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tv   Yasmin Vossoughian Reports  MSNBC  February 12, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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hi, everybody, i'm yasmin vossoughian. if you are just joining us, welcome. if you are still with us, thanks for sticking around. so, we have two big developing stories this hour, a dramatic scene in canada as police move in on anti-vaccine protesters who have been blocking a bridge crucial to the u.s. economy. truckers costing other workers money and all but crippling the u.s. auto industry. we are also following the latest developments in a potential russian invasion of ukraine that could come at any any moment now. we are getting more details on the president's phone call with the russian president. also this hour, the latest on the former president, donald trump's mishandling of white house documents, including top secret ones, an issue that once again reveals the former president's hypocrisy.
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>> people who have nothing to hide don't bleach. nobody's ever heard of it. don't bleach their emails or destroy evidence to keep it from being publicly archived as required under federal law. >> we want to begin, though, with that breaking news in canada. protesters challenging vaccine mandates continue to gather near ontario's ambassador bridge that serves as a major connecter between the u.s. and canada, crippling trade on both sides, by the way, of the border. with me now more to talk about this, we have nbc's cal perry in windsor, canada, for us. also, carl evers. cal, you and i spoke at the top of the hour, just around 3:00 p.m. and you talked about how, essentially, these protesters are standing their ground, despite the fact that they were asked to leave, not only were they standing their ground. the crowd was actually growing. where are we this hour?
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>> reporter: yeah, we've moved up so we can show you where the police are and how they have set up. about a quarter of a mile behind them, you will see the ambassador bridge, that is the busiest land crossing in north america. these protesters say they are going to stay. now, they stress, and they've been telling me, they are peacefully moving back as the police slowly move and methodically move and have since 7:00 a.m. the protesters are moving back. there was word that spread, be it online or be it on the television, that this was happening, and so you had people come from town and you can see some folks are engaging with the police, but again, it has been completely peaceful since we've been here. now, for the government's part, the u.s. and the canadian government, they very much want this to end. i'm sorry, sir. >> you're good. >> reporter: the president of the united states calling the prime minister yesterday and saying it needs to come to an immediate end, the prime minister saying that that would happen. it will re -- remains to be seen what happens. carry something out and they got caught a little bit off
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guard by the number of people that were out here. last night, it was a handful of people. today, it seems to be in the hundreds and the folks here, again, say they're not going anywhere, yasmin. >> all right, carl, let's talk about the implications of all this, right? kind of the domino effect. you have been following this story really closely. the protests having a particularly detrimental impact upon auto industries in both countries. you actually write that auto workers in michigan may have lost as much as $51 million in wages this week alone due to production slowdowns. how much longer can they feasibly survive these blockades? >> there's a feeling around the auto industry that if these were to go on for a few weeks, we would see -- we would start to see a lot of layoff because, basically, automakers, if they can't get their hands on parts, they have to shut down the factories. they have to shut down their plants. they have to shut down production of all new cars,
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which would mean that they would also have to let workers go for a short time. so, there is certainly a fear that if this was to keep going, the disruptions would be so much that we would shut down protection of a lot of the biggest car brands in the u.s. >> is there any indication, karl, that they're having conversations, the auto industry, leaders in the auto industry, are having conversations with the canadian government to try and get something done, considering these massive wage losses that they're seeing? >> well, there's been a lot of pressure from canadian and u.s. business interests. this is not just hitting the american economy, of course, it's also hitting these canadian auto manufacturers, part suppliers, so you know, the canadian business community has really been pushing to try to end this blockade as well. so, i think there's been a lot of communication between those two, and they've both been
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pushing their respective governments to try to fix this. >> what's the end game, here, cal perry? what's the end game here as we're taking a look at these protests? what are police looking to achieve? when do we expect this to wrap up? this has been ongoing now for quite some time. >> reporter: i think they would like to have it wrapped up by now. i don't know if there's going to be a resource conversation following this, if there's going to be a conversation about what happened, but this is a vital, vital economic roadway. you couldn't pick a better pressure point to attract attention, and i think the pressure is only going to ratchet up. you can guarantee, based on these conversations that we're having, that the pressure is only going to ratchet up from the american side to get this done, yasmin. >> cal perry for us, karl evers-hillstrom, thank you, guys, appreciate it. i want to turn to ukraine. we're following a high-stakes phone call between the president and vladimir putin a short time ago, threats of a russian invasion are still a very real possibility. joining me once again is mike memoli and also joining me, bill
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taylor. bring us up to date on this phone call between the president and putin. what actually took place? what, if anything, were they able to achieve? >> well, yasmin, this call lasted just over an hour. it took place just a few hours after secretary of state tony blinken spoke with his russian counterpart, really just the escalating number of calls between top russian officials, top u.s. officials as well as our top allies has increased significantly. but think about the journey since december 7th. that's when president biden first had a virtual conversation with president putin. since then, we've seen more russian forces amassing on the ukraine border, both in russia but also now belarus, something very much concerning to the u.s. we've also seen the u.s. become increasingly public about the warnings, about what would be the consequences for russia should they move ahead with an invasion, but also increasingly specific about what they think is happening, what the intelligence is telling them about what russia might specifically do. jake sullivan at the white house
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yesterday saying a rapid assault could happen starting with an air bombardment followed by a ground invasion. all of this coming as russia continues to deny. they call this hysteria, that this is even taking place. what was significant, though, was hearing in the readout from u.s. officials that president biden, in this case, was direct to president putin about the consequences should u.s. citizens be harmed in any invasion. now, all of this coming as the white house continues to insist there's a diplomatic path but also potentially this path of deterrence. secretary of state tony blinken talked about this earlier today. let's take a listen. >> if russia chooses the path of aggression, it will face massive consequences, which we have outlined repeatedly and again, not just from us, but from allies and partners around the world. and we're, as i noted, in very close coordination and collaboration with them. so, president putin will have to decide which path to follow. we are prepared either way.
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it's clear what the responsible path is. >> the white house official who spoke with reporters after the call today saying, again, that they have no sense firmly whether president putin is deciding to try to advance his goals, either diplomatically or through force. but as the official went on to say, they want to give russia every opportunity here to find an off ramp diplomatically before they would escalate the u.s. response at this stage. it's significant, we're really at the point, as jake sullivan said yesterday, can't pinpoint the day, can't pinpoint the hour, but they think this could happen at any moment. >> so, ambassador taylor, every opportunity to resolve this thing diplomatically, short of giving the russian president exactly what he wants, which is take away support for nato, for ukraine, when it comes to joining nato if not now or in the future. so it seems to me, as i'm viewing this situation, that invasion seems inevitable. you have a strong man who has amassed over 100,000 troops on the ukrainian border. you have folks saying it could
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be bluster. he could be bluffing, which, obviously, vladimir putin does not like to be told that he is bluffing with something like this. and he is not going to get what he wants, because biden has said that, that he will not give putin what he wants. so, what do you expect to happen here? >> yasmin, i expect president putin to do the calculations that secretary blinken just outlined, and those calculations will show president putin that the costs are so much greater than the benefits. it's not clear, yasmin, what big benefit to russia he gets from an invasion. he wants ukraine not to join a defensive alliance. you know, the russian people are not supportive of this invasion, of this attack on ukraine. one of the big costs that president putin may have to face is russian people opposing this, going to the streets to oppose this.
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this is -- this could well be -- it clearly is an attempt by president putin to intimidate president zelensky of ukraine but also an attempt to intimidate president biden, and to president zelensky's credit and president biden's credit, they are not intimidated. they are standing firm. they are not blinking at this poker table. >> when tony blinken, secretary of state, spoke with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, lavrov accused the u.s. ambassador of provoking this flick. conflict. what do you make of that? >> yasmin, no one takes this seriously. let's take a look at the 130 or 140,000 troops that are arrayed around the ukrainian border. >> so, who's lavrov's audience, ambassador? who's lavrov's audience in saying that? >> clearly, there may be an audience in russia for this kind of a statement. if he wants to try to build
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support for an invasion. like i say, the support's not there. right now, the russian people are not supportive of this invasion, so lavrov must be trying to change that perception. >> talk to me through the logistics of evacuating an embassy there. we know the u.s. government urging folks to leave ukraine along with nonessential employees at the embassy as well. >> so, this is a serious step. this is a prudent serious step. if there is a real chance, as jake sullivan said yesterday, of an aerial bombardment, of big cities, including kyiv, then it's prudent to reduce the number of americans, reduce the number of people who would be at risk. so this is a prudent step. the american embassy, the u.s. embassy there in kyiv, will continue to operate at a very reduced staff. they're making some plans, as we
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heard as well, to provide some services out in the western part of the country in case it's impossible to do work in kyiv. however, as jake said yesterday, jake sullivan said yesterday, the decision -- a decision, mr. putin's decision to invade has not yet been made. he hasn't decided. he can still be deterred. he can still do that calculation that we talked about, that the costs are very high and the benefits are not. >> so, we also heard the u.s. essentially saying, listen, if the russian president decides to invade ukraine, we are ready. and we know what they mean by that. we will level these massive sanctions against the russian president along with his country. you know, we will continue to funnel weapons to ukraine to support them with that and their fight against russians. however, as we heard from the president, they will not go so far as to go to war with moscow over ukraine. >> president biden's been very clear. he's not going to send combat
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troops into ukraine to help the ukrainians fight the russians. the ukrainians have been fighting the russians, yasmin, as we know, for eight years, since 2014 when they first invaded. they've been -- so the ukrainians know this fight. this is a bigger force than the ukrainians have had to face in the past, but they know this fight and they know that nato is not prepared, is not ready, doesn't have to, is not obligated to send military troops in to help them fight. and yasmin, the ukrainians have not asked for u.s. troops. they know that they've got to fight this on their own, and they're preparing. they're preparing to defend as well as they can. they've got a smaller army, undoubtedly, than the russians. the russians have a great capability. but if the russians attack, if mr. putin decides to attack, the ukrainians will exact a high price. there will be many, many russian soldiers who will die in this, and they will go home to russian towns and villages across the country, and again, there will
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be families who will not be happy with this invasion. >> how worried are you, ambassador? >> yasmin, i still think there's -- i still think that president putin will make the right decision. i still think it's about a 55% chance he will not invade and a 45% chance that he will. >> true blue diplomat as you are. ambassador bill taylor, thank you so much. appreciate that. that is why you do what you do. coming up, everybody, the view from congress on the potential russian invasion of the ukraine. what the potential risks for u.s. forces in europe, if it happens. we're going to talk to a former marine, congressman conor lamb. plus accusations against former president trump that he flushed key evidence about his activities that was meant to be archived. how the tables have turned. >> where are those servers? they're missing. where are they? what happened to hillary clinton's emails? 33,000 emails, gone. to hillary clinton's emails clinton's emails 33,000 emails, gone.♪ i think to myself ♪
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welcome back. the house oversight committee has announced an investigation into 15 boxes of documents that were improperly taken from the white house by trump to mar-a-lago. and according to "new york times" reporter maggie haberman's new book, white house staff periodically found records clogging the toilet, believing that the former president was the one who flushed them. trump, of course, has denied this as simply made-up but tles let's take a quick trip back to 2016 when trump and other republicans hounded hillary clinton for her use of a private email server, something trump called bigger than watergate. >> people who have nothing to hide don't bleach -- nobody's ever heard of it -- don't bleach their emails or destroy evidence to keep it from being publicly archived as required under federal law. >> hillary clinton on her email
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server had 22 top secret emails. >> she put classified information on her computer. >> if i did what she did, i would be in jail. >> so, now, it's 2022, and these new reports accuse the former president himself of mishandling white house records. all of this also comes as the january 6th select committee has discovered gaps in trump's call logs from the day of the capitol riot, finding little record of calls with republican lawmakers that the panel knows he made. i want to bring in charlie sykes and basil smikle, public policy program director for the roosevelt house institute at hunter college and former executive director of the new york state democratic party. welcome to you both. charlie, let me start with you on this one, because you know, i can't help but think about lock her up over and over again when we hear about these 15 boxes that were seized from mar-a-lago, not only from the former president but mike flynn as well. we have played it on this
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network numerous times and here we have the former president literally walking out with files, classified files, and bringing them to his florida estate and now being investigated for it. how ironic is all of this? >> well, thanks for that question. it would be ironic if irony had not been beaten to death with hammers about a thousand times over the last six years. i mean, look, this is a man who, you know -- this is a man who has the ethics of a mob boss, who has shown, you know, complete contempt for legal norms, believes that he is above the law. this is completely consistent with everything that we have seen about him, but also, it is interesting, this incredible reversal on matters of principle. this was a huge issue back in 2016 and you know, try to find a single republican today who will think this is a fundamentally important issue, because we have seen the almost infinite capacity of republican
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politicians to abandon principle or to reverse the polarities when it is convenient in the age of donald trump. so, again, the hypocrisy, the irony, but also the consistency of donald trump's contempt for obeying the law and this is a reminder, how many of our rules and laws are based on an honor system? the assumption that the president of the united states will not be someone who will flout these laws, who will not violate these laws, but then you put donald trump in the oval office, this is inevitable. >> it brings up such a good point, right, that so much of these laws and this legislation was based on an honor system considering that someone would be in the white house that would not flout -- tough to say -- any of these rules, and yet here we are when it comes to the former president, basil, and it's a moment, i should say, that democrats could really seize on, especially if this was obviously 2024 and the former president was actually running for re-election. running for president once again.
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but is there a way democrats can seize on this now? >> well, i'll tell you, personally, the way i'm doing it. i went to the onward website and bought a hat that says, "but her emails." so i'm going to be wearing that hat as much as i can do remind everybody that we talked about this. we talked about this until we were blue in the face and said that this man is, if he wins, is going to turn around, as charlie says, and do everything that he accused hillary and the democrats of doing and a lot of people are not going to care and that's exactly what's happened, and so the challenge for democrats is this. you know, in the past, when you look at people like -- presidents like barack obama, bill clinton, when they wanted to move to the center, when they wanted to bring other people into the conversation, they sort of managed the policy a little bit. they sort of went to the center. what republicans seem bent on doing is actually removing people from our democratic process. we can see that in the
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legislation to restrict voting. we see that, even the surgeon general in florida can't even bring himself to say that he got vaccinated, even though donald trump did get the vaccination, because they're so concerned about the blowback. so, the challenge for democrats, really, is to just -- is to try and get ahead of this and say, as you're trying to take people out of the process, we're going to make sure we're bringing more people into it so that we can nullify, we can push back against all of these efforts. it's a daunting and difficult task. there's no question about it. but that seems to be their strategy. they've created a world and an environment where the rules don't matter. and there are so many people that actually feel comfortable in that space, so we have to remind folks who were on the fence, if there are enough of them, to say, this is -- that's not a world you want to be in, because it's a slippery slope, and here's the alternative. >> charlie, i want to play for you some sound from congresswoman nancy mace, who was out front of trump tower,
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and i want to just tell folks that this is an individual who said that trump was responsible for the insurrection and then watch this video with that in mind. >> i'm in front of trump tower today, and remember in 2015 when president trump announced his run. i was one of his earliest supporters. i actually worked for the campaign in 2016. i worked at seven different states across the country to help get him elected. i supported him again in 2020 because the policies, i believed in. as a strong fiscal conservative, i believe in putting america first. >> you know what i find fascinating, charlie, is that kinzinger and cheney don't need to be all alone on this. they are, obviously, when it comes to republicans, but they don't need to be. we keep talking about the fact that the republican party is now the party of trump. but if they decided, as a party, not to be, they could change that narrative. but for some reason, they are
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choosing still to remain in that camp, despite all the things they have said, historically, you know, from lindsey graham to nancy mace, about how they feel this former president was responsible for the insurrection, how he was not someone who should be elected to the highest office in the land. lindsey graham back in 2015, i believe, but they're choosing to stay in his camp over and over again. >> they are, and a little bit of context there. nancy mace recorded that in front of trump tower the day after donald trump endorsed her opponent in the primary because she is insufficiently trumpian. now, here is somebody who has tried to kiss up to donald trump, who has tried to appease him. he has thrown her under the bus because she got into a fight with marjorie taylor greene, and there she is in front of trump tower, you know, taping herself, pledging her loyalty and her fealty to this guy who has just humiliated her. so, the republican party is not just a cult. it is a cult of
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self-humiliation. you know, you make the point, this is a matter of choice. and the choice that republicans have made over and over again is not to take the off ramp, not to do the right thing, not to take a strong stand. be to go along, and you know, nancy mace is just another one of those examples that you can humiliate yours, you can appease donald trump, you can abandon your principles, and it is still not enough. he keeps asking for more. it's not enough, for example, to simply support him. now, you must believe his big lie, but that's not enough. now you have to support his version of january 6th. in my home state of wisconsin, even that is not enough. you actually have to support, you know, rescinding the electoral college votes, and yet the republicans keep thinking somehow that they can ride this tiger or that they can grow the baby alligator in the bathtub and it's not going to grow big
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and come out and start eating them. that was a cringeworthy moment from congresswoman mace. >> sometimes i think the former president is just messing with them, seeing how far he can actually go and to see if they're going to continue to support them. i want to play one more thing for you, basil. a super bowl ad from arizona senate candidate jim lemans. >> it's the d.c. gang. >> well, if it isn't big jim lamon. >> the good people of arizona have had enough of you. it's time for a showdown. >> his opponent, basil, is senator kelly. and you think about what took place with gabby giffords, what happened to her, to her life. >> yeah.
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i got to tell you, that's damn scary to me to see something like that, given what you said, absolutely, about gabby giffords, to know there was a violent insurrection at the nation's capitol on january 6th. that was incredibly scary. and the point -- the bigger point that i would want to make is even though we're saying that it's trump's party, my biggest fear is that he can not even control what he is wrought at this point. and if that is the case, then we are on a very, very fast track to what one of my colleagues, who's teaching right now, talks about in terms of democratic backsliding, that we are so far gone that we may never get back to the place that we want to be at as a nation, and then all the rules, all the rules for everyone have gone by the wayside and that is a scary place to be. but when you see ads like that, where is the decorum? where is the respect? >> no respect. >> it's all out the window.
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it's all out the window. >> charlie sykes, basil smikle, thank you both. we are closely following fast-moving developments on the situation in ukraine. we're going to talk about what's at stake for the u.s. military if russia invades with a member of the house veterans committee. y if russia invades with a member if russia invades with a member of the house veterans committee it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils.
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(man) ooooooo. (vo) but there's just something about being well-adventured. (vo) adventure has a new look. discover more in the all-new subaru forester wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. welcome back. we continue to follow that breaking news out of canada. you are looking live at toronto where a protest is also now taking place in addition to the one at the border in windsor. demonstrators are also there to challenge covid mandates. canadian police continue their work to remove demonstrators from ambassador bridge after weeks of blockades. we're going to bring you more on this as it unfolds. the biden administration is preparing for the worst case scenario in ukraine right now as fears of a russian invasion are increasingly imminent. today the state department is ordering the evacuation of most
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of its embassy staff in kyiv and the pentagon has ordered the departure of the members of the national guard that had been deployed to train ukrainian forces. biden warned americans in ukraine to leave earlier this week in an exclusive interview with lester holt, saying sending troops to evacuate them would be world war. >> what scenarios would you put american troops to rescue and get americans out? >> there's not. that's a world war. when americans and russians start shooting at one another, we're in a very different world than we've ever been in. american citizens should leave. should leave now. we're dealing with one of the largest armies in the world. this is a very different situation and things could go crazy quickly. >> all right, joining me now to talk about this, democratic congressman conor lamb of pennsylvania. he is a member of the house veterans affairs committee and a u.s. senate candidate. congressman, thanks for joining us on this. we appreciate it. first, your reaction to what the president just said, essentially, we will not step in
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if russia invades in ukraine. we will not send troops to ukraine because that would be a world war. >> well, i think he's telling the truth about what the consequences would be. and in doing that, he's warning both the nation and the world of how extremely serious the situation is. we're doing what we promised to do, which is defend our nato allies. we are sending our troops to germany and romania and poland because those are the countries that we've made a promise to. and by the way, they've delivered on that promise to us. it was in afghanistan that many of these countries came to our aid under article v of nato and we're repaying that today with these deployments, all gained toward helping refugees from ukraine, helping get americans out of ukraine and back safely, and that's what we're supposed to do. >> is there any hope at this point from your end that the u.s. can deter putin from invading ukraine? >> absolutely. yeah. i mean, i think what the biden administration has done very
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effectively is show exactly how resolved they are to impose the most serious sanctions that have ever been imposed and most importantly, to bring a lot of the world with us. you know, they've done the slow and hard work of diplomacy, of keeping nato together when putin's main goal was to drive them apart. he's being trying to get us separated from germany and separated from the other european countries so he can drive a wedge and biden's team has effectively stopped them from doing that. so, i think once we impose the personal sanctions on him and on the country's whole access to the banking system and everything else that's envisioned, putin's going to have a really hard time explaining to the russian people why their economy is tanking and they can't get access to thing like cell phones and critical goods anymore. and i don't think he wants that. so, he might have thought he could pull this off, but i think the biden team has effectively shown him what the consequences really will be. >> i want to pivot here because there's a couple topics i want to hit on while i have you and one of those being the january 6th investigation as well. let's talk about the uphill battle they face right now.
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we're hearing about the 15 boxes the former president walked away from the white house to take to mar-a-lago. now they're investigating, we're also hearing about these call logs, this missing time period after his speech at the ellipse, between then and when he actually came out and asked the insurrectionists to leave the capitol. as a former prosecutor, do you see any real consequences for the former president after this investigation has wrapped up? >> i do. yeah. i mean, i don't know exactly what those are going to be yet, and as a former prosecutor, you know, the most important thing to say is you can't really make a comment on that until all the evidence is in. the phase that we are at right now is a search for the evidence that certainly some people in the administration have tried to make it difficult to find. and that itself tells you something. if you did nothing wrong, there is no reason to have missing evidence or to be hiding things. and i think that itself is going to speak volumes as it comes in. you know, you can only stay on the run for so long, and there's
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a very dedicated group of people on this committee who are just determined to get the truth, and again, this was an attack on all americans, on the capitol that we all share, so i think we all have an interest in making sure that there's actual accountability for what happens here. >> i quickly want to talk about your senate race as well. former democratic strategist or veteran democratic strategist, i should say, james carville, now promoting a new super pac that aims to raise more than $8 million, according to politico. do you see this new effort affecting your campaign? >> yeah, i think it probably could. i mean, it's independent, of course, so you know, i can't really comment on what they would have planned, but obviously, there's a lot of money being raised on both sides of this election. this is probably the most serious senate election in the united states this year, and so we're going to bring everything that it takes to win and this is a winning campaign. the republican candidates are already spending double-digit millions of dollars on tv now, and i think there's a lot of people on our side who want to make sure we have everything that it takes to compete.
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both financially and in terms of the candidate and the campaign involved. and what you have in our race is a campaign like mine that's on its fourth campaign in four years, and we've won under very difficult circumstances, so we're going to make the decisions necessary to win this year too. >> i got to say, i was in your district, and when you were running for congress, and one of the appeals from many folks no your district, especially some of the more conservative folks, folks that were voters for and/or supporters of the former president, was the fact that you were less progressive, more of a moderate candidate. do you feel as if that's going to work in your favor for the senate race? >> well, i think what i have found for the senate race is that i now have a four-year record of working as a member of congress, voting for bills, coming with my own bills, getting them passed by both presidents, and one of the things i have asked our voters to think about is, how do you define progressive? if you define it by the results, i'm the most progressive record in the race because we actually made progress on bills, on things like the american rescue
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plan, which i think is the most progressive bill of our lifetime. and by thinking people like me who could actually win, picking someone like president biden who could actually win, we made that progress in real life, and i think our party is really attuned to that because living through the trump years, people were reminded of how important it is to pick candidates who can really go the distance in the general election. people are just really counting ones to get to the senate and cast all these important votes and get things done, and i find there's a lot of support for our campaign for that reason, not because i fit into some sort of box that, you know, the media has created. no offense to you, of course. >> no offense to me, of course, congressman. thank you. and thanks for taking time to join us outside that bar, or is it campaign headquarters with just a bar entrance decor behind you? which one is it? >> you know, this is pennsylvania, so we campaign in bars sometimes. that is where i am right now. and there's a lot of passionate people in there waiting to ask me some questions, so i probably should get back in there. >> no better place to be on a
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saturday afternoon, especially before super bowl sunday. congressman conor lamb, thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up, everybody, entrepreneurs in new jersey work to diversify the medical marijuana business in the name of social justice. he medical marijuana business in the name of social justice. hey there, i'm ayman mohyeldin. tonight, nina khrushceva joins us to give her perspective on the volatile situation between ukraine and russia. don't miss that. join us for "ayman". t miss that. t miss that. join us for "ayman". you ready to go fishing? i got the bait. i also earn 5% on travel purchased through chase on this rental car. that lake is calling my name! don't you get seasick? we'll find out! come on. and i earn 3% on dining including takeout. so much for catching our dinner. some people are hunters. some are gatherers. i'm a diner. pow!
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not showing any symptoms. we'll bring you updates on the queen's status if any -- if there are any, and any new information is, in fact, released. coming up, everybody, getting in on a budding new industry. two entrepreneurs are hoping to open the first black-owned cannabis dispensary in new jersey. they're going to join me next on what it's going to take to make it happen. next on what it's going to take to make what it's going to take to make it happen. ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ ♪ (mail recipient 1) thank you. that's open.
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legal in new jersey for about a decade, and 56 cannabis licenses have been issued since then, but not a single one of them to a black-owned business. that is according to the state's african american chamber of commerce. however, two men, cory dishman and charles penn, are hoping to change to change that by opening the state's first black-ounce cannabis dispensary called the library. but there's no denies there's work to do here. cory dishman and kyle penn are joining us. the library is lope to be a recreational dispensary. as yet, to issue any licenses thus far. a part of that everly, actually, was 5i78d at correcting racial injustices. how are thing going for the library and a state as a whole here. >> things are going very well as of right now. there have been changes done.
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i want to commend both governor perfecty's well as the new jersey crc in terms of restructures the recreational side of things. it's a totally separate entity. they have in fact structured the recreational side of things to have a more inclusive field for it for those that are social equity applicants, as well as those coming out of impact zones. so they have met. >> you have home to impact the community two ways. the second was a thanksgiving food drive. why are they things important to you? >> well, we wanted to be of the community, not just in the community. we really want to legitimize the cannabis market as a whole. the only way to show that is we can be impactful beyond the sales of marijuana. we want to touch people, help
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people. we also felt we were in a privileged position right now, pioneering this retail market that's coming to new jersey. we just felt it was only right to give back, but being of the community is extremely important to you. nationwide black americans make of 14% every the population, only 2% of an estimated 30,000 cannabis companies are actually black owned. how do you change this? >> well, i want to commend phil murphy and the crc. they put forth legislation that is extremely groundbreaking the the way you combat it is give them a chang in the beginning. because we are social equity applicants, weft the ability to get our license put to the top of the pile. that would allow us to compete with the big business that already has a stranglehold on the market. with government support and business big from cannabis support, this is how we bring
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the gap between those who have not marginalized and everyone else. >> talk about the inclusivity. i know that charles has touched on this as well. how does north carolina and states across the country spread this inclusivity? >> i believe cannabis culture is in itself inclusive. we can't ignore the numbers, less than 4% of owners and executives are black faces, so we're not ignores that. however, we are combatting it by being solution based. approaches it from a standpoint of execution rather than focusing on the statistics, because, with that being said, that is the way we will enable ourselves to break the mold and eventually become an exemplar. >> what did is it mean personally if you're successful?
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>> it means everything. lie cory just said, we can be the face of hope and opportunity, as long as young men and women see brown faces in this position, able to navigate successfully. that in turn will bridge the cap. that would be the catalyst to bring change. for me it's extremely impactful and special for me to be in the position i'm in right now. >> thank you both. appreciate it, guys. best of luck to you. some breaking news we're following this hour, everybody, into nbc news, coback black the rapper, whose legal name bill capri was among three people shot in west hollywood california. the 24-year-old florida rapper, and two other victims were transported to a local hospital and are expected to recover from non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. we'll be right back. non-life-threatening gunshot non-life-threatening gunshot woundse numbers without fingersticks.
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my head scratcher of a week, an instant classic from marjorie taylor greene. >> now we have nancy pelosi's gazpacho police spying on members of congress. >> so, instead, the delicious cold tomato soup which led to a
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number of mocking replies. do they adhear too saggria law? they have the and then chef how shay andress getting into the act, claims he started the gazpacho police to protect his beloved delicacy. immune to shame, of course, she's fund-raising off her mistake. perhaps a reference to khmer rouge chili? who knows. my high-five is anthony harris stepped up in a big way for a fan in need -- accompanies audrey to a father-daughter dance. she had become friends, and sending him encouraging message over his career, so he flew
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cross-country for the dance, even pays for her hair, makeup, new shoes and new dress for the 11-year-old to make the night extra special. anthony davis worthy of a high-five, and so much more. that wraps it up for me, everybody. i'll be back here tomorrow. "politics nation with reverend al sharpton" starts right now. >> good evening. welcome to "politics nation. tonight's lead -- the big game. right now the world's eyes are on the tensions along the russia/ukraine border. earlier today president biden spoke with russian president vladimir putin for an hour, in a last-ditch effort to prevent a possible war. of course here at home, senate republicans are busy


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