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tv   The 11th Hour  MSNBC  January 3, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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for your kindness and generosity. i wish you could all have the experience of being in those classrooms when students take their seats at desks for the very first time in their lives and always, i mean, always, spontaneously burst into song in joy and gratitude. ♪♪ >> the music of malawi gets tonight's last word. "11th hour" starts now. ♪♪ good evening, once again this is day 349 of the biden administration. former president donald trump and his family are now facing new and escalating legal battles, just days before the
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nation marks one full year since his supporters carried out an attack on the u.s. capitol. new york state attorney general james has subpoenaed ivanka and donald trump jr. demanding testimony and documents in a civil investigation into the trump organization's business practice. and asked the court to force i subpoena for their father. earlier lawyers for the trump's have filed a motion to quash the subpoenas. we should know trump and his children have not been accused of any wrongdoing in this investigation and donald trump has called this investigation politically-motivated. this comes as the house selection committee investigating the insurrection appears to be zeroing on communications with trump while the mob desecrated congress and
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one committee saying they have firsthand testimony that he was sitting in the dining room next to the oval office watching the attack on television. we have firsthand testimony his daughter ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to please stop this violence, end quote. earlier tonight another committee member shared more details about its focus. >> we're making significance progress in our investigation. we continue to gather information via text and interviews from individuals and one of the key areas we've discussed all along, these 187 minutes that president trump was in the white house when he could have been doing something to help stop this attack. those are some of the questions we have, for additional individuals as well. this is folks in government and out of government who could have done things to help that day and
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chose not to. >> meanwhile the committee's chairman says they're weighing subpoenas for republican members to force their cooperation saying the key issue under examination is whether this committee can lawfully issue subpoenas to sitting members of congress. as we mentions, thursday is exactly one year since the insurrection and "the washington post" said we'll learn more from u.s. attorney general merrick garland on wednesday. tonight chuck schumer is linking the anniversary of the 6th attack to whato sees as tlets threats as right to vote from various state legislation -- legislatures. >> what happened on january 6 is
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a big lie. the idea it is a one-off is wrong. it's perpetrated by an attempt to take away voting rights. >> he sent a letter to senator saying he will seek bipartisan support for voting rights legislation and added that the chamber would vote no later than the martin luther king jr. holiday january 17th this year to change senate rules if republicans continue to block the voting rights bill. as that unfolds the nation heads to the new year grappling with the relentless spread of covid with daily average of new cases north of 400,000. earlier today a former cdc director predicted the situation may not let up any time soon. >> these next six weeks are going to be really rough in terms of numbers of cases. >> the fda today added yet another layer of protection against the virus by authorizing
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pfizer booster shot for children 12 to 15 years old. the current situation has some schools returning to remote learning, new york public schools are open for in-class instruction. the nation's largest school system welcomes students back after holiday break with enhancing testing protocols. >> we're going to double down on testing, to get as many people tested as possible. the safest place for our children we know is in a school building. people not in school are not in their rooms, they're in the street not wearing a mask, some not getting the food they deserve, so this is the most important thing we can do, to keep the schools open and allow children to receive the support they deserve. >> the outbreak has affected defense secretary austin who is tested positive and is isolating. he met with the president december 21st and tested negative on that day.
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with that let's hear from pulitzer prize winner senior correspondent for "the washington post" and co authenticator of "i alone can fix it" and white house correspondent for "usa today" and melissa murray of nyu law clerk was a law clerk before her nomination on the supreme court. thank you for joining us, the attorney general of new york is trying to get testimony from donald trump and his children, what stands out, with there was back-and-forth between them today, are we likely to see members of donald trump's family possibly donald trump forced to cooperate with the attorney general of new york state. >> i don't think we'll see cooperation, i think what happens is attorney general james is not only pursuing fraud under new york civil law but he's participating with the
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manhattan da in a criminal investigation and lawyers have argued wearing two hats in a situation like this has somehow complicated her position. of course anything revealed in a subpoena in a civil case could then be used and shared in a criminal investigation and that of course is the worry. again, if they refuse to testify in this civil situation then if it goes to trial and there's a jury it could be used against them. so the trump family is in a hard spot so is lettishia james with two hats, civil and criminal investigations being pursued in parallel. >> phillip rutger, access is reporting on january 6th, the anniversary of the attack on the capitol, steve bannon will host the war room with two trump supporters, matt gates and
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margorie taylor green who has been banned from social media what do you expect to happen on january 6th from trump and his orbit? >> you know, i expect january 6th will be the most extensive effort by trump and his accolade lights to white wash history, to reimagine what happened on january 6 to apply the label patriots to people who history will regard as insurrectionists, people who reporter rioting violently at the capitol. we'll hear from donald trump who is planning to hold a news conference in mar-a-lago his private club in florida. there will be a surround sound campaign, including the bannon podcast, and people on fox news channel and oann and other
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pro-trump right-wing media outlets to try to reframe how the america people view what happened on january 6th in a way that's more favorable to trump and his supporters. keep in mind, ali, that public polling opinion surveys continue to show a majority of republican voters in america consider the election of 2020 to be rigged and stolen and president biden to be illegitimate, i think we'll hear those arguments even though they're not true and there's no evidence, we'll hear those arguments from trump and his supporters on the 6th. >> this is interesting because as phillip talks about the reframing, members of the committee and others are talking about framing this yet more seriously. you heard the reference to 187 minutes that donald trump was in the white house. and liz cheney talked about whether he might be responsible through action or inaction. let's listen to what former
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senator had to say earlier today about the committee. >> it is frightening when you really read the constitution and realize that their plan could have worked. if the republicans had been in control of the house of representatives. i think it would have worked had the republicans been in charge of the house of representatives. >> and courtney, the january 6th committee has said it's going to get more aggressive and you're going to be seeing public hearings, what do you think happens now? >> yeah, as you mentioned, a lot of what's taken place so far has been behind closed doors and they're expected to move to a public phase, to review findings and issue subpoenas to try to pin down actions of president trump that day and reveal preparations and financing for that attack and really the white house campaign to overturn the
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2020 election, and i think it's important to note as phillip did earlier that this more public phase comes as trump and his supporters continue to try to minimize what happened on january 6th. so as much as this committee investigation is about accountability it's also a messaging battle. especially as we know, trump is going to attack the creditability of the committee and it's findings, so this say messaging battle to debunk trump's false claims about the election. and the idea that the narrative around january 6th is ongoing and it's a battle to take control of that narrative, especially if republicans should take control of the house in november and potentially disband the investigation. >> melissa, you had heard on december 13th, liz cheney use a
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very specific series of legal terms, talking about whether trump through action or inaction deliberately -- not being a lawyer i don't remember the exact term -- but deliberately obstructed a official proceedings of congress. we now hear about this 187 minutes, the idea that ivanka trump went in and asked him to intervene, this whole idea that donald trump knew what was going on, and could have had an opportunity to do something about it. what does that amount to? is that culpability and responsibility something significant? >> well, it really all depends, an admission failure to act is not a crime unless you have affirmative duty to act under those circumstances and that's the question with whether the president of the united states commander-in-chief had affirmative obligation to do something in those 187 minutes. when representative cheney is
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talking about in terms of derliction of duty, as a crime going forward, it may also be retrospective, trying to think before this president at that moment had affirmative obligation to act and fail to do so. >> phil, let's talk about what courty's talking about, the idea many have referenceseded shall l many have referenced which is if house switches to republican control in november, republicans have shown very little interest with very few exceptions in holding anyone to account for what happened january 6th. that could entirely go away. we could end up in a situation where no one is held to account except for few people who have been convicted of trespassing and other things having to do with the actual insurrection. >> that's right, you know, there are criminals who will be held
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accountable for their actions by the justice department, of course, but in terms of the investigation in congress, it is widely assumed by both democrats and republicans on capitol if and when republicans reclaim the majority in january 2023 presumptive house speaker kevin mccarthy would almost immediately disban the january 6th position or at the very least defang it make it so the inquiry slows down, stops, and there's no effort to try to hold trump and those around him or that matter fellow members of congress accountable for their actions in the run up to and including the day of january 6th. >> courtney, let's talk about the other matter for a lot of americans, that is s these exploding covid numbers. we're going to talk a little bit more with the doctor about the significance of greater hospitalizations despite the
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fact that we have so many people getting covid. what's the white house thinking about how to deal with covid? >> yeah, well, you know, biden and harris are actually due to meet with the covid response team tomorrow and he is expect to deliver are remarks on an update on the administration's latest strategy which includes surging resources and personnel to hospitals, ramping up availability and affordability of tests which we know there's a lot of frustration with over the holiday season and trying to find tests as people were trying to gather with their families and redoubling booster and vaccine efforts. this of course comes as cases are surging, i think about one of every hundred americans have been reported as a positive covid case in the last week which is the biggest surge we've seen in the pandemic in more than three times as many new cases in any previous wave
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during the coronavirus pandemic so we should expect to hear from the president tomorrow updating how the administration is rolling out this new strategy and reminding americans to use the tools we know that work, which is, boosters, vaccines, and masking. >> phil, let's talk about what we heard from chuck schumer both on the joey reid show and in his dear colleague letter in which he's holding a vote no later than january 17th. martin luther king day. he's trying to get a vote that deals with this fill busterer on the filibuster on the basis of voting rights and democracy itself. he's hoping two democratic senators come around but doesn't know that they're going to. >> yeah, those senators of course are joe manchin of west
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virginia and kristen cinema of arizona who expressed great deal of trepidation of changes those in the past but great hope from chuck schumer and originals in the senate that they could leverage the january 6th one-year anniversary, emotion around what happened at the capitol and the very plain threat to american democracy that continues to this day, that they could leverage all of that this month to force man chin and cinema to come around on the simple filibuster and get behind the idea of pushing through this corner stone of the biden agenda for a year but have fallen behind other issues like infrastructure and stimulus spending in terms of biden priorities. there's a feeling among democrats and activists in battleground states like georgia and texas that something has to be done immediately on voting
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rights or else the democracy could truly be threatened and i think schumer will try to push that forward in the weeks ahead. >> any likelihood of any republican support on an effort like this? >> conceivably there could be, but i'm not aware of who that republican is right now. as you know, it's a 50/50 divided senate and the republican senators especially on issues like this have been pretty in lock-step behind their leader mitch mcconnell. i think it's unlikely to expect that support and democrats are operating under the assumption that in order for this to pass they'll have to do it with 50 democratic votes plus vice president kamala harris breaking the tiebreaker. >> appreciate the three of you, coming up, one of our top doctors is here on a new warning from new york governor amid a
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massive surge of new infections, and new reports of some americans getting unauthorized fourth doses of covid vaccines and more on the deadlines from chuck schumer and democrats ramp up pressure for tougher voting rights laws. "the 11th hour with brian williams" just underway on monday night. h brian williams" just underway on monday night advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette ♪ ♪ welcome to allstate. where everything just seems to go your way. ♪ ♪ you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: with allstate. just stop. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon.
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we're not in a good place, i'm going to be really honest with you, this is is the winter surge we predicted. there's a lot of human interaction and what happens when heim ans gather, they
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spread the virus. we fully anticipate on top of the surge that is been ongoing that there's going to be another wave occurring as a result of these holidays. >> new cases soaring nationwide, as we mentioned, the fda approved pfizer's booster dose for children age 12 to 15. the fda also shortened the wait time for everyone 12 years of age and older to get a booster shot from six months to five months after the initial series. new york time's analysis shows hospitalization have risen nationally 41% in the last two weeks, but experts point out hospitalizations have not risen as fast as cases have, that may be an important barometer. >> when you have multi more people getting infected you will still have a the love people needing hospitalization and that's the reason we're concerned about stressing and straining the hospital system.
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>> as you get further on, and the infections become less severe, it is much more relevant to focus on the hospitalizations as opposed to the total number of cases. >> back with us tonight an infectious disease physician and director of boston center for emerging infectious disease we need you more than ever to make sense of this. we're in the confusing stage of covid. lots and lots of people are getting it. there's a sense it's less severe. the numbers are so great at this net result is more people continue to be hospitalized. how do you square that with people who say it's not a big deal if i get it now. >> yeah, ali, i'm going to start by saying for an individual boosted chance to get the disease are very low that's why vaccination and boosting is at the forefront to get people on the other side of this pandemic. the way i'm thinking currently
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of this pandemic is two phases , the two acute phase, current models suggest between six to eight weeks in the u.s., seeing what we seen in south africa and uk about this highly-transmissible variant and we can then talk about what metrics are important. the reason the surge is different is that these high number of cases, at least during this surge matter for two reasons, one is what dr. fauci just said when you have a huge number of cases in the community the virus finds people unvaccinated, finds people who are vulnerable and hence you have increased number of hospitalization. in some states. new jersey is reach the same peak of last winter despite the numbers we've seen because there's so much more virus finding people who are unvaccinated who are vulnerable, the other reason the surge and cases matter for this short period of time is any time you have an infectious disease that's millions of cases in a
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short period of time and you have people who have to take time off work what you're looking at potentially is the impact on just our society continuing. you're seeing shortages of workers in health care and schools, you might see that in essential services, water, food production, transportation and we're not at the peak, we're predicting millions of cases -- or a million is the highest predicted. so in that scenario having everybody get sick might have mother societal elements which is why we don't want lockdowns, we don't want to let it rip, what we want is for us all of us including those of us who are vaccinated to continue to have a amount of precaution including wearing those masks and using those tests. >> one conversation i heard is this the way it get to herd immunity? we've heard people getting vaccines, getting boosting and a whole lot of people actually getting the virus.
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now what do we know about the antibodies you get either from the vaccination or from getting omicron, how long are we protected for, does it actually contribute to us becoming herd immunity? >> yeah, i think it's a tough lesson, this is -- you know, this trial by fire almost that we're going through. the hope is that, you know, unfortunately this big wave of cases that we're seeing is going to do one of two things, one is, after the initial crisis, there's a period after the surge we're talking about that what you might see, as you said, you're sort of increasing baseline level of immunity in the population. we don't know how long antibodies would last against covid, we're still learning about it, after you had the boosters, after an initial infection, will we have another variant but we do know every time you baseline the population immunity, you increase that, so
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the health care next time you have a variant may not be overwhelmed because you've created more of the people who had some sort of exposure to this virus that might keep them from getting critically ill. that's the hope. hope is not as good of a policy as we've learned from this pandemic so we need to make sure everybody's vaccinated, everybody's boosted and follow up to see over the long term how this virus behaves in the setting of a potential new variant. >> from a risk perspective people are thinking if i get this thing and it boosts my antibodies and i'm fine, about 60% of the cases in the united states are omicron which means 40% are still delta which still can cause more serious illness. >> yeah, and you can't know. a lot of the research and diagnostic labs can send out percentage of samples tested are sent for sequencing but not every sample is sequenced sod if
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you just got sick you don't know if you had delta or omicron and that has clinical importance because some of the antibodies don't work against omicron way they do against delta. vice versa so if you're unvaccinated that matters. not only that, you can't guarantee you're going to get omicron and not delta. and hence, i think, the best strategy during the surge, we talk about metrics but the best part during this acute setting is for all of us to continue to take advantage of those two doses. >> so one side of the spectrum are getting this and another side is someone getting fourth booster shot, that's not authorized, is a good or bad idea? >> my heart goes out, the story of people seeking out potential additional boosters and those immuno compromises this is a sub
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dlg set -- t -- this is say subset of the population and if additional boosters are authorized in the future we'll look at it but we don't have the data whether that's recommended or not. the best thing you can do is make a plan with your doctor how you will access -- what's right for you, right, is there another dose you should be taking, if not, what other strategies in terms of accessing oral antivirals or positioning yourself to get access to help yourself from getting severely ill, that's the plan i suggest patients to take. >> thank you zr for your advice, founding director of the boston university center for emerging infectious diseases policy and
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research. thank you for being with us. january 6th committee lay out why it's investigation is so important for the future of our country as some warn our government faces a threat from a movement that is openly contentious of democracy when "the 11th hour" continues. cracyn "the 11th hour" continues. d cas. only from discover. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur,
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come to know it. so it's our duty as patriots, as americans, as members of congress to make sure we get it right. >> as we near the one-year anniversary of the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol there's a very real sense that there remains a clear and present danger to our democracy, the "new york times" editorial board with this dire warning, writing, quote, january 6th is every day, the republic faces an existential threat from a movement openly contemporary tuous to american democracy and willing to use violence to achieve its end no self-governing society survive such a threat denying it exists rather survival depends on looking back and forward at the same time. former member of congress joins us and founder of
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country over party. good evening, thank you both for being here. this is an issue a lot of americans are confronting. there are a number of people who want to say, look, this happened, it didn't succeed in over throwing democracy and interfering in congress's work, let's move on. and others are saying, it's current, it's not a thing you can look past. >> well, i think the numbers prove that in a "washington post" university of maryland poll that was released just a couple weeks ago showed that in fact full -- only a third of americans believe violence is a response sometimes needed against government, 40% of those republicans and independents and so this is not some that something that is a theory, in fact, the numbers are 62% of americans in another poll demonstrated that they believe that they expect violence after
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the next presidential election. i mean, this is extraordinary in the united states. and i think it is something that we have to view as a clear and present threat and not just something that happened a year ago. >> matthew, what does the committee do about this? because the bottom line is, folks are pretty dug in. i don't know how many people there are in the middle of the conversation because it's quite binary, either you believe democracy is important and needs to be preserved by any political party in america or you don't really think there's a threat to democracy in the first place >> i see it as not binary but there's three groups in the country in my view, there's a third, a third, a third. a banding democracy, if they achieve their means they want to abandon all men and women are created equal that's at the
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fundamental nature of this, and a third say we're losing our own ability of self-determination to determine our destiny and all of the ways that manifest itself, public health decision, climate change , we're losing our ability to affect and the third of the people are like where am i going to pick up dinner. i have to drive ten miles to get my son. they're not thinking about either of those. that's the group think, as the factual basis of all of this, what happened, and the evidence comes out, i hope to god there's public hearings, can be moved to a bigger concern and understand the crucial nature where we're at. one thing i'll add to this is, this is not new in our country but what is new that one political party is now completely consumed by this. we had a third of the country
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that wanted to stay with the monarchy. we had a third of the country that suck seedsed from the union and a third that was against women's right to vote, a third of the country that was against civil rights, we've always had an element but never had one of the main political parties be completely taken over by that element. >> donna, how do you have that conversation with people. for those who study and talk about this every day it seems like a stark choice but there are a lot of americans to matthew's point that are going about their lives concerned about the virus, the kid's education, inflation and a whole lot of other things. not the slippage of democracy. >> well, i think matthew's right about that one-third and would urge the committee in both the way it's presenting the evidence about what happened on january 6th and all the rest of us to stay focused on that. because that other third is intransient we're not going to
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move them. it doesn't seem much point to try to speak to them. but to speak to the part of the country that believes in democracy, wants to preserve our republic, is committed to constitutional governance, i think that's the majority of us and we can't let it slip away and the way it's slipping away all around the world, the united states cannot be part of that formula. >> all around the world is important, that's a note to keep in mind, because this is not just happening in the united states. both of our guests are staying a little bit longer. coming up, the next two weeks could be critical when it comes to protect the right to vote in this country when "the 11th hour" continues. " continues. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money.
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go to them and say i will lose my election unless we do something about voting rights, saying to them we were not for changing the rules but we changed our mind, too much is at stake and it's a constant, constant discussion and we're going to keep going until we succeed. >> majority leader chuck schumer said there's no confirmation from joe manchin and kristin ten cinema that think would that thl -- in a report wrote -- matthew, that is the senate majority leader but there's a lot of pressure on the president and the white house to do more and say more about voting
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rights. what's the hesitancy on the part of the white house? why haven't we seen more is there fear getting involved in this could back fire? >> well, i think they made a calculation, and i've criticized them for this. i think they made a calculation that they would get things like infrastructure stu threw and all those things and that's what was important but what happened in the midst of that is we're slowly losing our democracy. i think that's part of it. they made a priority that wasn't this because they thought if they did those things, things would be better and public would look at them better. i think the other part s i sort of see it as like the five stages to understand who the republican party really is, and i think the president and many of the democratic senators were in denial who the republican party had fundamentally become, who they are, it wasn't really about trump, trump was just representative whoever they were
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it's taken them almost a year to move from denial, bargain, sadness, anger and now understanding the party they're dealing with, acceptance but for too long trying to go back to a time that no longer exists and treat the republican party like the party of 10, 20, 30 years ago and it took them a while, especially joe biden grew up in a time of a different republican party to finally come up with that conclusion. i think it's late, not too late, it's late and i hope they put the full force, to me this is is the issue, every other issue is contingent whether or not voting rights and democracy exists in this country, another of the others matter or could be accomplished if we lose voting rights. >> the issue to me is the filibuster that is like supply
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chain discussions, a lot of people who never thought of this and now have to think of these things. clarity mccaskill summed it up earlier, let's listen. >> how could it be fair that republican legislatures all over the country are trying to suppress voters guys a simple majority yet the congress is not allowed to dress those suppression efforts with the same simple majority that's a pretty easy argument to make and frankly for everyone to understand. so hopefully by putting pressure on joe and kristen they do the right thing and we can get a carve out for the filibuster. >> if only i could explain the supply chain as well as what she explained what we're fating with the filibuster but how likely is the simple straight forward argument she's making to succeed? >> well the filibuster is say rule not a law, the senate has
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the ability to change it, they demonstrated it a month or so ago when they changed the rule in the sent at to allow for a vote on the debt limit. so it can be changed. i think it's imperative for democrats to do it because it's a moral imperative to ensure voting rights for all americans, but it's also a political imperative. not only will senators and representatives face an election in which republicans across state legislatures have gone aggressively change the rules for voting, change the systems and structures for voting, to suppress the vote and they've done it so that republicans can win and democrats can lose and so democrats need to make sure there's guaranteed fairness in the system. i think it's possible for them to do that. it is a rule, it is not a law. it is easy for the senate to change. >> thank you to both of you.
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this is an important topic, fortunately or otherwise we'll be discussing it a lot over the next few weeks, donna edwards and matthew dowd appreciate your time. we'll continue with "the 11th hour". we'll continue with "the 11th hour". ♪ i'm steven, i'm 52, and i'm a makeup artist. i met my husband in 2002. ♪ i miss those eyes. do you think you could fall in love again? i'm so ready, you know? so, what do you see when you look at yourself? i see a really long life lived of vast experiences.
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airlines have been struggling against the covid-19 surge and bad weather, since christmas thousands of flights cancelled or delayed leaving holiday travellers stranded. now more on today's winter storm causing even more frustration for travellers. >> adding more misery to mery and stranded travellers coming back from the holidays, a massive storm stretching from the deep south, florida and alabama, to the nation's capitol
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in the bulls eye, hit with up to a foot of snow. air force one returning in virtual white house conditions, the president emerging from the plane in a blinding snow storm. accidents, power outages and am track effected. at the center of the bulls eye, reagan airport, 84% of departures cancels. >> i've been here since 7:00. i've been delayed three times and then cancelled. >> today's storm, the latest blow to airlines and hundreds and thousands of holiday passengers, since christmas eve more than 18,000 flights cancelled, hit hard by airline and tsa staffers calling out sick with covid and then a series of winter storms. today alone 3,000 flights cancelled. >> at reagan the snow came down so heavily had to close down the main runway for plowing at 8:00
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a.m. >> i'm trying to fly home. been here since 3:00 a.m. my flight got changed twice. >> cancellations rippling across the country from chicago to fort lauderdale where andrea and her kids have been trying to get to detroit since friday. >> we had to stay couple days and hotels were outrageous so we were kind of trapped. >> it was a perfect series of storms for the airlines, consumer advocate say the airlines bear some blame. >> the airline industry has been under staffed for months even before the latest surge with covid going back to the summer. >> our thanks to tom costello for that report. coming up, why one outgoing republican gregman is perfectly suited for his new job when "the 11th hour" continues.
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this was the first guy, came out of nowhere, he's saying -- these people are corrupt, he's still saying it. and he was unbelievable. devin nunes, he was unbelieve. [ cheers and applause ] unbelievable. >> the last thing before we go, that was of course former president trump playing the effort of former congressman devin nunes to assure trump's
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acquittal in the first impeachment trial and because of those efforts he would be awarded the medal of freedom in a private ceremony a year ago tomorrow. today nunes resigned from congress a seat he held for the past 19 years. it would seem even in retirement the former guy has not forgotten his loyal friend and has bestowed upon him a new honor, ceo of trump's new media group, as "rolling stone" says devin nunes quits on constituents to spend more time with trump. our executive pointed out being a media executive is a job nunes has already been doing. >> welcome everyone to the last grasp of the democracy inclusion con spir asiasi -- nclusion con spir asiasi --
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>> we should note trump's new media group is already under federal investigation so best of luck to and shutting down most of the federal government because of the, happy new year this is how we're starting. in addition to most federal offices being closed because of the snowstorm in the capital today, the senate is supposed to be on --


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