tv Hallie Jackson Reports MSNBC March 18, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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president biden and pred president xi of china. the focus obviously is the war in ukraine. president biden according to the white house, pointing out implications and consequences to the chinese counterpart if china provides material sfort support to russia. we're waiting to hear more from jen psaki and we follow new developments coming in from the front lines. they're close to agreeing to what he calls neutral status. but are they really? new numbers from the u.n. saying more than 816 innocent people have been killed in russia's invasion. bracing for that number to spike. and in lviv today, haunting pictures of empty strollers. they represent the youngest victims, kids, the children, who have been killed in putin's war. there are nearly 3.3 million people who escaped ukraine to try to get to safety. our gabe gutierrez with one of the tiniest of evacuees.
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>> i want to introduce you to young child we just met, 4-month-old gregory. he is from eastern ukraine. she left her husband behind to fight on the front lines. she doesn't know how long she'll be gone. but she's heading for the polish border to the shelter there. >> i'm hallie jackson in washington along with our nbc news team. gabe gutierrez you just saw in lviv, ukraine. we're also joined by jim townsend, former defense secretary for europe and nato. heidi, i'll get to you in a second. gabe, i have to start with you in western ukraine. russia has been stepping up their attacks. i know you've been doing so much reporting on the ground. tell us more. >> hi there. yes, as you mentioned, overnight air strike just around 6:00 a.m. this morning local time, russia attacking by air a facility right next to lviv's airport,
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fixed airplanes. only one person injured and no deaths. but that really marked a significant ramping up, local officials say, because this attack again so close to the polish border. there was another attack several days ago over the weekend at a military training facility even closer to the polish border. as you know, the cultural capital of ukraine, lviv, has been seen as a safe haven for refugees. now you see the smoke, the plumes of smoke going over the morning sky. large concerns there. now more than three million refugees have already made it out of ukraine. this is something that, you know, we spoke with lviv's mayor about today. we asked him his reaction to the overnight strike. take a listen. >> translator: they're destroying the body of ukraine.
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we, of course, have resilience potential to renew our forces. today is 23rd day. this is good evidence of that. it is not enough bombs to destroy all the cities all over ukraine. >> still, hallie, despite that air strike, life here in lviv seems to go on. biggest concern right now though in ukraine are those air strikes in other parts of the country. kyiv, for example and where now we're hearing from president zelenskyy who says that a desperate rescue effort is underway for hundreds of people that are believed to be still trapped underneath that rubble, of that theater that was bombed earlier. we were told by local officials that people were trapped underneath and the basement of that theater and that it was unclear how many casualties there were.
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but so far only about 130 survivors have been pulled out. there were hundreds, more than 1,000 people believed to be in that building or in that basement underneath. the problem is, hallie, as we've been reporting and listening to ukrainian officials and from at least two journalists that have been in mariopol beaming out the images, emergency service there's are decimated. so there is incredible concern for the people still inside that southern ukrainian town whether they can get out. that rescue effort underway. >> thank you. we're glad to you have reporting. please stay safe. heidi, let me turn you to. we're just now getting the first images from the white house. president biden on the phone with president xi of china. tell us more about what the white house is saying. i know this just came out. >> yeah, we're just getting a
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statement from the white house after a nearly two hour video call. you saw the images there with president xi. we're told now from the white house that the president took the time to outline the case for our efforts to prevent this crisis in the first place. and now our on going efforts to support the ukrainian people. but operatively, as you cited at the beginning here, the statement says that president described the implications and consequences if china provided material support to russia. now it doesn't say if that material support would be in the form of weapons in the form of military support or economic support. so the concern here at the white house really has been mostly around economic support even though there was some early intelligence suggesting that maybe the chinese were open to fighting military support. now with both the statements now in from both sides, we're going to get more information. but i'll tell you the one thing that is missing. the one thing that is missing is
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one of the most powerful countries in the world, the only remaining one at this point that still has yet to condemn that vladimir putin's invasion of sovereign nation of ukraine. hallie? >> heidi, thank you so much. let me go to you, courtney. you're in the pentagon. one thing we heard and seen from gabe is that this advancement, it seems, of the russian offensive in the western part of the country towards lviv, close to where gabe and his team is, what is the pentagon telling you about russia's next step? 24 hours ago all eyes were on odesa. >> the strikes in lviv don't seem to be a new offensive or some new, you know, we've been talking for weeks now about the three main lines of effort that the russian military has in ukraine. i just talked to a senior defense official who says the strikes in lviv are not believed to be some new line of effort in this offensive. >> are they warning shots? >> exactly. that's exactly right. this is more about messaging. the belief this is more about
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the russians messaging reminding the world, look, we have the ability to strike as far west as lviv and further. it's an effort that we've been hearing from the russians just in the past few days of opposition to the world sending more equipment, particularly very lethal equipment, into the ukrainian military. the belief is that part of this is to remind the world that the russians are saying, look, if you keep sending them more equipment and more aid, we have the ability to strike it. the defense official i spoke with said there are still no indications, they don't have any reports that any of those shipments have been targeted. it is a continuing concern. that they target one of those or intercept. overall operational picture is still pretty much the same as where it was the same time yesterday. and that is the russian military is still largely stalled. odesa continues to be a potential inflection point though. there is a lot -- there are a lot of eyes watching to see if the russian military that's on
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the ground if they turn towards odesa and then if the russian naval activity which picked up just in the last two or three days if that starts moving closer to the coast and if there is an amphibious assault at the same time there is a ground assault. u.s. officials are watching that closely. at this point, there is still no indications that has begun. but again that, would be one of the big inflection points. the russian overall military remains stalled. that includes though the fact that they're stalled around kharkiv, but they're really being hit hard. and the official i spoke with said there is a lot of concern that we will see only more of that in the days ahead. >> courtney, thank you. gabe, thank you as well. reaction to this assessment which you just heard from the pentagon. >> that's my understanding as well. i think we're in a situation that is going to be pretty
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brutal in the coming weeks. the russian ground offensive assault is frustrated. you have seen what he's done. he leveled that city. it looks like the russians are going to do something very similar to the ukraine cities. and i agree very much. i think the attack right there off the -- right near the polish border as well as the recent attack that we have seen in the west, those really are sending signals. it is a very important place both for resupply and also a symbol of the west and ukraine working together, the nato training ukraine forces. so that was certainly a signal there. and i think that we're going to start seeing the russians have a shortage of munitions. i'm hoping we're going to see that. that might give us relief. they only have so many cruise missiles and ballistic missiles that he can use. the artillery, the same
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ammunition. so this is a horrible way to see it being used. but as they begin to run short, maybe this will give us a bit of a break in those cities. >> given that, how important was this conversation between president biden and president xi to deescalate this? >> well, i think it's important because what biden said on the telephone and i'm sure you went over the negotiating points that are being discussed right now between ukraine and russia. they're probably talking about some measures that may turn to putin to pass on what he heard from biden. this is how these negotiations work whether it's at a very senior level or very quietly behind the scenes by lower ranking staff. this is how the discussions are going on as they try to figure out what might work. i'm hoping this telephone call that is snag is unusual. they don't do this all the time.
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so perhaps there is important information in terms of the u.s. position and where the west is that perhaps he can send to moscow and to putin. >> chuck todd you talked today on this network within the last two hours of the mayor of kyiv. i want to play a little bit of that. watch. >> nobody have the safety in our city. nobody have safety in our country. it's every citizens of our country is target. especially the targets. the russians capture other cities. i don't think about me by myself but i'm more care about the citizens. >> i mean the targeting of innocent people, right, the targeting of these civilians here, the deaths of them takes this to, i think, a level that is just gut wrenching for so many people. and, yet, russia's defense continued to be as you know,
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jim, well, you know, we think that ukrainian troops, it's all just -- it feels like it just covering their tracks at this point. >> right. that's exactly right. they are just -- they're denying this is even happening. i think zelenskyy video that he showed the congress presented that raw picture of what is really happening. and these are war crimes. how can they be anything else? this is deliberate targeting of civilians. they're saving their precision munitions for those targets that like logistics, the airport that we saw earlier. that's what the pgms and precision guided munitions are being used for. what is happening in the city is gravity bombs, dumb bombs or ballistic missiles. indirect fire from artillery. they're just bringing terror to these cities. they're doing what they did in chechnya. putin was in charge of that. st this is his playbook. and we're seeing this happen
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every single day, praying that his ammunition stocks run low and that might give us somewhat of a lull if we can -- if that can happen. >> jim townsend, thank you so much for being us with. we appreciate your expertise. the we're waiting as we mentioned for that white house briefing to begin. press secretary jen psaki delivering hopefully, presumably, more insight into that xi-biden phone call that happened today. plus, coming up, republican versus republican over some of the basics. whether putin or zelenskyy is the bad guy. democrats compare the fight to save democracy there to the fight to save democracy here at home. plus, the investigation into whether former president trump's chief of staff committed voter fraud while potentially committing voter fraud himself. that is an open question being looked at in north carolina. also this hour, our new reporting on the republican race for senate in pennsylvania. which candidate our sources say has the backing of one famous mar-a-lago person. one famous mar-a-lago person.
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madison is wrong. if there is any thug in this world, it it's putin. this is the aggressor. this is the one that needs to end this war. this is the one that everybody should unite against. >> mccarthy did then say he supports him for re-election and coming less than 24 hours after nearly every single member of the house voted to suspend normal trade relations with russia except exhibit for eight people. hawthorne is not one of the eight. it includes these eight people. we're learning today that a bipartisan group of senators will head to the region this weekend to poland and germany hoping to speak with top military leaders and get a
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better sense of what they can do to help. i want to bring in now nbc capitol hill correspondent lee ann caldwell. mccarthy pretty clear. >> that's right. this is the second week in a row that he's been asked about some of these elements in the republican party that are more supportive of vladimir putin and more critical of ukrainian president zelenskyy. last week i asked mccarthy if he agrees with vice president mike pence when mike pence said there is no room in the republican party for putin apologists. mccarthy last week said he does agree with mike pence and then he also said that putin is the person that is a thug. so this is a consistent position for mccarthy anyway. but there is no doubt that there is this element of the republican party who still is apologizing or making excuses or
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supporting vladimir putin. despite him trying to drown that out and saying that's not what the republican party stands for. what they're trying to do especially leader mcconnell in the senate is trying to recalibrate the republican party away from the years of america first back to those more traditional republican ideologies of pro interventionalists and something away from this kind of weak on russia stance that republican party had for the last several years. there is going to be eight republicans who are on there. there this is one in a series of tricks to poland near the ukrainian border that republicans have taken over the last several weeks. they are pressuring the biden administration to do more. they see that will is some weakness there, whether it's
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legitimate or not that it is a campaign issue and a political issue and they're trying to take the stance that they are tough on russia. hallie? leanne caldwell, thank you. there is new reporting out about how democrats are looking to connect the ukrainian struggle with the one here at home when it comes to democracy, right? the fight for democracy, specifically here in the u.s., some of these broader packages on voting rights. senator tim cane said i think there are parallels. we take our own democracy for granted. talk to me about the terms you're hearing this framed in. >> not everyone agrees with this. i'll git get to that. i'm struck by the parallels that democrats are drawing between the fight for democracy in ukraine and in the united states. start with president biden here. let's show these on the screen. he talked about this as a fight between democracy and auto of coursecy. that is a frame he used a few months ago to discuss the battle
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for voting rights legislation in the united states. democracy versus autocracy. he tried to link him to rising authoritarian strains in the united states. then speaker pelosi talked about how the ukrainians are fighting for democracy and our democracy. those are her words. that has been a consistent theme. p almost every time speaker pelosi talks about this, she is, you know, frames this as a larger global fight that united states is very much involved in and that american democracy is under siege here at home. one thing i'm struck by, congressman alred a tex democrat said he hopes that seeing the ukrainians come under attack because they're a democracy and defend their country this way, increases faith and american democracy here. it is based on phoney claims of a stolen election in 2020 and
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other kinds of denialism. what does this mean to many democrats? bolstering the guardrails of democracy by creating access to the ballot box, guaranteeing it in all 50 states. a heated pitched battle for voting rights legislation that passed the house and filibustered in the senate. republicans don't accept that thinking. they don't believe american democracy is fundamentally under threat. they believe there are laws restricting elections and states around the country are okay and they should be able to run their own election laws, roy blunt who i talked to said it would be minimizing the plight of ukrainians to compare what they're going through fighting and fending off russian muscles, raining down on their cities on a daily basis killing thousands and displacing more than a million so far. it is minimizing that to compare that to a political battle in the united states over voting rights. hallie? >> thank you for that. appreciate it. coming up after the break, what a spokesperson for mark meadows
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has to say or maybe not say about voter fraud investigation into the former chief of staff. and new concerns that cases of covid-19 could start to spike again here in the u.s. as one vaccine maker makes the case for a second boost for all of us, all adults. what about the kids? us, all adults what about the kids? does daily stress leave you feeling out of sync? new dove men stress-relief body wash... with a plant-based adaptogen, helps alleviate stress on skin. so you can get back in sync. new dove men. a restorative shower for body and mind.
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when tired, achy feet make your whole body want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for all-day comfort and energy. find your relief in store or online. jen psaki sharing more details about that phone call between president biden and the chinese leader. one of the reporters asking a question. >> -- any response to the persons there? the president planned to reach out to the chinese government. >> well, we have not -- well, we made a decision about banning
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the import of russian oil. we have different economic reasoning as to why different countries do including some in europe. we have been in touch, of course, with indian leaders at a range of levels, not through the president. if that happens, we'll provide that readout and information to all of you. but what we would project or convey to any leader around the world is that the world -- the rest of the world is watching where you're going to stand as it relates to this conflict. [ inaudible question ] >> they're talking about a fourth booster dose. boosters for all adults. does the government have the money to purchase the doses needed? >> that, of course, is jen psaki. we're also learning from a senior administration official more about that conversation
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between president biden and chinese president xi including the tone of it direct substantive and detailed accord willing to that official. we'll have more on this story as we get developments. we'll keep it here on the briefing. in other news this afternoon, no comment from a spokesperson for mark meadows about this north carolina investigation and possible voter fraud. you have heard about this? state officials say they're asking questions given the address where meadow's registered to vote in 2020 was a mobile home he never owned or potentially ever stepped foot? and then a year later reregistered again in virginia just a couple weeks before that state's high profile governor's election last fall. meadows was a key player pushing president trump's voter fraud lies in an effort to get the doj to look into conspiracy theories after mr. trump lost in 2020. i want to bring in our justice correspondent. this moved from reporting which i believe the new yorker broke a broke weeks ago into this investigation into meadows. >> right. "the new yorker" and then
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reporting from wral. this is all the time that white house chief of staff when he registered to vote for the 2020 general election. he filled out this form. let me shoi you a close-up. let me show you the -- i'm going to blow up a part of this form. this is a portion of the form. provide your address where you physically live. then you have lufd that address for 30 days or more, yes or no? if no, the date moved. now this is how meadows filled out his form. he filled out that he was living in this -- in essence, a mobile home. he checked no, that he was not living there and then he checked that he was going to move in the very next day. well, the problem, according to state officials, is he didn't own this facility, never lived in it, never stepped foot in it. so the georgia bureau of --
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georgia -- the north carolina state investigators are looking into this now request of the state attorney general. they're looking at whether state laws were violated by putting in essence misleading or false information on this form. but this is not his resident. this is not as the form says where he physically lived. it was used by him to request an absentee ballot in 2020 and parentally used again another address that was not their residence was used again by his wife to vote also in a subsequent election. so that's what -- in terms of meadows himself, that's what the state officials are looking at. >> pete williams with that breakdown. you know we have a graphics department, right? >> i know, but it's more fun to point with a pencil. >> another covid-19 booster could be out soon. moderna is asking for a fourth
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dose for all adults. it's a lot broader than what pfizer had asked for. targeting only older people over 65. right now fourth doses are only available to folks who have weakened immune systems. i want to bring in on this our doctor, an msnbc medical contributor and former white house policy director for the obama administration. we're always glad to have you on the show. good afternoon. >> good afternoon, hallie. >> how significant is it that moderna wants this fourth dose given the green light for all adults? what does that say to you? what is the time line? >> yeah. it's interesting timing given what we're seeing levels of b.a. 2 rising in in the united states and new york city and 30% of the waste water picking up b.a. 2, this fourth dose, especially now, the data we have is from israel. i suspect pfizer and moderna are going to lean on that. they also had some of that trial data from israel for their own vaccines and a fourth shot. basically, what we know is the
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fourth shot gives people who already have immunity a little bit more. but it doesn't give you that much more protection against omicron or the b.a. 2 one that we'reied about. this just tells me, i think, it's not really a fourth shot. i'm starting to think of this as a seasonal shot. i mate different, the form l.a. the flu shot every year differs. but think of this as, hey, we're just going to need a little bit of a boost at a regular interval. now we need to figure out who, what, when and where. how many months since your third? which priority population, and when do you need to get it? >> doctor, a friend of the show, soon to be new white house covid-19 coordinator was on the "today" show earlier. of he talked about b.a. 2 and the rise overseas. here's what he said. >> it's a little more transmissionable an b.a. 1. that was the form of omicron that swept through in january. our vaccines especially if you're boosted provide the same level of protection. >> i hear you, too, you talk
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about the transmissionability of it. is this a situation where if we're looking at the rise of the b.a. 2 variant overseas, should we be going to get off label booster shots? what is your sense of this? >> no. not -- certainly not off label. and here's why. the fourth shot again, israeli data, hopefully pfizer and moderna and the data they submitted to the fda will have some of the unkpelg information you're asking for. but right now we know the third shot really does protect us against hospitalization and death. the question is how many months after that third shot people like me and many others are well into the six months after the third shot. how many months after that shird shot do we need if so a fourth one but, no, really the majority of americans are still well within that 6 to 9 months period since the booster. let me put a plug in. only 40% of eligible adults got the boosters. we need to do a lot more work in
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order to make sure that same protection that we've all been talking about is afforded to everyone in the country especially with masks off, mitigation measures rolled back and luckily everyone feeling a little bit more normal. but we don't want to have false sense of security if we see rises in numbers. >> doctor, thank you very much. appreciate it. a big development today from the biggest credit reporting agencies saying starting this summer most medical debt will get wiped off credit reports if you have made good on that debt. and then it will take longer for that thing to appear on a credit report from six months to a year. nbc's tom costello is here now. tom, it is really hard to overstate how significant of a move this. medical debt is a huge driver in this country. and a lot of people have a lot at stake. >> well, the numbers are staggering. 20% of americans have medical debt. that is one out of every five people you know. 43 million people have medical
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debt on their credit reports. and so now we have three big credit rating agencies all saying that they will wipe out most of that debt on reports if it's paid off. up until now, it could sit there for years. so that's a big deal. if that debt is staying there on your credit report, it can make it more difficult to get a car loan, get a rental, an apartment, for example, buy a new home. even get a in you job. effectively wiping that off of the credit report is really going to help a lot of people. and then in addition new debt, new medical debt will not be added to your credit report until a year after the original provider, the hospital, doctors office, sends it to a collector's agency. it had been six months. now it's a year to give people more time to hopefully pay off that debt. and then debt under $500 is not added at you will. listen, part of this, so many
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people enoccurred more medical debt during the pandemic and so the numbers have ballooned. the consumer financial protection bureau really gone after the credit rating agencies saying this is really unfa you are to many, many, many americans and it doesn't necessarily reflect how well they're going to be able to pay their debts or credit cards, have a good job. it's an unnecessary burden that can really slow people down as they try to come out of the pandemic and recovery. tom costello live from washington, thank you. the pennsylvania senate republican canned dhat could be getting a boost from milania trump. first, a first-hand look inside the emotional journey millions of ukrainians are making into poland. we've got that right after the break. poland we've got that right after the break.
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house democrats against the former president. accusing him of working with two extremist groups to block the presidential vote count from 2020. university of pennsylvania athlete leigh thomas is the first openly trans ncaa swimming champion. she fell short of tracking katie la decky's time. afterwards had this to say about not letting critics derail her success. >> i try to ignore it as much as i can and focus on my swimming, what i need to do to get ready for my races and just try to block out everything else. >> also, new details coming out about the fourth day of the trial of four men accused of trying to kidnap gretchen whitmer. on thursday, jurors reported
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that in the tapes says he wants to tie the governor up on a table. the trial do last a month. >> back now to ukraine and the refugee crisis hitting poland's border cities. struggling to keep up with this huge flow of migrants. an estimated 1.8 million ukrainians have come to poland over the last few weeks. our allison barber on the ground is capturing all of it. talking with ukrainians in all eight border crossings between ukraine and poland. on their experienced fleeing everything they know to find refuge in a new country. war destroying their homes. here's what she saw. >> along the polish ukrainian border, there are eight official crossings. life lines for the sea of refugees fleeing the devastation of war. >> they're teriing families like this one coming across the
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border. we met this 15-year-old whose father sent him to poland with his mother and young siblings. >> what did he say to you? >> he told me that i must protect them. >> and instead of separation, a reunion at the gates between a father working in poland and his wife and little girl. it was quiet on our side. but on the ukrainian side, a 20-hour wait to cross. time was on mind of 83-year-old mila as a harsh reality set in. she may never return to her beloved ukraine. >> translator: it's a spectacle. i miss ukraine already. i want -- i just want to cry. >> at border crossing number five, children played in sand spread out for a make shift refugee camp.
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they use suitcases as tables to draw and somehow manage to smile. >> do you want to go back home? >> of course they do. my us isteres and brothers are there. and the bed. >> we watched bus after bus arrive. babies crying, travelers weary. >> these are children. they need to sleep. they need to be washed, they need to do everything that they normally do. but instead they're sleeping in cars. >> the busiest crossing, some comfort, volunteers offered hot food. we met a soon to be named monkey. over 1.8 million refugees have fled to poland in three weeks. most of them women and children.
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the youngest ukrainians and the oldest. >> 68 years of my life in this box. >> each now carrying the weight of what's left behind to a future unknown. >> allison barber reporting from the border of ukraine and poland there. next up, the big move in the house to ban hair related discrimination. we have a look at the crown act after the break. we have a look at the crown act after the break. riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how about we all get quotes to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? approved. cool! hey, if bryan's not gonna be snake, can i be snake? -all: no.
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(vo) small businesses are joining the big switch. save over $1,000 when you switch to our ultimate business plan for the lowest price ever. plus choose from the latest 5g smartphones. get more 5g bars in more places- switch to t-mobile for business today. one candidate for the senate in pennsylvania is getting help for an endorsement from former president trump on the republican side. sources tell nbc news today melania trump is in oz's corner in that race as a competitive republican primary in the country with senate control hanging in the balance. i want to bring in political reporter ben camasar. tell me about the reporting and what it means. >> yeah. so for all the advisers and the confidants that churned around former president trump's orbit
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his wife is a constant and she doesn't weigh in frequently. that could help to make a point of how strongly she feels here. her voice and preference will be one of many in the sea of trump confidants that weighed in here. former allies and the hope that in this tight race one that really neither candidate had to get much separation the blessing of the former president might be the thing to shake up the race and put a candidate ahead. >> talk to me about generally the race in pennsylvania and republican primary. there's interesting developments in the past couple weeks on this. >> yeah. so you have one of the most expensive races. mehmet oz, the former television doctor. jeff bartos, the former lieutenant governor candidate and carla sands, an activist of
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cathy barnette and david mccormick used to work in the trump administration. tens of millions of dollars going from super pacs mainly attacking oz and mccormick. oz for his sort of his position on guns and abortion. positions that don't mess up with the gop electorate and attacks on mccormick for business record and you have a really expensive primary and ugly and bringing up the question of how does this candidate whoever it is emerge unscathed far competitive election in the fall? >> been, thank you much. not too long ago you had the house passing an act to ban hair discrimination. the legislation says that quote routinely people of african descent are deprived of opportunities adorned with protective or natural hairstyles. i want to bring in a reporter on capitol hill. i think we are underselling it.
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this is a big deal to a lot of people and not going unnoticed on the hill of this moment. >> reporter: that's right. supporters say for decades african americans have been discriminated against for their hair and had to confirm to white beauty standards. wearing wigs or chemically changing the hair and struck a cord with house lawmakers on the floor talking about the personal experiences. listen to what congresswoman cory bush had to say. >> as a black woman who loves my braids i know how it is to feel isolated because of my hair. this is the last time. we say no more to black people being demeaned for the same hairstyles that corporations profit from. >> reporter: and congresswoman moore said she recalled an experience for an i plying for a
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job and someone told a previous employer she was an embarrass. because of her hair and congresswoman watson that introduced the bill talked about a personal experience and said it is simple. discrimination against blacks based on the hair texture and styles is discrimination against blacks in general and why she is pushing for the bill to pass. >> this was not a unanimous passage in the house. >> reporter: every house democrat voted in fave but a little over dozen republican that is voted for it and almost 200 republicans that voted against it. one is ohio congressman jim jordan with a variety of reasons that the bill isn't important saying that things like inflation, high gas prices, the crisis at the u.s.-mexico border are more demanding of americans'
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time and attention. that attracted a lot of pushback from the democrats who were in support of this bill. and so another thing that congressman jordan said is that the civil rights act of 1964 covers this type of discrimination, something that supporters are saying it doesn't. the bill states that it doesn't and it builds on that act to cover more. >> live on the hill, thank you. thank you all for watching this hour of "msnbc reports." you can find us on show number two on the streaming channel nbc news now. "deadline: white house" starts right after the break. r the bre. ! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family.
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