tv The Reid Out MSNBC January 7, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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including tiktok where i posted stuff about january 6th and you may see highlights of our friend chuck d. shoutout to thomas edison and mary had a little lamb. i wish everyone had a great weekend and keep it locked here because "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. hi, joy. >> how are you doing? as an original p.e. fan, appreciate that. have a wonderful weekend. >> you too. cheers. we begin "the reidout" one day after the first anniversary of january 6th insurrection with a country facing a clear and present danger. our democracy is teetering towards none existence because one of the two major political partys is defined to the dear leader terrified what will happen if they stray too far from his side. take an entire senator from texas who made the mistake of drum roll, telling the truth about january 6th on the
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anniversary. >> we are approaching a solum anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the capitol where we saw the men and women of law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage. >> oh, oh, that did not sit well with the maga cult including trump's tv boss tucker, to an entire programming mantra, it was a totally normal day. tuckham reiterated it was definitely not a violent terrorist attack but cruz, cruz couldn't handle it so went on fox to bend the knee and clear the air and ran straight into a hailstorm. >> the way i phrase things
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yesterday, it was sloppy and it was frankly dumb and -- >> i don't buy that, whoa, whoa, i've known you a long time since before you went to the senate. you're a supreme court contender. you take words as seriously as any man that served in the senate and every word -- you repeated that phrase. i don't believe you used that word accidently. >> it's caused a lot of people to misunderstand what i meant. what i was referring to are the limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers. i wasn't saying the millions of patriots across the country supporting president trump are terrorists. >> but here is the thing, rafael, that man isn't just pathetic, it is also flatout false. cruz has frequently referred to january 6th as a terrorist attack including in at least three press releases issued last january, february, and may.
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he's also said it in multiple tweets which kinzinger trolled today. many people familiar with "game of thorns" watching cruz squirm brought to mind the lord forcibly relieved of his literal manhood, identity and name. >> what's your name? >> what is your name? >> ted cruz, aka reek once called donald trump a sniveling coward for calling his wife ugly and implying his father murdered jfk during their fight for the
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2016 nomination but trump thoroughly defeated him again because ted of the week is the sniveling coward and not the man that ran to cabo and blamed it on his kids during an epic snowstorm, no. the republican party is in a place if you don't down play or straight up deny the insurrection, in other words, if you refuse to be a sniveling coward and trump boot licker, you're not welcome. we've gone over little kevin mccarthy's spineless hypocrisy numerous times from saying trump bears responsibility from january 6th to whining democrats are supposedly using the anniversary as a partisan. on january 7th, last year trump's favorite caddy lindsey graham was condemning his boss man for pushing the idea the vice president could and should disinfranchise 150 million voters but within months, he was back to graveling, too and portraying trump as the savior of the party. >> all i can say is count me
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out. enough is enough, a singer person could disenfranchise 155 million people. i would say to my republican co colleagues, can we move forward without president trump? the answer is no. >> it's like is donald trump going to paddle me? let me change my mind. this group is so thorough, the only republicans to show up to the house's come ka if republicans decided to skip all of the commemorations, what message would that send? i'm joined by mary trump, host of the new podcast, "the mary trump show." are we going to have a lot of fun with reek cruz but not just him. let me put in lindsey graham.
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lindsey graham called the insurrectionists terrorists, i wonder how long it will take him to run on tuckha m's show and beg for forgiveness. >> the first thing that stands out for me is how embarrassed and disgusted i am that the united states capitol could be taken over by domestic terrorists that a band of people who are terrorists, not patriots literally occupied the floor of the house, drove the senate out of the chamber and the question for the country is how could that happen 20 years after 9/11? >> curt, you know, the thing that's so amazing is lindsey graham with the moment of clarity, that was on january 7th and his moment of clarity on january 6th is the only time i have seen lindsey graham be an independent human being. where does your soul have to go i wonder for somebody to go from
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speaking the obvious truth about an insurrection to turning into a sniveling coward, to use rafael's phrase? >> i think much like theon that turned into reek, these men have become dominated and broken. they've become shadows of the men they once held themselves up to be. it's embarrassing the lengths they are going tripping over themselves asking for forgiveness for making the mistake of telling the truth and joy, that tells you how far gone things are. telling the truth right now is a mortal sin in the republican party. what we saw from president biden on january 6th yesterday and i saw a lot of headlines biden blames trump. we had a president of the united states tell the truth what happened on january 6th period full stop. that's it. truth telling. and that's really what is at stake right now. we have one party that's
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voluntarily divorced itself from reality that's withdrawn from democracy and another that's determined to keep truth and fact and democracy at the heart of its political future and that's the choice vot voters hao make going forward. we're in the ninth inning. this is the bottom of the ninth and if republicans are allowed to take any part of control back, they'll run out the clock on democracy and we'll not have much left after that. >> you know, mary trump, the challenge is right, i am against the deunification of presidents. the republicans are not taking the knee to an abraham lincoln that saved the union or dwight david eisenhower. it's to donald trump. your uncle, you've written this isn't a great man. he isn't a lucid man. a mean man. let's play some of the times he's gone after reek cruz.
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here that is. >> one of the problems with ted cruz is everybody hates him. he's a nasty guy. everybody hates him. he's a nasty guy. nobody likes him. nobody in congress likes him. nobody likes him everywhere. lying ted comes in holding the bible up and holds it high, right? he holds it high and then he lies. he lies. he's an anchor baby. ted cruz is an anchor baby in canada. his father was with lee harvey oswald prior to being shot. the whole thing is ridiculous. >> mary, thon was sheered of his manhood. it feels reek is the right name for ted cruz because how does your uncle manage to strip grown men of their manhood that easily?
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what does he have over these people? >> those clips were astonishing because they're an incredible mixture of truth telling, projection, racism and mendacity. we have all of it there. honestly, i don't necessarily think it's a hold so much as the republican party made a calculations as they have in the past that they could use this and they lose control and lose their choice to accommodate the monster. one of the things that surprised me because that doesn't. that's been true since the tea party if not earlier. what does surprise me is donald is the weakest person i met on my life and he's been able to find people weaker than he is whom he's able to bend to liz
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will and he's not smart, he's not strong, he's in the anyone one aspires to be and they're arrogant enough to think they can have it both ways but debased enough not to mind to demean themselves to somebody as weak as donald trump. >> it is astonishing to watch, curt. the republican party predicated itself, people like josh hawley when i saw the word manliness and that in the same sentence. they sort of like sort of grounded themselves in this idea of what manhood is supposed to be like. every one of them is the opposite. they couldn't manage to show up at commemoration of an event that is violence against themself and their staff. they were running from these terrorists that day. they weren't shaking hands with them except for one. kevin mccarthy's staffer ryan
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o'toole said yesterday there was one congressman who was cheering the insurrectionists on that day. listen to this. >> you did have different members expressing different views. one was cheering on the 1 1117t congress started this way to the dismiss of others in the room and does not carry a sentiment from today. >> i note that cheering them on while still running away, mo brooks didn't go out there and meet these people out and join them. he didn't have the courage to do that. he was cheering them on while fleeing. your thoughts? >> uh-huh, that's one of the things, we have smenlt a lot of time and will spend a lot of time talking about the movements of donald trump during this but what about people like mo brooks or paul gosar or jim jordan or
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josh hawley, what were they doing during this situation? >> running. >> we saw the picture of the before hawley holding up his arm cheering them on. they were hiding. they were praying to god that the capitol police force that was there would be able to hold the line. it is such a paradigm here. it's always do as i say, not as i do. if they come within three feet of me, i'm hiding and barricading as much as i can. their terrified of their voters and going back to donald trump, he's the useful idiot. he's not someone to be feared. he's not someone that can hold power over you. he's a useful idiot and instrument the republican party decided to make their mascot so they can actually get through the radical or racist extreme agenda. >> and it's interesting because let me play this is what the republican party stands for full
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stop and this is what is frightening for us for democracy. we can giggle at them and they are wimpy and weird but this is the danger. let's play a little of their denial of the fact of the 2020 election result. >> i knew those are people that love this country and truly respect law enforcement and wouldn't do anything to break a law. >> if you didn't know the tv footage was a video from january 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit. >> the question of whether or not the fbi animated some of the criminal conduct is one that is far more grave. >> the people who breached the capitol on january 6th are being abused. >> we have in this city political prisoners held hostage by their own government. >> we could throw in lauren boebert that morning. your thoughts of this danger of comical crew, that's the
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leadership. >> yeah, well, i think it was swalwell who said if these hadn't been members of congress, they would have been on the other side of the doors trying to break in and overturn our government from within. i actually don't think it's funny anymore, i don't think they're laughable anymore. we mock them at our peril because as undeserving and grotesque as they may be, they are the main stream of the republican party right now and they have sadly to say legitimate power within the republican party and that is dangerous, that is something we have to guard against and that is something we need to take very, very, very seriously because as curt said earlier, the clock is ticking. you know, we're not at the beginning of this game. we're at the end of it and it may very well end in november 2022 unless we pull out all of the stops to prevent it. >> yeah, this is absolutely true, curt, because you advice
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the dccc the reality is that cast of characters i played a montage of, that will be the leadership of the government if the republicans take over the house and senate full stop period that's the leadership and i wonder if the party is worried enough about that, the democrats i mean. >> well, you know, joy, for the first time i'll say i think so. i base that on joe biden's speech yesterday. this is the first time we've seen president biden take that posture, that tone, being that direct and confrontational with the anti democratic forces. like all republican parties, we take our queues from the top. president biden made it clear what the stakes are now and made it very clear what needs to happen going forward. to heal this country, we need to first confront the truth of what is going on now and who is fueling these crazy conspiracy theories, these lies that have turned into violence and so taking our queue from president biden after the speech that he delivered and the speech vice
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president harris delivered, i think democrats do realize the gravity of what is ahead and how important it is we do everything that we humanly can to ensure we're able to maintain the balance of power because if we surrender today, the republicans will never give it back again. >> absolutely. government by the worst possible people. that's what we will have as well as a heavy heap of fascism should they take over. be afraid. thank you both very much. up next, jim clyburn joins me as the white house gets ready to make a push to pass voting rights legislation and the six right wing supreme court justices believe freedom is the freedom to get sick with covid and the freedom to spread it to other people plus. >> such a gentleman. true gentleman. and kind and he loved to laugh. >> my conversation with musical
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icon dionne war wik about the pasting of sydney poitier. "the reidout" continues after this. "the reidout" continues after this aren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication
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it is not just the republican party, the cyber ninjas the firm against the bogus election fraud-it is shutting the doors. they reviewed millions of ballots at the request of arizona state republicans to find fraud lant votes that didn't exist. county officials released a point by point takedown finding nearly everyone to be misleading, inaccurate or false. arizona was ground zero for efforts to push the big lie and remain so. the biggest loser is headed there for a rally on dr. martin luther king's actual birthday as the man that won the 2020 election, president biden makes a full throated call to action
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on voting rights raising the stakes in his remarks on the january 6th anniversary. >> right now in state after state new laws are being written not to protect the vote but to deny it. not only to suppress the vote but subvert it. the former president that lost is wrong, undemocratic and unamerican. >> the president and vice president harris will travel to atlanta next week to call for the passage of two bills, the john lewis voting rights advancement act and the freedom to vote act. the senate could advice the freedom to vote act as early as next week ahead of an mlk deadline to change senate filibuster rules in the face of obstruction. joining me is congressman jim clyburn of south carolina. happy new year. let's talk about this.
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you wrote an op ed and it was talking about when you called the tyranny threatening america and write 50 republicans in the united states senate are blocking votes on two critical voting rights bills and i maintain exceptions on voting should apply. we know no less than bill clinton, oprah winfrey and many, many other celebriies have tried to talk to joe manchin. he's been inundated with people coming to him. tim kaine likened the effort to his 27-hour drive to washington earlier this week after the snowstorm, slow progress toward a goal. nothing is working. what do we do if manchin won't budge and sinema won't budge? >> first of all, happy new year to you as well and thank you very much for having me. well, i think that all of us are
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aware that the senate is on tradition. he and joe manchin are pretty good friends. i'm suspecting they're in communication at least i hope they are and i believe joe manchin is proud of his record in west virginia and the country and i don't believe he'd like to see that record going down in history as one who out of tradition set out to deny basic rights to american people. now we've had that to happen in the past. straw therman in 1957 set the filibuster record against a civil rights bill that wasn't a
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bill, it was just a statement of policy i dovnlt think joe manchin would want to see that for himself so i am holding on to hope that these two men will get-togethers and in the final analysis will find a way for us to go forward with this legislation we know -- >> you know. >> -- exceptions have been made for the budget because of reconciliation. reconciliation is a term more accurately appied to constitutional issued then the budget. so i think in the name of reconciliation, we're going to get to where we need to be. >> you know, hope is good but hope and strategy are two different things. there are groups in georgia saying to the president and vice president, don't come down here without a plan. you are a good friend with the president of the united states and know senator harris well. do you know of a plan we weren't
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aware of they need to do this make this happening. they are saying don't come down here without an actual plan. >> the problem is to who? yes, there are plans. i have talked with joe manchin and i know we've talked about these issues and now i do believe that it is important to allow people room, space as we like to call it allow them to be able to deal with their own colleagues. you know, the senate, there is 100 people sitting there and what we try to do is get to 50% plus one. so let them have the space. i do believe there is a plan, in fact, i know of the plan and hopefully he would accept it. he hadn't yet. >> you say -- you say that
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you've spoken with joe manchin what evidence has he provided you he actually cares about voting rights more than the filibuster? >> the first evidence was the fact he took the for the people act, he reworked id and came up with an approach he thought would bring at least ten republicans to the table. that did not work. now it seems to me that he demonstrated good faith when he put fourth that bill and when he put it on the floor, ten republicans didn't come along to bring it to a vote so to me, that shows good fifth. i think it will get to the point where he will see that they are in fact insulting him by saying volt for it and laid it out and they didn't vote for it.
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>> last question to you the king holiday is coming up. if in fact joe manchin does not budge and continues to stand by the filibuster and wrap his arms around that more than voting rights, is it not time for a civil rights group like the naacp for the groups that are -- that he's going to be looking to to convene with on mlk day to do the annual thing politicians like to do, is it time for civil rights groups and organizations to done ever condemn him as to being a modern day straw therman? >> no question. i have a long history in south carolina. i knew straw therman well. used to have desks next to each other when we worked state government together and so that didn't stop me from saying to straum therman you're off base and need to reckon with the truth. i'll say the same thing here.
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i'll join with me colleagues in the naacp and every other civil rights organization doing what is necessary to call these people out. >> congressman jim clyburn, thank you very much, sir. appreciate your time tonight. have a wonderful evening. still ahead, is living with covid the new normal? experts disagree. but if it is the new normal, what does that look like for you and your kids? we'll be right back. you and your kids? we'll be right back. my hygienist cleans with a round head. so does my oral-b my hygienist personalizes my cleaning. so does my oral-b oral-b delivers the wow of a professional clean feel every day.
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havoc. florida set a record case today with 76,000 covid cases and the same week he blamed the federal government for a shortage of tests, the grim reaper of the south confirmed 100,000 to 1 million kits in the stockpile recently expired without being used as lines for tests stretched for miles. unless you're living under a rock, you know covid tests these days are getting price gouged up to $80 per test like the pandemic version of my precious and not everyone gets to have one but according to baby maga, nobody wanted them. >> having a stockpile was the right thing to do. i mean, if we had done the opposite, we would have run out and then had to order as people had done it. we just had a lack of demand that happened seventh, october, november. nobody was requesting them. they would have been used, i think, had we had omicron then. >> uh-huh, yeah, okay. those words might have meant
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something in some alternate universe where the florida governor prioritized floridians lives and not turning this into a covid oasis to the death cult base but sadly, that's not the universe we occupy and because of death santis and his weird surgeon general advocating for slowing down and stopping testing, we're deeper in the mess forcing leaders and scientists to up the ante on the covid response. that's what we see in france what macron is doubling down to piss off the unvaccinated and biden's advisory board during his transition have published articles in the journal of the medical association calling for him to adopt a new domestic pandemic strategy centered on the new normal of living with the virus indefinitely. in addition, they point out achieving 90% population vaccination coverage will require manmandates.
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this come as president biden's vaccine mandates comes up and what the majority heard and what they seem poised to do to us next. and what they seem poised to do to us next s, and a set of tools to help them learn good money habits. by creating allowances and assigning chores, they can practice earning every day. with a debit card just for them, they'll learn smart spending firsthand, while you monitor and set account alerts. and using their own chase mobile app, they can set big savings goals. all with no monthly service fee. chase first banking.
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as new covid infections are hitting record wide, the supreme court is challening two biden administration testing mandates aimed at large employers and health care providers. red kwier the requirements would affect 200 million workers. whether osha and hhs have the legal authority to impose such mandates. the conservatives expressed skepticism, it was argued it was well within the government's per view. >> what's the difference between this and telling employers where sparks are flying in the workplace your workers have to wear a mask?
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>> when sparks are flying there is a machine unique to the workplace. >> why is the human being not like a machine if it's spewing a virus, blood born viruses? >> and by the way, one of the people arguing against the vaccine mandates did so remotely because he had covid. joining me is melissa murray, law professor and supreme court justice to sonia. thank you for being here. i believe soto mayor is like the notorious rbg, the voice of the people. what do you make of her argument there that a person who is spewing a virus that's airborne is like a machine that's dangerous in the workplace? >> i think she's making the very important point that covid is very much like the dangerous machines osha regularly regulates and nobody bats an eye
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about it. it's worth noting not only was the general of ohio and the solicitor general arguing remotely because they tested positive for covid, i thought it was interesting neil gorsuch entered the argument without a mask so perhaps this was more pointed than we appreciated at the time. >> it's so on brand. let's listen to, here is justice samuel floating the idea. >> i want to ask a question on the issue of commencement of enforcement. this ets was issued a couple months ago. these cases arrived at this court just a short time ago, that he prevent a lot of
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difficult complicated issues. we have hundreds of pages of briefing. we're receiving very helpful arguments this morning. does the federal government object to our taking a couple days maybe to think about this and digest the arguments before people start losing jobs? >> i'm not a lawyer, melissa, but this reminds me of the weasel way they went at the texas law where you can put bounties on women. they're like we'll get you get the bounties for awhile and let it work course. this feels like a weasel way to kill the mandates. >> i thought when we heard this there are a number of eyebrows raised for those who follow the court because an administrative stay would have stopped the texas law from going into effect and would have allowed people in texas to continue enjoying the same constitutional rights we enjoy elsewhere in the country and so it seemed pretty rich for
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justice to say an administrative stay was fine. in this context where there were important issues to be decided but was not arope yit in that situation where there were unusual procedual issues to be determined. >> am i wrong in assuming that this 6/3 court given who they are will overturn the mandates and free covid to work its way through the federal work force? >> there are two mandates at issue. one is the vaccine and testing mandate osha and it's more likely the hhs mandate might get an easier time with this court. they seem to be more amenable to that. that osha mandate got rough sledding and i can't under score enough the irony of that. this institution conducted oral arguments with strict covid protocols with testing to protect workers including the nine justices and they were debating whether or not the federal government can prescribe the same precautions for the rest of us. >> they can't have the same
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rules. let's go quickly to the ahmaud arbury trial. the mcmichaels got life without parole, william rodney bryan gets life with the possibility of parole but because of the way georgia law is written, parole cannot be considered for 30 years. bryan is 52 years old, which means essentially life for him, as well. your thoughts on that sentence? >> well, i think the sentencing here really spoke to the importance and indeed the effect of victim impact statements. i can't under score enough the moving testimony of ahmaud arbery's testimony was today especially his mother that spoke of loss she suffered but the further indignity of having her son vilified by the defense lawyer during that closing argument. >> indeed. let's take a quick turn. today sadly we said good-bye to one of the brightest scholars,
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lani guinier as our friend elie wrote, there were few clearer voices how to protect the rights of people of color in this country. i want to give you a chance to give us your thoughts on lani guinier and her impact in this world. >> this is an incalculable loss. i didn't have the privilege of learning from her but every other that came after her, we know that we walked a path that she blazed and she was truly an amazing scholar and researcher and she showed us that even professional set backs, when she was for example withdrawn as a nominee for a civil rights office in the clinton administration, she used that set back to advance another academic theory about what democratic participation should look like and again, she was a model for all of us. this is a terrible, terrible loss. >> yeah, indeed. she was an incredible woman. i did get a chance to meet her once and she was a smart
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interesting character that could explain the law in smart simple terms you could understand and a huge advocate for voting rights. very quickly, i want you to comment given the fact we're fighting again for voting rights, that loss to me feels deeper. it was tweeted about today. does it to you? >> i mean, it does feel sort of the pregnancy of the moment is like her loss at a time voting rights are under siege. she spent her career what it would mean for minorities to participate in the democratic process at a time when more and more states are thinking about ways to make it harder for communities that are already marginalized to participate in the democratic process, her voice will be sorely missed. >> indeed. she was a truly, truly great woman. thank you. appreciate you being here this evening. thank you very much. coming up, legendary singer u.n. goodwill ambassador
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sydney portier, a towering figure who demanded respect on screen and off died today at the age of 94. he once said his primary goal was to playplay black men of refinement, education and accomplishment, and boy did he do just that. he became first black man to win an academy award for best actor in lilies of the field. he encounter a group of east german nuns who believe he's been sent by god to build them a new chapel. >> because it's a long journey to this moment, i am naturally indebted to countless number of people. >> in 1967, he played a doctor
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engaged to a white woman who introduces him to her parents for the first time in guess whose coming to dinner. the film was considered radical at the time. marked the first time a white actress and black actor kissed on screen. some theaters in the south declined to show it. >> would you think of yourself as a colored man. i think of myself as the man. >> he starred in 30 films including the defients ones. raisin in the sun and to sir with love and many more. his starring roles helped reshape america's image of a powerful leading man and his work helped open doors for black actors who followed.
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in 2009 president obama awarded him the presidential medal of freedom. joining me now is award winning singer, television host, activist and friend of the late sydney poirtier, dionne warwick. you tweeted out a really wonderful story about meeting mr. poirtier and asking for his autograph. tell us that story. >> i had just finished my recording session and walking up broadway to get to my car.
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i basically stalked him. he stopped long enough to catch me. he turned around and says, little girl, what is that you want. he was one of my very special people in my life. >> what was he rooik as a person? what was he like as a person? >> such a gentleman. true gentleman. kind. he loved to laugh. he was -- i don't know. he was a complete man. >> i love the way you say that.
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at the time he was doing these ground breaking films, it was a struggle for black men to be leading man. that was unheard of until he and mr. b came along. also to be treated as men, as human beings in this country. we still issues with that now. what do you think the importance of him standing in that space was? >> a role model. he epitomize what every female in the world would want to have at her side. he was just perfect. >> he was beautiful. he was a handsome man. he was a great civil rights
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activist. he cared about the community. >> when people realize he very much like when ef hutton speaks, when he spoke. he was revered that's very important. he dotted his is and crossed the ts. >> the story about meeting him for fist time in wonderful. >> do you have a favorite story? >> so many. the one thing i do remember
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vividly is the fact when ever, i don't care where it was or what we're there for, my greeting was not hi dionne. it was hey, little girl. you want my autograph. >> i love that. condolences on loss of your dear friend. you're an icon. i'm appreciative of you giving us a few minutes of your time. thank you so much. >> i love you joy. i really do. any time. >> don't make me cry. we'll talk to you soon. thank you so much. appreciate you. >> my pleasure. >> that's tonight's reid out. all in with chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in. >> it's an anniversary of a
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violent terrorist attack on the capitol. >> senator ted cruz cancelled for observing reality. >> the way i phrase things yesterday, it was sloppy and it was frankly dumb. >> i don't buy that. >> tonight, the real world danger of disqualifying republicans who oppose political violence. courts have not been elected. why in the world would courts decide this question?
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