tv Hallie Jackson Reports MSNBC February 22, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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♪♪ breaking news as we come on the air from washington, president biden announcing what he says is just the first round of sanctions against russia, hitting top russian banks and get ready to cut off some russians personally. promising this is only the beginning. >> this is the beginning of a russian invasion of ukraine. >> the president also making a big shift in u.s. troopers overseas. moving more members of the military closer to ukraine to help shore up nato allies, we've got the team standing by from washington, to moscow to ukraine. we're talk about what's next with the chairman of the foreign relations committee. we've got senator bob menendez, i'm hallie jackson, mike memoli,
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courtney kube. keir simmons in moscow, and andrea mitchell and hager shamali, a former spokes spokesperson for the treasury department. we just heard from the president. we're about to hear from the secretary of state. and mike, the president, he was done with vladimir putin, it seems like. he left that door of diplomacy open a crack, but he was tough. >> listen, hallie, this is what we've been talking about for three months, how the white house was cal lating what they describe as swift and skweer sanctions should russia invade ukraine. there are questions in the last day why it took the white house to officially call it an invasion. you had the president very
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clearly calling it the beginning of an invasion. as far as the sanctions that the president just announce third among the very severe that have been talked about for months. significantly, though, the president saying just the beginning. this the first tranche of sanctions, you referred to what he said at the beginning of his speech, hoping there's a possibility for diplomacy, but not discussing the invitation with the expected meeting between secretary of state antony blinken and sergey lavrov, the potential meeting of him and putin poot but clearly, hallie, talking to vladimir putin directly. using the beginning of his speech calling the russian president out to redraw the boundaries of europe. let's listen to some of the comments from the president. >> who in the lord's name does putin think gives him the right to declare new so-called countries on territory that belonged to his neighbors? this is a flagrant violation of international law and demands a
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firm response from the international community. >> and then, hallie, very clear lines set by the president saying, one, we are not sending soldiers into ukraine. that's been a clear line that he refuted today. and also saying we will defend every inch of nato territory and some of the troop movements that he announced today are all about that. there was focus on the intersection between u.s. and ukraine but also interaction with the eastern allies and that's what a lot of that is with the troop movement. >> courtney, i'm going to get to you on the troop movements but let me go to you, the president has announced two big financial institutions are going to be sanctioned along with russian sovereign debt, russian elites and family members and, again, working with germany to make sure that critical pipeline for putin nord stream 2 is not going
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to be affected. but this to how much teeth does this have? >> hallie, not making any comment on whether it's right to impose sanctions but whether it has a threat. well, the west has been threatening sanctions right up until now. and so far, it doesn't appear to have any deterrence of the president putin. we don't know what's happening inside the kremlin. he doesn't use cell phones beyond secure lines. so, we don't know whether or not inside those walls he has stepped back in any way from something he might have planned because of the threats. certainly, it's right to say, that inner sanctum, of president putin, the oligarchs are being sanctioned. it's possible to argue, those closer to president putin
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getting sanctioned but ultimately, you only have what you have if president putin agrees to it. and it's pretty much what the west has. and the nord stream 2 decision to halt that new pipeline, to germany, i think that's a very important and impactful decision but, of course, we say it again and again, remember, russia does have the capability to shut off or slow down the gas to europe. so it is potentially american allies in europe that will pay for the fallout from these moves against russia. that's really just a point to say there is a lot of time ahead, months, days and weeks and months, for president putin to make new moves. look, ultimately sanctions so far have not been a deterrent. diplomacy does not seem to have had any real impact on president putin. hallie, i was talking to a russian foreign ministry official just tonight, quite
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extraordinary. he was skeptical that a meeting between secretary of state antony blinken and russian foreign minister lavrov would happen on thursday. it's tuesday. don't even know whether that crucial diplomatic meeting might even take place. >> the focus at the moment, less on diplomacy, right, and more on the deterrence factor when it comes to when it relates to troop movement that we're going to get to. richard, you're on the ground, near the port city of ukraine, of mmariupol. was the speech what they wanted to hear? >> the ukrainians have been aware of the united states' position from the beginning. they've seen weapons flowing towards their government and military in a way they haven't seen ever. for the last eight years, they've been fighting a
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low-level war against russian separatists and russia. they felt they were being ignored, that no one was paying attention. that the russian-backed separatists were firing on ukrainian villages. ukrainian troops were firing back. people were dying and the world did not notice or care. but just in the last several weeks, hundreds of millions of dollars of american weapons have been arriving. and there have been political meetings, high-level meetings, on a daily basis, sometimes, an hourly basis. the ukrainians are watching this. obviously, all of this talk of war is making them nervous. but for the first time, they do believe that the west, the united states has their back. what they're concerned about is they know that they're not a nato country. and they know that the united states is building up a wall to the east, supporting nato allies. and they worry that if the worst were to come to pass and russian troops were here, and russian
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troops really were using some sort of hit list to go through towns and cities, rounding up activists before they were able to organize an underground movement, would the west just sit back in poland and in germany and watch the atrocities happen. so, they're appreciative of the support, but they're worried what will happen, should that day come. >> president biden, courtney, talked about troop movements during his remarks during the last 45 minutes or so. here's what he said. >> i have authorized additional movement of u.s. forces and equipment, already stationed in europe, to strengthen our baltic allies, estonia, latvia, lithuania. let me be clear, these are totally defensive moves on our part. we have no intention of fighting russia. we want to send an unmistakable message, though, that the united states together with our allies will defend every inch of nato territory. >> so, courtney, what do you
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hear on the pentagon? >> these are troops, inside europe, none of them coming from the united states. the equipment that he's talking about will include some aircraft and advanced fighter jets, in fact. they will also be brought into the three nato allies. so, the big question remains what about the 8500 or so u.s. military forces who have been sitting on a heightened state of alert for the past several weeks that could be activated. or could be sent forward, to eastern europe if the nato response force is activated? at this point, we continue to ask the question is there any momentum for resource. at this point, we keep hearing from nato officials, defense officials here in the united states an pentagon and other allies that there is still no momentum to activate that, until vladimir putin invades ukraine. well, now there's a recognition of these two separatist areas is
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that enough of an invasion? still no activation of it. the u.s. troops continue to be here on this prepared to deploy order or heightened state of alert that we keep talking about. but these several hundred u.s. troops already in europe will move forward. it's possible we will see more announcements like this in the coming days, depending on what vladimir putin does here. but again, there's still no talk of bringing any additional troops from the united states forward. this saul about reinforcing the defenses of these nato allies, particularly, these smaller allies like estonia, to help show that this is a unified alliance in the face of this potential russian invasion. >> courtney, as you were laying that out so capably, we received word from the white house about a meeting that, mike, i don't think we know about president biden and the ukrainian foreign minister? >> that's right, the ukrainian foreign minister was in town to meet with the secretary of
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state. as were you talking about the ongoing support for ukraine, we got a tangible signal of it, a personal signal, president biden according to a white house official we learned met with the foreign minister today on which he expressed ongoing support for ukraine's integrity. and also that the u.s. would continue to provide defensive and macro economic support for ukraine. in that meeting, a very important signal on a very important day. >> andrea, talk more about that signal. talk more about what will the expectation is, when we hearing from secretary of state antony blinken later on, reference what he has heard on his end, of kier, andrea, i wonder if you have any updated information? >> this is exactly the same. secretary blinken is going to leave early tomorrow morning, we're going to follow, they only
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have one or two seats for reporters on that plane. but the reception for the foreign minister is really quite remarkable because he also had an honor cordon at the pentagon, he's meeting with the secretary of state and a joint news conference with the secretary of state. but the meeting with the president probably does explain the delay in the president's remarks that kept shifting the time. when he finally came out, that this president might be superstitious in numbers, it was 2:22. you know the rest, he came out and started speaking exactly at 2:22 in the afternoon. in any case, the whole emphasis today is onshifting, mike memoli and courtney have pointed out, shifting to the way they're framing this to an invasion. this is the beginning of an
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invasion. they were tweaking the language last night to avoid that. and being criticized on television, mike mcfaul, a good friend of this white house who has had experience with people in the previous administration saying is this invasion. i taught this, as did mcfaul. i teach this at stanford. when you go into a country uninvited, a sovereign country with your military, this is an invasion. and it was. i think what they saw overnight, the intelligence and movement that courtney has been describing as well as the way vladimir putin described it today which was to expand on the separatist areas to enlarge those borders it clearly is an invasion. i don't think that i got to the original question that there's a meeting with lavrov this week. they will hold that off. but they don't think it would do anything but create another propaganda platform for lavrov who is not that close to putin. he's the foreign minister, he
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travels all the time and putin has been so covid-adverse. you've seen him with the long table. he merely deals with his top intelligence man, those are the people he has face-to-face contact, they are hardline and not as well versed in the complexity what has happened in ukraine over the years. i think secretary of state might travel to nato or some other ally to reinforce their unity, but i don't think we'll see him going it to see lavrov at this point. >> let me bring you into the conversation here, at the top of the show with mike, we talked about the tone that president biden struck. but you here keir's response to the sanctions. how do you view that and what is else for the president, it's clear that there's more to come if russia continues to escalate?
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>> sure. i have a different view. and when russia annexed crimea, at the time, those sanctions were very deliberately surgical is the word we used. they were done in a way to prevent backlash on u.s. business. president biden made that clear, now there is no limit. we have all of these targets that we were pursue and we'll go pursue them. and the target you that see now is quite strong. and the stronger message. president biden is trying to say, we're going to make russia a pariah. we want everyone around the world to join us in this because that's the way this is going to work best. the sanctions as keir mentioned, nord stream 2 pipeline, russia with billions, billions with a "b," billions of dollars. there's repercussions to that, germany has to find a source elsewhere that's going to increase gas prices for them and
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around the world. and you see there's a price for diplomacy. that's what he was meaning. so the sanctions, the way treasury and state department and white house view sanctions starting as a nucleus, kind of like the center of an unon, and going to that with it and the military there, the protection, the structure, whatever it might be, oil and gas. so there is more we can do. and president putin is aware how strong the sanctions can be. and the fact that russia is integrated into the financial system means they will feel the financial pain. the question is, will it be enough to change putin's calculus? i don't think it will be, because president putin knew that the sanctions were coming before he invaded. the two things that would
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probably prevent further aggression would be either military threat which the u.s. is not going to pursue for a number of reasons. and second, some leeway, or getting something from the demand he made of nato or other military action or equipment in the region. minus that, you're going to see these sanctions in play for a while. the positive side -- the positive side is, one it gives ourselves -- it gives us a bargaining chip to use in negotiations in the future. and, two, over time, they could financially undermine the military to prevent president putin and his government from pursuing similar aggression, further ukrainian or georgia or elsewhere. >> that's really an important perspective. richard. i know you wanted to jump in the conversation here. go for it. >> well, i was just following what andrea was saying about a bit of the numeralology 2/22/22.
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today was the date that the government was over there. and the they continue to focus on did the date as a turning point, from russia's perspective things went bad for ukraine. ukraine became a lap dog of the west that wants to pursue nuclear weapons and needs to be taught a lesson and brought sbookt russian fold. so there was a lot of focus on this particular date for putin. and earlier today when the russian foreign ministery announced it's pulling back all diplomatic staff from the consulate and embassy, there was a long message attached with it, much of it focused on this day in hist eight years ago.
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>> thank you all so much for your reporting, for your perspective and for standing by as we're rolling with this breaking news this afternoon. i may some of your faces later on. appreciate it. after the break, we're going to get live reaction what we just heard from president biden from the person you see on the screen, the chair of the foreign relations committee, bob menendez. and now wall street is reacting, the new york stock exchange, the last hour of trading. that's coming up. trading that's coming up
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♪♪ let's bring in now the chair of the foreign relations committee, senator bob menendez. senator, thank you so much for being back on the show on what i know is a big and important afternoon for everybody. >> good to be with you, hallie. it is a big day. >> let me start then what we just heard from president biden. are you satisfied with his announcement? >> well, i think the president's announcement is a good first tranche of sanctions but cannot
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be the end of it. i think the sanctions on these particular banks, veb bank is one of the most substantial banks, it was on my list of banks on my legislation that i wanted to sanction. this is a bank that is definitely going to hurt the elites. it is a development bank. it's a payment agent for russian government, so that's a good one. the military bank is also where the military and financing flows through. that's a good one, too. blocking sanctions is the most significant sanctions that you can render against banks. i think there are other banks that need to be considered. sovereign jet, we had that on our list as well. this means that russia not able to raise money from the west. it's not able to trade new debt in western markets. that's very specific. i'm looking forward to seeing the specific oligarchs being
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sanctioned because they're the ones helping putin or owing money. that's a direct challenge to putin. and of course, nord stream, i'm very pleased to see the german action, i think we should join them in lifting our waivers in proceeding as well so it's a clear message to putin you're not going to get it online anytime. >> so you believe this is a appropriate or significant first step. but as far as a second step, a next tranche of sanctions, for example, do you believe it would be prudent to cut russia banks off or is that something you'd like to see now? >> well that is what i consider among the mother of all sanctions is having them taken off swift. and it seems to me while the president holds it in abeyance, it certainly is a challenge to putin in his thinking.
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i don't think putin thought this would necessarily happen because it happened in 2008 and 2014. now that it's beginning to happen, hopefully that will affect him in saying i have to think about how far i go. but if he moves any further, yes, i would have that in my legislation as well. >> i understand from our team, that multiple sources are telling us that congressional leadership, committee staff was briefed just a couple hours about these sanctions. what are your big question questions about the national security staff that will be briefing relative members of congress? >> i'd like to know which of the oligarchs are going to be sanctioned. i want to know what other banks are going to be considered for sanctions. i want to know what is a threshold for putin to cross to consider, for example, your last question of s.w.i.f.t. there are many other things that can be done as well. those are just some of the ones that, to me, are the most significant.
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>> talk about the congressional responsibility. what the next step should be, how quickly it will happen, given what we know? >> you know, we came a long way working with our republican colleagues, unfortunately, we couldn't finalize the deal. but i think this reality of invasion by russia into ukraine only strengthens the resolve of what we want to accomplish. and so there's a lot more in common that we can join on, to send a clear and powerful message to putin, that it's congress as well, speaking in conjunction with the president, in support. of ukraine. and the consequences to russia. and i hope that we will get to that, as soon as we get back. we've already precipitated some conversations as a result of the invasion. hopefully, we can reach that final common ground. there's a lot more. we agree on nord stream, we agree on sanctioning russian
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banks, we agree on russian debt which the president has done. we agree on oligarchs. >> you mentioned your oligarchs, lindsey graham wants a task force created to go after the russian oligarchs, is that something that is of the moment at this point? >> yeah, i spoke to senator graham today. i think it's an intriguing idea. if in fact there needs to be the wherewithal to specifically target the oligarchs, i'm more that. i think there are existing laws like magnitsky, for example that many of these actors can be pursued on. but i'm for doing whatever is necessary to send a clear and unequivocal message to putin you that cannot change the map of
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the country by force and you cannot by force what happened in 2008 and 2014. >> senator, before you go, when you look at the geopolitical context and perspective here, how concerned are you in the role china is playing or not playing right now? >> well, you know, china had that join press conference with putin during the olympic games about pushing back on the world -- the world's actions in terms of what russia was threatening to do. i don't know if it really wants to embrace the invasion of another country. i also think that having these strong actions that the president announced in the first tranche i hope will further continue sends a clear message to china there are consequences as well as it looks at, for example, taiwan. and i think there are global actors authoritarian in nature, who are looking for the response of the united states that's why it needs to be strong, powerful,
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unequivocal and certain. >> senator menendez, thank you for joining us on a day where there's a lot going on. next up, we look at stocks, a pretty roller coaster day on wall street. later, the latest on backups of the national guard ahead of the potential trucker protests richt here in washington. more to come. richt here in washington more to come ing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. (sniffing) i know my old spice long-lasting scents anywhere. that's me, mr. cole. oh... (sniffing) mmm! let's talk about a raise. ( ♪♪ ) it■s hard eating healthy. unless you happen to be a dog.
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to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. we're back. just getting some new information into us about those troop movements in europe announced by president biden within the last 60 minutes or so, nbc's courtney kube is posted at the pentagon. courtney, this is who is going where. the equipment, f-35s, where they're headed. talk to us. >> yeah, that's right. president biden laid this out in a broad sense. they're sending additional troops already there to estonia, lithuania and latvia. we don't have that level of gran granularity.
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there are task forces from italy. there's f-35s. these are advanced attack fighter jets. we don't know exactly where they're going to go, but a senior defense official is saying around the baltic area. they're being a little cagey exactly where some of these are going. one thing that stuck out to me in this announcement is 32 apache helicopters. >> why helicopters? >> they're attack helicopters. these are not people movers, think of a chinook or black ops. these are specifically helicopters for attack. they're not used for troops around the battlefield. they're sending 32 of them forward. so that really stands out to me. we don't know exactly where they're going, again, it's a little vague, other than to the region to nato's eastern flank. so, again, this is going to be, all said here, this is going to be well over 1,000 troops that will be moved from inside the
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region, further towards -- close towards ukraine, again, as part of this effort to shore up these defenses. or bolster the defenses of some of these smaller nato allies who are right there in the region near ukraine in the face of russian aggression. >> nbc's courtney kube at the pentagon. bringing us the latest information as soon as you get it. thank you. >> thanks. we talked about the roller coaster ride on wall street it might get even worse in 25 minutes before the bell rings. with this seeming to rattle traders. it's rebounded. at one point it dropped 600 points earlier. still down more than a percent. the concern over energy, of course, top of mind as president biden announced sanctions against the biggest oil producers in the world in germany, scuttling the nord stream pipeline. let's bring in bob pisani. how much does this drive the markets close to the close? >> very important, hallie.
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down 700 points they started rallying after the president spoke and announced the sanctions. why? i think traders felt that the sanctions were not as severe as anticipated. the impact what impact on the european and american economies. the president wants obviously room for additional sanctions down the road where things get notably worse. these are where this gets complicated. we're fighting inflation here in the united states, hallie. oil prices are elevated. at $94 a barrel. that's $15 more than had we not had the ukraine crisis. it was already higher with additional demand and reduced supply. we're fighting inflation and this is just making it worse. federal reserve is going to raise rates to combat inflation. then again, they got to be concerned about slowing the economy. you get the idea, hallie? >> right. >> this confounds the effort of inflation we've got. >> bob pisani, it's great to be
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on the show. thank you for being with us. appreciate it. >> always a pleasure. the u.s. and allies declare russia moving with the invasion putting forth the sanctions they've been mentioning for months. members of congress who have been working with the white house, in some instances, working together to figure out what the next steps should be. the senate majority leader chuck schumer, for example, telling reporters this morning that the president has the green light with democrat support. >> president biden has the power to issue strong, swift and effective sanctions. and he should do so in coordination with our allies to counter the russian invasion. >> one of those allies, germany, saying this morning, as we've been talking about, they will halt the certification of nord stream 2 pipeline, let's bring in garrett haake, the news correspondent on capitol hill. garrett, let me take you through a couple pieces. it's 3:30 eastern time, as duly
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noted, the president started his speech at 2:22. a lot has happened. developments, including bob menendez on the air, chair of the senator foreign relations committee as you know. i know your colleagues and you are working on and a committee meeting on step two with congress. brings up to speed here. in with conversation with senator menendez, it seems there are questions when and how quickly the biden administration will move forward on pulling the trigger on what else is in the arsenal, like, for example, cutting russia off? >> yeah, hallie, details of the first tranche of sanctions just hit my inbox. lawmakers are just getting their first looks at it. as you heard from senator bob menendez, and i've starting to hear from other lawmakers weighing in on this, one of the key pieces they want to know about is what's done about the
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oligarchs, the wealthiest, ben sasse, the republican from nebraska put out a statement saying he would like to see the sanctions go much harder against those people in putin's inner circle. and there are going to be questions there. and as menendez laid out to you as lindsey graham earlier today, there's perhaps a role for sanctions go beyond congress for the oligarchs to be guilty until proven innocent. as graham described. he talked about setting up a task force to go after them in ways that simple sanctions would not. i think lawmakers will try to be creative or come up with ways either on their own, or in conjunction with the biden administration. try to be more aggressive. in the schumer bite you that played, i think the key is in coordination with allies. those on the foreign relations committee like menendez
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understand that the sanctions they have are ones that keep everybody in the wheelbarrow. if they go too far in one direction being too aggressive, you might lose allies not willing to go as far. all of those things are part of how congress tries to throw its weight around here in the coming days and weeks, hallie. >> garrett haake live on the hill. and why officials here are asking the penalty gone for backup as the truckers make their way to the area. they'll tell what will they try to do on the beltway in just a minute. beltway in just a minute
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requirements in this week before the president's state of the union. i want to bring in nbc's ken delanian to talk about details of this. ken, i think from, listen, we live in washington. one of our local affiliates here fox 5 had one of the convoy organizers on, basically saying they're looking to put a choke hold essentially on the city. talk to us about the new details and some of the new -- the significance of what we're hearing, i don't want to call it a deployment, but the moves being made, what's being made in advance. >> right, hallie. pentagon general john kirby said the pentagon is analyzing the d.c. request but no decisions have been made yet on whether to approve them. he said the u.s. capitol police in washington, d.c.'s homeland security asked for d.c. national guard personnel to provide support of traffic control points in and around the district, to help address potential challenges stemming from possible disruptions at key traffic arteries. law enforcement agencies have
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said they received reports independent of what you were talking about, truck drivers planning to block roads in major american cities including d.c. to protoast covid vaccines and mask mandates. they intend to follow the playbook of the canadian protesters that shut down the border crossings. the group called the people's convoy, promised a convoy of trucks in california and ended in washington, d.c. that group's website is down. and others remain concerned about potential protests. the capitol police said they're closing coordinating with d.c. police department. u.s. park police, the secret service and the d.c. national guard, hallie. >> ken delanian live in d.c. i have a feeling, ken, we'll be talking about this a lot more as the week develops and the story develops. appreciate it. >> you bet. we're going to take a quick break but we'll be back as we keep an eye on several developments set to develop in
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the next 30 to 35 minutes including a news conference from secretary of state antony blinken and the white house press briefing later on. stay with us. s briefing later o. stay with us or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab.
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relates to the crisis in ukraine, and the announcement of president biden that he believes this is is beginning of an invasion and new details about what the sanctions are. the specifics of the logistics of them. let me set the scene over what we're working on over the next hour. we'll see secretary blinken with the ukrainian foreign minister. an opportunity for him to take questions. at 4:45, we've got jen psaki and her update. again, things are moving very quickly. i want to bring in mike. also joining us, the former defense secretary under president obama. jim townsend. treasury has now released specifics and it includes some answers, senator mendez was asking, who these sanctions are targeting. it appears to be a couple of high level banking officials and
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a domestic policy adviser to putin. >> that's right. obviously, the president laid out what we would call the top lines. the overarching sanctions, what they are on vbe bank, military bank, cutting russia off from the west. but now we have three specific names who are attached to the inner circle of putin. and who they are. i'll just run through as we're just getting this in the last few minutes. one is the son of the director of the fsb, the federal security service. the next one is the chairman of psb. the other is the son of the first deputy chief of staff, the domestic policy adviser for putin. so as this treasury department press release indicates, these are individuals who have directly benefitted from the clep tok rasy that is russia. part of putin's inner circle and now they and their assets will be cut off.
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it's significant that he is targeting his inner circle, but as the president indicated, there are other levers still in the wings if putin further escalates. >> mike, thank you for that. jim, let me bring you in here. i know you think the more significant announcement is actually the new details we're learning about troop movements. obviously not going into ukraine, but helping to bolster nato allies on the border essentially. tell me more about that. >> that's quite significant. not just in terms of numbers, but in terms of what those pieces of equipment are. the ah 64, the attack helicopter, it's a tank killer. and so obviously the concern in the pentagon was was we need equipment in the baltics and poland to handle armored vehicles. they sent in those apaches.
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they also provide ground support for troops, but their main job is to tank out tops. and the aircraft going in. the f-35s. usually when we see aircraft, it's the f-15, but this time, we sent the top of the line. i believe they just arrived last week or so. so those are going to be sent to the front as well. i couldn't tell if it was going to be the baltic or the black sea. maybe romania, but regardless, that's a major sign. that's an aircraft that carries a lot of capability and is something that the russians are going to sit up and notice. this was a big signal to putin. >> and potentially, jim, just the beginning as it relates to other signals to putin with as mike well knows, the president saying this is just potentially the first step of sanctions. if he escalates, there will be more of a crackdown on the
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economic front. >> that's right. i think on the military side, this is a down payment. on the financial side, nord stream 2 was tough for the germans to do. it's a big signal also to the russians. i think it was a surprise to putin. that the germans would come through. weeks ago, there was doubt about whether germany was on this and one of the first sanctions out of the box was nord stream 2. you have to give them credit for that. so when you combine nord stream 2 as well as the banks that are yet to come, i mean, we've seen a couple of banks now, they were put on the chopping line. we haven't seen the bulk of the banks. they're yet to come. and you combine that with the military moves and you've got quite an opening package here. there's more to follow both on
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that financial side as well as the military side. >> jim, thank you so much for being with us and sharing your expertise. mike, thanks for you as well. thanks for watching this hour with us here today. another one, i'm sure we'll do it again tomorrow. deadline white house starts right after a break. again tomo. deadline white house starts deadline white house starts right after a break. and prevent migraines with one medication. onederful. one quick dissolve tablet can start fast and last. don't take if allergic to nurtec. the most common side effects were nausea, stomach pain, and indigestion. with nurtec, i take on migraines my way. what's your way? ask your doctor about nurtec today. ♪ “all i do is win” by dj khaled ♪ ♪ everybody's hands go up! ♪ karaoke singer: and they stay there. and they say yeah. and they stay there, up, down, up, down. never lose confidence in how you run your business. intuit is bringing quickbooks and mailchimp together
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