tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC January 25, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PST
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presidential library, she parked her oldsmobile in that parking lot, hours until the library opens up, parked her car there and started pacing around aimlessly and weirdly and there was a security guard on-site, but he noticed this was odd, this woman was acting weirdly in the back parking lot so the security guard wept over to that side of the building, the backside of the library, to look out at the parking lot to try to figure out what was going on with this woman, what she was doing and when he took that walk over to the back of the presidential library, that's when the thieves struck at the front of the
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the front doors of the harry s. truman presidential library were made of glass. while that security guard was at the back of the library at the other end of the building looking out this woman in the parking lot apparently there to create a diversion while he was on the other side of the building, two thieves came and smashed in the glass of the front doors of the library, it was very large, it caused a huge commotion, the security guard camea running and the security guard heard more glass smashing and they apparently knew what they werela after. and it went very fast. they were in and out before anybody could catch eythem. the curator later told the kansas city star the whole heist took less than a minute by the time the security guard got back to where those guys had broken in, all that was left was a bunch of broken glass and footprints in the snow. turns out what they were after were these. look at all of these big old swords and daggers.
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a little known fact about the harrytt truman presidency is th he apparently loved this stuff. when he was president, he was given, as gifts, a bunch of these things,gi it was nothing inappropriate about it, he didn'tit keep them for himself,e handed them over to the national archives and put on display at his presidential library but kind of or nate things, a 38 inch long presentation sword, the grips of it are gold, it's gotip four different diamonds inlaid into it. the scabard like the older thing that it goes into is more gold and black leather studded with even more diamonds, 15 diamonds. apparently the gold tassel thing that also came with it, that was notat stolen, that was left behd but the sword and the scabbard were taken. also this dagger in a scabbard,
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they this was given to harry s. truman by a member of the saudi royal family. the belt which is the thing that you see running horizontally there, it is woven with gold threads, real gold, the scabbard is gold-studded with diamonds, the hilt of the dagger itself is also o gold, it's got nine more diamonds studded into its grip. here's a sword that the shah of iran gave truman, a silver sword, another one that kind of looks like that, that's made from different stuff, from the saudi crown prince.nt this onehe is crazy. look at this one. this is a dagger that seems like itis is almost too small to hav this entire jewelry store imbeddedha in it but look, on ts thing, the hilt of it is gold, it's got four fat diamonds in the hilt, and a two and a half carat emerald. in the lower grip, a three carat ruby and another 15 diamonds. then the holder thingy, the stabbard, this is ridiculous, first of all, the scabbard is
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also gold naturally, at the tip of it, a three carat ruby and 12 diamonds. at the base of it, it's an 8 1/2 carat emerald, another three carat ruby, four other rubeys and another 12 diamonds. you guys ran out of money and couldn't fit anything else in it? ran out of space? ran out of money? why so cheap? this is an entire block's worth of jewelry stores in one dagger thatry looks like, you know, a bedazzled garden hose nozzle. all of these incredibly or nate ridiculous swords and daggers were all gifts to harry s. truman while president. i guess word got out that this is the kind of gift he liked and all put in a display case. unfortunately a glass display case that unfortunately was put just inside the glass front doorse of the harry truman presidential library, until that
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morning, in march, 1978, when the lady in the oldsmobile was just distracting enough that those twoju guys, whoever they, were able to smash the doors and smash the case and ran off with all of those swords and daggers and to this day, none of them have ever been found. look, here's the fbi wanted poster. offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the recovery of these swords stolen from the truman presidential library, or the arrest and conviction of the individuals responsible. there's an actual fbi wanted posterth for the swords and daggers. here if you want even more detail, here's a whole web site version a of the wanted poster. not just pictures, but detailed description of the swords and daggers and the jewels and origins of them with information howls to report information abo it if you come across any of these things. and this web site is at the web site of the national
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archives. because it turns out, the nationalca archives, your natiol archives, our national archives asar americans they've got a detective unit. their inspector general's office has an investigations unit. and they specifically have an archivalci recovery program ful of investigators who do detective work to go capture people who mess with the national archives and steal stuff from the national archives. so they've got like a cold case squad t on the heist of harry truman's bedazzled sword and dagger collection. it's also the same entity that's on the hunt to this day for a ring that looks just like this one. a ring which appears to have been lifted from the lbj collection at the national archives, it's a coast guard academy ring that was given to him as aad gift in 1964, the ge in it is a yellow fire, with a shift engraved on the side on the right-hand side of the screen there, importantly, the
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identifying feature they're really looking t for is this haa big lbj engraved inside the ring. it is missing. it was stolen. if you find someone, call the investigators at the national archives. they areig looking for it and ty want it back. someone also somehow lifted this actually very nice portrait of fdr. stolen from the national archives. somehow. if you have seen this portrait, you know wherear it is. call the investigators at the national archives. they want itti back. and theye are actively looking for it. in 2002, a guy was september to prison for stealing hun -- sent to prison for stealing hundreds of documents and photos from the national archives including a whole bunch of signed pardons.ial they caught him because they sold a lot of this stuff on ebay but still looking for most of the pardons that he stole, the missing ones areth all listed a the archival recovery program at the web site at the national ar kivs. they're on thesi case. looking for theseti missing
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presidential archives. they ar covid them by president in case that's the way you listed them. not just threats. they also deal with forgeries. if someone tries to forge a veterans record or a military record to make them look like they have a career they didn't actually have, these are the investigators who will track you down and nail you for that. in 2011, this guy confessed to national archives investigators to a very unusual forgery plot. what looks weird about that date? that manbo confessed to bringina fountain pen into a national archives research room, he used the pen he had smuggled into the room to change the date on a document, the real document was dated april 14, 1864. it was a pardon president abraham lincoln had signed for a union soldier court martialed as a deserter, this guy apparently decided he would be credited
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with a great historical find the date on that pardon instead, instead of saying april 14, 1864, it said april 14, 1865, the day lincoln was assassinated. he thought he would be credited with an incredible historical find, if it looked like he found this pardon that was the last thing abraham lincoln signed before he was assassinated so he changed the date from 1864 to 1865 toch try to pass it. well, the cop shop at the national archives caught him doing it. they caught him. he confessed. and they referred him to the u.s.d justice department for federal criminal prosecution. there are cops on the beat to protect the integrity of the national archives of the united states. who knew? think about that for a second. people disparage like a history degree, one of the things you can do with just the right history degree and just the right set of skills you can could grow up to be a history
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cop who busts people for pilfering or messing with stuff in the national archives of the united states. what? the world is your oyster. that's the coolest job in the entire world. just reported those cops are on the case, part of the case, of the republicans who forged fake documents after the 2020 election, asserting that they were the real electors from their states, when they were not the real electors from their states. we have been closely covering this weird story of republicans in multiple states who created forged documents to say they were electors, when they were not. kyle cheney, nicholas wu ground breaking work on the story, they have obtained records indicating that national archives investigators have pursued a case of potential fraud against
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a slate of would-be trump electors in the statee of arizona. an archives inspector general official says the agency declined to comment on quote ongoing work. ongoing work? we know that the attorneys general in new mexico and in michigan have referred federal prosecutors referred to attorneys in those states, the documents and they could potentially be criminally prosecuted at the federal level. we don't know if those referrals will ultimately result in prosecutions but that's what the attorneys generals are asking for in those states. in michigan, if the fed doesn't pursue charge, the state will pursue state charges against them. but apparently, there's yet another option. being pursued as an ongoing matter by the cops of the national ar kivs, by the investigators at the national archives, involving one of the
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two sets of forged documents sent in to the national archives by arizona republicans pretending to bees electors whe in fact, they were not. tell me more. nicholas wu from has doneom seminal work from th beginning and he is here to tell ushe more about that in a few minutes. we've got a lot to cover tonight. it has been kind of a packed news day. everything from the wild swings of the dow jones today. to president biden getting caught on a hot mic calling a reporter a, an uncomplimentary thing. he insulted the reporter's intelligence. which is never a nice thing to say to someone for sure. and it's not like calling him of the people. but still. still not a nice thing. and we're going to be talking tonight about the now fevered pitch worry that vladimir putin is going to launch yet another war. the u.s. has put thousands of
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troopswa on heightened alert status for potential deployment to eastern europe. family members of staff of u.s. embassy in kiev, in ukraine, have been set home, the u.s. is threatening a whole new kind of sanctions against russia that have never been used against russia before. these are sanctions that really do seemss to be a qualitatively different thing compared to anything else russia has ever had to contemplate in terms of the consequences for their actions. we'll have more on that ahead tonight as well. on the political front, arizona democratic senator kyrsten sinema first joined with conservative democratic senator joe manchin and all of the republican senators last week to blockre voting rights protectio at the federal level. there seems like there will be consequences for senator sinema even if there won't be for senator manchin. we saw over the weekend that the democratic party in arizona censured her for her move to block democratic voting rights but politically the reactions
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are about to get much worse for senator kyrsten sinema and we will break that news in a couple of minutes. where we start tonight in theup state of georgia. former president donald trump is facing a criminal inquiry in new york that has led to felony criminal charges against his real estate business and chief financial officer and a civil fraud inquiry brought by the new york attorney general which concerns his businessgh practic in real estate. that one appears to be aus very threatening matter for the former president, and his reaction to it publicly is anything to go by. aside from his business practices and the way he has comported himself in his business life which has led to those two serious investigations, serious liabilities for the former president, in terms of the not inconsiderable matter of him leading an effort to try to overthrow the u.s. government and prevent a newly-elected president from taking office, the only criminal inquiry that we know he is facing in relation to that is the one in the state of georgia. as we reported last week, a
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state prosecutor in fulton county, georgia, applied last week it take a major new step in the investigation into whether or not crimes were committed when former president trump and others in the trump white house and thepr trump campaign basicay sought to intimidate and pressure georgia election officials to falsify the results of the election as part of the plot to keep trump in power after he lost. fulton county district attorney asked the court for permission to impanel what's called a special grand jury. now, what's the difference between a regular grand jury and a specialbe grand jury, it's pretty simple. in fulton county, a regular grand jury handles many, many, one after al case, the other, regular grand jury sits for i believe about two months and then they get replaced with a new grand jury, that again comes in and handles many,es many criminal cases, on after the other. that's what a regular grand jury does. a special grand jury is not unheard of but it's much more rarely used and it's used for
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cases that are more complex and that involve lots of evidence that needs to be reviewed over a period of time. a special grand jury handles only one case. they are not empowered to hand up indictments but they can issue subpoenas, compel people to testify and hand over special grand jury looks at evidence in one big complex case and they investigate. and at the end of their service, that special grand jury provides ath report on the evidence and e district attorney can then use that report to seek an indictment if that is warranted. again this is not unheard of. it's not commonly used technique but it is a thing and district attorney asked the courts in georgia last week to empower her to use a special grand jury specifically for the trump investigation. courts in georgia have said yes. the special grand jury will have up to 23 people on it. it will sit for up to one year.
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it will be supervised in its work by a superior court judge who himself is a former prosecutor in the fulton county d.a.'s office and a former federal prosecutor in the u.s. attorney's office in the northern district of georgia, several people who have been sought by investigators as potential witnesses in that criminal investigation havepo reportedly said they're not going to testify without a subpoena to do so. well now, the courts have approvedwe this special grand jy that will be empowered to hand down those subpoenas. here we go. joining us now is michael j. moore, the former u.s. attorney for the middle district of georgia. he has tried cases in front of the judge who will oversee the special grand jury process in fulton county. it isd a pleasure to have you with us tonight. thanks for making time. >> pleasure to be with you. thanks for having me. >> let me first ask you, i know grand jury and special grand jury procedures are different in everydu jurisdiction of the country,er did i explain any of that wront or did i get any of it the wrong way around or miss
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out on anything important. >> you did a great job. and it is not a common thing to have a special grand jury so this is in fact a little bit out of ordinary. it's not completely out of the ordinary but not an every day thing that happens. most of the time you think of the grand jury having theme pow to indict a case and as you say here, a special grand jury does not. but theyhe will have the authory to at least undergo, the judge who will oversee the grand jury, to commit to the investigation. >> it does seem like this approval from the courts to seat the special grand jury, it came fairly quickly. we were just reporting last week on the from q-to the courts made by the district attorney will is. they responded already. . i understandis they had to essentially poll all thers judg in the county, the majority of them had to, the superior court judges in the county, a majority had to approve this, that approval seems to have come fairly quickly. that said, in terms of the time line, this special grand jury isn't actually going to behe seated until the beginning of may. ise was curious about those, th
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quickness with which they acted and the delay until the grand jury is actually seated. doy you have any way to help u understand that? >> sure. so we've got 20 superior court judges that sit in fulton county so a majority of those judges would have to have approved the application to have the special grand jury and that is sort of indicated insp terms of the ord, when the majority have in fact authorized it. this grand jury. i don't put a lot of stock in the date. there could be something as simple as the schedules ofth th judge who will oversee this grand jury. ma he have a trial going on in april. that is going to take the entire month and he is doing pretrial in march. we just don't know what that might be. so in' don't necessarily put a t of stock in it. and it may also be to make sure they get the summons out and do the things necessary to bring in a specialsa grand jury in this case. so i don't know that i see it as something that puts up't a red flag. i will tell you that i think it's interesting on the special grand jury statute though, that
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a lot of authority is given to the judge that oversees the special grand jury. and the statute actually provides, if you read a little further down, it actually says that, it's until a report is iron -- or it is until the judge who is overseeing the grand jury. and it may be some decision made and at that point he makes a reportan back to the chief judg and has to tell the other judges and kind of goes through a review at that point and they can that other work be done and other witnesses be questioned, very specific, it does vest a good deal of power in the judge that oversees the case. >> i he know you have tried cases -- i know you have tried casestr or told that you have tried cases in front of the judgein who has that supervisor role and is there anything we should know about the judge and his capabilities and how he is viewed by his peers? >> i've had cases where he's been the judge. i have not tried cases in front
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of him. i think he is a good judge, he is a thorough judge, but he is a republicanh appointee, i'll sa that, not as if it is some kind of a badth mark against him but that's just the reality of it. i think he will be thorough. i think he has probably a good understanding based on his time as assistant u.s. attorney what look like when they're complex. but there is also, you know, u.s. attorneys are also taught that you look for the most severe readily approvable offense that you can have. when you are moving forward with a case. and m that's one thing i have bn pushing for here. i don't know that we need a special grand jury. i mean we've got the secretary of state who has written a book about what happened. so it's not really a secret about what went on. plus we have this recorded telephone call. you know, it's not exactly, secretary raffensperger said he will not come without something and not exactly a profile in courage to sell a become but then come forward with a grand
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jury to talk about the allegations that you wrote your book about. that being bosaid, i think it could be a rightful shot approach at the case and that serves a lot, there's a lot of benefit to that, on the one hand, moves the case quickly and on the other hand it avoids some problems that may come down the road. with appellate courts in this state that are controlled by, youin know, the republican appointees. some friends of mine and some good people and i'm not suggesting that leans the case one way or another, butes if yo have a doubt about how things might come out, i mean tell me how things are going at the u.s. supreme court oinow, you know, based on who has got the majority of the court, so you know, those are things to consider. i also thinkin it would be smar because think about the benefit ofbe the sniper attack, you do quick shot, you know, you kind of are hidden in the bushes and you got the case going, as opposed to driving up to the enemy camp in a school bus and giving them a big target to shoot at. it's different approachesbi and certainly have a lot of respect for the district attorney and
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don't want to second-guess her and i certainly don'tn' want toe calling shots from the cheap seats here but there is a case to be made, from treating this like any other criminal case, and slap, and if you choose to indictment him, and put him in front of a regular criminal grand jury and slap him between someone accused of sexual assault and fraud, this seems to be a pretty good case to have and see if the grand jury wants to issue the indictment. if not, then i to listen to allf the evidence. you don't have to put all of your casece forward. you don't have to, you know, present your case beyond a reasonable doubt. you are just establishing probable cause. so with the citizens of fulton county, make a decision, based on testimony that a prosecutor felt like was enough to establish probable cause that a crime had beenen committed, wou they then issue an indictment and move the case forward to trial. i think there are some considerations that could still be looked at and my guess is she is doing this to maybe expand her investigation, look at other people, look at people that were
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involved in the telephone call, the scheduling, or other people who made calls to the state, officials as well. you know, i do think there's a way to move the case a great deal more quickly, and with some efficiency that might help as well. >> michael j. moore, former u.s. attorney for the middle district of georgia, a man who knows of which he speaks from experience. thank you for your time. >> a great pleasure. >> thank you. >> stay with us. time. >> a great pleasure. >> thank you >> stay with us. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep?
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over the past five years of the show, we have periodically interviewed a young man named ezra lovett, a co-founder of the grass roots group indivisible. one of the reasons he's been on the show a bunch of times because he is always an interesting interview. he and the other founders of indivisible are former congressional staffers and have a very practical, very grounded
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very specific nuts and bolts approach to trying to get congress to do something. and there's room for a lot of different kinds of activism in the world and in this country and a lot of different ways to be effective. indevice liberal -- indivisible is on the practical sky, not a pie in the sky approach, it is a slice of pie on the plate approach and from talking to him over the years and seeing indivisible at work, it's become clear he is not the kind of person who makes hyperbole or mello dramatic announcements and says provable stuff that comes from a place of practical political experience. that said, last week, senate republicans got helped from the democratic senator joe manchin and democratic senator kyrsten sinema to block any new federal protections for voting rights. and when that happened, this was the very uncharacteristic
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response from ezra, he said quote, i'm sorry we lost but i'm not sore we we fought for this. the generational struggle for a real multiracial democracy continues. and kyrsten sinema will never win elective office again. senator sinema will never win elected office again. that is not the kind of thing i would have expected to hear from ezra leven, but not the only practically grounded person in democratic politics who w.h.o. seems to feel that way. over the weekend, the arizona democratic party made an incredibly, took an incredibly rare step to rebuke senator sinema. they officially censured her for her role in helping republicans stop that voting rights bill. the head of the arizona democratic party said in a statement, quote, the ramifications of failing to pass federal legislation that protects our constituents' right to vote are too large and far
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reaching. while we take no pleasure in this announcement, the arizona democratic party executive board has decided to formally censure senator sinema as a result of her failure to do whatever it takes to ensure the health of our democracy. we do not see this from democratic parties. we do not see this very often at all from state democratic parties about an incumbent democratic member of congress, let alone the united states senate. it is something we're used to seeing in republican party politics recently particularly in the era of the republican party becoming the trump party and trump's takeover has led to many attempts to exile republicans who don't pledge full fealty to him, so we have seen a lot of this on the republican side. democrats rarely if ever take this kind of an action, this kind of action against an incumbent. well, now tonight there's something new. tonight, we can report exclusively that one of the nation's largest and most effective latino grass roots
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organizations, is announcing a big ad campaign to unseat kyrsten sinema in her next primary and get her out of the united states senate. it launched a new web site, it's called adios senator sinema is not up for re-election for another two years. there is an entire midterm election before voters get a chance to cast a ballot against her. but arizona democrats and national progressive groups and this very influential latino voters group, they are preparing for that fight. i did not expect it to go this direction but it has with an exclamation point. joining me is the president and ceo of voto latino. thanks for making time. >> thanks for having me, rachel. >> so i don't mean to put voto latino and indivisible in the same box, everyone has a different mission and a different approach to these politics, i do however think that voto latino and indivisible
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and the leadership have a very practical been there, done that experienced approach to politics that's why it seems like a big deal to me and it seems like a hard decision to take a big stand like this against a serving democratic senator in what amounts to be a very swingy state. >> arizona is a very swingy state. and what was able to get sinema over the top to go to the senate was lurlly the latino vote. and rachel, we did not take this decision lightly. we had conference call, we spoke to our board. we engaged. and we engaged with senator sinema. we were clear on the date of the vote where we stood and what we needed her to do and we had her back when she needed us, the latino community, and she demonstrated that even though arizona was ground zero for the big lie, the big audit that was fabricated, that was not true, she did not take seriously this idea that voting is the essence and as the president said, the
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threshold of our democracy, while millions of arizonas and latinos will be disenfranchised, millions of americans across the country, if we do not have fair free elections at the federal level where everybody regardless of party is playing by the same rules. >> has senator sinema been willing to engage with you, with other groups that have had a problem with her recent voting record and her recent action on issues like this? has she been willing to talk? >> she did on the very day of the big vote on the filibuster whether or not we were to bring this to the floor, we had a conversation, we engaged with her, myself and several other latino leaders and she referred to us in the 20-minute speech she made and said she was very clear. and we were clear that we need to be sure that we are all eligible to participate in our democracy. and again, everybody has a different perspective on what we should be doing, but when we look at the ramifications of
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what's happening at the state level, on the rights of individuals of young people, of people of color, it is disproportionately the republican party who is hell-bent on making sure that everybody has equal access. last year, in 2020, rachel, we have all 50 states, regardless of political stripes, every single secretary of state verified a fair and free election but it was the people who voted, it was young people, people of color, latinos, african americans, native americans, asian americans, that voted in record numbers, multigenerational america that came together, to oust trump. there is a different direction of our country. and instead of republicans celebrating, instead of sinema making sure that we can do this again, she is the first person at basically the obstacle to ensure and get rid offal filibuster and to make sure little democracy -- >> in terms of big d democrats
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versus small d democracy, i was looking at some of the polling at home and it is terrible, one recent poll found that, a poll of arizona democrats, 72% of arizona democrats would refer that -- that there was a different candidate. and another poll found the best case scenario for her would be a very crowded primary for her seat. and in a very crowded primary should would still lose the primary by four points. if i'm senator sinema's campaign staff, political staff and i'm looking at those kind of numbers among arizona democrat, and i'm looking at adios, i'm looking at this web site you that put up and the ad campaign you're starting and the kind of similar arguments that we're hearing from so many people that represent key constituents that helped get her elected the last time, i might bail on the democratic party, and become a republican potentially i guess, become an independent, try to do this, the lisa murkowski path, maybe don't fit in with the
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state party and try to hold on to your seat anyway. do you think that is a possibility? >> lisa murkowski model, the difference is you don't have a large ethnic population where she's from. in arizona, 30% of the electoral base is latino. and by the time that senator sinema will on on the ballot, there will be 162,000 newly manipulated eligible voters and the fact that in my viewer, president biden won arizona by less than 12,000 votes. these are absolutely opportunities of the margins and it's going to be anything the contested primary opens up the field to find new dynamic voices that serve the interest of the arizona people. you have to remind folks it wasn't just the filibuster but the filibuster, if we cannot access the voting booth, everything else that arizonans say that they care about, whether the environment, because they don't have water, whether it's access to health care, whether it's access to fair minimum wage, none of that is
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possible because there is an obstructionist government right now held by the minority party espoused by the minority of americans, not the majority of americans in this case. >> president and ceo of voto latino launching this new campaign and accountability campaign against senator sinema adios sinema, the web site is launching tonight. thanks for joining us. i appreciate you being here. >> thach, rachel. more news ahead. stay with us. here. >> thach, rachel more news ahead. stay with us
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. just a couple of weeks ago that the reporter nicholas wu at made an advance on the weird story of trump political electors, republicans and states that won by joe biden who nevertheless forged documents that actually trump had won those states and they the trump electors were the real official electors from those states. those fornged documents were not just created they were sent in to congress
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and to the national ar kifbs kivs to be considered as if they were real. nick class wu at had the idea to file political reports requests in multiple states asking to see what officials in those states had handed over to the january 6th investigation which is a really smart way to go about prying loose the documents at the heart of this part of the plot. what he turned up was it wasn't just fake eleathers in wisconsin who had submitted these forged documents which we had been reporting previously, it was also republicans in michigan, also republicans in arizona, and of course, now, we know thanks in part to documents obtained by american oversight that it was at least five states where this happened, and an additional two states where trump electors did the same thing as the other five states but they at least included this caveat that they're elector certificates were only intended as a backup in case trump's legal efforts to overturn the election some day succeeded in court. well, the story has been unfolding since then.
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the "washington post" and cnn have recently reported that the trump campaign was directly involved in planning and organizing this effort in multiple states to submit these forged slates of electors to try to overturn the election results and keep trump in power. but the whole reason we even knew the january 6th investigation was looking into this forgery scheme and that we know that the multi-state forgery scheme was a significant part of the broader plot to overturn the election is because of the initial reporting from nicholas wu at "politico." now in his latest piece, he has uncovered something else new about the forgery scheme. in addition to at least two state attorneys general referring this forgery case to federal prosecutors, and the possibility of state level investigations, as well as the possibility of a january 6th investigation, looking into it, and whatever may come of that, we now know, thanks to mr. wu and his colleague kyle cheney, we know there is another federal investigation into one group of people who tried to submit one of these fake slates of
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electors. national archives investigators reportedly are pursuing a potential fraud case against one of the two slates of fake trump electors that was sent in from arizona. an archives official telling mr. wu that work is quote ongoing. i want to understand more about this. joining us now is nicholas wu, congressional reporter for politico, mr. wu, thanks for being here. congratulations on your reporting on this thus far. >> thank you, rachel. >> so the way that you and mr. cheney described it in your most recent report, you said that you've your uncovered, you obtained records from the national archives that indicate that a fraud investigation was started from the investigators at the national archives. could you tell us what that is, and a put a little more meat on these bones? >> this came as part of the public records that you mentioned earlier that i had failed with the different secretaries of state offices and i came across these emails from an official in the inspector
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general's office in the national archives who was asking the state officials in arizona about these, you know, sovereign citizen electors, and asking, you know, that they were pursuing this potential fraud and looking for any other kind of misconduct and trying to deconflict from any other state level investigations that might be going on and from the look of the emails basically the state that they said that they referred this matter on to the state attorney general to investigate further. now, the state attorney general did not respond to our request for comment when i asked what the status of that investigation was, and as you noted in our story, we reached out to the archives inspector general to see what was going on with this investigation, and they said that they would decline to comment on what they referred to as an ongoing matter. so it seems that this investigation is still going. >> do you know, or do you have any informed speculation as to
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why the national archives investigators might be looking at that one, that one slate of electors from arizona. arizona is in this unusual position where it seems like there were two different efforts by two different sets of republicans, to send in two different fake slates of electors, both purporting to be the real electors from arizona, when they weren't. one of those slates from arizona sent in documents that looked very much like what happened in at least four other states. but this other group of arizona republicans kind of did their own thing. it seems like from your reporting those are the ones who came, are now coming under the federal scrutiny from the archives investigators. do you have any sense of why that might be about what was difference about that effort that might have attracted federal scrutiny when the others maybe did not? >> well, my understanding of the way the archives handled a lot of these investigations and the way the inspector general goes about asking questions is that they'll look into any kind of potential malfeasance but what
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stood out about the sovereign citizens is that they used the actual official state seal of the state of arizona on their documents that they tried to send in, something that prompted the state to send the cease and desist letter to the sovereign citizens group. and so this appears to be what really piqued the interest of the archives official. >> "politico" reporter nicholas wu, thank you for your great reporting. you had a bunch of news, but you had a great nose for where the story might go first and we're all drafting in your wake a little bit and you deserve way more credit than you are getting on this story. thanks for helping us in our understanding. >> thank you very much, rachel. >> we'll be right back. >> thank you very much, rachel. >> we'll be right back
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deterrent and the severe economic sanctions pact is something that would go far beyond what was done, and what was on the table in 2014, including the consideration of imposing unprecedented expert control measures that would hit hard at president putin's ambitions. >> unprecedented export control measures that would go far beyond what was done and on the table in 2014. as russian president vladimir putin enjoys keep the whole world in suspense on whether he will start another war with ukraine, jen psaki says the biden administration is considering an unprecedented economic measure as a tool to deter russia from doing just that. it sounds boring but it could be a big deal. it is an export control measure, only been used once before by the united states. and it would effectively cut russia off from key electronic supplies, including semiconductors, and chips, and those are backbones of virtually
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any electronics these days powering everything from phones to jets, it just so happens that all are made with either u.s. tool ors u.s. software and if the u.s. government puts strict export control that prevent those things from being sold to russia for any reason, that would not just chiv the russian economy, it would deal a significant blow to russia's military. that flew threat comes as the biden administration has sent two big shims of lethal aid including lethal ammunition to the ukraine front lines and the administration considering sending upwards of 5,000 s. troop, nato allies in the baltics and eastern europe, and over 8,000 u.s. troops are on high alert as of tonight. and all family members of the u.s. embassy personnel in kiev have to leave, they do not have a choice, they must get out and
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upgraded the ukraine and russia travel advisory to include military activity near the border and advise u.s. citizens to not travel there. president biden held a video call with european leaders to discuss joint efforts to deter russia including preparations to impose massive consequences and severe economic costs. the threat of a russian invasion is also of concern to congress. interestingly both chambers today formally requested an official briefing for all members on a bipartisan basis on this matter from the administration. we don't yet know know when that will happen but we expect it will. watch this space. at will happen but we expect it will watch this space
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comcast business. powering possibilities. one last thing before we go tonight. i mentioned in passing at the top of the show that president biden had been caught on a hot mic saying an uncomplimentary thing about a fox news reporter. the president was heard on an open microphone insulting the man's intelligence. tonight, cnn has just reported, and the reporter himself has confirmed, that president biden has called the reporter and
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personally apologized to him for maybing that remark. which teachable moment, commonly known as the right and decent and mature and adult thing to do in such a circumstance. that does it for us tonight. see you again tomorrow. "way too early" with jonathan le mire is next. i don't think anybody wants to see another war on the european continent and there is no reason why that has to occur. this could be solved very easily by the russians de-escalating, by moving some of these forces away. which they haven't done. and so nato as a defensive alliance, and it is a defensive alliance, has a responsibility to its members. to make sure that they're able to defend themselves if need be. >> that was the message from the pentagon yesterday. as the u.s. put thousands of troops on high alert ahead of the possible russian invasion of ukraine. the question is, how close are we to another deploen
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