tv Hallie Jackson Reports MSNBC March 11, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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towards kyiv. this is video of the ukrainian troops engaging the russian military. in attempt to regain control of the village outside of the capitol city. the pentagon confirmed that russia is taking aim at western ukraine including the city of lutz. president biden unvailed another round of sanctions and asked congress to suspend normal trade relations with russia. >> it will make it harder for russia to do business with the united states. and doing it in unison with other nations and make up half of the global economy. will be another crushing blow to the aggression the economy is suffering badly from the sanctions. >> speaker nancy pelosi says the house will act next week to end normal trade relations with russia. allowing united states to slap tariffs on russian imports like plywood and steel. banning a billion dollars in key russian imports like seafood,
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vodka and diamonds. and ban the u.s. export of luxury items like jewelry, watches, liquor and cars. more from the russian disinformation machine. despite the overwhelming evidence, the ambassador disputed russia hit a maternity hospital this week. and held up a picture claiming the hospital was still in tact. u.s. ambassador to the un was having none of it. >> we're not going to give anymore air time to the lies that you are hearing today. it's beneath this counsel. and there's only one aggressor here. that is russia. we hope they will be able to find it in their conscience to end the attacks and stop the suffering. of the ukrainian people. >> joining me now. chief foreign correspondent from kyiv, ukraine and pentagon correspondent. richard, what has it been like there today?
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>> we're seeing the russian forces gain momentum. it is a slow build. this is we're now in the third week. day 16. and russian forces are inching their way towards the capitol kyiv. here they are bracing, they have been bracing for days now. however. for a massive assault. and it's difficult to maintain this level of tension and level of alert. for very long. in fact the defense minister here told people yes, prepare, yes make sure you have shelter and get your family safe. be prepared to fight. also, do business. go to school. even if it's remote learning. they're trying to keep the economy floating. because they feel like they have been on for such a listening time waiting for this advance into the city. that is the mood here in kyiv. in other parts of the country,
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there's open war. there's open war on the out skirts of kyiv. open war in kharkiv. and the terrible siege on the city of maripol. foreign minister called it the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet right now. a city of 400,000 people cut off. out of food and medicine. red cross is warning that people are getting so desperate they are fighting over the food that's still left in the city. across the country, people are trying to figure out their next steps. trying to figure out where the family can go if they are deciding to stay behind and fight. as russia continues to expand the target list, now targeting cities close to poland and the far west, there is a higher degree of unease and uncertainty. because fewer and fewer places feel safe. >> it's interesting that some life is going on as normal.
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within kyiv. there's still school happening even if it's virtual. how is the government functioning right now? >> the government is in a state of emergency. but it is very active. i would say it's more active than many governments that i have seen in normal times. i was at a check point the other day and people were crossing out of a hard hit area just to the north of kyiv. right on the northern edge of the city. and i was standing there next to a man wearing a rifle over his shoulder and in a jacket and uniform. and helping people cross the foot bridge. and i was talking to him and said i'm a member of parliament. the members of parliament are out in uniform. helping displaced people move around. they are standing at the check points. this is now a fully mobilized
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government. you are seeing that in the media. the media in this country are starting to pull resources. they're starting to share reporters and share studios. and running almost constant public service announcements. telling people to how to stay safe, sometimes how to make molotov cocktails. it and a lot of moral support. there are messages with music and poetry telling people that things will get better. families will be united again. things will move on. this whole country has mobilized on war footing. because they feel rightly so that if they lose this, they lose everything. >> the pentagon held a briefing today and they discussed that convoy that we have seen for so many days now. headed towards kyiv. there's been some movement with some of the russian tanks fanning out in to the woods. and the country side.
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what was john's assessment of that. >> the belief according to senior defense official on that was that they're trying to disguise the vehicles. the ukrainians have been striking that convoy. mainly focusing on the front. the vehicles toward the front. and focusing on the back. then in the last couple days, they have been targeting vehicle all along the convoy. and with a lot of success. the assessment now according to the senior defense official is that some of the vehicles are starting it try to hide in the tree lines and it's not a strategic move. it's to disguise themselves against the attacks. we also heard from pentagon press secretary on camera, he talked about how russia is gaining some momentum. on the ground in their efforts to move toward kyiv and the specifically on that axis from the eastern side of the ukraine moving west towards kyiv. we do know now that russia has launched more than 800 missiles
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since the beginning of the military campaign. it's on day 16 now. there are still depending on the day, potentially dozens of missiles being fired by russia every day. that many of those as we have been learning in the past 48 hours, many of them are fired actually from inside russia. into ukraine. several hundred have also been fired from inside ukraine at targets there in the country. >> let's listen to john kirby today at the briefing. talking about the choices that vladimir putin has. >> it's a war of choice. mr. putin can stop this war right now. by agreeing to a diplomatic solution or at least just stopping the bombing. and the death and the destruction. that he is causing against a nation that provoked nobody. against a nation that presented no threat to russia. all of of this is by his choice. and all that blood is on his hands. and he could stop it now.
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if he wanted to. >> i wonder, she was talking about how it seems like that convoy and the russian advance towards kyiv is moving forward. are you getting a sense of that on the ground? >> well, there was always a bizarre question about this convoy. the convoy was moving towards kyiv, it was described here in terms that it was like rolling death heading toward the city. and it was going to come in and 40 mile long convoy with vehicles, three wide, three vehicles in a side by side. and then it didn't move. and the vehicles got stuck and they ran out of fuel. and ran out of food. and she was describing, vehicles huge vehicles are just stuck on the road. they're sitting ducks. for the ukrainians, in other circumstances, they could have been sitting ducks for united
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states and nato. but with the drones and the aircraft that the ukrainians have, it's the vehicles are just sitting there. they're easy to destroy. and now it seems like they're moving them under the trees for their own protection. and waiting for other reinforcements from another part of the country to come in and attack this city. i guess there's good news bad news for the ukrainian perspective. good news is a lot of the vehicles are being eliminated. bad news other vehicles are on the way. and from her reporting about 90% of the russian military hardware is still in tact. and still able to be deployed against the capitol and against the ukrainian government. >> military strategist. that column didn't make a lot of sense to me. we are showing video in a town of the a column of russian tanks being attacked over head. that the ukrainian defense ministry released i believe it was yesterday.
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richard, thanks so much as always for being with us. stay safe with you and your team. joining us now. a member of the ukraine parliament and head of the anticorruption committee. thanks so much for being with us on. how are you right now? >> definitely not safe. as any ukrainian in the country would say. the same. you have just showed how tonight russia attacked western cities of ukraine. and now mayor is asking residents who live close to city airport to vacate houses and the question is where. where should the people go? it's another act of terror against all of the population of ukraine. and here i must actually emphasize that western parts of ukraine actually now also have thousands of people who have to flee from eastern ukraine and
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all the people are also now asking themselves a question where else should we go? where should we feel safe. the answer seems to be like nowhere in ukraine. again there's just another act of terror against civilian population of ukraine. >> there was around 40 million people in your country before this war started. the un is counted two and a half million people crossed the border. vast majority women and children. men between ages 18 and 60 are supposed to stay and fight. i wonder, what happens to the other ten, 20 million people in the country. if they can't find somewhere safe to be. >> it is estimated that at least 67 million people have to flee their homes. and eastern ukraine. then moved to western ukraine, closer to the border. and now as western cities are also being attacked this means that people don't feel safe
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anywhere in ukraine. again, the just an act of terror against the population and there's no other explanation as to russian's action in ukraine. >> how is the territorial defense doing? how's the military doing right now in its fight against russian forces? >> they aren't doing great. they are showing unbelievable bravery. i would say. and bravery is being praised around the world. but i have to be honest, a i part from all this prayer and thoughts and being praised, ukrainian servicemen actually need more weapons. to be able to defend our ourself. we are constantly asking about for more air and missile defense systems. we're asking for fighter jets. let me be open with you just today we learned that the u.s. is about to fund replenishment
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for the iron dome over israel. for sure we support additional support for israel. whether lives of civilian ukrainians are less valuable. i don't think so. these lives are also valuable. and should also be supported. >> let me ask you about the city. yesterday was day six of trying to get people out of that city. like 400,000 are still encircled and running out of water, food, no electricity. it's freezing out there. has anybody been able to get out today by your knowledge? >> as far as i know, no. russian troops are not allowing for people to evacuate. they're not allowing any humanitarian delivery in. people remain there as hostages
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400,000 people remain hostages to russian troops. with no electricity, no heating, no water. no food supply. i think everyone right now has seen how russia deliberately bombed a hospital there. maternity ward and kids ward. so now basically people have very limited access to how services. health services. i don't have other word for that. >> it's completely awful. you are in western ukraine right now, you have spoken about how it's seems nowhere in country is safe. given there have been missile strikes in had the western parts of the country. i wonder what will you do if the war comes closer to you? >> i'm staying in ukraine. that's obvious. i'm going to stay. and fight as long as necessary. alleviate suffering of those
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displaced and having to flee their homes. i'm not going to leave anywhere. >> thank you so much. for being with us today. we appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up next. we're life live in poland. volunteers asking for help with the ukrainian refugees. more than a million children have fled ukraine. some on their own. we'll speak to a spokesperson from the agency about what he's seeing on the border. e's seeing on the border llions of pe across the country using singlecare to drive down the cost of their prescriptions. so whether you have medicare or you don't. or whether your drug is covered or it's not. just check the singlecare price first. singlecare often beats co-pays and a lot of other options out there, so it pays to check! visit and start saving today.
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the trains and buses out of ukraine have not stopped. according to the united nations, 2.5 million refugees have now fled ukraine. and another two million are estimated to have been displaced inside ukraine. the majority of refugees who crossed the border have gone to poland. it's getting harder and harder to meet their needs. as the numbers keep on growing
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larger. joining me now, nbc news correspondent. the sheer number of people that have crossed that border is daunting. how many of them -- are they getting the help they need? are they finding beds and food, do they have the next place to go? >> it really seems like it is a minute by minute thing. we came to here we were trying to follow the journey refugees are taking. many people are not staying in the border towns where they cross. they are getting on a train and coming to place like this. all the people that you see here, these are all refugees. what we're hearing from the mayor and others is the city is reaching its limit of efficiency. that's what the mayor said today. you look around here and see a train station. cribs, people on the floor sleeping. because there are not any flats,
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there are not rooms. nothing is available anymore. in this city for people to get the help they need. in the city, they say that there are about 90,000 to 100,000 refugees just right here. the systems medical care, be it places to stay, education, other basic resources, it's not enough to sustain all of the people that are coming here. what we're hearing from local officials, volunteer groups is they feel like there's not an organized approach from the top down. the federal polish government. because of that, they are increasingly seeing issues bubble up and they're not able to help people in the way they need to be helped right now. look over here. we have seen this the last two days. people sitting, eating food with their children. because this is the only warm place where they can stay safe. because when they're waiting in lines to go to the information center just passed the escalator, they are getting to the front of the line and being told there are no available
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flats, no available rooms. we spoke to one volunteer, a group organizer earlier today and he said this is getting to be a really big problem. and he is concerned about what it will look like in one week, two, or three. listen to what he told us. >> right now, ngos are paying the price. i can manage i don't know -- i can give safe aid to 1,000 people per day. we have like 120,000 people right now. so, i cannot create the systemment i'm not a prime minister of or president of european union. i'm just a small ngo here. >> you have firefighters other people employed by the city out here working. volunteering. but when we talked to people and what we have seen. the at the border and here is
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that a lot of the aid efforts they largely seem to be ad hoc volunteer left efforts. you heard if tr that guy, some point when the ngos are trying to help, they can't handle this massive influx. there's real concern that that if there isn't more of an organized approach from the very top, there could be this kind of second larger crisis that comes. where people need help and basic resources. they can't get them and also the polish people struggle to get access to basic services as well. the entire system is overwhelmed. >> your population swell by one million people in ten days. thank you. joining me now from poland communication specialist for unicef. i'm told poland is leading the effort right now with all the refugees crossing the border. it's not unicef. does poland have the ability to get all the people where they need to go? would it be better in the hand of your organization.
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>> the numbers are staggering. i arrived here on monday. 1.7 million refugees. we're now more than 2.5. we estimate more than half are children. the situation when people are coming across they're here with what they can carry. some have an idea of where they want to go. they have friends or family. some are arriving and they feel like we have reached safety. but now what. so it is it's going to take a huge effort. it cannot just be the incredible volunteers. that we have seen so far. it's clear that all of us will need to scale up across europe, and beyond. to meet the needs of the vulnerable people. >> and beyond. what's the united states doing for the refugees. we have said we're doing everything we can to help
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ukraine. are we committed to taking in any ukrainian refugees? >> the u.s. is i think the largest unicef. this is something we're going to be looking to scale up. this support is critical. from government. also individuals. we're going to be needing to see education, the main issue that we're focussed on right now is the child protection. when you see this number of children coming across the border, the risks of trafficking and exploitation. and abuse. that is huge. >> that didn't even consider that. what is happening -- can you estimate how many children are coming over the border alone? >> it's difficult to tell at the moment. poland opened the border. a generous move.
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in there's no registration or identification. it's difficult to find out. and the children who may have been separated from parents. vulnerable people. without documentation. we're working with the local authorities to scale up. find a safe place for children and draw and do things children do. and allow us to make sure we have child protective specialists and counsellors who can identify vulnerable children. vulnerable families. and refer them to the services they need. not just saying that's where you need to go. and a number. and a form. but make sure they're getting it there. following up. and making sure the people --
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>> it's a logistic cal. and you add vulnerable children on top of it. thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate it. joe english. sorry about that. coming up do americans support putting boots on the ground to stop russia's invasion? we're at the big board with the latest. a look at what other options the u.s. and nato have to help ukraine without potentially provoking world war 3. ovoking w. just tap and there you have it. your all new personalized weight loss program from ww. it's easy. you take a short quiz, tell us your goals, how you're feeling and what you love to eat and we create a science backed plan that's designed just for you. at ww, we help you build healthy habits, so you can eat better, think better and feel better. getting started has never been easier.
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democratic country. there is a question of how long that support lasts. joining me now national political correspondent. steve, americans are being asked this question. what are they saying? >> interesting. take a look on the broad question of how the u.s. should be handling this situation here. there is a high level of support. up to 50% to do more. to be tougher. in terms of what that translates into, you can see the most popular options here, things are are already in place. idea of economic sanctions. financial aid, weapons to ukraine, ukraine joining nato. it starts to get dicier in mixed and negative feelings on the public part of what the u.s. should be doing, direct military involvement. sending soldiers to fight russians. the least popular option here. sending soldiers to train ukrainians. not a broad popularity there. no fly zone. the public draws lines here. when you talk about the gas
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situation, we started the week at 4.10 on average. end of the week triple a has this number up to 4.33. nationally. as you say there is some understanding. it seems in the polling. on this. as it relates to russia and ukraine. 71% over all support that banning of the purchase of russian oil or gas driving up the cost. you mention this one. asking folks specifically how much more would you be willing to pay at pump if it means supporting ukraine? all of these numbers here are variations of people saying they would be willing to pay more. depending, there's different categories. 63% over all say bottom line, they would be happier and willing to pay more if that means supporting ukraine. in this fight with russia. where things get complicated of course is politically it's not just the cost of fuel. it's not just the cost of gas. inflation increasing, becoming a
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major issue. 85% say inflation is a somewhat serious problem. getting close to a con sen us on that. public also expects things are get worse on the inflation front. 49% say over the next six months prices will be higher now then over all. then now. there's understanding and acceptance when it comes to the fuel cost. but other costst are rising, i'm not sure on that front. >> when it becomes more expensive to get things to places. because everybody needs fuel. shipping containers. ships need fuel. cars need fuel. jets need fuel. everything the price rises. >> a lot of things are connected. >> thank you for joining us. u.s. and allies continue to move weapons into ukraine. assistance the president highlighted during remarks at the white house. this morning. >> united states is sent more than $1 billion in security assistance to ukraine. over the last year.
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including antiarmor and antiair capability. taking out tanks and planes and helicopters. with new shipments arriving every day. >> experts say the shipments will get to ukrainian so far. against a better equipped russian military. what other options are there? >> joining me now a former cia analyst and previously served as deputy national intelligence officer. thank you so much for being here. so, what else can the west do? >> i think we're doing already a good job. i agree with president biden comments there. the amount of military assistance that is flowing into ukraine has been tremendous. there's discussion about doing more. on the antiaircraft, thinking of other things to get in to help ukrainians essentially create a no fly zone. also the antitank weapons. as long as that continues, along with allies and partners.
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we have to help ukraine continue to defend themselves. it's really the full spectrum. we have to continue to get the humanitarian assistance there. all the coordination that that entails. the economic aid. and really critically we have to continue to apply steady pressure to putin to constrict and constrain. so it gets expensive and costly. in order for him to continue these operations. we could be more creative about getting some information in to russians. so he feels the pressure not just from the elite but from the public. who doesn't support this war that he has began. >> how do we do that? >> a very good question. there's some innovative ideas floating around. short wave radio. for those russians who have that radio. trying to find those social immediate why sites that the kremlin hasn't cracked down. it's getting more difficult to do this.
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cutting off twitter, facebook, the iron curtain is coming down. we can try to be innovative with satellite internet and the censors. it's a tricky thing. mobilizing people to people contact. there are now so many russians journalists who had to flee russia. how can we work with them so they can continue their efforts, their operations to reach their fellow russians inside the country. it's time to start to get creative about how we do that. to ensure that we are putting maximum pressure on putin. >> back in ukraine there are some relatively open corridors. we're feeding arms to ukrainian soldiers. able to get them frommed border. what happens if the russians close those off? >> i think that's possible. fighting today that is more in the west of the country. getting close to the polish
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border. this is something that will be top of mind for president putin who likely worries about a prolonged insurgency. we'll again it's a long border there. we'll have to get creative about how we can continue to get the weapons in. we need to do it quickly. before it gets harder. if we goat a situation we're trying to get the weapons in and russians are targeting supply lines. i highlight the risk of escalation. the west needs to be prepared for the potential this conflict could escalate. and calibrate that carefully. >> a version of two questions. how much are we willing to take in terms of the suffering of ukrainians is there a line that vladimir putin can cross? and what happens if somebody puts a toe over an actual line. a border into nato country. >> i think that unfortunately there are just going to be these
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really moral dilemmas. how do we do our best to continue to support ukrainians and the suffering and the devastation that they're facing. at the same time, calculating and managing the risk because even more devastation would ensue if this spills over. we're talking about a significant nuclear power. with a leader who we know is increasingly a risk taker. and i think if president putin does feel that this is a conflict that he might lose if he does feel that he is being his hold on power is slipping domestically, we could see him move to increasingly risky behavior that raise the risk of the conflict could spread. in terms -- i think the president has been clear, secretary general has been clear. the nato allies have been clear. that the nato allies are prepared to defend every inch of nato territory.
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i believe that. we are ready. we're sending the pate ros to poland. i think that we are ready to defend the alliance if heaven forbid something spills over and there are implications for some of the nato member states that are bordering ukraine. >> kamala harris was out there. in the eastern front. saying listen, we have your back. reassuring them that article 5 will be upheld. thank you so much for joining us. and coming up next. could vladimir putin ever be prosecuted for war crimes. if he is, what happens then? we'll ask the first ever u.s. war crimes ambassador. next. crimes ambassador. next age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein.
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>> attack or targeting of civilians. is a war crime. period. >> in fact, it is russia that long maintained a buy logical weapon program in violation of international law. >> this is a country that has a reputation for using those kinds of weapons. on people. and we know they have a program. >> the international criminal court which prosecutes war crimes uses the convention as a guideline. that 1949 agreement on humanitarian treatment. in wartime. joining me now the first ever u.s. ambassador at large for war crime issue. he led the delegation to the talks to establish the international criminal court. thank you so much for being here. mr. ambassador. is there enough right now with the targeting of the maternity ward for instance, with the
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civilians who have been crossing bridges to get into kyiv being bombed. the apartment buildings we have seen flattened. are those examples enough to prosecute vladimir putin for war crimes? >> they're examples that demonstrate war crimes are occurring in ukraine. that's undoubted. the question is how do you relate specific hits on civilian populations to first a military command that has ordered that hit. and then up to vladimir putin. mr. putin leaves footprints every day publicly. as to how much he is commanding this entire operation. so i think at end of the day, it's not going to be that difficult to implicate putin in the over all commission of atrocity crimes in ukraine. it maybe more difficult, it is
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more difficult case by case to say a particular russian officer or general in the field is related to that particular hit. that's the stuff of war crimes investigations. we have been doing it well for 30 years. that will ultimately be produced. i think it's important to emphasize that this is also state responsibility. mr. putin represents the country of russia. russia has committed the ultimate crime which is the crime of aggression. under that umbrella, all of the other crimes are being committed. he knows it. so, he has a responsibility to prevent these crimes. and he hasn't a responsibility to punish those who commit them. he's doing neither. that implicates him every single day. >> if he is convicted of a war crime, and i don't know how quickly the trial could happen. and a commission could be find. if it did happen quickly, what happens next?
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>> well, i think the indictment coming down could actually occur within two to three months because the leadership tree is so blatant. with respect to the totality of the criminal conduct. that the prosecutor may feel comfortable to simply issue the indictment and of course ask amend it with specific strikes that he would want to add. this would be at the international criminal court. then at that point, mr. putin and clearly some of the generals who would be indicted would be wouldn't be able to travel anywhere in the world. they would be isolated within their country. and of course i think in internal pressure would mount. to remove them from their positions of power. because frankly, russia cannot pullist out of this mess. with them in that status. sitting in moscow or some point the consequences of being
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indicted will overwhelm them. and we have many examples of that in the past 30 years. with other leaders. >> ambassador, thank you so much for being here with us. and let's go now just in the state department briefing. we'l quick break. stay with us. for high blood pressure. the one prescription with the best results and fewest side-effects... is not covered by my insurance. i was about to put a third of my social security towards the prescription... until i found out about singlecare. with the discounts i found on singlecare, i was able to afford the prescription that works best for me without sacrificing my retirement savings. visit and start saving today. without sacrificing my retirement savings. since i left for college, my dad has gotten back into some of his old hobbies. and now he's taking trulicity, and it looks like he's gotten into some new healthier habits, too. what changes are you making for your type 2 diabetes?
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a breakthrough eczema treatment. let's bring in nbc news chief foreign affairs andrea mitchell. thank you for being here. i understand you pressed ned price on two things. chemical weapons false flag that russia seems to be beginning and then this idea that the russia saying they didn't actually bomb the mariupol hospital and the ambassador holding up an image of the hospital still intact. >> so much pressure on the administration now on a number of fronts as you know. also the fact that they have not declared these were war crimes and 39 countries including the brits and other of closest allies made that determination and there was the statement by the u.n. ambassador yesterday
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linda thomas greenfield stating this attack was a war crime. we saw the people coming out, the pregnant women, the people injured and the three that died including a 6-year-old child. among other war crimes, the attacks on civilians. asking ned price at the state department he said the distinction here is according to the definition we have to proof it was intentional and not an accidental rocket or a bomb or artillery shell so they have to prove it was done intentionally. they would then as david was saying you can connect him to the states and then like the kosovo war and there were convictions with a leader like vladimir putin who is the solitary leader of the state and
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prove intent and do the investigations and that you have to collect the evidence as we are and doing the investigation and not going to change their guidance and ambassador greenfield was calling it as we all see it because this is a televised war and had other wars that certainly been in the television age but every aspect with social media as in syria is all over our screens and we can see exactly what is happening. >> americans wondering with the images if there's a line for the united states, a line for how much suffering we are willing to watch. at least in this instance. thank you so much for joining us. always good to have you. that will do it for us these last two hours. "deadline: white house" starts after a very quick break. quickk e to severe crohn's
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