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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  February 11, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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it. every day is a busy day. tomorrow he's got the call with president putin, the call that is happening tomorrow on the request of president biden and this white house. so things remain to be seen. there's a lot going on. i know lots of huddling on the supreme court pick. we look forward to see that soon. i'm watching very intently, just like the rest of us. >> you get it! symone sanders, very informed report card as we go into -- as you say, always busy times. good to see you, symone, on your first fallback. ida, thanks for coming on the beat. wish you both a great weekend. "the reidout with joy reid" starts right now. >> all right, everyone. good evening. we begin "the reidout" tonight with the conservative lovefest for the anti-vaccination canadian trucker protest. as've said before, this is not the grassroots movement of masses of outraged truckers that some in the media would want you to think it is. not even close. here are the facts, 90% of
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canadian truckers are vaccinated. and the canadian trucking alliance has said that many of the protesters have no connection whatsoever to the trucking industry. in fact, the ottawa police chief has said that a significant element from the united states has been involved in the funding and organization of the small but very disruptive little convoy. indeed, the american right is salivating over the chance to bring a similar protest to the united states. this should come as zero surprise, because this is not a new movement that just popped up during the pandemic. it has been here for decades, right in front of our eyes. in modern times, starting with the tea party. a lot of people worked very hard to make you think that the tea party was this spontaneous populist movement. but like almost everything in u.s. politics, it came straight from the top, from the financial elite. let's take a quick trip down memory lane, shall we? i'm sure you can recall in 2009 when cnbc's rick santelli had this meltdown on the floor of the chicago mercantile exchange.
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>> this is america! how many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills. raise your hand! president obama, are you listening?! we're thinking of having a chicago tea party in july. all you capitalists that want to show up to lake michigan, i'm going to start organizing. >> that comment sparked seemingly spontaneous protests across the country. but as jeff nesbitt points out in his book, "poisoned tea," the tea party's rise was orchestrated, well-funded, and deliberate, with the goal of breaking washington on behalf of the super rich. nesbitt detailed how the koch brothers teamed up with cigarette company phillip most, , knowing that know one would be the wiser or even care that these anti-tax groups would be jointly created and sfrundven f by the largest private oil company and the largest cigarette company in the world. it was perfect timing. stoking outrage over the
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affordable care act, which the democratic congress was only able to pass after nearly a year of vicious protests. and when senator al franken finally won his court fight over the race in minnesota, giving the party its crucial 60th vote. and with the obama hate at those rallies came rather predictable racism. the koch brothers' strategy failed to stop obamacare, but the tea party helped the republicans sweep the house in 2010. now, 2012 didn't go as well for them. president obama won a second term. and mitt romney absolutely tanked with minority voters. so republican strategists went home, they did some thinking, and came up with an autopsy report that stressed that they needed to show hispanic, black, asian, and gay americans that they cared about them, too. but a strategist named sean trendy had a different idea. he said that the 2012 elections actually weren't about a demographic explosion of non-white voters. instead, they were about a large group of white voters, not
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showing up. he said the real challenge was for republicans to figure out who these vanishing white voters were, why they stayed a home, and whether they could be reactivated in 2016. enter donald j. trump. the tea party crowd seamlessly morphed into magaism. after all, that is where birtherism was born. and when trump won, he did it by getting more white americans, particularly the same non-college white voters who fell in love with the tea party, to come to the polls. and republicans have recycled that same exact strategy multiple times since, with right-wing media and social media acting as accelerants, think anti-vaxers and qanon, and critical race theory freakouts and book bans, and now these candidatian truckers. in fact, some of the participants actually cross over. two qanon supporters were elected to congress in 2020, marjorie taylor greene and lauren boebert, and qanon helped fuel the insurrection, which
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members of the tea party movement were also involved in. so while the tea party is officially gone as a thing, it never really died. and now that same faux grassroots strategy is being applied to these anti-vaccination truckers. mother jones reports on white nationalists an anti-vaccination moms planning a copy cat convoy with this call to action on tiktok. you don't have to be a trucker. we're looking for mom vans, too! and it is not coincidental that these movement always seem to spring to life not long before elections, when democratic presidents are in office, or democrats control parts of the government. as the new republic put it, the biden era has provided grist to right-wing media mills and to republicans, but it has lacked a true tea party-like group on to which every culture war bubble can be stitched for endless info containment. in a group of canadian truckers, fox news thinks it's found the next golden goose.
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now it just needs to spark its own sbreergs existence. joining me now, al franken, "new york times" columnist, michelle goldberg, and nbc senior reporter, ben collins. you filled in that 60th vote when the fight over obamacare was producing these just absolutely vicious protests all across the country. but i think people forget that the tea party, the rant on the chicago mercantile exchange was not about health care. it was about cramdown. it was about the fear that the obama administration were going to let people that are over or underwater in their mortgages write down their mortgages and only pay what they owed. it was about regular people being able to benefit financially from government assistance. so they threw everything on top of it, but it then turned into a thing about obamacare. talk a little bit about the change that happened when you started to see some of these tea party people, including rand paul, you can name a bunch of them, who then wind up in the
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senate. they either wind up with power -- because that's what happened. the tea party actually produced political gains for republicans. how did that change the way things worked inside the senate in particular? >> you're right, we started getting these tea party types, including rand, and it was -- it was very upsetting, of course. now, they did very quickly shift to opposing the affordable care act and when they finally saw what the affordable care act was in 2017, when republicans tried to pass a health care bill that would have left 22 million people, taking their insurance away from them, people finally saw what was in the affordable care act, that's why we picked up 41 seats in the house in 2018. so, yeah, this is, right now,
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what we're seeing in canada is about the spread of disinformation. what's sad about this is that people are 45 times more likely to be hospitalized if they aren't vaccinated and boostered. 97% more likely to die. the number one cause of death in america now is joe rogan. that was a joke. >> yeah, i mean, yeah, it's funny and not funny. >> this is a recycling project that is much older than the tea party. you go back to the liberty league. the richest men in america, damn near planned a revolution to overthrow fdr to stop health care, to stop the new deal. you fast forward and some of the richest people in america try to do everything they can to stop there from being universal health care when obama is doing it. they do everything it takes.
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white nationalists jump in. the goal, the point senator franken is making, to make you fight that this tribal fight is more important than me getting health care. to the point that the father of the current governor of kentucky, the previous governor there, the democratic governor had to lie and say, this isn't obamacare, it's connect. and when a republican came in and tried to get rid of it, they were like, we want to keep our connect. they realized, connect and obamacare were the same thing. people were so angry about obamacare, but they wanted the health care. so tell me what in your view what the republican party actually thinks of its voters. they seem to understand if democrats could actually pass things like health care, it would be so popular, they wouldn't be able to get rid of it. they had to fight it on like tribal terms. >> so i tend to see these movements -- i mean, i think you're right that there's this top-down element to the funding and infrastructure building, but there is also, to use the phrase of philip rothen, there is this
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kind of strain of madness and conspiracyizing and resentment that really is a sort of a grassroots well spring for this stuff. so i think you have in some cases the republican party being incredibly cynical in fomenting this, but you also have the republican party sort of being pushed around by this. this is why you can see ron desantis being pushed around by donald trump by outflaking him on the anti-vax front. the republican party in some sense have no choice but to -- well, they have a choice, but from a purely mercenary point of view, it makes sense for them to indulge this sort of thing, because it is really where a lot of their voters are. >> you think about it, the old-school type of republican, day got their big tax cut out of trump and a lot of them bounced.
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the paul ryans are gone, some of these others are leaving. the flee our producers, they're leaving. the old-school republicans are leaving. now the tea party is like the base level. the qanons are the new people. and they get even wilder and weirder. ben, you've dope a lot of reporting on this. because it has eaten up the party, to the point it's not controllable by the mitch mcconnells. they have to go along with it because they can't fight it. you have a story out right now, the fomenting of this trucker brigade, it's being done through the usual means, facebook, social media, but in a interesting way that sort of co-ops existing facebook groups. can you talk a little bit about that? >> yeah. so there are some foreign elements here. in romania and in vietnam and in bangladesh, there are these content mills that are taking over these groups. they're taking previous pro-trump groups, just like generalized groups, that have 50 to 60,000 followers, renaming them trucker convoy groups, and
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they're selling her issue within that group. it's unclear if that herch is the end game. sometimes that's all it is. they took this over so they could sell some fake t-shirts from the internet. or it could be something difference. it could be an influence op. even influence operations have these fronts of these fake merchandise sales, as well. so one way or another, a lot of these groups, they're telling people to drive down the highway, get in a big rig and drive to d.c. >> and senator franken, as this takes over the party, it is like a wave that you either need to -- you either jump or just get knocked over by it. there are people that are the hard-core trump really won the election, which i think like 37% of republicans believe, that are running for congress, people who are running in order to try to disrupt the next election -- >> i think it's more. >> yeah, they're kind of everywhere. it's more than that. so i guess, what does that mean -- i mean, we're putting up on screen now that marjorie taylor greene's endorsement like second only to trump's in terms
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of what is useful to you as a candidate. so at a certain point, the republican center can't hold. there is no center. the center is the far-right. and i wonder what that means long-term for even the united states senate, which seems like it could very well turn into the house, just smaller and weirder. >> the republican party has become something almost unrecognizable, it was tough then, but it just got worse and worse and worse and worse. and yeah, this party, all he has to do is see what the rnc did, by calling legitimate political discourse, you know, gouging cops' eyes out and breaking their vertebrae. and this is who they are, and they're just awful don't get me
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started on ted cruz. he's encouraging this thing in canada, but it's hurting our economy. so now, the whole point about, we don't want these mandates, because they'll cause our economy to -- this is really hurting people in michigan and in the upper midwest. and it's really, really hypocritical and awful. >> marco rubio switched and was basically crowned king of the tea party. he was on the cover of a major magazine, he's the new king of the tea party. they all do it, they all play the game, because there are a lot of people who want this message. to show what the media is doing to help this out, this is just the fox news coverage. this is just a chart. this is how much they're getting. this is being fed into people's veins. this is being injected in through fox, and then to ben's
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point through social media. you can't escape it. it's a constant message that you need to be flanlged, because the tripe is under attack. that's it, they just changed the thing that's attacking. but it's always something of color, something, something critical race theory, something, something black people, something, something vaccine. >> i actually think it's worth recognizing what's new here. trucker con voice, we've actually seen con voice before. i remember them ranging through new york city before the election. but this idea of sort of oupging a downtown, of using, you know, it's perfectly legitimate to have protests, even to set up encampments, occupy did it. but anyone who's ever gone to a big protest knows it's pretty common for them to shut it down to traffic. this idea of using vehicles to really take over a big city. also to shut down international trade, this is a tactic that's seeing the success that it's had in ottawa, seeing the excitement that it's generated among the right-wing around the world. we are going to expect to see
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this in a lot more places. and i think -- and one other thing i think that's notable is that in canada, these encampments aren't armed, right? when they come to the united states, they're going to be. and so it's going to be an even more volatile situation. >> absolutely. i should note that a canadian judge has ordered the border bridge blockade to be cleared by 7:00 p.m. eastern time in ottawa. so we shall see what happens. thank you, senator al franken, michelle goldberg, ben collins, thank you very much. up next on "the reidout," mask mandates are beginning to fall all across this country, but is it the right time with 2,000 people still dying every day, almost all of them unvaccinated. plus -- >> the legend! ♪♪ ♪ don't you hear me calling to you, baby ♪ >> questlove, the director of the oscar-nominated documentary, "summer of soul," joins me. plus, the totally not
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so we have breaking news on pfizer's covid-19 vaccine for children under 5, but not the news many parents were hoping for. the food and drug administration and pfizer pushed the pause button today, saying they will wait for data on the effectiveness of three doses of the vaccine before the fda can authorize it for that age group. this means that parents anxious to vaccinate their babies will have to wait until at least april to do so. the news comes as the pandemic and how to move forward means different things to different people. covid hospitalizations are starting to decline after a surge in december and january, and states are moving to end mask mandates for indoor settings and schools. still, close to 2,600 americans are dying from covid per day, as a growing chorus says it's time to move on and open everything. with one writer for the atlantic saying the time to end pandemic
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restrictions is now. joining me now is the writer of that piece, yasha munk, author of "the great experiment: why diverse democracies fall apart and how they can endure" and wajahat ali, author of "go back where you came from." so this is kind of a debate, but the way i'm going to do it, since you wrote the piece, mr. munk, i'm going to read pieces of your piece, allow you to comment, and then allow mr. wajahat to respond. i'm the moderator in this situation. let me read the first chunk of what you wrote. you wrote, since social restrictions are strictest in those parts of the country where most people are vaccinated, they are unlikely to help those that are the most in need of protection in the way unvaccinated states. please explain. >> here's the great news, we have incredibly effective vaccines against this disease. it's a great shame that not all
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americans are availing themselves of those. there's still a lot of people that haven't gotten vaccinated, so the question is, how should we treat them. at the moment, we treat them in a really paradoxical way. at the one hand, there are a lot of people who celebrate when prominent anti-vaxers die of the disease. on the other hand, one of the big reasons we still have a lot of frustrations is that there are some people who are still at risk because they haven't gotten vaccinated. to me, that's completely backwards. every victim of this pandemic deserves our compassion, even if they made bad choices, even if they didn't choose to protect themselves against this disease. we have to have compassion for our fellow citizen. but there's no reason why we should be stopping ourselves from leading a normal life because people have chosen not to get vaccinated and are still vulnerable to it. and since it's places like the blue states, which have the most protections, the most
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restrictions, and there's places like red states, in which the most people are unvaccinated, a lot of it is not actually very effective. if i wear a mask here in new york which is highly vaccinated, it's not going to help a lot of the unvaccinated people in missouri or in missouri or in tennessee to be protected from covid. >> wajahat ali, your response? >> yeah, i'm glad we're now in the pro-death, pro-covid, f-them kids portion of the pandemic. we started with f grandma and grandpa to get herd immunity. i just came back from new york, the gazpacho police, who are oppressing new york, things were open. it wasn't that bad. i went on the subway, on the amtrak. all things are being asked to do is vaccinate, so you don't go to the hospital and don't die, number two, wear mask so you don't spread the infection. and for those people who traveled to the gazpacho police, i have an immunosuppressed daughter.
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kids under 5, i have one named hadija, she's 2 years old. she's not vaccinated. there's the elderly, others who are immunosuppressed, and in this absurd country, where 61,000 people died in january, and 10,000 people died over four days and 3,000 people died yesterday, only 70% of this country is unvaccinated, which means 30% of those people run vaccinated and many are also not masked. so that means they spread this disease. and yasha came out with a piece last year that said, take off the masks, in may of 2021, take off the masks. what happened in the summer? delta. then omicron. so people are dying. i'm not asking you to do much. i'm just asking you to care about everyone else, because we live in a country, in a community, wear a mask, wear a vaccine, that's my response to that section of the article. >> let me go back to you just a second on this, yasha mounk. what about the fact that even in
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new york in a place that's highly vaccinated, little kids can't be vaccinated. and people like immunocompromised, like wajahat's kids and other kids, they can't be vaccinated. they don't have it. why not continue to mask to protect children and the continued vulnerable? >> first of all, wajahat is making me out to be some kind of general opponent of measures to contain this pandemic. i was actually one of the first people to write an article in the atlantic on the 6th of march 2020, saying that we are not taking this pandemic seriously enough. we need to have real restrictions in order to deal with a various that was then surging, that was actually overburdening hospitals in places like new york city. the question is, what is our game plan here? what is the actual purpose of these restrictions? to the beginning, it was supposed to be to root out the virus. we have all realized that zero covid is not going to work, that we will have to find a way of living with the virus.
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later it became, flatten the curve, make sure the hospitals aren't overburdened. they are now not overburdened. we are on the downslope of the omicron wave. we don't just have vaccines, we also have a new generation of over-the-counter covid pills, which can be taken at home rather than in the emergency room, when people get diagnosed, which is going to cut serious disease and mortality by 90% additionally. and so, the question is, do we keep on with restrictions forever? do we continue not to lead a normal life for the indefinite future, or do we at some point recognize that there has always been some amount of infectious disease, but actually, amounts of infectious disease are much lower than they were 25 or 50 or 100 years ago in this country. that the risk to children is very low and we need to at some point decide we are going to reenter life.
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and this is not just about wearing a mask, which i am perfectly happy to do and i absolutely do where is suggested. it's about, for example, that social security offices are closed to such an extent that widows of people who have died of covid have been unable to access their survivor's benefits. it is the fact that it is very hard to get a new driving license, because government offices are closed. it's the fact that children have to wear a mask during the whole of the school day. it's not about wearing a mask, it is about whether or not we're able to connect with each other, to access government services, and all the other benefits that we have when we are able to socialize. >> let me give wajahat ali the last word on this. your response? >> you might be done with covid, but covid isn't done with you. you and barrio weiss might be over covid, because you want to go to parties, like you mentioned in your article and go to restaurants, but guess what, everyone's over covid. we're not sociopaths, but i care
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about people and 61,000 americans died and i care about elders and those who are immunosuppressed and i care about those who are getting breakthrough cases. i care about this article that says even a mild case of covid leads to long-term health -- heart disease. so all we have to do in this country is not be a harry ellis from die-hard. do not be selfish -- >> for how long? >> if you want to get -- >> for 50 years? how long? >> if you want to get on the team, i'm just asking you to do two things. get vaccinated and wear a mask. and then you can go and party all you want. and by the way, this is a once in a lifetime pandemic. i'm not asking you to storm the beaches of normandy. we know you wouldn't. i'm asking you to wear a mask, get vaccinated, and just care. give an "f" about people during a pandemic. we're still in it. and then you can go to your parties with barry weiss. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. please continue this on social media. we'll have you back, because i want to continue the conversation. this is the confers that's happening in the world.
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i wanted you to hear two sides of it and you can decide where you stand on it and keep the conversation going on social. i wish we had more time, yasha mounk and wajahat ali. coming up next, questlove is here to talk about his oscar-nominated documentary, "summer of soul." stay with us. oscar-nominated documentary, "summer of soul. "summer of soul. stay with usy of movement. feeling sluggish or weighed down? it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't working at it's best taking metamucil everyday can help. metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. it also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic metamucil. support your daily digestive health. and try metamucil fiber thins. a great tasting and easy way to start your day.
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celebrating! whoo! for most americans, the summer of 1969 is often associated with the iconic music festival woodstock. but you probably didn't know that 100 miles to the south, also in new york, an equally fun, nominal music festival was taking place at the same time. thanks to first-time director and founding member of the roots, mary "questlove" thompson, now you knew. with the incredible and now oscar-nominated documentary, "summer of soul," the long overlooked harlem cultural festival has finally gotten its due. >> we brought everything to the park. you know, the blankets, the vaseline for the knees. it was the ultimate black barbecue. and then you start to hear music. and someone speaking, and you knew it was something bigger.
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>> the fifth dimension! >> the event drew more than 300,000 over marcus garvey park in harlem and featured b.b. king, the list goes on and on and on. through new interviews, the artists tell their stories of that epic moment in black culture. >> gladys knight! >> when i stepped on stage, i was totally, totally taken aback. because i didn't expect a crowd like that. >> and the pips! ♪ i bet you wonder how i knew ♪ ♪♪ ♪ it took me by surprise ♪ ♪ when i found out yesterday ♪ ♪ don't you know that i heard it
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through the grapevine ♪ >> okay, it isn't just a collection of unbelievable performances, "summer of soul" chronicles black history at one of the most turbulent periods of the 21st century and it is so good. joining me now is questlove. first of all, congratulations on the oscar nomination for your first directing effort. that's pretty badass. let's talk about this movie. i enjoyed it so much, but i have to admit, it took me so long to watch it, because i kept zooming in -- i kept going close to the screen and trying to see if i could see my mama in the crowd. that's all i wanted to know, was my mama there. this is so epic and i didn't know it existed at all. talk about the origins of creating this film and how, how, how did you get all of this amazing stuff? >> i think for people that know me relatively well, know that i'm kind of under the hashtag music snob category, so when these two gentlemen are telling me about this mythical harlem festival that was like the equivalent of black woodstock, to 300,000 people, and you
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couldn't find it -- you couldn't google information, none of my music experts knew anything about it. i kind of was cynical. as if this even happened or not? you know what i mean? and so, i didn't quite believe that this was a thing, and then when they brought me the evidence, which is like 40 hours worth of footage, and even then, i was sorting, maybe the sound is bad, maybe the audio is horrible. even then, you know, i got more cynical -- more defensive. like, wait, why do y'all want me to do it? how'd this wind up in my lap? why not spike, why not, you know? so you know, that was three years ago. and, i have to say that this is probably one of the most life-change things i've done besides, you know, tell my dad i'm not going to juilliard and start a band.
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>> well, listen, you made all the right decisions. let's just tell your dad that. he should understand that. here's the thing, it is literally every single one of my favorite group. this is all the music i love, this is the music i still love. this is so epic, that i cannot believe that a music festival with this ma superstars from plaque music, from american music, from music, period, was an unknown thing. how did this thing fall through the cracks of american history? how? >> i think, you know, in the beginning, i didn't know if i had a direct answer to it, but, but it finally hit me, you know, especially watching your channel a lot and seeing the evidence of it, a lot of times, i think when people think of racist acts or whatever, they're thinking about the most extreme, violent versions of it, like castration or, you know, fire bombs or that sort of thing, but, you know, there's also like benign levels
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of racism as well, that come in the form of passive-aggressiveness, or just a scant dismissiveness, like, uh, no big deal. and the thing that sort of burnt me to the core was the fact that, you know, i -- i arrived at this place of euphoria in my journey of music without this film. but can you imagine the millions of children and the millions of lives that could have been affected had they had this film to see when they were five, six years old, the same way that prince watched santana as an 11-year-old, watching the woodstock film? like, this film could have also inspired. like, you see the way the audience is watching nina simone during this performance. this could have saved lives. this could have changed perceptions. because not many people count
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black joy as an actual, important component in our story. so, that's -- >> amen. and listen -- the thing is, this is during the same -- this is the same year they were creating "sesame street" for that very reason, of saying, kids need this positive affirmation through education, through music, through song. it's the same era. i've got to talk -- you mentioned kids. you're doing a children -- a cartoon series. you're doing something for disney jr., an animated series. tell us what that is. >> oh, rise up, sing out. i think that we kind of got bitten by the bug when we did that juneteenth blackish episode, it was like, you know, a little schoolhouse rock interstitial things. this is sort of that, but for something that i would have needed as a kid. like, what happens when you get called out of your name? what happens when someone pulls your hair. what happens ---ion, there's a lot of questions that kids of color have that were deemed
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controversial, you know, maybe even ten years ago, these were things you couldn't bring up. and i applaud disney for kind of ripping the band-aid off and really getting to the core of the matter. these are like little two-minute interstitial songs that both myself and the rest of the roots put together, called "rise up, sing out." >> and by the way, black thought, if you guys are not up on this, please -- you need to be up on him. he's one of the greatest rappers, i believe, of all time. and you're one of the greatest musicians of all time. questlove, there's something i need to ask you. you tell a story that dr. dre sampled your parents in "nuttin but a g man." please explain. >> my father was an oldies doop singer back in the '50s.
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and by the time i was born, he was having his second go-round, as in, they had a group called congress alley back in 173. the albums, you can search it on streaming sites. it's there. the album didn't do much, but for some reason, you know, it was sampleable. and imagine watching "nuth in but a gthang" and hearing my mom moaning. questlove, congratulations. i'm so proud of you. thank you so much. "summer of soul" is streaming on hulu or you can watch it on abc for free on sunday, february 20th at 8:00 p.m. eastern. you should watch it. you will love it. straight ahead, but her
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e-mails! the republican lawmakers keep finding new and innovative ways to demonstrate their galling hypocrisy. this week it's their deafening silence on trump's mishandling of official white house records. yum, yum, yum, he ate some of them. stay right there. yum, yum, he them them stay right there you guys aren't gonna give me the fake bill fight? c'mon, kev. you're earning 3% cash back. humor me. where is my wallet? i am paying. where is my wallet i thought i gave it to you. oooohhh? oh, that's not it either. no. no. stop, i insist. that was good though. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. does sinus congestion and pressure make breathing feel impossible especially at night? try vicks sinex. unlike most sinus treatments, it provides instant relief that lasts up to 12 hours. its powerful decongestant targets congestion at the source, with a dual action formula that relieves nasal congestion
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in an extraordinary move today, president biden rebuked the taliban by moving to freeze and split $7 billion in assets deposited in the u.s. by the former government of afghanistan, steering half to the suffering afghan people as humanitarian aid and the other half to families of the victims of 9/11 who have active lawsuits against the group. the president also met with european leaders as russia continues its unprovoked military buildup on the ukraine border and he will again speak with vladimir putin tomorrow. in other words, biden is busy presidenting. meanwhile, republican lawmakers are doing other things. attempting, for instance, to dance away from the oopsie when their political arm called the violent insurrection legitimate
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political discourse. they have tied themselves in knots trying to justify the absurd double standards that have come to define their party. this is a supposedly pro-law enforcement party that's going along with trump's idea that the january 6th defendants deserve pardons, wile the capitol police, who were beaten and bludgeoned that day deserve blame. it's a party that's taking credit for infrastructure spending, after they voted against it. and it's a party that wanted hillary clinton locked up for mishandling her e-mails, but turns a blind eye when donald trump illegally steals and destroys public records from the white house, including possibly flushing them down the toilet. the hypocrisy is pretty stunning, given how relentlessly trump and his party went after secretary clinton for far less. >> people who have nothing to hide don't bleach -- nobody's ever heard of it -- don't bleach their e-mails, or destroy evidence to keep it from being publicly archived, as required under federal law. >> hillary clinton on her email
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server had 22 top-secret e-mails. >> there's a pattern here of non-transparency, i guess, is the real concern for most people. >> she put classified information on her computer. >> she put america's secrets at risk for her convenience. >> no other american could get away with this. >> if i did what she did, i would be in jail. >> okay, now some of those same republicans, like senator lindsey graham have suddenly come down with selective amnesia. here's graham, then and now. first on clinton, then on trump. >> 18 devices possessed by secretary clinton, she used to do business as secretary. how many of them were turned over to the fbi? none. >> a lot of reporting about the national archives, the national archives, having concern about former president trump's removal of papers. >> let 'em look into it. ha-ha. >> would have any concerns about papers being -- >> i don't know anything about it, i don't know if he did anything.
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i don't know what the rules are. all right? anything else? >> awe, the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. with me now jamie harrison, chair of the democratic national committee. thank you so much for being here. i just have to get your you are the head of the dnc. so, messaging, this is your game here. what do you do in a party like that? it is so hypocritical it is almost comedic. there are only a couple of those people i showed in that montage up for reelection, including marc rubio. what do you plan to do messaging wise about this? >> joy, one, i am chuckling because you do not find lindsey graham getting in front of a camera and not having much to say. that is because he is scared of what he will get at mar-a-lago. [laughs] it said, joy, to look at this. the party of lincoln is no more. the party of trump is a party built on fraud, fear and
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fascism. and that is the moniker that has to be on this party as we go into the midterm elections. this legitimate political discourse -- how many people do you know, joy, take paper and either chop it up and eat it or flush it down the toilet or whip it up in shreds? that is what we see with this former president, from the gop. and now all these folks who talk about hillary clinton's emails don't have a damn thing to say about the fact that this guy has top secret documents in boxes down in mar-a-lago, when he knew and his people knew that those documents needed to stay in washington d.c. at the national archives. it shows the hypocrisy, it shows that they are a party of nothing. and we cannot allow them to get the power that they so, so desperately want. >> there is a certain shamelessness to it that you
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know, if you do it so shamelessly, it is sort of built into the media expectations. they don't get asked about it as much as they really, honestly, should. i am thinking of this arizona guy. he bought a super bowl ad, he is running. he is literally a year after people stormed into the room capitol and hunted speaker pelosi, chanted hang mike pence, broader news, when we know the volatility of the far-right, that includes white nationalist elements chiming in. he did an ad in which he showed, basically, a mock up of shooting at speaker pelosi, president biden and mark kelly, whose wife was literally shot by an assailant. let's play a little bit of that. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> the good people of arizona have had enough of you. it is time for a showdown. [noise] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> oh! >> that is a year after the insurrection, which they have now called legitimate political discourse. what are your thoughts? >> it goes to show that the republicans do not care who they put up, joy. there is no litmus test for decency in that party anymore. gabby giffords, ten years ago, was shot. mark kelly has become a good friend, gaby was a good friend of mine. that is disgusting to see this in that state, it's disgusting in the climate we are in now. but if you look at the pack of juvenile delinquents in the house right now, in the gop conference, and you see that mitch mcconnell really does not
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care. he has herschel walker, and some reports came out today about herschel walker -- on a possible shootout because of interactions with his wife. they do not care about the quality of people. they just want a body that they can put up so they can take power. they do not care. >> you are in a position now where -- can return. let's start with infrastructure. you have a lot of these republicans who were in their states touting the infrastructure bill. they actually voted against it and they railed against it and said it was the worst thing ever. now they are at home running ads on it. in the house, the dccc could run out against them. are democrats going to run ads against these people and make their hypocrisy plain? on things like this and on things like january 6th? >> joy, they will have ads run against them. they are already putting up
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digital ads against them, calling out the hypocrisy of these people who have said that they do not want the money. it is about social issues. all about, once they get the money, they will lay claim for it. so, if you voted no, you cannot take credit for the bill. we are also going to launch a number of truth squads. when we have these groundbreaking is in some of these states, we are going to send some volunteers and democrats to go to these groundbreaking's with signs and let people know, talking to newspapers and tv stations, letting people know that these people did not vote for this legislation. therefore, they cannot take the credit. th>> jaime harrison, we will see what happens. the message man for the democratic party, thank you very much, we appreciate you. we will be right back. we will be right back.
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just stop. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. that is that is tonight's start stopping with nicorette.
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readout, next week on monday, we will be in los angeles, where we will be doing a post
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super bowl show. it'll be great, we're gonna talk nfl, all the race issues in the nfl, we may talk about the game, depending on who we have on, i do not have a dog in the fight in terms of who wins this football game. i'm just going to the halftime show, because the halftime show will be from the greatest musical air ever. cannot wait to see the halftime show, that is today's readout, whoever you're rooting for hope they win, i'm even, hit four and square. all in with chris hayes starts now. hit four and tonight on all in. >> with people i've been properly prosecuted for january 6th. >> these are the people who want to run your government. >> in a lot of ways, people at the capitol on january 6th were heroes, in trying to preserve who is actually elected. >> tonight, the republicans campaigning on anti


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