tv Craig Melvin Reports MSNBC December 2, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PST
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good thursday morning. i'm chris jansing in for craig melvin. a busy hour. first, we're tracking a possible deal to a government shutdown. in the last couple hours house democrats announced they have a plan to keep the lights on and the doors open before tomorrow's midnight deadline, but isn't there always a but? a handful of republicans are determined to let the clock run out unless congress pulls funding from the white house's vaccine mandate. any second now speaker nancy pelosi will take to the podium
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for her weekly news conference. we'll be listening closely for any and all updates. and breaking news, a second omicron variant case detected in the u.s. the minnesota department of health has detected the virus in a minnesota resident with recent travel history to new york city. that's a big development that comes just hours before president biden is set to lay out his winter plan to combat covid, including that new omicron variant. the plan includes getting booster shots to all adults, vaccinating a lot more children, expanding free at-home testing and testing all international travelers who are coming into the u.s. within 24 hours of travel regardless of vaccination status. now, to give you an idea of how seriously some folks are taking this variant, take a look at this photo. this is an air china flight crew at lax. they are taking no chances in full hazmat gear.
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also this morning, supporters of abortion rights are preparing for a possible worst case scenario after the supreme court heard arguments yesterday in front of it. at this hour we're tracking brand new talk in the senate of trying to codify roe v. wade protections into law. that's coming from susan collins. let's start with the president's winter pandemic plan. kristen welker is at the white house. heidi przybyla is with us and i also want to bring in the senior scholar at the bloomberg school of public health. good to have you all here on a busy thursday morning. >> president biden is going to be speaking at the nih later today when he rolls out his plan to combat covid. a winter strategy, if you will.
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and essentially it includes a number of different measures aimed at increasing the response to covid-19. particularly in the wake of revelations of this new variant. so it includes plans to ramp up vaccines and boosters. how will the administration do that? well, some of the ideas on the table include expanding pharmacy hours. expanding those notifications that people are getting that they are, in fact, eligible to get vaccinated and to get boosted. expanding free at-home testing. chris, this is a really significant one. the administration saying that it will reimburse people for at-home tests and expand the number of at-home tests that are available. a lot of people have said that it's difficult to access them. there's a wait period. the administration trying to cut down on that. also a stronger public health protocol for international travel. what does that mean? well, that means all international travel regardless of citizenship has to have a
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negative covid test a day before entering the united states. workplace protections including asking businesses to require vaccines or wearing masks. also ramping up rapid response teams and supplying treatments, global vaccination efforts redoubling, all of those things. so this is a really all hands on deck response as the administration tries to deal with the new omicron variant. and i was thinking as you were talking at the top about plans to fund the government, plans to try to pass the president's agenda. the main issue for this president, for this white house is covid. everything else hinges on that. without that, his presidency is in real peril. >> without a doubt. doctor, i want to ask you about your take on the president's new directives he's going to officially announce this afternoon. the white house has told us what they are going to be. some folks say it's not even enough as far as that goes. but also, you introduced this new variant into the mix.
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let me get your reaction to that as well. >> well, i think that it's always been a goal to get home tests ubiquitously available. cheap, easy to do. the plan doesn't go far enough. if people have to fill out paperwork to get reimbursement, they aren't going to use them. we have to think about them as public health. we have to make these available so the people don't have to do anything to get them. there's going to be process involved. that's not going to allow them to be used optimally. the omicron variant is the new normal. we are going to see new variants and it's not surprising this emerged in a part of the world where 25 % of the population is fully vaccinated. until we get first and second doses into people around the world, we're going to continue to be at risk for new variants causing major disruptive forces in this country. >> so the average person who is out there hearing okay, now we've got another case. person traveling to new york city, the first case in
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california. the person had been in south africa. we know how quickly these things can start to snowball. what's your message to the average person out there besides if you're not vaccinated, get yourself to a place where you can get a shot? >> there's no reason to panic. this was expected. we knew they were going to be cases in the united states that weren't related to travel to south africa. i think this is something that people have to anticipate. what's important to remember is right now delta is still spreading all over this country. it is still killing about 1,000 people a day. it is skill crushing hospitals particularly in rural areas. the same measures you need to do to keep yourself from delta will apply to omicron. that's getting vaccinated and getting test first down you've been exposed or if you have symptoms. all of that is going to apply equally to delta and omicron. we have tools. this isn't march of 2020. we know a lot about this virus. we know what are risks and high risks and low risks. we're not helpless.
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i think we have the tools. we just need people to start using them a lot more. >> one of the things we just learned minutes ago while you were speaking is that the new york governor is going to be speaking to this exact case that, again, involves somebody with travel to new york city who had gone to a convention. in the meantime, i know heidi has been speaking with experts on where we are right now. on the president's new measures to fight this pandemic. and the omicron variant. obviously there's a big juggling act that continues to go on in this white house. >> yeah. chris, no doubt. all of these measures are important, but here's why public health experts are still concerned. because they are all essentially accelerations of existing strategies that we have in place. vaccination, testing, but if you look outside of our borders, you can see so clearly how our domestic politics, specifically gop opposition to tracking vaccinations is really hurting public health as well as
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potentially our economy. chris, in the much of the western world, it is becoming increasingly impossible. a year and a half into this pandemic to live life without being vaccinated. in the european union, the creation of green passports or scanned qr codes to allow people into public venues like dining, entertainment. all of these things that are made impossible by our domestic politics. listen to a public health expert who operates in 90 different countries from her perspective of what we are doing that is getting it so wrong. take a listen. >> in my personal opinion, the u.s. is lagging behind. we have an administration that has not given the same consistent messages to to t year and a half and two years and we don't see enough actions. we don't see digitizing of vaccine i.d.s. we don't see green passports. we seem them in other countries.
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>> reporter: now, it is her business to digitize all of this. but she's also uniquely positioned, give than she does operate in 90 different countries, and to those who say that we can't do this here because we're too spread out, we have a federalized system, she says in france, for instance, there was a very strong anti-vaccination campaign, a very strong anti-vaccination sentiment,s and once they did the passports, they went from 20 % vaccinated to about 82 % vaccinated. >> okay. thank you for that. i want to go to capitol hill now. nancy pelosi has taken to the podium. she just said she expects the continuing resolution vote today to fund the government. take a listen. >> uniform depend on that. our veterans depend on that. there's so much in the legislation that addresses our national security and, again, the sooner we can pass the full bill, the better. in so many respects.
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so, again, we're very pleased that this went into the night so we didn't have anything last night to give you until this morning. so that's it for the cr as we -- anticipate the senate taking up the build back better legislation which is, of course, very important to the american people in terms of lowering costs, lowering costs of prescription drugs, lowering their taxes for the middle class. build bigger paychecks by building the infrastructure of america both with the biff and with the bbb as well as making the future better for our children. as we enter the holiday season, we have to address all of that, and the question of supply chain, inflation, all the rest, the legislation that we have passed addresses much of this, and we have more legislation to
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come. in the bipartisan infrastructure bill, it's secured $17 billion for ports and waterways. >> we're going to listen to nancy pelosi, but let's go to governor hochul talking about the omicron case in new york city. >> we have been in touch with the center. i spoke with allen still a few minutes ago. i have been in contact with new york city. spoke to the mayor. an individual i'm going to be introducing shortly, our new health commissioner, has also been in touch with the new york city department of health. the information is still evolving. we understand that this individual while they are vaccinated, they have very mild symptoms and the symptoms have already resolved. that is good news. and what we want to make sure we know is that there is one way to address this. new yorkers, get vaccinated. get boosted.
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and get ready. we do anticipate there will be more cases. but to the extent that they are mild, we'll address them. this is not cause for alarm. again, it was foreseen ever since it was first reported out of south africa. we knew it would come to new york state at point. i want all new yorkers to know their state government in collaboration with our local governments, our cities and our counties are prepared for this. we are ramping up our efforts to get more vaccinations out there. ensure there's no area of the state where someone can -- we believe the vast majority of the state is covered now. testing is wildly available, and we encourage people who have been at a conference recently during the dates of november 18th and 22nd, that they also get tested. we're going to make sure everyone knows. we have a way to contact the individuals. there is a list of individuals who attended and also they were vaccinated in order to go into this conference in the first
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place. so no confirmed cases in the state of new york. however, we are very aware of the fact that it is likely soon that someone is going to test positive for this. we've been ready. we're prepared. we're not sounding the alarms. we're not overreacting, but i want new yorkers to have the confidence to know we are dealing with this. continue wearing your masks when you're out. get your shots. get your children vaccinated, and we're not defenseless. we are not defenseless against this variant. and i want everyone to know to have the confidence that we can handle this. we're ready for it. this is not surprising. it is the fourth variant that has arised. and there's much more information that is still to be learned as we wait the continued research from the cdc and others. i have spoken to individuals from the white house yesterday in person to brief our
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congressional delegation to make sure they were apprised of our efforts in new york. constant communication with our public health. we are ready. unlike what happened in march of 2020 when there was a shock factor involved when people did not know what to expect and how long it would last and how to take action and whether there would be a vaccination. we're in a far better place today than we were at the start of this pandemic. so i don't want anyone to panic over this. there are steps we can take. we encourage everyone to do this. as i mentioned at the outset -- >> that is the governor of new york addressing the fact that the person in minnesota had been at a convention at the javits convention center. interestingly enough, had been a mass vaccination site until this past summer. doctor, look, she says we are ready to deal with this. we have heard that from any
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number of places and yet, when i talk to all of our colleagues, i've talked to a number of our doctors who are regularly on our air as you are. they talk about people who are having trouble getting appointments. i've talked to somebody at an assisted living who has not been able to get the state health department to come in and vaccinate people. are we ready with vaccinations and boosters? and do we have the proper guidance, laws in place to keep people safe give than we know that this new variant is likely to spread even though we don't know how bad it's going to be? >> we're definitely more prepared than we are have been in this pandemic. we do have a lot of tools and knowledge. there are hiccups with people getting vaccines. hopefully the president's plan is going to address this. we can't have any friction or bureaucracy preventing people from getting vaccinated. and i think that's been a problem in certain parts of the country. and especially in certain places like, for example, nursing homes
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where we need to really blanket them because we know they are at high risk for breakthrough infection being severe. testing, tracing, isolating, vaccination. i think we've got the basic tools. we just have to have the will to implement them. i think we aren't helpless. it is something we can handle and there's a lot of open questions about omicron. hopefully we get more information. what we are hearing are milder cases. that's reassuring. we're seeing the vaccines are seeming to protect against severe disease. and that's something that people can really take home. vaccination is the way to prevent omicron from causing severe disease and causing hospitals to worry about capacity again. that's the solution. >> yeah. i think it's important to note that both of these cases in the united states were in people who were vaccinated. and my understanding the first case was not only vaccinated but boostered. the mildness of the cases surely related to that. i want to ask about something
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else in the news. mark meadows in his book says former president donald trump tested positive for covid three days before the presidential debate. nbc news has confirmed that with three sources familiar with the matter. our friends at "morning joe" researched what happened. between the time he tested positive, that was september 26th, and the time he announced it publicly. he held a rose garden event for justice amy coney barrett which even at the time, dr. fauci called a super spreader event. he went to a rally in middletown. he played golf. he held a reception with gold star families. he met with auto workers on the white house south lawn. and he held a covid testing event at the white house. now, i should say he's denied he tested positive before the debate, but what is your take on the impact of anyone testing positive and then acting like they didn't? >> it's completely reckless. it puts other people at danger. it violates their rights. i think this is basically what
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happened with typhoid mary. you -- if you're a positive person, if you've exposed other people knowingly, i mean, that's something that you should be held liable for. a lot of us suspected this might have been the case based on the timeline of what was happening in the rose garden. there wasn't a proper public health investigation of those activities. the indoor and outdoor activities that occurred around amy coney barrett's announcement. and that prevented us from knowing the truth of how that event occurred, how the people got infected in -- at the white house. i think this really speaks to the fact that we really had major problems during the last administration of taking the threat of covid-19 seriously and people died because of this. people got infected probably maybe because of the president's actions here. i think that this is something that's inexcusable. >> yeah. we'd like to stop taking this seriously, but now is not the time to do that. doctor, as always, i appreciate your expertise and you taking the time to talk to us. meantime, the clock is ticking. we're a day and a half out from a potential government shutdown.
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why some republicans are threatening to hold up the money over vaccine mandates. what we're hearing from speaker pelosi. we'll have more on that coming up. and the supreme court could be closer than ever to striking down or at least limiting the right to an abortion under roe v. wade. i'll talk to the president of planned parenthood about how it's mobilizing abortion rights supporters and what comes next. supporters and what comes next growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work.
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the house speaker is taking questions. she is at the center of all of what's going on right now. in particular, we heard her a little while ago about the continuing resolution. she says there's going to be a vote before the end of the day today. the clock is ticking to avert a government shutdown before midnight tomorrow night. but, again, looming over it is a threat from some republicans who wanted to lay final passage of the bill because of the biden administration's vaccine mandates. the white house freedom caucus sent this letter to mitch mcconnell urging him to slow down the process in the senate. sahil joins me from the hill. let's start with this deal. can democrats get this passed? how likely is it? the republican threat could actually lead to a government shutdown. give us the latest where we stand. >> right. there are just about 36 hours to go before the government shuts down. the house introduced a bill that would keep the government functioning roughly at existing levels through february 18th. only significant policy change
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there would be an additional $7 billion for afghan evacuees. the house can process the bill quickly. it should be able to do that today. it goes over to the senate which is where the problem lies. a small group of conservative republican senators, roger marshall, ted cruz and mike lee have threatened to hold up this vote and shut down the government at the end of tomorrow. if they don't get an amendment to block funding for president biden's vaccine mandate. that's not something that's going to become law. biden is not going to sign a bill that defunds his own vaccine mandate. these conservative senators want to be seen as fighting for it. and roger marshall told our colleague moments ago he's willing to shut down the government over it. speaker pelosi condemned this possibility. let's listen to what she had to say. >> our men and uniform depend on nature our veterans depend on that. there's so much in the legislation that addresses our national security and, again, the sooner we can pass the full
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bill, the better. >> and there you see her talking about the stakes of a potential government shutdown which has happened several times in the previous administration and the trump administration. it could potentially happen again if there's no deal. senator chuck schumer, the majority leader speaking on the floor earlier blamed this on republican dysfunction. it's important to note the vs. majority of republicans don't want to go this route. they're having trouble controlling some of the most conservative senators in their caucus who want to pick this fight. >> i just heard in my ear from our producer that while we were talking before nancy pelosi walked off, she said she has the expectation the senate will pass this deal. let me talk about the other big story on the hill this morning. the house select committee investigating january 9th voting to refer jeffly clark to his old employer for criminal contempt of congress. i think he's getting one last
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chance. take us through that. >> the january 6th select committee voted 9 -0 unanimously to approve a contempt report referring jeffrey clark to the justice department for criminal prosecution for defiance of a subpoena. just before that happened, just before that meeting was scheduled to take place, the chairman said he had heard from clark's lawyer that clark is willing to appear again for a deposition. that is expected to happen this saturday. it's unclear whether he wants to cooperate or whether he wants to find a new legal path to try to stone wall his previous claims of executive privilege alerted by the former president were rejected by the committee. nevertheless, the committee is willing to give jeffrey clark one more chance to appear on saturday and to see if he can resolve this subpoena. if he can ultimately comply with this subpoena and they're holding off on moving that contempt report through the whole house of representatives. if they do that, it could happen next week. the last time this happened was
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with steve bannon. it took from the time of the committee vote to hold him in contempt, 24 days between then and the indictment coming out. so it could take several weeks to happen. this would be the second criminal contempt referral. and lastly, jeffrey clark, the reason they're going after him is he's a former doj official who the committee believes encouraged the former president to try to overturn the election by having the justice department make fabricated claims about widespread election fraud that could change the result of that at least try to change the result of that. that failed. jeffrey clark wasn't senior enough to make the point. they believe he's firmly within the scope of their investigation to figure out what happened on january 6th. >> sahil, thank you for keeping up on everything for us. we're learning chilling details about the michigan high schooler accused of shooting and killing four cclassmates, including he filmed videos on
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charged with shooting and killing four of his class mates in the 48 hours before the shooting. in a new interview the oakland county sheriff says the day before the shooting a teacher saw something disturbing with him. there was a counseling session and his parents were called. then he said this about the hours right before the shooting happened. >> a different teacher in a different classroom saw some behavior that they felt was concerning. and they brought the child down to an office, had a meeting with school officials, called in the parents, and ultimately it was determined that he could go back into class. >> we are in pontiac, michigan. shaq, there are disturbing new revelations. i'm sure there's a tremendous amount of second guessing. we're learning a lot about the shooter. what else are you hearing about the investigation, shaq?
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>> well, investigators say they are going to a mountain of digital evidence. that gives them confidence that this was premeditated and intentional. we already know they recovered a journal. we learned that as the suspect was in court yesterday during an arraignment. but they also say that they saw a video. they recovered a video recorded monday night, the night before this shooting took place where the suspect talked about killing other students. now, four students died in this shooting. the fourth victim was announced yesterday. he passed about 24 hours ago today. and three other students remain in the hospital at this point. we know that one of them is still in critical condition according to the latest update that we received. now, you also mentioned the -- what we heard from the sheriff this morning, saying that two different teachers raised flags, raised concerns about behavior that they saw leading to one session with the counselor and school administrators and the second where his parents were brought into that meeting.
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he is now facing some extremely serious charges including terrorism leading to death and four counts of first degree murder. and he's being charged as an adult. listen to why the prosecutor says that is. >> there are crimes that the legislature has said are so serious that a person who commits them can automatically be charged as an adult. first degree murder is the most serious of all those crimes. second, there are facts leading up in the shooting that suggest this was not just an impulsive act. >> reporter: last night he was moved from a juvenile detention center to an adult county jail. now, the prosecutor also said she is still considering the option of potentially charging the parents. we do know that the gun that was used was purchased by the suspect's father just days before the shooting took place. but it's not clear what those charges could be, and when those charges would come down.
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>> shaquille, thank you for that update. with signs the supreme court could strike down roe v. wade, susan collins wants to pass legislation to protect abortion. but without more on board, could it pass? we'll talk about how abortion rights groups are preparing for a supreme court decision, next. e subway® has so much new they couldn't fit it in their last ad. like new smashed avocado and artisan italian bread. 100% wild-caught tuna. hold up!
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deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. quote, you're not going to go underground. that's the message from the executive director of the group mississippi in action after the supreme court signalled possible abortion limits during historic day of arguments. right now advocates on both sides of the issue are waiting anxiously for the court to decide whether a 2018 mississippi law that largely bans abortions after 15 weeks is constitutional. and this morning there is fresh talk in the senate of trying to cement roe v. wade into law and it's coming from republican susan collins of me.
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joining me to talk about this, the president and ceo of planned parenthood federation of america. and a civil rights attorney, and msnbc legal analyst. thank you to both of you for being here. alexis, i want to get into the susan collins factor. her office told nbc, quote, senator collins supports the right to an abortion and believes the protections in the roe and casey decisions should be passed into law. she's had some conversations with her colleagues about this, and is open to further discussion. i mean, first of all, you have the fact that there are 60 votes in the senate for that, but what do you make of what susan collins had to say? >> look, i believe that susan collins is responsible for brett kavanaugh. she was told by him that he would respect roe as a law by
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roberts. what we saw yesterday from justice kavanaugh wasn't a question whether roe was settled law, it was how the court could overturn it. those were the kinds of questions he was asking. i don't know how she can claim to be a supporter to constituents who support strong protections for abortion in maine when she voted to put one of the pivotal justices on this court. that she is focussed now when she has had an opportunity to be in support of the women's health protection act, a law that would help codify roe, is a little bit too little too late at this point. >> yeah. codifying roe into law doesn't seem like something that's likely. what now? is there anything legally that can be done? and obviously we're waiting to see what happens, but in the case that it's either weekend or essentially abortion rights go away? for all intents and purposes?
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>> yeah. i think the real point here as alexis points out is one, we have to continue to push for a legislative solution, and that legislative solution is both federal. i don't think we should stop pushing from the women's health protection act. it's also a return to fighting in every single state. we have roughly 20 states that protect a woman's right to her full reproductive health care and bodily decisions. we have many states. we saw over 160 laws passed in 2021 further restricting a woman's ability to make choices about her own body. so this goes to the states. and i think we have to recognize something as 'lexus pointed out, justice kavanaugh was saying, which seems to be suggesting, just let the states decide. that means we have to fight for
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everything from protecting voting rights so we make sure that the vote for not suppressed as unfortunately we've seen too much of from state to state, and that we are actively engaging in fighting to protect women's full health care and autonomy. >> so, obviously, one of the things you have to do now is play a long game. you have to look and see, again, prepare for the worst, hope for the best. prepare for the worst. what is the long game here? if it is the worst case scenario, what's being done now in organizations like yours, in organizations that operate on the state level and places like mississippi in action? that they'll be ready to the best of their ability should the worst happen? >> yeah. i mean, look, this has always been a long game. this didn't just happen yesterday or overnight. i keep saying we are literally at halftime over the last decade, we have seen the weaponizing of rules changes, gerrymandering in state houses,
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the weaponizing of the judicial process that has gotten us to this point right now where we have a supreme court with a majority support for overturning not just a law like roe v. wade but potentially signaling other things that are predicated on a privacy and other ways that the constitution might be interpreted. so we should be incredibly alarmed about what happened yesterday in the supreme court arguments. the idea that going back and fighting in this state to ensure that our state are not dictating who can -- the long game can't be flying people across the country to get access to safe abortion. it has to be fighting to ensure that that health care access is available in each state, state by state, just like mia indicated. >> if you talk to folks, alexis, who have been on the other side of this, who have been on the anti-abortion side for decades, they have been talking for
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decades, and i've gone door to door with them. they have been patient and strategic and said it's going to play out in state houses and governor's races, and ultimately, obviously, for a lot of republicans, it was hold your nose and vote for donald trump because we think he'll appoint these justices that he, indeed, did. long game, how long are we talking? and do you believe that this has been a motivating factor? are you getting phone calls? are people donating money? what's been the reaction and do you have what you need to start really ramping up to make that long game not as long as it's been since roe v. wade? >> i would remind you that we actually have been winning over the last few weeks in cycles. 2016 after trump was elected in 2017, we had that incredible women's march and in 2018 we ushered in the first pro choice
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majority in the house. we saw that then play out in states like kentucky and virginia around the governorship and their late legislatured and in 2020 defeating donald trump and getting the senate back. >> republicans still hold the vast majority of governorships and state legislatures, and in many cases, both houses of state legislatures. >> yes. but we still -- we believe this year going into 2022, the amount of rage and frustration that people are experiencing, particularly around access to abortion, and the fact they're seeing that it is real, that the court is poised to take this right away, and that the state houses will continue to be places where we need to invest and fight with our local partners on the ground, and ensuring that all of our colleagues, all of our independent providers and reproductive justice colleagues are all in concert in coalition to liberate abortion from these fights. that's the work we are doing.
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there is no end game to freedom. we're going to continue to fight as hard as we can to ensure that states don't determine whether or not we are free. right? that is the role of federal government. that's the role of the supreme court, and that is why it is so important for us minimum to have federal legislation while we continue to fight back in the court. >> these next several months are going to feel very long as we wait for that decision. alexis, maya, thanks to both of you. baseball's opening day is supposed to be in four months but last night mlb owners walked out players for the first time in almost 30 years after they couldn't reach a new collective bargaining agreement. so when and how can it be resolved? i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars.
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pnc bank believes that if a pair of goggles can help your backhand get better yeah! then your bank should help you budget even better. virtual wallet® is so much more than a checking account. its low cash mode℠ feature gives you at least 24 hours of extra time to help you avoid an overdraft fee. you see that? virtual wallet® with low cash mode℠ from pnc bank. one way we're making a difference. it could be a long winter for some of your favorite basketball players. they are now in a work stoppage. they locked out all players after they failed to come to a new work agreement. morgan is joining us outside of the texas rangers stadium. what could this mean for the
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start of the season? >> it could mean a lot depending on how long it goes. that lockout became official, that means no trades, no signings, effectively no baseball until the players and owners can reach an agreement. it could be awhile. >> this morning they're not coming. america's favorite past time grinding to a halt for the first time in 30 years. it lead owners to lockout the players overnight. will it impact the start of the season next spring? >> we may think of it as a way to spend a leisurely afternoon.
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>> this is a simple game. you throw the ball, you hit the ball, you catch the ball. but this dispute is a little more complicated and it's all about the massive paydays that have now come be baseball stardom if puts a stop to some of the biggest deals. >> the biggest issue has to do with when players become free agents and how much they get paid. >> matt scherzer is on the union's board. >> we're trying to make the game better. >> on the other side, baseball is the only major sport without a salary cap enabling super stars to sign record breaking contracts. >> it is different on the union side to argument that the free agent system is broken because we have seen all of this money spent. >> fortunately for fans both
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sides know they can't afford to lose any games next season. >> a year ago they lost two thirds of their salary because of the pandemic. the owners say they lost $2.5 billion because of the pandemic. >> there has not been a baseball strike since the 1994 s his dad how long until n for now, nobody knows. >> the big question for how long this will last, union representatives say they have acquired a war chest worth of money. they say keep an eye on february though when catchers and pitchers report for spring trainings.
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should there not be a compromise by then it could be a troubling sign of things to come. >> morgan chesky who gets the best use of a movie clip in a long time. thank you. >> easy. >> he "didn't pull the trigger." that's what alec baldwin says in his first interview since the deadly movie scene shooting. deadly movie scene shooting. .. were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. my nunormal? fewer asthma attacks with nucala. a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred.
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and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. recognized by the national psoriasis foundation and national eczema association. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice.
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- chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. dad are you sure you're up to host? yeah! we want to keep it the way it always was, right? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ that's your grandma. she was the best at the holidays.
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actor alec baldwin said he didn't pull the trigger on the fatal shooting on the "rust" movie set. he describes what he says happened after the gun was in his hand. >> it wasn't in the script for the trigger to be pulled. >> the trigger wasn't pulled, i didn't pull the trigger. >> you never pulled the trigger? >> no, i would never do that, no. >> no, i would never point a gun at someone all pull the trigger. >> it injured joel souza and killed alana huchens. craig is back here tomorrow, up next, garrett haake will talk to
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representative zoe lofgren. that is when "andrea mitchell reports" with garrett haake, starts right now. >> good day, this is "andrea mitchell reports." we're following breaking news on the coronavirus. a second confirmed case of the omicron virus in the united states. a vaccinated resident of minnesota that recently tested positive. it including tens of millions of free at home covid tests, a nationwide booster campaign, and strict new testing requirements for all inbound international travelers. we're 36 hours away from another big deadline on capitol hill. there is movement on a short-term solution on a government shut down that would happen friday at
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