tv Ayman MSNBC February 12, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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chief justice, john roberts, sided with the liberals, and that's pretty significant. let me explain why. back in 1981, john roberts joined the justice department as a special assistant to the attorney general, focusing on voting rights. now, at the time, there was a battle in congress over the reauthorization of parts of the battle in congress over th reauthorizat underway in congress overion of reauthorization ofre parts of t 1965 votes rights act. congress wanted to make it easier for voters to fight discriminatory practice. roberts was tapped by the reagan administration to lead the charge against that effort. he drafted dozens of speeches, op-eds, and talking points. in fact, in one of those memos, the future justice said the changes wouldre lead to a quote quota system for those who held elected office. it's important to note that roberts and company actually failed back then. in 1982 the reauthorization passed with bipartisan support. once appointed to the court, roberts continued his crusade
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against voting rights. he offered the majority opinion which effectively ended the preclearance process, gutting a major part of the voting rights act. last summer, roberts joined his colleagues in upholding arizona's voting restrictions. how did the conservatives on the court manage to lose this guy? well, we should be clear here for a moment. it is not that roberts disagreer with his fellow conservatives on the substance of the alabama case. no, in fact t his opinion hinte that he's f open to reconsider e governing standard used by the lower court. his real problem here is more about strategy. chief justice roberts didn't like that his fellow conservatives usedhi the court' ominous shadow docket to reversh the lower court's decision. basically what roberts is saying here is that you can strip black and brown people of their representation, but maybe try to do it in a less obvious way.
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still ahead on ayman, the gop's political succession. plus could canada's so-called freedom convoy be coming to a town near you in america. we're going to break down the masterminds behind the american trucker convoys push. then the nfl and jay-z said they would amplify the league's social justice efforts. so, what happened. i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. ♪♪ ♪ all right. legitimate political discourse. thosete three words rung throug the halls of capitol hill this week. if you thought donald trump was going to come out on the losing side of this, well, you must be new, here. let me explain why. criticism of the rnc's comments on the insurrection have been pouring in from both sides of
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the aisle all week and featuring none other than folks like the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell, or the house side minority leader kevin mccarthy. watch this. >> it was a violent insurrection with the purpose of trying to prevent theon peaceful transferf power after a legitimately certified election. >> anybody that entered this building, that is not legitimate discourse. >> all right. so, a number of other prominent republican senators have criticized the rnc for the resolution which essentially saw the party coming out as a pro-january 6 party. there's no other way to describe it. while the critique of the rnc and former president trump is necessary and important, it does what, if question of anything, it will accomplish. now, if you're a fan of the hbo show "succession" like i am and the rest of our producing team
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on this show, the whole thing might have reminded you of this scene. >> having been around a bit, my hunch is that you're going to get [ bleep ] because i've seen you get [ bleep ] a lot, and i've never seen [ bleep ] once. >> so, that logan that we're talking about is of course former president trump. his grip on the gop base has never been stronger. and any republican who dares to cross him is actually in danger of his wrath. you heard minority leader kevin mccarthy denounce the rnc's comments. but it took him a little bit oft time to get to that point. here he is literally running away from a reporter asking him about this just one day earlier. >> you know what, make an appointment with my office. it's not good.
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>> man, mccarthy's got some speed in them legs. a true profile in courage. there's perhaps no better example of the dangers of crossing trump than south carolina congresswoman nancy may. she isro up for re-election thi fall and is facing a tough primary challengect from a trump-backed candidate. so, what did she do to lose trump's endorsement after he backed her in 2018? she did the right thing. she actually blamed trump for the january 6 insurrection. now, in an effort to blunt the damage of losing trump's support, mace has pulled perhaps one of the most embarrassing -- and folks, i mean most embarrassing -- maneuvers i have ever seen from an elected official in this country. watch. >> hey everyone. nancy mace here. i'm in front of trump tower today. remember in 2015 when president trump announced his run. i was one of his earliest supporters. i supported him in 2020 because of policies i believed in.
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>> all right. that is someone worshipping at the altar of trump. and i'm going to hop back in there to save you from having to listen to any more of mace's groveling or having to watch the rest of that video because the situation here is pretty clear. mace and others in the party who continually bend the knee to trump are willing to do or say about anything to satisfy their lust for power. and i mean including a deal with the devil. >> do you want a deal with the devil? >> what am i going to do with a soul anyways? souls are boring. boo souls. of course. of course.
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>> so, that is the question. what is the republican party going to do with a soul? so much to discuss. i've got an all star saturday night panel to break it down for you. molly is a contributing writer at the atlantic and author of wait what newsletter. angela is the president of media matters. and alonzo is back, a favorite on the show. molly, i'll start with you. what is going on in the republican party right now? what is causing this identity crisis? quite honestly it is safe to say the republican party has made a deal with the devil. they don't need a soul. >> well, it's performative trumpism, right? we're at the -- we're sort of in a race to the bottom. these people know that they can win -- they need trump to win the primary but can't be too trumpy to win the general. so, you find yourself in the race to the bottom. people like nancy mace just
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desperately trying to win their primaries. and you know, what is trumpism? trumpism is sort of the worst of everything, right? it's racism, sexism, all of these things. so, you see these people with no reason to ever be -- you know, you have people like marjorie taylor greene who are just setting the tone at the lowest common denominator. and i expect it will get worse. and it'sor sad to watch. >> it is beyond sad to watch, especially when you see someone like congresswoman mace and the stunt she pulled off going to the trumpt tower to record tha video. angelo, i know that, you know, rahmi reagan earned the nickna teflon ron because criticism of him rarely stick. it was also applied to criminal gangsters and mobsters. trump seems to have taken that ability to another i would argue a logan roy like level if you are familiar with
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the show "succession." we've seen republican officials seeing a momentary weakness to criticize trump after january 6 only for it to go nowhere. i think immediately people like lindsey graham, marco rubio, ted cruz, and that list can go on and on. will that list be able to escape the grip of donald trump? >> no. and it's not even necessarily -- it partly is a testament to donald trump. he's really managed to turn criticism into fuel that he can then use to pump more kinetic energy into the right wing base but the reason why i think to answer your question isth no is that trumper is a reflection of the larger right wing echo chamber. so, even if you take trump out of the equation in some way, all he is really doing is channelling andal harnessing what's happening in this caldron of extremism. and so it's at this point much bigger than trump. he is a reflection of it, so he gets to harness it. there's clearly a back and forth and obviously he's the
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beneficiary politically from that relationship. but at thisca point, and i thin the clearest illustration of it is, over the power of the right wing echo chamber. there was only one major voice on january 7, 2021, who was attacking republicans for not being pro-january 6 insurrection enough. and it was rush limbaugh. his parting gift to america and to the party was to tell the party to embrace what happened on january 6th. and in a way, he sort of signalled where they were going to go. he kind of kick started that process, and it really is his parting gift. because of where he sat in the right wing echo chamber. your question is what's found in the fever swamps. and we f know what's going on there. >> all right. so, alonzo, i am sure you are now familiar with what has been coined as flush gate. the upcoming back details how the white house periodically found white house documents
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clogging up the resident in the white house. on a scale of obama's suit, which is a scandal in ca washington, to watergate, which almost brought down our government, where would you place flush gate? >> well, obviously there's nothing the republicans can do as evil as wearing a tan suit. i don't know if you remember but democracy worldwide almost crashed when barack obama broke out in a tan suit. we had nothing else going on in the world. on a -- i don't know. i mean, the thing about this flush gate. we already knew he was destroying documents, right? theng white house staffers said that they were taping documents back together that he ripped up and tried to throw away. so, he's doing exactly what they were chanting "lock her up" over hillary about, right? just no -- using private servers for communication, et cetera, taking documents down to mar-a-lago, which, you know,
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it's just as secure as can be, right? probablyas reading them in the golf cart on the golf course to show off to his friends. but there won't be any backlash. i mean, this is the problem, right? with watergate, all joking aside, watergate brought down a president. it brought downga a president. >> yeah. >> but this, it's just -- sadly, it's just another talking point. it's not going to bring down trump. and, you know, when you were talking about his followers, you know, mcconnell and mccarthy, i think mitch mcconnell just thinking, hey, i'm old enough to end myhe career if this doesn't work out. but all the others are like, we needre trump's support because want to move on. we want to move w up. mcconnell is welike, hey, liste i've got one more chance to stop a supreme court justice, and then i'm done. that'st pretty much it for him. so, he's almost speaking the truth. and, you know, the fact that theyhe attacked liz cheney for defending america, i can't figure out the republican party
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anymore. i mean, it just doesn't make sense when you yell about america and patriotism and then you sensor the one republican who says, hey, maybe we shouldn't attack the capitol after a legitimate election. i can't figure them out. as a comedian, i can't tell you how hard it is to make fun of them and come up with something crazier than what they actually do. >> molly, speaking of republicans,ng let's talk about moment.for a ron desantis signals his part for a sociopathic piece of legislation. lgbt groups are calling it "don't say gay" as the name of the bill, a don't say gay bill because it will bar classroom discussions of any queer issues that are not quote/unquote age appropriate. what's up with the resurgence of homophobic fear mongering in this country. we saw a number of don't say gay
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bills back when marriage equality was being debated many yearsing a. suddenly they're making a comeback. how do you explain that? >> i think some of it is because of the i abortion bill in texas. and what happened with this abortion bobill, remember you he these very trumpy governors. and in texas you had abbott. and abbott made this bill that wasd crazy and had all sorts o stuff. and the supreme court was like, well, you e know, we agree with it, so we're not going -- you know, it's a lot of very smart people are completely nutty. and i think when they do that, n lot of these trumpy governors saw there was really a window open for them to do whatever they wanted and the conservative court to agree with it. remember this court is now trumpy justices and two conservative justices. now they'll rubber stamp any kind of very conservative thing. so, i think there's a sort of race. and remember also desantis
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really thinks he's going to be the heir apparent to trump. and the way he's going to do that is by appealing to this very, very, very, you know, antigay, anti-everything base. so, i think part of that's what's going on too. >> alonzo, this week we learned that america -- certainly nancy pelosi -- has a secret police force known as the dispa cho police, thanks to marjorie taylor greene, who accused nancy pelosi of leading this hit squad. and ilo have a serious question for you here. do the folks at "seinfeld" have grounds to sue marjorie taylor greene because it sounds very similar to soup nazi. i'm going to say this is plagiarism. she watched "seinfeld."sh she saw the soup nazi and now we've got gasoline pa cho police. >> who knew nancy pelosi was the real soup nazi all along. the whole character had to be
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designed by her and the gazpacho. that's why they couldn't stop the insurrection. they were in the kitchen making their gazpacho. and what could be more evil than releasing cold soup in the dead of winter? that's just mean. that'sof just mean. somebody wants hot soup this time of year. you know, marjorie taylor greene -- >> i actually think that is a war crime. >> once again, there is no bottom. there's no bottom. they can say anything and their base grabs onto it. and as you well know, the moment there is a gazpacho joke, now you're attacking her and this and that and the other. honestly, i don't know. i tell you, i sit here as a comedian, and you listen to that. you're like there goes the gazpachi police bit right out the window. can't do that one. >> well, apparently -- >> you can't top it.
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>> i was going to say apparently we are considered elitists. >> absolutely. with your reading and definition of words you elitist, overeducated -- what's wrong withli you. this entire panel's sitting arod reading when they're not on tv. what's wrong with you people. this isn america. >> guilty as charged. guys, don't go anywhere. we're going to take a quick break. coming up, why can't news organizations talk about african sports without talking about disease and war. i'm going to share my thoughts on that.g plus the u.s. trucker convos is picking up momentum thanks to foreign players fuelling the fire on social media. we're going toel explain that next. but e first, richard lui is here with an update on canada. >> more on that story breaking out of canada you were talking about earlier, the so-called freedom convoy is in its third week. a judge giving canadian police officers the green light to clear protesters from blocking a vital bridge on the u.s. border.
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that order gave demonstrators until 7:00 p.m. friday to end the blockade. we are looking at a number of protesters here. some still remain as you can see.n canadian officials warning any vehicles left may be seized and could be forfeited in case of a conviction. this after the premier doug ford declaredre a state of emergency. we're going to watch that of course all throughout ayman's show. by the way, more "ayman" with ayman mohyeldin right after this. , mo "ayman" with ayman mohyeldin right after ayman mohyeldin right after this woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles.
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comcast business. powering possibilities.™ so, could canada's so-called freedom convoy be coming to a town near you? the department of homeland security now warning a group of truckers is planning a similar protest here in the united states. that could start as soon as this weekend. and their first target, los angeles, the site of tomorrow's super bowl. but who's really behind this push? new reporting from nbc's ben collins points to an all-familiar source, overseas actors. some of the facebook groups behind american trucker convoys aren't americans at all. they're tied to continent -- content mills continents away in vietnam, bangladesh, romania, and others. you're telling me foreign actors are meddling in america's affairs. anyone feel like they're having
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a bit of 2016 deja vu. russia, if you're listening -- anyway, my panel is back to discuss this. ben collins notes the piece has been through this type of social media, especially this type of social media foreign based interference before. russia in our elections in 2016. why are foreign actors trying to fan the flames of covid divisions? >>al well, because foreign actors -- russia is a chaos agent. they do better when americans are divided. and this is a great kind of divisive thing for them, right? because it's something that has been sort of an issue in american right, vaccine mandates. and i mean the irony of this, they have some 90% vaccination rate is pretty rich. it's not a huge group. it's all astroturf. there's tons of disinformation
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being spread online. and i think it's set up as a way to sow division, right? and i think, you know, who benefits from that, right? russia and some of these far right actors. i mean, the people who were the most excited this week about this caravan, this trucker caravan, were the fox news opinion hosts. they could not get over how thrilled they were. >> right. >> and remember we've seen other protests where they were pretty mad at the protesters. so, this is a sort of strange reversal for them. and, you know, it's very worrying. and i think it could come -- it could certainly come to america. >> alonzo, the hypocrisy here among the republicans is deafening. the reality is the reality behind what we're seeing doesn't match up with this so-called freedom convoy. they're trying to paint this as a tyrannical takeover by the
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canadian government. 90% of truckers in canada are fully vaccinated. is this just a loud minority, or is there something deeper at work here? >> no, it's definitely a loud minority, and there are many right wing groups here in america who are financing and sending money to the canadian truckers. and once again, you talk about working against their own interests and the incredible hypocrisy. you know whrks they blocked the bridge between windsor and detroit, they're actually shutting down the american auto industry. you're actually hurting america as you do it. but the reason i think they love this and the reason i think fox news loves this is because that image of an american, of a working man, the trucker fits that image perfectly, right? there's no one better to illustrate this, no better image than the truckers. forget about the truth, like you said. 90% of them are vaccinated. they're not trying to shut down the canadian economy, et cetera,
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et cetera. you know? and the funny thing is, if they try to affect the super bowl, first of all, the nfl and the city of l.a. have said, no, we're not having it. we're not going to allow it. the other thing is, trust me, i live in l.a. the traffic getting to the super bowl, they'll never get there. they don't have a chance. let them try. let them try. they better get in line now, okay? so, but all kidding aside, this is a perfect image for their right wing, we're american, we're real working class american routine. >> so, angelo, you guys have done some incredible work over at media matters about this. you put together this chart showing how much time fox news as promoted the canadian trucker protest. you would think the trucker protest is the single biggest international story, that world
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peace was going to depend on what happens. and the network's hosts, they've cheered on the truckers as freedom fighters, as civil rights heroes. why is fox news spending so much time on this? >> well, in a way they're carrying -- they're picking up where the disinformation left off. i mean, part of the idea of employing these content mills and these content farms the same way that donald trump hired actors for his campaign announcement, right, is you want to have a good start. what they demonstrated at the end of january, these pages were going from 5 to 15 to 100,000 in, you know, 30 hours. so, it felt like there was excitement around it. and once you have enough of that happening, you put enough stuff online, it looks like there's some activity taking place. fox then picks it up and legitimizing it. so, it went from an online movement that was largely propped up by the synthetic and fake accounts to now fox starts to build some real buzz and demand. in the same way that the tea party movement started all the way back in the day.
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there was a couple -- there were some murmurs, a little bit of astroturfing, fox spent a month talking about it, it became real, real people came out. that's why fox is talking about it. they fell for the same thing. facebook let this happen. they only took it down well after the story metastasized. but by then it was too late. it sort of became real once those numbers got up there and there was enough -- the pump was primed. >> molly, i'm going to ask you to do something i rarely ask people to do. but i'm going to need you to try to explain to me this republican, congressman thomas massie this week. we're going to put that tweet up on the screen for our viewers to see. he tweeted out, over 70% of americans who died with covid died on medicare, and some people want medicare for all. i mean, molly, i am sorry, i am going to have to ask you to explain that one for me. i don't know what it means. >> you know, so the idea here is
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that you have to be over 65 to be on medicare or disabled. so, the idea, you know -- it's ridiculous, right? you're over 65, you're more likely to die of covid. that's just the net of it. i don't know how to explain thomas massie. he went to mit. he's a very educated person. he has this electrical engineering degree. i mean, i think that it's more performative trumpism. he knows that marjorie taylor greene is sort of what the base likes, and i think he's trying to pander to that. i mean, i think that's the only -- that's the only possible explanation i can see unless he just really confused. but i think this is really kind of, you know, more of a craven play to win his primary. and remember all these people are very worried about having a very trumpy primary challenger who will sweep in and displace them. so, i think that's what's happening there.
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>> alonzo, you want to take a stab at that? i guess -- i don't know. is he trying to imply that the 70% of americans who died of covid died of covid because they were on medicare and you want more americans to die by having more medicare? i mean, i honestly -- it seems to me that is what he's trying to say. he's trying to say, if you are on medicare, medicare is a cause of death for covid. >> well, it is obviously. medicare is what's taking people out because it's getting them into hospitals and they're getting care from doctors whose sole purpose -- they're all in on it. they're all in on the fake covid thing. how do you argue with that? the crazy bar has raised. it used to be like sarah palin crazy. now it's marjorie taylor greene. now you have to outdo that in making a ridiculous statement. so, now you're going to say that somehow -- and the funniest thing about it is the people who were cheering for him, i promise
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you more than half of them are over-65 and on medicare. guaranteed. >> right. >> guaranteed. they are. because they're the older population, right? the republicans are older population. these are people on medicare who are saying medicare is out to kill me. now i got to go to the hospital because i have covid. so, it makes no sense. but it doesn't have to. you just throw out some trigger words, some keywords, keep them angry, keep them not thinking, and it is ridiculous because the people leading this cult, again, all vaccinated and much smarter than they tend to be. >> i never thought i would live in a country where medicare and gazpacho police were responsible for killing people in this country. it is a dangerous, dangerous time in america. molly, stick around for me. got to talk to you about a few more things.
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still ahead, maybe it's about time that america takes a look in the mirror when it comes to celebrating sporting events amid political turmoil. my thoughts next. amid political turmoil my thoughts next as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend.
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of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. here's something you may have missed. last week "the new york times" published a story about the african cup of nations. let's be honest, you don't have to get into the results of the tournament like how senegal won the trophy for the first time by defeated my heavily favored egypt. i'm just getting over it. but instead, let's take a closer look at the article itself. amid coups and covid, africa focuses on what's important: soccer. so, let me get this straight here for a moment. if african nations are playing in a soccer tournament and
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africans around the continent, which are about 1.3 billion people in total are watching it, somehow it means they prioritize watching sports over military coups and a deadly pandemic. it seems a bit dehumanizing, no. "the new york times" noticed that headline was awkward at best or flat out offensive and later updated the headline, "africa cup of nations: soccer tournament offers joy amid coups and covid." apologies to "the new york times" headline writers here, but i don't think that's much better. see, i guess my point is, when can a sporting event in africa just be a sporting event. the idea that events and experiences in african nations have to happen against the backdrops of political insecurity and humanitarian crises is short sided. and honestly it's misleading and maybe even a little hypocritical. i mean, let me think here for a moment. i wonder if there is a country that is dealing with political
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instabilities? let's say, you know, even the fallout of a coup while being ravaged by a deadly, deadly pandemic where almost a million americans may die. i wonder if tomorrow's headlines about the super bowl will even make reference to either of these two in their coverage, or will this moment of unity and joy somehow be cast in this same light that we saw the african cup of nations? you know what they say? sometimes the headlines write themselves. ♪ i say no to the super bowl, you don't need me, i need you ♪♪ me, i need you me, i need you ♪ my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair.
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who better than the iconic jay-z to serve for the league's change? what has his role been other than producing the super bowl halftime show? he doesn't appear to have been an overtly visible part of their strategy. take a listen to what dominique foxworth had to say on msnbc earlier. >> part of what they are buying is the good will that he had, that he possesses, and as far as black people are concerned. they are buying his blackness and trying to buy him as a blanket to throw over the kaepernick situation. and i think what comes with that is some responsibility, a level of responsibility. >> joining the panel, andrew beeten, sports reporter for the "wall street journal." molly and alonzo are back with us. i'm a huge jay-z fan, love, love, love his music. let's talk about what he has brought to the nfl here objectively. what do you make of jay-z's
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uneventful tenure as the league's face of social justice? they brought him in not just to be an entertainer, not just to be do the halftime show, but to offer something more dynamic to the league that has been struggling with the issue of social and racial justice. would you agree with dominique in that the nfl saw this as an easy way to seem more in tune with racial issues without having to do the hard work? all right. it seems like we -- okay. we may have lost andrew. i'm going to see if we can re-establish his connection. molly, let me throw that one to you. what do you make of this? >> i mean, i think you're always in trouble when you're relying on a corporation or a celebrity to do the right thing, right? it just is kind of problematic. and this is a big issue that needed big, bold legislation and
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big, bold thinking and a group effort between legislators, private companies, and celebrities involved. i think there was so much talk and so little actual action for the community that i think it was hard. i think it set everyone up for failure in a really, you know, bad way. and i wish there had been more. >> alonzo, in the aftermath of all of the nfl's news about racial issues, the mother of cincinnati bengals player eli apple had an idea to issue a challenge to nfl teams, which i just had so much respect for. she challenged nfl teams to post a picture of 1, their front office, 2, their social media staff, and 3, their cafeteria and cleaning staff with the quote, let's see what we see. teams, as you can imagine
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themselves, did not respond. you can imagine why not. what do you make of the spotlight being cast on the nfl for these issues? what do you make of that framing? >> well, and by the way, that tweet was just absolutely brilliant. so, good for her for doing that. you know, regarding that, regarding jay-z, regarding the issue of the few black head coaches and the fake interviews that they're giving to coaches to be a black head coach, the owners of the nfl, it's a very tight, very small club. they will pretend to care because it's good for publicity or whatever. and then the issue blows over, and they keep going business as usual. you know, i think -- i'm sure jay-z tried. i'm sure he had good intentions and maybe believed that they were going with some sort of good faith negotiation or that they were going to actually listen to him. but of course they didn't. and it's all very obvious.
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you have brian flores with his lawsuit about, you know, they invite him for an interview for a head coaching job and then bill belichick accidentally sends out the tweet congratulating him, which was posted to someone else because the job had already been given away when he was interviewed. the owners, the commissioner, they have a club. they're not letting anyone into the club. they're not letting anyone of color into the club unless they absolutely have to. even to the detriment of teams not winning, getting rid of coaches that are good or not promoting coaches that know what they're doing. but there's nothing you can do, right? it's a private club. how do you -- the only time they're public is when it comes to getting a tax break from congress. then they're a public institution. otherwise they are a completely private institution. and i don't know if there's a way to force them to open the door. they -- they don't care. >> all right.
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i think we've re-established connection with andrew bean. andrew, i don't know if you had a chance to hear my initial question to you. it was about whether or not you agreed with the assessment that jay-z was basically being used as dominique foxworth was saying earlier, former nfl player, that jay-z was being used as a cover to the real problems the nfl has without bringing about any meaningful or substantive change. >> well, dominique foxworth is one of the most thoughtful people on these issues and he's not the first person to bring this up. this was a topic that was a buzz saw for jay-z the moment he announced the partnership with the nfl. there were players like eric reed who stood with and kneeled with colin kaepernick. jay-z at the time, he said, we have moved past kneeling. i think that spoke to this dissonance that the players had
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a vision of what they wanted. what the nfl wanted may have been different. the players wanted to hear like they were heard. against the backdrop of national protests, racial inequality last year in 2020, we saw the nfl issue this really striking statement where roger goodell said he was wrong and he should have listened to the players earlier on these topics. >> let me get your thoughts on something happening at the olympics while i have you. everyone is talking about this russian figure skating. she tested positive for a banned heart medication from a test that took place back in december. this week, the team won the medal. that could change when the dust settles around the questions surrounding her. it's important to note that the previous athletes have been served doping bans for taking this same drug that allegedly
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she tested positive for. what do you make of the timing of this? and why would we just be hearing about this test result now if she took the test in december? >> you're asking the absolute right question there. and what makes the situation a little more fascinating, concerning, depending on your perspective is this is a team that is competing at the olympics not as russia but as the russian olympic committee, roc, because of past doping violations. so, this isn't a new or unique problem for this country when it comes to the olympics. and then you have the person who's really emerged as one of the most sensational stars of this olympics. i think anybody could watch her and see how she was just heads and heels ahead of her competitors. you hear about these allegations. you hear about this positive test. you start wondering, if this occurred all the way back in december, why is this now all of a sudden the time crunch in the middle of the olympics to sort
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through it? >> all right. really quickly before i let you guys go, super bowl predictions. andrew, you're first. who you got? >> i think the home team takes this one. rams. >> molly? >> i don't even know who's playing. sorry. >> no worries. alonzo, who you got? >> oh, i got to go with the rams. they're the home team. >> oh, man. nobody's going with the underdogs. so i'm going to have to go with cincinnati bengals. molly, you're neutral. andrew, alonzo, going with the home team, the l.a. rams. thank you so much for joining us. alonzo will be performing in california next saturday. if you are there, go check him out. thank you very much for joining us, guys. still ahead, the price of love. how the supply chain problems and inflation might be putting a kink in your valentine's day
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better get moving. a few complications might make your work harder. for the first time in history, the super bowl will take place the day before valentine's day, so those who thought they would have an entire weekend devoted to love might be disappointed. also, the all too familiar supply chain problems we've been talking about and rising inflation prices. what that means is that your super bowl snacks and valentine's day gifts will be a lot more expensive if you can get them at all. for example, booze-flation is leading to record high beer. avocado prices mean laying out more green for guac. and 20% increase in the cost of chicken could result you paying as much for wings as whiskey. the effect on valentine's day is worse. a new york city florist had to increase the price of flowers by nearly 20%, the cost of chocolate increasing by as much as 100%.
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even jewelry is more expensive this year. and anyone planning a romantic dinner at a popular fast casual burrito emporium, the price of a burrito has gone up about 10%. you might have to get one plate to share. rising consumer prices can't all be blamed on the inflation and the pandemic. some are the result of corporate greed. case and point, corporate profits are rising even faster than inflation. there are many reasons for that, including relaxed antitrust enforcements and lower corporate taxes. remember some of those companies who refuse to pay their workers a livable wage because they claim it would force them to raise prices have now raised their prices and have not raised the wages. and they are rolling in record profits, despite inflation. now, here's my final warning for you. in 2027, the super bowl is scheduled to take place on
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valentine's day itself. so, you've only got five years to figure things out. and if this year is any guide, you might want to start preparing now. thank you for making time for us this evening. we're off tomorrow night, but we will be back next week. until we meet again, i'm ayman mohyeldin. have a good night. i'm ayman mohyeldin. mohyeldin. have a good night. (vo) you can be well-groomed. or even well-spoken. (man) ooooooo. (vo) adventure has a new look. discover more in the all-new subaru forester wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair.
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