tv The Mehdi Hasan Show MSNBC February 6, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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100,000. i'm alicia menendez. i will see you back here next weekend, 6:00 p.m. eastern, for more "american voices." but for now i hand it over to medhi hasan. >> thanks so much. tonight, the republican national committee declares a violent insurrection on the capitol, calling it legitimate public discourse. i'll ask congressman jamie raskino for his response to this fascist rhetoric. and why the u.s. won't stop the humanitarian crisis and war in her country. and from the supreme court to columbus, jim is here to talk about his run for the ohio statehouse. good evening. i'm medhi hasan. the house committee investigating the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol has
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interviewed hundreds of witnesses and issued dozens of subpoenas as it moves closer to former president donald trump's inner circle, seeking the cooperation and the testimony of people like trump's daughter and former white house senior advisor, ivanka trump, who has yet to even respond to the committee's request to speak with her. there's also trump's chief of staff in the west wing on january the 6th, mark meadows. how about conservative fire brand, congressman jim jordan. they want to know what jordan spoke about in his communications with trump on january the 6th. the committee also believes jordan has information about strategy meetings to overturn the election results. so that's that. and yet there's one name, one name already charged for his alleged role in the capitol insurrection that you may not have heard about yet. this man right here is ryan nichols of tyler, texas. unlike many january 6th defendants who have been out on bail, nichols has been behind bars since his arraignment in april. perhaps the crowbar in his hand has something to do with it. let's listen to what nichols had
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to say on the eve of the attack in this court-released video. he talks about himself in the third person. >> so, yes, today ryan nichols, ryan nichols grabbed his [ bleep ] weapon and he stormed the capitol and he fought for freedom. for election integrity. >> e legrity. it sounds like a prescription medicine that comes with unfortunate side effects and a high co-pay. what nichols said sounded like bragging or probably a confession. he's charged with five felonies and three misdemeanors, including assaulting, resisting or impeding officers using a deadly weapon, act of physical violence in the capitol, obstruction of an official proceeding, the certification of the election, and disorderly and disruptive conduct with a deadly or dangerous weapon. and it seems the prosecutors have as their best evidence ryan
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nichols, because ryan nichols was crystal clear as he marched toward the capitol on january 6th that his intent was violence. >> i'm hearing reports that pence caved. i'm telling you, if pence caved, we're going to drag [ bleep ] through the streets. you [ bleep ] politicians are going to get drug through the streets because this is the second [ bleep ] revolution. ryan nichols said it. if you voted for [ bleep ], we're going to drag your [ bleep ] through the street. >> he's a poet and a revolutionary. and while police officers protected the politicians from the very violent acts threatened by ryan nichols, video shows him spraying the cops in the efforts to reach the politicians. amazingly on the same day that newly released court video show the election integrity guys spraying cops to breach the capitol and bragging about it,
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the same day the republican party declared the events of january 6th to be legitimate political discourse in its resolution censuring liz cheney and adam kinzinger for participating into the house investigation into the insurrection. so let's be clear. this -- >> if pence caved, we're going to drag [ bleep ] through the streets. you [ bleep ] politicians are going to get [ bleep ] drug through the streets. >> is legitimate political discourse, per the modern republican party. if you have any doubt, and we told you this a hundred times before on this show, but now the republican party has put it in writing that they support the armed insurrection against the united states of america. this was a chance for republicans to disown the violence and instead, they said, no, we're good. because besides cheney and kinzinger, how many republican members of congress have spoken out against the rnc's
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resolution? bill cassidy, lisa murkowski, mitt romney, dan young. i can count them on one hand. even marco rubio will only go so far. here he is responding to mike pence on friday saying that trump was wrong, pence did not have the power to overturn the electoral college vote. rubio won't see it. notice who he refers to as president and who he doesn't. >> well, if president trump runs for re-election, i believe he would defeat joe biden. i don't want kamala harris to have the power as vice president to overturn that election. i don't -- that's the same thing that i concluded back in january of 2021. >> so donald trump was wrong? >> well, as i said, i just don't think the vice president has that power. >> ahh, the legendary backbone of senator marco rubio. who better to talk to about all of this than congressman jamie raskin, democrat of maryland, who not only sits on the january 6th select committee but also
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played a role in both impeachments of donald trump. he writes about his time as lead prosecutor in the second impeachment trial, "unthinkable, trials and truth of american democracy" and appears in "love and the constitution" airing tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. congressman, good to have you here. you have new reports about trump planning to seize voting machines, him putting in writing that he wanted the election overturned by mike pence. and yet rather than the walls closing in on him, you have your committee now suggesting public hearings will be delayed for several more months. do you understand why a lot of people are frustrated that more than a year after the insurrection, only one person has been indicted by the doj for refusing a subpoena, steve bannon, and trump is living large at mar-a-lago, dj'ing this weekend? >> well, nobody wants them to have a reckoning with justice more than we do on the committee. we've gotten overwhelming cooperation from the witnesses but still leaves more than a
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dozen people in trump's immediate entourage who are sandbagging and foot dragging with the committee. and so that's what slowed us down by a few weeks. but we are determined to get to those hearings quickly in the spring, home hoping in april, certainly no later than may and get a report out to the american people about what happened. i was impressed by the testimony of that insurrectionist you had on a few moments ago who said he was going to take his crowbar in there in order to get freedom. i remembered something that the great conservative thinker and novelist, thomas mon said when he was living in america. he said if fascism ever comes to america, it will be in the name of freedom that it will come into our country. and so there they are talking about freedom while they're trying to destroy our constitutional process. it started with donald trump and with his entourage and it filtered out all the way through that mob that stormed the
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capitol. >> i do want to talk about fascism in america with you, but in a moment. let me ask you this. a "new york times" report scrutinized the tactics used by your committee calling them prosecutorial, saying they're unprecedented compared to what previous committees have done. some worry you're setting a precedent for republicans to use against you when they take back the house. what is your response to all of that? >> well, we certainly don't need to set any precedents for the republicans to be extremely zealous on far less serious matters than this. in fact nobody has been more adamant in congress that i have seen since being there that everybody must testify before congress, everybody must turn over their evidence than jim jordan or mark meadows, who were on the oversight and judiciary committee its and who constantly read the riot act, so to speak, to anybody who dared not comply with a congressional subpoena. and now of course they're with
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steve bannon and roger stone in just giving the finger to the committee. so, look, we're not teaching them anything they don't know. we believe that democracy is on the line here. we are being extremely respectful and mindful of due process rights. we're not putting anybody in jail. we're just trying to get everybody's best evidence, as the supreme court has said we have the right to do, in order to deliver a report to the american people and congress about how to prevent coups and insurrections going forward. >> and in your new book, congressman, "unthinkable" you describe the behavior and language being used by the proud boys and other militiamen as they arrived in d.c. ahead of january 6th, what you witnessed on these days. these little omens cropped like bread crumbs throughout the capital city should be alarm. is it more like a fascist loaf of bread? >> well, yes. the good news is i think that
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everybody who's paying attention is perfectly aware of what's going on. last weekend, donald trump said that mike pence had the power to overturn the election, but refused to exercise it. and it's not going to happen the same way in 2024 or 2022. but they are actively doing everything they can to engage in voter suppression and then essentially seizure of the machinery of elections, the same way they were talking about in 2020, they are replacing bipartisan or nonpartisan election management and supervision with partisan election management and supervision, wherever they can. and they're busily trying to replace anybody who refused to bow down to their cult leader, donald trump. starting with brad raffensperger who's being challenged by jody
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ice. >> you're a law professor and i know you choose your words carefully. would you say we're in a fascist political moment right now? >> i think there clearly is fascistic politics. the political scientists will tell you that the best indicator of a successful coup coming is a recent failed coup where the coup plotters get to diagram the weaknesses in the current regime. so we've got to map that out for democracy and repair the walls so it doesn't happen to us again. >> i want to play a clip from the documentary "love and the constitution" airing tonight. the clip is from election night 2020 as you were anxiously watching the returns come in, you expressed the anxiety that your kids and millions of americans were feeling, the thought of a donald trump re-election. have a listen. >> my kids were so freaked out the way everybody is so freaked out. it's going to be a long night. it's going to mean trump is
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going to be suing -- we're going to win this narrowly and then trump is going to be fighting it every step along the way. buckle up. i mean it's going -- we'll be fighting about this until we get into the new congress. we'll be fighting about it until january 6th. >> you mentioned january 6th there. that moment, could you have imagined what was to come on january the 6th? >> well, we knew that they were going to try to pull every parliamentary trick in the book and some not in the book. we expected that they were trying to coerce mike pence to declare lawless, unilateral powers to reject electoral college votes. but as i record in my book, the one thing that we had not taken seriously was the idea that there would be a violent mob insurrection that would overtake congress and shut down the counting of votes. one of the things that we're trying to determine in the january 6th select committee is
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what was the relationship between the inside coup plotters around donald trump and the insurrectionists who broke our windows, attacked our police officers and stormed the capitol. >> and of course just days before that storming of the capitol, you lost your son, tommy, at the end of 2020. i cannot imagine the toll that must have taken on you and the family. in the documentary you reflect on that boy placing it in the larger context of so many losses americans suffered in the first year of the pandemic. let's have a watch. >> we were not the only family in that god-awful year to lose a family member. if you add up covid-19, opioid deaths, gun violence and all of the other normal causes, millions of people lost loved ones. >> amen. >> we are indeed surrounded now by american carnage.
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>> american carnage, the phrase trump used in his inaugural speech. in the year that has followed, congressman, the year that has followed your unthinkable loss, what has given you solace? what has given you hope? >> well, my family, of course. my wonderful constituents in maryland. but really the determination of my colleagues in congress and people across the country to fight back. people understand how fragile our constitutional democracy is, and we need to defend all of our democratic institution, which means not just the counting of electoral college votes or the congress, we need to defend the state legislatures, we need to defend the press, we need to defend freedom of speech and freedom of religion and we need to defend all those things that are under attack today. reproductive freedom. essentially we have a political party that has positioned itself outside the constitutional order. what we're looking for is constitutional patriots who will stand up for our constitutional
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structure. >> last quick question, congressman. hope is important, but what would you say to the cynics who say let's not put too much hope in the 1/6 committee. we had the mueller report, two impeachment trials. teflon trump emerged unscathed. he will from the 1/6 committee too. >> well, i agree with part of that. we will never get to a point where we can say democracy is safe. american exceptionalism is not about the fact that we are somehow bulletproof, immune to fascism and authoritarianism, insurrection and the kind of autocrats we see around the world like putin and duterte and others. what makes us exceptional is our fight for democracy. democracy is either expanding and growing or contracting and shriveling away. we have been in a contractionary period. we need to put democracy back on
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the growth path. i think that's where most americans are today, the vast majority. it's a struggle between the vast majority and the bag of tricks that they have like gerrymandering and the filibuster and voter suppression. >> congressman jamie raskin, we'll have to leave it there. thank you for your time tonight. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. and tonight at 10:00 p.m. right here on msnbc, you can watch that documentary, "love & the constitution." it centers on congressman jamie raskin as he navigates the loss of his son and the threat of losing our democracy. that's tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. next, the saudi-led war on yemen reaches a critical stage. i'm ask a yemeni laureate what she makes of the biden administration with its allies. plus why the torch lighting was more like gaslighting. was mo re like gaslighting. ♪ l♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need.
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the saudi-led coalition has launched a fresh round of military strikes against houthi rebels in yemen's capital. it's just the latest in a deadly and relentless back and forth. as i've told you on this show many, many times, including in the last couple of weeks, the situation in yemen is catastrophic. the world's worst humanitarian crisis is occurring before our eyes as bombs rain down on the innocent yemeni people. those who aren't killed by air strikes are left to starve as blockades choke this already impoverished nation. there are war crimes being committed by our ally, the saudis, and by the houthi rebels backed by iran. but it's a war president biden promised the u.s. would not be involved in on his watch. house democrats are calling on the white house to haunt the maintenance support we give to the saudi air force. maintenance for planes used for the offensive. the time is long past for urgent
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action. it's something my next guest knows all too well. she is a nobel peace prize winner. one of only a handful of muslim women to have won the prize and one of the youngest women ever to have done so. recognized for her tireless efforts to fight for democracy and human rights for her fellow yemeni people. she joins me now. thank you for coming on the show this evening. paint me a picture of what is happening in your country right now. just how bad is the situation on the ground seven years into this war? >> it's the same yemen really suffered from the worst humanitarian catastrophe in the world in recent history. it's a reason of the conspiracy from the -- some of the countries of the international community in general and also the regional countries, such as saudi arabia, emirates and iran,
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who led this war inside yemen. yemen suffered from a war between saudi emirates and iran and yemeni people are suffering really from this ugly war. unfortunately, there is no great and important move from the international community, from the u.s. administration, from biden administration who promised the world and who promised the american people to end this ugly war. >> so explain to our viewers, you mentioned the american people and you mentioned biden. explain to our viewers in america watching you tonight, why they should care about what is happening in yemen. >> yemen is very important country. first, it's their beauty for, you know, any human being suffer in any part of the world.
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yemen is very important culturally, has a very strategic position in the world. any continue of this war inside yemen will attack the global peace, will attack the regional peace, and this is -- it's very important that american people to pressure toward the biden administration to fulfill on his promise to end this war. when i'm saying that the biden administration should end this war, that means that they should do a lot of procedures to stop this war. first, they have to stop arm deals with saudi arabia and emirates and the same thing that they have to make a very big great pressure toward houthi militia backed by iran to stop
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this war. it is not the solution to have friendship, to have a big alliance with saudi arabia and with emirates, who kill yemenis with britain and other western governments. >> you mentioned saudi arabia. how disappointed are you in the biden administration's handling of its alliance with saudi arabia? joe biden made a lot of promises about holding mbs accountable for the killing of jamal khashoggi and making him a pariah he said. how disappointed are you in his handling of saudi arabia? >> unfortunately, i am so frustrated from his policy in yemen. i remember very much when he called saudi arabia as a pariah and when he said that they have to be accountable because of their crimes inside yemen, also their crime against jamal
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khashoggi. also in his first foreign policy speech, he promised that he will do all his authority, all his efforts ending the war in yemen. but unfortunately until now he didn't do that. i hope that he will, you know, change his policy. that is very important for him as a president, for the u.s. also as a country, who should keep on protecting the values of human rights, on protecting democracy around the world, and it's very important again, again, again, medhi, when we talk about ending the war in yemen, it means to stop their alliance, to stop their alliance with the dictators in general in the region for protecting democracy and protecting the values and principles of the united states and at the same
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time also to make great pressure against houthi militia. it's very -- we think that biden administration, you know, maybe will be tolerated to iran strategy and plans -- >> we will have to -- >> inside our region. so it's very important that he has to -- >> sadly we're out of time but we appreciate you coming on the show and making the case so passionately. appreciate what you do. thank you so much for your time. coming up, why it's dangerous for u.s. journalists to just take the government's word for it, especially in times like these. but first, richard lui is here with the headlines. >> hello, and a very good sunday to you. a navy s.e.a.l. candidate died friday and another hospitalized after completing a training phase known as hell week. 24-year-old kyle mullen's cause of death is currently unknown.
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the united states won its first medal of the winter olympics in beijing sunday. snowboarder julia marino of westport, connecticut, took the silver medal in the women's slope style snowboarding final. and north korea continues to develop its nuclear missile programs in violation of u.n. security council resolutions. a new report obtained saturday by the associated press said a marked acceleration and testing of missiles. this past january saw a record nine missile launches so far. more of "the medhi hasan show" after this break. medhi hasan s" after this break with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. want your clothes to smell y washed my go to toothpaste all day without heavy perfumes? now they can! with downy light in-wash freshness boosters.
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(vo) family plan savings without the family. visible. switch and get two months of wireless for $22. plus, up to $100 on us. it's no surprise the republican party's intent on gerrymandering their way to permanent minority rule but the judicial branch might have something to say about that. in state after state, courts are throwing out the partisan maps drawn up by the gop. one of the latest examples comes from ohio, where last month the state supreme court issued a blistering opinion accusing the gop of, quote, stacking the deck. that would explain, the court said, how a party who generally musters no more than 50% of the statewide popular vote is positioned to win reliably 75% to 80% of the seats. ouch. one person who could be affected by the ohio court decision is a candidate for the state's house
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of representatives. that man is jim obergefell. he was the key plaintiff in the u.s. supreme court's 2015 decision which legalized same-sex marriage across the country. he's making his bid for elected office in a district that could be altered by the court decision and he joins me live. thanks for coming on the show this evening. what made you decide to run for office? >> well, you know, medhi, it really comes down to this. everyone in my district and across ohio deserves the ability to fully participate in society and the economy. the ohio legislature does not accurately reflect ohio. it does not accurately ohioans. and i want to be part of changing that. i want to be part of making it a legislature that does the right thing, that keeps the best interests of all ohio ans at the
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forefront of everything it does. it currently does not do that. this legislature isn't working in the best interests of the people of ohio. and we can change that. an it takes -- takes people running for office to say this isn't right. we can do better. >> you must be the only candidate for office who's already changed laws before they ever ran for office. your famous case in front of the supreme court. lgbtq issues are gaining more and more support in the country. as a result, the gop seems to have largely stopped picking on the l, g and b letters and seem to be focusing all of their attention on the letter t, transgender. they have larged a fear mongering campaign they hope will scare people into voting for them and opposing rights for trans people. what do you make of the gop's shift in tactics when it comes to lgbtq issues and how troubling do you think this is for america? >> i think it's very dangerous. their tactic is to go after the
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most vulnerable. they have realized that as you the l, g and b, things have gotten better for those communities. but they understand that the transgender community is by far the most vulnerable. and they are going after them. they are creating fear where there needs to be no fear. they're targeting kids. they're targeting transgender kids and making them out to be wrong and evil and something to fear. so the gop seems to relish using fear to motivate their base. that seems to be their method. >> as you said, things have gotten better on the l, g and b front. the 2015 supreme court case you were involved in was truly a landmark ruling. looking back seven years later, what did that decision mean not just for you personally but for the country as a whole, for the community that you live in? >> well, i like to illustrate that by just a couple of quick stories, or one quick story.
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i spoke at a university recently and after i finished, a young woman came up to talk to me. she said, jim, i just want you to know if it weren't for that decision, i would have committed suicide. that decision was an enormous step forward for our nation and so vitally important for our community because it meant we mattered. it meant we exist. >> in the nearly seven years since that 2015 decision was decided, we've seen the supreme court become far more conservative. three trump appointments. it's possible this court could throw out long-standing precedents. we've seen what's happening to roe v. wade. do you worry that your case, your precedent could face a similar fate under this new court? >> i do. i'm worried about attacks, continued attacks on marriage equality. you know, we can get married in all 50 states but we really
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don't enjoy marriage equality still because bakers, photographers, you name it, they claim the right to not serve our community even though they're a business open to the public. so i do fear that the supreme court, if it -- you know, with its 6-3 majority right now, we are at risk, although i do look at the decision that had to do with treating discrimination against the lgbtq plus community in employment no different than discrimination based on gender. that gives me hope because while it's not the exact court we see now, it's most of that court and that ruled 6-3. >> last quick question, jim. you married your husband, john arthur, in 2013 but tragically lost him to als just three months later. how do you think he would have reacted to everything that happened after his death, including the court victory, and now you running for office? >> well, i think he would be thrilled to know that so many
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positive things came out of our marriage, our decision to get married. i think he would say, jim, i'm thrilled that you're running because you've always done the right thing. that's one of the things i love about you, jim. you do that, i'm going to be back in the corner. i do not want any of the limelight. you do this because you're good at fighting for what's right and i'm proud of you. >> jim obergefell, we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much for your time tonight. >> thanks very much, medhi. have a good night. genocide? what genocide? china draws even more controversy with its symbolic choice of a torch bearer at the beijing olympics. that's next. at the beijing olympics that's next. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ (vo) america's most reliable network is going ultra!
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we've seen the first medals awarded, heard all the smack talk about the fake snow. but perhaps one of the biggest moments from the games happened before they had even really begun at the opening ceremony during the lighting, or should we say gaslighting the olympic flame. a uighur was one of the chinese athletes who carried the torch. if it wasn't so shocking, you'd almost be impressed by the audacious move by china's communist regime. they pointed to a uighur feels like a racist pointing to his one black friend. but look, it's clear president xi jinping wanted a smiling cross-country skier to be the smiling uighur because the stories of maybe more than a million other uighurs put in concentration camps doesn't align with the glittering china they want you to see. the story of a uighur woman, mother and wife who fled to
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sweden after she said she was kidnapped, held prisoner and tortured by the chinese government. she told the israeli newspaper one of her worst memories was being gathered with 200 others. police telling one woman to confess her muslim sins. she said when she was done speaking, the policeman raped her one after another in front of everyone. they checked to see how we were reacting. people who turned their head or closed their eyes were taken away and we never saw them again. she said these punishments were a common occurrence. prisoners were packed into roofs, shaved and beaten for laughing or crying. inmates at these concentration camps were at times forcibly sterilized and had their fingernails removed. torture and rape is a far less rosy picture than a uighur athlete cutting across the ski slopes. and there are things that can't be hidden be flashy opening ceremonies. satellite imagery shows the
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reeducation camps, quote, unquote, which have been built in xinjiang. and we have firsthand stories of torture by electric chair, sexual assault with electrified probes. a list of names issued by the government to stamp out muslim culture as well as stamp out muslim culture. as well as a ban on uyghurs speaking their language. then there is the ethnic unity campaign which deploys government workers to live with uyghurs in their own homes to report on their actions. we'll note that china denies wrongdoing. there are no crimes being committed, nothing. but the appalling allegations are expressing grave concern for the genocide and describing the chinese government's act to make the uyghur people disappear. so crimes against humanity, that is the backdrop to these
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olympics in china. it is these reports that triggered the u.s. to issue a diplomatic boycott of the games. it is the first time we have been faced to take action. remember the 1980 olympics. i have to make two points here. one, when calling for boycotts, be careful for what you wish for. which led to hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths. the second thing is, well, i'm saying this all on msnbc and our parent company nbc universal is the official rights holder and broadcaster of the olympics and has received backlash for being involved in these games. they report on the games and the events separately from nbc's olympics coverage. whatever your view of
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broadcasters, these games are going ahead whether we like it or not. so what we can do now for the uyghur people is talk about them. china might think they can play by their own rules but we need to prove them all wrong. it's why we're having this conversation right now on this show. it is why i'm disgusted by comments made in the u.s. by nba warriors owner who said this on a recent podcast. >> nobody cares about what's happening to the uyghurs, okay? you bring it up because you really care, and i think it's nice that you care. the rest of us don't care. >> you don't care? >> i'm telling you a hard, ugly truth. of all the things i care about, yes, it is below my line. >> let's prove his wrong. let's prove president xi and the communist party wrong, too. olympics or no to limbics, it is time we all gave a damn about
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the uyghurs. coming up ayman mohyeldin will talk to an attorney representing the family of locke tonight at 9:00 eastern right here on msnbc. we're back in a moment. stay with us. we're back in a mot we're back in a mot stay with us ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ and it's easy to get a quote at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ nothing like a weekend in the woods.
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thursday on peacock, 7:00 p.m. eastern on the choice on nbc streaming panel peacock. now it is time to hand it over to my friend, ayman mohyeldin. ayman, before i go, i must ask you this. what is your reaction when you hear the biden administration suggesting this week that journalists shouldn't question official government accounts on russia or isis or other classified matters. and if we do, we're guilty of believing the kremlin and the terrorists over them? >> listen, i watched some of the exchanges this week. i find them highly troubling, highly offensive. listen, i'm old enough to remember august 29th when the u.s. said it carried out a righteous kill with a drone strike on a car that ended up being completely false. it was a vehicle carrying civilians. children were killed in that attack. in 2003 colin powell stood in front of the world and the un said he had evidence of weapons
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of mass destruction. and in both cases, the military's narrative was wrong. in 2003 the media didn't ask questions. honestly, it is not our job to be stenographers for the american military or the american government. what do you think? >> it's amazing that we just don't learn any lessons. that's what frustrating me. as recently as august they were proved wrong when general milley said this was a righteous kill and a bunch of kids. was that us being pro-taliban asking for evidence of who was killed. the whole thing is ridiculous. you mentioned iraq. people forget osama bin laden, the raid on bin laden, they had to walk that back about what happened during the raid, who was killed and how.
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we have every right to know what happened in the isis raid this week. we don't know how they died. we're just being told to believe the american government which, as you say, it is not our job. i hope viewers understand to nod along when we're being told about things, especially war and peace issues. >> and shout-out to matt levy of the associated press for pressing back against those two narratives against the government. it is good to see you, my friend. great on you for putting and keeping the spotlight on what is happening to uyghurs in china. good evening to you at home. hundreds of protesters took to the streets of downtown minneapolis demanding justice for amir locke. plus, talks aimed at salvaging the 2015 iran nuclear deal.
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my conversation with rob malley. then, are you feeling stressed about the state of politics in america? you are not alone. i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. i want to start tonight's show by asking you at home or wherever you may be to take a look at where you are in this very minute. where are you sitting? what are you doing? are you sitting on the couch tucked into a blanket. maybe you'll doze off there before you can make it to bed. we have all been there. now imagine that in the comfort of that moment you wake up in the early hours of the morning to a group of armed men barging into your home. you're confused. you're scared. what are you going to do? how are you going to react? for
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