tv MSNBC Reports MSNBC March 15, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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i'm chris jansing live at msnbc headquarters in new york. it is tuesday, march 15th, and this morning we are watching very carefully the ukrainian capital of kyiv. [ bombing ] intense shelling and artillery strikes echoing throughout the city overnight. and daylight showing the extent of the destruction not just on the outskirts but in the heart of the city now where missiles and bombs continue to fall.
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a shell set fire to a residential building in kyiv for a second straight day. ukrainian officials say four people died, nearly 50 had to be rescued. the mayor has declared a 36-hour curfew stretching from tonight to thursday morning to try to protect civilians. but outside the city, ukrainian fighters are holding their own. they have blocked roads into the capital, hidden artillery and anti-aircraft systems in the woods and forced the russians to fight street by street. tanks like these in a northeast suburb have been surrounded and attacked. that massive convoy that appeared to be headed to kyiv is stuck in its tracks after running out of fuel. overnight, ukrainian president zelenskyy delivered a video message in russian calling for russian troops to surrender. despite the obvious danger, the leaders of poland, the czech republic, and slovenia will travel into kyiv today to meet with president zelenskyy in
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person, a trip meant to show solidarity among eastern european nations. zelenskyy himself will appear virtually before the canadian parliament today, then deliver a speech to the u.s. congress tomorrow. i sat down with the ukrainian ambassador to the u.n. last night and asked him about the message zelenskyy plans to deliver. >> i think that his message will be very powerful. his mess j you may assume maybe both expression of gratitude to the people of the united states and to the government of the united states as well as his strong call to the u.s. administration to help us more and to do certain things that we desperately need to stop annihilation of my country. and devastation and mass killings of my citizens. >> he does not use the word annihilation lightly.
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this morning a new heartbreaking development. president zelenskyy announcing nearly 100 children have died since the start of the invasion. it comes as cities across ukraine have been devastated by russian forces, none more than the city of mariupol. take a look at this aerial view. this is a city roughly the size of miami, its landscape now unrecognizable, apocalyptically changed from a place that 44,000 people claimed as home nape of been without food, water, or electricity for two weeks. now. there is one piece of hopeful news. 2,000 civilian cars were able to leave the city today. attacks have made that impossible until now. but ukrainian officials say an aid convoy is stuck outside the city, unable to get in. nine more humanitarian corridors from donetsk in the east and cities like kyiv in the north are being attempted today.
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i want to bring in ali arouzi inside ukraine. peter zback is a former attache to the russian federation who's been studying russia more more than 30 years. he's also the author of a new book. and amna navaz, chief correspondent for the pbs news hour. thanks for being here. general, i want to focus on kyiv to start because russia seems to be sticking on the outskirts of the city. analysts were saying it was a matter of time before russia takes it. do you still believe that's inevitable? >> kyiv, again, is a city of over 2.5 million people. a lot of folk, a lot of ukrainians have fled, but this is a huge city, the size of
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chicago, and every building -- and when you destroy a building it's rubble -- becomes a strong point. the russians are not that big and they're spread out all over the country. whether 200,000 or 300,000 they brought in, and to go and take the city will be a bloodbath for also the attackers. and the attackers, as we've been reading, have had some morale issues, and, yes, they can overpower in these battles. it's hard. they're trying to spread out we've read around the suburbs, but it's hard because you have ukrainian military and territorial guard with light anti-tank weapons, and they're just mauling trucks and jeeps and light vehicles and blowing the top off of tanks with javelins. so the russians did not expect
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this. the longer they hold out, the more pressure it puts on the russians who are involved in this over the country, whether kharkiv, mariupol, or headed down towards odesa. >> i want to play part of what the ukrainian ambassador to the u.n. told me last night. how long until it becomes impossible to get weapons in or russia gets such a huge advantage that you can't recover? >> we have time to defeat the russians. i think the russians have more logistical problems than we do. >> has there been an underestimation of russia's logistical problems, do you think, general? if so, how do ukraine and the west exploit that weakness? could that include, for example, the west sharing more intelligence? >> chriss, it's a great question, a fundamental question. russia has been exercising these set-piece exercisings but
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they're set piece, and they haven't put together a logistical trail that goes for hundreds of miles through hostile terrain. and for the russians, this is hostile terrain. it's indian country. they have to get through it. you have these young crew. you've got. the turkish drones picking off vehicles and russian soldiers, in these vehicles, in their cabs, stuck, really cold and really miserable. yet they are big and formidable, but they have major command and control issues. it was hubris. they underestimated the ukrainians, and that underestimation and arrogance starts with vladimir putin. >> ali, we just heard about some of the things that are happening
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on the russian side. let me ask you about the ukrainian side. talk to me about the morale of the fighters in ukraine and the ukrainian people. nobody is doubting their will, right. we've all been amazed and impressed by their fortitude, but there's the reality of dwindling resources, whether it's arms or food and water and heat, simple exhaustion, right. so how long can they keep this up? what are people telling you? >> well, i mean, the strength, the fortitude of the people here is just incredible to see, chris. i mean, we've been speak to people here in lviv. you talk about the hard-hit places like kyiv and mariupol, our colleague, richard engel, in kyiv yesterday, interviewed an elderly woman. her building had been bombed, life shattered around her, and instead of complaining she told richard she felt sorry for putin and his mother for giving birth to such an evil cretin.
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they're staying strong. these places are inhumane conditions -- no water, no heating -- but they are still holding strong. i think that's a theme you see throughout the country. i had a chance to walk around lviv yesterday, and person after person you talked to tell you the same story, that they're going to defend their country, defend their home no matter what it takes. i spoke to a young family yesterday that had a 3-year-old daughter. they'd come to lviv. they said if lviv gets bombed, the mother and children will leave and go to poland. but the father said i'm going to stay and fight and defend my country. i spoke to another woman who said her father is 63 years old, legally allowed to leave the country and cross the border into poland because if you're under 60, you don't have to fight. he refused to go. he said if they're coming to my country, i'm going to fight them. that resilience and fortitude is incredible to see.
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i spoke to another woman yesterday and said are you worried that this russian invasion is going to overwhelm your country? are you afraid they're going to take ukraine over? she said to me, the only way they're going to take ukraine over is if they kill us all. so, i mean, that's just incredible strength you hear from across the board from just about everybody in this country. so, yes, they're tired, they're exhausted, they're lacking resources, food, heat, but they're not giving up. they're really all banding together. this morning we went to a funeral of four russian soldiers that were killed in that air base just close to the polish border, and there was a real sense of community not only amongst the soldiers but just the people who had attended the funeral as well. >> i know you have to do more reporting, but thank you for that extensive reporting on the people on the ground. to that point, amna, president zelenskyy is going to go before congress tomorrow and say we're holding up our end of the deal, our people are doing everything
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we can do, but they need more help. we know they wanted planes. one of the things we believe that he'll ask for is help to shore up ukraine's ground base air defense systems. is there a disconnect from what you're hearing behind the scenes from what president biden is going to do and what congress seems to be moving toward to do? how much more is the u.s. willing to do? >> it's fair to say since the last time president zelenskyy addressed members of congress last weekend, a number of people were motivated to d more. you saw that with much more support and the speed with which that ukrainian bill moved through congress. and i think after this address, we'll probably have many people who are further convinced. there have been some folks in. congress who say they should be doing more. the defense systems are necessary and good, but should the u.s. be considering a no-fly zone, which we know has been a consistent request from president zelenskyy and frankly
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from anyone else i talk to on the ground, everyday citizen who is remain in kyiv and are waiting to see where the next strike falls. members of the territorial defense force say we're doing everything we can and we're grateful for the support but we need more. you heard in the interview with the ambassador to the u.n. saying we'll be asking for other specifics as well. i's almost assured that along with the gratitude president zelenskyy expresses to members of congress, he will continue his call for a no-fly zone, because that's where they say they are losing. the russian aerial bombardment has been relentless. you've seen that in kyiv, in mariupol, where a city official toad me yesterday these residents have been besieged, mass graves on a scale we have not seen in this region, as you mentioned earlier, only individual cars being allowed to leave, no humanitarian convoys allowed in despite the fact groups like the world food program are geared up, ready to
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deliver that. russian forces are not allowing them in. on the ground, yes, as we heard from ali and general zwack and others, morale remains high, but there's a real question about how much more russia is willing to escalate and how much longer ukrainian forces can hang on. >> amna nawaz, you'll stay with me. general, thank you. coming up, more of my interview with ukraine's ambassador to the u.n. new insights as the russian invasion stretches into day 20. we'll also talk about the u.s. turning up the heat on china. what exactly is the u.s. willing to do to help end the war? i'll ask state department spokesman ned price straight ahead. first, 5,000 miles away from the war, an emotional highlight at the metropolitan opera's soldout benefit for ukraine. a 24-year-old bass baritone was the soloist during the ukrainian national anthem. his mother is still in ukraine,
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where she's taking care of his 88-year-old grandmother. he told me last night his mom, mama, as he calls her, is glad he's here because he's safe. the words of his solo translated "our enemy shall vanish like dew in the sun." ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? timber... [ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real,
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display of solidarity for the people of ukraine, supporters turning out at the metropolitan opera house last night for a benefit concert that was broadcast around the world including on public radio in the war zone 5,000 miles away. the ukrainian national anthem before a sellout crowd of 3,600, tickets that sold out in just ten minutes with all proceeds going to ukrainian relief efforts. there was a long and loud standing ovation for ukraine's ambassador to the u.n. who shared a box with many other u.n. dignitaries, including u.s. ambassador to the u.n., linda thomas greenfield. in a wide-ranging interview, we were told ukraine is grateful to the american people, who have been, in his words, exceptionally generous. then i asked him, with russia escalating attacks, does he still believe ukraine can win this war.
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>> there's no way putin can win. i think putin's months if not weeks are numbered. it's very clear. it's just a matter of time. >> what more at this moment do you need? >> we need the capacity for air defense. nato is not willing to provide the no-fly zone, then we need air defense and aircraft to defend the skies ourselves. and i'm sure that the way they now see how ukrainians as a in addition are determined to defend ukraine and defend europe makes it even more possible for them to deliver the weapons that we need to defend not only ukraine but the rest. the implications are global. if you look what the secretary-general of the united nations said today, he mentioned that 50%, 60% of cheat supply
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globally comes from ukraine. and he literally said that today the breadbasket for many third-world countries is being bombed by the russians. it will have long-lasting effects on food security, on supply of wheat, grain, oil. there are countries around the world that depend almost 100% on the grain supply from ukraine. so you can imagine what happens next after the supply is interrupted. of course go to the markets and try to buy grain from other suppliers, but the prices are already inflated and we are saying the country is basically pour or devastated themselves due to the national conflicts. >> on the ground, nearly 3 million people have fled your country to safety, but the majority who remain are there
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fighting, hiding. there are people in hospitals. what is the latest you can tell us about the humanitarian crisis within ukraine right now? >> well, indeed, we have more than 2 million refugees. the majority of the refugees are currently in poland, hungary, slovakia, romania, moldova, but we are speaking tact 2 million out of the can country of 42 million, 44 million people, so you can imagine how many people are affected. i think that at least half of the ukrainian population is affected, and they are basically idps inside the country, internally displaced people. some cities like lviv, for example, they are already overwhelmed with the numbers of idps. and i speak daily to many u.n. agencies and to foreign governments in order to expedite
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and escalate delivery of necessary humanitarian assistance to the people. >> how are they doing in their ability to do that? the will is there. >> the will is there. exactly. the will is there. but many of the actors on the ground, humanitarian actors, they require from the ukrainian government security assurances, which is very difficult to give them. if security assurances were so easy to provide, we would deliver assistance ourselves. so it is frustrating that the russian federation does not really keep the promises when we discuss with russians humanitarian corridors to let people leave the besieged cities and towns. one of the tricks they use is that they insist that people should flee to the territory of russia or belarus, which we say we cannot force people to flee
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to russia where they are in the red threat and they pace basically may be used as hostages. why should we force people to go to russia if europe is still open to ukrainians? >> do you think the last 2 1/2 weeks have shown the limitations of an organization like the united nations? >> absolutely. we should have no illusions about the united nations. as i posted in one of my tweets, i said basically, the united nations is the product of the dna of the founders. don't forget that one of the founding fathers was stalin himself. so the united nations is basically a product of the last century of how the world looked and how the global powers wanted in the middle of the last century the world to look in the decades to come to protect their
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interests. the way the security council is designed gives too much powers to countries like russia, to block necessary decisions. >> do you believe there's a level of frustration among your fellow ambassadors that when all of this is over the u.n. might look different or try to look different than it does now? >> you know, i said today actually at the end of my statement in the security council that when putin is removed from power from russia, we cannot automatically go back to normalcy. it will take us a long time to adjust and to go through a process so we have new counterparts from russia, new generation of ambassadors, new generation of foreign policy people to deal with. and it may take a while. >> finally, you're a diplomat.
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russian/ukraine negotiators met on monday by video. u.s. and chinese officials met in rome. what do you realistically think about the possibility of some kind of negotiated end to this? >> we'll continue to negotiate as long as it is possible. we'll always maintain the position, even before the latest invasion, that there is only a diplomatic way to resolve this conflict. >> i want to bring back amna nawaz, chief correspondent for "pbs news hour" and an msnbc contributor. he is a diplomat. he wants to think there is something that can be done here. on the other hand, he's talking about what he believes is the absolute purpose of vladimir putin, which is the annihilation of his countrymen and women. so what is your take-away as you hear him? one of the things he said to me is he's trying to keep the emotion out of it and do his job. but then day after day, he has to look at the russian ambassador in the eyes and listen to his lies.
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>> chris, first of all, that's a remarkable interview and remarkable to hear some of the things he is saying plainly. we've heard this echoed behind closed doors from other diplomats and european officials in particular that many of those who could keep vut frn him moving in in the first place did not work. the sanctions did not work. joint messages from the international community did not think. so far i think there's questions and doubts about the effectiveness of the united nations and other international bodies exerting what pressure they can to contain russia and get putin to de-escalate. when you ask the question about what will work, this is the other thing that came up with the ambassador and has come up in many circles, which is for all those efforts that have been made, the devastating sanctions, the crippling targeted sanctions against the oligarchs in particular, and don't forget, talking about a few hundred
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people in russia who could exert influence on vladimir putin. what has changes do far? not much. there is discussion behind the scenes that the financial devastation felt by many people, there's more that can be done. great britain has enormous wealth from russia has poured into who could be targeting more people and their family members. there is the secondary part of this, something else european officials will tell you, until the russian people themselves are either moved beyond ambivalence and certainly beyond support for this war, nothing will change. we're starting to see that. we've seen of course tens of thousands of people take to the streets in protest in russia and also thousands arrested and detained. until that tide turns, there may not be enough pressure on putin to deescalate. >> amna nawaz, thanks for
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staying around. we appreciate it. up next, the u.s. is turning up the pressure on china saying there could be consequences if they give any economic or military help to russia. plus, as the war stretches into day 20, is there any diplomatic off-ramp for vladimir putin? i'll ask state department spokesman ned price next. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush,
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ok, dimming the lights. this morning the u.s. is putting china on notice, warning of potential consequences if any military or economic assistance is given to russia. >> we have communicated clearly to beijing that we won't stand by if -- we will not allow any country to compensate russia for its losses. >> those comments coming from the state department after national security adviser jake sullivan held what's being described as intense seven-hour talks with his chinese counterpart in rome on monday. as beijing and kremlin deny reports moscow has asked for military equipment or any other assistance to support the invasion of ukraine. joining us is ned price.
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what actions are the u.s. prepared to take? >> every country around the world, especially those countries with significant leverage where with the russian federation, of course that includes the prc, the people's republic of china, every country has an obligation to stand up to this brutal war of choice, to putin's aggression against ukraine. of course, the prc has been an outlier in this and we've made very clear our concerns to senior prc officials just yesterday, as you mentioned. our national security adviser jake sullivan met with his chinese counterpart in rome, italy. again, this was another opportunity for us to express very clearly, very candidly our concerns and to speak to the implications. we're not going to detail those implications, but here's the point. we will be watching very closely to determine if the prc follows through on any effort to provide economic support, financial
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support, material support, or military support to russia and its war effort in ukraine. the fact is there will be significant consequences, not only significant consequences in terms of our bilateral relationship, but we'll work with what is to us one of our most powerful assets. that is our unprecedented sent of alliances and partnerships around the world will act in tandem with those allies and partners to hold the prc and any other country to account. >> if you can't detail exactly what the implications are for us, can you say that yesterday jake sullivan made it very clear to the official that here's what's going to happen. >> we spoke of the potential implications if we see this take place. part of the reason we hold regular engagements with our chinese counterparts is to keep lines of communications open.
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this is the most bilateral relationship on the face of the earth and it's important we have the opportunity to speak clearly, to speak candidly with one another, to ensure that the competition that really characterizes our relationship doesn't veer into conflict. we are going to do everything to manage this relationship responsibly, and that was part of the national security adviser's mission yesterday. >> so part of that clearly is here's what we don't want you to do or maybe, i'll say it more firmly, what you better not do or there will be consequences. what about on the other oend ch it what china can do? how does the u.s. get china to help the west with russia? is there any kind of deal that can be made? >> well, i don't know about a deal. yesterday was not a negotiation. it was an opportunity to speak clearly about our concerns and to lay out potential implications. here's the thing, chris. here's the challenge and here's our concern. the prc and russia, they share a vision for the world. it is a vision for the world that is in stark contrast to the
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free and open vision for the world that we and our allies and partners around the world have helped to build, have helped to protect and promote for the past 70-some-odd years, the same vision for the world that has in many ways worked to the advantage of countries like russia and china. tlir vision, on the other hand, it is a vision that is repress aift home and aggressive around the world. so it is incumbent upon all of us, that meaning the united states, our alies and partners, to work collectively and push back on this darker vision for the world, a vision that would send us back to a previous era in which might makes right and big countries can attempt to rewrite borders like what we're seeing russia try to do to ukraine today. >> diplomatic conversations obviously continue to go on with russia. i spoke to ukraine's ambassador to the united nations last night. he said he still supports diplomacy, but he also said that
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the frustration, in addition to the constant lies coming out of russia, is that no one who we're talking to has any power. putin is the only one who makes decisions here. how can all these conversations lead to any kind of diplomatic solution, lead to a cessation of violence, ned? >> we've experienced that ourselves. there were meetings with lavrov prior to the aggression and understand the concerns, one individual in the russian system, and that's vladimir putin, who can do anything to halt the violence. the thing is we have provided since the start of putin's war against ukraine a very clear off-ramp. president putin knows what he can do to bring an end to really the devastating sanctions and economic measures that the united states and our allies and parenter ins around the world have imposed on the russian federation. he needs to de-escalate and bring violence to a close, he
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needs to stop this senless brutality against the people of ukraine, against the government of ukraine, against the territorial integrity of ukraine. that is very clear to president putin. when it comes to this diplomacy, we of course support our ukrainian partners, but just like they do, we also know that diplomacy doesn't have the best odds of success when it's done at the barrel of a gun or a turret of a tank. that's what we've seen so far. president putin needs to choose the course of genuine, good-faith diplomacy, and indicate that by de-escalating and putting an end to the senseless violence. >> president zelenskyy now says nearly 100 children have been killed in this war. ned price, thank you for that. >> chris, can i make one more point? >> sure. go ahead. >> i learned yesterday that our state department correspondent ben hall has been seriously injured in ukraine. >> yes. >> i want to say the entire state department family, my thoughts, our thoughts are with him. ben, his charm, his wit, his
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very tough questions, i have been on the receiving end of all three of those. i hope to experience at least two of those quickly. our thoughts are with him and his family. we'll do everything we can to assist him at this time. >> couldn't have said it better. thank you. >> thank you. coming up, we'll talk about journalists facing more danger on the ground covering the war in ukraine. that u.s. reporter seriously injured and hospitalized this morning. we'll into the risks of covering the conflict and what that means for getting to the truth. r getth e rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack.
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ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskiy in his daily address thanked her amid reports she'll get the maximum 15 years in prison. meantime, covering the war has been an ine krusingly dangerous business. late yesterday we learned that fox news correspondent benjamin hall suffered injuries while reporting outside of kyiv and is hospitalized, though we don't know the exact details of those injuries. tributes continue to pour in for brent renaud, the first american journalist killed in ukraine, shot by russian troops on sunday. joining me is a ukrainian journalist and researcher and nonresident fellow at the center for european analysis. we want to say a few minutes before this interview, olga was hiding out in a bomb shelter. i'm glad to see you're back above ground, so to speak, olga, but journalists are coming under attack more and more as the war intensifies. what's it like just trying to protect yourself there now? >> well, you know, journalists
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like other citizens of ukraine and other foreigners who are here, this is an experience we are all facing regardless of our professions. of course those journalists on the front lines are facing the biggest threats. some of my ukrainian colleagues were under fire when they tried to cover the events in southern ukraine in the zaporizhzhia region. it was a miracle they escaped even though not wounded and safe. so unfortunately, this war, it's the war on civilians very often. russia started deliberately targeting civilians, residential areas, hospitals, school, and started on journalists as well. >> reporters without borders has been sharing stories of attacks made on the media, include this one from a swiss journalist. he and others saying they were shot at by russian forces despite having their vehicle and gear visibly marked. if russian forces are purposely
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targeting journalists, what are we looking at here? >> well, you know, i think it's 20th day of war now and we are seeing that russian troops here in ukraine, they do not have -- they are dropping bombs on residential areas, maternity hospitals, killing pregnant women and unborn children, and they do not care about journalists either. it's just this spirit of impunity that they can get away with it and that putin blooechs no one ask can stop him and his forces in ukraine from committing more atrocities. >> meantime, russia has a new law that results in up to 15 years in prison for anyone convicted of districting fake news about the war. there are internally some watch dog groups in russia who say scores of journalists have already left because the situation is so dangerous. isn't this exactly how putin has kept a lid on the truth all
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these years? threats, imprisonment, and maybe others who finally want to tell the truth then are kept from doing that. >> russia has been cracking down on independent media for years and what we are seeing now is trying to replace true information with propaganda. the russian propaganda is highly responsible for what is happening now because for years russian state-controlled media were spreading hate red towards ukrainians, dehumanizing them, you know, disseminating calls for -- against ukraine but also against the west. and they are continuing to do so. we are seeing russians on tv saying this war is not just against ukraine, that this is the war against the west. and i think many in the west still do not realize that in
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order to understand russia's true intentions, one should follow what russian state propaganda says and take it seriously even though, you know, those claims sometimes might look outrageous and exaggerated, but they really mean it and are showing it with their actions in ukraine now. >> olga tokariuk, tremendous admiration and appreciation for what you and your colleagues are doing, the risks you're taking to tell us the truth. thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. coming up, people around the globe have been sending donations to groups supporting ukraine. how does that work and where does the money go?
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and we'll have more news from ukraine in just a moment. but first, a check of the top stories here at home. overnight, the suspect accused of stabbing two employees at new york's museum of modern art over the weekend was arrested in philadelphia. 60-year-old gary cabana was picked up by authorities while sleeping on a bench at a greyhound bus terminal early tuesday morning. on the january 6th front, jenny thomas, the wife of supreme court justice clarence thomas told the washington free beacon yesterday that she did attend the stop the steal rally that proceeded the riot at the capitol. she said she left before former president trump spoke at the event. thomas, a longtime conservative activist, also told the beacon that she was not involved in organizing the rally, responding to reports that she had a role in the planning. in idaho, the state legislature on monday passed a bill that would ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. that bill inspired by a similar law passed in texas last year and which is one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the
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country. the bill now heads to the republican governor's desk. and still ahead, humanitarian groups are calling it the biggest challenge inside ukraine. nearly 3 million people who have already fled the country. but what about the elderly, poor and disabled who can't just pack up and leave? we'll dig into that, next. hat, .
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as tens of thousands of ukrainians flee their country each day, one leading humanitarian group says the biggest challenge right now inside ukraine is helping those who aren't able to just pick up and leave, specifically the elderly, poor, and disabled. prior to the war, there were 2.6 million people with disabilities alone, registered in ukraine, but the u.n. estimates that number is at least 6.6 million. joining us now, alan glasgow. he is the asia regional director for mercy corps and was just in lviv, ukraine, this past weekend. so, you have a real sense of what's happening on the ground. help us understand what's the
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greatest need right now and how are you hoping to be able to fill it? >> good morning. thank you so much. indeed, we have teams both in ukraine, poland, and romania. that is folks on the ground in ukraine, working with the people in and then indeed those who are on the move. to your excellently made appoint, the people who are on the move, while we wouldn't wish it on them, they do have the resources and the mobility to be able to leave and they can access sources around the border, which we're providing. however, the most vulnerable people remain in ukraine. and even though 3 million have left, it's a populous country, 44 million people, lots of people still inside, needing lots and lots of assistance. access is a problem, due to the nature of the conflict. and our organization is activating partner networks of ukrainian civil society, local groups, church groups, local organizations, some of which we've worked with before, having worked in the country previously, with a huge channeling cash to these organizations, so that they can purchase what's required immediately. and this includes food, hygiene
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kits, baby food, water, et cetera, et cetera. particularly into the cities that are besieged. so it's really about, you know, plague to the resilience of the ukrainian people, which we've seen in such enormous moments over the past three weeks. and that is, of course, resiliency still manifests itself in terms of local civil society actors. and the responsibility on those of us operating here is really to assist these groups to get to the most vulnerable people. >> let me ask you specifically, because i think, you know, americans and people all over the world have been sending millions of dollars in donations to various organizations, including yours. it boggles the mind, the logistics of getting from point "a" to point "b" to people who really need it, but are you finding you're able to do that? are you able to transfer money? if somebody sends $100 today, when might it actually be working on the ground? >> absolutely. very good question.
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indeed, the generosity is remarkable, and the mobilization, president zelenskyy's ability to globally mobilize people has been remarkable and the generosity has been staggering and we're grateful for that. to your question, any donations to made to our organization are immediately ear marked for a partner transfer. the money is transferred through traditional banking mechanisms, or indeed through more traditional mechanisms on the ground where money is available immediately, to the partners and then they can purchase the things that are required. in the cases around the border, around romania and poland, we are doing some of that directly with partners, assisting with medical supplies, blankets, non-food items, hygiene kits, food, and water. but for the most part, anything that's happening is happening immediately. our organization is fully mobilized, as are many others. we've worked in ukraine before. we understand the systems and networks and processes. and despite the challenges of
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operating there and my team is currently in lviv, which as you know, was attacked on saturday night, despite these very challenging issues, we have good experience of working in conflicts, good experience in remote management and activating partner networks on the ground. >> and we thank you and all of your team for that. alan glasgow, we appreciate you for taking the time. that's going to wrap up this hour. i'm chris jansing. jose diaz-balart pix up breaking news coverage right now. good morning. 10:00 a.m. eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific. i'm jose diaz-balart. civilians continue to pay the high price for putin's violent offensive on day 20 of the war in ukraine. overnight, officials say a residential area in kyiv was destroyed after a night of relentless russian shelling. today, ukrainian president zelenskyy is set to meet with the leaders of poland, slovenia, and czech republic in kyiv, in person, as he pleads with the west for more support. senator richard blumenthal will join us to discuss what else the
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