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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  December 4, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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welcome back, everyone. still so much to get to tonight. we're going to dig into how the supreme court became the most powerful branch of government, despite representing a minority of the american public. and why are two nfl players who are both unvaccinated and not complying with protocols given two very different punishments? we're going to take a look beyond the headlines. plus have you looked at your spotify? i have seen a ton of this over the last couple of days. my saturday night panel is ready to share their artist of the
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year. let's get started. so the constitution established three branches of government to ensure citizens' rights are protected. but the judicial branch, specifically the supreme court has gone from a bastion of democracy to honestly one very undemocratic institution. the supreme court appears ready to toss aside roe v. wade by taking away women's constitutional rights to an abortion, which has been set in stone for nearly half a century. it's important to understand how rare it is for the court to reverse its own precedence. since 17 89 there were more than 25,000 supreme court judgments. it has only overturned precedents 233 times. if you can do the math, that's impressive. that is well under 1% of all
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cases. that's how rare it is. but now the conservative-leaning court is set to take that almost unprecedented action once again, paving the way for more than half of the states in this country to ban abortion in some shape or form. they have become the nine most powerful people in the land and actually i should say the conservative majority of those nine have. of the six conservative justices that are now sitting on that bench, three of them, the three who may be the difference in this ruling, they were appointed by form are president donald trump. one third, one third of the court selected to make life-changing decisions for half of the people in this country, chosen by a man who didn't even win the popular vote. a man who tried to overthrow the last election effectively derailing our democracy. the same three justices were
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confirmed by republican senators who them self-don't represent anywhere close to half of the population of the country. donald trump may not be president, the gop may not have a majority in house for the senate, they have installed a majority on a branch of government that is now poised to take a constitutional right that women in this country have had for nearly 50 years. so the big question is what can democrats do about it, if anything? congress can make changes to the court. biden supreme court commission explored the idea of term limits and democrats could also add justices to the bench, but that would require changing the filibuster rules and that would be a dramatic departure from precedent. you know, what's also dramatic departure from precedent? what the gop voted not once, not twice but three times to remove
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the filibuster to approve their own supreme court justices at the time nominees justice gors ig, cavanaugh and coney barrett. fast forward. now republicans have made three dramatic departures from precedent in just the last four years alone. now it has empowered the supreme court to potentially overturn nearly 50 years of precedent. and if they do, maybe it's time for democrats to wake up and make one more departure from precedent -- change the court.
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there's a lot to discuss this evening. to help work through all of it, i'm joined about senior reporter to "insider," daily columnist and host of the dina show and it's great to have all three of you with us. camilla, i'd like to start with you. this is likely to be one of the most significant and dramatic weakenings of precedent we've seen in our lifetime. just how flawed is this system when you have three people who can make the difference as to the liberties of 125 million women in this country? >> well, i think the biggest concern here is the public perception of the supreme court. you heard justice barrett and also now justice soto sayer
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mayor, is that it could undermine the legitimacy of the court and the rulings it will bring down for months and years to come. >> this isn't something that the mid terms of the 2024 election will be able to change or even the 2022, these justices will be in power for decades and therefore regardless of the presidency or number of representatives that may come and go in any given year off term election, they have the power to turn almost anything into policy with this. what do you make on what that means for majority of americans to have a say in the future of this country? i've tried to outline how i think and view the supreme court as not being undemocratic and those that put it in power are
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not democratic. you have this dynamic now where the majority, and that's how a democracy should function, the majority of the will of the people is not being reflected in the supreme court. >> absolutely not. thanks for having me on. this is about the gop wanting to impose their extreme religious beliefs as the law of the land to repress women. i heard the taliban is suing the gop for trademark infringement. i'm not saying they're the same but it's their play book, turning their extreme religious beliefs into the law of the land. they are projecting what they wanted to do. only 30% of americans want to overturn roe. they don't care. in their view that's what their interpretation of their faith
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and i call it gop sharia law. they're into the going to stop there. they're going to come for birth control, marriage equality. maybe we have to ban bacon, muslims to push back on this. you don't want to live this a -- in a theocracy, you should be very upset. this is taking extreme views and turning it into the law of the land. what about the women's religion liberty to control their own body. they don't care. >> and they don't want government interfering in their affairs either, except for when it suits them politically. ida, to dean's point, this is not about abortion. the precedent that this would set is there is so much more on the gop's agenda that they want the supreme court, as they have done in other cases with voting rights, but this time it could go even beyond that. you can take this and take the
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principle of what they're doing with overturning some of these decisions to things like gay marriage rights, gun rights, contraception. how worrying is it that all the progress that we have made as a country could be unravelled by this decision coming down in june, if in fact roe v. wade is overturned? >> thank you for having me. in this company i feel a little intimidated but i will speak my piece as standup comedian. >> you should never be intimidated when deen is on a panel. >> really? that's how we're going to start? okay. >> whoa. >> but i will say this. as a person, a woman of color that identifies with her blackness, i can't help but to point out how a lot of this stuff is rooted and it's good ol' american racism and the toxic capitalism that drives this country to keep people who are poor down. when you think about reproductive rights and you talk
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about women of color and the plagues that we have to deal with in our communities and those that come from communities where we are -- we come from low income communities, these is just another way to hold poor people down. and you talk about these people who care so much about the unborn but then show up not caring for them once they get here and hear the hypocrisy that comes from this party and people who think like this and don't care about the young black and brown kids assassinated by law enforcement and those kids kidnapped from the border they don't care about you, they are don't want you to get food stamps, as the good ol' george karlin would say, they don't want you to get health care but they talk about you when you're here. this is just another one of the
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exercises that they use to keep poor people, black people, brown people and marginalized people down. >> i'm so glad you brought up that george karlin quote because i've seen it and and it's one of the most powerful ones from anyone. it's really simple and straight forward. at the end of the day they more about people before they're born and once you're born, you're on your own. camilla, they do try to look at term limits for the supreme court and try to legislate some safeguards and liberties into law if they look at the filibuster. do you expect to see any of that come to fruition? do you see any movement to try to codify or more the supreme
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court? >> the outcome of this rule cog make the issue of abortion rights one of the most defining issues in the upcoming elections. republicans have usually geared to embracing and using the issue of abortion rights during presidential elections. but now democrats will galvanize and motivate their base to have voters go out in the polls and really vote in this election because so much is at stake. i think in these upcoming weeks and months ahead, it will be really interesting to hear democrats try to reignite the conversation about trying to restructure the supreme court and try to expand by adding on more justices. they talked about this a few months ago but i think especially now that the roe v. wade case is now coming to the national forefront, democrats are going to be expected to answer that question about what they can do to try to restructure this court that it
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can become a little bit more nonpartisan. >> you besides be a part time comedian also have a sirius-xm show. let's talk about that point there, the voter base. on one hand the republicans will be celebrating. trump kept his campaign promise, they managed to do what no one did over 50 years, stack the court, you know that will do well with their religious and extremist base. on the other hand you have democrats that are likely to be frustrated on this. what impact could this have on 2022 or 2024? does it favor one party over another from your political analysis? >> when i talk to listeners in my show, it's not just women upset.
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people from the lgbtq community are concerned as well. that you have already gutted the voting rights act. who knows what else they're going to do along those lines. they're never going to stand up for voting rights. there's going to be more pressure to revise the supreme court, add seats. there will be pressure most importantly on the filibuster on passing a reproductive freedom act to codify essentially roe v. wade long these lines. but my concern is democrats are not delivering on these things not because overwhelmingly democrats in congress want to a least a couple of them don't want to reformle filibuster and they've chosen the filibuster over a working democracy and it's zapping the enthusiasm of the democratic base and is very alarming to me. i'm concerned if democrats don't reform the filibuster, they can't deliver to their base is
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this is part of it as well, freedom. >> it's black voter and whether it is now women and then are not coming to this fight ready to duke it out. they're trying to build consensus and find bipartisanship. i'm not sure it's going to work given the current climate. we have got a lot more to discuss. just getting started here. big news, cnn has fired chris cuomo after more details surfaced after his helped his brother defend himself against sexual misconduct allegations. and later, what does your spotify rack really say about you? some of the stories we're watching, utility pg&e will pay a $125 million penalty for the
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kincade forest fire leading to mass evacuations. a faulty pg&e transmission line sparked the disaster. >> and an indonesian volcano erupts. >> and a blizzard hits hawaii for the first time in more than three years. for the first time in more than three years. (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine
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. some breaking news tonight. cnn has fired star anchor chris cuomo after new details about his involvement and crisis management strategy for his brother former governor andrew cuomo.
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the network said "we retained a respected law firm to conduct the review and have terminated effective immediately. while in the process of the view, additional information has come to life." cuomo has said this is not how i want my time at cnn to end but i have already told you why and how i helped my brother. jim, good to have you with us. let me start with you and get your reaction to cnn's firing of chris cuomo. i have to say it is somewhat shocking. he was a major star over there, anchor of their highest rated show. we were surprised by this. did you ever think that cnn president jeff zucker would make the decision to fire cuomo? there were initial suggestion he might be coming back. do we have any information of what that additional information they claim they uncovered might
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be? >> well, as it's been reported even by their chief media correspondent at cnn, cnn had brought in an outside law firm that went through text messages and e-mails that chris cuomo -- in which chris cuomo communicated with regard to his brother. to your first question, i think even barring finding something new and they may reveal eventually they found more evidence of inappropriate involvement on behalf of chris cuomo in his brother's defense, they were already in an area where they had to fire him because chris cuomo had basically walked out of the role as a journalist to become a strategist for his brother, a sitting governor, and the network had tried for so long to sort of apologize for that and say it's inappropriate but we think it's within certain bounds that we can live with it and it
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just became too much. i don't see how they could have stuck by him at this point. >> what about the situation made it impossible for the network to keep him around? different people have different thoughts about this. people expect you to talk to your brother. it's another thing when you're communicating with the staff of your brother and crossing the line there and working on so-called big picture strategy. some have pointed to him digging for information on one of the alleged users. what is it from your reporting, from your reading, that crossed the line for cnn? >> well, the latter point you made is what certainly crosses the line. all of it is straying out of normal journalistic ethics. it's his brother but it's a sitting governor. the minute chris cuomo starts or at least we learn through texts now out in the public realm that he was actively consulting with
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his brother's team about other journalistic organizations, about the stories that women were telling and making accusations against his brother, he's now not acting as a journalist and our job is to find out the truth and we've got through the who me, too, movement and we know the job is not to poke holes in them. and once he's crossing the line and working as an operative in a way to look for holes in allegations against a sitting governor, that's untenable for cnn and personally i knew that the minute those were out and the chatter internally the minute those emails were out this becomes a whole new ball of wax. >> dean, i know that you've been a frequent guest over at cnn. you're obviously one here at msnbc. your take on cuomo's firing. he was a huge star over there, no doubt about it. did you think they would go through with it based on how this came out? >> first of all, ayman, while i've been on cnn, i've never
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been on against your show and i won't be unless they ask me to come on. >> you're not allowed to do that, by the way, just so you know. >> buddy, i know we're both muslim but -- >> i'm going to have jim break a story on something that you're doing that will get you fired. >> if i get a story in "the new york times" about me, it just moves me up so i have no problem. >> that's my motto of fox news, by the way. >> let me just say this, i'm half sicilian and i memorized the "godfather" movie. this is the business we have chosen. if you do something the network doesn't like and going to make them look in a bad light and hurt journalism, you're going to get fired. i don't know what they uncovered. it was something so jarring tonight they let him go immediately. and he was the top rated, right up there in terms of anchors. so we'll see what it was. but it says a lot about cnn.
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they got rid of him. look to compare this to fox news. you have tucker carlson on, who i call tucker clansman, who is literally applauded by david duke and other white nationalists, a man defending the january 6th terrorist attack but his undermining about what happened and people who misled people about covid and no one was fired. cnn made their choice and fox news made a vile choice. >> is there is vanity card you will not play -- >> you could play i've got the dark hair, the leather chair card, whatever you need.
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nos are -- no, don't do that. >> trump has been a frequent target. tucker carlson on fox news who had their own issues with journalistic norms. fox lawyers even argued in court that no reasonable viewer take carlson seriously. should they avoid dunking on cnn and cuomo over this because of how had highlights their own lack of standard and both sean hannity and tucker carlson to some extent came out and defended chris cuomo. >> i think you're on mute, ida, because we're not hearing you. >> it's that thing your mother tells you, if your friends jump off the bridge, you don't have to jump off the bridge, too. this is a matter of journalistic integrity in a time when everybody feels so -- we are all
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uninspired, we feel discouraged listening to modern day media as we watch grown adults behave like children. we are listening to television penalties who pose as hosts give us information. fox news is a circus. it's that good ol' gop ride or die, as wrong as they can be they stick together and they completely always just push forward whatever it is that they're trying to get through. so i think that, you know, as unfortunate as some people may see this because they feel the connection with chris, what he did was he made a choice but that choice compromised his integrity and that translates to the american people as being not trustworthy. and in this moment where we just rid of an administration -- we all have ptsd because of donald
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trump, let's just be honest. we're just walking around. we cannot afford to have people delivering us information when we can't trust who they are as people. >> jim ruttenburg, thank you for joining us on short notice, i greatly appreciate it. dean and ida, stick around for us. one thing is clear, aaron rogers, antonio brown both violated nfl covid protocols. you cannot deny that. why did rogers just get fined and brown suspended? i'll break it down after the break. i'll break it down after the break. ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ i'm on fire ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em... ♪ like many people with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, i was there. be right back. but my symptoms were keeping me from where i needed to be.
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during an emergency. so you may have seen this week that the tampa bay buccaneers wide receiver antonio brown was suspended three games for violating the nfl's covid policy because he misrepresented his vaccination status. the nfl had been investigating
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claims that brown had faked his vaccine card. a lawyer for antonio brown denied those accusations and insists that brown is vaccinated but that he accepted the suspension anyway to deal with lingering injuries. now, if you have been following the news about the nfl and vaccinated players, you might want to be wondering about this and rightfully so, why was antonio brown suspended for three games but green bay packers quarterback aaron rogers was not suspended at all? after all, rogers also lied about his vaccination status. the nfl is saying rogers lied to the world but not to his team or nfl. apparently they knew that rogers was not vaccinated. if you want to boil this down, i guess it means the nfl is fine if players lie to the world just
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don't lie to the nfl or your team about your vaccination status. let's get a quick reaction from our panel on this. dean and ida, what is your reaction. i'll start with you, ida. what is your reaction in the disparity in punishment? the players knew they had to be vaccinated. they know what the protocols are, both of them. i don't care if you're telling me are you did some cocktail drink that made you think you're vaccinated or faked a vaccine card, you both did not follow the protocols of being vaccinated. >> i'm thinking about this in terms of economics, right? aaron rogers is losing 13,000 and antonio is over 300,000. when we think about racism and oppression, the economic violence that is employed against people of color in this country, whether they're in the nfl or they work at a grocery store is one of the ways that you keep people down.
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so you look at this white man that everybody loved and everybody adored and then he lied and people were appalled but he's only losing $13,000. but this black man, who we have not confirmed if he has lied or not is losing more than a quarter of a million dollars. that is an issue for mere -- me because we all know the nfl, the good ol' boys network has been racist and is modern day slavery and when you talk about the players that make up the league, the majority are black and are not making that amount of money. and when you talk to the average person and they don't make that
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kind of money, we've been seeing this since black men were kidnapped and brought to this country. >> these players who put their bodies and health on the line every week running risks of concussions, broken bones and injuries, but they're afraid of being vaccinated. it seem strange for the risk assessment. ida's a great comedian. check her out but i'm never going to ask her for health offense. you shouldn't ask me, go to your doctor. aaron rogers said the mob is coming for me. no, you lied. antonio brown has now gotten
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vaccinated. it hurts ratings, it's all about revenue. at least they changed their slogan from like a good neighbor state farm is there to like a good neighbor we're going to ig change our covid stance. racism plays a big part in this. >> still ahead, it was -- ♪ i know we weren't perfect but i've never felt this way for no one ♪ >> olivia rodrigo and her song "spotify wrapped" and if we
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should keep talking about it. d should keep talking about it ♪ ♪ that's your grandma. she was the best at the holidays.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's that time of year again, 2021 spotify wrapped is here ready to be unwrapped. every december since 2016 it's given users a fun and sometimes unexpected look back at the music that defined their year. bad bunny topped the streaming services charts as the number one global artist for the second year in a row rounding out the rest of the top five, taylor swift, no surprise there. bts, no surprise there. drake and no surprise there and justin bieber, maybe a little surprise there. if you share an account with your kids like me, maybe your album of the year was the mowana sound track. i'm happy to admit that. it was on my spotify wrapped for the year. callin rosenblot and colin and
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deana are back with us as well. i see olivia rodrigo made her way into your top three. were there any surprises on your list? >> yeah, i was actually really surprised that greta van fleet mate it on to my list. i'm a huge lady gaga fan so no surprise there. but greta van fleet, they were the heart of a people. clearly i started enjoying their music because they were my number two fan. i was really surprised that he's in there -- >> can i embarrassingly admit that to you and the world i have no idea who that is. what does that say about me? give it to me straight, kalhan. >> it's not bad because before four months ago nobody no who
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they were either. there were groups who knew them so i don't want to slam them. they're all sold out thanks to tick tock. >> i thought was cook but not as cool as you. dean, you are nowhere near as cool as me. >> right. >> let's look at your list. you've got the weekend, fleetwood mac and coldplay. that's not bad. i see you like to mix up genres here. >> i do. and i know ayman is usually busy on sunday nights going to bts concerts so it's great. it's good we're here on a saturday night. i heard ayman's favorite music is actually belly dancing music. >> oh, god. >> he's the biggest belly dancer from 2004 to 2007. >> i need to have a button on the show that can just cut you off. >> this is why i'm here. i love music, i listen to it at the gym. >> you don't even work out.
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>> i work out all the time! i listen to syrius-xf. >> you said olivia rodriguez. you didn't even say her name right. >> i listen to her all the time. i don't say your name right either. >> you listened to bad bunny. he's absolutely killing it. what do you think it is about his music that is resonating with so many people? >> well, first of all, bad bunny benito -- i'm puerto rican so we love our bad bunny. but bad bunny is an inspirational artist. he was working at a grocery store and went for his dreams and people love him. his music is relatable, the melodies are great. he has an amazing personality. he comes from good stock, as you see the way that he basis and
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treats people. and people buy into you first and then they buy into what you're selling. and i got to say, wrote for the amas this year and olivia rodrigo is an amazing artist. i got to see her live three times and she is worthy of all the accolades she's receiving. she's an amazing artist. >> one viewer wrote you cannot hide from spotify. i'm thinking of all the people listening to adele. something tells me by this time next year adele is going to be up there. do these end of the year lists reveal things about people they may not even want to admit themselves? >> i think so. one of them may be how many minutes you spent listening to music and myself an artist maybe you didn't expect.
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i think we're seeing a lot of people who have taylor swift as their number one artist. >> we have a few of those on our show here. >> exactly. i think this time next year like you said, adele is going to be at the top of that list also. a lot of people had a hard 2021, it's bad girl season. we're putting on taylor and adele. >> and people are things they were leaving in 2021. dean definitely doesn't know what an nft is and i don't know. what do you make of those picks? >> the nft, my son came home the other day and told me don't trust anybody that tries to get you into this nft business. you know what, i agree. i think we had such a tough year and trauma important was
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everywhere and people just resorted to music. i think this list is great and there are a couple of things we should add on it. donald trump being one of them. we shouldn't even talk about that stuff anymore. but i think the list is very telling about how our attention spans are so short and how much we fixate on trends and fads. at the end of the day good ol' music is what heals us. it's the international language that keeps us connected and i agree with that list. >> dean, what else should we leave behind in 2021? >> i think -- i hope covid. i hope this variant. i hope we can all move on with our lives and enjoy our lives once again. because if not, the next variant is going to have corporate sponsorship. it will be like this variant brought to you by ford, the only thing tougher than covid is the f-150. i hope we did leave that behind
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and enjoy being a person again. not you and i but other people, it would be great. >> before we go, something has been gnawing at me all hour long. you have a plant in front of your tv. are you trying to jack up your room rater rating? that's not going to help you. >> i watch a tv with plant in front of it for this sho what do you think? >> that will not get you any more points. do not have a tv with a plant in front of it. it will not get you anymore points, i can tell you that. >> plus coming up, enes kanter freedom.
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to nba player enes kanter, one of the most outspoken players in the world when it comes to china's human rights abuses, he has criticized nike and lebron james for his ties to the company. and in case you missed it, last night i spoke to freedom about his stance on china and why he's encouraging a boycott of the upcoming olympic games which are being held in china. take a look. what changes for you now? listen, you have always been a very vocal about human rights violations. you called for a boycott. on wednesday you had the women's tennis association announced an immediate suspension of all tournaments in china due to that ongoing situation with the tennis player. do you expect a boycott of the olympics to follow? do you want to see the nba carry
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or take a similar position the way that the wta has towards china? >> first of all, i think what they are doing is so courageous. i applaud them for it. you know, every major association should take notes about what the wta is doing. i'm trying to tell these people, look at what they're doing to their own tennis player. are we going to trust the chinese government? while we're speaking right now, there is a genecide happening, so shame on the international olympics committee to organize these games in a country like china where there is a dictatorship happening. so i'm calling all these athletes. not just athletes, all these governments, all these countries. so, yes, boycott the olympics because this is unacceptable. >> congratulations to enes
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kanter who was sworn in and became an american citizen recently. you can catch "ayman" every friday night at 7:00 p.m. on peacock. thanks for making time for us. be sure to come back tomorrow night for much more conversation and insight. but until we meet again, good night. new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. the peñas are saving big, holiday shopping at amazon. so now, they're free to become... the party peñas. they see your ugly sweaters, and raise you some mittens. (vo) t-mobile for business helps small business owners prosper during their most important time of year. when you switch and bring your own device, we'll pay off your phone up to $1000.
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u. >> for defamation. the site claimed ruby and her daughter manipulated ballots during the counting process. they did not. according to an examination by the georgia secretary of state's office. the lie about them


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