiring mode. their problem is they can't hire enough people. you're seeing wages go up, not just for low-wage jobs but more and more companies are adjusting the wages for employees all across the board. america has cash right now. that's not to say everyone does. the vulnerable, more economically challenged america is still suffering. the biden administration is trying to solve for that. we know come next year social security payments, they always get adjusted for inflation, we're going to see the biggest inflation adjustment we've seen in years. >> right. >> people on fixed incomes need that. but are we in an economic recovery? we absolutely are. the question is, can the biden administration convince america of that? right now they're not. >> one final quick question because usually when you talk about immigration, it's the culture wars, it's what's going on in the southern border.
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but let's just talk economics for a second. i'm a conservative guy. i always have been. i always told people i'm very conservative about immigration. the first thing you do when you come to our country shouldn't be to break our law. i think somebody in pakistan deserves as much of a right to come to this country as somebody in el salvador. >> and ceo of twitter comes from india. >> they should do it legally and we want immigrants. look at silicon valley. it's extraordinary. but some of these jobs that we keep complaining about that we can't fill, when are we going to have more policymakers drawing a line between drops in immigration, legal immigration, and these jobs that we can't fill. >> you might want to run for office, joe scarborough. that's exactly it. we hear about so many people saying, listen, people aren't going back to work or they're finding different jobs that are higher-paying jobs. that's great. we want them to do that. the president passing the
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infrastructure bill creating new, higher-paying jobs. that's great. that doesn't mean these other jobs will not need to be filled, they are. addressing immigration can absolutely do that. the question is, when will someone do that? instead we wring our hands at the border. address it. there are jobs here. >> good warmup. your show starts in 12 minutes. stephanie ruhle at 9:00 a.m. much more with her interview of ceo of mattel. coming up next -- movie theater attendance has yet to recover from the pandemic but it's not just the pandemic keeping moviegoers away. we'll explain on "morning joe." ♪♪ mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show
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and mommy always keeps her promises. seriously? oh. - what the- i don't suppose you can sing, can you? watch the full story at - hi, i'm steve. - i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - i'm a retired school counselor. [lea] i'm a retired art teacher. [steve] we met online about 10 years ago. as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the thing missing was my memory.
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tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. this is the new world of work. ask your doctor about nucala. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes... the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. whatever the new world of work takes your business, the world works with servicenow. what the world needs now... is people. people who see healthcare a little bit differently. where technology helps doctors provide more precise care... leading to faster, better outcomes and puts improved health in all of our hands.
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beautiful live picture of the united states capitol 8 minutes before the hour. a new study shows just about half of pre-pandemic movie goers no longer are buying tickets. the study conducted by industry consultants and research firms also found 8% of moviegoers may have been lost forever. how did they figure that out? researchers found that peoplebu concerned about price, value and safety. one says that the research shows that theaters are suffering because the pandemic intenified already the trends under way. this is the definition of a perfect storm. >> and have you been back to the theater? >> i have. not as much as i had been, but they have been safe places if you look at the data to spend an evening. >> i love it. i feel like i'm getting away with something.
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and phones dune, it was an extraordinary movie, but when you can see it at home, that is cutting into the tickets. >> and people have big screens. not the same experience, but -- >> i have an old magnavox. it works. >> so following black friday and cyber monday, we have arrived today at a day to give back. it is known as giving tuesday. it is an idea that began in new york city back in 2012. and now has grown into a global movement. joining us now, the creator of giving tuesday, henry timms, company author of the new book "new power." and we should point out he is president and ceo of lincoln
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center. i couldn't believe it has been ten years. take us back to the genesis of the idea. >> this was a simple idea. we had black friday, cyber monday, what about giving tuesday, thinking about how we could all give back. and that idea started at the 92nd street y but has grown all around the world and is now in 80 countries. last year in the u.s. alone, it generated over $2.47 billion in support of the nonprofit industry. and i think it is such a good example that caught on like wildfire at a time where there are so many bad stories, so many stories about things that divide us. this is a story about people coming together that says something important about who we are. >> and if you look at it, i get that this is a credit to what you built, in my email box, i get as many emails about giving
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tuesday as i do about cyber monday. this has become global. >> people keep getting behind the idea. you look at just today the food bank of new york city, four times your donation. if you make a company nation to new york city today which is such an important part of our city, michael j. fox foundation today, two times the donation. those important calls to you, willie. and so across the country, this is a great daily give. but i'd say this too, it is not just good because it helps someone else. it is good because it helps you. one of the really interesting things about giving is the data all supports the benefit it has around living longer, less anxiety, less depression, a better sense of goodwill and a time that that is such a good problem giving actually helps us as individuals and even the communities. one thing we're seeing, everything in the world now makes it easier to divide us. so those things that actually make us come together, though rituals are so important and giving tuesday today all around
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the world people of all different background faiths, opinions are coming together. >> and for morehouse college, if you want to give, do so. what does it mean to have giving tuesday in the context of what we've experienced with covid? to think outside of sources, to think in this way. talk about that. >> i think that we are all facing this huge interruption to everything that we kind of took for granted. and especially in the nonprofit sector. so many organizations which matter so much go on year after year after year, but you have this thinking that they really need you right now. so you think about the things that you care about most in your world, at a time as we heard in the last segment, for some the economy is doing very well, for others it is more challenging. but if you are in a position to make a gift today of time, of money, of whatever you can do, as we try to come out of this dreadful period, it is such a gift beyond the money or beyond the moment. it is a gift of humanity to
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somebody else. >> so shifting to your other job running lincoln center, we were talking about movie theater attendance being down. are people coming back to theaters? there seems to be a real hunger for the arts in new york city. >> you can imagine new york city without the arts? it is not the same place. we've been very fortunate at lincoln center in the sense that we've seen audiences back with great confidence, we've seen audiences back with great excitement. if you step into the theaters at lincoln center and you see the first night an ochestra plays after two years, that is what you will never forget. and there is a connection in lincoln center and giving tuesday. we need more communal moments. we can have our solo expense, but this country needs more communal experience. so things like the arts and philanthropy play a role in bringing us all together.
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>> as a resident of the lincoln center area, when you came back to life, the neighborhood came back to life. all the restaurants. it is such a critical hub of our city, so glad to see you back and thriving. and thank you for what you do with giving tu. tuesday. it is a great idea. and one example is called ground swell, a company that aims to give employees individual accounts where they can choose where they want to make contributions. ground swell just announced it has raised $15,000 and its founder is jake wood who previously left team rubicon, a group of veterans that goes out in disaster zones and does good. if jake wood is behind it, you can bet that it will be good. that does it for us. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage right now. i'm live at msnbc headquarters here in new york city.
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it is tuesday, november 30th, and we have all the facts that you need to know, so let's get smarter. we start with new details about covid omicron variant. the situation changing by the minute. with new cases popping up in countries around the world including japan and the french territory of the reunion of the indian ocean. and just this morning, regeneron saying that its antibody drug cocktail loses effectiveness against this variant. all this as president biden urges caution here at home. >> this variant is a cause for concern, not a cause for panic. the best protection, i know you are tired of hearing me say this, the best protection against this new variant or any of the variants out there, the ones that we've been dealing with already, is getting fully vaccinated. getting a booster shot. >> are lockdowns off the table? >> yes, for now. >> why is that? >> because
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