tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC January 20, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> and to turn that not into a referendum on joe biden and the democrats but to a choice. that's the big thing. there's no message at the end of the week. no talking point. no ad. so, until that happens. so, until that happens, we're going to be stuck in political purgatory. >> we're in agreement. let's end the pandemic. we solved it. thank you both. that is "all in" on this thursday night. good evening, rachel. >> thanks, my friend. much appreciated. and thanks, at home for joining us this hour. what a day this has been. this has been a day where mysteries were solved, things were revealed, stufr we suspected turned out to be true. turns out it was rudy. here's the front page at right now.
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julianna led fake electors plot. here's the "washington post's" version of that same front-page story today. as giuliani coordinated plan for trump electoral votes in states biden won. it was mr. giuliani, apparently. you know, you find a thread of a story. you tug and tug some more and one day you're like one more tug on the same thread and the whole sweater comes apart. today was the day the whole sweater came apart. and now we're sitting in a pile of yarn going oh, that's what it's made of. here's how cnn put it in their story on this tonight. quote, trump campaign officials, led by giuliani, over saw efforts in 2020 to put forward illegitimate electors in states trump lost. members of the campaign team were far more involved than previously known in the plan.
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a broader tenant in the plot to overturn biden's victory when congress counted the electoral votes january 6th. they coordinated the nuts and bolts of the process on a state-by-state level. they secured meeting rooms and state houses for the fake electors to meet on december 14th, 2020. they circulated drafts of fake certificates that were ultimately sent to the national archives. behind the scenes, giuliani and trump campaign officials, actively coriaographed the process. "washington post" has this important new piece of news. quote, vice president pence's chief of staff, mark schwartz, tell said the post that rudy giuliani and his associates forwarded to pence's office letters arguing the trump electors should be recognized in these states that biden had in fact won. mr. short and pence's legal team
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reviewed the unslised letters but not persuaded to accept trump's electors, who had not been certified by their states. so, rudy giuliani and associates directly conveyed to vice president pence and his staff that pence should count the fake ones. should open the forged, fake elector counts and count those instead of the real ones, when it came time to tally up the electoral college results january 6th. and per his reporting, giuliani led the effort, at a nuts and bolts level, to create the fake elector states in the first place, including distributing the drafts of the fake certificates ultimately sent to the congress and the national archives. interesting though. all the reporting on this says some version being rudy giuliani and company. rudy giuliani and associates or
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others from the campaign. well, who else? well, we've got direct evidence, evidence on tape that other people at the trump campaign were involved in trying to get state legislatures to pretend the fake electors were real. to give some perceived legitimacy to the fake electors, when it came time in the plot to count the slats instead of the real ones. we have evidence on tape, thanks to a small news service in michigan. -michigan information and research service. which focuses just on covering the michigan state capitol. god bless mirs news in michigan. because thanks to them, we all can hear this part of the alleged federal criminal conspiracy out loud, as it happened on tape.
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listen. >> hi, representative, my name is angela mccallum. i'm call frumg trump campaign head quarters in washington d.c. i know you're very busy but i did want to reach out to you on behalf of the president as you have an opportunity to be a crucial part of his re-election. we just wanted to make sure you knew how you could be helpful in insuring that every american is represented and can rest assured that their vote will be fairly and correctly counted in this election. the united states constitution provides that the state legislatures retain sole authority to designate the presidential electors. you have the power to send a slate of electors who will support president trump and vice president pence. this is an effort that's happening in other states as well, such as pennsylvania, arizona, georgia. their state legislatures across the country, who are standing
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with the president to stop this voter fraud from happening under their watch. we want to know when there's a resolution in the house to apoint electors for trump, if the president can count on you to join in support. my number is -- thank you so much, representative. >> just calling to let you know that we're over throwing the government of the united states to stop the new president from taking power by sending trump electors from states that trump didn't win. and if you want to help us overthrow the government of the united states and keep the guy who lost in power in stead, we have figured out this one neat trick to do it. so, give oscall. that call again published by miirs news in michigan was a voice mail left by the trump campaign for one michigan state legislature. trump lost michigan. this was an effort to say
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effectively don't worry, as a state legislature, you can send an electoral college state of electors for trump, even though he lost the state. that's under your authority. you'll do that, right? the voice mail says we're having everybody send in fake electors from states that trump lost. the president asked me to call. he's counting on you. forgive me for saying it this way. it's weird that, that call is so lame. and the reason i say that is because -- i don't know that there is a punchy way to do a call like this. but this was a rote enough function of what the trump campaign was doing as of december 1st, 2020, that they had campaign randos leaving this kind of things on people's voice mails. hey, so and so, we're falsifying
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the election results tooverturn the election. give me a call back. that was clearly somebody exhausting from making calls all day long. i surmise from the tone. which isn't fair. but the benality of the effort tells you this isn't something one or two people were doing as a rogue effort. the "washington post" reports today that understanding the origins of the fake elector slats has become a folks of the january 6th investigation in congress. that seems undeniably true. and told reporters that the investigators are looking into whether there was a broader conspiracy or involvement from the trump white house in the creation and submissions of the fake electors. i should mention that the trump campaign staffer that left that, sort of insane voice mail for
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the state representative in michigan, she herself was subpoenaed back in november. we reached out but she did not wish to comment. but clearly she's not the one who came up with the plot. she's making calls as a part of it. it's a mechanized effort of what we're doing as part of the campaign. again their subpoena to the campaign staffer went out in november. increasingly, as more becomes clear, it's increasingly a focus in the states, not just in the january 6th investigation in congress, not just the beltway press, but in the states where republicans forged these fake documents to try to change the parent results of the election. the states are starting to get quite focussed on it too. in nevada, the governor was asked about whether this was all criminal. this is from the local cbs station in las vegas today.
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watch. >> the eight i team recently reported the national archives received documentation from the nevada gop certifying the state's six electoral votes for former president donald trump, even though president joe biden won. here's the governor weighing in. >> look, they said fraudulent or fake, absolutely a crime was committed and it's up to the attorney general to decide what he's going to do as far as filing charges. our democracy is at stake. you can't have people filing false reports and fake certifications and what not. >> they sent fraudulent or fake electors, absolutely. a crime was committed. that's nevada's governor speaking today. so far the attorney general in nevada has put out a statement saying he's not confirming or denying if any state investigation is active in the matter.
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it's, quote, on our radar. front page of "the las vegas sun." legal line crossed. nevada republicans faux electors draw scrutiny. this thing has been front page news all over the country all week. this is the front page of the "detroit free press" yesterday. attorney general says she hopes feds will prosecute. front page above the fold news in arizona. this is "the arizona republic" no details on false electoral document. trump backers refuse to explain plan. still no ruling on gop tactic. alternate electors were ignored. questions linger. that still no ruling reference is about the continuing uncertainty about whether the republicans, who forged the documents that took part in the fake elector forgery, whether
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they are potentially going to be referred for prosecution or investigation, either at the state or federal level. you'll recall that in michigan, the attorney general referred to the issue to prosecutors. and said publicly she will prosecute under state law, if they don't under federal law. she believes it is a, quote, open and shut case of a forgery of public record. that was michigan. in new mexico the attorney general has referred it to public prosecutors. in wisconsin, there was interesting news this week, which i think gave rise to the headline. in the journal -- "wisconsin state journal." the news this week in wisconsin was a milwaukee county d.a., who had been asked to look into this matter for possible prosecution, this week he released a letter just yesterday saying that his office has looked into this matter and they have handed it off to state law enforcement in wisconsin. the wisconsin department of
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justice, which is over seen by-state's attorney general for them to potentially prosecute this. this lands as the wisconsin journal -- milwaukee journal sentinel puts the issue, quote, squarely before the attorney general in the state of wisconsin. the wisconsin attorney general has not yet said if he's opening an investigation or referring to federal prosecutors or neither. but this is live. this is front-page above the fold news in multiple states this week. and with the folks of the january 6th investigation and revealing more about it all the time with the new revelation from cnn, "washington post" that mr. giuliani appears to have headed it up. it does seem like we're only going to get more. and the january 6th investigation today showed a whole bunch of its work in a kind of shocking letter to ivanka trump, the adult daughter
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of former president trump. this has been a remarkable few days for the trump family. in the past 48 hours, we've had the news reported that erick trump and kimberley guilfoyle both had their phone records subpoenaed by the january 6th committee. and ivanka trump and their father, they were the subject of a long-facing public court filing from the new york attorney general, effectively accusing them all of personal detail in a lurid list of bank fraud and tax fraud schemes at the trump family real estate business. i think it must have been unsettling that the allegations were laid out, in particular, to each one of them. the filings this week, for example, stated this about ivanka trump. quote, until january 2017,
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ivanka trump was a primary contact for the trump organization's largest lender, deutsche bank and caused misleading financial statements to be supplied to deutsche bank and the federal government. that's not good. when an attorney general says thats about you specifically and personally, while asking a judge to enforce the subpoena for your testimony, after your brother, the blond one, just had to plead the fifth over 500 times in his recent deposition. and that's not good. but now, all in the same 48-hour period, now we have the bomb shell letter from the january 6th investigation. and in this january 6th investigation letter to her, we do not have harsh allegations the way we do from the new york attorney general. but we have a surprising number of eye-popping revelations about what the committee has found out this far. what the committee knows. and there are lots of questions
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for ms. trump to talk about what she knows, given hoy much she features in other people's testimony. there's so much going on in this today. we're going to get expert help concerning the revelations. this is from the letter. as january 6th approached, president trump attempted to persuade vice president pence to participate in his plan to not count the legitimate electors for the electoral college vote. one of the discussions occurred on the phone on the morning of january 6th. you, meaning ivanka trump, you were present in the oval office and observed one side of the telephone conversation. general kellogg was present during that call and has testified to the january 6th investigation about that discussion as follows. question, and there's the transkrimt from kellogg's testimony, question, it's been reported that the president said to the vice president you don't have the courage to make a hard
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decision. maybe not those exact words but something like that. and answer, words, and i don't remember exactly but something like that. yeah, like you're not tough enough to make the call. question, another report of the phone call says trump said mike, it's not right. you can do this. i'm counting on you. i should have picked someone else four years ago. you're going to wimp out. >> answer, something like that, yes. and general kellogg, "ivanka trump turned to me and said mike pence is a good man and i turned to her and said yes, he is." >> and part of the conversation you observed on the morning of january 6th. similarly the committee would like to cis cusany other conversations you may have
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participated in regarding the president's plan to obstruct or impede the counting of electoral votes. they have information suggesting the white house counsel may have concluded the actions president trump directed vice president pence to take would be otherwise illegal. did you discuss those issues with any members of the white house counsel office? to your knowledge, were any conclusions shared with president trump? similarly, in the days before january 6th, a member of the house freedom caucus, the most pro trump caucus within the -- among republican members of the house of representatives. in the days before january 6th, a member of the house freedom caucus with knowledge of the president's planning for it day, sent a message with this explicit warning. quote, if potus allows this to occur. we're driving a stake in the heart of the federal republic.
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did you discuss that or similar concerns with the white house chief of staff or the vice president or his staff? the committee, after all that, goes on to assert that trump actually did intend, he did want to go down to the capitol himself after he made the speech, riling up the crowd. he apparently wanted to lead the mob down to the u.s. capitol personally. they said they want to ask ivanka about that. the committee asserts that they have found no evidence that trump ever called for the national guard to be deployed or any other law-forcement effort be made to protect the capitol over the entire scope of the day january 6th. just goes on and on. these are all revelations of what the committee has found. i should also point out it ends pointedly with a reminder to ms. trump that all white house officials need to have their communications preserved and hand over to the national archives. with the clear implications that
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perhaps her communications have not been ad kwtly archives and she needs to do that. but man, between the e -- the forged electoral votes finally being unwoven. so we can see where those came from within the trump campaign. we can see rude a -- remember, president trump put rudy giuliani in charge of the effort to mount some sort of pseudo legal effort to keep trump in power, even though he had lost the election. apparently what giuliani did was helm this effort to send out thesis fill-in of the the blanks mad libs forgery documents from which they created fake documents, trying to pass themselves off as real electors, even though those were states trump lost. so, the real electors were biden electors. we know not own lee that they're focusing on the matter.
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thalts one of their areas of focus and they've uncovered a lot of information about it and a lot of information about what happened, including in the white house, in the oval office on january 6th. both by the president himself and among people who we would otherwise previously have thought were supportive of his efforts that day. what a day this has been, man. we've got expert help it unwrap all of this and much more straight ahead. stay with us. unwrap all of this and much more straight ahead stay with us entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby.
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the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind.
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so, this is the letter today from the distric attorney of foelten county, georgia to the county's chief judge. quote, dear chief jugs brasher, i hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. quote, please be advised the district attorney's office has received information that a reasonable probability that the administration of georgia's of
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2020, including of the president of the united states, was subject to possible criminal disruptions. therefore, i am hereby requesting, as the elected district attorney for foelten county, that a special district grand jury be empanelled for the circumstances relating directly or indirectly to disrupt the unlawful administrations of 2020 in the state of georgia. now, it was not unexpected that foelten county district attorney would move to impanel a special grand jury into her investigation, whether former president committed crimes when he tried to pressure officials into falsifying the elections. and 93 that it has happened, now that she has requested the formation of a special grand jury to look at the evidence in the case, the specifics are really interesting. grand juries, including this idea of a special grand jury is
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handled differently in every state. and there's detail in terms of what this means, this case involving the former president. getting a special grand jury to work on this evidence. this is not something the d.a. can just do on her own. she's asking the court because a majority of the county's superior court judges will have to approve her request, if a special grand jury is in fact going to be put in place. interestingly, she's asking for a county judge to over see the special grand jury too, supervise it, which is an interesting thing. if the special grand jury is empanelled, it will sit indefinitely. normal ones in georgia sit, i think, for two months. they'll work indefinitely and they'll work only on this one case. she writes in her request that special grand jury's investigation will likely exceed the normal grand jury term of
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two months. for those not familiar in this kind of a process, this raise as bunch of interesting questions. how rare is a request like this? will the judges definitely say yes? is it unusual to ask a judge to see this or is that standard operating procedure? is there anything we can read into d.a.'s confidence and the amount of evidence she's already amassed, that she's willing to take this step? also, there's what willis says is the justification for needing to impanel this grand jury, why she's asking for the step at all. on one hand there's a very straight forward reason. at the sent orof the investigation is a call that then president trump made to georgia's secretary of state last saturday. brad pressuring him to find just enough votes to overturn biden's win in the state.
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she sites recent statements, saying he will only speak to investigators in her office in this case if he is compelled to do so by subpoena. she needs grand jury to get subpoena power. they cannot issue indictments but they can issue subpoenas to obtain testimony and evidence. that is something the fulton d.a.'s office cannot do on its own. and so, they need the grand jury. for it's apparently not just him. she says in her letter that a significant number of witnesses and perspective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation, absent a subpoena requiring her testimony. a special grand jury with subpoena power would remove that problem so the investigation can go forward on that level. but then there's the sort of just almost surreal point. it's a true assertion. it's just bizarre. she puts this right up front in her letter as to why her office
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needs this special grand jury. which is that conceivably, there are lots of law enforcement agencies in georgia who could take up this matter, if there's reasonable suspicion that georgia's statewide elections were criminally interfered with. why does it have to be the fulton county district attorney that tries to put together the prosecution? why that one county prosecutor's office? well, she makes a very good case. for it's because every other law enforcement agency that could investigate this was a potential witness at the crime. the georgia secretary of state's office was one of the allegers in the scheme. and the attorney general's office, one of the alleged perpetrators in the scheme. so, you know, if your office is
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inside the crime scene tape, thats makes it hard for your office to be the entity investigating the crime scene. therefore, quote, this office is the sole agency with jurisdiction that's not a potential witness to combat related to this matter. as a result they've opened an investigation into coordinated attempts to alter the outcome said in this state. just a -- on top of everything else, a remarkable development today in the great state of georgia. joining us now is gwen fleming. she's the former district attorney right next to fulton county. she's known her for years. you have helped us understand so much about this case up until now. i appreciate you making time to be here tonight now that this stuff has happened. >> so, the last time you were here, we talked about the prospect that d.a. willis might
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move to impanel a special grand jury. what's important to understand now that she's done it and we're able to see the reasoning for doing it that she's laid out in this letter. >> i think it's a smart move. a strategic move. she has indicated previously that she would be methodically working through all of the evidence in this case. and use all of the resources available to her to do just that. and a special grand jury is one of those tools and resources that allows her to subpoena witnesses. she notes in the letter that she has run into the challenge of some witnesses coming forth and talking to our office voluntarily. this signals to me that she did not prematurely ask for a special grand jury. she and her team have done significant investigation up until this point and are only making this request at the point that she needs the help. from the court. the special grand jury, also, as
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she notes, will not be constrained by a two-month time limit that a regular grand jury has, which means this dedicated group of fulton county residents will beable to focus on this one case and this one case only. for as long as it takes to get to or complete the investigation. when i was d.a., we had special grand juries impanelled for as long as a year. that's not to say it will take that long in this matter. again, this removes one of the obstacles in terms of having to make a decision in a certain time frame, particularly when you're investigating a case as complex as this one and you don't know where all the evidence is going to lead to. the early witnesses may lead to more subpoenas, more questions, the need for more document said. this is the beginning for her of a very long investigation. >> how rare are special grand
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juries in georgia? i'm thinking about the chief county judge who received the request today and what i learned about how this will be decided, which is a majority of the judges in the county need to say yes for this request to be granted. how frequently is something like this pursued? >> not frequently. and again, it's usually reserved for cases that are either they span a long span of time, years in some instances, or they're very complex. and if you recall some of the earlier statements d.a. willis has made. she was looking at four different elements here. she was looking at the january 2nd call, the january 4th resignation of the u.s. attorney. she was looking at an earlier november call between one of the senators and the secretary of state's office and she was also looking at statements that were
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made to the georgia legislature. so, this demonstrates the complexity and why special grand jury would be warranted. in this case. for i think it's important to point out, with the judge's vote, because she is seeking this grand jury in light of ret sns of some people coming forward to talk with our office to continue the investigation, i think it's critical that she mention that. it's very unlikely that judges will reward that opposition by denying the request. if they say no, then all of the evidence that she needs will never come to light. again, judges taken a oath just like prosecutors. it's their dut ato uphold the law and this grand jury is the best opportunity to fully vet all of the evidence that's available. and they can make recommendations to what charges, if any, should be brought. >> is it notable that d.a.
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willis has requested that an individual county judge be appointed to over see the special grand jury and supervise their work or is that how these things are handled? >> that's how these things are handled and it helps her if, particularly if the witness hires counsel and want tacontest the subpoena. it allows to have one judge that would resolve all of those issues over the course of the impanelment of the special grand jury, rather than going to different judges. >> fleming, former district attorney in decal. countiy, georgia. i feel like you're our magic decoder ring. you have really, really helped me, personally and all of our viewers understand this every step of the way. thank you for being here tonight. >> my pleasure. thank you for having me. much more ahead. thank you for having me. much more ahead.
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today is nuts. it feels like a mung's worth of i can't get my head around this. special grand jury convened in the criminal investigation of the former president in grj gj. the bizarre story of the fake elector documents that republicans created in multiple states, that story blows wide open and we learn who was running the scheme inside the trump campaign. the president's daughter asked to testify to the january 6th investigation in a letter that reveals information about what they know, including that the former president tried to personally, physically lead the mob to the capitol that day. that was his intention, at least one far-right wing member of congress said trump's plans would drive a stake am to the heart of the federal republic. that the white house counsel's
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office concluded the whole plot he was trying to pull off was illegal. and now, on top of all that, today here come the documents. here is some of what they are starting to get. daily presidential diaries, schedules, appointments information, activity logs, call logs, checklists showing to the president and vice president, all specifically for and encompassing january 6th 2021. drafts and correspondents concerning january 6th. three hand-written notes concerning january 6th. draft texets of a presidential speech for the january 6th presidential remarks. and listing potential or scheduled briefings and phone calls and a draft executive order on the topic of election integrity. a memorandum apparently originating outside of the white
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house alleging a potential lawsuit against several states president biden won. a document containing presidential findings concerning the security of the election and ordering various actions. we've got all of these descriptions about material that was requested by the january 6th investigators that was being held up while trump claimed it was all privileged. his privilege claims have now failed. and so, all of that material from the national archives is on its way to the january 6 gts investigators. this follows the supreme court decision siding 8-1 against trump's efforts to declare all of this stuff privilege and thereby keep it secret. we know some of trump's records are already in the hands of the january 6th investigators right now. today in the investigation's letter to ivanka trump, they reaffirmed they're also seeking out takes. early drafts from former
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president trump's disastrous january 6th video message, which he delivered after the capitol riot had basically resolved. the one in which he told people we love you. you're very special. that was the video they decided to release. there were earlier iterations that were worse than that. the committee is seeking to obtain them. and given what's happened legally and what the national archives have said they're sending over, it seems like they're going it get those things. joining us is daniel goldman. he's a former u.s. district attorney. and served in the first impeachment trial. there's lot going on. i was hoping we could get to talking to you tonight. >> yeah, amazing news day on the legal front. >> it really is. so, let me ask you, first, about the ivanka trump letter and what
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the january 6th investigators told us in that letter about their investigation. i just wanted to ask you. there was a lat of revelation. there were a lot of revelations in terms of stuff i didn't know they knew. quotes from transcripts. descriptions of things we had never had described to us before. what stood out to you as-most significant thing about that? >> i think some of what stands out to me, really, is the types of evidence that they have. the fact that keith kellogg, who i remember refused to testify in the first impeachment investigation that i was running, he came in and testified. and he gave a sort of minute-by-minute, clearly gained from the document, a minute-by-minute exposition of what happened that he saw january 6th, including conversations that donald trump was having. we now know that kaley mack in
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ay testified last week. the committee is getting a lut of ufrdser evidence, not with standing the obstruction from the meadows and banens. but they're gathering and able to gather a lot of evidence. it was interesting to me. it's an 11-page later. obviously the committee did not need to include all of this evidence for a request to ivanka trump. i noted a couple of things i thought were interesting legally. first, they're narrowing their request to january 6th. and in light of the court of appeals decision earlier, where courts have said it doesn't matter whether he's the former president or would-be president now but matters that occurred
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january 6th are not subject to executive privilege. that's basically everything that they ask ivanka trump for. and the other thing that jumps out to me is they're putting ivanka trump in a really difficult position by laying out all of this evidence. we know what evidence they have and we know how relevant and important her testimony is. so, if she is going to refuse to testify, based on some fictional reason, she looks a lot worse because it's very clear that she's an important witness. strategically i thought it was a very interesting and smart move by the committee. >> part of me, watching, as a lay observer, not a lawyer, part of me is wanting the investigation to hold its cards closer to the vest so that when they finally reveal the public their final report, which will be the end result of what they
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do, riltsds arnarrative with enough new information that we're going to put it together in a way that's going to seem like a new story and not just something that feels like an accumulation of things we incrementally learned along the way. there does seem to be a strategic import in disclosing some of the stuff to witnesses you're trying to get to testify, if, for no other reason, than to increase the pressure on them that nay need to talk, given that other people are talking about them. but to make the clear, if they decide to litigate this, how key their testimony is to understanding what else the investigation has learned from other people. is that sort of a fair -- is that the right way to look at it as far as you can tell? >> that's exactly right. i don't think the committee -- and we know that from letters they released yesterday or the day before to rudy giuliani and others, were short. they're not gratuitously
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including evidence but are doing it in situations where they may expect litigation. or you know, as congress is a public animal. it's a public beast. and a lot of the authority within congress comes from public pressure and messaging. by laying this out to the public and to everyone else that is watching, it makes it more difficult for ivanka trump to refuse. this is something that we did, i thought, in the ukraine investigation and that was important. we also, on a much smaller scale, kept the initial depositions closed, secret. which is best practice for any investigation. but in this case, you know, they're trickling out a little bit but there are 400 interviews. so, we are going to get public hearings and start to see some of the key evidence. i don't think you're going to feel like you're over saturated
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before the hearings or report comes. in any event, i think all what they're starting to do is include this evidence when it is helpful to the committee. not just for giggles that we can get a little insight into it. insight into it and i think that is an interesting move and frankly what we are also seeing, rachel, is they are starting to narrow down on the family, on the children. and i doubt they expect a lot of cooperation so this is an opportunity for them to lay out what evidence this he have related to trump's family and who knows potentially trump or mike pence himself. >> former u.s. district attorney in the southern district of new york, former house majority counsel during the trump impeachment trial number one. it is great to have you here tonight.
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thank you. >> thank you rachel. >> we'll be right back. stay with us. we'll be right bak stay with us bayer aspirin. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it.
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6:55 pm
so it really has been a crazy day in the news particularly on the issue of court cases and investigations concerning the former president. here's a weird little coday to all that news breaking today though. do you remember igor fruman the man you see there on the right with former president donald trump. mr. fruman you might remember along with his partner lev parnas were helpers for rudy guiliani in the run up to the 2020 election when mr. guiliani was tapping weird russian connected sources in the ukraine to try to come up with ways to smear then candidate joe biden. the ukraine plot led to trump impeachment number one. in 2019 mr. fruman was arrested and charged with illegally funneling a million dollars from a russian oligarch to a pac supporting trump's re-election campaign. mr. fruman pled guilty to the charge last summer and now he is
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about to be sentenced, due to be sentenced tomorrow because there isn't enough going on on this front. prosecutors in his case are asking for a three to four year prison sentence. we are not aware of any cooperation deals between fruman and federal prosecutors continuing to investigate mr. guiliani's dealings in ukraine. but we may learn more tomorrow at the sentencing. watch this space. h this space [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ woo! do you take aspirin? plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. new vazalore is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. vazalore is designed to help protect... releasing aspirin after it leaves your stomach... where it is absorbed to give you the benefits of life saving aspirin... to help prevent another heart attack or stroke.
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7:00 pm
all right. that is going to do it for us tonight. hoping for a slower news day tomorrow. because today was crazy. i'll see you again tomorrow. now it's time for "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence. >> rachel, i'll do you a favor. i have a member of the january 6 committee as our lead guest tonight adam schiff. >> oh >> i am going to file a special request to please do not release another one of those letters tomorrow. rachel has enough to
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