tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC December 16, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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start-up is a normal news day but things got busy. late in the afternoon and then into this evening. in the midst of this supreme led situation that we are leading with the abortion rights. it is near certainty that the ruling of the case the just heard is going to overturn roe v. wade. tonight we got a big announcement from the fda. tonight, the fda announced a new rule change around abortion pills. it used to be the case that if you wanted to have a medication abortion, if you are early on up in your pregnancy and were able to take a series of two drugs to end the pregnancy instead of having a surgical procedure in a clinic or hospital, it used to be if you are going to have a medication abortion. an abortion using these pills. the rule used to be that you had to physically go to a hospital or go to a clinic or medical office to be handed the pills for some reason.
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even though you can take the pill. it is in a medical procedure. it's just a drug. you had to physically show up and be handed the pill in order to be handed that kind of abortion. as of tonight, they say that you can do a telemedicine appointment with your health provider and the pills can be sent to you by mail. and just like that, your decision of whether or not you are going to get an abortion is once again a private matter. and nobody else is business but your own. lots of republican led states already have state laws in place that block women from getting these pills. at least they make it really hard to get these pills. those laws aren't going to be changed by the fda ruling. but as a general matter, in the country, in states that don't ban it or block it, the fda now says women can get these pills in the mail. in the privacy of their own home, handling their pregnancy without unnecessary cost, trips,
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hoops to jump through, etc. the fda's decision on this may mean that states have blocked access to abortion pills. they are going to get the law challenged in court. this may actually create a new legal environment. a new playing field in which those challenges could be heard. we will see. but at a time when a large majority of the population in this country wants roe v. wade to stay in tech and republican appointed justices this decision by the fda is one of the only things that has gone in the other direction. it is one of the only thing recently in terms of expanding access. making it easier and less punitive, and less costly for women on this issue to get an abortion. again, the news broke late this afternoon, early evening this night. also late today, an interesting move from the panel that
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advises the cdc on vaccine. it is the panel that advises the cdc on the safety and efficacy that are very involved in the approval for vaccines. deciding who is eligible for vaccines. this is the same panel that approved that pfizer and moderna vaccine, and also the one shot, johnson & johnson vaccine. late today, that advisory panel after spending time reviewing what we have learned in the past year from the widespread use of these vaccines for hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine being used in this country after reviewing the data comparing the johnson & johnson vaccine to those other two vaccines over the course of the past year. that panel decided today, unanimously, to recommend that if you have a choice when it comes to your vaccination, choose pfizer or moderna. choose those over johnson & johnson. all in all, balancing all the risks and benefits, they say
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that pfizer and moderna are preferable to johnson & johnson. that was the recommendation from the panel late this afternoon. and the cdc formally adopted that recommendation. the bottom line here is that if you haven't been vaccinated yet, go get vaccinated. particularly with case numbers skyrocketing right now with this new variant storming the country. go get vaccinated if you have not been vaccinated. and when you go get vaccinated, get pfizer or moderna. that is the bottom line. now, millions of americans including yours truly, have already been vaccinated with johnson & johnson. what this means for those of us who already got johnson & johnson as our initial shot is not to worry about having that been our initial shot. but it does raise questions about our boosters. everybody in the country, basically right now, is recommended to get boosted even if you have previously been
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vaccinated. well what about booster shots for those of us who have the johnson & johnson vaccine? what this means tonight, from the cdc, is if you had johnson & johnson, your booster shot ideally should be pfizer or moderna. most people who initially got the johnson & johnson vaccine have already been doing pfizer and moderna as their boosters anyway. that is already the common practice in this country. but this new recommendation from the cdc tonight would seem to point that more explicitly. an interesting decision. we got some clear comment on this issue from the top science adviser to biden on the covid response. we had him on the show numerous times. he was talking about the biden covid response. we have his comment on this new decision coming up later on this hour. so some clarity from him. late tonight we also learned that the national republican party has agreed to pay more than one and a half million
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dollars in legal bills for former president donald trump. specifically for his defendant against new york state investigations into alleged tax fraud, bank fraud, and -- at his real estate business. these have nothing to do with him being a republican. these alleged crimes have nothing to do with him as president. they are about to conduct that allegedly occurred before he was a public official of any kind. these alleged crimes obviously have nothing to do with the mission of the republican party. he is not an employee of the republican party. he is not a republican nominee for any office. he is not even a republican candidate for anything. nevertheless, the republican party is paying his legal bills? for his business entanglement? i will also note for the record that he is supposedly also a billionaire. who would be better placed than any of us to afford his own lawyers.
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he is also sitting on more than 100 million dollars in cash that he has raised for his pact. many races since he lost his reelection bid. any amount of the hundred million dollars, plus, is welcomed and free to spend on his legal bills. also on his personal travel, hairspray, renting bumper cars and any other things that he wants. he can spend that money on the legal defense of people who were arrested for the role in the january 6th attack, maybe. he hasn't been doing it. he is not spending that money even on his own legal fees. instead the national republican party is paying the bills of the lawyers that he is using to defend himself from allegations that he has been inflating and deflating the value of various real estate properties to cheat on his taxes, insurance companies, etc. nice work if he can get it. do you remember ahead of the
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republican national convention in 2020? when the republican party announced that they just weren't going to have a platform that you're? they weren't going to have a policy platform for the election for the first time ever in the history of the party? they abolished the party platform in 2020 in favor of a statement that just said, republican report everything donald trump doesn't think. [laughs] >> now that he is a private citizen, they are spending the money for his shady real estate company. wow. party of lincoln, my friends. interesting how you are evolving. on the issue of trump's ongoing efforts to undermine americans belief in our democracy to try and get americans to no longer respect election results, his ongoing efforts to try and overturn the election results. along those lines tonight, we have heard from trump's lawyer,
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roger stone, that he will take the fifth tomorrow. he is expected to appear in person on capitol hill in front of the january six investigation so that he can invoke his fifth amendment right against self incrimination as his reason for not answering his questions. this lawyer, implying that he will plead the fifth to every single one of their questions. trump justice department, jeff clark, is also pleading the fifth in this investigation. trump lawyer john eastman, it is also pleading the fifth in this investigation. roger stone will plead the fifth tomorrow. the january six investigation tonight set a new subpoena to a man named phil walden. you might remember this video clip that we discussed him in detail on tonight's show. he is the man who claimed credit for compiling the absolutely bananas, here's how to do a coup, 38 page power
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point presentation that somehow found its way to trump's white house counsel. and then ultimately find its way to the january six investigation. that document said that the election result should be thrown out and falsified, reversed even. by a simple process. trump should declare a national security emergency, the national guard should be federalized and they should be sent out to seize ballots all over the country. this is the guy who said the mastermind of the election fraud was the brother of the vice president of venezuela. okay. also china. there was a server in germany, some uv lights and rare earth minerals that needed to be -- incidently, he's also the guy who reported that none of the vote totals for michigan made sense. none of the vote totals matched up with the registered voters and communities in michigan. he is very upset about that.
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filed enough but david on that. it was part of some of the trump election lawsuits. in reason that it appeared that none of the voting data looked right for michigan. but also completely wrong because he was actually looking at a list from counties from minnesota. [laughs] >> not michigan. but apparently he didn't realize that those were two different states, but godfathers a lawsuit anyway. this is the guy that has just been subpoenaed in the january six investigation. roger stone will call the circuit tomorrow when he goes up to plead the fifth. and i should tell you, our friends at the fox news channel are about to get a little extra crunch in their chocolate bars, because the fox news hasn't entity just got told by a federal judge tonight that the 1.6 billion defamation filed against them by one of the voting machine companies that they claimed were part of the stolen election fantasy, had asked for a defamation lawsuit to be thrown out.
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a judge tonight said, actually, that defamation against them can go ahead. fox news is very rich. they swim in a sea of cable subscriber fees and my pillow ad revenue. but still, 1.6 billion dollars is enough to -- i mean -- who knows it may be enough to turn over the peanut butter a little bit. it may be enough for all the allegations. let's consider this a fair warning. like i said, a lot of news breaking late this afternoon and into this evening. all the stories that i just do this all things that happened in the second half of the day today. but with everything happening, here's the story. here's the story that i can't really believe is the real thing. i should believe. it i have heard everything there is to read about it. so i know that it must be real. but i cannot believe it.
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i know it but i don't feel it. this has to be fiction. apparently it's a real story. we first covered this last month. we had michael schmidt here on the story to talk about. it pulitzer prize-winning, great reporter. we hadn't on early last month for a very strange story that he broke with some of his colleagues at the time. about a bizarre dirty trick that had been played against joe biden and the biden family in the last days of the presidential campaign in 2020. mr. schmidt and his colleagues at the time reported last month that the fbi had handed off search warrants, that they, november 5th last month as part of a federal criminal investigation into political opponents of president biden somehow stealing or otherwise obtaining the diary of president biden's daughter. and they had all of these
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strange pieces of the story, the fbi rating multiple premises in and around new york, the fact that mr. biden's daughter's diary was apparently her actual diary and it had been posted on the right-wing website less than two weeks before the election. this intriguing detail that it was public prosecutors leaving this case at sdny. the search warrants being executed, it was such a weird story when this broke last, month we had michael smith on to explain what was known and blamed thus far in the, case but i remember the stately telling him at the end of my interview with him that night, listen, we are going to need you back here again when we finally understand what all of these weird pieces mean when we finally understand what is actually going on here. because this is just an absolute freak show of the story. well, now we've got the rest of it. or at least most of the rest of it. check this out. this is adam goldman and michael schmidt writing today in the new york times. quote, in the final two months
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of the 2020 campaign, president donald j trump, his grip on power slipping because of his handling of the pandemic, desperately trying to change the narrative by attacking joe biden's son hunter. invoking his name publicly over 100 times. at the same time, another effort was underway in secret to try to expose the contents of a diary kept the previous year, by mr. biden's daughter, ashley. now, more than a year later, the justice department is deep into an investigation of how the diary found its way into the hands of supporters of mr. trump at the height of the campaign. federal prosecutors and fbi agents are investigating whether there was a correctional conspiracy among a handful of individuals to steal and publish the diary. those being scrutinized involved current and former operatives for the conservative group, project bear toss. a donor who mr. trump to a -- political position in the final days of his administration. also a man who once pleaded guilty in a money laundering scream. the inquiry has also
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intensified the scrutiny of project bear toss. its founder was pulled from his apartment in his underwear and handcuffed during a raid last month by the fbi. two days after a pair of his employees had their homes rated as well. the group, project bear toss, admits that it purchased actually biden's diary, but it ultimately did not publish it. so the group denies wrongdoing. this episode has its roots in the spring of last year. the spring of 2020. as miss biden's father was closing in on the democratic presidential nomination. miss biden has kept a low profile through her fault's presidency and vice presidency. she was living in del ray beach florida, last year. but in june, with the calf pain wrapping up, she headed to philadelphia, planning to return to the dell ray home in the fall. when she left the del ray home, she decided to leave some of her belongings behind, including a duffel bag and another bag. people familiar with the event say. weeks after miss biden headed
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to the northeast, the friend who had been hosting miss biden in the house in del rio, allowed a woman named amy harris and her two children to move into that home. quote, shortly after moving into the dell ray home, miss harris, who social media postings and conversations with friends suggest she was a fan of donald trump, she learned that actually biden had stayed in that home previously and that some of her belongings were still there. exactly will happen next remains the subject of a federal investigation. but by september, miss biden's diary had been acquired from miss harris and a friend by project bear toss. the friend of miss harris here is an ex convict who spent years in prison for a major money laundering scheme. project where tawse has acknowledged buying actually biden's diary, but in october, less than a month before the election, the group decided they would not publish a story based on it. that said, according to the times report today, project bear toss was still trying to
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use the diary as leverage. get this. on october 16th, 2020, project bear toss wrote to joe biden and his campaign that it had obtained actually biden's diary and wanted to question mr. biden on camera about its contents. the project very tallest's chief legal officer, jarred t eve, i think that's how you say his name, wrote to mr. biden, quote, said we should not hear from you from october 20 2020, we will have no choice to unilaterally and disclose that you refused are offered to provide answers to the questions raised by your daughter. in response, lawyers working for actually biden, accuse project bear toss of threatening them, as part of an extortion effort to secure an interview with candidate joe biden in the campaigns closing days. despite his lawyers told mr. eve from project where tossed that they should treat this diarrhea stolen property. the lawyer suggested that quote, serious crimes may have been
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committed. ultimately, one of the asked really biden's lawyers, roberta kaplan, told mr. eid quote, this is insane, we should send sdny. and federal prosecutors in the district. shortly thereafter, miss biden's lawyers alerted prosecutors at the united states attorney's office for the district of new york, which is the federal prosecutors office that is now overseeing this case. you know, nixon went for the guy's medical records from his psychiatrist office. here we have descended even from their. to the personal diary of the daughter of the president. and now it is literally a federal criminal investigation. how is this real? how is this not bad fiction? joining us now is michael schmidt, washington correspondent for the new york times. he initially broke the news on this day scoop. thank you for being here tonight. >> thanks for having me.
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did i screw any of this up? or have i missed anything important to something that helps us understand the story? >> no. i think, as you were going in the back and forth about the letters that were exchanged by project bear toss and the biden lawyers. i could hear it in your voice. that was a really, really important time. this was a very close election. closer than most people think. and this was in those final days of the campaign that project vera tawse was trying to use everything that it had to try and secure this interview with biden. and to try and use the contents of the story as some sort of leverage to get their. and even threatening to essentially publish the diary. and i believe that if project rare toss itself had published the diary, he would have been caught up in the conservative media echo chamber. maybe on trump's radar, in a
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way that it never became. because it was posted on a conservative website that few people know about. and it never got much attention. i think the showdown between the biden lawyers and project bear toss, these letters that go back and forth, is some of the most dramatic stuff. if the biden motors headlined and project vera tawse had published this, i'm not sure what impact it would have had it would've had a substantial impact. >> aside from the political impact, there is also potential legal implications here. . in lieu of published in these back and forth letters. it does read like an extortion attempt. trying to force biden into doing an interview with the group that maintains it is a journalistic outfit, trying to force him to do it. with all but explicit threat that his daughter's diary would end up in being publicly
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disclosed, if he didn't do it. i mean, extorting a public figure like that, in that way. has legal implications. >> before we sort of get to the legal of the though. i think we have to talk about the personal of it. president biden was not someone who had a major public role in the campaign. she wasn't going to work and for her father. she was not out there pushing on the campaign trail. she occasionally did appear. this was her personal diary. and the effort was to publish the diary. to undercut biden. it was not the first attempt that someone had made at trying to use the biden children against their father. and that is just an extraordinary thing that went on here. where, regardless of what project vera tawse says how the diary was obtained, or not
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obtain. here was a person who is having to confront at the height of her father's race for the presidency. the final days of the election. with donald trump had a lack of her -- just days earlier, she sitting there in late october, having to deal with the fact that someone was trying to take her diary and make it public. to stop her father from becoming president of the united states. in a race against donald trump. i just think that is a remarkable, personal thing. i cannot imagine what she went through. >> yeah. exactly. the personal -- this being a low life move is one thing. but going to these depth with the candidates fanned early. with his kids in particular. it is sort of morally unfathomable. i want to ask you about one other piece of this. there are some other dangling pieces of the story.
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that you and mr. goldman laid out today. i just want to ask you if there is anything we should understand about them? one, you mentioned there is a trump donor, who has apparently come under some sort of federal scrutiny for her role in having had some thing to do with this. there is also a dramatic scene towards the end of your piece, in which somebody shows up with what appears to be miss biden's belongings and brings them to a pre-station. there is an interaction there with a police station that is caught on body camera footage. while this person is trying to deliver these things to the police. how do these pieces fit together? >> even though we have been reporting on this for a month now, we are still very early in this. this sort of story. and sort of understanding it. what we do know, is that a woman named him is a bit fog oh. who was a longtime trump donor. is being looked at by federal investigators for her role in
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this. what role did she play in this? we do not know a lot about that. we know that she has some connections to one of the individuals who sold -- who helped sell the diary to project bear toss. we do know that she was in the west wing in december of 2020. in that same month, the final days of the trump administration. trump appointed her to a national cancer advisory board. one of these positions that he was putting different donors and confidence on. in the final days of his administration. beyond that, we don't know a lot about her. except that her name has showed up in legal documents. law enforcement documents. as the authorities have sought more information here. and to the other issue that you brought up about the story. without getting into the weeds of this, you could really get lost in that. less than 24 hours after
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biden's victory was clinched, when it was announced he had one in november of 2020, two bags showed up at the del ray police department. bought from a lawyer. who said he represented a client. he wasn't sure how they had been found. they might have been stolen. he was just turning them into authorities. and the police officers said that they would be throwing these things out. and the lawyer said that he was fine with that. project veritas later said that they had tried to return these diary to law enforcement. so that it could be given back to its owner. and of course, the police didn't throw it out. >> they determined that this was actually likely president biden's daughter stuff. they called the family and the story goes from there. michael schmidt, washington correspondent for the new york
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times. this story, even as i understand more and more about it, it is impossible to believe. i hope you will stay on this until we get to the very bottom of it. i hope you will continue. thank you. >> thanks for having. me >> we have much more ahead tonight, stay with us. th us. along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. [ coughing and sneezing ] cold season is back. bounce back fast with alka seltzer plus. with 25% more concentrated power. alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh, what a relief it is ♪ so fast! also try for cough, mucus & congestion. before nexium 24hr,
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>> that was george democratic u.s. senator, raphael warnock. at the tail end of just an epic senate speech. the senate this week carved out an exception from the filibuster so that they can pass the debt ceiling with just a simple majority vote. senator warnock implored his fellow senators to do the same thing. to carve out a one time exception to the filibuster so that they can also pass voting right legislation's with just a simple majority vote. president biden has not backed up senator warnock on that issue there. with fine language from president biden about how the language should take up voting rights before anything else. he is now saying there is, quote, nothing domestically more important than voting rights. it is the single biggest issue. today president biden and vice president harris held a strategy session on zoom with these nine democratic senators to reportedly chart out some
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sort of game plans about how it can get past us the next thing that needs to pass the senate. one notable attendee was joe manchin. who has seemed like he's vocally trying to get a change. except the days when he doesn't sound vocally opposed to it. he is hard to parse. but at the very least, he appears to be not totally against this as a tactical move anymore, maybe. and who knows what looks in the heart of senator manchin. and who knows what is causing him to have this apparent change of heart if that is what it is. maybe it is the holiday season. maybe it's something to do with this newfound pressure on the issue. coming not only from his colleagues in the senate like senator warnock. but also the pressure from the public. i want to show you a new ad that just came out today. one of a number on this subject. it is urging the senate to pass voting right legislation no
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matter how they have to get it done. watch this. watch right to the end for the invocation of congressman john lewis. >> on a faraway beach. the generation called our greatest saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know is oval. a new generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in, alabama, the picture of this time, marched straight to passing voting rights to every american. at a gate in west berlin, allay generation american president demanded an enemy superpower to tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom, liberty, justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again. to protect our freedom to vote. to fortify our democracy. by passing the freedom to vote
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act and the john lewis voting rights act. because america -- >> we are not going back, we are going forward. >> senator joe manchin and senator kyrsten sinema get most of the attention for being these conservative democrats who are the main roadblocks to actually passing voting rights in the senate. but they are not the only democratic senators who have said that they oppose changing the senate rules. they have been alone in that. but today the dwindling number of democrats in that team, on team don't carve out the filibuster to get this done, have lost another one of their members. one democratic senator today, pretty dramatic fashion, has just announced that she has changed her mind about getting voting rights passed. she said she now believes the voting rights is too important. this is the only way to get it done. and she is now firmly throwing
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her support behind getting voting rights passed no matter how it needs to get done. she had previously been opposed to changes in the filibuster in order to get it done. she is no longer a post. she wants to do it. that senator joins us next. stay with us. stay with us ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. want your clothes to smell freshly washed experience the power all day without heavy perfumes? now they can! with downy light in-wash freshness boosters. just pour a capful of beads into your washing machine before each load. to give your laundry a light scent
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(music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ we've all been following very closely the question of whether or not voting rights will get federal protections this year. to that and, i want to draw your attention to something that just happen a short time ago, tonight, on the united states senate floor. >> congress has a responsibility to act now. to ensure that the right of every american to vote is never taken away. we must pass legislation to prevent partisan politicians from rejecting the will of the people. and also overturning election results. and because that effort here in
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congress is being blocked by a minority, which is abusing its power, i believe the time has come to change the senate rules to allow a street up or down majority vote on this fundamental issue of democracy. we must change the senate rules to protect the right to vote. because if we don't, we face a very different kind of election day than the one we have now. if the partisan who are attacking our democracy have their way, are tuesday election day in early november will be different. we will wake up, cast our vote, drop our kids at school, go to work. we will tune back in at the end of the day to see the election results. only to learn that the fatality is being ignored. that our votes don't matter much. we will learn that our legislatures are going to throw
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up the results and pick their own runner. we will see an election day that is a charade. just like in countries where democracy doesn't exist. our democracy is too important to allow a minority of this body to let it slip away. we must pass legislation to protect american democracy. our country depends on it. >> that was new hampshire u.s. senator, maggie hassan tonight. urgently calling on her colleagues in the senate to change the rules. to change the filibuster rules and allow a simple majority to pass voting rights protections. this is really important in political terms. senator maggie hassan, as a moderate senator. she has a very tough fight ahead of her new hampshire. and this represents a shift for senator maggie hassan up until now, she has supported voting
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rights but she has not supported a carve out from the filibuster for getting voting rights passed. now she says giving the urgency of this situation and the sort of dire straits that the democracy is in without the federal protection, she supports getting voting rights protections passed with a straight up or down a majority vote. and that really is the only way that it can happen. joining us now to talk about it arriving at this new position, a senator maggie hassan. senator it's a real pleasure to have you here. thank you for making time. >> rachel, thanks for having me on. >> i want to be clear, i think i was a really willie about this before the commercial break a moment ago. in the past you have said that the filibuster should maybe be changed. for example, we should maybe force people to talk through the filibuster all the way through. like the way mr. smith goes to washington in order to apply a filibuster to something like
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voting rights. this speech that you gave tonight makes me think that you are calling for something new. that you are calling for a essentially a carve out for the filibuster. so that voting rights can pass with just a simple majority vote. this is a shift for you, isn't it? >> yes it is, because the foundation of voting rights is at stake. and part of what has really influence to me is just seeing this acceleration of measures of the state level. where they are working to take in administered elections and turning them into a partisan exercise. and if that happens, if we can't rely on our voting rights being counted and tallied and our election results carrying not about who winds but about making sure that the elections are just free and fair then we really are seeing the crumbling of the very foundation of our democracy. and that is the foundation on which everything else is built. >> that anecdote, that
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dystopian portrait that you laid out for your colleagues talking about how the next election day might be one in which we learn after casting our votes, that our votes are being disregarded, does sound like a little bit like science fiction. the type of changes that you described in that part of your speech. those things have actually been proposed in numerous state legislatures already, this year, not even a year out yet from last year's election resolution. is there disbelief among your colleagues that things are this serious? and that the proposals to change our elections are as radicals as the ones that you described? >> there is just kind of, i'm not sure disbelief is the right word, but real concern. we have been talking about it amongst ourselves. i think a lot right now about my dad. he was a world war ii veteran, fought in the battle of the bulge. he and that greatest generation
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saved freedom for the rest of the world. they saw the threat, the reality. of tyrants and authoritarianism up front. and up close. my dad, sometimes at the breakfast table, with my sister, brother and i. he would look at us and say, what are you all going to do for freedom today? and that sounds kind of like a serious, odd question to ask a kid. but my dad meant it. he has been on my mind a lot recently. what are we going to do for freedom today? because this all depends on having these impartially administered elections. >> senator, you are a practical and ideally more logical democrat. you are a get things done to your home state senator. you don't spend a lot of time on cable television for example. i have to ask you, given your role in the democratic caucus.
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your workhorse, not show horse rule. the way you are aligned with a lot of your moderate colleagues on issues. do you have any insight on whether they might be softening on this issue, or opening their mind on this issue. for changing the filibuster rule. to pass these elections. even if they said they wouldn't do it. specifically sat cinema, and any of your other college who might have been in a more cautious posture on this issue. >> would i can tell you, is that the seriousness of what we are seeing in states across the country is really weighing on people. from georgia, to arkansas, to arizona. we are seeing these measures that are really aimed at allowing partisans to just work the levers of their power. to really choose their own winners. what we also know, is that when that happens, when voters don't have confidence that their input matters.
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or that they can hold their elected representatives accountable, then the democracy really does begin to crumble. and people in power, as they get more and more distanced and divorced from the people they represent. because they aren't held accountable. begin to rely more and more on authoritarian methods. this is really serious. it is weighing on all of us. we know how important free, fair, impartially administrated elections are. to our democracy. to our way of life. and frankly to how important it is when you think about who our enemies are. russia, china, iran, north korea. they would love to see american democracy fail. this is about our security. our individual rights at home. it's also about our security around the world and about our understanding.
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it's weighing on all of us. we are having ongoing discussions about it, because it is so serious. democratic senator hassan of new hampshire. senator hassan, it is a pleasure to have you here. i know it'll be hard to get you back, because you don't do much cable news. i really appreciate you helping us get this context tonight. >> thank you so much, rachel be safe everybody. >> we will be right back, stay with us. stay with us. at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer.
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9:53 pm
with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. today, the nearly 90 million americans who are unvaccinated for covid received some very clear practical advice from the cdc about which vaccine you should get if you're eligible. the cdc is now recommending the pfizer or moderna vaccine. either one of the two mrna vaccines. this is over the johnson & johnson shot. johnson & johnson uses a different situation to protect you from the virus.
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the cdc expert advisory panel voted 15 to nothing for this recommendation. either one of the women are and the vaccines is preferred over the johnson & johnson for your vaccination. so that is clear guidance now. if the moderna or pfizer is available to you get inoculated with one of those instead of the johnson & johnson. but for the 60 million americans who got the j&j shot already there is not really practical questions that are left fuzzy if not unanswered when it comes to boosters. the cdc recommended in october for anyone who got johnson & johnson should get a booster. to get them at least two months after your johnson & johnson shot. but what's should your booster be? when they recommended that people who got j&j should get a booster, the cdc said at the time it's fine to mix and match. you can get a different vaccine for the booster shot. but this new guidance tonight
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-- does that mean that if you have the j&j, it's better to get boosted with pfizer or moderna instead of just getting another johnson and johnson those? we ask the biden administration top scientists, doctor david kessler that question tonight. he gave us this direct quote. quote, the most important thing right now, if you are vaccinated, you need to get boosted. we have ample supply of moderna and pfizer to support boosters. we encourage everyone to get boosted with one of those vaccines right away. . got it. so what this means, is get your booster if you haven't got it already. and if your initial vaccine was johnson & johnson it is preferable for you to make your booster not another johnson & johnson but instead rather pfizer or moderna. and as doctor david kessler, notably said there is plenty available. it does still leave one question remaining. if your first shot was j&j, how
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many booster should you get? should do just get one shot of pfizer, one shot of moderna? you have to get two shots of pfizer moderna to be considered fully vaccinated in the first place and then you get boosted with a third shot. if your shot was johnson & johnson should you get ultimately two shots of pfizer or two shots of moderna or just one as a booster? right now, the guidance is just to get one shot. one booster shot if you have johnson & johnson. the question of whether that guidance might change is now open. and frankly, 16 million people need to know. watch this space. watch this space o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. cough cough sneeze sneeze... [ sneezing ] needs, plop plop fizz fizz. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to start working.
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10:00 pm
we'll keep you ready for what's next. you know what's tonight's? comcast business powering possibilities. friday eve. because tomorrow's friday. helpful reminder. i will see you again tomorrow, now it's time for the last word with lawrence or donald. good evening lawrence. >> rachel, do you really think it's helpful? isn't it kind of confusing the evening. you throw people off into thinking, and then they have to think it through and say, it's thursday. she means just thursday. >> nobody gets confused and think christmas eve's christmas evening. we all know that the eve of something is the eve. and fridays are imported enough that i need to start celebrating in advance. >> but that is the thing, we are in the eve sea
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