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tv   MSNBC Reports  MSNBC  February 20, 2022 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> first up on msnbc, breaking news. queen elizabeth has tested positive for covid-19. this according to the press association. we are told she is experiencing mild cold like symptoms. she does expect to continue light duties at windsor this week. we are going to have much more on that developing story. plus, another shot at diplomacy. ukraine's volodymyr zelensky calling on vladimir putin to meet with him, as our pillory fire escalates in ukraine. moments ago, vice president kamala harris warned about the possibility of war in europe. and, she doubled down on the administrations believe that
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putin has decided to invade. >> as the president has said, we believe that putin's made his decision. period. >> plus, there's been a week of bad news for former president donald trump. why some analysts say his legal troubles could lead to political. once the shocking video from miami beach, a helicopter crashing into the atlantic ocean, narrowly missing clouds of beachgoers. >> i was selling a drink to a customer, and the guy was, like oh my god, and i turned around, and as soon as i turned around, the helicopter just came down. and, it's mac then hit the water. >> and, we will go across the border in canada, where police there made another big push to clear out protesters in ottawa, seizing trucks and making arrests. good morning, everybody, it is sunday vibrate 20th. i am lindsey reiser, good to be with you. we will have much more on the, queen and her positive covid test coming up. we are going to begin with the
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situation in ukraine. moments ago, vice president kamala harris making the stakes faced by europe and the world very clear, as russian troops surround ukraine. >> it's about deterring russia from invading a sovereign nation, and we are all understanding, we need every country in europe, wet war in europe looks, like and what it can mean for the citizens of each of those countries. >> artillery fired surged in eastern ukraine overnight. now, ukrainian president zelensky is asking for a meeting with russian president putin as he tries to prevent a further invasion of his country. also this morning, french president emmanuel macron speaking by phone with putin, in a last-ditch effort to seek a resolution to the escalating crisis. so, president biden is expected to meet with his national security council after saying, he's convinced putin has decided to invade, including the capital of kyiv.
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up to 190,000 russian troops now surround ukraine, according to the u.s. government data. by the way, that's nearly twice as many as were there just last month. for more on all this, we are now joined by nbc news correspondent amara maclachlan live in kyiv. so, good morning. what's the situation on the ground there? >> hey, lindsey. well, at the situation here is extremely tense, with ukrainian president warning that one shell, one cannon fire could potentially lead to war. this morning, we heard from the defense ministry and belarus, announced that it was extending its joint exercises with russia, citing the situation as yet another ominous sign in all of this. this, as there has been shelling all along the line of contact in eastern ukraine. that, according to the ukrainian military, with the number of cease-fire violations more than doubling in recent days. the separatist leaders there,
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calling on all of the man in separatist led areas to take up arms, while also evacuating women and children, widely seen here in kyiv as a pretext, or could be a pretext for a greater war and escalation. now, in terms of that diplomatic push, president putin is having a call of this morning with a french president emmanuel macron. and, that's expected to be followed up with a phone call between secretary of state blinken and sergei lab for, of the russian foreign minister. that's scheduled on this afternoon. this call will only happen if there is no invasion by then. lindsey? >> a lot to catch up on. thank you so much for starting us off. and, joining us right now is former deputy assistant secretary of state, joel reuben. joel, good morning. thank you for being with us. >> thanks, good morning. >> so, speaking yesterday the munich security conference, president zelensky urged the west to impose sanctions on russia now rather than wait
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until after an innovation. so, why has the u.s. decided to wait? and, do you think it could be too late, essentially it won't be a deterrent anymore, and it'll just be retribution for potential further invasion? >> well, the way that the package has been instructed by the biden administration, and by our allies is to make sure that vladimir putin understands that there will be severe consequences if he invades ukraine further. and so, it's important for president zelensky to push. and, that's his role. that's his job. he saying to the world, stand up to putin, and he's demonstrating to his people that he is using every tool possible to avoid a war. but, i really do have support and faith in the position of the biden team. because right now, what is happening, this despicable movement by vladimir putin to stir up in eastern ukraine, and sparked a war is going to ensure that there is unity and purpose across our allies, and
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that the very strong sanctions will go into effect, and the support is welcome from germany, to pipelines, which is a critical pipeline to russia. that also will be shut down. so, it is a tense moment. it's appropriate for president zelensky to call for this. it's also appropriate for the biden team to make sure that they are ready at the exact right moment. sure >> and, president zelensks also criticize the u.s. for essentially declaring a russian investigation of ukraine inevitable. this causes panic. as we, know president zelensky has been trying to maintain calm in his country. the former ambassador of russia supports the biden administration strategy. in fact, he tweeted this. biden is given putin a brilliant off-ramp. by announcing to the world that putin plans to invade, putin can now embarrass biden by not invading, and blaming the west for beating the drums of war. take it mr. putin. so joel, do you agree? here did biden, rather, give putin an off ramp? do you think putin would take
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it? >> well, i think the ambassador was. right 120%. and in, fact president biden has been giving putin off ramp, after off-ramp, after off-ramp asper toonie for the last several months. president putin doesn't seem interested in taking, it and is pushing the envelope to the edge. but, this latest statement by the president, by president biden is clear. in alerting people, alerting our allies, alerting the ukrainians. and, if he gets embarrassed that vladimir putin holds back in, says i'm not going to invade, embarrassment is the least of our worries, and it's the least of the presidents worries. trying to avoid war is the most critical part. i do believe that president biden was sincere in what he said. and so, he is sincere. he cannot take the embarrassment. we will all be better off with a little embarrassment, and no war. >> the u.s. had reason to believe russia was involved in other false flag operation in an excuse to avoid ukraine.
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let's listen. >> we also continue to see more and more disinformation being pushed out to the russian public, including the russian -backed separatists, claiming that ukraine is planning to launch a massive offensive attack in the -- well look, there is simply no evidence. this defies basic logic. >> so, based on what you know, joel, is calling it out enough to stop these provocations? >> well, up until now, we have seen the provocations, in terms of their physical nature, they are clearly causing comment damage. but, with they are not doing is triggering us into a full out war right now. and, by calling them out, it is giving confidence to our allies, giving confidence to ukraine that we see what's happening, that we understand it. and, that it's not the dark of night, dark art that happened in 2014 when little green men were sent in by russia, and people were not fully, publicly
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putting the clarity and the transparency on that moment. so, this clarity and transparency matters. it keeps people just calm enough. and, that's critical because it gives time and space for diplomacy, which as you discussed earlier, the phone calls, the pressure, the continual engagement, that's what we need right now to avoid a war. and, so this kind of transparency, this kind of highlighting by the president gives the opportunity for diplomacy to continue. >> all right, joel reuben, we appreciate your time. thank you for joining us. >> appreciated, thanks lindsay. >> could be a busy week for the january six committee with a number of depositions scheduled, including ones from these nine individuals. we are going to pop them up on your screen. oh, it doesn't look like we have that. but, right now, they are just some of the more than 20 people subpoenaed over this submission of false electoral college certificates, declaring trump the winner of several key
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battleground states, all won by joe biden. the panel believes that these people have information tied to gop efforts to send false alternate electors to washington d.c.. and, declared trump the winner, even though he lost. also, this week, former white house administer, peter navarro, who documented his own attempts to delay the certification of the election results in a memoir is supposed to turn over subpoenaed documents. our reporter is on capitol hill. what do we know about if people will actually comply with these deadlines? >> well lindsey, the committee certainly hope they'll comply. because, it suffered so many unnecessary delays already. but, especially because these false electors could actually give the committee some great insight into this whole scheme that it may or may not already have. now, these republicans come from seven key swing states, that as you mentioned, president biden won. but, these illegitimate electors falsely claimed that former president trump won these key swing states, winning the states electoral college
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votes, even going so far as to send official documents to federal officials. but, with these illegitimate electors have now been called upon by the committee, in addition to six more this week, to come and testify in an addition to this probe. including, some republicans who are currently running for statewide office. listen to what congresswoman wendy moore, who is from wisconsin, one of these key swing states that we mentioned, talking about how widespread this whole issue was. mentioned >> 26 of the delegations are headed by republicans. and, 24 by democrats. and, there's only one vote for a delegation. and, that was how donald trump was supposed to regain the presidency. so, this wasn't just a matter of, you know, ten faithless electors, as we call them in wisconsin law. but, it was part of a larger
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conspiracy. >> a larger conspiracy that congresswoman moore is actually asking the department of justice to look more into. now, as far as former white house traded visor, peter navarro, he is actually public a.d. admitted to how involved he was in these efforts to overturn the 2020 election. but, the committee is asking for relevant documents as to how involved he was by wednesday. but lindsey, we will just have to wait and see if he complies. he could either cooperate with the committee, or fall in line with so many other former trump allies, who have been willing to face criminal charges for refusing to cooperate with the committee. >> all right, ali rough, a thanks so much. >> now, to the escalating tensions in the canadian capital. police in ottawa, once again moved in on protesters yesterday afternoon, arresting dozens of people, as they cleared the downtown area. here's ctv national news reporter glenn macgregor. >> the street in front of
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parliament hill had been the sight of protests and partying for three weeks. police took it back with force. >> freedom! >> wearing additional protective gear, they pushed demonstrators passed that warmer morial. >> i've got nothing else to lose, so arrest. me >> they made history by the prime minister's office. the other side of the street was blocked off by a second, line backed with police on horses with warnings to disperse. each time the line moved, slowly, deliberately, more scuffles. more arrests. parolees responded with you called a chemical irritant, pepper. spray some police wore body armor. at least one through a smoke grenade. others carried a small children, despite days of warning to take them away from danger. >> move, move! >> squeezed between two flanks, protesters were pushed down the street running away from the hill. some drop to their knees to pray. the police line kept advancing
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meter by meter. before noon, the protesters main encampment had been overrun. smaller groups gathered around downtown. others left by police transport. ottawa's acting police chief praised the officer's camera keeping. cool >> and every step, they faced resistance, shoving, and vitriol. we all saw that the protesters were aggressive with the officers. >> he defended the sometimes forceful response, that has inflamed some on social media. >> many protesters have not heeded the, urging the warnings, and then the direction to leave our streets. we would need to escalate in our tactics. that is what you are seeing us engaged in, to ultimately remove people who are refusing to leave. >> the operation now turns to mop up, moving in on areas around the city, where some protesters are still dug in. and then, there is the cleanup job. getting the trucks left behind off the streets, and into impound lots. >> all, right our thanks there
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to see dves macgregor. coming up, breaking news out of the uk this hour. queen elizabeth has tested positive for covid. we are going to have the latest from buckingham palace. plus, donald trump has had a week of legal setbacks. but, could that catch up to him politically? we are going to break down some new polling. later in the hour, new california legislation encourages people to sue gunmakers. how the governor says he is using texas as a blueprint. as a blueprint entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren,
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we want to get back to that breaking news we told you about at the top of the show out of the uk. queen elizabeth has tested positive for covid. according to a statement from buckingham palace, the 95 year old monarch is experiencing mild cold like symptoms, but is expected to keep up light duties throughout the week. of course, she just marked 70 years of her reign a couple of weeks ago and a platinum jubilee. but, her son, prince charles
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tested positive for the second time less than two weeks ago. she was in direct contact with him at the time. also, her daughter in law camilla, duchess of cornwall had also tested positive. so we are going to stay on top of this. but, right now, we do know queen elizabeth has tested positive, and is experiencing mild symptoms. it has been a week of bad news for former president donald trump. his accounting firm dropped him. the doj knows about the classified documents he took to mar-a-lago. he'll have to testify in the new york attorney general civil litigations practices. and, a judge says a january six lawsuit against him can go ahead. some experts, say an addition to all this legal trouble, this could spell political trouble as well. new analysis signals trump's grip on the republican party is waning. in, fact a recent poll shows most republicans are siding with former vice president mike pence, and believe that he could not have stopped the certification on january 6th. looking at this is michael
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singleton, contributor to the boston globe, and alaska johnson, biden campaign consultant. so, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> valencia, four years, people have talked about, this headline will do him, in this investigation will finally catch up to him. is there any reason to believe that this time is different? or, in fact, could even have the opposite effect, make it even more powerful, and ramp up his establishment base? >> i think that's a great question. the analysis, talking about how people are getting creative with the technology against him, that, these lawsuits are making it harder for him -- should he decide to. however, donald trump [inaudible] loves to spend things in the media. what he continues to do is talk about these conspiracy theories, things that stuck with him in the primary.
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and, [inaudible] i would be cautious for people to feel confident that these allegations, and these lawsuits, are actually going to dissuade the voters from him. it might just dissuaded gop leaders and lawmakers from him. but, we've seen what has happened. sometimes, that causes trouble for gop candidates, as they are running against trump. it's caused some of them trouble. so, we have to be very cautious when we have this sometimes to a conversation that is talking about this should do him. and he should both go away for good. he has a base, and has people to rally up people day in and day out. [inaudible] >> well sure, analysts are pointing to these primaries that we are seeing across the country, to see how trump's influence is maybe becoming less of a factor then it was two or four years ago. i, mean one republican consultant gave this example to the hill. and, of the race for georgia governor incoming brian kemp is
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erasing his trump -- despite the former president vowed to oust him this year. and then, a recent cnn poll, 50% of republicans say they want their party to nominate trump again. 49% say they want someone else. so, michael, do you agree here with the notion that trump's influence on the party may not be what it used to be? >> yeah, look, time heals all things, right? lindsey, when you think about the former president, not only should we look at where he has endorsed, but i also think when you look at the type of candidates that are running in midterm elections, here we should also look at after elections, who won? was it individuals who truly embraced trump and trumpism, or eight people who maybe tasseled and gassed around, it or maybe ran as their own individual candidates if you will. that should also give the indication, if you look at rhonda sanchez, who's spoken about this before. he is someone that i am personally looking at as a
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potential alternative to donald trump. because again, you look at that poll. if you look at the data, and that poll, and a couple, others republican voters are also donors, mind you. this is really important, donors looking to put their money around someone else, behind someone else with less baggage. in fact, this baggage is one of the things that's turning people off of donald trump. maybe you like, and maybe like his sort of tough man persona. giving it to the media, if you will. but, at the same time, if you really want to go through four more years of constant, trauma every single day? most candidates -- most voters, and most donors are going to say absolutely not. so, i do think it's very very possible for there to be an alternative to president trump. it's so early. we have a lot of time. let's see what happens. >> alencia, does this help or hurt democrats, if they are up against maybe anti trump republicans in the races? >> well, i think we have to, as democrats, we have to run our own race. i've said this over, and over
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again. we continue to talk about what the republican party is doing, whether or not they're working with president donald. trump summer, some are not. we also have to continue to talk to our voters about what we are doing. and so, it's a twofold strategy. whatever happens on the other side will stick with us because our policy will always be with the people. and, as long as we have that conversation -- [inaudible] i want to caution this conversation around democratic voters, all of that. democratic voters do get tired of this trump message when it comes to getting people to the polls. and, it's a delicate dance. but, the reality is, [inaudible] let them take each other out, while we can talk about the solutions that we want to bring to the country. >> all right, alencia johnson, and shermichael singleton -- oh, go ahead shermichael. >> i think alencia made a lot
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of good points. there's a significant enthusiasm gap between republican and democratic voters. also, key rebel groups that democratic groups in need this november are not happy with the direction of the party. and, that something that has to concern democrats. >> i know a lot of some them feel disenfranchised. we'll have to leave it there. alencia and shermichael, thanks so much. after, this is still to come news from that you, kate green elizabeth ethnic positive for covid. what we are learning in realtime, coming up. plus, shocking video from miami beach of a helicopter crashing into a beach packed with swimmers. we are going to discuss this terrifying site with an aviation analyst next. aviation analyst next. one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. (music) one gram of sugar, ♪ i think to myself ♪
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to the buckingham palace. the 95-year-old monarchs is experiencing cold like symptoms. she's expected to continue light duties over one there in the coming weeks. she's gotten three jobs of the covid-19 vaccine, we want to go straight to nbc news molly hunter, who is live for us. molly, obviously, we know her son charles tested positive less than two weeks ago. she had contact with them, but this is sending ripple waves not only in britain but of course here as well. >> hail and, say good morning, that's. right this is the news that we have avoided for the last two and a half years, that we were really hoping to avoid after the news as you mentioned that prince charles had tested positive two weeks ago. pretty light on details this morning, buckingham palace to duly system and sing the queen has tested positive of covid. the good news is, she is experiencing mild cold like symptoms and is best continuing
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white duties at windsor castle. that's all good news. after prince charles tested positive just about two weeks ago, last week lindsey we learned that camilla, his wife, tested positive. and the queen's 95 years old. and we have some type serious health concerns. lindsey you remember last october when she spent a night in the hospital. and really laid low resting up for a couple weeks on doctor's orders. so we will be watching this very closely. we have gone back to buckingham palace for asking more information. we will keep you posted on what we learned. >> molly, we appreciate, that we are going to msnbc contributor kdka, for more on. this county, we know that this is something that we tried to avoid, doctors tried to avoid, for more than two years. obviously, omicron has just ripped through the world. what do you make of this latest development? >> the queen has been very careful over the course of the last two and a half years. the understanding is all of the royal family has been fully vaccinated. usually medical masks surround,
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and the kept putting private. obviously there's a huge amount of public interest. but they don't want the press all over their private life. they don't have a huge amount of detail in the royal family. are their health issues. but they have released a statement. and they've met with prince charles a few days before he himself tested positive, and other members of the royal household in the castle with the queen's been kept. they tested positive for covid. i guess she can't be totally isolated, she has a lot around her, it wouldn't be entirely surprising that she could come into contact with the virus. but the symptoms are mild, and for the 95-year-old, she's an as good health as possible. >> and we know this news just broke, so it's hard to get a sense of reactionary now, but do you get the sense that the
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british people will panic over things like this? obviously, the good news is the symptoms are mild. but what do you think or reaction will be? >> the british people tend not to panic when it comes to the royal family, obviously. they've been exposed to the royal family up and down for years. i would imagine, i'm not in london at the moment, i'm in france, but i would imagine, that they would take this calmly. that's not to say that this -- people don't have huge amount of affection for the family. and, everyone knows she lost her husband, she's old now, and there's an anticipation of this in the monarchy. but i can't imagine it would cause panic. it would make people look realistically at her age and her vulnerability. >> all right, msnbc contributor
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katie, thank you for jumping on the phone. queen elizabeth testing positive for covid-19, experiencing mild cold like symptoms. she will continue to get medical attention and follow all appropriate guidelines, according to the palace. we stay on top of this news but still to come, we show you shopping video from miami beach of the helicopter crashing into waters, packed with swimmers. we discuss all of this with an aviation analyst next. all of this with an all of this with an aviation earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. analyst next. that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (music)
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an absolutely terrifying cited laura. a helicopter plunges into the waters of miami listed afternoon. take a look at this video, you can see not only how many people are on that beach but also when the helicopter goes down, three people on board taken to the hospital. pilots okay, two passengers suffered broken backs. we have dozens of people around at the time. no one else was hurt. and then, just hours later, another helicopter crashes off a popular beach, this time huntington beach, in california. this was a police drop, or responding to a call about a fight. overnight, we learned one of those officers inside died, another is critically hurt, and officers lined up to another brother in blue. so far, it is not clear what caused the helicopter to go down. let's bring in jeff custody, nbc aviation analyst.
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we have these two very different and frightening trashes crashes apart. what do you think went wrong here judging by what they're seeing by the video? let's start with the am miami beach situation. >> and both there appears to be a mechanical malfunction of some type, that helicopters profile appears to be one that's called a lot of rotation. they have to descend, and fly forward, and glide to the emergency spot. in the last moment, typically impose up on the co-optive, changing the blades to have one final cushion to slow down. and in this case, you don't see that. it appears to hit pretty hard. perhaps that is because the
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auto rotation occurred at too low of an altitude rsp. >> before we talked about the huntington case, is the pilot potentially going into the water here to try to avoid the people around? >> so i would say so. yes. a pilot is always attempting not to land in a sea of people. and in this case, the pilot would've had an opportunity to land on the, beach around the beach, but obviously saw all those people, it shocked me. it's 15 degrees here in washington d.c., to see all those people out there, it must have been a beautiful day. to me, likely, the pilot avoided hitting all those people. >> we're gonna show all those people we have from huntington beach. i don't know if we have video exactly similar to that in miami beach. it looks like we have the aftermath of a deal. a witness did tweet that he saw the police dropping above him spinning out of control.
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what more do we know about this one and what could've gone wrong? >> so this police department operates new or more modern helicopters than the one that you saw in that miami accident. this was mcdonald douglas and the 5:20 no tar, doesn't have a tail rotor blade, does have the technology to counteract. but something must have gone on with the control ability of the how copper. for it to end up where it ended up. it's very tragic. this was has a fleet of three of them. they fly all the time at night. helicopters are very safe, and we just don't know at this point but you can be sure that the national transportation safety board, and the faa will investigate and find out what happened. >> all right, joel thank you, tragic conversations on opposite coasts but we appreciate your expertise. >> thank you. >> all right everybody, still to come, we are going to dive
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newsom wants to take that hotly contested texas abortion law, the news that same logic for a gun control bill in his state. >> if texas can use a law to ban a woman's right to choose, and to put her health at risk, we will use that same law to save lives and improve the health and safety of the people in the state of california. >> newsom's been pushing for our government control bill he thinks we'll work. introduced friday, it'll allow californians to sue makers and sellers of assault weapons or ghost guns. most details still need to be announced but governor newsom made it clear, this is based on the texas law that lets people
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see abortion providers. there's no principal way that the u.s. supreme court can't uphold this law, it is quite literally modeled after the law they just upheld in texas. joining us to discuss now is greg jackson from the community justice action fund which focuses on addressing gun violence. will you make on this new approach here? is this seen as a political stunt? or could this make an impact? >> i think it could make a huge impact. right now we've gone through decades of seeing the gun industry, gun dealers, even traffickers, making billions off of the pain from those who lose their lives to gun violence. in america every year, our economy loses over 280 billion dollars, the cost of violence, but yet the profit private industry is making billions. we need a little bit more accountability on those putting guns in the hands of people meaning to harm others. >> i want to point to an editorial from the los angeles times saying that texas is
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destructive of women's rights is no justification of its back. even in that request to decrease the proliferation of guns, and the shocking increase in murder, and other violent crimes. so essentially saying, here two wrongs don't make a right. so what is your reaction to people who are for gun control but not like this? >> you know i think we have to think about the real wrong that we are seeing right now, and that is the cost of the amount. every year over 100,000 people are shot and killed by gun violence. i was shot in 2013 and i want to six months of recovery that was dramatic for a lifetime. and since i was shot, nearly a billion people have been impacted like this. like mcneill, was shot by at a pizza shop in my neighborhood. macaya wilson, who shot down the street from, eat getting
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ice cream. and we think about who was really paying the cost of violence. it is not the manufacturers, it is not these businesses, it is individuals like me, in communities all over the country. so as opposed to focusing on the political back and forth, and what is necessarily strategic, or righteous, we should think about how can we save lives i want to ask you about, this governor running even reached 1 million dollars sellout settlement with the sandy hook violence. and it's coming zuma i'm on the because they vote on goliath, david winning, and you think this will evolve others taking on a massive gun manufacturers? what's brought impacts do you think this will have? >> yes, we really hope it does. because what we've seen is the gun industry has been marketing and praying on communities with marketing strategies like this for decades now. since the 90s i've been
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marketed to you being used as tools, as early as 2020, we look at what happened after george floyd. he is playing with peter. you know? using he's, done can't protect, do and then in the intercity, he says you need this, instructive in order to fight against the white supremacists. there are guns named ghetto busters in magazines and marketing materials. so the predatory and manipulative marketing that we are seeing in the done industry it is something that we haven't seen anywhere else. if it was any other market it would've definitely stepped up right now and created more regulations. since our country isn't willing to do, that i'm so excited that now we are seeing a precedent where communities and individuals and families, can stand up for themselves, or they have been traumatized by home. >> did the settlement surprise you this week? >> it surprised me but i am so
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inspired. i'm so inspired and i hope that for the millions offensive been home, that we all have a chance to step up and fight back. and frankly, got a small conversation for the violence is destroyed. >> the winter olympics have come to an, and with the closing ceremonies underway, we go through the biggest triumphs and the bludgeoners. our reporter has the full report from beijing next. from beijing mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment (music)
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ceremony of the 2022 beijing olympics is here. bringing an end to the winter games dominated by headlines about the russian figures dating team, of course, the suspect of covid that could send any athlete home at anytime. jake gray is live for us in beijing with a look at some of the biggest stories. and also, a sneak peek at the 2024 games in paris. lindsey, good morning. >> these came from a very different, place inside a closed bubble because of covid, but the intensity of the athletes, it was exactly the same. there were couple special groups of americans here, really giving their all for their country on the world stage. and the results of a, getting a first medal 14 usa. and it was a, gold a bit of
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redemption for her, for first or. he held a huge, lead and landfall before he -- was a lot of talk about showboating, and she said she was just having someone. now, four olympics later she gets that gold. and what a great way to start things here. and the end of an hour you. got a bit of a convention after biden got michael who is. and they make it an improbable run to the quarterfinals of course excitement, there it was hard to get the mountain by you have when you move, or don't
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you think about beijing, this isn't gonna help you think about the controversy and finger skating. camille yeah,. and mike a little bit of something to say about that. let's listen. >> it's time for the ioc's just under. others from blocking are from. if this isn't happen quickly at the top of the movement the very few to. she went into covid protocol here, she was an isolated
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isolation separated from her family. they kept working out of that small family in the small room, came out and won two medals. silver and model, bronze, two women bobsled, and she accused the flag tonight from team usa in the closing. >> a great story, and such a different order and. and they're getting, when she was doing those exercises in hotels. i'm jake gray, thank you so much. i mean you will be able to watch the corrosion ceremony 8 pm eastern on msnbc. thanks for watching, i'm lindsay reiser, ali blackburn area, i ali blackbur area,
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and why this is so vital to our democracy. and then the spoke club, is once again -- i hope you read, or we read to kill a mockingbird today's show. but if you didn't i guarantee you're gonna learn something with my conversation of the legendary scholar amani perry, about why this book is one of the most banned books in american literature. velshi starts now.


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