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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  March 10, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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you know very well is very much a part of the russian playbook. this is information where pollutant is losing. >> the cia making a public debut chemical weapons is on the table. one of our analysts referred to that earlier tonight in our reporting. it is part of what the united states and those in ukraine may be bracing for. thank you for's kicking with our coverage and the readout with joy read continues right now. >> good evening everyone and we begin tonight with the civilian tragic that continues to unfold as the boundary put more in ukraine enters its third week today. the situation is still dire. emergency workers continue to rescue civilians today as russian forces lost a fresh assault and residents remain trapped encircled by russian troops.
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ukraine armed forces released a video showing devastation in residential areas. the city is now blocked from evacuation and humanitarian aid. >> i have nine kids. we have been bombed from all directions. pray for the mothers and children please. it is very hard for them and we have no water or food or electricity. >> it comes a day after the horrific attack by the russians on a maternity hospital and its aftermath as reported by sky news. >> there is no ceremony for those who have lost their lives. just a long trench where they are placed next to those who suffer the same fate, many of them civilians. three people including a child died in the attack yesterday's on the children's hospital. anger is mounting with the growing casualties.
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but it comes against russian denial that the bombing here is fake news, that there was no women or children at the hospital but just radicals. >> as you can clearly see with your two eyes that russian claim is a lie as the russian foreign minister claimed it was a legitimate target. the european union and united kingdom and condemned the attack as a war crime and vice president, harris stopped just short of accusing them of war crimes. >> absolutely the should be an investigation, and i have a question the eyes of the world are on this war, and what russia has done in terms of this aggression and atrocities is no doubt. >> while the world watches the extent of the atrocities are
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already clear. the ukrainian foreign minister shared a video of the reality of war and i should warn you the following images are graphic. we don't know where it was filmed but this is how life in ukrainian civilians in the face of the russians is playing out. the humanitarian crisis continue to grow by the hour and the united nations says more than 2.3 million people have fled ukraine and an estimated 2 million are displaced during the country. a streaming group of civilians fleeing on foot. as family split towns and villages north of kyiv during a brief cease-fire as russian forces prepped their advance towards the capital on thursday. ukrainian forces prepared for the worst shielding the city in preparation for the shelling there. >> every war is a disaster and it is a disaster for our country. we hope it is going to end in
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the future. >> top diplomats from ukraine and russia concluded peace talks making no progress while the ukrainian soldiers continued to fight on the outskirts of kyiv. we visited a hospital dealing with the new normal in some of these images i should warn you are graphic. >> reporter: they arrived and on the backseat they are taking some terrible hits trying to stop the russian troops from intruding in the ukrainian capital. the soldiers have just been shelled on the front line as they get closer to kyiv. the nearest hospital is now dealing with the wounded. these are not army medics but the town's nurses who to two weeks ago was dealing with the birth of children and bone breaks. now they are plunged into a new
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world trying to save the lives of soldiers and civilians torn apart by bombs and bullets. >> it is world war iii. >> joining me now is our nbc correspondent and it is hard to believe that i have to say this, and we can see and we are watching this unfold, horrific atrocities being committed by russian troops and warplanes and we can see what a hospital is and what a civilian target is. it is hard to believe they are trying to deny it but tell me what you are seeing and experiencing where you are. >> reporter: harder to believe that we are sometimes seen this stuff on a 2-3 days delay because that is how long it is taking cameras to get to this places. we are starting to hear some numbers from the deputy mayor
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as at least 1200 civilians are dead although he says the numbers will more likely be 3-4 times that. there is 400,000 civilians remaining in the city and cause the russian hostages. he said there has been six attempts to get people out and in each case they have target civilians as they fled. we are trying start to see that city and it is blacked out 24 hours a day. the reporting that we received yesterday is we can confirm there is bodies in the streets, civilians and russian soldiers who are taking heavy losses. diplomatic you failed peace talk in turkey and there is concern about two nuclear sites in particular. it looks as though ukrainian engineers are going to get to that site, turned oval, and the russian say they will allow the ukrainian engineers on that side to reconnect the power. it is completely surreal that we are giving chernobyl of days
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but that is where we are on that. finally the most alarming news for civilians today is with her from the ukrainian president who is now addressing this russian narrative that the americans and ukrainians have secret biological sites here in ukraine, and we have heard very frightening things from the white house saying people should prepare themselves for a possible chemical weapons attack and is a false flag attack and we're hearing that finally from ukrainian officials as well. >> i want to bring in a city councilmember in ukraine and evelyn vargas, the former debbie terry assistance of defense. let me start with you. these absolute lies are shocking when we can see the truth, and we just heard a report describe the cities in which the russian troops are operating in essentially hostage situations. tell me what is happening right
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now. >> to date the situation is catastrophic. taking hostages all over my home city. people don't have electricity or heat and don't have enough food and no water. they say they will give corridor but they start to shoot people. as of yesterday the situation and today when they was directly bombing the center of the city were -- where no army at all. they directly bomb the
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hospitals that is near my home. the report that i have from mariupol' my city is, and it is not human. the problem with putin and propaganda tv is it makes people of russia believe and they call it fate, they don't believe their own video but believe their own television, and it is horrible. >> the word out of the kremlin is the only way they plan to stop this horror is a set of demands that include, ukraine to stop fighting essentially. ukraine area can change constitutions and acknowledge crimea as russian territory and not join nato and recognize the
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two separate republics as independent. is that something you can ever imagine your leaders doing? >> it is unbelievable and the president of ukraine cannot get this thing because they want to have mariupol' to be a part of, and crimea to be ukraine. we cannot take this proposition from them, and use brutally unhuman methods, and if our american partners and european
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partners don't get real help with anti-playing systems and not get into ukraine jet planes, we will continue to see how putin totally destroys ukraine and he will not stop on ukraine, believe me. he only understands the power like in syria when his group of men get shot from an army. he does nothing because he is afraid. he only understands the power, nothing else. >> let me bring in evelyn and she has made it very clear whatever brutality that putin unleashes he will never be able to subdue ukraine. >> if they pursued the approach it will be especially challenging for the russians to hold and control ukrainian territory and install a pro- russian regime to kyiv and
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what will be a likely persistent insurgency. >> that seems obvious and i'm not a military expert. why then continue this destruction and lies to say a town like mariupol', when you bought a hospital where women can give birth and you are killing children, why continue? they will never subdue ukraine. >> they take the wrong lesson from where they use these methods. in 1999 when putin came to power he did the same thing with part of the russian federation. they leveled chechnya and strong-armed his been in there and spend a lot of money to rebuild it and it is working for him. in syria the same thing. russia was the bad guy raining down bombs on civilian and
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hospitals and look who is in charge in syria? it is assad and all the refugees. the russians managed to squeeze them out of towns and cities all the way up north. so putin thinks he will eventually have his way here and it is sick. >> i guess the answer again and i will go back and give you the last word, but even if as there has been images of one city in ukraine where we see the russian secret police force patrolling and the city is otherwise empty and terrified to protest. even if he was to do that to mariupol', is there some point the people in your town and country will ever submit to being a part of the russian pocket of influence? >> we will never submit to this situation because our country is ukraine.
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we don't want to have any russia or any other country in ukraine. >> i think that has been made very clear. please stay safe and thank you for your time and evelyn, thank you so much. still ahead a new iron curtain decisions on russia as putin's kremlin ramps up there rhetoric was stifling internal dissent. the british prime minister also raises question about putting using chemical weapons in ukraine. later pay attention of the anti- ukraine rhetoric coming out of the right. >> remember the ukrainian government is corrupt and evil. >> madison must be watching a different more than the rest of us. the readout continues after this. this. it's the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive
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methodically over the last two decades to turn russian society into a kind of propaganda bubble. i don't believe he can wall off indefinitely russians from the truth as reality is starting to puncture that bubble. >> it is not just ukrainians flee but russians are leaving their homeland for the iron curtain fully descends on russia. here is a shopping mall in moscow as stores are shuttered because of historic sanctions. the kremlin is escalating the crackdown on dissent. more than 13,000 antiwar protesters have been arrested and spreading fake news or describing the ukraine invasion as a war is a crime punishable by 15 years in prison. joined me now is the founding partner and thank you very much for being here julia. you wrote a piece called inside the russian media blackhole, and how are they manufacturing
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consent for this war? >> they are basically shutting their population all from that reality of this war. now that anything other than the official line or what is happening in the war is branded fake news and punishable by up to 15 years in jail. most publications are scared to publish anything and the last of the independent media has been shut down and hundreds of journalists have fled russia. so what the russians are seeing of this war is not what we are seeing. they are being told the war, that there are very minimal casualties on the russian side and the russian side is being incredibly generous and careful with the civilians and the
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ukrainian civilians are greeting them as liberators. this is not a war against the ukrainian people but against the who have ceased control over them with pressure from the united states. none of this is true but that is what russians are being told and there is no other narrative. so most russians support the war. >> yet more than 13,000 have protested and gotten arrested. you was tweeting out back in the ussr that you have heard from several friends that there is limits on how many items in a grocery store people can buy as a time. people allegedly are fleeing up to finland and 44,000 across the russian border in february, up 27,000 from the same month last year. it seems some people are figuring it out or protesting or actually leaving. >> this is not been a totalitarian country the full time but was authoritarian and very plugged into the world and
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there was an educated class of people especially in the big cities who travel a lot and spoke other languages. that with an independent media and small and organized but it existed. people with able to access other news sources from abroad. now it is all gone and as you go through the extra effort of beginning to mask your location in russia so you can access these foreign sources of information. these are people who kind of like in the united states, let's say with trump palmer -- trump, and people will like trump no matter what. if there is a war people will have a preset ideas about their attitude toward it. people had war in existence before the us and now there is just a hard-core crackdown that we haven't seen the likes of before. >> what is interesting and i
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feel like what you are going to see happening is an economic drain that is plunging russia into an afghanistan state where there is nothing there economically. now you have the kremlin threatening to seize the assets of companies that are leaving. sees their airline jets and $10 billion of assets. there what would you do with it? the ruble is in shambles and the economy is cratering. so what? >> that's a question and i saw some russian friends joking today that what are you going to do? take over an apple store and the iphones will magically start appearing there? how are people going to pay for it now that they are cut off from the western financial system? russia still have an economy and it has been an extracted economy. it has always had oil and gas
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and other natural resources, and all kinds of precious metals. it will still be able to sell these things on the world market and there will always be a buyer for them. china or india who are not lining up with the united states and europe on this. the question is to what extent can it prop up the economy? what happens to the people you are seeing on the streets right now who argued to a different lifestyle and comfort? russia had fantastic cities before this. i think moscow was a nicer city to live in than new york city i would say. what happened to the young people who are used to traveling and used to having apple pay for everything including the metro? what happens when they cannot watch any of these movies or access saponify?
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do they leave or protest or shut up? a woman is dusting off the soviet era manufacturing equipment to make russian-made jeans because levi's have left. >> you can have a closed economy and there will be some people who will trade with you. as folks in kyiv how that is working out for them. eventually you will lose your educated class as they will get out of there. he has broken two countries. thank you very much, i appreciate you. of next world leaders raise concerns about the potential use of chemical weapons in ukraine. putin has shown he is not above using them. so what is stopping him now? we will ask that sobering question when we come back. ba.k yourself to lose weight? e
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>> western nations are warning that vladimir putin appears ready to commit new and even more horrific atrocities in ukraine. hospital jesus raised that russia could use chemical weapons in violation of international law.
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british prime minister boris johnson brought it up in an interview with sky news today. >> i will make you one other prediction. the stuff you are hearing about chemical weapons, is it is straight out of their playbook. there are chemical weapons that are being stored by their opponents or the americans. when they themselves deploy chemical weapon devices. they have sort of a fake stories that are ready to go. i just know that is what they are already doing. it is a cynical and barbaric government i'm afraid. >> the prime minister was alluding to the false accusation of the kremlin accusing ukraine and the united states of running an illicit biological weapons lab in ukraine.
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their propagation was condemned as an outright lie by the state department which pointed out that russia had a track record of its -- accusing the west of the very crime that russia is perpetrating. >> it underscores the concern that all of us need to focus on those kinds of issues whether or not it is the potential for the use of chemical weapons as they false flag operation or against ukrainians. this is something as all of you know very well is part of the russian playbook. they have use those weapons against their own citizens and have at least encouraged to use in syria and elsewhere. >> russia has double down on their false claim and is seeking to discuss them before the un security council on friday. now editor at large for newsweek and author of how to catch a
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russian spy. let me let you listen to volodymyr zelenskyy do an interview tonight and forcefully denied these observed allegations for russia. >> i am the president of a reasonable country and people and the father of two children. no chemical or any other weapon of mass destruction was developed on my land. the whole world knows this. if russia does something similar against us it will receive the most severe sanctions response. >> let me correct that is what he posted on telegram. this sounds like a pretext by the kremlin to do what they are accusing ukraine oh. what do you think? >> i think that the russians have completely lost the information operation game to
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zelenskyy, and ukrainians have been cleaning their clock. it is almost embarrassing how well the ukrainians have been doing considering the russians developed this information. so where are we in terms of nuclear and biological chemicals? is there a risk the russians will use those types of weapons? the minutes the russians went into ukraine the chest with a longer zero and it escalated and stayed escalated tonight. i want to point out the language that is being used. when u.s. intelligence has assessed that something will happen to him awarded russian attempt by making it clear it was going to happen. we are hearing they could use it and everyone said it is out of the russian playbook. it is probably unlikely the russians will escalate by using chemical weapons in ukraine, but i think there is a chance in this scenario if the ukrainians push the russians
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back, i think absolutely the russians we use weapons of mass destruction on their territory. i am skeptical they would use it in ukraine. this thing about the ukrainians, they are fighting for their lives. if they had some device that could turn the tide they would probably use it. they don't have it and never developed it. the swiss labs that was used for health concerns and not nuclear weapon creation. that is just putin and how he rolls. >> it is actually something in the 1980s that russian intelligence was spreading conspiracy that the united states created hiv and the lab and it was picked up by chinese state media and far right groups inside of the united states.
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the scary thing about it is there are people in this country who will pick up this garbage and recycle it here. >> i think you are absolutely right. the russian cc american and why they chose that person was in large part potentially signaling what they think are there supporters here. i think there is clearly this weird obsession by the far right here in the united states and why would they want to turn that away, the russians? they are not doing well in ukraine and they of course want to have chaos, and i think these conspiracy theories are things they have put out there knowing there is no validity and no will take it seriously except for one group of people. it seems to be all the right- wing people in the united states. >> i want to throw this question to you. the united states has been very
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clever in the past when they wanted to give planes to a nation and not get involved. before we even got into world war ii president roosevelt gave warplanes to great britain while we were staying out of the war itself. he had the planes delivered to the u.s. border in canada and great britain had to get them to the canadian side. why didn't the u.s. navy do something secretive and sly rather than announce out loud that it is a no go to give them the planes? >> candidly i think the united states is doing exactly this. i don't think it will be with a polish may. who is to say who is flying the drones? when you talk about world war ii they was supplying weapons it is important to remember that we just didn't supply weapons but people too to fly those planes. there is a long history of this type of operation that is meant to be plausible deniability and covert action.
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i would be surprised that we was not doing something, but the name of the game is not to get caught. >> very quickly you have dealt with the russians before and what you think is in the mind of putin as an in game here because he will not subdue this country? >> you are absolutely right and there is no way he will win strategically. he seeks to literally humiliate and devastate ukraine. it is a great personal thing and is his personal legacy and a vanity project. i think he will continue to inflict horror on innocent people who do not deserve this. sadly i think when the dust settles the losses of the ukrainian civilians will be too hard to conceptualize right now but it is awful. >> he will go down in history the same direction as hitler before him did. still ahead remember that time a certain orange tinted present got caught trying to blackmail
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>> what would be your message to president vladimir putin right now? >> right now stop the war and begin to speak. >> what if he doesn't? >> i think he will. he will. >> president zelenskyy stands presumably against the aggression of putin and delivered a message to russian leaders and supporters for spreading lies about the war. >> war crimes are impossible without the propaganda that covers it up. i want to tell them one thing. you will bear responsibility just as all those who give the orders to bomb civilians. >> in a new video he accuses
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russia of blocking necessary information from the people of mariupol' as if anyone can spread the truth and remind that ukraine is with them. i am joined by the former translator for the former ukrainian president. i want to talk about these outright lies that are being perpetrated by the kremlin accusing ukraine of having secret chemical facilities and accusing ukraine of essentially being the aggressor. all of these lies are filtering beyond them and may not be working on ukrainians but working on some folks in the west. do you feel these lies are a pretext to a chemical weapon style attack on ukraine? >> hello joy and thank you for having me. i
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want to know what we can expect now to be honest. i don't want to call him a man honestly. he has surpassed all the boldest expectations we might have about his insanity. i very much hope he doesn't resort to this chemical weapons. i am not in a position to analyze them. >> that's okay. you served a former ukrainian president and you know the volatility of being the neighbor of russia. the demands they are making on ukraine right now are essentially that ukrainian stop fighting. that they promise to never join nato. that they recognize the separatist republics.
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can you envision ukrainians submitting to that? >> absolutely not. we have come a long way to realize that any new demand will be followed by another demand. a concession will be met by a new ultimatum. we are fed up with that and the only answer to the demands and ultimatums is no. >> let's talk with the propaganda because the thing that is so distressing and the only thing that donald trump ever accomplished as president was to move the republican party which are he has some putin leanings, move parts of it fully into the putin camp. you have madison call thorn and here he was over the weekend calling the ukrainian president
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corrupt and basically essentially saying he is the villain and he is evil. you have people like thomas massey of kentucky, repeating propaganda and you have tucker carlson who as the most popular program on the right-wing fox news network repeating and pushing out as if it is coming straight from the kremlin. i wonder what effect you think this will ultimately have on republicans ultimate support to do what we need to do as a country to support ukraine? i feel like the political incentives driven by the far right and people like tucker, do you think this starts to crack republican support for ukraine? >> unfortunately i do. liz cheney described call thorn in the middle of the putin wing
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and there is a pro putin wing in the gop right now and you will hear a lot of republicans including lindsey graham and say that cawthorn is a liar and doesn't speak for the party. but the reality is cawthorn is a creation of this new party and they have made him a rockstar. the head of the pro putin wing of the republican party is donald trump. you listen to the stuff and it sounds crazy about how evil and corrupt. >> i think we have lost charlie's audio. i guess the concern is that the united states will not remain united in supporting ukraine and giving in all that we can. i realize the united states is reluctant to get involved directly in any hostilities. are you concerned the support from the united states will not remain solid if we have a
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faction within one of our two parties that is anti-ukraine and pro-kremlin? >> i would not say i am concerned about the consistency of the support that we are receiving and thank you very much. to a lesser extent i might fear that the support would be undermined by statements like the one you are discussing. i am really surprised that this narrative receives so much attention in the u.s. media. things like that was said about world leaders many times like winston churchill was called an alcoholic and snake in the grass, and you name it.
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the french president was called a traitor on numerous occasions. the history crosses over. i think the senator is making a new friend like president than, assad, and others in his warm company. i think he is using every possibility for his publicity. we do not take them seriously, honestly. most importantly, president zelenskyy enjoys phenomenally's high support in the country. the nation is, unanimously, supporting him. standing with him, shoulder to shoulder, as long as he stands shoulder to shoulder with his nation. >> indeed. and i think charlie is back. charlie, we did not have a
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political party that was, essentially, controlled by its media wing. if we had a serious republican party, we wouldn't even talk about this, and we shouldn't have to. but, one of the kremlin's biggest exports as propaganda. they've been very effective at breaking our political system, in this country. so, what i personally worry about, and i don't care about madison cawthorn, of these other fools. what i worry about is that they, and that thinking, ultimately, wind up creeping into the actions of proper republicans, of serious republicans, were too afraid to oppose that wing. then, they start to withdraw from ukraine, as well. i'm glad that mr. vulcan isn't worried about it. you say you are a little more. >> i am, but it is important to note, it is not happening right now. really, right now, the pro putin wing is isolated. it's isolated to the entertainment wing of the republican party. as you point out, the intention detainment wing dominates the party. the head of the pro putin wing of the republican party is donald trump.
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the former president of the united states, and the dominant figure in that party. so, don't underestimate how deeply ingrained this anti-ukraine narrative is, in right-wing politics. remember, donald trump, and republicans, were obsessed about accusing ukraine of interference in the 2016 election. they were obsessed with their narrative about hunter biden, and joe biden, and burisma. so, madison cawthorn may look like an outlier right now, but, again, he is reflecting what was a standard talking point in the trump, world up until very recently. so, right now, emotions are high, republicans are standing firm, but, my prediction is, donald trump will not be able to resist taking the bait. once he gets in, you will start to see. >> we've lost charlie.
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oh, we will go ahead, and god forbid he ever gets back into the white house again, because you would essentially have him giving ukraine away. alexander milken, charlie sykes, thank you both very much. back after this. back after this. with relapsing forms of ms... there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection... that may help you put these rms challenges in their place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions, and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials,
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its third week, the humanitarian crisis continues to grow more dire. the un says more than 2.3 million ukrainians have become refugees. 1.4 million have crossed into
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poland alone. joining me from kraków, is nbc news correspondent, alison barber. alison? >> hi joy. we have spent the last 12 or so days, stopping, visiting border crossings, all along the polish, you cranium border. we want to follow the journey that so many people are taking, because oftentimes, they are not staying in these border cities. they board trains, and then head to bigger cities, like this, kraków. then, they are lining up, waiting, trying to figure out if there is a place for them to sleep. we were in a train station today, on platform four, where there was countless refugees, standing, waiting in line, hours at times, to try and talk to someone, to see if there was a place where they might have shelter for the night. in that line, we met one woman, in her 70s, who had fled her home town, kharkiv. we asked her a question that we have asked every refugee we met in the last two weeks. what do you want americans to understand about what
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ukrainians are going through? this is what she told us. >> i think that people have to know, ukraine is a peaceful country. we do not want to attack anyone, we have no such plans. we are the ones who protect, to actually. we couldn't imagine that putin would make such a decision. i just want everybody to live in peace. and, i also want other countries to ever experience what we are, right now. >> she had been waiting in line for an hour, to try to see if there is some place for her to stay the night. the next few days, until the fighting stops. she said, if she did not get a room after waiting in that line, she had no idea where to sleep. people are trying to get beds, but they're simply is not
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enough for the number of refugees here. people are sleeping on train platforms, and on makeshift shelters. joy? >> alison barbara, thank you, and a reminder, you can see the math, or this is all happening during an ongoing pandemic. double churchill tragedy really appreciate you alison. that's on versus right now. >> tonight on all in -- >> this is a premeditated and unprovoked aggression built on a body of lies and false narratives. >> civilians under siege in ukraine. >> any intentional attack on innocent civilians is a violation. >> tonight, new calls for an investigation into russian warcrimes as putin and his top diplomat try to run the same propaganda play they ran in syria. plus, the latest on the ground. russian tanks now reportedly ten miles from the capital, kyiv. and the last american ambassador to ukraine who testifie


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