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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  December 11, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. ♪ my songs know what you did in the dark ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em up, up, up ♪
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good evening, everyone, and thanks interest staying with us. welcome to this second hour of ayman. still so much to get to. kentucky in a state of emergency tonight after an outbreak of deadly tornados sweeping through parts of the midwest, the tennessee river valley overnight. extensive damage can also be seen across the cities with homes, buildings, property barely recognizable. we're going to continue to bring you the very latest on this breaking news throughout the program. plus the supreme court issuing a preliminary ruling on the texas abortion law that allows lawsuits challenging the ban to continue but does nothing to stop the law from fog into effect or being in effect for now. but should we even be surprised when you look at who's sitting on the bench? then it has been over two weeks since congresswoman boebert's anti-muslim remarks. we're going to take a look.
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i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. all right, as we have been throughout the hour we want to bring you up-to-date on that breaking news following the dozens of catastrophic tornados which have left devastation across six states. as i mentioned a state of emergency declared in kentucky whereas many as 100 people are feared dead as search and rescue operations continue. there's a curfew that has been implemented in the hardest hit locations to allow first responders to search for any survivors and to try and begin the cleanup operation. president biden says that he plans to visit the affected areas while offering the full assistance of the federal government. >> they lost their homes. they lost their businesses, and it's a tragedy. it's a tragedy. and we still don't know how many lives are lost or the full extent of the damage, but i want to emphasize what i told all the governors. the federal government will do everything, everything it can possibly do to help. >> all right, so this was another major week for the
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supreme court, which issued a preliminary ruling on that extreme texas abortion law. the court's decision can at best be described as mixed because pro-choice activists took some comfort in the fact that the justices will allow abortion providers to sue texas officials in federal court, but that little bit of good news actually came with a major down side. the court also said that the controversial law can remain in effect while the cases continue. now, should we be surprised here at any decision made by this court considering who is sitting on the bench? you know, this is a court with a clear majority of hard line conservative justices, not just simply conservative but hard liners. and frankly, some of them seem unable or unwilling to separate their personal religious faith from their duties as impartial judges on the highest court in the land. take these comments from justice amy coney barrett just last week. >> it doesn't seem to me to
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follow that pregnancy and parent hood are all part of the same burden. and so it seems to me that the choice more focused would be between, say, the ability to get an abortion at 23 weeks or the state requiring the woman to go 15, 16 weeks more and then terminate parental rights at the conclusion. >> she's basically arguing that an additional four months of forced pregnancy imposes no burden on a woman since she can simply give the baby up for adoption. hmm, i can't help but think that her faith might be a factor in how she's deciding this case and others, for that matter. you know, this week during oral arguments on a case about public funding for religious schools she provided us with another clue about her mind-set. and i want to show you what she said. it was essentially a part where she's talking about the israeli-palestinian conflict,
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but she refers to it as a jewish palestinian conflict. there's a lot going on here. and for the record referring to as a jewish rather than the israeli conflict is quite frankly anti-semitic. but don't just take it from me. according to the u.s. state department anti-semitism includes, quote, holding jews collectively responsible if the actions of the state of israel. the phrase is favored by far right christian conservatives. coney barrett's use of it tells us something about her world view, something we didn't learn in her confirmation hearing. in fact, during that hearing democrats were criticized for even referencing her catholic dogma. in fact, republicans freaked out calling it anti-religion bias. now, it turns out the democrats may have been onto something here because -- and perhaps if more of these questions had actually been raised, we would have had a better picture of the person who now holds a lifetime appointment. for more on all of this, let's
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bring in our saturday night panel. eugene daniels politico's white house reporter, msnbc political contributor. arlene is a senior correspondent for new york magazine, of course the coauthor of "notorious rbg, the life and times of ruth bader ginsburg." and he's also the author of the book "nice try." you wrote a fascinating piece that includes a series of interviews with women reacting to justice coney barrett's comments on adoption. i'm curious what you make of her comments at the abortion hearing last week, and also what's your reaction to the court's decision this week on the texas abortion law? are you pessimistic or optimistic as you watch these courts take on these decisions? >> ayman, i think you're absolutely correct to point out she implied it was no big deal to continue to force someone to be pregnant for four more
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months. and also getting an abortion at 23 weeks is extremely rare and usually only occurs in a crisis situation. by amy coney barrett also saying giving birth -- it's just the end of the story. obviously that's a violation enough, but i had the opportunity to speak to individuals who have been studied and looked at the reality. and while some of them had good experiences, some of them had bad, it's a really complex situation that shouldn't be forced on anyone because a lot of emotions, a lot of peoples lives -- to say what's the big deal to stay pregnant against your will, give birth, give the baby up for adoption, even though that was not the choice you sought to make for yourself really showed a disregard for
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the reality of lives. similarly, the supreme court showed its hand on september 1st when it allowed the texas law to go into effect. no state has ever been allowed to ban abortion since roe v. wade. to say that texas setup this elaborate rouse simply because they setup this plausible deniability -- that has been in effect for over 100 days. justice sotomayor the -- and it probably will continue to be in
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effect and make it easier for other states. >> eugene, slate published a great piece that suggests that the court is arguing that since women have achieved full equality in america abortion is no longer necessary. are conservatives here trying to get people to agree with this argument, or is it just a fig leaf since they now control the court? and don't actually feel it necessary to attempt a compelling argument? >> you know, i think there are a lot of conservatives who agree with that statement. i think we all know and most people know that women and men have not reached equality, people of color, white people have not reached equality in this country. the promises that were made in the founding documents have not come to fruition yet. but it is a -- we saw this exact same thing when they gutted the civil rights act, right? we saw this idea that, you know, we've come so far so it doesn't matter. we can move forward, and i think
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it's an excuse more so than it is anything else. and it's not really based in the facts of the case. and one of the things i think is really, really interesting especially about sb8 other than the fact it seems to be unconstitutional according to all the legal experts that we've been talking to, is that it can be used in other -- to kind of dig away at other rights in this country. so you can imagine a liberal state, for example, passing gun rights legislation, gun safety legislation and then allowing americans to sue each other for violating that law. and so that's one of the things when i'm talking to legal experts they are talking about how this sb8 law and how it could extend into other pieces of legislation as we move forward depending on whether the court at some point actually rules on the constitutionality of the case. >> josh, you know, it was a tell for me when i heard amy coney
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barrett's comments about the israeli-palestinian conflict, and i'm curious to get your thoughts. what do you make of her use of the phrase jewish palestinian conflict? is it a case of the justice joining other far right christians in pushing that term because she sees this conflict through, you know, her religious lens. she's got a job for life. why should she worry about offending huge portions of of the world's population with the language that she's using? >> i mean, i don't want to call her a far right idelog despite everything she's said and done indicating that, but i do think it's like a fraught turn views. i'm a jew. i'm not in conflict with palestine. i want atonomy for the palestinian people. i'm in conflict with my down stairs neighbors for letting the dog off leash in the building
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and my up stairs neighbors for practicing the city of stars from lala land 20 times on the keyboard this afternoon. >> the fact she referred it to as such even by the definition of anti-semitism, conflating israelis with jews is problematic. you wanted to say something? >> i am israeli and jewish, and i want to jump in i think the alarm bells of the broader case you bring up that ring for those of us in minority faith in this country because it's all about shattering the walls between church and state. in this context she said it in the context of the case that involves federal funding of christian schools. again, if you belong to a minority faith in the united states and there's a blurring of church and state usually means the majority of faith christian communities come to get you. and it isn't just a matter what
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religion you belong to. you can espouse all kinds of views -- so, you know, obviously justice sotomayor was raised in the catholic faith, wept to a catholic school and -- >> and i'm greatly appreciative you brought in the broader context of that specific case because sometimes it's not all the cases that get the spotlight that reveal a lot about the way these justices approach some of the fundamental tenants of our democracy like separation of church and state. to that point i mention the dogma controversy that erupted obviously during justice barrett's confirmation hearing after senator diane feinstein famously said, quote, the dogma lives loudly within you. republicans called it an example of anti-religious bias. but in retrospect should she
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have been questioned more about her faith? when they get questioned they default by saying i'm not going to comment on this because it could potentially come up in front of the court. and when they're asked about a decision made previously they deflect by saying this is settled law, as far as i'm concerned it'll stand and we don't get really a lot of insight into how they're going to practice their jurisprudence, and here we are with a justice amy coney barrett flexing her religious insights onto these cases. >> i think it's clear that the confirmation process has been a complete farce for a long time. you had, for example, justice kavanaugh saying -- according to his questions was really looking forward to overturning roe v. wade and amy coney barrett with him. before justice ginsburg was even dead donald trump was reported
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to have said she was intended for justice ginsburg's seat. unfortunately, even if she had been more forthcoming or diane feinstein had asked about it, there would still be votes to confirm her. >> it's important to remind our viewers that she was confirmed while the elections were already under way. voting had already begun making this an absolutely unprecedented supreme court confirmation process. thank you so much for joining us tonight. greatly appreciate your insights. please stick around. we've got a lot more to discuss throughout the program. before we go to break, the story we've been following for you throughout the evening, the tragedy unfolding in the midwest and south eastern u.s. following a series of tornados that struck. as we mentioned 30 tornados reportedly across those six states. unfortunately and tragically dozens of people feared dead at this hour. we'll continue to bring you the latest on it as it develops.
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we're going to take a look at what some of the classic characters from trump's circle are doing right now. but first steven romo is back with the headlines. the stories we're watching this hour includes a severe weather outbreak overnight. a catastrophic stream of tornados tore through multiple states across the midwest and southeast overnight. kentucky is believed to be the hardest hit with 70 people killed and nearly 60,000 still left without power. governor andy bebeshear described it as unlike anything he'd ever seen. images of an amazon warehouse collapsed under the force of those winds. over 100 people were believed to be inside at the time, and several are still missing. president biden released a statement on twitter calling the storms an unimaginable tragedy and offering the federal government support to help the affected states. more "ayman" coming up after this. coming up after this
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congressman devin nunes will leave congress to become ceo of the trump media technology group. the move surprised a lot of people because nunes was in line to become the new chair of the house intelligence committee if republicans take back control of the house after next year's midterms. it goes to show how much control the former president still has over the republican party, and maybe it's because of the end of the year, but we here at "ayman"
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wanted to take a look at what some of trump's ride or die crew has been up to this past year or for a while. consider these are maga senior superlatives. we'd like to award nunes most likely to go all in on your pyramid scheme. now, with all we're learning about trump former chief of staff mark meadows' fondness for passing on sketchy powerpoint presentations he's a shoe in for most likely to reply all to a company e-mail. and former u.n. ambassador niki haley a favorite of us here on "ayman" we'd like to award her most likely to change her major six times. and our final superlatives most likely to overturn student election results that goes to the man himself. guys, thanks for sticking
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around. so let's talk about this. we're going to go around the horn. what superlatives do you have for the regulars in the trump cast of characters? eugene? >> vice president pence, post likely to be threatened with a hanging and then down-play the insurrection just months later, which is exactly what he did, literally. donald trump, most likely to hold his party -- his running for president as both a carrot and a stick for his party, which is also what he's doing. and sessions -- >> oh, yeah, forgot about him. what is he doing? >> a lot of people have. that's a good question. most likely to realize what one-sided loyalty looks like because he really saw that his career -- we've seen how that's taken. you've got to go with the comedians. i'm scared with what he has.
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>> i know never to go after a comedian. josh, what do you got? >> sure. i've got stephen miller, named most likely to use the nextdoor app to complain about a neighbor speaking spanish too enthusiastically. that's one. i've got sean spicer, least deserved reentry into polite society. steve bannon, most shirks. that's pretty simple. most shirks at once as well as most likely to claim sanctuary in international waters. i think that's coming up. and of course roger stone named most likely to have a capitol riot anniversary sex party called the january 6th erections. >> oh, man, yeah, eugene, i'm glad, eugene, you're -- >> thank you. >> i got you, bud. don't worry. i've got one for you guys. rudy giuliani, most likely to flunk out of law school. that's nothing compared to
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joshua's there, but i would say rudy giuliani most likely to buy hair dye from cbs given that running streak of -- >> i would say -- >> go ahead. >> -- rudy giuliani, a man for four seasons. >> that's a great one, too. that's a really good one. all right, well, let me ask you this, eugene. what do you think about nunes' decision here to leave congress and go run trump's media company? why in the world would he do that considering he had a pretty good chance to be chairman of the house intel committee if republicans take over next year, which by some political analyst's predictions they will. i mean, what is it that trump has -- how does he have a hold over these people? does he just love trump so much he just wants to be on the trump train no matter what? >> i mean, i think what the last, what, are we in december? the last 10, 11 months has shown us is trump still has a
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stranglehold on the republican party, and that means for people like nunes who still wants to have a future in the republican party, he has to be completely loyal to that man. if he comes and & you to quit and run this media company -- unclear what the media company actually is and what it's going to shakeout to be -- you do that. also the case and we've been told his race he was going to run in california was going to be a bit tougher than it usually is because of restricting possibly. so there's also that calculation where his race wouldn't be as easy as it usually is. i think full loyalty to donald trump is what passes in the republican party. it's not really about a policy. it's about doing and being loyal to him. in mark meadows' book, he talked about folks who wanted donald trump's endorsement, and that basically as long as you didn't have a felony and you didn't drag his name through the mud, that it was yours. and so what that says is as long as you're on trump's side you have a future in the republican
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party and republican politics writ largech. >> josh, i'm sure, like, you know, running for re-election every two years must be a pain. there's no doubt about that. it can get extremely exhausting and tedious, but does nunes really think running a digital media startup for trump is actually going to be more stable line of work for him given the fact that trump as eugene was mentioning is -- when it comes to loyalty, it's just one way for him? >> yeah. i mean, i think a lot of the republican party is kind of an m.c. hands of grifting, each one of them grifting for the other. so he's just trying to make a quick buck. and why wouldn't he be loyal to donald trump? i don't know if you watched any right-wing media in the past year. he's the president. >> yeah, that's true. >> ayman, what -- >> yeah, go ahead, eugene. >> another aspect of this really interesting is donald trump having a media company.
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we're very close to 2022, which would mean two years running for president for 2024, is there going to be a media company if he were to run for president, if he were president? i think little things like this are a constant reminder to us donald trump still hasn't really made a decision to run for president. and depending on how successful these other ventures are, it might very much weigh on his actual decision to do so. because it depends on who you talk to, depending on what day in the republican party and in the trump orbit whether or not he's going to run for president in 2024. and putting all his eggs in a media company basket thinking maybe he's not going to run, maybe he's done with politics. >> i was going to say -- >> or done with president. >> could the flip side of that be he is wanting to have this media outlet so he could just have his own megaphone and not have to, you know, beg to be on fox or try to get on tv elsewhere? because, you know, he's not going to get the same pass he
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got the first time around in 2016 when most of the mainstream media didn't take him seriously, took him like a bit of a clown show. and so he was able to call in and do whatever he wanted all the time until it got serious at which point it was too late. and this time around he knows he's not going to have that same platform. so here he is trying to create a platform where he can speak unfiltered and unchecked. >> no, i think that's right. running a media company is not easy, right? running a social media company is not easy, and i think that's one thing that all of these folks are going to find. and also and more importantly, he will get -- you know, he has been able to do what he wants to do on fox news still. there's also oen, also news max. there's other places he'll be able to use. and more importantly he has members of congress, republicans writ large who are going to if not say exactly what he's saying kind of try and guess before he
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says the things he wants them to do. so i think that his full takeover of the republican party it almost doesn't matter whether or not he comes on cnn or msnbc, right? he has all these other areas. >> josh, you've already called your cable subscriber asking about his trump channel, right? you want to try to get the trump channel on your cable provider? >> hey, look, i just want all the channels. i'll say, though, donald trump becoming, like, a media mogul at this point, it turns the republican party into what it actually is -- which is the show's succession. trump is the logan roy of the republican party and all the other republican politicians are his horrible, incompetent children. >> i think he watched succession this year and he got a lot of time on his hands and said i can
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do that, let me create my own channel. kentucky, as we've been reporting throughout the night in a state of emergency after an outbreak of tornados ripped through parts of the midwest and southeast. these before and after pictures of homes and businesses absolutely heart breaking both in arkansas and kentucky. they showcase the extensive damage that we've seen across the states. we are going to continue to monitor that, bring you any updates throughout the course of the hour. coming up as the saying goes, don't do the crime if you can't do the time. but i guess there are different rules if you're a billionaire. i'm going to explain that next. . i'm going to spexplain that nex. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition.
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click, call, or visit a store to learn more. all right, so here on this show we like to point out when peoples actions don't match up with their words. but here's the thing, people aren't the only ones who can be hypocritical. institutions can be, too. stick with me here for a moment. let's take what's happening in
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los angeles. chances are if you scrolled through your facebook feed or turned on the news recently you've seen videos just like this one over the last few weeks there's been a string of smash and grab-style crimes at stores across l.a. thieves have stolen more than $330,000 worth of goods in incidents like this since mid-november. last week 14 people were arrested in connection with some of those crimes. those 14 people will all have their day in court. and if convicted, pay for the crimes they've committed. that's actually called accountability. and it's a key part of america's criminal justice system. and maybe you've heard the saying, if you do the crime, you do the time. but apparently that's not true for everyone in this country. take this guy, for example. his name is michael steinhart. he's a billion rare, hedge fund
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and fill anthropist, and also a noted an tickwitties buyer. last week he was forced to surrender 180 of those antiquities. as it turned out they're not taken from their rightful owners legally. they were stolen, smuggled out of 11 countries by 12 criminal networks. manhattan vance said steinheart had a rapacious appetite for plundered artifacts without concern for the legality of his actions. the legitimacy of the pieces he bought or sold or the grievous cultural damage that he wrought across the globe. quite a condemnation there, so what price will this billionaire pay for his expensive i should i note illegal hobby of collecting stolen antiquities? no trial, no jail time.
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instead he'll face a lifetime ban on acquiring an tick witties. to be honest i'm not even sure that qualifies as a slap on the wrist. probably more like a gentle tap at this point. i just have to ask does that look like accountability to you? i guess words mean different things when you're a billionaire in this country. that's our hypocrisy hot take for the week. before we go to break, hundreds of thousands of americans are without power tonight after a series of devastating tornados swept through parts of the central u.s. search and rescue operations are under way as dozens of people are feared dead. we're going to bring you the very latest on that breaking news. still ahead, two weeks later house leaders have yet to denounce lauren boebert's anti-muslim remarks. now more than 400 congressional staff members are calling on them to take a stand. members arn them to take a stand ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪
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all right, so president biden has once again spoken with kentucky governor andy beshear this evening to get the latest on recovery efforts and reaffirm the support of the federal government in the trying times for this state. this comes after a catastrophic string of tornados tore through the south and midwest of the country leaving a trail of destruction. as we mentioned parts of arkansas, missouri, illinois, mississippi, tennessee, they've literally been flattened. kentucky thought to be the worse affected. as many as 100 people are estimated to have been killed in that state alone. we're going to keep an eye on that throughout the course of the hour. but we do want to switch gears for a moment and head to washington. the gop has an islamaphobia problem. there's no doubt about that. so much so that 400 congressional staff members are calling on house leaders to categorically reject incendiary rhetoric coming from inside the republican party. now, this comes after those comments, those islamaphobic
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comments by republican congresswoman lauren boebert. the representative from colorado last month suggesting representative ilhan omar was mistaken for a terrorist inside the capitol. omar called the comments bigotry. they were lies let alone bigotry. but they were lies and they were bigoting. boebert refused to apologize to omar directly but saying she was sorry to anyone in the muslim community i offended. it's far from an isolated incident when it comes to actions not worthy of an office held by many members of the congress. paul gosar and marjorie taylor greene both rebuked by colleagues in recent months. something has to change. our members of congress shouldn't have to feel unsafe because of their religion. that is not american. so how do we stop this reprehensible behavior? joining me now is the president of the arab american institute.
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first off, just how unprecedented is this behavior that we're seeing on capitol hill, that you have these members of congress attacking others, in some cases outright lies as we saw in the case of lauren boebert. in others calling or creating animes depicting the deaths of congresswoman like aoc and aept semitic comments of others by greene and more. >> unfortunately, it's not unprecedented. i think back to congresswoman sue meyer writing an introduction in a book about how there was a plot on the part of muslim staffers and she singled out the muslim staffers on the hill. then there was michelle bachmann's total fabrication of muslim brotherhood roots. and i could go on and on. newt gingrich starting the
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campaign against the victory mosque in new york, which the gop, the nrcc, the republican committee did paid television ads in 17 districts on this issue. lauren boebert is simply picking the fruit of a cancerous, diseased tree that was planted by the gop two decades ago. and they have been cultivating this, and they have been working it. and they're now exploiting it. she wouldn't have told that lie if she had not known there was an audience there ready to receive it, and that's because they work real hard to create this disease. so, yeah, removing her from committees is one thing, but we've got to root out the disease. the gop really has an islamaphobic problem. they have a problem with bigotry and xenophobia. and it's -- it's a problem. we saw donald trump -- donald trump the recipient of it. he fed it but he also played into a crowd that was already
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there for him. >> so, james, talk to me a little bit about because you have such institutional knowledge of washington, d.c. muslim staffers don't have the same protections as many other members of staff. why isn't there, for example, like a muslim association of staffers? i mean, there's been a perception from those i've spoken to it wouldn't be widely accepted because it would draw attention to them. as you mentioned they were citing a preface in that book. if they were to create an organization with their main identifier, what would that be for them? what would that experience be like for them on capitol hill? >> staffers generally don't have protections. congress holds itself to a different standard. you now can be prosecuted for sexual harassment, but for bigotry, no. i mean, that's simply not there. there is no hr office on the hill. you have to rely on the leadership to do this stuff. muslim staffers had an organization. that was precisely what sue meyer was going after in 2009.
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and they now have other associations. but you're right there is a fear if you identify yourself you put a bulls eye on your back, and that's a problem. there are, for example, republican muslim staffers who are gun-shy about being public about being muslim. that's wrong. i know it's the same problem with arab americans. president biden appoints three arab americans to national security posts, and oh, my god the hell that was raised. and it's true. we are the safe targets at this point. i mean, you can't do it with -- and you shouldn't do it with any other group, any other religious group, any other ethnic group. you get away with it my community and the muslim community. it's wrong. and pelosi has to act. democrats have to put an end to this and say this is unacceptable. but at the same time the republicans have to do some soul-searching, and we've got to help them with that
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soul-searching. the only republicans i can recall -- john mccain i remember calling him up and he came right out and denounced it. mit romney was the only republican on the stage in 2012 when asked would you appoint a muslim to a post, every other one said no. romney was the only one to not do it. they've got to deal with their problem in their party, and we've got to help them and making them have to pay a price with the bigotry. >> let me ask you about that really quickly. what do you make of the fact it's up to democrats to demand accountability. you touched on why it's not coming from within the republican party. we know after trump was elected there was a spike in anti-muslim american hate crimes. we're seeing a spike in all anti-hate crimes generally. do you think they use this in a way that appeals to their voters? this sense of nationalism
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resonates when lauren boebert lied in telling that islamaphobic story, that lie she perpetuated in that fund-raising event i believe. >> up until october 2002, a year after 9/11 the numbers were still even. muslims got a pretty favorable response, much more so than later. republicans started, like i said, in the campaigns they used really bigoted experts. and unfortunately, networks hired them as commentators. people asked them the question who are these people, and you called some of the islamaphobic bigots to come on and do it. the republican party did it and exploited it. and then you had religious right doing it. and then when obama ran, the thing exploded. and they said, oh, my god, they tried to other him by muslim him, arab him, foreign him. and when they saw it resonated, they ran with it.
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how you deal with it -- they have to pay a price. and the price has to be they have to be shamed and punished for what they've done. >> always a pleasure. great to see you and always learn so much from your knowledge about d.c. and everything. thank you so much for staying with us, james. >> thank you so much. all right, we're continuing to follow the breaking news surrounding a series of catastrophic tornados. a federal emergency now has been declared in kentucky whereas many as 100 people feared dead. the tornados swept across six states. as these terrifying images show the winds destroyed everything in their path. we're going to keep you updated throughout the evening. coming up julian assange is a step closer to being extradited to the united states after a high court ruling, but members of his family are concerned for assange's life, if he is brought back to the u.s. he is brought back to the u.s. frequent heartburn? not anymore. the prilosec otc two-week challenge is helping people love what they love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours.
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you know, if he is extradited he will die. i don't think the assurances are assurances at all. they come with caveats in them which allow the director of the cia to move him if they believe he might reveal some state secrets, so they're not really assurances at all. and there are so many different classifications under the u.s. prison system. he might be held in communications management unit like whistle-blower daniel hale. so they haven't ruled out the communications management unit, which is actually a harsher prison environment than the florida super max. so, you know, they're not really worth the paper they're printed onto me. and i think we've seen in the past that the u.s. prison system, you know, cannot keep people safe. >> assange's lawyer will be seeking permission to appeal to the british supreme court.
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we're going to continue this discussion sunday night at 9:00 p.m. with jameel jaffer. you're not going to want to miss that conversation. thank you very much for making time for us. come back tomorrow night at 9:00 eastern on msnbc. but until we meet again, i'm ayman mohyeldin. have a good night. l we meet agam ayman mohyeldin. have a good night. wash freshness boosters. just pour a capful of beads into your washing machine before each load. to give your laundry a light scent that lasts longer than detergent alone, with no heavy perfumes or dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day! new downy light, available in four naturally-inspired scents. (vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more.
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