tv The 11th Hour MSNBC January 11, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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job from intimidation and interference. it's also time to pass the john lewis voting rights advancement act. i've been having these quiet conversations with members of congress for the last two months i'm. tired of being quiet. the threat to our democracy is so grave, that we must find a way to pass these voting rights build, the made them vote let the majority prevail. and at that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the senate rules. including getting rid of the filibuster for this. i support changing the senate rules, whichever way they need to be changed to prevent a minority of senators from blocking action on voting rights. >> why has president biden made this is number one focus? well according to the brennan
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center for justice, at least 19 states have passed 34 different laws, restricting access to the ballot. vice president harris offered this warning about those very efforts. >> there is a danger of becoming accustomed to these laws. we must not be deceived into thinking that a law that makes it more difficult for students to vote is normal. we must not be deceived into thinking that a law that makes it illegal to help a voter with a disability vote by mail is normal. there is nothing normal about a law that makes it illegal to pass a water or food to people standing in long voting lines. >> well back in washington, the two senate leaders both took to the floor today with strong senate about voting legislation
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and supporting the filibuster. schumer insists that democrats are looking to move forward. >> the senate is going to act, as soon as tomorrow. it is my intention to once again bring legislation to the floor, to fight back against the fight against democracy. and to protect peoples access to the ballot. once again, i urge my republican colleagues to take up the flag of the traditional republican party. not only of lincoln, but of reagan and h. w. bush and w. bush and so yes to move forward. so that we can have a debate, like the debate we just had. or discussion we just had. but if republicans continue to hijack the rules of the senate, to prevent voting rights from happening, if they continue paralyzing this chamber to the point where we are helpless to fight back against the big lie. we must consider the necessary steps that we can take so that
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the senate can adapt and act. >> while republican mitch mcconnell followed back, promising his favorite move to retaliate. my colleagues try to break the senate, to silence those millions of americans. we will make their voices heard in this chamber's in ways that are more inconvenient for the majority, and this white house, then what anyone has seen in living memory our colleagues who are itching to drain every drop of collegiality from this body, have not even begun to consider how that would work. if the democratic leader tries to shut millions of americans and entire states out of the business of governing, the operations of this body will change. oh yes. that much is true. but not in ways, that reward
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the rule breakers. not in ways that advantage this president, this majority. or their party. i guarantee it. >> there's also new developments tonight in the january 6th investigation. house select committee interested, talking to former trump lawyer rudy giuliani. one of the leading figures over peddling false claims about election fraud. committee chairman bennie thompson says that giuliani is on a list of a lot of people that they want to be talking to. when asked about the possibility of a subpoena for giuliani, said that the committee is working through the process. the panel today did issue a round of subpoenas to three separate people, all in the trump family inner circle. lawmakers demanding testimony and documents from any serbian. arthur schwartz, both advisers to donald trump junior. committee says that those two guys spoke with the younger trump and others about last year's rally.
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third subpoena went to ross were newton, a former trump white house official who allegedly helped draft trump's rally speech. as that investigation unfolds, department justice today announced that the creation of a new unit, to fight domestic terrorism. justice officials say that there are persistent and evolving threats of violent extremism in the u.s.. and as the nation battles the relentless spread of omicron, many hospitals across the country are continuing to be overwhelmed. new york times reporting today that the number of people admitted for covid, now higher than it was during last winter surge with that, and a lot of news we are going to cover tonight, i want to bring in our lead off guest on this tuesday phil rucker, pulitzer prize winner. correspondent for the washington post, coauthor for the new york times muss bestseller. i can fix it. political reporter for axios, and chuck rosenberg, former senior attorney and former fbi
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official. phil, let's talk about biden. he was very clear, he demanded action on voting rights. said that we need to tweak, not scrap the filibuster many people said that we need a plan. that's doesn't sound like a plan. >> this was a long time coming for voting rights. civil rights activists in this country wanted to see the president speak with that sort of forceful authority. and righteous anger that he showed and atlanta today. he's clearly prioritizing voting rights now. but for some democrats, there is a feeling that it is a little bit too late here. also a question of what that plan really is -- the math doesn't add up to get to the 50 votes that are necessary, to change rules and passed the voting rights legislation. as you heard from senator schumer, democrats are going to move forward.
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later in this week, to try to build this to the floor. what you saw today and atlanta, biden and vice president harris putting it all on the line. see that the administration is behind us right. now >> some progressives, voting and civil rights groups, skip biden speech today. after the speech the president of the naacp i said this, quote well president biden delivered a stern speech day, it's time for this administration to match that words with actions and for congress to do their job. was skipping today a warning to biden? we're not showing up for your speech. not showing up for democrats on election day, if you don't deliver. >> that wasn't the message they were sending. i asked them during when they announced. what they would basically say to voters, as to why they would show up and support the democratic party and democratic
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candidate. these folks that it's not about the democratic party and ditching the democratic candidate and biden. it's about continuing to do the work. i think that's what the absence said more than anything. >> they'd rather be giving the speech to senators on capitol hill. actions were saying that we are still doing the work here in georgia and across the country. register voters, what's new come 2022. voting, as you know, started the hour with. 2022 and beyond. will depend on where you live. >> chuck, let's talk about the new doj unit is in a big deal? it sounds. away >> it sounds that way staff benny, but i don't think it is. let me explain. prior to 9/11, the department justice in the fbi was doing a lot of national security work, but they didn't have a national security division.
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critter new box on the organizational chart of the department of justice. similarly, prior to january 6th and for many years, the department of justice in the fbi has been doing lots of work on domestic terrorism. investigations and prosecutions. but they didn't have a domestic terrorism unit. in the national security division. now they do. putting another box on organizational track is helpful leadership thinks it's important. to signal to congress and to the public. but there has to be more than just a box on an organizational chart. i'm glad they did it, but there's a lot more work to. do domestic terrorism as a threat, merely creating a new unit, while helpful is not enough. >> i think back to what they did on an 11. >> i think it is the first
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step. i think there is other and more important steps stephanie. let me give you an example. you all know that there are crimes of international terrorism, providing material support to al-qaeda, or isis. is a federal crime. there is no federal crime of domestic terrorism. there is a federal definition of domestic terrorism in the criminal code, but there is no crime of domestic terrorism. the department of justice cannot create one, congress has to. i think there is a lot of good reasons for congress to do that. however, people know this better than me, i don't think congress can agree that this is tuesday. so waiting on congress to fill this moral equivalency gap in federal law, i think is well, i think we are going to be waiting quite a long time. that is what needs to happen. fbi has the tools, department of justice has the tools. they have the experience, they have the agency, they have the prosecutors. but they could use a federal domestic terrorism law from
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congress that is what we need. >> phil, if you look closely, today's speech could be considered something like a campaign rally. this is the second speech in a row that biden has taken a direct swing at trump. or she likes to call him, the defeated former president. that is a new stroke for him. >> it is, we heard for all of the first year of biden's presidency. a reluctance to even reference donald trump, let alone not utter his name. or speak of him in any of his remarks. he would occasionally refer to the former guy. but now we hear, the defeated former president. we heard in that speech last week, president biden gave. that he evoked trump, not by name, but invoked him nonetheless 16 times. he came out swinging he came up against him in atlanta. this is a new rhetorical shift. my colleagues at the washington post have been reporting on this on the last few days. have determined that there is a
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strategy in the white house. which is not to attack trump daily like this, but to attack him at big, high profile moments when he thinks there is going to be considerable media attention. such as the speech today and atlanta. and when he might be able to deliver a message beyond those who are following politics hour by hour. >> how about chuck schumer's message? he's pushing to hold votes on the floor of the senate very soon. when i look at the numbers, i don't get it. what does he know, that we don't? last i heard sinema and manchin, they haven't moved. >> look stuff, as you know holding a vote like that is going to put folks like manchin and sinema on the record. and voters across the country and their states otherwise, where they stand on this issue. . show people where the remaining continued disagreements are within the democratic party. so i don't think that schumer thinks that this thing is going to be passed into law anytime soon, i don't think that manchin and sinema are necessarily going to be convinced by one speech by
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president biden and vice president harris. but that is not to say that the debate will end after this vote happens. i think there's going to be a lot of conversations and negotiations going forward. >> but we know where they stand. joe manchin has said over and over. there is no surprise there. >> i think they're going to share americans where they stand. maybe joe manchin will try to use this as a moment to get more leverage with build back better. as you know that hasn't passed, in part because senator joe manchin is holding that up as well. the conversations to be had. senators say they want to get something done. >> all right chuck, let's go back to the january six committee. they say they're working on getting rudy giuliani to testify. i want to show a republican committee member adam kinzinger said earlier tonight. >> obviously rudy was in a lot of those conversations. see him after the fact reporting, he was actively pressing the president on these conspiracies. and convincing him, warming his way into these meetings.
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so he will have some information. i fully expect that he won't be super cooperative. but again, congress has ways to compel that. and we have ways to ensure that he is telling the truth under oath. >> what are the ways to compel? let's be honest, rudy giuliani, the likelihood he is going to participate. while he loves the attention, he loves to talk, he's not going to play well. >> no he is not going to play ball stephanie. and i think there's a bigger problem, with all due respect to the congressman. you recall that the fbi executed search warrants at mr. giuliani's home and office. he's under criminal investigation as far as we know. he's either likely a subject, or a target of a federal criminal investigation. that gives him a fifth amendment privilege. look, i would love to hear from the guy. >> explain that. >> sure. we have reason to believe that giuliani is under criminal investigation lieve that giuliani is under
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it's been very quiet. i imagine that because he's under investigation, he can assert, validly, a fifth of amendment privilege and refuse to answer any questions. your point about him not being cooperative is spot on. i'm not sure the sky would know the truths if it hit him in the back of the head. putting all that aside, i would love to hear from him, because he must have tons of relevant information. he also can invoke the fifth amendment privilege, not to testify. that's a problem for congress. prosecutors can overcome that by immunizing and compelling somebody to testify. congress, in theory, could try that route, but it might undermine any ongoing prosecution that the department
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of justice is conducting. this is a more difficult issue than the congressman imagines. >> of course the white house has a lot more. issues phil, is the white house strategy around covid and omicron to let this wave christine recede, and then get back to normal? as the days pass, you hear from more and more business leaders, that are saying yep, this thing is going to move, and we're all getting back to work, or you're not getting paid. that's the most aggressive we've seen from the business community. >> it certainly is. it's a different approach than we saw in previous waves of the coronavirus, last year, and in the year prior. the attitude in the white house is, let's get back to normal as quickly as we can. obviously, they're dealing with the hospitalizations around the country, with the testing issues, with making sure as many people are getting vaccinated as possible. there's also focus on trying to get this economy more opened up, getting life back to normal,
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getting people back in offices whenever it is safe, and appropriate to do so. also, a determine nation from the white house not to impose any lockdowns or extreme restrictions, of the kind that we've seen in the early months of the pandemic. >> there's a lot of determination, when it comes to political agenda, for the president to get his whole party under one tent. alexei, before we go progressives, what is their plan, to get in line gop style, hold your nose and get in line? or stand firm for what they believe? whether it's for voting rights or, build back better -- biden, excuse me. >> ask about progressives, they're going to continue to do what they're doing, which is employing the leverage they have as a unified caucus. -- has been moving as a solid block throughout this entire congress, and congressional session. i don't see that going anyway anytime, soon especially when congress woman has become a
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leader within that movement, internally. i think it's especially true with voting, rights especially because they have the backing of all these folks on the outside. the voting rights leaders, the civil rights leaders, activists, the members of the king family. there's no reason for them to capitulate to anybody, at this point. >> because, at some point joe manchin and progressives have to get some sort of steamroll page to get something done. those activists groups, what massively important, don't have a vote. manchin and sinema do. >> the argument they would make is that the two folks, versus thousands and thousands of people across the country, who are asking for those voting rights to be passed, asking for measures of the build build back better build -- in elections, this cycle, and next. >> if you want those thousands and thousands of votes for years to come, you better deliver. phil, alexei, check, always good to have. you were gonna leave it there. coming up, we have a lot more to cover. why would anybody be against
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you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers let me say this plainly and at simply, there is no widespread effort to suppress minority voting rights in america, it's nonexistent. this is nothing to do with this. this has to do with power. >> well, this is not plain, simple, or straightforward. let's go practical. here's a reminder, this is what is in the legislation democrats
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are trying to pass. the freedom to vote act would expand voter registration and election day access, provide universal mail-in voting, make election day a federal holiday, and ban partisan redistricting. the john lewis voting rights act would reinstall -- with histories of voter discrimination. with us tonight, one neil oliver. mark mckinnon, former advisor to both george w. bush and john mccain. he's also among the cohost of the circus on showtime. mark, we just went through this thing. republicans have branded themselves as the party of patriots. how does that square with any patriot, who wouldn't want to make election day a holiday? >> great question. this really boils down to -- i mean i respond to -- the root of this is the 2020 election, and president trump
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claiming that there was a widespread election fraud in the system. the fact is, there is none. there is no widespread systemic fraud. the greatest fraud perpetuated in american politics was that there was. all the discussions that we're having about voting rights bills and federal holidays, and mail-in voting, all stemming from the 2020 election. the lie that president trump sold and we've. had million dollars of lawsuits, the texas attorney general -- the arizona audit. all of them have shown nothing, in fact some of them show that a handful of cases of voter fraud for president trump. it doesn't exist. that's the root of all this legislation. although things are arguing about is about republicans being convinced -- that the 2020 election was stolen. i think any of these efforts by democrats are simply designed
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to make the fraud even greater, when in fact we know it's not the fix. >> those republicans still believe, it or they're trying to still sell it to people who don't know better and warp other truths. juanita, perfect example, the branding around kill the filibuster, is quickly being misunderstood in and represented, just like defund the police. we don't necessarily need to get rid of either, but both need reform and improvements. is that with democrats need to lead? with republicans are going to make this a talking point and run with, it just like they did defund the police. >> republicans are gonna lie, just like they have every other election cycle. democrats need to focus on getting these bills passed. forget the messaging, get to action. i think that's will breaks through. seeing president biden deliver -- it still did not dig into the actions, and he's going to put the weight of his office to tip the scales to make sure that this gets through a democratic
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senate. that's when it comes down to. i also appreciate mark emphasizing that republicans like marco rubio, republicans to other entire conference, perpetuated these lies that trump started. they were the ones who refused to say that biden was the president-elect, after the election. they planted that seed, state legislatures controlled by republicans picked up the mantle and ran with it. they are all committed to making sure that they've struck elections and obstruct voters will going forward, that's why these bills are so critical. the next thing democrats need to do is focus exclusively on getting this done,, because if they don't, the next election, in ten months, might be the last one we recognize. >> of course the president isn't a lawmaker, he's assigned her, and an influencer. i want to play more of what the president had to say. >> history has never been kind to those who sided with voter suppression over voters rights.
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it will be even less kind for those who side with election subversion, so i ask every elected official in america, how do you want to be remembered? do you want to be this side of dr. king, or george wallace? do you want to be the side of john lewis or bull connor? do you want to be this side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis? this is the moment to decide, to defend our elections, to defend our democracy. mark >> mark, how much more can he do. we gave the big speech but he can't make laws, he can make the bully pulpit -- did he move mention at all? >> well, he didn't move any republicans with that. speech he's basically saying you are with us, or your racist. mitt romney express that thought. i don't think that was really's intent. i think he realistically recognizes that they're not
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going to get republican votes it, on any form of these bills, but the key is getting manchin. we can talk about -- all program long, but biden is going to have to pick that lock on this one. my guess is, at the end of the day, when it may boil down to a certification. that's where filibuster may come into play, for manchin. if they can really just nail it down to certification issue, rather than how we cast ballots or count ballots, that's going to -- >> tweak it, don't scribe it, and you might get something done. our audience is in luck, juanita had mark have agreed to stay with. as we've got more to cover. coming up we're discussing the impact, one very influential republican could have on swing voters coming into the midterms. we'll have more when the 11th hour continues. you don't want to miss this. continues continues you don't want to miss
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juanita, what do you think of that analysis, bill kristol is, does he have a point? >> look, as toxic as trump's, i wish he would have that much weight going into the midterms. but we saw otherwise in the 2021 gubernatorial races. that's what democrats ran almost exclusively on in virginia. but that did not do enough to mobilize voters. it is clear that democrats can't rely on the. but they have to deliver other ones, in order to be able to persuade voters to come out. i think that trump also recognizes that even though his toxicity levels are high, he wants swing it. but that does go into the calculus behind his decision to not announce a 2024 run this year. or his decision to hang back. because he is aware that he could potentially be a drag on republicans. i just don't think that the drag is going to be as big as it could be hoped for. >> mark, trump has a death grip over his base. but not enough to win him an election. biden is calling him out. for the second time in a row, he mentioned former president trump. watch this >> the violent mob
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of january 6th, 2021, empowered and encouraged by a defeated former president. sought to wind through violence. but he had lost at the ballot box. to impose the will of the mob. to overturn free and fair election. and for the first time, the first time in american history, to stop the peaceful transfer of power. they failed. they failed but democracies, but democracies victory was not certain. nor is democracy's future. >> do you have p, defeated former president, that is woodbine is calling him. do you think it is a good move that he has started to go after trump? >>. i do i think that some a class trolling right there. i think that's kind of the
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thing that gets under trump's skin. but he can't tweet about it. trump is paying attention i think that trump does feel like he's going to have a big impact in the 2022 election or certainly take credit for whatever happens. you know if i did know bill kristol better, i would say he is smoking something. been wildly optimistic about it. so you know bill to about the impact of trump and the negative downward pressure that he might have in the 2020 election. but i also think that you are right, they have to look at the 2021 election. and look at what happens when republicans run without trump on the radar screen. like glenn youngkin did. and they have huge potential upside if they can keep trump off the radar screen. >> to that point, the hold that he has over the base, mike it republicans, too many radical
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candidates. going daily name moderates. -- >> that's the thing people look after the 2022 election those fringe candidates have gone down the rabbit hole. creating a message for republicans. when the republican party becomes the party of matt bates and marjorie taylor greene, and not glenn youngkin if trump gets too many of those sorts of candidates. campaigning in losing. and some of that shine wears off on trump. >> juanita, i know it is still early. you mentioned a moment ago. democrats could unite in voting against trump. but it is a great big party, with a lot of people with a lot of priorities. is there one top issue that could drive democratic voters in the midterms together? >> look, i think they have to
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act on all of the issues stephanie. i of course appreciate the energy that voting rights is getting right now. considering that is a foundational right, that should be protected and preserved i do think still the democrats need to move forward with build back better. move forward on accountability with january six. these are things that voters want to see developed. want to see get across the finish line. because of voters going to these midterms with a question mark in their mind about how their lives will improve. or how they were impacted by this president, compared to the defeated former guy. that is not a place that democrats need to be, that is not going to be helpful to them in these midterms that. all or >> that mean some sort of compromise within the democratic party, to get something done? >> it has. two >> as important build back better is, it's hugely important, it is though we dismiss the heart infrastructure package, which was a huge win. donald trump spent four years talking about infrastructure week, a former infrastructure guy, got nothing done. biden got a huge heart
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infrastructure package done, and we dismiss it like it is nothing >> i don't think it is being dismissed stephanie. i think it is a question of who is being held more by this components of his agenda we know that women stand to gain. family stand again. children stand again from build back better. where because communities, johns in the economy, gain from the bipartisan infrastructure deal. people want more of the tangible, that impacts their daily lives circumstances. that is what they're taking into the voting box with him >>. you know who's going to gain within the hard infrastructure bill? a whole lot of commercial infrastructure titans. who are going to be huge contracts. those same titans who've wind that biden got to progressive they are going to get a whole lot richer, when those deals come through. >> mark, juanita. . thank you so much for joining us this evening. you certainly made a smarter. and a reminder, the quest to keep it straight. coming up, we are going to ask dr. redlener, if a possible fourth shot is needed to fight omicron. as we could be heading to a new
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is an extraordinary divergence of risk between a vaccinated and unvaccinated person. if you look at vaccinated versus unvaccinated, there is a 17 times greater chance of being hospitalized and a 20 times greater chance of dying if you are unvaccinated, versus vaccinated >> a 20 times greater chance of dying. meanwhile, the u.s. reported a highest daily rate of covid infections in the world. covid hospitalizations also up 83% over the last two weeks. but scientists are also seeing good signs signs that the omicron wave may have peaked in the uk and at the same time may be about to happen here.
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with us to discuss. doctor of colombians disaster for preparedness. director of pediatrics at the einstein college of medicine. let's start with the good news is omicron peaking, and if so, what is next? >> yeah well i hope so. stephanie, so many times the moderates and predictors of where this is going, have not actually been all of that accurate. yeah we are looking at the uk. there are good signs that it may be going away. if we are worrywarts here we are thinking about, is there some other variant that is going to follow me on, that could have entirely different behaviors. let's for now think that we are going to have good luck and omicron will go away. >> if there is a fourth shot, specifically for omicron, but the wave is over, is it worth taking? >> let me break this down a little bit. because this is a really important question. it starts with, when we first noticed, that we had omicron appearing out of south africa.
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we realized very quickly, that the two shots, that most of us considered to be full vaccination, would not work effectively against omicron. so, we move to a third shot, a booster shot. and that proved to be pretty effective against omicron. but still not enough. and now we have omicron really raging out of control. besides the hospitalization increases that you mentioned stephanie, it is also been a increasing strange for may fatalities. there is two other strategies let's, vaccine strategies. one is, all the manufacturers are working on this, that they will come up with a vaccine that is specific to deal with omicron. the problem is, that by the time that they get that tested and approved and manufactured, we may be over omicron. so, when i'm looking forward to, is what the army, research lab is working on. which is a vaccine that will
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deal with any and all covid. with all coronaviruses in fact. and that will be a game-changer i think that the world's been waiting for, we will have to see, that is probably going to be many months away. but i think that is how it breaks down. two shots not enough, definitely a third, my need for it, as israel is doing. omicron specific, i'm not so sure, because of the timeline. but the big hope will be in the one vaccine that deals with all variants that we know of. it is common sense that public health should be something that brings us together, but today was another revolting example of how political it's gotten. i want to share another heated exchange between senator rand paul, and doctor anthony fauci doctor 100% brought recede, some calling it amazing, some saying it's devastating. watch this. >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is
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that all of a sudden that candles the crazies out there. a person was arrested, who was on their way from sacramento to washington d.c., at a speed stop in iowa. they asked the -- the police asked him where he was going, he was going to washington d.c. to kill dr. fauci. they found in his car an ar-15, and multiple magazines of ammunition. you see, fire doctor fauci, with a little box that says, contribute here. you could put $5, $10, $20, $100. so, you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain. >> anthony fauci has devoted his life to science and medicine, to protect americans. working for our government, not private industry. guys like rand paul have gone after him, put him at risk, and
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raise money off of it. how much you think republican leaders like paul have hurt us in terms of getting out of this pandemic? >> well, unlike -- rand paul is a doctor. his words carry exceedingly more weight. the general public doesn't know that rand paul is a fool. are you allowed to say that about a senator. we are cringing in the medical community. i'm going to take that to the bank. the guy is totally reckless and irresponsible. if he was just some guy talking about fauci, that's one thing, but he carries weight, stephanie. he's endangering the public by his misinformation. his attacks on fauci are a thinly disguised on our entire public health system. it is outrageous. i don't know what to say about
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it, but my god, he should know better. he's an ophthalmologist, and what he knows about infectious disease in pandemics, and so on, i don't know where he picked up whatever non information he has. he's no better than every other cygnus cyst who's been duped by conspiracy theories on the internet. it's disgraceful. to put dr. fauci's life on the line, and to frighten his family is really unconscionable. i have other words, foal talk off line about that. it's just a horrible thing that fauci is being attacked by the likes of rand paul. >> i'm sorry to our audience, because i cannot wait to hear what you really have to use here. i may have to fill them in tomorrow. thank you so much for joining us. whether or not he's a doctor, he can be decent, he could be honest. coming up next, the irs kicks off its busy season with a
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warning about tax refunds. that story when the 11th hour continues. prepare yourselves to be frustrated. yourselves to be frustrated i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase,
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how much their accident case is let our injury attorneys know he how much their accident cget the best result possible. tomorrow morning we get an official update on inflation. the news to consumer price index numbers are out, and they're expected not to be good. barons predicting, quote, inflation in december likely roles at the fastest annualized pace in four decades. translation, everything you buy is expensive right now. on another financial front, it looks like the irs is now getting hit with covid. you might want to get started on your taxes as soon as possible, especially if you're affecting a refund. >> assistant school teacher, lauren tracey, filed or taxes online for, the first time last year. >> we got everything spread away. it wasn't that complicated. >> but then she realized that she -- she was due a bigger refund.
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>> i filed $1,050 through my amended tax return, and -- on paper, and i've heard nothing about it it. showing everything is. received >> nine months later, she still waiting for that refund. >> there are over 6 million individual returns that have not been processed. >> that is from last year. >> correct. >> in this year, treasury official -- prepared to be frustrated. due to the pandemic, the irs is entering taxis in with a significant backlog. the department is facing staffing shortages. last year, fewer than 15,000 workers had to handle 240 million calls. the irs's workforce is the same sizes was in 1970, with a budget nearly 20% less than ten years. ago covid is only increase challenges in the industry, especially for paper returns. >> irs employees have to begin the building -- covid, with a social distancing
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restricting the employees in the building, it limits how many employees can work at one time. >> to avoid delays and getting your refund, experts advise, file online, triple check for errors, and choose derek deposit. if you have to file a paper return >> the irs will work first in first out. this is -- >> if you do end up waiting for a refund, at least she will collect some interest. >> as a reminder, the build back better plan has 80 billion bucks set aside, specifically for the irs. if it does get past, it's got the potential to speed up those refunds. coming up, the hot mic moment in the middle of many, many tense ones. when the 11th hour continues.
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later in the hearing, dr. fauci also had a heated exchange with republican senator, roger marshall, of kansas, about his financial disclosure. >> yes or no, would you be willing to submit to congress and to the public a financial disclosure that shows you passing current investments. after all you're calling doctor walensky and every -- financial disclosure that includes their investments. >> i don't understand why you're asking that question. my financial disclosure is public knowledge and has been so for the last 37 years or so. it is totally accessible to you, if you want it. >> for the public, is it accessible? >> so the public. you are totally incorrect. >> we are reviewing. it >> doctor fauci has answered you it, is public information, he's happy to give it to you if you would ask. >> senator moran. >> what a moron. >> jesus christ.
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>> we're going to end the night with jesus christ. that is our broadcast for this tuesday evening. -- my interview with republican congressman, and january six committee member, adam kinzinger, right here on msnbc, on -- i'm gonna crawl under this desk and go to sleep. on behalf of all my colleagues at the networks of nbc news, good evening. >> tonight on all in. what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue, is that all of the sudden, that candles the crazies out there. and i've had threats upon my life. >> doctor anthony fauci rand paul. >> why would the senator want to do this? go to rand paul website. and you see, fire doctor fauci.
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with a little box that says contribute here. >> tonight, my exclusive interview with doctor anthony fauci. then. >> you want to be on the side of dr. king, or george wallace? do you want to be on the side of john lewis, or bill connor? this is the moment to decide. >> senator cory booker on the presidents rousing call to protect democracy. an academy award winning filmmaker doctor -- don't look up. >> you know how many meetings we've had over the last few years. so boring. >> when all in, starts right now. good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes. during this pandemic, doctor anthony fauci has become a fixation. even obsession on the right, and it is among those who see
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