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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  January 15, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PST

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affect each and every american. you may not live in a state directly affected by voting restriction. the moment an american loses their right to vote is the moment democracy begins to recede. these bills may be the answer to many problems, but they fall short on preventing sub version. we'll talk about that with two officials, dana nessel and josh shapiro. another hour of "velshi" begins now. ♪♪ ♪♪ good morning. it is 9:00 a.m. in the east. i'm ali velshi. we begin this mlk weekend on the brink of losing one of our key pillars on our democracy that reverend martin luther king jr. fought poor, the right for a free and fair vote. dr. king's daughter, bernice king posted a particularly poignant quote of her father
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that speaks directly to the moment that the country finds itself in now. she quotes her father the traj dai is we have a congress with a senate that has misguided senators who will use the fill bust tore keep the majority of people from even voting. you can see that she tagged kennedy republican mitch mcconnel and so-called centrist kifrt insinema. in order to pass much-needed federal voting protections and sinema dashed the hopes of achieving that any time soon with a speech signaling that she would not be changing her stance on filibuster reform and due to this ongoing tight to persuade just two democratic senators to join the rest of their party in trying to save voting rights, majority leader chuck schumer has pushed a planned debate on the legislation from monday to tuesday. at a press conference this week senator schumer said, quote, failure is not an option, and
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he's right. failure to pass federal voting protections is simply n an option when the opposing forces remain hard at work. while federal election legislation remains stalled, republicans at the state level are taking a sledgehammer with the big lie at the tip of the sphere. according to the brennan center, 13 bills restrictioning access to voting have been pre-filed for the 2022 legislative session in four states. in addition, at least 152 restrictive voting bills in 18 states will carry over from 2021, end quote. that, by the way, is in addition to the 19 states that passed a combined 34 new voter restrictions last year. this thing is in full swing. the republicans behind this renewed effort are doing so in bad faith. they say it's about voter fraud, but it's not.
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voter fraud is simply not a widespread problem in america rid now with specifically proven in case after case not to have been an issue in the last election. this is about kissing the ring of a failed former president whose bruised ego will not allow him to accept reality, but who remains a front-runner in the upcoming presidential election and as this group of republicans cow tow to their now impeached leader, they seem to subvert to the 2020 election and future elections. take a look at how many purveyors of the big lie are running for powerful state positions that control how elections are conducted. an npr analysis of 2022 races across the country found at least 15 republican candidates running will question the legitimacy of president biden's 2020 win even though again, how many times do we have to say this in no widespread evidence and no evidence of widespread fraud has been uncovered about the race over the last 14 months
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since the election. the election denialism is the new litmus test that republicans need to pass in order to gain what they see as a much-needed endorsement from the dawn of delusions. 59 of the candidates running in gubernatorialned the 2020 results. this is not an abstraction. if you've got even a casual appreciation for democracy, forget a love for democracy, just a casual appreciation, this should register as a five-alarm fire that is threatening to take the country and leave something unrecognizable in its wake. they actually aren't laws in place right now to stop these potential acolytes of authoritarianism from continuing their slow-moving insurrection that is ongoing, and now everybody's wise it exactly how they can pull off an overturning democracy in america if you do
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it the right way. joining me are two people who have been on the front lines of protecting voting rights at the level. dana nessel and josh shapiro currently running for governor of pennsylvania. welcome to both of you. attorney general nessel, you and i have talked many, many times about this. in your state, in michigan, which is one of the hot beds of all of this activity there have been audits and there are tons of audits and there should be audits and we are all on the same side of election security and the concept that there's widespread fraud that led to the illegitimate victory of joe biden is simply wrong and it's been disproven in courts across america and the lie leads the legislation in elections. >> first of all, the secretary of state did over 250 audits as required by our constitution. all of them found the same thing and that is that our lech was
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safe, secure and accurate, but moreover, any time -- we still use paper ballots in michigan, so it is very easy to check to see what the results were later on and to contrast it to whatever the voting machine tabulations were, and just recently, macomb county with the republican clerk who was a trump supporter re-did -- another audit pursuant to request from trump supporters and guess what? found there were no inaccuracies in the tabulation, and this was a county that trump soundly won. found the exact same results again. so i don't know how many times we have to re-do the 2020 election to satisfy those who believe that trump won. they're want going to be satisfied with any answer if it does not result in their candidate winning. >> but, attorney general shapiro, the problem thought the naive amongst us thought that
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they would try by a fake audit by a company that never audited anything in their existence might turn up something, but what we're learning now from my colleague rachel maddow is that there were a number of states that submitted their own electoral slates. it didn't matter what the outcome of the outcome of the investigations were and it didn't matter what the lie was going to be. the lie was ready to persist regardless even in pennsylvania this is happening. >> yeah. they engaged in that stunt here in pennsylvania, as well. i think the real takeaway is two of the 16 people running for governor in pennsylvania participated in that charade and all 16 of them have subscribed to the big lie, and what that is making very, very clear here in the commonwealth is that they won't hesitate to steal the next election if given the chance. if given the opportunity to appoint a secretary of state who would corrupt the process. what they are angling for is the
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ability to overturn an election and to say fundamentally certain people don't count in our democracy, that certain people shouldn't be heard. it's why the first policy initiative of my campaign was about how we're going to defend democracy here in pennsylvania and it starts at the ballot box. >> attorney general nessel, there are waying to do this properly and ways to do it improperly like in michigan with the attempts to file a fake slate of electors. improperly is the so-called militias that decided to take things into their own hands in michigan and possibly kidnap your governor and offer threats to you and other people. at this point one needs to worry about this as i mentioned in the democracy, you have to realize if any of these outside the box attempts to subvert democracy were to work we'd all be in very
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serious trouble. >> yeah. i mean, it's very simple and it's the end of our democracy in the united states of america. in michigan the two leading candidates for secretary of state and for attorney general are again, you know, they are propagators of the big lie and there is no question that in the event that they are successful, they take those offices in 2022, the secretary of state is their job to certify the election and for the attorney general it's their job to defend the certification of the election, and as we know and as shapiro can tell you this, in both of our states we had multiple efforts to de-certify our legal elections. well what happens when you have a chief elections officer and a, you know, an attorney general who are willing to do anything and everything just to make sure
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their candidate wins as opposed to upholding the will of the voters of the state? that is the end of democracy. once we have key swing states like pennsylvania and michigan fall, i think that's it for the united states of america and for those that are just casual observers and supporters of democracy, they are sure going to notice when we are now an autocracy and no longer have the right to vote. >> attorney general shapiro, you're running for governor of pennsylvania and like michigan there are people who say at least there are democratic governors in the states that won't allow this to happen. what you are witnessing first hand is the people and ability for people who are not the governor or even the secretary of state to be able to do the right thing or to do the wrong thing, and that's something we have to be alert to. it's not just a matter of who your governor is or who your secretary of state is. >> well, we learned in the 2020 cycle that these state actors
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and these local clerks and republican, democrat, number, secretaries of state, attorneys general, governors, of course, were the ones who were the brick wall to defend our democracy and it is more reason why i am so disappointed in washington, d.c. right now. they need to pass something to strengthen our democracy, but while they're failing to do that inexplicably, by the way, that two of the senators have sided with the filibuster and the battle is playing out in the states and michigan and pennsylvania are really the epicenter of that battle. what general nessel was describing before is not some theoretical exercise. this is the reality on the ground and it's why we do what we do and why we fight as hard as we fight. there's a broader point here about the good people of pennsylvania and indeed, i can't speak to michiganderes. they're worried right now.
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they're worried about covid. they're worried about the economy and worried about their kid's education and they shouldn't have to worry about the instability of our democracy, too, and that is why here in the states we're taking action to defend our democracy and why it's critical that in these next elections in our midterms that we elect pro-democracy fighters who will stand up and say, who will respect the will of the people and will respect our institutions. sadly, the modern-day republican party doesn't share that same respect for the reasons you said before. they seem more interested in an attaboy from the former president as opposed to adhering to the oath of office that they take. >> you've left us with a hint of hope here in that we have remedies as to what we can do about this, so i want you both to stick around, if you will, before the break. i want to talk to these two about voting rights bills and what they lack and what they need when it comes to protecting elections. stay with us. o protecting
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world the democratic party was unified in the senate and able to pass the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights advancement act. both piece of legislation are desperately needed to protect access to voting and make sure every american has equal access to the ballot box. however, even if they became law the bills don't safeguard the certification process that the ex-president tried to exploit in his attempt to subvert the 2020 election results. the anti-democratic effort to cheat his way into another term hinged upon vice president pence acting unilaterally to throw out electoral votes for biden. pence didn't do that, but there's no actual law in place that says the next vice president can't do it. joining me is dana nessel and attorney general pennsylvania, josh shapiro. you have issues in your states
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and the two pieces of legislation that are supported. attorney general nessel in michigan, to restrict voting access might circumvent if it gets enough signatures. what's to stop republicans from outliezing an option like that to continue to roll voting rights back. is this a place where federal legislation could help? ? yeah. absolutely. that's why we so badly need this bill to be passed. there's no question that because we had this honestly very anti-democratic means of having a bill become law in michigan and circumventing the veto by governor witmer. it's only a very, very small percentage of people that need to sign on to that bill as long as there are republicans in the majority in the house and senate, go ahead and pass it by a mere majority vote. interestingly enough, michigan house and senate doesn't have a
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problem with passing major, major legislation with just a majority. there's no 60-person rule that we have, but what it essentially will do is make it much more difficult it on vote both absentee and also it would have your vote count in person and those would be addressed federally, but the issue that you raise about mike pence basically opening the envelopes and counting the votes. as you know, there were seven states that offered an alternative false set of electors including my state. that's something that we really need some sort of federal legislation to ensure that a vice president can't just simply pick an alternative, false slate of electors that was never properly certified by the state. >> attorney general shapiro, in pennsylvania the statewide commonwealth court has declined to entirely block a subpoena to state election officials to republican state lawmakers who were seeking one of the so-called forensic
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investigations of the 2020 elections that was entirely based on the big lie. weigh can't rely fully on the court to protect these elections. >> we've been defending the right to not have their private, personal information, social security numbers, driver's license numbers turned over and we continue to be successful of blocking that information from being shared with this ridiculous third party that the senate republicans have hired, but here's what we need to do in pennsylvania, particularly in the absence of real action at the federal level. when i'm governor of the commonwealth the first appointment i'll make is a pro-democracy secretary of state. i'll veto voter suppression bills, veto bills that would change our elections are certified and then we're going to expand access to the polls' automatic same-day registration and early voting and pre-registering young voters and also making sure that the apparatus that we use to run our
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elections is firm, allowing republican and democratic clerks in the counties to pre-canvas ballots to ensure that every legal, eligible vote is counted. when i'm governor of the commonwealth of pennsylvania that's exactly what we will do. >> thank you to both of you for your time. we appreciate your efforts. dana nessel of michigan, and josh shapiro of pennsylvania. breaking news overnight about a major official when appeared before the january 6th committee. spoiler alert it's not minority leader kevin mccarthy. he's still refusing to cooperate because according to liz cheney mccarthy is not brave and honorable, but quote, clearly trying to cover up what happened. l purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited.
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we've got new information overnight about the january 6th
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investigation. nbc news reports that christopher miller met on friday with the january 6th committee. not clear yet what they all discussed, but miller has had conflicting testimony about the insurrection in the past. right after the attack, miller said trump, quote, encouraged the protesters with his speech on january 6th, but at a later date said he believed a, quote, organized conspiracy played a role in the riot. the two are not mutually exclusive. it ramps up turning the investigations focussed to some fellow members of congress. republican kevin mccarthy said he would not cooperate nor provide the committee about information about communications he had with the whas surrounding the attack, saying some of what the committee is asking about is already public and some of it is unrelated to the violence. he's now calling the probe, quote, abuse of power which was interesting because a year ago he was singing a different tune. the president bears responsibility by mob rioters.
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he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. these facts require immediate action by president trump except to share responsibility, quell the brewing unrest and ensure that president-elect biden is able to successfully begin his term. >> that was january of last year. four months later he even said he would cooperate with the probe and tell investigators what he knew. >> would you be willing to testify about your conversation with donald trump on january 6th if you were asked by an outside commission? >> sure. next question. >> next question. that was may of last year. fast forward to this week. here's mccarthy just this last thursday. >> there is nothing that i can provide the january 6th committee for legislation of their moving forward. there is nothing in that realm.
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it is pure politics of what they're playing. >> mccarthy's adamant about not cooperating, but bennie thompson the chair of the select commission saying he's not ruled out the subpoena to compel mccarthy and one almost without legal precedent. joining me now is daniel goldman. he previously served as majority counsel for house impeachment committee and also an msnbc legal analyst. good morning to you, dan. thank you for joining us. let me ask you about this. does the committee need anything mccarthy's got at this point? he's said so much in public and two, what is the likelihood of getting any of these members of congress to respect the subpoena to testify? >> the committee absolutely needs what kevin mccarthy, his testimony because kevin mccarthy talked to donald trump on january 6th and urged him to send help to call off the
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rioters and they a lot about the conversation that we don't know. wef gotten conflicting reports from kevin mccarthy himself about that conversation. so the notion that kevin mccarthy has said some things publicly is hogwash because what he said publicly directly conflicts with what else he said publicly. so the committee needs to understand exactly what happened with kevin mccarthy, donald trump on the afternoon of january 6th as well as additional conversations that mccarthy had with trump before and after the insurrection. so the notion that any witness can dictate to a lawful and duly authorized committee what the witness has and what information the witness has or whether that witness' testimony would be helpful or not is a farce. there's no investigation in the world where people under investigation or witness to an
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investigation could justifiably determine whether or not it's legitimate with the investigators to talk with him. so he's trying to avoid this through semantics and legal pick as well as a factual fiction. so his excuse is kind of lame. whether or not they will subpoena him or some of the others is, as you say, a significant question. traditionally it's not happened between house committees and house members because, obviously, they need to, wo together and the shoe could always be on the other foot. so it would be a dramatic escalation should kevin mccarthy become speaker should he have a committee that would then subpoena all of the democratic members and it would dissolve into chaos if that happens. on the other hand, the information they have is very relevant and very pertinent to what occurred on january 6th.
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so it's almost impossible to do a full investigation without getting their testimony and their information. >> you and i spoke just a little over a week ago and the conversation left me a little unsettled and i'll paraphrase. you said the wheels of justice when they work without the color of influence sometimes work slowly and pain that's in the best interest of not falsely prosecuting people and doing the wrong thing. the problem here is we're up against a political clock. mckarthy and others say if they win back the house in november they'll just disband this committee. matt gaetz has gone as far as to say he'll take over the committee and start investigating democrats. how do you square the need for justice to move at the pace it needs to move at and the need for political protection of our democracy? >> well, i think the context i was saying that in relates to the department of justice which is the entity that really is
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charged with enacting justice. i think the january 6th committee is a fact-finding committee that is designed to uncover what occurred, transparently explain and put forward to the public what occurred and come up with legislation that could prevent it from happening in the future. the department of justice investigation is really designed for justice, as you say which is whether there was any criminal conduct that needs to be brought to account. the political clock is obviously a significant thing. i don't think that anyone on the committee can expect that the committee will continue in the next congress. so they are moving at an incredibly brisk pace to try to get to the bottom of what
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occurred and the opposition knows that, so their goal, donald trump's goal, many of these witnesses who have filed completely sham lawsuits against the committee getting phone records or bank records which is common occurrence, they're just trying to run out the clock. donald trump is very successful at doing that and there's legislation at protecting the democracy act that is pending in congress that would curtail efforts to run out the clock and would allow much faster enforcement. that type of thing is what's really important, but they've got to move as fast as they can and they may ultimately not get all of the information that might be out there. >> daniel, as always. thank you for your astute analysis. he is a house inquiry madge or the counsel and former investigator for the house intel committee and an msnbc legal analyst. up next, good-bye to a godsend, what desperate families are saying over the expiration of the tax credit.
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tsunami warnings have been issued for hawaii and the west coast after an undersea volcano erupted near tonga. 2.7-foot waves are expected in parts of hawaii and there are reports of those waves coming ashore. we'll continue to monitor this fast-moving situation. we'll bring you the latest as we have it. u the latest as we have it.
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the first time in months
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millions of american families did not receive a much-needed safety net from the federal government. on friday monthly child tax credit payments ended because congress allowed the credit to lapse. the child tax credit which was in last year's coronavirus relief package is one of president biden's signature agenda item. it's part of the broader build back better bill and that bill is in the backburner no consolation to struggling american families partly because manchin, a millionaire from west virginia, objects to it and other safety net. tiffany cross with "the cross connection," what do you have for us in the next hour. >> the loss of the child tax credit, we are also coming to the end of the eviction moratorium and rental assistance. so what can be done to help the millions that will soon find themselves out on the streets, just devastating. so we'll talk about that. plus we dive into this ongoing debate about voting rights legislation and how to get it
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passed. as you know, ali, the president spoke in atlanta. there were some activists who didn't show up. some people disagreed with that move. so we're going to have a live strategy session on air with people from different ideological factions to talk about what's the best way to protect the path to the ballot box. derek johnson, the president of the naacp will join me and my friend commentator angela rye and cliff albright will be in place and all of this coming up on "the cross connection." we'll talk about marriage, as well and a lot of people are saying no, thanks to "i do" and we'll look into what that looks like and how that's reshaping american culture and i hope you stick around after your amazing show. >> i absolutely will. i am interested in that conversation about what happened in atlanta and the various criticisms that were flying arc cross social media. people saying people shouldn't attack the vice president and
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the vice president other ands saying hey, you made promises and you live up to them and i am looking forward as i always am "the cross connection" at 10:00 a.m. eastern. thank you, my friend. >> thanks, ali. >> up next, it's debate time, but is debate debate when one side is lying or flat-out refuses to appear. flat-out refuses to appear. (judith) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? don't you just ride the wave? (judith) no - we actively manage client portfolios based on our forward-looking views of the market.
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we are less than one year away from the 2022 mid-term elections. most americans seem to agree these are serious. according to a december npr/insoss poll 50% believe the democracy is in crisis and at risk of failing. a whole population of americans that believe that spread misinformation, lies and conspiracy theories. on the covid front, a study found that most americans had been duped by covid
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misinformation. eight out of ten adults either believe or are unsure about at least one false statement made about the pandemic and vaccines. when it comes to the election, a monmouth university poll found more than 60% of people in the united states believe that joe biden won the election fair and square. about a third, 32% believe, quote, that biden won the 2020 election only due to voter fraud. when you zoom in, 50% believe that biden's win was solely the result of voter fraud which is crazy because it's been proved time and time again that there's been no voter fraud and not a single instance in a single state that would have overturned the result. the real lie spreads like wildfire thanks to social media provocateurs and elected officials who promote these falsehoods. these master gaslighters are always looking for a platform to voice their lies and when it their behavior continues to threat the democratic ideals
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that we hold dear, how do we engage? i want to talk about it with two people when come from opposite sides of the aisle, but are both fierce defenders of free speech and good faith public debates. they both have shows. msnbc columnist dinno badella, and 2020 republican presidential candidate joe walsh. he's host of the podcast "white flag with joe walsh," he's the author of "f" silence calling out for the con man that he is. joe, let me start with you because you make a point on your show of booking people with whom you do not share ideological perspectives and your recent guests have included alyssa milano, d.l. hughley, jane lynch and adam kinzinger, i've interviewed all of them except jane lynch and none of them are
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liars. how do you debate this one. >> good to be with you. let me start by agreeing with what you just said. nothing saddens me more than the fact that really, my entire world of conservative media, fox news and the republican party now is completely untethered to the truth. i actually believe and i've said frequently, i think this is donald trump's greatest legacy, the destruction of truth and it saddens me immensely because the disinformation is so dangerous. i believe in free speech, and so what i try to do is not shut down these people who put out disinformation, but engage with them, call them out, call their lies out and expose their lies as best i can.
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>> your view, is you should engage. dino bidala. you do tend to lean toward interviewing more than less or talking to people more than less. where is your line on this? >> well, ali, just me and you talking about this would have been for another episode of the muslim power hour. i'm just kidding about that. here's my guiding principal. i hope by the end of the show they learn something they didn't know. it doesn't add to have liars on my show or bigots on my show. edward r. murrow said there are not two sides to every issue, and it doesn't mean i won't fact check the lies and i will play clips of tucker carlson lying and fact check them. i don't need to debate them and i would have on republican members of congress because they
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have power. they had the courage to come on my show, marjorie taylor-greene, or paul gozar. trumpers call my show. you can't change their mind. facts don't matter. suddenly i tell them a fact, no, they just shift the goalpost or talk about hillary clinton or something else. you're not going to reach them. i'm an adult. i accept that. i try to reach people i can and try to make people smarter who listen to my show. >> joe, by the way, it's not public knowledge that dean and i do this muslim power hour show so please don't tell anybody about it. joe, what do you do about what dean just said, about power brokers, people who are members of congress. you were one of them once, do you engage? is it important to engage or is it at least important to tell our audience, fact check them and tell our audience what's going on because if i put things about madison cawthorn or lauren
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boebert or marjorie taylor-greene, there are certainly viewers that will say why are you wasting my time with these b.s.ers? >> i think it's important to expose them. i had rick santorum on my show a couple of weeks ago and he said things that couple weeks ago. he said things that infuriated me. he said he would support donald trump if he were the 2024 nominee. i had a bunch of folks say, why did you let him spread that nonsense? i think it's so important for america to understand that our democracy is sincerely at risk and when you have almost half of the country untethered to basic truths, that's dangerous. and a democracy can't survive. i still don't believe that people in the middle and people on the left sufficiently understand how dangerous this is. so you've got to expose them.
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>> i want to pursue that. you made an interesting point there i want to talk on the other side f. i can ask you guys to take around. we will take a quick break to pay is the bills. we'll continue this conversation on the other side. other side. or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, >> like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous.
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6:54 am
. the republican national committee is voting to essentially bar national candidates for presidential debate. nbc news learned the rnc is
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thinking of requiring candidates seeking the party's nomination to sign a pledge to not participate in debate held by the non-partisan commission on presidential debates. back with me is msnbc columnist gina badella and former congressman republican presidential candidate joe walsh. when joe was talking about in the last segment how he thinks that maybe some people on the left don't sufficiently understand the danger that some of these gaslighters pose, i heard you sort of commenting. i think you had a response there. >> you're amazing. this is what makes you so special. you can read my mind. i will tell you, it is people like joe walsh and nicole wallace, rick wilson raising the alarm bells and my fellow democrats and progressives aren't always hearing. they don't get the stakes. and i tell them, listen to people you might disagree on
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politics. the great lesson is in saving your democracy, you often have to join with people you den agree with ideologically to preserve your democratic republic or your democracy. that's why i urge my fellow democrats to understand and define her. when i say fascism, i'm not being hyperbolic. this gop is autocratic plus violence. cbs polls show 56% of republicans look at january 6th as an act of defending freedom. i appreciate those i disagree with ideologically on substance who still are patriots. who still believe in this democratic republic we can join together on one front to save our republic from this gop, which is how democracies die. >> joe, how did this go wrong? i feel for a long time america did a good job of understanding that our fundamental agreement on the tenets of democracy are not in dispute. we could completely have different views across the political spectrum. you can believe in no minimum wage. can i believe in $25 an hour.
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we both believe we should convince voters. those voters will make a determination in the end. how did this go so wrong and so wrong for the republican party? >> a long time coming, the base of the republican party is now fully radicalized. i mean, fully radicalized. to dean's point, i come from that base. i got, i was with that base. i escaped the cult. but it took a long time to get to that point, ali. but as a radicalized base, they no longer believe in the truth and they no longer believe that the bake tenets of democracy can help them advance their cause. it's really, really dangerous. >> dean, you actually went out there some years ago and did a, you wanted to go out there with people who didn't like you because you were a muslim, you hung a muslim sign. your point is if you don't like me or you fear me, i'm actually going to talk to you.
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we're going to get to the bottom of your fears. do you still believe in that concept? >> i've given up on that. no, still i believe on it. i open my show every day saying i want to be your muslim bff, best friend forever. polls show if you know us, you have a different view of us. we are have an anecdote to lies and misinformation. ali, i want to reach people. i wish i could. recently i had a trump supporter call my state and say there is open borders. i go you mean the border patrol left their post and people are driving over. he said you shut up. on my own show. he hasn't heard anyone challenging them. still i talked to so many. there is nothing i can say to convince them there was no fraud. i can say it all day. i'm a lawyer, i gleefully cross examination them when they call my show. they don't know they're cross-examined. let's build the alliance with those you can reach. people who believe in this experiment called the united states of america democratic republic, regardless if they're
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the right, left, center, those mistakes. >> i am glad the two of you have the courage to continue to do this. i can say with fair confidence you are my favorite muslim, i know manny hassan is not up next p. hey, a quick update on the warning for the west coast. oceanic administration says there was a tsunami, significant waves are fought expected to hit the california area. bays, harbors and pary nas along the coast should be affected. early this morning, tsunami issues were warned for hawaii and most of the west coast of an under sea volcano erupted near tonga, which is an island in the pacific. that does it for me. see you tomorrow morning 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. i am going to do that while i
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watch the "cross connection" with tiffany cross which begins right now. ♪♪ >> well, well, when we have the discussion about who is responsible, i will not absolve the 50 republicans in the united states senate from responsibility for upholding one of the most basic and important tenets of our democracy, which is free and fair elections and access to the ballot for all eligible voters. >> what about for man chin? what about senator cinema? >> i don't think anyone should be ab solved of their responsibility of preserving and protecting our democracy. >> good morning, welcome to "the cross connection," everyone. the seemingly never ending fight to pass federal voting rights legislation is taking on new intensity on this mlk weekend. democrats bring up the john lewis voting act


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