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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  February 20, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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of "ayman." ahead, how did the gop go from the big tent party to circuit tent party to the party with no tent at all? my saturday night panel is here to break it all done. plus, olympic level back flips of hypocrisy. texas republicans want to ban mail-in voting unless it is their party casting the ballots. and president biden holds a rare sunday meeting with his national security council as a threat of a russian invasion with ukraine remains high. i'm michael steele in for ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. the republican party used to pride itself on being a big tent party. we wanted as many as people as possible to come together under the guiding principals of small government, free trade and personal responsibility. at least that's how it was when
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i was running the republican national committee. ogs like myself have watched it transform from a big tent to a little tent to now no tent at all. now, there is only one thing required to enter modern republican politics, complete and total subservevance to donald trump. running for liz cheney's congressional seat? chaney apparently sealed other anti-gop fate after condemning trump in the wake of the capitol insurrection and participating in the january 6th committee. according to "politico," trump is even pushing for changes to wyoming's election law sos that democrats and independents, the two people likely to support chaney for standing up to trump, they can't vote for her in the upcoming gop primary. this is all in feelty to trump
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at his beheadest. he's abandoning a former member of the house republican leadership here. just because trump wanted him to. that's the thing. and, of course, that's why the gop is the no tent party. they're not about policy debates or discussing the role of government anymore. they're just about trump. another case -- another case in point, south carolina where republican nancy mace is in the immediate aftermath of the insurrection, congresswoman mace said trump had no future in the party. since then she's tried to make herself trumpier to get herself back into his good graces, but it hasn't worked and now she's facing a tough primary challenge. which led her to post this embarrassing video online a couple of weeks ago. >> hey, everyone. congresswoman nancy mace here. i'm in front of trump tower today. i remember in 2015 when
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president trump announced his run. i was one of his earliest supporters. i supported him again in 2020 because the policies i believed in. >> the lesson here for congresswoman mace, trump will make you grovel. he will make you beg. but he'll never forgive you. and the rest of us will be wondering if you, much like the party of which you are a member, stand for anything or if you are just standing in the middle of an empty field where there used to be a big tent. so much to discuss. i haven't even gotten to the battle between kevin mccarthy and marjorie taylor greene. that's a lot. let me tell you. joining me now is david jolly, a former republican congressman from florida and the national chairman of the serve america movement. kirk bardella an adviser to the dccc and spokesman for the house overnight committee. and, oh, yes, here he is,
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stephanie miller, host of the tellny miller show on sirius xm. oh, yeah. we got the group in the house tonight. so we're going to start with david. david, the state of the union address is coming up in a little over week. you know how that goes and you know what that means. what do you think the state of the union for the republican party is right now? >> well, look, politically speaking, it is a fairly easy spot. they're in the opposition so they just get to oppose and suggest that the world would be better under their leadership. i think democrats face some real challenges. we saw in virginia that even though democrats worked hard on some of their top priorities, they're on the right side of the history when it comes to voting rights. perhaps the democrats might be exactly. they're focussed on inflation. they're focussed on the pandemic and all the regulations around that. so it will be interesting to see how biden frames the night
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because then it is a layup for republicans. they're just going to oppose it. as you said in your opener thrks is no longer a party about real ideas. this is a party about following the policy of one man and where that falls short to anger and already angry base. >> so i want to get your reaction to kevin mccarthy backing a primary challenge to liz cheney, someone who used to be a prominent member of the gop leadership. given her family's pedigree in republican politics. all of this, pushing liz aside, is to keep the base happy by mccarthy. is that just the height of cowardice from the minority leader, or is there more going here. >> i think it signals, michael, that really now we have a party that if you could have the perfect conservative voting record which liz cheney has, that's not good enough to get
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the support of your own leadership. i can't imagine, nor could you, someone like john boehner doing this to his own conference back in the days when you are a chairman of the party and i was on the hill working for republicans. watching kevin mccarthy send out the signal that no longer is your voting record the number one thing that will determine whether he supports you or not. it is whether or not you pledge unyielding feelty to donald trump and whether or not you still go along with the big lie, whether or not you excuse an act of domestic terrorism from january 6th. liz cheney's own crime here is she wants to get the truth of what happened here on january 6th. that's enough for kevin mccarthy and the republican congress to say we're not going to get behind you. we will break a tremendous amount of precedent here and interfere in a primary and go against you. that's how far this party has gone. >> yeah. that's a very important point that curt makes, stephanie, about leadership. and given all that's happening in d.c., it is enough to make
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you wonder who is really running the party, who is the leadership. so at an american first rally in texas last night marjorie taylor greene bragged about her efforts at holding up congress. stake a listen to this. >> the leader over there, the majority party, and he'd be stopping over to kevin mccarthy's office, what are you going to do about her, kevin? well, let me tell you, kevin can't do anything about me. [ applause ] >> so, you know, kevin may have the title of minority leader, but marjorie taylor greene has got the title of, hey, i'm running this. what do you think? >> yeah. it's -- your -- your party has become pathetic, michael. i -- as you know, my dad was chairman of the republican party. >> yes, he was. yes, he was. >> i have daddy issues with you to start. but i would like to get back to a place where we all can fight
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about real issues, where i wouldn't want to hang out with any of all y'alls because you're all republicans. but, michael, you told me on my radio show when we get back to that day, i ayman mohyeldin the skorp yan that's going to sting you when we get to the other side. i think we just want to get to the other side of the river where we're talking about real issues. jaime harrison was just on my show on friday and said the republican party has become the party of fear, fraud and fascism. and prove him wrong. prove him wrong based on what is going on right now. i don't think it's a party my dad would recognize. i'm sure you don't. >> no, not at all. and that's -- that's what's so powerful actually about that clip from someone like marjorie taylor greene, particularly given she's a member of congress sitting without responsibility. she just sits up and wreaks halve only. that's a sad thing.
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( it might not even work out for him. i mean, if you stop and look at it, if the republicans take back the house in the mid-terms, the freedom caucus is likely to try to install someone other than mccarthy as the new speaker, someone like jim jordan or matt gates. who will gain that power struggle? >> michael, you hit the nail on the head. it also explains mccarthy's endorsement in wyoming. look, this is a weak kneed coward who is currently in the position of minority leader. he is desperate, desperate to be speaker of the house. he would give part of his anatomy to be speaker of the house. we called it in '17 and '18. he lost the votes within his own conference, could not become speaker. so he has done everything he could. he wakes up every day trying to figure out how to be speaker. what that means in an evenly divided house like we have right now, you see him endorse people like green and gatz and all the
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crazies because he needs every vote he can get. he thinks chaney is going down, so he's going to endorse her opponent. if the house stays tight, he won't have the votes because of green and gatz and others. more importantly, if republicans pick up 40, 50, 60 seats, he'll throw all the crazies to the side because he won't need them anymore and he'll suggest he's the responsible republican leader right now. >> that is such an excellent point and is such a mccarthy move. i think that's something a lot of the freedom caucus folks recognize and why they feel the way they do. when you have congresswoman mace standing out there eating crow ever since she bent the knee to trump tower, some are opting to throw in the towel instead. adam kinzinger of ohio. anthony gonzalez all voted to
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impeach trump after january 6th and have now announced they will retire rather than stay in congress. how dangerous is that for the party? and particularly in light of what -- of what was just said about the possible, you know, pick ups of seats. they're also having to figure out how to hold some seats as well. true? >> yeah. and i think one of the things that's happening here is this lurch to the right, this embrace of extremism and fascism and authoritarianism that the republican party is a wash in right now has pushed out some moderate accomplishment type voices. this isn't a party anymore that welcomes a michael steel or a david jolly. they see you guys as the enemy, even more so at times for democrats. when you look at how the far right cover the republican party, they make people like you guys who speak common sense and believe in traditional conservative values, they see you as a greater enemy than joe biden or the democratic party.
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there is no return to normalcy for this republican party. that's why i joined the democratic party in 2016 and why i still complain that people like you and david will come over and join us, too, some time because we are the big tent party, mike. >> we've got some issues to work out first, though. let me tell you. that's going to be one hell of a negotiation. >> only a washington is half a tent. just because you have moderns doesn't make you a big tent. >> i know. you've got some things on that side you have to work out first. so, stephanie, to curt's point, it raises interesting posts as we go forward. if you look at florida governor ron desantis and other republican presidential hopefuls trying to split the difference to their own interests and snow
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showing deference to donald trump. i'm like, folks, trust me. that's an aberration because the primary there was very different. >> yeah. it's pathetic. i mean, i don't know where this goes, particularly if trump is in jail by then. that will be particularly funny. but nancy mace and some of these people that spoke the truth and now they're sucking up to him, what is your next commercial with the ball gag in the gym p's basement in "pulp fiction". >> okay. with that image left for everybody to ponder, don't go anywhere. still ahead, texas republicans are attempting to supress the mail-in vote. but what they don't understand is they're shooting themselves in the foot. i'll explain. plus, melania trump says she's been canceled by a school in oklahoma.
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confused? first richard lui is here with some headlines. >> hey, michael. we have more news on that breaking news in ukraine. president biden, russian president vladimir putin have agreed in principal to hold a summit on the ukraine crisis following this week's meeting wheen secretary of state blinken and foreign minister lavrov. both will proceed as long as russia does not proceed with military action. queen elizabeth has tested positive for covid-19. this comes after the celebration of the mononarc's 70th year on the thrown. the queen has mild cold-like symptoms and expects to continue mild duties over the week. and martinez is the first person in mexico to be issued a birth certificate recognizing their gender as nonbinary. he made the first attempt a year but was denied.
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martinez stressed the significance of this moment saying, quote, it is a collective achievement of non-binary people in mexico. more "ayman" right after this break. "ayman" right after this "ayman" right after this break. whoa! is that done? "ayman" right after this break. (mindy) yep! (vo) verizon is going ultra, so you can too. meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c.
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they're showing quad lutz level flip-flopping that truly merits a gold medal. last year the party passed a series of controversial restrictive state voting laws, the main target vote by mail. bun new law prevents local officials from encouraging people to vote by mail. another makes it a felony for those officials to send out applications for mail-in ballots to people who did not request them. but apparently those laws only apply to democrats, certainly not to lieutenant governor dan
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patrick. now patrick, a republican, send a mass mailing to thousands of republican voters across the state. the mailing encouraged them to vote by mail and include it, you guessed it, unsolicited applications for mail-in ballots. my next guest is the perfect person to talk about this story, the former elections chief in texas. during the 2020 election, he pushed to expand ballot access, and he is now a candidate for mayor of houston. welcome. welcome. good to have you. now, we should note that last week a federal judge has temporarily blocked part of that texas voting law that bans officials from encouraging mail-in voting, but that was well after lieutenant governor patrick's mass mailing was sent. so, chris, with all of that, the texas tribune reports that in 2020 patrick said that efforts to expand vote by mail were,
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quote, a scam by democrats to steal the election. he also said there was no reason anyone under 65 should be able to say i'm afraid to go vote during the pandemic. of course, he himself voted by mail in 2007. the hypocrisy here, though, never ends. what is your reaction when you hear this news and see the actions taken by the lieutenant governor. >> good evening, michael. thank you for having me. you have to remember a couple things here before we get started. dan patrick called for three, not one, not two, but three special sessions of the legislature in 2021 to pass these voter suppression laws. that's number one. the second is our newly appointed secretary of state was a lawyer for trump in trying to overturn the election in 2020. so that's where we're starting from. there should be no surprise that the laws that republicans wrote in 2021 to keep people of color
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and people in urban centers of voting are being successful right now and achieving those goals. but just lately dan patrick has gone to another level. even confusing his own voters and making sure that republicans are getting their mail ballots and applications sent to the wrong place and getting rejected just like those from texas across the state. the incompetence but certainly the intent to disenfranchise that yous upon thousands of texans. >> i mentioned that your role as election chief in harris county, you pushed to expand ballot expanding. enacted partly because of the work you did. lieutenant governor patrick's campaign consultant told the texas tribune that the restrictions are, quote, guard rails established by the legislature following harris
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county's unsuccessful attempt to send mail-in ballots to all of its registered voters in 2020 adding it was that overreach as well as drive through voting that brought about sb-1. they pass a law to ban what you did. then disregard that law so they could do the same thing, right? >> absolutely. let's be clear. voter suppression laws are being passed in georgia, in arizona, in wisconsin, attempted in pennsylvania. this is not a texas reaction, the houston area elections clerk making sure that millions of harris county people can cast ballots. this is a national effort by republicans to suppress voters. but moreover, we're very, very proud of what we did to serve our neighbors in 2020 and to ensure despite their age or health status, you can pass the ballot safely and security. nearly 1.7 million houston area voters were able to cast ballots. so we should be encouraging these types of practices like drive through voting, like
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extended hours and 24-hour voting we put in place here in houston in 2020. we shouldn't be discouraging them or we certainly shouldn't be making them into felonies and putting those in jail for encouraging participation in democracy, michael. >> i don't understand, chris. i don't get it. because as i point out to a lot of my republican friends, y'all how we did in 2010, what we did in the rnc and around the country. it was coordinating and expanding the vote by mail. as we see with this plan, it has backfired dramatically. patrick instructed those republican voters to return their applications by using an enclosed reply envelope addressed to the texas secretary of state's office. the problem is applications must be sent to local offices and the secretary of state has a firm policy of rejecting any applications sent there. so that means thousands of
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republican voters who received this from the republican governor may be deprived of their right to vote because it may wind up gumming it up for republican voters. i mean, how do you expect the texas law to affect future elections? and do you think republicans will be successful going forward in blocking participation by voters? >> yeah. well, what you are seeing from dan patrick is ineptitude at the highest level. fortunately, the secretary of state, despite the law that it is today, decided to go ahead and forward those mail ballot applications around to the various local county clerks. but what we're seeing of course here is two sets of rules, rules that apply to democrats and then rules that apply to republicans where the secretary of state is willing to step up and forward those voting -- vote by mail applications along. but the ugliness of this law is already rearing its head.
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we're already seeing seniors across houston, across texas be disenfranchised. and this should not stand. we need intervention at the federal level. we're grateful for the recent, you know, legal turnabout in west texas, making sure some of this law is struck down, but this needs to be permanently struck down. i don't need -- we need help from the federal level. >> thank you for the work in 2020. clearly got more work to do. chris hollands, appreciate you, brother. take care. still ahead, texting through the insurrection. how thousands of frantic messages are helping piece together the events leading up to and during the capitol riot. my saturday night panel, you know, they're back after the break. panel, you know, they're back after the know, they're back after the break.
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no more stolen election talk. impeach. and the 25th amendment are real. he can't mention the election again ever. those were just some of the messages fox anchor shawn hannity sent trump officials in the immediate aftermath of the january 6th insurrection. now, i don't blame you if you are dumbfounded. they certainly don't match the lies that he spewed on tv just days later. a new washington post piece documents how hannity and other major players in conservative politics said one thing about the riot in private and another thing in public when trump was watching. to discuss this and more, let's welcome back david jolly, kurt bardella and stephanie miller. so, stephanie, these text messages, the january 6th commission has uncovered, specifically texts between shawn
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hannity and several trump administration officials were damning. clearly showing the unhinged hannity we see on television is very different from the hannity behind closed doors. how do you think he manages to say one thing to his audience and then say something else differently? the lying and the back and forth, how does that work? >> oh, my god. you are giving me an arrhythmia. you are saying that sometimes they're hypocritical on fox news? is that what you're saying? you don't think this will make me say bad if i say the opposite thing on tv, do you? i mean, i just -- oh, my god. i want to see his texts with donald trump. no, you hang up first. no, you hang up first. lol. right? i don't know what to say. the fact that shawn hannity was the cooler head on january 6th, i mean, that's what -- why i think what they do on fox news,
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and this covers covid, too, it is close to fire in a public theater. they promote violence by promoting this big lie like we saw on january 6th. i think they have blood on their hands regarding covid. they make all these people covid heroes, anti-vaxxers that then die of covid. while we can laugh about it, michael, i think it is very serious, and i think fox news is poison in the body politic. >> well, it has -- it has really changed the way we engage politically, and it has changed political parties operational their efforts to get out their votes, david. i want to pivot back with you to the story we discussed a little earlier this hour. what do you make of lieutenant governor dan patrick's mail-in ballot boondoggle down in texas? what's that all about? >> yeah. michael, there is an axuim
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quoted in politics. never attribute that to malice that which is better attributed to incompetence. it is hard to know whether this was indeed malice or incompetence. but what we do know is that one of the strategies of the republican party and in particular the texas republican party is to use the state's voting laws to suppress the votes that they don't want and to turn out the votes that they do. and at times it seems an irrational approach to democracy. look, dan patrick has a pretty difficult record to defend in the state of texas. this latest episode is one more story he will have a hard time explaining. >> yeah. i think that's exactly right. and, kurt, for me, it kind of begs the question for republican lawmakers. are they failing to realize that these so-called election security measures are actually hurting our republican voters? it certainly is hurting them more than democratic votes. what do you think is going on there?
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as i pointed out, back in 2010, part of our big effort was getting that vote galvanized through access to the ballot, mail-in ballots, for example. >> well, like you, michael, i'm old enough to remember when republicans thought voting by mail was a tactical and, you know, logistical advantage for the republican party. and, so, they have now done a complete 180 on this to the point where it is undermining even their own turn-out. there is mass confusion and it questions the legitimacy of the election process. you know, one of the things that doesn't get enough attention that i think will need to is that in these 2022 midterms set aside congress for a second, whatever happens there. there are 27 secretary of state contests going on in this country in key, pivotal battleground states like pennsylvania, like georgia, like nevada, like colorado, things that will have massive implications for the 2024 presidential election in
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determining who oversees our election integrity in the united states. before anything could get to the electoral college, the secretary of state has to approve it. if we allow lunatic, right wing conspiracy theorists to become the chief election officers in states, we will have a massive integrity problem with our elections going forward. people need to pay attention to these elections. don't worry about what's on top. >> so, folks, i have a little term with you here. i want to go a little bit to the north. i'm sure you have all seen the following -- the so-called freedom convey. you guys know about that. well, "the daily show" took a trip up to ottawa to speak with them. i want to play a clip and then get your reaction on the other side. >> so what is this all about? >> you know what -- >> sorry. what is this all a-boot. >> this is about our freedoms.
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if you are vaccinated, you get to do certain things. if you are not, you don't. i don't think people should be divided. we should all be together. >> we are setting up a truck barrier to keep everybody together so they could be united. >> yes, yes. >> gotcha. we might as well lock them in. like the parent that locks them in that says, you guys stay friends until our democracy crumbles? >> yes. >> stephanie, is it the water? >> oh, my god. can i say regarding this and the texas thing, i miss the days when you were chairman of the republican party, michael, and i hated you because you beat us on issues, not cheating. you didn't have to cheat to win. i mean, it's -- i feel like it goes to every issue. you know? it is just -- again, they're selling lies. you know, the lie about the election, the lie that this was
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civil discourse on january 6th, the lie that vaccines don't work or masks don't work. i guess i'm stuck on the texas thing because i feel like what did a judge say? they target with surgical prevision minority voters. there is a reason they don't want vote by mail because too many people can vote. they can't microtarget black people and make them stand in the rain for ten hours by taking a bunch of voting booths out of their, you know, districts. so it is just -- it really is -- this party has become honestly the party -- they're pro-covid at this point. they are rooting for everything, whether it's russia or covid that will hurt biden. whether it is supply chain -- i mean, they're rooting for supply chain issues because they think it's bad for biden. this party is anti-american. it is the only way to say it. >> so, david, before we jump out of here, what -- there are rumors and murmurs that an american version of this is
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coming to washington soon and the organizers say they intend to drive all the way to washington with this. what's your take on that? how do you think that's going to play out here where you see the biden administration and the mayor of washington hold down the line on this or do we see traffic getting worse than it typically is in washington? >> hey, look, i think culturally the level of ignorance in the united states will watch what we just saw from "the daily show." most of the americans outraged about what happened in canada probably couldn't find canada on a map if they looked north. i think those will be the participants in this convey we will see. coming on the heels of january 6th and given the national security event that is a state of the union address, this is serious. so the question is if law enforcement moves in to protect the perimeter of the capitol, will this be a peaceful protest or will we see outbreaks like january 6th? that is why it is responsible for the republican leadership to
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amplify this narrative about what's going on in canada right now. >> david jolly, kurt bardella and stephanie miller. >> i want to point out that i love you and david and kurt now and it is all very confusing for me. >> i know. i know. that's what we do. we just can't -- we just keep it confusing. but thank you guys so much for your time tonight. really appreciate it. coming up, prompting president biden to convene a rare sunday meeting of the national security council. we'll break down what you need to know next. l break down what d l break down what d to know next your heart isn't just yours. protect it with bayer aspirin. be sure to talk to your doctor before begin an aspirin regimen.
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sergey lavrov will meet in europe. president biden accepted in principle a meeting with putin following that engagement, again, if an invasion hasn't happened. we are always ready for diplomacy. we are also ready to impose swift and severe consequences should russia choose war. reiterated by emanuel macron who along with u.s., nato and its allies are holding on to scraps of hope for diplomacy as russian seems poised to invade ukraine. earlier today president biden convened a rare emergency meeting of the national security council today to deal with the escalating crisis. meanwhile, ukrainian president zelenskyy is accusing the west of appeasing russia. up until 1991 ukraine was
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nicknamed the bread basket of the soviet union because its fertile fields. ukraine declared its independence. in 1994, ukraine agreed to give up its nukes in exchange for a promise of security from allied powers. under the budapest memorandum, u.s., u.k. and russia all agreed to respect ukraine's sovereignty and its borders. it is that deal that paired with ukraine's inability to join nato has brought the country where they are today, with little means to deter russian aggression. so will the diplomacy of foreign nations be enough to save them? joining me now is richard stangle and msnbc political analyst and the former undersecretary of state were public diplomacy and public affairs in the obama administration.
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welcome, richard. so ukraine is asking world leaders to do more than what's been happening so far. what responsibility do you think the world has to defend ukraine at this point? >> i think we have a lot of responsibility, michael. but as you mentioned in your good introduction, i mean, ukraine is not a member of nato. we don't have the same obligation to ukraine as we do to other nato members where we have to come to their aid in case they're attacked. ukraine is important, michael, because it is a hinge to the west. it's a -- it's a kind of a line between russia and europe, and we want ukraine to lean west towards europe, towards democracy and russia. wants ukraine to lean towards east towards russia and be dependent on russia. if anything, putin would like it to be a failed state. that's better to him than having
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a democracy on its border. but insofar as we try to enhance democracies, empower democracies around the world, ukraine is super important. and that's why putin is obsessed with it. >> uh-huh. yeah. and to that point, russia is saying tonight that diplomatic efforts need to intensify to end this confrontation. i want to quote former german chancellor angela merkel who once described putin as a 21st leader using 19th century methods. what is your take if there is any hope for diplomacy? >> i think there is always hope for diplomacy, michael, until the first bullets are fired. that's when diplomacy has failed. jaw jaw is always better than war of words. one of the things that angle merkel meant is that -- and we
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have heard a lot about this phrase in the last couple months. sphere of influence. what putin wants is this 19th century idea of sphere of influence where he can control the countries on his border and in his sphere of influence. i mean, sphere of influence is what gave us the monroe dotrine a long time ago. those days are gone. a world of international institutions, a globalized world. countries can't control what's in their geographical era. by the way, that is why putin and president xi had that meeting before the olympics because president xi wants the same thing. he wants to be able to control countries in his sphere of influence in the south china sea and east asia. this is a scary thing for democracies. it is a scary thing for the rest of the world. >> i want to pivot real quick in the time we have left on the violence because that to me has always been sort of the
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interesting piece here. we have seen shelling in the donbas region, the ukrainian defense minister says at least two soldiers have been killed. what do we know about the russian separatists inside ukraine and what they're doing to facilitate or participate an act of war by russia itself? >> well, these, michael, are the so-called people's republic of donbas that are -- that are kind of proxies for russia when they sort of became separate in 2014. it was populated by russian separatists. this is what the russians call hybrid warfare. they're trying to undermine ukraine by attacking them, by using false flags. all our intelligence reports show that the amount of violence going from the so-called people's republics into going -- into west into ukraine has intensified by ten times. this is all the red lights are
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blinking right now, michael. and that's why, you know, joe biden in an extraordinary measure of transparency revealed our intelligence that, you know, that putin has already committed to an revealed our intelligence that, you know, that putin has already committed to an invasion. but, it's the 11th hour. lavrov and tony blinken are meeting. that could prevent the bullets from flying. >> thank you for being with us this evening. before we go, folks, republicans have used the phrase "cancel culture" so much that it's lost all meaning, literally, that's next. all meaning, literally, that's next
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oh, somebody please think of the children! >> her prayers have been answered. someone's here to save the children, but it's not quite the hero she might have hoped for. it's melania trump. she says she's the recent victim of cancel culture after a school said no to her donation. she said, quote, it's not the first time where policy has got in the way of my mission to support the children. the children, huh melania? they know what they say about people who need a pat on the back for every good deed. >> there is no unselfish good
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deed. >> yes there are. >> may i ask for one example? >> yeah, there's, yeah, no, you may not. >> that's because all people are selfish. >> are you calling me selfish? >> are you calling you people? >> whether melania's good deeds are selfish or not, it's for the children after all. you can watch ayman at 7:00 on peacock. and msnbc saturday night and 8:00 on sundays at 9:00. it's a good way to catch up with guests you may have missed. but million we meet again, i'm michael steele, good night. t agm neuriva. think bigger.
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