tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC January 20, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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referring to prosecutors. this is live. this is front page above the full news in multiple states this week. and with the focus of the january six investigation on this issue revealing this new revelation today from cnn in the washington post. mr. giuliani seems to have -- . it seems that we are only going to -- end the january six
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investigation today showed a whole bunch of his work, and a shocking letter to even call trump the daughter of president trump. this has been a remarkable few days for the trump family. in just 48 hours we had the news reported that eric trump and kimberly, the fiancée of donald trump jr. had their phone records obtained by the january six investigation. also donald jr. and ivanka trump, as well as the former president had a long court filing from the attorney general. accusing them all of these details of alleged bank fraud, tax fraud, and insurance fraud scheme. i think, it must have been unsettling for members of the trump family that the allegations were laid out in particular to all of them.
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the new york attorney general this week stated -- as of january 2017, mrs. trump was a primary contract for the trump organization's largest lender, deutsche bank. it required these things to be submitted to the bank and the federal government. that is not good. one attorney general says about you specifically, while asking the general for your testimony. you just had to plead the fifth over 500 times in this recent deposition. but now, on the same 48-hour period, we have this bombshell letter to ivanka trump for the january 6th investigation. and in this january six investigation letter to her, we do not have partial allegations against her, personally. the way we do for example, the new york attorney general. but we do have a surprising number of eye-popping revelations.
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about what the committee has found out thus far. about what the committee knows. and there are lots of questions for miss trump to come in and talk about which he knows. given apparently how much she features in other people's testimony. there was so much going on in this today. we are going to get expert help to understand the importance of some of these revelations in just a moment. let me just give you a couple of them to start. this is from the letter. as january 6th approached, president trump attempted on multiple occasions to persuade vice president pence to participate in his plan to not count the legitimate electors for the electoral college vote. one of the presidents discussions with vice president pence occurred on the phone of january six. you, meaning ivanka trump, you are present in the oval office. and observed at least one side of that telephone conversation. general keith kellogg was also present in the oval office not that call. and he has testified to the january six investigation about that discussion. as follows. question, then there is this transcript from keith kellogg's
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testimony. question, it is been reported that the president said to the vice president, you do not have the courage to make a hard decision. maybe not those exact words, but something like that. do you remember anything like that? >> answer from keith kellogg, words, and i don't remember exactly either. something like yeah. you are not tough enough to make the call. question, another report of this phone call is that you said, mike, it's not right, you can do this, i'm counting on you to do this, if you can't do, i pick the wrong man four years ago. you are going to win back. do you remember anything like that? answer from keith kellogg. words like that, yes. i can't exactly, i can't, it's tough. but yeah. general kellogg also testified regarding your remarks at the close of the call. quote, ivanka trump turned to me and said, mike pence is a good man. and i said, yes he is. the letter that continues. the select committee wishes to discuss the part of the conversation you observe between president trump and vice president pence on the
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morning of january 6th. similarly, the committee would like to discuss any other conversations you may have witnessed or participated in, regarding the presidents plan to obstruct or impede the counting of electoral votes. the committee has information suggesting that president trump's white house counsel may have concluded that the actions president trump directed vice president pence to take would violate the constitution, or would otherwise be illegal. did you discuss those issues with any members of the white house counsel office? to your knowledge, or any such legal conclusions shared with president trump? similarly. sorry. similarly, in the days before january 6th. a member of the house freedom caucus, which is the furthest right, most pro trump caucus in the house republican. among republican members of the house of representatives. in the days before january six, a member of the house freedom caucus, with knowledge of the president planning for that day, sent a -- to the white house chief of staff with this explosive
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warning. quote, if potus allows this to occur, you are driving a stake in the heart of the federal republic. did you discuss that, or similar concerns? with the white house chief of staff. or with the vice president, or his staff. the committee, after all of that, goes on to assert, that trump actually did intend, he did want to, go down to the capitol himself. after he made his speech. riling up the crowd. he apparently wanted to lead the mob down the u.s. capitol personally. they said that they want to ask ivanka about that. the committee also asserts that they found no evidence that trump ever called for the national guard to be deployed, or for any other law enforcement effort to be made to protect the capital, over the entire scope of the day on january 6th. just goes on and on. these are all revelations about the committee, what they have found. i should also point out, it ends pointedly, with a reminder, to this trump, that all white
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house officials need to have their communications preserved and handed over to the national archives. clear implication that perhaps, her communications have not been adequately archived. and she needs to do that. but man, between the electoral, the forged electoral votes. finally being an woven. so that we can now see where those came from within the trump campaign. we can now see, apparently, rudy giuliani. remember, president trump rudy giuliani in charge of the efforts to mount some sort of pseudo-, legal effort. to keep trump in power. even though he had lost the election. apparently, what giuliani did, as far as that omission from the president, was to help this effort. to send out these, fill in the blank mad, forgery documents. by which republican created fake documents in multiple states. trying to pass themselves off of this real electors. even though those were states that trump lost. and the real electors from those states where biden
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electors. and we also know, from the january six committee, not only that they are focusing on that matter, that is one of their areas of focus. but also, that they've uncovered a lot of information about it. and that they have uncovered a lot of information about what happened, including in the white house, in the oval office, on january 6th. both by the president himself and among people who otherwise would previously have thought, were supportive of his efforts that day. what a day this has been. we have expert help to unravel all of this and much more. straight ahead, stay with us. all of this and much what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] straight ahead, stay with us woo! thirty-four miles per hour! [limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need.
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from the district attorney of falter county georgia. to the county's chief judge. quote, dear chief judge brasher, i hope this letter finds well and in good spirits. excellent start. quote, please be advised, that the district attorney's office has received information indicating a reasonable probability, that the state of georgia's administration election in 2020, including the states election of the president of the united states, was subject to possible criminal disruptions. therefore, i'm here by requesting, as the elected district attorney for fulton county, that a special purpose grand jury, be in panel for the purpose of investigating the facts and circumstances related directly or indirectly to possible attempts to disrupt
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the lawful administration of the 2020 elections in the state of georgia. now, it was not unexpected. that fulton county district attorney willis would move to a panel of the special grand jury for the investigation of former president trump, committing crimes whether he tried to pressure officials into georgia to falsify results of the states election. we talked several times about her investigation might ultimately take the step. but now that it has happened. now that she has requested the formation of a special grand jury to look at the evidence in this case. the specifics are really interesting. grand juries, including this idea of a special grand jury. that is handled differently in every state. in georgia, there is all sorts of interpretations of what this means. for this criminal case. first, on the logistics. getting a special grand jury to work on this evidence, this is not something that the da can just do on their own. she is asking the court.
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because a majority of the counties superior court judges will have to approve her request. if a special grand jury is in fact going to be put in place. also, interestingly, she is asking for a county judge to oversee the special grand jury. to oversee, or to supervise it, which is an interesting thing. at the special grand jury is in panel, it will sit indefinitely. ranchers, normal ones, in georgia, sit for two months. this one will not have that two months time restriction. they will work indefinitely. and they will work only on this one case. willis writes in her request today, the special grand jury's investigation would likely exceed minimum grand jury terms of two months. so for those of us who aren't familiar with this kind of a process, at least in this kind of's process in the state. this raises a bunch of interesting questions. how rare is a request like this? will the judge indefinitely say yes? is it unusual to ask the judge to oversee this, or is that kind of standard operating procedure? is there anything that we can
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read into the da's confidence? the amount of evidence that she is already amassed. that she is willing to take the step. also, there is also what willis says is the justification for needing to empanel this grand jury. why she is asking for this step at all. on one hand, there is this very straightforward reason. that the center of her investigation is of course a call, that then president trump made to georgia's secretary of state last january. brad raffensperger. pressuring him to find just enough votes to overturn biden's win in the state. and in her letter today, dean willis, sites that recent statements by brad raffensperger saying that he will only speak to investigators from her office in this case. if he is compelled to do so by a subpoena. well, she needs a grand jury in order to get subpoena power. a special grand jury cannot issue indictments. but they can issue subpoenas, to obtain testimony and to
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obtain evidence. that is something that the fulton da's office cannot do on its own. they are ready to go forward with subpoenas, in order to get testimony. and so they need a grand jury. apparently it's not just brad raffensperger. phony will says in her letter, that a significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation. absent to a subpoena requiring testimony. well, a special grand jury requiring subpoena power, would remove that problem. so the investigation could go forward on that level. but then there's also this sort of, almost surreal, point. it is a true assertion. it is just bizarre. but she puts this right out front in her letter to the county judge today. as to why her office needs a special grand jury. which is that conceivably, there are lots of law enforcement agencies in georgia. who could take up this matter. if in fact there is reasonable suspicion that georgia's statewide election were. criminally interfered with. why does that have to be the
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fulton county district attorney who pursues the evidence and try to put together the prosecution. why that one county prosecutor's office? well, she makes a very good case. because every other law enforcement agency can see the pleating -- was apparently a wish this to the alleged crime. the georgia secretary of state office was one of the proposed -- the georgia -- the u.s. attorney's office, the federal prosecution or's office in georgia, that was one of the alleged first traders of the scene. so, if you are office is inside the crime scene, that makes it hard for your office to be the entity investigating the crime scene. therefore, this office, the fulton county da's office is the only jurisdiction which is -- as a result, our office has
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opened the investigation into any coordinated attendance in the 2020 elections in the state. on top of everything else, just a remarkable moment in the great state of georgia. joining us now is keith fleming. she is the -- she is known as the fulton county -- for years. you have helped us understand so much about this case until now. i really appreciate your time to be here tonight now that this big step has happened. >> my pleasure. >> so the last time you are here we talked about the prospect that the -- might move to an panel of special grand jury. what is important for us to understand now that she has done it. and the reasoning for doing it now that she is laid out this letter? >> i think it is a smart move and a strategic move. she has indicated previously
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that she would be methodically working through all the evidence in this case. and use all the resources available to her to do just that. and a special grand jury is one of those tools, and resources, for her to subpoena witnesses and she said in the letter that she is running into the challenge of some people not coming forward and talking to her voluntarily. this signals to me that she did not prematurely asked for a grand jury. her and her team have done a significant investigation up until this point and the only -- city she needs a help from the court. the special jury as she notes, will not be constrained by a two month time limit that the regular grand jury has. this also means, that the dedicated group, the fulton county residents will be focusing on this one case, and only this case, and as long as
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it takes to get to a complete in vest again. in my -- for as long as a year. that is not to say that it would take that long in this matter. but again it removes one of the obstacles that they have to make this decision in a certain timeframe. but particularly, when we are investigating cases of complex as this one, and you don't know where all of the as vince is going to lead to, the earlier witnesses subpoenaed may lead to more questions and the need for more documents. so, this is the beginning for a her in a very long investigation. >> how rare our special grand juries in georgia? i am thinking about the chief county judge who received this request today, and what i learned today about how this will be really decided, is the majority of the judges need to say yes in order for this to be
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root granted. how do you think something like this would pursue? >> not -- and it's reserved for cases that are either -- they spent times and a long span of time in years, in some instances, or they're very complex. and as you will recall in the earlier statement she made, she was looking at four different elements here. she was looking at the january 2nd call, she was looking at the january 4th resignation of the u.s. attorney, she was looking at an earlier in november call between one of the senators and the secretary of state's office, she was also looking at statements that were made to -- the legislature. this demonstrates the complexity and why a special grand jury would be wanted in this case. it is also important, by now, with the judges vote, because she is seeing this grand jury
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in light or reticence of some people coming forward and talking to her about the continuing investigation. i think it is critical that she mentioned that. because usually the judges would -- that opposition by denying her request. if you say no, then all of the evidence that she needs would not come to light. again, judges have the fortunate to uphold the law. and this is her best opportunity to fully vent all of the -- and. they can see what charges, if any, should be brought >> is it notable that da lewis has requested that a -- judge should be there and supervise their work? or is that how these things are handled? >> that is how these things are handled. and it helps her that if there is any sort of dispute with
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this, particularly with the council in the test for the subpoena, it allows for to have one judge who would resolve all of those issues over the course of the empanel myths of the grand jury rather than have many judges. >> former district attorney, and account -- i imagine you are -- in an incredibly intelligent and clear terms. you have helped me personally and all viewers every step of the way. thank you for being a help today. >> my pleasure. thank you for having me. >> much more ahead. stay with us. me. >> much more ahead stay with us
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forge documents that the republicans created in multiple states. that story blows wide open and we learn who was running that. john the president's daughter has to testify to the january six investigation, including that the former president tried to personally, physically lead the capital mob to the capitol that day. and they told the white house that the trump's plans would drive a state into -- if he got a word. the white house concluded that the whole plot he tried to pull off was illegal. and now, on top of all of that, today, here come the documents. here is some of what they are starting to get. daily presidential diaries, schedules, appointment information, showing visitors to the white house, activity
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logs, showing calls to the president and the vice president all specifically for or encompassing january six 2021, drafts of speeches, remarks, and correspondents from january six, three handwritten notes concerning the events of january six 2021, draft text of a presidential speech for the january 6th save america march, a handwritten note from former chief of staff mark meadows files listing potential or scheduled briefings for -- a draft executive order on the topic of election integrity, a memorandum apparently originated outside the white house regarding a potential lawsuit by the united states against several states that joe biden won, of document containing presidential findings concerning the security of the 2020 presidential election and -- we have all these descriptions of material that was requested by the january six
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investigators that will have been held up while trump was claiming that it was privileged. so all that material from the national archives is on its way to the january six investigators. and this lasting supreme court decision citing 8 to 1 against his privilege. now we know that trump's records that he tried to keep secret are already in the hands of the january six investigation now. today, in the investigations letter to ivanka trump, they are also seeking outtakes, or early drafts from presidents trump's disastrous january six video message which she delivered after the camera -- capitol riot had resolved. he told the capitol all day, we love you, you're very special. that is what they decided to release. apparently, there were earlier
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iterations that were worse than that in the committee wants to maintain them. legally, they said that they are setting up for, and it seems that they're gonna get those things. joining us now is daniel goldman, he is the u new york -- he also served as the democratic council in trump's first trial, thank you for being here. i was hoping to get to talk to you tonight. >> yes, an amazing news day on the legal front. >> it really is. so, let me ask you first about the if i call trump letter today and what they told us in that letter about the investigation. i wanted to ask you, there is a lot of revelations today in that letter to me today stuff i didn't know that they know. quotes from trump, descriptions from thing that we had never had access to before, whatever you is the most significant
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thing about them? >> i think some of what's it stands out to me is the types of evidence that they have. the fact that keith kellogg, who i remember refused to testify in the first impeachment investigation that i was running, he came in to testify. and he gave a minute by minute -- a minute by minute exposition of what happened that he saw on january 6th including conversations that donald trump was having. we all know that kayleigh mcenany who testified last week, provided text messages to the committee. so we are starting to see that the committee is actually getting a lot of evidence. notwithstanding some of the instruction from the meadows and the banners etc.
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we are still gathering a lot of evidence it is interesting to me scratch. and it is something that we need to include all of this evidence in the requested trump. but i noted a couple things that were very interesting. they're really narrowing their requests to january 6th. and in light of that supreme court decision you reference, yesterday which relies on the court of appeals decision earlier where basically courts have said that it doesn't matter whether donald trump is the former president or is the president now but matters that occurred on january six are not subject to executive privilege that is basically everything that they asked donald trump, and the other thing that jumps out to me there is that they are putting a vocal trump in a really difficult position by laying out all of this evidence. we know evidence they have and we know how relevant and
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important for her testimony it is. so if she is going to refuse to testify based on some fictional reason she looks a lot worse because it is very clear that she is an important witness so strategically i thought it was a very interesting and smart move by the committee. >> part of me watching as a observer somebody who is not a lawyer, part of me is wanting the investigation to hold its cards closer to the vest so that when they finally reveal to the public the final report, which would be the end result of what they do it has a narrative that has enough new information in. that we are able to put it all together in a way that is going to seem like a new story. won't feel like an accumulation that we incrementally learned along the way. but as you say, there does seem to be some sort of strategic import. in disclosing some of the stuff. two witnesses who are trying to get to come in to testify.
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if for no other reason, given that other people are talking about them. also to make clear, if they decide to litigate this. how key their testimony is to understanding what else the investigation has learned from other people. is that sort of a fair balance? is that the right way to look at it, as far as you can tell? >> that is exactly right. i do not think that the committee, and we know that from letters that they released yesterday, or the day before. to rudy giuliani and others. we're very short. they are not gratuitously including evidence. but they are doing it in situations where they may expect litigation. or as congress, as a public animal, public beast. a lot of the authority within congress comes from public pressure. and messaging. and so by laying this out there to the public. and to everyone else that is
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watching. it makes it more difficult for ivanka trump to refuse. this is something we did in the ukrainian vest to geisha. we also know much smaller scale kept the initial depositions closed. which is best practice to any investigation. but in this case, they are trickling out a little bit. remember, there are 400 interviews. so we are going to get public hearings. and we're going to see some of the key evidence. don't going to feel over saturated before the report comes. in any event, i think they are starting to do, is include evidence when it looks helpful to the committee. not just for giggles, that we can get a little insight into. and i think that is an interesting move.
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what we are seeing rachel, they are starting to narrow down on the family. on the children. and i doubt they expect a lot of cooperation. this is an opportunity for them to be able to lay out whatever once they have that is related to the trump family. or mike pence himself. >> daniel goldman, former u.s. attorney in the southern district of new york. former house security council in the trump impeachment trial, number one. dan, it is good to have you here tonight. thank you. >> thank you rachel. >> we will be right back, stay with us. thank you rachel. thank you rachel. >> we will bur whole team is in one place so everyone can stay up to date. slack. where the future works. [ sneeze ] with us. so everyone can are you ok?date. a cold is not just a cold. unlike other cold medicines,
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there on the right. with former president donald trump. mr. fruman you might remember with his partner. they were helpers for rudy giuliani, in the run up for the 2020 election. when mr. giuliani was tapping we had russian intelligence sources in ukraine. to smear that candidate joe biden. then leading to the trump impeachment. number one. in 2019, he was arrested, charged with illegally funneling 1 million dollars from a russian all the dark, to a packs supporting trump's campaign. he pled guilty to this charge last summer. and now he's about to be sentenced. he is due to be sentenced tomorrow. because there isn't enough going on on this front. prosecutors in this case are asking for 3 to 4-year prison sentence. we are not aware of any cooperation deals between fruman and federal prosecutors. who are investigating the dealings in ukraine. but we may learn more tomorrow at the sentencing. watch this space.
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