tv The Reid Out MSNBC February 14, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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platform. there is snoop. thanks for spending time with us on "the beat." the "reidout" with joy reid is up next. good evening, everybody. happy vavalentine's day/frederi douglas day. i'm joy reid come sunny california. >> i'm cedric johnson. >> we have a dear blue letter from a certain accountant to a certain orange person. last night california was ready for football. >> another post-season game that came down to the final seconds and matthew stafford and cooper kupp connected late for a comeback win for a crowd that happened twice in super bowl history and this brand-new stadium in inglewood. >> rappers love to shoutout
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inglewood, dr. dre, snoop, tupac did it. it feels like a west coast harlem but it's a one-time black enclay that's more half black, half latino these days and a community in transition. >> huge transition. super bowl spotlight, nfl franchise and $5 billion stadium. >> billion with a b and snoop and dr. dre were in the house for an epic genx west sorry millennials, can't claim this one. that didn't go over well with the right wingers. this halftime show should not be allowed on television one wrote. what does that even mean? you have sean spicer of short lived white house "dancing with the stars" asking what was the message of the half tile show? >> does sean spicer get to ask about halftime shows? come on. >> no, he doesn't. the biggest super bowl moment wasn't about a play or rapped
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about or sung, the big moment is eminem kneeling in an apparent tribute to colin kaepernick. the nfl was aware he would kneel and did not try to stop him despite reporting saying the opposite. here is the thing for folks with ptsd about a certain janet jackson incident, the nfl always tried to sanitize blackness during the super bowl from the halftime performances to players taking a knee and it especially does not want to dabble in the culture wars now and tick off the conservative fan base. >> which explains why kendrick lamar's line we hate the popo was noticeably scrubbed last night. >> don't think we didn't notice. michael herriot. it's called black center now. >> that's the name i dubbed it. >> we had a little fun with our local news and espn.
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so hopefully, we did okay. but i want to get your impressions of everything that you saw last night. i was in inglewood watching the super bowl watch party in the heart of inglewood at the miracle theater and the blackness of the whole experience was actually really big for me. but it was very different in terms of what the nfl allowed to happen during the half time show. i still think they were surprised by the moment by eminem but what do you think? >> sure, they were surprised by the moment but there is a fundamental what you going to do about it element to that? what are they going to do? somebody somebody to tackle him before he kneels? what room did they have to do anything. that's a rich white man. you going to hold up his check because enthem is hurting for the money. the nfl is known to not pay people. that was -- there was nothing they could do. he knew there was nothing they could do. he would do whatever he wanted in that moment.
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kendrick lamar, not quite as white and rich as him and dr. dre, you got to scrub your line. >> all right. jason, kick it off. >> i got to be honest. nobody noticed. i was around bengals fans. when eminem came out, he didn't get the loudest cheers, it was mary j blige. many didn't notice he was taking a knee. it's the performative change. if somebody came out on stage like colin kaepernick was a dancer and came out or somebody said shoutout to brian flores, at this point taking a knee is not as provocative as five years ago. >> i wore my i'm with cat top. i have to be honest. i was a very big tomboy as a kid. i was a fanatic football fan but i fell out of love with the nfl and the game because it just became very clear that this was a sport with a lot of black people in it but not with power. no coaches, very few people allowed to get into the
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quarterback spot. it's difficult for me to love the game. anything they do is disruptive, i'm for it. they pay for that stage, michael. dr. dre put the money up for that stage. they own that stage. they could have done what they wanted. nobody was going to check them. >> the thing about it, though, is well, i didn't watch the halftime show or the super bowl because like you, i just kind of don't care. i'm not boycotting it per se, i just stopped caring about the nfl, but one thing i will say, you know, having seen the clips or the scene shots is that i don't know what eminem kneeling means. right? colin kaepernick knelt because the nfl didn't want him to kneel during the anthem. to columbus kneeling and to just make it about kneeling and not the thing that the kneeling was about, like, it's meaningless to me, right? like, you know, walking across
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the edmond pettis bridge in the middle of the night while nobody is looking. he successfully got applause for doing something that meant nothing and i think that's kind of like the epitome of what the nfl has become. they scrubbed racism in the end zone but they will kick black people out of the league for talking about or pointing at the probables that racism gives america, right? so i think he did it but it doesn't mean anything. it's too late now. >> y'all are cold. y'all are cold-blooded. i give him credit. y'all are cold-blooded. >> there is only so much credit. i wasn't going to change -- >> it wasn't going to change the world, yeah. >> i guess we're saying in that circumstance, there is no demonstration that will change the world, right? i don't know what the player move would be for somebody to use that stage to do if we use this as the metric that isn't
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doing anything or meaning anything. >> yeah, you're right. there was so much the right was mad about. they were mad about snoop smoking weed, which -- >> legal. >> which is legal and also he is snoop. >> yeah, yeah. >> what do you expect him to do? it's legal in the state. they were mad about that. they were mad about -- the charlie kirk show. he was upset about the show but i'm not sure why. this one guy tweeted let me find this tweet about him. he basically said nobody and then he said basically get off my lawn, basically. nobody not a living soul, this is brooklyn, not a living soul get off my soul you whipper snappers. i don't understand what he was mad about. the thighs on mary j? >> we remember charlie kirk how he responded to the wap video. the moment he saw cardi b put her tongue out, he lost it. maybe he was upset -- >> the tingling feeling he didn't understand. >> maybe he was made 50 cent did that p 90 x thing and had people dancing around him.
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it's interesting conservatives wanted people like ted nugent there. he said vulgar things. >> with children. >> allegedly. >> allegedly. >> here is the thing, it's fascinating people want to turn this nfl game into a cultural tough point. as somebody that continues to watch football and i have my rams gear on. it's painful. i'm a rams' hater. you can find small victories. for example, the rams have probably the blackest coaching staff. 21 coaches, vaughn miller talked about black lives matter. they're a team if you want to watch and not feel so guilty, you can root for one way or another. that's something i can understand people being happy about. >> i was happy with inglewood itself given all the issues. i was happy about that. i'm not a ram's fan, either. i want to talk about the flores situation. he's adding more cities, you know, in addition more teams to
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this lawsuit. what do you think the outcome of this will be? i heard people say everything from he'll never coach again to maybe this makes some sort of systemic change to it won't have an effect, what do you think? >> typically with these kinds of lawsuits is how close can you push this to discovery. once people have to sit down for depositions, that's what the checkbook comes out and the decision is difficult will you ride it out on principle or stop when you are offered tens, millions of dollars in front of you? i think he believes what he's doing. i think he'll try to push it that far. i got to ask while we're here on this and you mentioned charlie kirk and ted nugent? we talk about unimportant people. the only people on that side of things i think really had a problem with the halftime show are people that make money by saying they have a problem with it. like, i live in a town of texas with 1500 people. i'm here to tell you they was
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knocking that trey and snoop in the parking lot. they love that stuff. the people in the business of saying they don't, whatever. they didn't put them on the halftime show for a small number of people. quietly, everybody loves the g funk. this is a universal sort of thing and charlie kirk only comes up in my life when people don't agree with him talk about him in places when we give him more attention than he deserves. we have to stop. >> that is love and criticism. my makeup artist was actually in the stadium and was surrounded by almost no black people, mainly white people and they were jamming to it. they were enjoying every second of it. nobody in the room was mad. i want to get to the bigger picture here with you, michael, as well. all of these, you know, whether the, nba, nfl et cetera are blanketed in the arguments whether we can talk about race in schools, whether everything is critical race theory, one of my favorite tweets about last night is asking if the halftime show was critical race theory. which i thought was hilarious.
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we were having conversations and sports is caught up in it. what does that mean? sports has always been political but i'm wondering what this means now when people like you and people like me are walking away and not watching anymore, what does it mean now? >> well, i think, you know, what it means is that first of all, you can't ignore the elephant in the room. you're talking about companies that profit from black people's labor and talent. right? so what we're talking about when we talk about coaching is not like giving black coaches a chance. we're talking about elevating and promoting the black people who make you a profit to a status where they get to be included in decision making, right? i don't even like to say we're giving black cultures a job. black people are 70% of the nfl and if you talk about 70% of any work force and promoting no one,
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right, it is intentional discrimination that can't be a logical answer. you know, and the fact that, you know, 33% of the cultures on rosters in the league are the relatives of cultures on rosters. you know what i'm saying? so we can't just talk about this in a silo. >> yeah. >> and when black people make up 70% of anything, we have to talk about race. right? because black people talk about race because black people are marginalized. so if you want to strip the race part out of the nfl or the nba or out of america in general, what you're saying is you don't want to talk about the humanity of the people who you consider countrymen. and i think that is the important part that we have to remember. >> to that point, let listen to president biden because he did his nfl interview and made a lot of those same points. here he is. >> the whole idea that a league
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that is made up of so many athletes of color as well as so diverse that there is not enough african americans, qualified coaches to quote, to manage these nfl teams just seems to me it's a standard that they want to live up to. >> your thoughts on that? >> well, i mean, i was at a conference in 2003 where all the economists got together and there was a presentation about this when johnny cochran was thinking about suing the nfl. there was only five black coaches in the history of the nfl, they found it was correlated with success when there were only five. that's crazy to do with the sample like that. the reason it happened, though, was you had to be so good at being a coach, to be black to get a job then after course you would ultimately wind up being
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really good at it. what kills me about it or hilarious about it, the nepotism numbers, nobody demonstrated that coaches, relatives are actually any better at the job than anybody else, right? you can make the argument they have a familiarity with it, like my parents are professors. there were things i understood just from having been around it. these dudes aren't any better at it. they're not hiring people that are good at it and willfully trying not to from what it seems to be hire people that might make your team better because the biggest winners are hiring more black coaches will be the white people that get better coaches because they opened up the pool of people they dealt with and still don't want it. that story of american racism is good sense and in spite of your potential to profit. >> that is going to have to be the last word on this segment and a good one. thank you-all. we'll be back in a little bit. up next on "the reidout" breaking news in the trump
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investigation. trump's accounting firm cut ties with him. why they've got to be nervous at mar-a-lago tonight. suburban women are fighting back against book banning in the schools. the organizer tonight, tonight's absolute worst are accused of being unfit for man or beast. "the reidout" continues after this. being unfit for man or beast "the reidout" ntcoinues after "the reidout" ntcoinues after this i can never get enough. ♪ and every time i step up in the building, ♪ ♪ everybody's hands go up! ♪ karaoke singer: and they stay there. and they say yh. and they stay there, up, down, up, down, up, down. never lose confidence in how you run your business. intuit is bringing quickbooks and mailchimp together to help you set up and grow. candlemaker: that's not happening. [kazoo playing] new business? no problem. dj khaled: man, i love this scent. yeah! welcome to allstate. here, we have another reason for you to slow down. dj khaled: man, i love this scent.
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in breaking news hours ago, new york's attorney general reveal in a court filing that donald trump's accounting firm has officially fired their long-time client as "the new york times" reports the accounting firm notified the trump organization of the decision ex disclosed it could no longer stand between annual financial statements it prepared for mr. trump. the letter instructed the trump organization to essentially
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retract the documents, known as statements of financial condition from 2011 through 2020. in other words, trump's accountants can't attest his financial statements are accurate and that is with two investigations whether trump inflated assets to secure favorable loans. it's a significant blow to trump who has long relied on mayzar's credibility. >> it was done by the biggest and best law firms in the country, same thing with the accounting firms. the accountants are a large and highly respected. >> joining me now is tim o'bryan and paul butler, professor at georgetown law school and former prosecutor. tim, what is the significance? it isn't a good thing to have have your accountant quit you but what does that mean big
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picture for donald trump and hiss company? >> the immediate impact is donald trump has hundreds of millions of dollars from the business empire and good luck refinancing your debt when the accountants just walked out the door. that is going to give anybody else who would consider lending money to donald trump enormous pause. in fact, they may not be able to do it because of this. the practical implications is business is going to get radically squeezed because of it on a national security front, it presents the same issue it's always presented if donald trump is desperate for money to refinance struggling his struggling business that makes him a mark for foreign lenders and i think this has to be watched very carefully. jared kushner is making the rounds right now in the middle east to raise money for his own business ventures and i think people have to really pay attention to what donald trump is going to go begging to for
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money at this progresses. the other piece of it i just find which is a head scratcher is that suddenly because of leticia filing decided they couldn't voucher for financial statements they couldn't voucher for financial tatements. these were the same in the center of the litigation i engaged with donald trump in. he claimed he lied about it but claimed he gave me documents when reporting. they turned up in my deposition. i looked through all of them for the first time in my deposition with trump's legal team and they said we cannot certify these under gap, generally accepted accounting practices. that's a sniff test accountants use to make sure something is kosher and corresponds with the professions, standers for what should be reported publicly. in 2006 and 2007 that something wasn't completely up to snuff.
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the difference was i was a journalist. now they are looking at the fact the new york state attorney general is raising the same questions they said that what came out in her court filings in january prompted them to withdrawal. what came out in the court filings was ample evidence donald trump and his children and the trump organization has been inflating the value of his assets. and messing with the value of his assets possibly misleading investors and bankers, possibly misleading tax authorities. they say we have possible criminal investigations so we'll walk. >> that's the same company that they want to -- went to the supreme court if they would be willing to turnover the records. they lost that case. the supreme court ruled they
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cannot block those records from being released that didn't have anything to do with the january 6th committee. that was specifically for that. congress is still fighting the returns. is that the case here that mazars perhaps realizes a, they may have legal liability themselves or could they or their accountants be called to testify against trump? >> i think they will certainly be called to testify. this is a big deal, joy. the accounting firm that represented trump for years said we're quitting you and you need to alert your banks and insurers and everybody else that the statements we issued about your finances for the past ten years are unreliable. the accounting firm says it can't reveal why it's dropping trump and his business but it also says it made this decision based on information it received from court documents filed by
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leticia james and from its own investigation and its own internal and external sources. joy, when an accounting firm prepares these statements of financial condition, it doesn't conduct an independent audit or investigation to see if the information that the client has provided is correct. so the accounting work is only as reliable as the client, which in trump's case makes you wonder why it took them so long to figure out that trump is shaped with money and the truth. >> you know, it's interesting. you know, trump tim has been on a fire sell, selling the maga hats have went from $44 to $104. they're hawking anything. melania trump is in on it. there is dubious for charity but the charity doesn't exist. we put on the screen a few of the things he's selling. he did an arena tour with bill o'reilly. signed coffee table books, stuff
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stamped with what looks like the official seal of the president. it is like a fire sell. he seems to be desperately trying to raise money even things that look like political fundraising go in his pocket. what does that say to you he's on this money hunt? is that just the way he is or a sign he's stocking up because he feels he might need a lot of cash any time soon? >> it both of those things, joy. this is just the way he is. donald trump has put his name on underwear, mattresses, stakes, water, magazines, anything he can try to get cash from, he'll do. if you've got a bag of cash, donald trump will talk to you. he also i think is under financial pressure and he is going to have to sell a lot of maga hats to be able to pay down $400 million in short term debtd coming due that he needs to refinance and perhaps well over a billion dollars. this stuff is really small change and is not going to get
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him there. i think this is him monetizing the political standings and taking advantage of the loose campaign finance laws to line pockets. this kind of stuff isn't going to solve the problems he has. he's selling his hotel in washington to deal with the debt problems he has. he moved from new york to florida, i think, for a variety of reasons, part of it financial. and i think the fact that now that his accountants have decided to leave is yet another indication of what a mess he, his children and his company have on their hands financially. >> just to clarify, by selling his hotel meaning selling the lease on the hotel he leases from us from the united states. still, i can't believe that's legal. it's hard to believe that's legal. paul, the question that every time a story like this comes up, i annoy my producers with the
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question, there is a bit of an okay, so what? it does seem like he has nine lives from just a layperson's point of view appears to break the law all the time when it comes to not paying taxes or levering the value to insurance companies of properties. all of this reporting happens, all of these disclosures happen and then nothing happens. what could be shielding him from accountability if any of us sitting here did a .10 of this stuff? i feel like we've be in really big legal trouble not in the future but now. >> any of us would be in big legal trouble if leticia james is on the case, as she is with trump. she shut down his charitable organization and now she's looking at his businesses and trump of course is crying witch hunt and playing the race card claiming these investigations
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are due to black prosecutors who he claims are racist but his own accountant has the same concerns about whether trump and his company are on the up and up. it makes it look like prosecutors are on the right track. >> we'll see where it goes. thank you both very much. up next, celebrating another "reidout" democracy defender. the rhetoric on school mask mandates to diversity education. stay with us. k mandates to diversity education. stay with us new vicks convenience pack.
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texas ahead of the first in the nation primary two weeks from tomorrow so please register and vote as democrats try to keep control of congress, republicans made it clear their strategy across the country is focus on the classroom culture wars. they saw how glenn youngkin joined to dislike black authors to generate enough agitation between white suburban voters last november and now republicans are replicating the playbook in wisconsin where they are trying to unseat tony. we seen the videos looking like a wwe ring with both verbal and physical threats of violence over mask mandates and school curriculums on race, racial history and sexuality followed by attempts to ban books that teach those topics from school classrooms and from libraries. but while the book banners may be loud, they're not the on ones making voices heard thanks to democracy defenders like katy
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paris and her group red, white and blue. it's a national network of multi racial suburban women especially moms among activities, running training sessions to help women learn strategies to fight back while presenting a calm peaceful demeanor. in a few years since the group's founding, the network reaches 300,000 women. joining me now is katy paris, founder of red, wine and blue, you had me at wine. thank you for being here. talk about the origin of the name. >> i started red, win and blue following the 2018 elections when the big story was suburban women becoming more poitically engaged and i live in ohio and it just didn't happen here quite as much and i wanted to know why. so i started traveling around the state and much to my surprise and a good surprise, i
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found women meeting in living rooms, usually with a glass or two of wine getting together and saying i'm feeling kind of alone in my community but does anyone else feel like something is really wrong here since the election of donald trump? they started working together, getting stuff done together and helping each other get elected to offices like city counsel and school board and so i thought these women are not your typical political activists. we need to amplify their voices and connect them together, their networks are not politically polarized. they live in areas more traditionally republican and conservative but they're turning away from that and wow, if we could bring them together, that's a lot of power. >> let me show you just a little sarchl of kind of the way some of these school boards have begun to look. again, i like to emphasize to people this is not just coming up from the grass roots. these are astro turf organizations that are putting a lot of money into organizing this and these are small groups
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of people but very disruptive. here is a sample. >> we should take our kids and pull them out of school. >> don't [ bleep ] touch me! don't [ bleep ] don't me! >> hey, hey, hey, whoa, whoa, come on. officers. officers please come to the room. >> we know who you are! we know who you are. you can leave freely but we'll find you. >> some of those are real threats. what do you counsel red, wine and blue to do if they find themselves in that situation? when women find themselves in situations like that and say hey, come down to the next school board meeting, that might not be something they want to do. we need to change and flip the
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script and put this on terms where women can feel proud and comfortable showing up together. that means they'll show up differently. we have created a community where women can come together, support each other, share best practices. what will happen at these meetings? where can we meet before hand? how early should we show up? where can we find information of how many speakers can we have. let's make sure if they're booing and shouting and pushing, we can stand together, maybe all wear the same color, have the masks on that say keep schools open or a positive message and when we speak, let's politely and cheerfully applaud each other or if they're not allowing applause, let's show some other form of positivity and it's that contrast we're going for. there is a lot of parents looking in on this sideline going what is even happening? we want to present a contrast
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and show it doesn't have to be like that. those of us that are main stream moms want to set a good example for kids and we don't want this fox news right wing think tank idea of what parents showing up at school boards to set the narrative. >> you know, this whole conversation i'm glad you mentioned narrative. the sort of narrative and media is guilty of saying suburban, which generally means white suburban moms, let's be blunt. i know growing up in a very dark suburb in denver, colorado not all white suburbs are white. people who did live downtown are getting pushed into the suburbs. you have people of color affluent enough to buy into the suburbs. the suburbs are much more mixed race and so are schools. schools in 2009 54% white, the children. now 47% white. 15% black, slightly down. it the latino student population that's really the growing
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population. how does your group and does your group deal with that? how do you deal with the fact that the whole idea of a suburban mom is different than the media portrays it. >> well, the media can say what they will but we are going to be here every day accurately representing ourselves and we hope the way the media talks about it does change. the suburbs are diverse and that's really good news. that's part of why most of us like living in the suburbs and like living nearby to cities where there is a lot of culture. we're not living in perfect houses with picket fences. we're not suburban housewives from the 1950s as donald trump referred to us. and so we are going to represent ourselves in a way that is consistent with our values and accurately represents who we are. something we talk about a lot. >> democracy defender katy paris, thank you. appreciate you. red, wine and blue. that's one of the best names
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there are an abundance of reasons to contest e long musting. his participation in the midlife crisis space race with the board billionaires escaping the planet while it burns and while his company is leading the country in producing electric vehicles, he came out against build back better that would fund more charging stations and the country's best chance to save the planet because he's worried about the deficit. this coming from a man that paid, exactly 0 in federal income taxes in 2018 and spoke out against government subsies despite his company receiving billions from his.
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his neuro technology company is accused of killing and causing extreme suffering in a monkeys during brain experiments. plus, he has a past of ugly union busting at tesla. and today we're learning a lot more about the treatment of his employees. the california department of fair employment and housing is suing tesla alleging in a statement that after receiving hundreds of complaints from workers in a nearly three-year investigation, the department found evidence tesla operates a racially segregated workplace where black workers are subjected to racial discriminated against in pay and discipline and more. siting complaints that workers refer to the areas where many black and/or african americans worked as the porch a monkey station and the dork side and the slaveship or plantation where defendants production leads cracked the whip. workers have stated that tesla
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production lead supermarkets and managers constantly use the "n" word and other racial slurs to refer to black workers. the state found tesla ignored, immediately dismissed or investigated and then dismissed workers complaints and that management retaliated against black workers for complaining. tesla denies the allegations saying the department has quote no factual proof and that tesla strongly opposes all forms of discrimination and harassment but this is not the first time tesla is accused of harassment. in a tone deaf way telling employees anyone who makes an unintentional slur should apologize and the recipient should be thick skinned and accept. welcome to america. for all of the above, elon musk is tonight's absolute worst. up next, there is a lot more on this lawsuit and the many past allegations against tesla. we'll speak to a lawyer who is currently fighting a class action suit against the company
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the 39-page complaint filed on behalf of tesla's black employees, you would be horrified. tesla production associates and supervisor acute of regularly calling employees the n-word and when faced with complaints about the racist environment some supervise allegedly used their own racist language and retaliate or tactics. this is not the first time that elon musk company had to address these -- of rampant racism in his workplace. last august the company paid melvin berry $1 million after an arbitrator found that tesla turned a blind eye to the calm and misuse of racial slurs and fail to stop the supervisors from calling him the n-word. the arbitrator found that berries allegations were more credible than teslas denials. arbitration is what companies
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like to use to keep things hush and on friendly terms. and then in october, a federal jury in san francisco awarded oh india is a black elevator operator 100 and $37 million. after they found his claim that a colleague repeatedly called him the n-word, to be credible. the environment has been so toxic for so long that a class action lawsuit was filed in 2017. on 1000 black workers. joining me now is larry morgan, he's a lawyer in all three cases that i just mentioned. and jason johnson is back with us. i think for a lot of people, thank you so much for being here mr.. morgan it's shocking to hear that this seems to be an extremely open environment of both racism and retaliation. walk us through when your clients are going through. and tell us the specifics of the retaliation look like? >> sure, in fairness of a windy
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as and melvin barry. they heard the and word from the get-go whenever they were walking around the factory. but owen had directed at him over 60 times by two of his supervisors. there was a racist -- including the n-word, swastikas, and other things in the bathrooms. that he saw as of the second day of his employment there. he complained numerous times, verbally and in writing. tesla, took some perfunctory analysis. but they didn't do full investigation, they just didn't do the things that employers are supposed to do if you want to stop this. and most importantly what really makes me mad, is the statement about thick-skinned by elon musk. if he had gone into that factory, this is a guy that said hey, i sleep on the factory floor. if he had gone in from day one
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and said, i heard there's the edward here if you say the n-word i'm gonna fire you. and then tesla file five -- it stops there but that hasn't happened. and that's so infuriating. that thousands of black workers have been called the n-word subjected to all kinds of racist taunts. and retaliation as you pointed out in the effect each complaint, and nothing is done to stop it. so, very, very disappointing. >> jason, there is sort of this textbook culture of thing happening here too. just some of it to go very quickly. tesla refused to attend to mediation at one point when etf h1 said no we're not gonna do it. the same department found that black workers were being taunt it as we just heard. and when they complain they were said while they are aggressive, they're threatening, they will get in trouble. they would be accused of coming in late, we're gonna use that
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to deny you -- it seems that the culture inside of tesla was suck it up and if you say anything we're gonna retaliate against. you >> and here's the other thing, joe, a elon musk has this image of himself he's more doctor do little. he's more vicious and mean and a bully. here's the thing you hear about this with tesla, do you think anyone can get away with this at forward? can anybody get away with this at hand? i can act the full in this particular environment. and when it goes up the ladder nothing is going to happen. some of these complaints are ridiculous. for someone to have swastikas, kkk in a break room it takes months for it to be scrubbed down allegedly? for someone to be called the and worn multiple times, you don't say i got called the n-word 60 times. so, all of this really falls into his lap unease made it clear that he wants to present up as this cool guy. he is perfectly comfort with a hostile work environment. >> now let's move to texas, let's talk about that. it could be seen by some as an
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attempt to escape accountability by getting out of the same of california where he's facing this aggressive lawsuit, to what he might means a more permissive environment. what are your thoughts on that? >> well, you know, in owens case it was brought under the civil rights act of 1866. so, he may run to texas. but he can hide from the federal statute that found guilty here. so, i may -- i think jurors in texas are gonna be sympathetic to mosques bs and vocally they'll stand up to any racism there. i do think the timing is sort of ironic, three days after mr. diaz got is 137 million verdict, he moves away to texas. kind of chicken if you ask me. >> it could be. tesla's response to the class action lawsuit back in set 2017 attacking you, at tesla would rather pay ten times the
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settlement demand and legal fees and fight to the ends of the earth and give into extortion and allow this abuse of the legal system. that was the response to you. >> well, i'd rather be called an extortionist by elon musk for standing up for african american workers. then maybe anything else. i wear that is a badge of honor. so, bring it on elon, no one here is scared of you. me and my co-counsel bind shorts, we are fighting you in that class action. and my other co-counsel in the diaz trial he filed another case against you on, so bernard alexander -- so, you know we're not scared. >> bring it right. >> yeah i know it's a sad thing. but i think because he has so much money, because tesla is such a wealthy company. they think that they're above the law. and, one great thing about
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america is that the jury system is our founder decided is a check on power. and this is a check on elon. must >> indeed. and quickly jason because we are in this culture where states of florida are trying to do this anti woke act things, which would literally prohibit companies from tesla from even trying to fix it. because of this idea that the problem is people complaining about racism about racism. >> i -- do you know how much the abuse has to be for at a person to get 100 and $37 million? is this calvin cain, forcing black people like how grows is this environment? but it is something to be concerned about when you have the states that want to become safe havens for racism. they're gonna say oh we are track of not just a businesses but also we won't catch you for bigotry, we won't talk about the sexism that they also had as. and that's something to be of
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