tv Katy Tur Reports MSNBC February 8, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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coming up with the midterm elections. garrett? >> and now some volunteer checking the tape to see what shaq is doing banging on the box all day long. thank you for your reporting. chuck will be back tomorrow with more "meet the press daily." msnbc continues with my friend katy tur right now. good to be with you. i'm katy tur. mask mandates are coming to an end and this time done by democratic governors. new jersey, connecticut, delaware, california and oregon have all plans to end or relax mask mandates and some are putting an end to masks in schools. state officials point to a decline in covid cases and the availability of vaccines for kids and while the state changes mandates, cities, towns and school districts can make their own decisions.
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the shift reflects a change in case numbers as well as a desire to move into the endemic phase, learning to live with the virus. a point phil murphy made when he announced his state's rollback yesterday. >> we're not going to manage covid to zero. we have to learn to live with covid as we move from a pandemic to an endemic phase of the virus. >> governor murphy joins me in a moment. the cdc and the academy of pediatrics still recommend masks. agencies say kids as young as 2 should be masked in a school setting. the data is limited. there are not many studies that have looked at masking in schools and studies that have been done are narrow. some say the data we have so far is inconclusive or even misleading making the decision
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even more difficult for schools and for parents alike. joining me now is nbc's gabe gutierrez here with me in new york. what is the reaction in california? >> reporter: katy, well, first off the governor made the announcement we've seen a decline of 65%. there's a lot of fatigue. california brought back the mask mandate at the end of last year and has announced it will go away february 15th. the counties will be able to keep their own mask mandates. los angeles county announced they will keep their mandate in place. other counties like san diego don't have a mask mandate so people there will be able to remove those masks if they are vaccinated in california. depending on how these counties
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are doing, remember, california is a large state, northern california, the san francisco area very different from central california with the capital and the farming region than, of course, southern california. when it comes to schools, also, we should note that california has not made an announcement. if you look at the numbers, about 65% of students 5 to 17 in california are vaccinated, yet the state has said they are in talks with both public officials, with educational and community leaders to make a decision that is expected to be announced next week on whether the mask mandate will remain in schools in california, katy. >> california is big. you can get anything you want in california. gabe, you're with me on set, this is the first time i've had somebody sitting next to me in quite a while. it goes to show you that cases are down here in new york city, that things are starting to change post omicron. what might happen here? i know you were in ohio, so i want to hear about that. i also want to hear about what
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might happen in new york state. >> it is great to be here. it's great to actually see you in person again and, yes, there's a lot of anticipation building. tomorrow governor hochul is expected to give an update on the state mask requirements tomorrow, unclear whether she might lift it for businesses or what will happen to schools. but i've been speaking with parents across this country but yesterday in ohio and what we have noticed they are amazed that we are still talking about this and this is still so divisive nearly two years into this pandemic. one school district kept its mask mandates still in place and another that let it expire in january. take a listen to what some of the parents said in the district that kept its mask mandate in place. >> i think they should be wearing masks. a lot of parents have the opportunity to get covid vaccinations for their kids, and a lot of them do not, so we know you can still contract the virus even vaccinated, so i think as a
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parent i feel more secure with my kids being vaccinated and also being able to, you know, be in school with the mask as well. >> at the end of the day if it's keeping our children safe, then it's the best thing for our children. there's a lot of things as parents we do with our children we don't always necessarily agree with, but we do them because we know it's for their best interests. and i think as a community we should be more kind to each other. >> that second mother just outside of cleveland had let its mask mandate expire in late january but still recommends it, katy. we also spoke with another parent in ohio, look, this is extremely divisive, and this mother, we've heard it before, she did not want the government, the school district, telling them what to do. she had concerns about the younger kids and what happens with their development when they're not able to see the teacher. there are still lots of questions surrounding this and a
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lot of questions about how this will all play out. so many governors are saying we need to learn to live with the virus. you mentioned new jersey is now announcing in the next couple weeks it will lift the mask mandate for schools, the largest school district, newark, said it's going to keep its mask mandate no matter what the state says. >> so individual districts, individual cities can decide for themselves if they want to institute or keep the mask mandates in place, as you just said. i was struck by the second mother saying we need to be generous to each other, be nice to each other. we don't hear that so much in our national political discourse especially around this. we see the rowdy protests or school board meetings. when you were encountering parents, what are you hearing? are the majority of parents understanding of the different positions or are you getting a sense there is a lot of division? >> look, it's hard to say. it depends on who you speak
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with. in those interviews we played, we spoke with another mother that, yes, she frowned upon the division but felt her point of view was the one that should be followed. but you saw the group of three parents, all three mothers in the group said despite the fact their school district had lifted the mandate, that it was still recommending wearing masks, but they were frustrated with the division in this country and that it has become such a political issue and that's something we are seeing more and more. >> that division, that anger bleeds into how kids are experiencing life, not just covid and masking, but their parents' stress and their own mental health. it's a big deal. >> we spoke to some high school students and they had interesting perspective. in that high school they took off -- they no longer had to wear masks and had interesting perspectives. what struck me about those students, they're seniors, they
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were telling me about the beginning of covid, they were sophomores. they've had to deal with this the bulk of their high school careers. >> i want to get to the emotional development in a moment. gabe gutierrez, so great to see you in person. it's lovely to have you at this desk. guad, the invitation is open anytime you are in new york, my friend. thank you as well. with me is the democratic governor of new jersey, as promised, phil murphy. governor, thank you so much for joining us. i want to talk about the -- there you are. i can see you now. i want to talk about lifting this mandate. there is one school district keeping it in place. what is the reaction you are getting now from not just parents but from teachers? >> the reaction so far has been broadly if not overwhelmingly positive, katy. we're not patting ourselves on the back.
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we're doing the best we can to manage a pandemic and to not declare victory but say we can live with this responsibly but felt with a four week runway with a drop in hospitalizations, in-school transmission, increasing vaccination, god willing the kids under 5 able to be vaccinated sooner, that combination has allowed us to take this step. we're trying to meet the moment, not undershoot it, not overshoot it. easier said than done. >> how are you encouraging parents by lifting this? there are some who might say lifting this mandate makes it less likely for parents to feel there's a need to make their kids get vaccinated? or am i confuse that go? do you think lifting the mandate will make more parents want to vaccinate their children? >> well, i hope so. it's not necessarily the reason we're doing it. we want to see more vaccinated
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with or without a mandate but get as many vaccinated and ultimately boosted as possible and, again, we have the youngest kids who are not yet eligible though it's our sense they will soon be eligible. newark is keeping it in place. that is perfectly okay with the steps taken. if folks need on the health realities in their communities, if they feel like they need to keep it on for a period of time or if an individual, an educator or a student or a staff member need to keep it on because of their own health concerns, that has to be allowed and we have to respect the folks who do that. >> just 26.8% of new jersey kids 5 to 11 have been vaccinated, so the numbers are quite lower from what you see for the total population of new jersey which is 73% fully vaccinated. there are flu vaccine mandates, there are other vaccine mandates
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for children in schools. do you foresee a point sooner or later a covid vaccine will be mandated? >> too early to tell. that's become a huge third rail in society. i think it's too early to tell whether or not the medical experts will land on whether or not we need periodic boosters. i get my flu shot every october. is that what the reality will look like? to say the vaccines are safe, effective and getting boosted, never mind just vaccinated, gives you the best defense against this virus. >> what happens if there's an outbreak, one kid tests positives and a few others test positive? what happens when enough kids test positive, they're home and the school has to go virtual again? have you any steps in place to help teachers and districts
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navigate that? >> so we've done everything we can to avoid that. we had some of that during omicron but we have had, i think, 2,650 students get infected in and around schools out of 1.4 million, so the layered approach we've had in place has worked. our department of health are putting together an updated set of guidelines as it relates to quarantining, social distancing and what not and those will be ready to go live before that date of no longer having the mask mandate. >> i want to ask you specifically about teachers. i know there are a lot of parents welcoming this, who are pro vaccine but welcoming taking the masks off kids and some teachers who are nervous. i was speaking to a teacher in new jersey.
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in 2019 and 2020 she said she received her district's teacher of the year award so she's high up there in the ranks and this is what she told me. this is the worst year of teaching i have ever had. i have been trying to figure out what kind of career change. i thought virtual was bad. this is worse. the state's districts want to on race business as usual and there is nothing usual about what is happening right now. the kids are behind academically and emotionally. it's wild. even just how they act in a classroom, fifth graders in her room haven't been in a full school year, a full school year since they were in second grade and they behave that way. this teacher says she cried in her boss' office. what are you doing right now to help teachers who are experiencing burnout, who have put all of that stress on to their shoulders for the past two years?
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>> yeah. i mean, it's real for sure. they've been heroic up and down our state. i suspect across the country. putting up with obviously the risk of getting sick themselves, virtual learning for a long period of time. now learning loss, mental health behavioral issues along the entire population. so educators, staff, and as her quotes point out kids. i worry about both the pipeline going in and the attrition out of the profession. we have the number one public education system in america in new jersey, so this is not a passing interest to us. this is of enormous focus. we put a lot of resources in this. we are in regular discussions with union leadership and rank and file about creative ways to address this. but the last thing we're going to do is ignore the reality of learning loss, mental health stress, and real pressure on this profession.
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again, of heroes throughout the past two years. >> i'm sure they appreciate all of that. any talk about raising their wages? >> i think everything has to be on the table. i inherited a state where teachers were disparaged and insulted. we have built educators back up on the pedestal over the past four years and the pandemic has knocked everything sideways. so you don't get the number one public education system in america without the number one educators in america, and we are committed to that. >> it's not great when you hear somebody who won teacher of the year in 2019 and 2020 saying they are thinking of quitting. >> very discouraging. >> governor phil murphy, good luck out there. >> thanks for having me. and we're heading into week two of the trucker protest in canada's capital city of ottawa. it appears to be dwindling from the thousands to the hundreds.
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but the city is trying to get things back to normal. ottawa's mayor requested extra police officers, investigating more than 60 incidents of mischief, theft, property damage and hate crimes. a judge ruled trucks must stop honking their horns for the next ten days. plus there is a new concern the protests could carry over into the united states. joining me now from ottawa is nbc news correspondent allison barr. you've made your way up there. you're between two trucks right now. tell me what you're seeing, who these people are, a discussion of who is leading this movement and talk to me about the concerns here in the united states. >> reporter: katy, yes, we've been out here all morning making our way through the different areas. it is blocks and blocks, one of the biggest protest areas is just over in front of us, in front of the parliament where people have really been gathered, spending time.
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in terms of where the trucks are, there are blocks and blocks of trucks parked like this. a police chief says he thinks there are still 1,000 truckers parked and stopped. police have blocked off areas of the road to try and prevent more from coming and joining this effort. for now the people here are adamant when we speak to them they are going to stay put, they say, for as long as it takes. this started specifically as a protest, a response to orders from the prime minister that cross border truckers would have to be vaccinated, no longer exempt from quarantine rules. it has since expanded. they tell us covid mandates, they want to see them go. no mandates for vaccines, for masks, no indoor dining restriction. they want all of it to go and they say they are prepared, many of them have food, there are
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some encampments to stay as long as it takes. listen to some of what we've heard. >> all the truckers here are sitting in their trucks and as far as i'm concerned it's up to the population now. you want your country back here is your opportunity. you want your freedom back, here is your opportunity. you want to get back to having gatherings with your family, here is your opportunity, make use of it. >> reporter: so you can see some of the little pockets where people have set up tents, cooking stations. they have gas coming in and out, again, preparing to stay here, they say, until they see these mandates go away. you mentioned who is behind this. there have been some disagreements about who organized this. we spoke to one of the individuals that other groups have since said he's not part of this because he has been accused of being a white nationalist. he told us he is the primary organizer behind this, he's speaking with other truckers, other groups in the u.s. and other countries and they think
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this will become bigger than just in canada. katy? >> allison barber, thank you. french president emmanuel macron plays peacemaker traveling to ukraine one day after meeting with vladimir putin. will any of it deter russia from an invasion? also ahead the rnc censure of liz cheney and adam kinzinger is dividing the gop. why senate republicans in particular are pushing back on the move. and later, the very latest out of minnesota where last hour students held a walkout to protest the police shooting of amir locke. amir locke ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease,
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committee. senator lisa murkowski said the censure was absolutely wrong. meanwhile, the january 6 select committee is getting a better understanding of former president trump's actions on that day. two sources tell nbc news donald trump demanded to talk to vice president mike pence on the morning of january 6th but was not able to reach him immediately. nbc news confirmed the two eventually did speak later that day while donald trump was holding a meeting in the oval office. joining me now is nbc news capitol hill correspondent leigh ann caldwell and "washington post" white house bureau chief ashley parker, also an msnbc political analyst. so tell me what more do we know about what the january 6th committee is finding? >> reporter: katy, we do know now there were multiple attempts by the former president to talk to mike pence on the morning of january 6th, and they didn't immediately connect, and then eventually they did. they connected during a meeting that the committee has outlined
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in subpoenas to ivanka trump where it was a very tense meeting where kellogg relayed to the committee mike pence needs to be more courageous, that it's all up to him. this was all in a phone call. and we're also learning, as you said, getting a clearer picture of what happened that day, that jim jordan, the congressman from ohio, a close ally of the former president, spoke with the former president twice on that day including the most recent phone call that was reported and confirmed last week that was in the morning. it was a ten-minute phone call. and i now have sources who are telling me that phone call happened because donald trump reached out to him through the white house, demanded to get jim jordan on the phone on the morning of january 6th. so ultimately the committee through testimony and also through documents received by the committee from the national archives are trying to get a better understanding -- starting
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to get a better understanding of the presidents' day on january 6th, who he spoke to, and for how long, katy. >> ashley, i know you have more reporting on that. what else can you tell us? >> well, another thing that's been fascinating to watch with this committee is a lot has been made of the people who will not talk to them, the sort of trump loyalists or the people who will only talk if there's a subpoena but especially in a white house like the trump white house that was sort of so chaotic and disorganized and nontraditional that the committee is talking to a lot of people, some younger, some junior, some who would seem to be on the perfect he eveiphea lot of visibility in january 6th and into the runup to january 6th. these are people in another administration would not necessarily be in the oval office and hearing the president talk about some of these things, people in the vice president's
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orbit, other junior staffers, but these are people who in the trump white house had a lot of visibility into what was going on, who are people in some ways are more likely to talk to the committee and people who could likely be very fruitful witnesses for the january 6 committee. >> talking to adam kinzinger he said there were a great number of people within donald trump's white house that had spoken to the committee without subpoenas, which i found to be very interesting and, frankly, when you talk to that many people you will be able to connect some dots even if you are not able to get some of the bigger fish as you were just talking about, ashley. what about the censure of adam kinzinger and liz cheney? i know the house has been pretty united on -- the republicans in the house have been united on not playing ball for them but republican senators are coming out and saying this is a bad idea. we're also expecting to hear from mitch mcconnell today, and correct me if i'm wrong, but
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he's been telling reporters that he expects to be asked about it. doesn't that seem like he wants to talk about this? >> reporter: perhaps. he just knows that reporters will ask him anything that is related to the former president. and creating divisions. mcconnell is expected to speak about 30 yards from me after a closed door republican lunch that happens every week. and that is sure that reporters are going to ask him about it, our colleague garrett haake is standing there right now. republicans especially in the senate are really frustrated that the rnc did this move regarding the censure and also calling january 6th legitimate political debate, and the reason is because they say that this is something that does not unify the party. it's a distraction away from joe biden heading into a mid-term election. i spoke with a bunch of those
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senators and here is just a sampling of what they said. let's listen. >> i think all of us up here want to talk forward not backward. >> issues that we should be focusing on besides censuring two members of congress because they have a different opinion. >> they said in the resolution they wanted republicans to be unified. that was not a unifying action. >> anything that my party does that comes across as being stupid is not going to help us. >> reporter: so this is the official position of the republican party and these senators up here see they are very close to gaining the majority in the senate in the upcoming elections and they think things like this just make it that much more difficult, katy. >> legitimate political discourse as they called it during that rnc meeting. mitch mcconnell spoke a minute ago. he did not address the censures
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but has not yet taken questions. we'll go to him if he talks about it. it would be very interesting to hear the minority leader, the leader of the republican party in the senate, come out and say something, anything, about what's going on in the house on that. leigh ann caldwell, thank you so much. ashley parker, thank you as well. let's call it a diplomatic whirlwind, a day after his five-hour meeting with vladimir putin, emmanuel macron. a tennis star resurfaces to deny allegations she was sexually assaulted by a high-ranking official. why the women's tennis association says it is still very concerned about peng shuai. . hey, bud. thanks for coming out to cheer me on. dad, i'm -- i'm always here. i'm always here for you, too. okay. go
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france's emmanuel macron is meeting with president zelensky. yesterday's meeting between the french president and russia's vladimir putin lasted five hours after which macron told reporters putin agreed not to escalate the crisis on the ukrainian border. a kremlin spokesman denied that vladimir putin made that promise and russian troops remain amassed at ukraine's borders.
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joining mean now from russia is nbc news moscow producer matt bodner. what can you tell us about this five-hour meeting with the french president. any position at all that russia seemed willing to compromise on? >> reporter: thank you, katy. the kremlin seems to be sending mixed messages out about this meeting. on the one hand they've made positive noise about macron and celebrating his willingness to sustain a dialogue. on the other hand when we woke up this morning we saw them almost immediately go to work contradicting, in some cases denying almost every single positive kind of outcommack ron and his team claimed to have achieved here in moscow. the big one was the idea they agreed on de-escalation when the kremlin spokesman was asked about this he said there was no deal or anything he had heard of. how could there be? he put it in very blunt terms saying france is a member of
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nato, it is not in charge of nato. a very different country is, the indication the united states. how could there be an agreement between moscow and paris? he was asked about whether or not they made an agreement not to escalate the situation in ukraine and was asked if there was an agreement to stop the exercises on ukraine's border. that was denied. this morning we saw announcements of newer exercises in the southern military district. also there have been six russian landing ships loitering in the mediterranean. three of them passed through into the black sea. the other three are not far behind. probably they'll cross tomorrow. if russia is thinking about kind of pulling back a little bit, we are not seeing any evidence of that so far. time, of course, will tell. we're taking a step back real quick looking at the big picture, the view from moscow. i think that we need to start getting comfortable with the idea putin could maintain the posture for a period of time and
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sit there and maybe even ramp the pressure up while just waiting for a western nation or several western nations to break rank or for ukraine to turn around and suddenly accept some of the demands russia has been making of them. of course we just don't know what putin is thinking. >> matt bodner, thank you. with me is the president of the council on foreign relations, richard haass, also author of "the world: a brief introduction." it's good to see you. it's been a little while. the mixed messaging coming out of russia on that meeting between putin and macron. what do you make of it? >> this is typical of dealing with russia and putin. a message from anybody but putin doesn't count for a lot. putin likes to keep his foes off balance, and when he puts out mixed messages it's a good way of testing waters, see if it opens up some daylight among
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various countries in the west. so this, to me, is tactical. i think matt ended with a really good point. most of us are waiting and watching this as if we're going to have clarity in a matter of days or weeks. another possibility is it lingers and we don't have either an invasion or a solution, a diplomatic settle many, but something in between. it could be mr. putin will play for time. it's what he would like more than anything else is to see the undermining of ukraine's government and some other government that is pro-moscow. >> i wonder when we're talking about this extending out into an indeterminant time, what are the risks? you're talking about seeing nato fracture or might see a weakening, something vladimir putin can exploit. on the flip side if this drags out, does vladimir putin himself risk looking like he is weak and
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actually unwilling to do the thing it appears he is threatening to do? >> it's a fair question. one possibility slightly dials down the level of forces and physically is hard to keep an army that have size poised, mobilized, ready to go in, is a logistical impossibility. so at some point he's going to have to go forward or probably again slightly dial it down. and i think he has to decide what he needs to save face and he can always manufacture something. again, he could do something small. he has a lot of options. this is a crisis he created. he can play with it in lots of different directions. >> should we look at the meeting that will happen between a number of nations including ukraine to talk about the ongoing separatist battle? i know russia will be a part of
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that. is that a place something could potentially break through? >> absolutely. that's the one hot conflict inside ukraine. there have been formulas out there for years and obviously involves ukraine and the united states and the europeans want russian troops out. russia wants a significant degree of autonomy there. i could see building on the agreement and having international peacekeeping. the real problem getting russia and ukraine to agree to anything and either one having confidence in an agreement. i don't think that's impossible. that's one of the places i would probably focus diplomacy. >> richard haass, halls great to see you, my friend. thank you for all of your inside. >> thank you, katy. minnesota students protest the shooting of amir locke. also, a florida bill that would limit discussions about sexual
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high school students across minnesota held a walkout this afternoon in protest of the police shooting of amir locke. the students marched in freezing temperatures to the governor's mansion where they demanded justice for the death of the 22-year-old who was shot while officers executed a no-knock warrant last week. in the wake of the shooting the governor has said he would sign a bill banning no-knock warrants if one reached his desk this session. new regulations restricting their use went into effect last year, and the mayor of minneapolis is looking to other cities for long-term policy changes while a citywide suspension of the practice is in effect. joining me now is nbc news correspondent antonia hilton. welcome. i am very appreciate tetch of you being here on set to bring
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us the story. holding a walkout is a big deal for any student in any classroom, doing it in subfreezing temperatures, why were students so adamant to get out there and to be heard? >> i spoke to several of them this morning, and i heard two things, first that some of them were feeling immense heartbreak and others felt this numbness that they wanted to fight back against. heartbreak because they see themselves in amir locke, 22 years old, and many of these kids are 17 or 18. amir wanted a career in music, like some of the kids i've spoken to. and then this numbness because they feel they've grown up seeing black people killed by police officers, going out to protests at this key part of their development and education and feeling like they now have no emotional response but still have an obligation to go out and fight. i spoke to these students about the mix of emotions, and i want you to hear from them directly what they shared with me.
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>> we've seen that no-knock warrants have been damaging to our communities especially black and brown communities. this is literally breonna taylor in minnesota. so we are inspired because we want to see our dreams and aspiration for the future as youth to come to full fruition, to see our lives being accounted for and matering to other folks. >> we're honestly just tired of everything that's going on. we're tired of having to overcome or turn the other cheek and let ourselves in the streets. the youth have collectively wanted to stand up. >> the kids you met right there are part of a group called minnesota teen activists and i asked them bluntly, are people getting fatigued, tired of showing up to protests like this one, and they said while there is some sense of that fatigue they're seeing engagement grow and more kids are engaged on the issue from a policy level and will be trying to hold the mayor of minneapolis accountable and
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the governor accountable to their promises. >> i can only imagine what it must feel like to be in a place like minnesota and to have just come off the heels of the george floyd verdict, the kim potter verdict as well, and to have this happen again and to feel like no matter what, it doesn't seem like the message, even when there are convictions, is getting out there. this sort of thing is not okay. it's very frustrating. >> i have to tell you there's also confusion and anger particularly toward mayor jacob fray. the mayor and the police chief at the time made statements and promises to the effect that there will be a new policy, police cannot enter people's homes without stating their presence or purpose. >> yes. >> and people interpreted that to mean a ban on no-knock warrants and, of course, that's at the center of this case, police announ entered without k or announcing.
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what the mayor has had to do is say i made misleading statements and sort of apologize for that. he's put this ban on or a moratorium on no-knock warrants in place right now, but even that moratorium has exceptions in it for extreme violence. >> interesting. >> these kids and protesters are saying we need a no exceptions, no excuses ban on no-new york warrants. >> at the very least tell us the truth. be clear with your language. don't say one thing and do another thing. thank you for coming and joining us. i appreciate this reporting. breaking news on capitol hill where senate minority leader mitch mcconnell did comment a moment ago on the rnc censures of representatives liz cheney and adam kinzinger. again, you remember they were censured for work on the committee. here was mitch mcconnell a moment ago. >> is it appropriate for the republican national committee to censure two sitting members of congress and use the words
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legitimate political discourse in talking about january 6th? >> let me give you my view of what happened january the 6th, and we all were here. we saw what happened. it was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election from one administration to the next. that's what it was. with regard to the suggestion that the rnc should be in the business of picking and choosing republicans who ought to be supported, traditionally the view of the national party committees is that we support all members of our party regardless of their positions on some issues. >> do you have confidence with her chairing the committee? >> i do, but the issue is whether or not the rnc should be
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sort of singling out members of our party who may have different views from the majority. that's not the job of the rnc. >> not the job of the rnc. again, mcconnell is not the first senate republican to criticize the censure. as we told you a number of times there are a number of other republican senators who have said it is just plain wrong. and, still ahead, french president macron plays peacemaker, traveling to ukraine. we already did that story so let's keep going. also ahead, the rnc's -- you know, we did that one as well. wrong tease. here is the right tease. nope. not the right tease. still about students walking out of minnesota. here is the tease. it's about what's happening at the olympics. i'm sorry about that, folks. stick with us. k with us.
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as winter olympics continue in beijing tensions around human rights in china are not going away from the treatment of uighurs in china and attacks on pro democracy protesters in hong kong to the handling of one prominent chinese athlete human rights are at the center of the olympic games. with me now from london is nbc news senior international correspondent keir simmons. welcome back.
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what's been going on? >> reporter: well, the sport is great but away from the sport and the olympic spirit the sporting world is increasingly divided and diplomatic divisions are deepening. here is a look at the latest political events of the olympics? the rift widening over chinese tennis player peng shuai seen here in beijing sitting next to the international olympic committee president watching the women's big air competition in a team china jacket. the ioc insisting they are supporting her. >> i think we need also to listen to her and we need to -- to read what she is saying. >> reporter: at the weekend she told a french newspaper a sexual assault allegation against a former senior chinese government leader was an enormous misunderstanding. her original social media post was deleted soon after it was posted. now a series of photos emerging from the interview appearing to
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show a chinese olympic official accompanying her and the women's tennis association saying the interview does not alleviate its concerns. as we would do with any of our players that wta chairman and ceo says we have called for a formal investigation into the allegations by the appropriate authorities and for the wta to meet with peng privately to discuss her situation. this morning continuing controversy over china's choice of athletes to light the olympic cauldron. a member of the mainly muslim uighur minority took part in her second and last cross country skiing event today. china, angered by criticism from the u.s. ambassador to the united nations. >> uighurs are being tortured and uighurs are the victims of human rights violations by the chinese. we have to keep that front and center. >> reporter: china's u.n. envoy attacking, quote, wrongful,
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irresponsible remarks, and accusing the u.s. of a disgraceful record in violating human rights. but the president of the world uighur congress, representing uighurs around the world, telling nbc news this morning -- china rejecting that accusation and denying claims of human rights abuses against uighurs. >> but another interesting point, that chinese uighur athlete's olympic bio says she speaks mandarin chinese. uighurs tell me they are put under pressure and even banned from speaking the uighur language. the questions for china aren't going away. >> really interesting. thank you very much. that is it for me today, everybody. today, everybody. complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable.
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