tv The Reid Out MSNBC February 22, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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only right the wrongs of the past but set the next generation up for something we could have only dreamed of. >> that dream is now reality thanks to the leadership, legal battles and of course, a way to get this going not only in sports but many athletes saying it is a sign of what can happen with unified leadership across any workplace any industry. we wanted to bring you that. thanks for watching "the beat." "the reidout" with joy reid starts now. >> that is called ending on an up note. have a great evening. good evening, everyone. the united states and its european allies have dropped the economic hammer on vladimir putin and the russian oligarchs who feed and property up his corrupt government. president biden after calling russia's move into sovereign ukraine and invasion unleashed three new hard hitting financial sanctions aimed at two banks, russia's foreign debt and the country's elite and family
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members. >> today i'm announcing the first sanctions on russia in response to their actions yesterday. these have been closely coordinated with our allies and partners and will continue to escalate sanctions if russia escalates. none of us will be fooled. there is no justification. further russian assault in ukraine remains a severe threat in the days ahead and if russia proceeds, it is russia and russia alone that bears the responsibility. >> the move comes in coordination with the u.k. and all 27 members of the european union, which announced their intention to sanction 351 members of the russian duma and 27 individuals and entities playing a role in this invasion. also, germany announced it would halt the process of certifying the nordstream two pipeline, by passing ukraine.
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before we go further, it's important to note how significant these moves are. russia is a government run by a thug and his friends who steek status and personal gain at the expense of the government. the former kgb man working hand and hand with two dozen buddies capitalized on the fair sale of state owned assets in the 1990s to horde billions of dollars for themselves. if you look at russia's richest men it's a web of connections that leads you all the way to the top, straight to putin. these folks have their hands in everything, i mean everything. phone companies, medals, gas and construction and that's just to name a few. like all crooked billionaires, they love to launder their money. buying real estate in london, beautiful yachts on the french river rivera.
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putin has been bracing for impact restructuring his economy in anticipation of this very day. making sure russia can with stand western sanctions by stockpiling reserves trimming budgets and granting the rich -- his rich buddies lucrative deals at home so they don't have so sweat losing international contracts. this might help explain why putin whose own fortune is estimated to be between $200 million, somewhere around $200 billion moved his personal yacht from germany into russia in january. president biden had warned that sanctions against putin were under construction. tonight, the u.s. and our european allies warn if putin did not heed their warnings, they're prepared to go further, much further. a nuclear weapon of sanctions remains cutting russia off from the society for worldwide enter bank financial telecommunications which allows foreign banks to process
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transactions. joining me now is matt bradley reporting from ukraine and keir simmons, nbc news senior international correspondent joining us from moscow. i'll start with you keir. the fact that these sanctions are thorough going but still holding back on the most severe which is cutting russia off. what is the reaction inside of that country? >> well, the reaction is what you might expect, joyce. president putin's spokesperson was asked tonight what his reaction was, what the putin administration reaction was to president biden's televised announcement of sanctions and he said we didn't watch it. that's the kind of response you'd expect from the russians but i think we have to be real with people that these sanctions that have been announced so far
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are limited and that the evidence suggests president putin isn't deterred by sanctions and we're beginning to see political recrimination from various sides including the republicans over what could or should be done perhaps even suggesting that president biden should do more. listen, there is plenty of blame to go around. you mentioned russian reserves that have build up. $630 billion worth of reserves. president putin has been building those since before his famous speech in 2007 where he railed against nato. so the evidence has been there for a long time. if you talk about a really dramatic potential step cutting russia off from the payment system, if the west had done that eight years ago back in 2014, it would have had a lot more impact than it is likely to have now. sanctions in the long term can have an impact but president putin has been building what you can call an economic fortress
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and that tells us something, not just words that he's said over the years but that tells us something about what he has been planning and perhaps what he plans looking forward. look, the big question is we know what president putin thinks. we know what president putin is capable of. the big question tonight is what has he got planned? >> very quickly to stay with you for a moment, kier, the pipeline was very important to russia and germany. the fact that's not happening. i'm wondering if that fortress is strong enough to hold his oligarchs losing their access to capital and wealth and banking over seas and parking there considerable assets in miami. is his position strong enough to withhold the people around him losing what they had to gain from interacting economically with the world? >> yeah, it's a great question. that pipe line is a gas pipeline, obviously, and people talk about europe being
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dependent on russian gas. it a co-dependency because russia makes so much money from gas. here is the real question here, who is going to help europe economically when europe takes the brunt of the potential sanctions going forward? how is germany going to be help ed if russia chooses to respond by limiting the amount of gas or cutting off gas. these are the fund mental questions for the west. this is how the west will be tested and i don't think right now we have the answers. just in terms of the ololigarch in the end if you're a russian oligarch and owe your money and wealth to president putin. that's the question about how much difference it makes when you put pressure on the oligarchs to president putin and his inner circle. >> let me go to you, matt, thank
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you, kier. thank you. do people feel this is enough? the support of the west is what people are looking for. is the sense here what is being done thus far enough? >> i mean, joy, i've been telling you couple weeks ago people here were saying this wasn't going to be an invasion. a lot of anger from a couple weeks ago is directed not at moscow but washington. the threats and shrill intelligence were hurting ukraine's economy, not moscow's and now that has kind of changed, now people are saying that actually there will be an invasion. they're coming around to the assessments are true and, you know, they are really i think a lot of people here are very happy to see these sanctions being placed but they've been asking for sanctions from before. a lot of the politically
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involved people here say why not sanction putin now because of threats rather than wait for an actual invasion? now that the sanctions are coming a lot of people are thinking this is good but a little too late because they wanted to see the threat averted before it started. the invasion now has started and now, you know, with putin feeling as though he has nothing to lose or very little to lose compared to before, it makes it harder for that sort of calculous to work. all he has to do now is ramp up his invasion because he knows the sanctions, the full compliment regardless. the hammer is going to come down on russia and putin is ignoring it. he doesn't seem to be worried as kier was saying, he seems to have built this fortress and he's made the very clear sanctions, he's impervious to the sanctions. a lot were expecting and hoping the u.s. and west were going to be doing these sanctions earlier
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and a little disappointed because they know the troops won't becoming and feel like it's a day late and a dollar short. joy? >> appreciate both of you. thank you both very much. joining me is deputy national security advisor for international economics. let me go ahead and ask you that question matt bradley brought up. the sense among people inside of ukraine that these sanctions are good. walk us through why now. >> ukrainian leverage to be shared with european allies and allies across the world. if you impose come at a cost and
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remove leverage. so look, today and yesterday we and our allies and partners did take actions and post severe cost on russia. you mentioned earlier, joy, we have effectually shut down the pipeline. he put $11 billion into the pipeline. billions of dollars that would have gone into his coffers will not flow. this is a decisive flow and the beginning we think of a more accelerated diversification away from russian energy. we've also imposed full blocking sanctions, meaning we freeze the assets and prevent transactions with two of the major financial institutions and said we'll not stop there if this invasion proceeds, even the largest at the press of a button impose the same measures upon them as well. we barred the government from
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financing itself from investors. that will raise russia's borrowing cost and reduce investment and it's going to deal putin a blow. if he can't get into his head, we can't control actions and it will be a terrible strategic choice. >> what would be the trigger to imposing the sanctions that would cut russia off from access to swift because that is, you know, as we said that's ratcheting it up. what would be the trigger for that? >> well, as a tactical matter, we don't want to telegraph which actions by putin will result in particular response and really, joy, there are endless possibilities in terms of how this crisis can unfold. what we've said is no option, no option is off the table for now we feel like we've had other measures that are comparably severe we can take with allies and partners and which don't
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have the same spillover effects as the swift sanction. >> are there other sanctions, regimes administration is looking to dip into? the globe sanctions that in theory could be leveed against russia and leaders. is the u.s. looking to that? are there other measures that could stop him because if as our reporters said putin feels impervious to sanctions isn't moved by them, doesn't care, then what? >> there is no such thing as sanctions proof economy. one major thrust we can deploy is export controls and export controls are like financial sanctions. they both deny something to russia that it desperately needs and can't replace from anywhere else. export controls are focused on critical technology. think about the technology of our time, semi conductors, robotics, the west and our
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allies and open societies, that's where these technologies are designed and where they're produced and if we deny these technologies to russia, it will do two things. number one, prevent russia from diversifying its economy outside of oil and gas, which is more of less all it is right now and it will prevent russia from modernizing the economy in space, defense, i.t., all of those industries depend on the foundational technologies and we can deny them with allies and partners across europe and asia at a moment's notice. >> i do want to ask you about asia. you mentioned asia. is there confidence in the administration china will not provide a backdoor and way out for putin by giving him, sort of reinforcing economically what is taken away by europe and the united states. >> yes, we're confident in that assessment. if russia wants to sequester itself, that's a terrible
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strategic mistake. take the major democratic economies of the world. it more than 50% of the total. china is 15%. think about the financial, the dollar, eros, pound, yen, these are dominant reserve currencies and how people make and receive pavements and how they store their wealth and borrow money. a percentage of the total on those metrics are in the low single digits and on technology, let me give you a data point. china imports 300 billion semi conductors and produces none of the leading edge chips. china is not a substitute for the west. >> we will keep an eye on this and we really thank you for being here, deputy national security advisor, thank you for your time. >> pleasure. up next on "the reidout" what you need to know about ukrainians, make no mistake, young and old are prepared to fight to defend their country from russian aggression.
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>> we got a victory today but so many families who don't get victories because of people that we have fighting for us. >> come on now! >> jesus! >> okay? >> ahmaud arbery's mother praises the verdict in the federal hate crimes trial but slams the d.o.j. for pushing a plea deal. and it's hate week in florida's republican controlled legislature as gop lawmakers target lgbtq children and everything in the history books that makes white people feel distressed. "the reidout" continues after this. distressed "the reidout" continues after "the reidout" continues after this recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back.
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material into the atmosphere and the devastation it brought on thousands of innocent citizens ravaged by radiation. the secretive soviet union evacuated 335,000 people and created a 19 mile wide exclusion zone around the reactor that remains to this day. five years later the soviet union collapsed and ukraine achieved the independence vladimir putin is subverting. one lieutenant colonial told "the new york times" last month it doesn't matter if it's contaminated or nobody lives here, it's our territory and our country and we must defend it. how the west can help them fight, the new sanctions announced today is a start. president biden said there will be strictly defensive movement of u.s. troops already in europe to reinforce our nato allies. the question now is will these sanctions get the full support
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needed from republicans. the formerly said norm core republicans, like lindsey graham forgotten his difference to putin arguing the sanctions don't go far enough and republican leaders in the house say biden isn't being tough enough but supporting any sanctions against russia, they're fighting their own base as the trumpest grifters in the right wing echo chamber claim canada prime minister justin trudeau is the real tyrant as opposed to the former kgb officer and vladimir putin trying to take over a sovereign nation. joining me now is congresswoman of pennsylvania part of a congressional delegation that visited ukraine last month and lieutenant colonial alexander vindman, senior advisor for vote vet and author of "here right matters an american story." normally i'd start with the congresswoman but i'll defer and
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start with you lieutenant colonel vindman. you have family roots in ukraine. how does it feel to hear americans, including the house american caucus post essential recalling biden walk to where michael steele rebuked them and said this is called not supporting your country, essentially. this is what disloyalty to home looks like. let me play that really quick. >> today we sent another letter to putin for an interview, if we get it in ukraine and we'd like that interview, too. neither one of these men runs a democracy by traditional american standards, both are tyrants. >> no, no, ukraine is a democracy and last, i'll mention -- administration you formally worked for calling the
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reinvasion, the further invasion of ukraine genius. i wonder how that reads to you as an american as somebody who has roots in ukraine lieutenant colonel. >> thanks for having me on, joy. it's frightening. it's deeply disturbing for the former president to bend wagon and to cheer lead for the world's probably most belligerent authoritarian and enemy of the united states if he could, if you thought he could get away with it, would eliminate the united states in its entirety. this is the person we're dealing with. this is who the former president of the united states chooses to support and tucker charleston is like the most absurd character of an entertainer that's doing anything and everything he can to kind of fluff up his ratings.
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so it's hard for me to take it seriously especially when on balance, the consequences are so high. the human toll what will unfold will be a catastrophe. there will be an enormous amount of casualties and even the folks that don't, are not casualties will suffer. we're talking about probably millions of displaced persons and lives ruined and families ruined and the cost is going to be born by the russian people, the ukrainian people and ultimately, it will probably be born by american citizens also because we are in a connected world. we're going to feel some pain from this major, major flair up in europe and what saddens me, yes, my family originates from that portion of the world, i came over when i was 4 years old so i have very few memories. all my family is here but i know the people. they're kind and friendly and
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warm people. kyiv is known as the garden city. it a beautiful european capital and i just feel for the people that are -- something that americans just don't understand this kind of -- they don't have the perspective to understand this suffering and insecurity and i wish it was something we never have to experience but if we leave it up to trump and carlson, they're going to bring us there. >> yeah. and i mean, very well said and, you know, congresswoman, let me ask you a couple questions here because i know that you were with these congressional trips where you-all go sort of bipartisan trips in ukraine recently. and i wondered for yourself this is somebody who has worked in a cold war to serve our country, your thoughts on where we stand right now? is there going to be bipartisan support for standing by ukraine
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when to be honest with you, the republicans are very responsive to the demands of their base and their base right now is polling more favorably towards putin than our president. the ex president is leading, you know, a sort of band of his followers toward putin as this media, this right wing media. they're leading people into the arms of putin so i wonder if you think that you, can they with stand that and stand by our allies? >> thanks for having me. the answer to that question i sure hope so. i hope my republican colleagues will work together with democrats to make sure that we put together the mother of all sanctions packages. i believe we have the appetite to do that. i really do think across the
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aisle republican and democrats understand and that story, my dad was that 4-year-old in ukraine. i was there in ukraine a few weeks ago seeing a young mother taking her little girl to dance class. this is real. these are real people under real stress and they are a real democracy that needs defending so we can make sure we keep them stable and secure. the stakes are way, way too high to play partisan politics a in the point. >> it has to be ironic for you somebody that did working during the cold war and you're old enough to have been doing that but i mean, what does this change? can you wrap your head around this change in the direction, regan must be spinning in his grave. it's hard to wrap my mind around it, is it hard for you? >> it's very, very other worldly.
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i separated from the military in 1993 and it feels as though 30 years later, nearly 30 years later everything old is new again. we're having the very same conversations about the very same in some cases same cast of characters. i joked my internet connection is because putin is around. it's not a joke. we're back where we were just about 30 years ago in many ways. >> yeah, last question for you lieutenant colonial. for you should putin get the thing he wants the least, nato opens its doors to ukraine? i know they have to do some things in terms of anti corruption, et cetera. is that the answer here that we should build nato, make it builder and add ukraine? >> we should definitely keep the open door policy but frankly, in the aftermath of a huge major human tragedy, there is also going to be the unfolding of another tragedy, which is a
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great suffering amongst the russian population, russian country will be ostracized. we'll have and may very well end up with two allies, sweden and finland. they were outside of nato and reluctant. they had very unique partnerships with the u.s. and nato alliance but didn't want to join. they're seriously considering it. they would be potent additions to the alliance and i think frankly if depending on how this unfolds and the duration of russia's hostilities, if it's not able to achieve objectives, the russians could be slowly bled with regards to insurgencies and support from europe and from nato alliance. this is just going to unfold over the course of the military phase might be short but the rest of this is going to unfold over months and years with
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russia. >> they have chosen to do so. putin made that decision. congresswoman, thank you very much for your service and thank you for your service and being here lieutenant cocolonel. thank you both. three georgia men convicted ofing ahmaud arbery. ing ahmaud . this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven
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tomorrow marks two years to the day that ahmaud arbery went out for a run like he had done so many times before only this time the 25-year-old black man was chased down by three white men in pickup trucks cornered, shot and killed. today those though men, travis and gregory mcmichael and william rodney brian were convicted on all counts of the
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federal hate crime trial. a jury found their actions were directly motivated by the color of arbery's skin. each had been convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. it is a precedent setting verdict even in the deep south, the feds are convict you of hate actions says reverend al sharpton. it's an attack described by lots and lots of people as a modern day lynching. i want to note that tomorrow because it is the anniversary is ahmaud arbery day in the state of georgia. it was declared as such that is official now. can you explain to us lay people, what does the hate crimes federal conviction have, does it relate in someway to the state crimes trial? do they impact each other and the sentences these men will serve? >> well, good evening, joy, they don't impact each other.
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federal hate crime case we saw a verdict in was about the motive and about the why and about the fact that at the end of the day, what the jury found was that these defendants violated ahmaud arbery's civil rights because they were motivated by racial hatred whereas in the state case it was the what? did they commit the crime they were charged for and in that case they were found guilty. both of these things are independent of one another but came together to paint a much clearer picture for the public what happened here and as to why. >> let me play for you, thank you for clarifying that. one quick question, actually, if let's say, it seems unlikely their state case would be overturned, their conviction would be overturned, is the federal conviction sort of a backup that essentially they would still have to serve time for the federal conviction? >> well, yes, any appeal that was given on the state case would not impact the federal
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case and vice versa so these cases are independent from one another and separate charges and should be viewed as two separate occurrences so whatever happens on appeal and i don't think to your point it is likely that we will see a successful appeal by the defendants in either case but if by chance that were to occur, it would not impact the case one way or the other. >> let me play wonda cooper jones. she was very fiery today with good reason and she was actually calling out the department of justice and calling out one person in the department of justice by name despite how happy she was about this verdict. take a look. >> i spoke to christian clark and the lead attorney tara lions begging them to please not take this plea deal. they ignored my cry. what we got today, we would have gotten today if it wasn't for the fight that the family put up
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on january the 31st. [ applause ] >> what the d.o.j. did today, they was made to do today. >> come on! >> it wasn't because what they wanted to do, they were made to do their job today. >> and merrick garland responded to her and here is what he said. >> i cannot imagine the pain that a mother feels to have her son run down and then gunned down while taking a jog on a public street. my heart goes out to her and to the family. that's really all i can say about this. >> i'm wondering what you make of that. they offered a plea deal. i'll note axios has done the numbers and the department of justice declined to prosecute 82% of hate crimes suspects between 2005 and 2019, more than 55% of the decisions came down
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to insufficient evidence, the second most cited reason was prioritization of federal resources. the d.o.j. aren't in the business of prosecuting many hate crimes. >> it's important we understand the complexity of what we're talking about with this conversation. two things can be true at the same time. i think it's important to note christian clark as a black woman is the first to lead the civil rights unit and because of what you mentioned, many of these cases have never gone unprosecuted so she deserves kudos in terms of the facthe was willing to step into this arena and press hard for a conviction in this case. at the same time, speaking as a former prosecutor, it's important to understand the perspective of families and victims' families in terms of not wanting to see plea bargains offered. i have to applaud the resilience and perseverance of a black mother in this regard and her conviction is to be applauded the fact that she wanted her day
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in court. she wanted a trial to take place. so i don't necessarily know that there is a right or wrong answer. she's entitled to her feelings regarding the doj and i understand where they come from but i also think we have to context this moment understanding this doesn't happen often and if not for the efforts of christian clark, perhaps we wouldn't be here at all. >> i would note for the audience, there is a former prosecutor who is still waiting for trial who is indicted, who is accused of helping shield these suspects in the shooting. her name is jackie johnson. she's yet to be tried on those charges so that we're still waiting on, as well. the jury makeup here was sort of what we were hoping for in this world. a mixed race jury, eight white, three black, one hispanic. guilty on all counts. thank you very much, charles coleman junior. really appreciate you. up next, florida's
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legislature is debating two ugly divisive right wing bills but opposition voices are having an impact. the voices from florida up next. . ♪ everybody's hands go up! ♪ karaoke singer: and they stay there. and they say yeah. and they stay there, up, down, up, down, up, down. never lose confidence in how you run your business. intuit is bringing quickbooks and mailchimp together to help you set up and grow. candlemaker: that's not happening. [kazoo playing] new business? no problem. dj khaled: man, i love this scent. yeah! mission control, we are go for launch. um, she's eating man, i the rocket.cent. ♪♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops in honey lemon chill for fast acting sore throat relief
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the florida state legislature is going into over drive for repressive harmful legislation which is why they were yesterday's absolute worst. the 15-week abortion plan with no exceptions for rape or insist advanced yesterday and will get a floor vote next week and the state house debated the anti crt individual freedom act and what opponents are calling the don't say gay bill, which is prohibiting classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity. there is a bill that would out students to parents is withdrawn after the uproar it rightfully
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caused yesterday. the law however only allows schools to prohibit sharing that information with parents if the disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment or neglect. it was extremely personal for members. meanwhile, the discussions surrounding the individual freedom bill centered on the line that says it's discrimination for an individual to feel guilt, anguish or psychological distress committed by members of the same race. the sponsor saying teachers will be fine if they stick to the curriculum. the republican sponsors making it seem like any democratic concerns are no big deal, nothing to see here. >> the teacher needs to follow that curriculum approved by the school district. if they follow that curriculum, there shouldn't be a problem. >> nowhere in our bill do we prohibit someone talking about different families. >> you're saying that it's not going to stop the speaking about
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different families, but cause of action is incredibly subjective so how is it my daughter is going to feel comfortable remaining in a classroom or commenting on anything when the school could go against her? >> the idea somehow in this bill we're preventing a teacher from having discussions with students is incorrect. >> as democrats point out, both bills are subjective and it got even worse. with lgbtq lawmakers begging colleagues to see her humanity and reconsider or amend the bill. those arguments failed. more on that next. e bill those arguments failed more on that next.
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humanity. >> the singles us out. as a prohibited topic, as taboo, as dangerous. censoring it, banning it, telling schools they can't say gay, or can't say trans, is part of instruction. it means we are slowly being erased. and i will not stand by and do nothing while that happens, members. >> republicans listen to lgbtq plus state representatives and their allies. plead with them to change the don't say gay bill and acknowledge their humanity during the debate. they put forward multiple -- which failed, and despite the pleas, that discriminatory bill, as well as the anti-history freedom bill, are likely to pass later this week. with me, now democratic state representative ventures driscoll and brendan wulf, press secretary for equality florida and pulse nightclub survivor, thank you both for being here. representative, i will start with you, what were the answers
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from the republican members when people came up and gave their heartfelt stories unconcerned saying, don't do this to us and our kids, what was the answer? >> first of all, thank you for having me. hi -- yes. so what's so troubling about this bill is, even in the face of our own members sharing their lived experiences, sharing the experiences of their family members and loved ones, this will harm lgbtq+ youth, this will erase us from history. you have republican colleagues saying, no, this is just about parental rights. but that is not about that, it's a red hearing. many of the provisions of related to the bill are ready provisions in law. this is a red hearing. this is a sustained and targeted attack that against lgbtq youth and families. >> brandon, one of the changes you pointed out on your social feed, one of the worst parts of the bill was change that
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would've required teachers to out their students. and that has been changed. but it's still not great. it still allows teachers to outdo students, unless they can somehow determine that the students will be harmed. can you talk about what that would mean for a kid, seventh grader let's say, who is subject to under this law? >> i appreciate it. first of all, it's evidence that public pressure works because representative harding filed that amendment on friday and faced incredible backlash for it almost immediately, because it would've for schools to out-students to a parent they know is abusive, putting a child in harm's way knowing that is absolutely unconscionable, and the state government has no place doing that in our society. but let's not forget that he was willing to propose it in the first place, and this entire bill is rooted in homophobia, and transphobia, and i just want to paint a picture for the people who are watching, what we saw today was a tale of two florida's.
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one in which election officials like representative fentrice driskell, do the work, they represent their constituents and fight for their dignity, and they are willing to ask tough questions and defense of the lives of society's most vulnerable. then you have another in which people like representative harding and others cynical politicians are willing to use their ambition to win out over the people of florida, whether it's so drunk on their own power they were willing to put children in harm's way in order to achieve political gains. by the way, where we the tax paid and people of florida, have to pay the price of their political ambitions. as you said, yes, the amendment was atrocious and it's a good thing that it's gone, and it's a testament to everyone who spoke out against it. but the overall bill is terrible, it would still put children in harm's way and would erase lgbtq people from classrooms recross the state. >> i want to point out, the trevor project has data out that is frightening. 42% of lgbtq youth seriously
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considered attempts -- attempting suicide in the past year. this is a very serious issue. let me come back to you, representative. the sort of cumulative some of what these republicans are doing, this 15-week abortion ban, this bill that's essentially saying, any white child should never feel any discomfort in history class or teachers could be sued, they will make a lot of money, but they could be sued and sanctioned, combining that with this don't say gay bill, which essentially says, a set of students cannot even talk about themselves, who the pairs are, if they have two moms, they can't say that out loud in class. i don't understand they think this is a growth strategy for republicans, but they clearly. do they think they can just super serve, i guess, what, a small number of conservative christians. do you -- behind the scenes telling you that this is insane? >> there are some who do, there are some people who have these conversations in private, but
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never on the actual floor when debating the bill. but joy, you just hit the head of nail on the head of something because when you take all of these bills in concert, whether it's a 15-week abortion ban that is styled after wet mississippi is doing and is now in litigation at the supreme court, and i don't know why florida would want to do anything that mississippi is doing, given that mississippi has some of the worst health care outcomes in these united states. when you take that bill, when you take the anti woke bill, when you take this, don't say gay bill, but you are seeing is a concerted effort to suppress our stories. you are seeing a concerted effort to suppress the stories of women and their lived experiences, and their lives and contacts. yes, you have to consider the potential life of the fetus, but you also have to consider the actual life of the mother under this bill, her story get suppressed. when you are looking at what is happening and don't say gay, we are having the stories are lgbtq community members being suppressed. and the anti woke act, and a term -- the whole purpose of teaching
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histories to teach our young people that know america is not perfect. no, we don't always live up to our ideals. but if you want to learn about history, you can make sure that we will not make repeat the same mistakes and we want to achieve that more perfect union. >> indeed, very well said. i will give you the last word on this, brendan. if you could -- i don't fdr listening at this point. but if you could talk to these legislators who still have a chance to vote on thursday about these bills, why would you tell them? that might convince them to stand down? >> you know, i don't know if they would listen, and i don't know if i would waste my breath on it. when i would do is take this opportunity to speak to lgbtq young people's state of florida and tell them, you are loved exactly as you are. we get up every single day and we fight for you because you are worth fighting for. i was you not that long ago and that i am not going to rest. i will show us every hearing, i will show up to every floor debate. i will continue to show up in lawmakers offices and elevate
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your stories because they are worth telling. we are not going to sit idly by while gop lawmakers in florida try to erase lgbtq young people. we want to know that there we are fighting for them. >> you are seen. and for all of you in florida, iowa co-everywhere that both of our wonderful guests just said. thank you state representative fentrice driskell, brandon wolf, you guys are brilliant. this is today's readout. all in with chris hayes starts now. >> tonight on all in -- >> none of us should be fooled. none of us will be fooled. there is no justification. >> the u.s. takes action against russia for what the president is calling an invasion of ukraine. >> as we cut off russia's government from western financing. >> tonight, the latest on the international response to the crisis and the danger looming over ukraine. >> this is the greatest threat to security op
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