tv The Reid Out MSNBC March 11, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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good evening, everyone, putin's army advances towards kyiv doubling down. senior u.s. defense official says russian troops could be ten miles from the city's center. much of what we're seeing on the ground indicates they're circling in. a fire fight between russian and ukraine forces. [ gunshots ]. >> [ bleep ]. [ gunshots ]. >> the region shattered by constant shelling. >> there is a constant sound of artillery and shelling going on and you can see the devastation some of the attacks already had. we know, according to the locals here, that the russians are only a few kilometers down the road and this is the constant backdrop. we're just waiting for victory, for everything to be good again she says and trying not to cry the united nation's security counsel, to put forward a claim that the united states is using birds to spread chemical ammunition somehow, this is -- it's once farcical and stupid and incredibly frightening. at this point, i'm not sure why russia is allowed to
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we are not fools and id -- idiots, take a look. >> translator: we are dismayed by the dirty campaign to blame us for intentional shelling civilians. you are accusing us of propaganda once ignoring a huge number of fakes that are being turned out in ukraine and the west. >> i know you expect me to respond but we're not going to give any more air time to the lies you're her hearing today. it's beneath this counsel and there is only one aggressor here, this is russia. >> you're an mp in ukraine. i am -- i just need to allow you to respond to the russian ambassador attempting to claim
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that the images of horror that we're seeing, the killing of children and shelling of hospitals and schools, the crying children, the hungry women and children running for their lives are fakes. your thoughts? >> i'm from mariupol. i talk with them around an hour but not tomorrow. i haven't heard from them for five days. the only thing i know they're alive. there is no electricity, heating. it's not possible to restore communications because shelling never stops. my school, my university and nursery hospital, building where i grew up, all of this of my life are destroyed. all of this is not military infrastructure. day and night twice per hour, airplane drops a bomb on
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residential districts of mariupol and bodies lay on the street and there are mass graves in the city. my heart is breaking every minute when i think i'm warm and i have breakfast and my parents live in a basement looking for water. preparing food on an open fire. the exits for mariupol who try to escape the city gets killed. russia say it's not true. if it's not true, my parents would be with me. 350,000 people in mariupol sit in a mouse trap and these people doesn't have food anymore. this war started two weeks ago like an ordinary war, army against army and all of the world saw how ukrainians fought and resisted and you helped us with weapons sanctions, money, you can't imagine how grateful we are but situation completely change.
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i can beat you on the battle field if you-all resist or we'll kill you-all and last week it's not a war. it's mass murdering. there are more killed civilians last week than soldiers during all the war. russian soldiers say they have permission to kill civilians. they testified that russian soldiers kill people for fun. i just -- i'm sending you right now to a channel video published today where fighting vehicles show people with disabilities with a close range. all the humanitarian corridors to mariupol are blocked. no food, no water, no medicine and we see putin's goal is hunger. today i talk with people i address people of america and talk to people in america, the strongest people in the world. it's not only to allow one
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maniac to starve people because he want to. deaths will be on his hands, your hands and mr. biden's hands. if we can't do it together, what can we do? i address people in america, call your senator and congressman, ask them if the blood of ukrainian people is threat enough. ask them why all the strongest nations all together cannot stop the hunger in the middle of europe. how can we help people from mariupol if really we cannot, we pray to save our children and our parents and pray for mine with me. >> we are praying with you and it is heartbreaking and, you know, jack crosby, do we know you are a journalist who's been back and forth to ukraine and
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seen this firsthand. you're the independent observer we expect and pray for journalists to be. number one, do you know any news of this kidnapped mayor, number one? number two, tell us what you've seen. >> i don't have any news or information on the kidnapped mayor. there are many parts of ukraine right know that have communication blackouts where people haven't heard from family members. i myself can't reach sources, a driver that i have in kharkiv haven't responded in days. i go by i hope he sees the messages on what's app but it's impossible to really grapple with that that there are parts of the country that are completely closed off so i don't
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have anything new on the mayor. as far as what i've seen, yeah, i just want to reiterate what was said. these attacks are not on military infrastructure. in the early days of the war, any kind of violence taking place near urban areas is going to bleed into civilian populations. you know, there are always going to be casualties in war that were not intended. that's not what we're seeing here. that's not what the russian campaign is now. and that's not what it's been for many days and i think the images we've seen out of mariupol and kharkiv, out of cities, you know, all of these make that extremely clear and i think the only people in the world that aren't seeing these images are people in russia who are being prevented from seeing
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them by mass censorship by the government there. >> john brennan, i have to say this. you know, my father was -- he's passed away now but he was from the congo. the united states when they decided patrice wasn't good enough to be the george washington of the congo, made sure he was quite gone. you look at iran, when we decided we didn't like mosidae the end of him, we didn't like saddam hussein, that was the end of him. to look helplessly while we watch these people slaughtered, it feels like we shouldn't be helpless. you as somebody the head of an agency with incredible power, incredible reach into the entire world, isn't there something we can do? because when we wanted to do it and when there were people we thought were not fit to run a country, we did it. and so i think it's hard for americans to accept that we
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can't do anything. your thoughts? >> it's very difficult to accept that thought. we can do some things but if we engage military, it would be world war iii. listening to the ukrainian parliamentary, my heartbreaks for him, his family and all ukrainians. surely, we'll be able to put a stop to this at some point. there are too many innocent dying at the hands of the mass murderer that putin is and so we really need to work together to find someway to stop this russian war machine from destroying a beautiful country and the people in it. but like you, joy, i feel helpless but at the same time, i think the biden administration is trying to thread a needle here to do what they can for ukraine without leading to a
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larger war that could engulf many more countries and lead to much greater devastation but until we can stop this, i think the entire world is looking upon ukraine with great sadness and so i just hope we can turn this around soon but there is no way putin will change course unless he has to by some over riding power. >> i think for people in ukraine, it already is world war iii. that's the problem. it's already world war iii for them. that's the problem. >> it's already world war iii for you. you don't understand the line. is it bomb drops on nursery house. that's your question? or tactical and we will see next week all of this so decide where is your line. >> amen. i cannot argue with a thing that
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you have said, sir. praying for you and your family. jack crosby, thank you very much, sir. still ahead, more economic fallout for russia as the u.s. and allies announce new sanctions and move to suspend normal trade relations. how, how will putin respond? as republicans back pedal like mad to shift the blame, how do trump and his allies set the stage for the tragic violence we see today. the ambassador that found herself in the middle of trump's scheme to extort a foreign ally joins me later and chef jose andres will tell us how he and his colleagues are managing to serve 150,000 meals to ukrainian refugees ever day. "the reidout" continues after this. "the reidout" continues after this
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spoke person dimitri. 11 members. on thursday a cornered putin endorsed a plan to nationalize foreign owned businesses in the wake of mass exit. the russian ruble lost 40% of the value and experts warn russia will run short of imported food, clothing and other goods. the cracks are starting to show. "the daily beast" says two well-known pro putin appeared and acknowledged the impact of the sanctions. they called for a stop to military action. an incredibly blunt terms, one said the invasion threatens the change on public opinion in russia, the destabilization of power structures with the possibility of a full destabilization of the country and a civil war. joining me now is russian opposition politician. thank you for being hear.
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it has been many, many years we've been having conversations about russia and about the ways in which the united states has tried to deal with russia. multiple u.s. administrations going back to george w. bush to paralympic, you know, george bush looked into putin's eyes and said he saw his soul and trump tried best friends, that strategy. none of its worked. what do you make of the current administration's attempt to push putin back? it seems that friendship, nothing helps. nothing has changed him. >> we did talk about it for years and what is really engaging, people have warned about this. russians warned about this. boris who was an opposition leader and murdered on putin's order was so outspoken about it. we know from history how the appeasement of ditators ends, the same way. putin started initially with
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going after russia civil society and turned to aggression out wards. there was georgia, syria, the initial attack on ukraine in 2014. and every time the west swallowed it and every time the leaders of the world democracies continued to shake his hand and invite him to international summits and look into his eyes and so on. this is where we are today with a large scale land war in the middle of europe with war crimes committed in the middle of europe. you saw the bombing of a maternity ward for god sake. this is heartbreaking. what is more heartbreaking is the fact this is avoidable. if .1 of those sanctions imposed over the past two weeks had been imposed a decade ago as we called for high level personal targeted sanctions against the oligarchs that oil the wheels of
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the putin machine and have the western banks, we would not be here today. >> the thing is, i mean, we don't have to speculate about what putin is capable of. he did it to aleppo. levelled aleppo. he did it in chechnya, brutal. >> that's how he came to power. >> exactly. the idea that -- i do wonder if the ability of -- including western media to look away at those conflicts made him feel okay, i can get away with brutality. i'm still surprised he thought in his mind that he could get away with doing this to ukraine. it seemed insane to think he would do it but he's done it. >> on the other hand, if you get away with everything else, if you can imprison opponents and murder opponents and rig elections and muzzle in the media and nobody cares, you can then go attacking other countries and nobody really cares beyond some lip service. you feel as if you can do anything and this is what he
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did. as they say better late than never and finally, we're seeing firm action against the oligarchs, against those high ranking abusers, some of them you listed, the new sanctions announced today we're also very importantly finally seeing, you know, western leaders calling a spade a spade. for such a long time the west pretended he was a democratic elected leader. he's never been. for so many years the west pretended he was and so important to see that change and really important congressional house resolution 806 bipartisan resolution which essentially provides for derecognition of vladimir putin in the same way u.s. doesn't recognize belarus. so it's important that people
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are finally beginning say two plus two equals four. >> it will bankrupt russia. we talked about this on the break. he destroyed two countries he is destroying ukraine. he's destroying russia. you have people on a proputin network saying this is a terrible idea. you can't go to mcdonald's or netflix, not the biggest problem in the world. does this destabilize him and take him out of power? >> no question. if you look at the history of russia over the past 200 years, it's failed wars of aggression that lead to political change at home. this is how it was after the crimea war and so on. this happens time and time again. you're absolutely right. in the last two weeks, the putin regime undid 30 years of economic progress. the last time i saw empty food shelves in moscow until last week was when i was a child in a
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soviet union. i saw that again a few days ago. we're seeing the leading companies leave and the banks seizing operations, people are no longer able to use their credit cards. people are losing their jobs. there will be economic calamities and there is nobody to blame except vladimir putin. and yes, there is actually growing understanding among many people in russia that this is going to be putin's last war. it's another one that he's engaged in but he's really over stepped this time for those western appeasers and enablers have been willing to turn a blind eye for so long, this is a step too far. yes, i do believe this will be the last war the putin regime conducts. the question is the price, not monetary but human lives and the time. it doesn't mean it's going to happen tomorrow but you know what? i think today we're seeing the end of the putin regime much more clearly. >> i'll take it. at this point, it's so
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depressing and awful that if this is the end of him and of people like yourself that can go back to a free russia, a free russia and free ukraine is a pretty d arksdamn good deal. >> that's what will happen. >> and hopefully it will happen before too many end up as refugees. >> we haven't been able to sea one another and shake hands for so long. good to see you. cheers. >> thank you. up next, trump and his republican allies would like you to forget the role they played in setting the stage for putin's war but we won't let them. former u.s. ambassador to ukraine marie yovanovitch testified against him. stay tuned. d against him. stay tuned but a bigger nest egg. a goal to work toward, or the freedom to walk away. with 200 years of experience, personalized advice, and commission free trades on an award-winning app,
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there are two things we learned from donald trump about his campaign and administration. first, the strange admiration for vladimir putin which is well documented and second, his obsession with weakening ukraine. in 2016, we saw the trump campaign strip the republican platform of a provision supporting military aide for ukraine. trump's cronies pushed for a so-called peace plan that would have dismembered ukraine's territory and lifted sanctions on russia and he spread the rumor it was ukraine and not russia that interfered in the 2016 election. trump used office to extort ukraine's government withholding congressionally approved
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military assistance for a hit job on his political opponent, joe biden. put simply, trump held ukraine security hostage for his own personal gain and treated president zelenskyy not as an ally by pawn and got him impeached in 2019. a key witness in the impeachment who herself was a victim of trump's scheme is speaking out in "lessons from the edge" marie yovanovitch details the grueling smear campaign that prompted her firing. brought upon the united states and weakened ukraine and emboldened russia and as yovanovitch said at the time, ukraine deserved our unwavering support. >> supporting ukraine is the right thing to do, it's also the smart thing to do. if russia prevails and ukraine falls to russian dominion, we
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can expect to see other attempts by russia to expand it's territory and influence. >> former ambassador to ukraine marie yovanovitch is here. thank you for being here. the things that are happening now to ukraine, were you ever able to wrap your mind around why donald trump himself and his administration were so against ukraine, why they had it in for ukraine? did you get your mind around why that? >> bizarre. he didn't think a lot about ukraine but thought about russia as a great power and sort of accepted i think putin's view of ukraine not being a really country and if it was, it was a weaker country and therefore not worthy of his attention. >> as people will remember your name as the person who is
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associated with the phrase she's going to go through some things because they wanted to fire you and give your portfolio to rudy giuliani and make him in charge of policy. at the time, did you see what he was doing as a bigger picture of a big prorussia move on the part of the united states? did you anticipate the idea he wanted to get out of nato? was any of that on your mind at the time? >> what was happening to me, it was all around me and i could feel, you know, something was going on but because people were telling me especially ukrainians, senior level ukrainians, you better watch out because there are people here and people in the united states that are working together to get you removed and i would call back to the state department and say what is going on? is there a problem with what i'm doing? no, no, everything is fine. i figure it's the low level kind of rumor that is always kind of circling any capitol, right? so i wasn't completely aware of
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all of the things going on around me. president donald trump is well-known and outspoken feelings about nato, it was quite clear he thought nato was not a good institution and other allies were taking the u.s. for a ride and we were supporting them in ways we shouldn't be. i think i've heard people close to the president from his administration saying that if he had had a second term, he would no doubt have pulled the u.s. out of nato. >> i wonder about that, too. you have a lot of information on with nicolle wallace, i watched her show every day and she did ask you this question everyone is asking and throwing out there, would this happen if donald trump had been president? you know, my kind of thought on it is it would have had to. putin wouldn't have had to because trump would give him
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ukraine. is that your sense? >> i think president putin was getting what he needed out of the trump administration. we were, i think, i think, on a path to leaving nato. so that, nato without the united states is probably not a security alliance that is going to last very long. and so i think that would have addressed many of putin's alleged concerns. i think that what we're seeing now is about in a certain sense, it's about russia's security but many other things including putin's obsession with ukraine, his belief it's not a real country. his desire to recreate the russian empire, the soviet union, his need to sort of establish himself in a positive way before the 2024 presidential elections. it's about a lot of things and also about in my opinion tearing down the international order that has served us so well since
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world war two. >> take the measure you do not chris cross with the zelenskyy administration, maybe just before when you left is when zelenskyy came in. take the measure of this man. i am quite sure this is not what he expected when he went from a comedian playing a pretend president in a comedy show and the first thing that happens is an attempted bribery by the united states president. there are these great pictures of him sitting there looking like my god, i'm sitting next to this moron and what am i supposed to do about it. >> i did meet zelenskyy a number of times when he was running for president. by the time he became president, i was no longer in ukraine and obviously, he's a really funny guy and very talented and he also is the architect of a huge media empire. he's very proud of the fact that his talent created that, and the
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executive skills that produced that empire. i think that zelenskyy as president ran into many of the same challenges that some of his predecessors ran into but i think he was trying and making some progress, not as much progress perhaps as others may have wanted, but with this -- with the invasion of russia or russia's invasion of ukraine, i think that he has grown into the moment. i think you are seeing somebody whose masterful communication skills came to the floor and he's inspired his countrymen and the world. >> he has. >> it is remarkable and he's really met the moment. i wouldn't necessarily have expected but that i really admire. >> yeah. it's the difference between someone who is, you know, sort of naturally funny and interesting and can do comedy
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and someone like trump where someone wrote his lines and it's not natural. when you're a diplomat, you develop an affinity for it. what are your thoughts for ukraine. >> it's horrifying to think that everybody i know and, you know, a country of 44 million people has been brought to this by the evil doing. there is no other word for it of one man that not only are they being targeted mergelessly, women, children, men, not only that but perhaps there might be a bio attack or people are even talking about nuclear strikes because president putin is using the status of russia as a nuclear power so loosely. it is really horrifying, and i think that it's important that we not allow putin to set the conditions for this war. we need to think about how we
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can continue to support ukraine and how we can do it in the smartest way possible but also the strongest way possible so that we detour putin. >> mae yovanovitch, thank you. can't wait to read your book. >> like wise. >> cheers, we'll be right back. >> like wise. >> cheers, we'll be right back welcome to allstate. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ here, you don't have to love cars to save when you bundle your home and auto. but if that's what you're into. that's cool. bundle and save up to 25% with allstate.
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the u.n. says 2.5 million ukrainians fled their country. there are concerns of keeping women and children safe. with me now is ellison barber in poland. ellison? >> reporter: joy, as more and more people are forced to flee their homes in ukraine, children are having to sleep on the ground at train stations in bigger cities in poland because they're struggling to keep up
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with the demand. what we're hearing from local officials and volunteer groups is that there needs to be more organization from the top down, the federal government down. they need more help to make sure people are getting the resources necessary to survive this difficult time in their lives. they say right now, most of the efforts, it's a volunteer ad hawk effort when it comes to aide. they say that's not sustainable. when it comes to such vulnerable people, women and children, shelter options and they have to be fed. from border crossings to center cities, we've seen a lot of volunteer organizations stepping up, trying to help refugees. how much coordination has there been between groups like yours and the polish government? >> unfortunately, i would say the polish government step it back so they are doing a lot of p.r. job. they are going to the border and showing they're doing some
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stuff, but they are not visible here. right now, i can manage, i don't know, like i can give safe aid to 1,000 people per day but we have like 120,000 people here now. i can't create the system. i'm not a prime minister or president of european union. i'm a small ngo. we need money. we need people who will organize the process. if you know any politicians from your hometown or your state, talk with them if you can accept one plane, we can organize it from here to your state. >> wow. ellison barber. thank you. coming up next, jose andres joins us with an update on efforts to feed refugees. we'll be right back. efugees. we'll be right back. ow up great.
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crisis grows, world-renowned chef and humanitarian jose andres is once again heeding the call for help, providing food and comfort to those in the league. he nonprofit, world central kitchen, was on the ground within hours of putin's invasion, setting up mobile kitchens at border crossings to feed weary refugees. and now, inside ukraine, he is partnering with local restaurants and caterers to get food and supplies to cities under siege. they have served hundreds of thousands of meals so far, averaging as many as 150,000 a day. and chef jose andres joins me now. it's such a privilege to be able to talk with you. i just want to hear you talk. i've got here on my notes that your world central kitchen has set up kitchens in poland, hungary, slovakia, moldova. what are people telling you?
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tell me what you have seen. >> we have seen the images of people, ukrainians, people of other nationalities, taking cars, getting in a bus, getting on a train, trying to escape the mayhem created by this war that does not make any sense. so, stories -- let's put it this way. every person, every woman, every child, every one of them has a story. when you see a child, because you are giving him a plate of hot food, the only thing he is telling you is, my dad stayed behind. when you see at that same border that people are escaping war and mayhem, you see young ukrainians and other nationalities, including americans, crossing into ukraine to join the defense of their country.
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and the stories keep multiplying themselves. i have seen people at their best, like when they arrive in poland. i would say every single polish person at the border -- like firefighters, retired military personnel, students, teachers -- they all did whatever was needed to provide relief to these ukrainians coming into their country. inside ukraine, where i am right now, more of the same. it is like in the worst of moments, the best of humanity shows up. everyone here that i see, they want only one thing, to take care of those women and children that are suffering the horrors of a war that does not make sense in the 21st century. >> thank you for pointing that out. this is a giant, enormous movement of women and children from their homes. and sometimes with just one little bag or one little
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backpack. and the idea of children not knowing where they are going to sleep, what they are going to eat, it is so heartbreaking. when you think about the fact that you have done this all over the world, that you have done this in wartime situations -- but in this, case is it different, that it is really kids that you are feeding? you are feeding kids for the most part, and their moms. >> i don't have the data but it does seem that it is one child for each adult. it is a massive, massive movement of children. we have seen images of children alone with a phone number written on the back of their hand. so, if someone finds them, to call their family, to tell them he is fine. imagine what their families have to go through, to sometimes put children alone onto those buses or those trains. this is what is really
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heartbreaking. we saw the bombing of a hospital in the south, in mariupol, where many children died. again, i hope everyone is going to be speaking up, not only the citizens of europe but the citizens of the, world saying that there is no way that we can go through this war without speaking very loudly, that we cannot allow putin to get away with what is a massive -- of biblical proportions -- and every organization, i speak with, they wish they could -- we are not the only people feeding here. everyone who can do something is doing something. people are trying to bring some organization for these four or five countries that we are right now feeding. we are welcoming persons from those countries, as we are helping right now, inside ukraine, in multiple cities.
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[inaudible] >> and can i ask, you just logistically -- you don't have to tell us every bit of it -- but it is it's getting more difficult to actually get the food to be able to cook? given that russia is bombing everything indiscriminately? civilian infrastructure. is it hard to actually get the food to the people? >> well, here in lviv we are when i would say is far away from the front lines. but we are probably 450 kilometers away, which seems far. but it is right there. this last 24 hours, we saw, during the evening and into the day, that we would hear the sirens, because it seems the missile of an attack was happening somewhere. at the end, when we saw during the day today, we saw two attacks, and these attacks, they've been closer to the west, closer and closer to the polish border.
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and it just keeps going like. this and we are in the we are trying to prepare in places like lviv. and we have partners in places like he of, the restaurants. feeding women and children at ally elderly. and they are scared. they are in tunnels or basements or shelters, and the shelling never stops. obviously, in places like kyiv, fruit keeps coming. and military and others, in those areas, surrounded by the russians, and we see what's happening in mariupol. and we see other cities where they have been in basements for weeks, surrounded by russian trucks. and in the end, who suffers? it is always the same. very often the poor, men and
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women, and we cannot allow this. let's hope that food is not one of the problems that people are going to be going through. and at the very least, people as they are leaving, we are trying to make sure that we go along the way until they get to safety, to make sure that in every state and at every moment, food and water and every moment will be available to them without any effort. >> god less, you serve. people aspire to be a great man, even better it's to be a good man. you, sir, are both jose andres, thank you, thank you. and that is tonight's "the reidout", "all in" with chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in. >> we are not going to give any more airtime to the lies that you are hearing today, from this council. there is only one aggressor here, and that is russia. >> latest russian attempt to justify their invasion of
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