tv Politics Nation MSNBC April 3, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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even going to try. 54 years ago tomorrow the reverend dr. martin luther king junior was assassinated. the tragedy propelling the nation towards a future that dr. king shaped but would not live to see. tomorrow the senate judiciary committee votes to confirm whether ketanji brown jackson will become the first black woman justice of this u.s. supreme court. the full senate expected to vote in her favor just days after. and just as the racist tactics employed by the right wing to smear judge jackson are nothing new, nor were they in king's day. neither is the support she has received from the civil rights community that embodied her. now, rallied around her. ready to rejoice in her for her
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expected confirmation. the ark of justice from dr. king to a modern queen, that's "politics nation" tonight and tonight, signs of hope mixed with terrible atrocity in ukraine. even as the russian offensive has not abated in central and southern ukraine and the world gasps in horror at the carnage left by retreating russians forces around kyiv and other cities. the basis for possible peace treaty between ukraine and russia is in the works according to negotiators from both countries. russia saying that work on the treaty's language will resume tomorrow. another big show tonight, a historic week ahead and of course, we start with the latest from ukraine. joining me now is nbc's ali in
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lviv, ukraine. a warning about the images we're about to show you that are graphic and disturbing. russia today has denied ukrainian allegations that it had killed civilians in the ukrainian town of bucha. ukraine accused the russian military of massacing residents of that town northwest of the capital kyiv, an area ukrainian troops are said they recaptured on saturday. what can you tell us about this story? >> reporter: good evening, reverend. as we've seen over the last few weeks, there has been fierce fighting in and around kyiv and the ukrainians have managed to force the russians back. but the russians have left a scene of utter devastation and
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carnage behind them. on the streets of bucha, you can see burnt out russian tanks, the pavement is sprawled with dead bodies and the roads have dead bodies laying on them. the mayor of bucha said that many people, up to 20 people had been shot in the back of the head execution style. the videos show people with their hands tied behind their backs. the mayor said that men, women and even a teenager were amongst the dead. the foreign minister of this country has blamed the russians for deliberately carrying out an atrocity in the city of bucha. let's take a listen to what the foreign minister had to say. >> without an exaggeration what we saw in bucha, we can conclude russia is worse than isis in the
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scale and the ruthlessness of the crimes committed. we will be collecting all the evidence. we'll be working with all international institutions relevant to bring, to identify and bring those responsible for this crimes to account. >> reporter: reverend, there has been wide spread condemnation of the atrocities in bucha. the british foreign secretary is saying that russia must be held to account, that they cannot whitewash with this information what happened there but we have heard these things so many times. we heard the international community after bosnia say we must never forget, we must never let this happen again but unfortunately, it has happened again. >> all right. well, thank you, ali, for that report.
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nbc's ali coming to us from ukraine. joining me now is congresswoman yvette clark of new york. the senate judiciary committee votes tomorrow on whether to advance ketanji brown jackson's nomination to the supreme court. it expected to deadlock along party lines. most republicans on the committee opposing her nomination but still, democrats should be able to push a floor vote now expected to pass with at least one republican, susan collins on record as voting to confirm. what does judge jackson's expected confirmation say to the american people right now, congresswoman? >> well, it's great to be with you, reverend sharpton and this is a very historic moment. we witnessed an excellent,
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superb candidacy in that of the nominee ketanji brown jackson and what it says to america is that we are moving forward with the vision that we've all had about equality in this country, about raising up those qualified with the talent and ability to some of the highest positions in our land and when you spoke of tomorrow being the anniversary of the assassination of dr. martin luther king junior, this is one step forward in realizing that dream. >> yeah, you know now for the history because while we're talking about the first black woman to potentially sit on our highest court, we also are talking about the 54th anniversary tomorrow of the
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murder of dr. martin luther king who in history we're talking about things that he fought for but did not live to see and you know you and i both grew up in brooklyn, your mother was a great leader before us, i'm a little older than you but we came up in the same generation and i grew up in dr. king's northern chapter under dr. jones and we know personally and i worked for the campaign of congresswoman shirley chism so a lot of history will be going through your mind as we see this vote tomorrow. what does this mean to you, congresswoman? >> absolutely. i was thinking as the only black woman in our new york state congressional delegation, the magnitude of seeing the very first black woman ascending to
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the supreme court is a continuing of the struggle that so many before us, so many alongside us have fought for all of our lives. it is the continue, when i think about the fact i was essentially two years old when dr. king was assassinated and judge ketanji brown jackson was not even born yet. >> yeah. >> this is a dream come true and it says to children across this country that this is a great nation, that everyone who has the talent, skill and ability to focus on pursuing the dream of fearness, justice equity that we can, we can make a difference. we can make a change and this is that moment. this is that moment that puts it
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front and center for us all to see. >> she was not born yet. you were 2. i was 13. i was a little older than you. i was already youth director of new york operational bread basket the year he was killed and i remember it like it was yesterday. now i want to get your thoughts on the biden administration ending the pandemic related restrictions, otherwise known as title 42. this relates to our borders at the end of next month they're going to relief this. i don't have to tell you the votes were late last year expecting and restricting haitian immigrants from entering the u.s. through the texas, mexico border. i saw the policies in action myself when i went down there, led a delegation there and as a founding co-chair of the congressional haiti caucus, what's your thought on this announcement? >> i think it's about time, you
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know, we in our nation have seen an abatement of the covid-19 pandemic. we have a commitment as a nation to welcome refugees, those seeking refuge from around the world, and unfortunately, xenophobia went into the psyche of some. it part of our ethos to receive those seeking asylum in our nation and for us to witness haitian refugees being treated so differently, so desperately, desperately from other immigrants who are also seeking refuge is a double standard in
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our nation. >> congresswoman -- >> beyond thanks reverend. >> go ahead. go ahead. >> but even beyond that, it's the fact we have a broken immigration system we have not turned the page to a 21st century immigration system that treats people justly, fairly and equatablely and that's what the focus needs to be on right now. we've resourced our borders. we have the ability, the talent and the skill to really create a system that enables us to welcome those to our shore who are seeking the american dream. that has been the tradition of this country. that has been part of our ethos and we need to get back to it. >> congresswoman, before we go, there appears to be the possibility of peace talks in russia's war in ukraine. ukrainian negotiators saying this weekend that draft documents for a potential peace agreement have reached a point
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where vladimir putin and ukrainian president zelenskyy may be ready to discuss the terms. what can you tell us as far as the reaction in congress to this news this weekend? >> well, i mean, you know, we're a wait and see. there have been a number of pronouncements that have come from the negotiations by vladimir putin. he has proven to be untus worthy. he has proven to be murderous. this is a quagmire of just atrocity that is taking place in the ukraine, and so it is critical that we continue to support president zelenskyy in these negotiations, however, you know, we have to wait until we see what they have agreed to and
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we will be supportive of whatever it is that president zelenskyy believes is in the best interest of the ukrainian people, ukrainian sovereignty and that's where myself and my colleagues stand. >> all right. congresswoman yvette clark from brooklyn i'm glad to say. thank you for being with us tonight. joining me now is dnc chair jaime harrison. thank you for joining us tonight, mr. chairman. let me -- i like to start with the democrats' response to putin's invasion of ukraine the new npr and ipis poll show a majority of americans think president joe biden has not done a good job in response to the war, however that disapproval is also largely driven by republicans. this recent poll also found that
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more than 6 in 10 americans want the u.s. to give ukraine some of the support it wants, while still trying to avoid a larger military conflict with russia. fewer than 2 in 10 say the u.s. should give ukraine what they're asking for even if it risks a bigger war. jamie, war is bigger than politics but as the head of the dnc, you are charged with getting democrats elected in the mid terms while this conflict is still dominating the headlines. what is your sense how voters are thinking about this issue? >> rev, thank you for having me. i think voters support president biden in this effort. president biden has done something that we have not seen in decades and that is bringing all of our european allies and nato together with one purpose and one message all pushing back
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against the hatred, the bigotry, the atrociies we're seeing from putin in russia. the sad thing is, though, we're seeing a republican -- it used to be when i grew up in politics, that when there was an international incident, this country, democrats and republicans would join together to be supportive of the american position moving forward and being strong in that. the sad thing is that republicans have seemed to have forgotten that lesson. what you have seen right now is a party led by trump that is soft on russia. i mean, just the other night, we saw the atrociies but trump was calling putin smart. this guy is a butcher. this guy -- he has all of these things that are going on right now. and so you would think that the republican leadership would tell trump to just be quiet, go away, let's join the effort with joe biden and the democrats to be
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strong to support our ukrainian ally. that is not the case. we got 31 republicans, rev, that voted against aid to ukraine but talking about being strong. they're not strong. they're all over the place. joe biden is giving the world the leadership we knew he would be able to give when 81 million americans voted for him. >> the senate judiciary committee is expected to vote tomorrow on ketanji brown jackson's supreme court nomination however, despite her impressive record and polling showing two-thirds of americans supporting her confirmation, senator mitch mcconnell reportedly been putting public and private pressure on his republican colleagues to oppose judge ketanji brown jackson's nomination. jamie, do you think republicans will pay a political price for opposing this historic and popular nominee? >> well, we have to make them pay a political price.
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you know, right now mcdaniel is running around the country going into black communities setting up what they call rnc community centers. i wonder if she's airing, rev, some of the hearing testimony that we saw just a few weeks ago. i mean, it was embarrassing to see the republican party with this brilliant justice judge in front of them just, you know, my grandma said they had no home training. i mean, and in essence, rev, they accused a sitting judge of lying. a sitting judge. they are going to accuse her of lying. they twisted her record. >> a sitting judge that somebody voted for by the way. >> that's exactly right. that's exactly right. lindsey graham was acting brand-new like this was somebody he was seeing for the first time. he voted for this woman three times prior and the last time was for a lifetime appoint to
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the federal bench. these folks were embarrassing. marsha blackburn asking her the definition of a woman. if you want to know a definition, get the webster dictionariry and look it up. it embarrassing to see the republican party twist and turn to try to take down this justice but you know what? just like black women do each and every day, she and her brilliance and her grace shown brightly and she is going to put on that robe, put her hand on that bible, take that oath of office and become the next justice on the supreme court. >> yeah, and like you said, some of them may not have had good home training. i think your grandma knew my grandma. i want to take -- i want your take on a report the dccc put out earlier this year in hindsight seemed to predict a lot about this midterm cycle. according to politico, the city found battle ground voters
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viewed democrats as quote preaching, judge mental and focused on cultural wars. it went on to warn that quote unless democrats more forcefully confront the gop's alarming potent culture from critical race theory, they risk losing significant ground to republicans in the midterms. jamie, do you think democrats are doing enough to fight back? >> well, we have to frame and brand the republican party for who they are, rev. and let's talk about their culture. just as we found out from a young juvenile madison cawthorn, they have orgies and cocaine parties. 193 of them voted against a bill to bring down the cost of insulin. the last time i thought there
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were diabetics on both sides of the aisle and in the middle. why will you vote against bringing down the cost of insulin to $35 a month for your medicine? i mean, they want to ban books, particularly of black authors and sup press voters and targeting trans kids. rick scott wants to take down social security, medicare and medicaid and raise taxes for working class people time and time again, we have seen the culture and the spirit behind this republican party. they are a party of fraud. a party of fear. a party of fascism and folks, we have to wake up and stand up and not be silent to say that. everywhere we go, church, school, grocery store, it does not matter. we need to let -- make sure we're telling the american people who these republicans really are. >> and then i think that those are the kinds of messages that this pro was saying.
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i know you're speaking this week at the convention here in new york and it's non-partisan. we invited the republican chair but for some reason, we have not heard from him but looking to see you. let me go to the economy before we let you go. the economy is usually a major issue for voters despite signs of inflation, the american economy added 431,000 jobs in march and the unemployment rate fell to 3.6% according to the burro of labor statistics. is this something democrats can use to their advantage as we inch closer to november? >> we have to. the economy and many aspects, rev, is the best that we have seen in decades. now, there are some aspects that we are as a democratic party continuing to work on. this is the difference between the republican party and the democratic party. the republican party wants to put blame on somebody about this aspect and that. joe biden and democrats in the house and senate are actually
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trying to come up with policies to address these issues. we want to bring down the cost that the american people are experiencing. if inflation is up, then let's bring down the cost of prescription drugs. let bring down the cost of child care. let bring down the cost of medical coverage. you see that joe biden right now in this administration are trying to wipe out medical debt on people's credit report. rev, you and i both know a lot of people whose credit had been dinged because on tens of thousands of dollars of debt on credit report is a big deal and only happened because of joe biden and the democrats in the house and senate. >> jaime harrison, chair of the dnc. thank you for coming on. see you at the convention this week. much more "politics nation" ahead. first, my colleague richard lui is in with today's top stories. >> some stories breaking, six
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people were killed and 12 injured in a mass shooting in sacramento, california. sacramento police say authorities were patrolling the downtown area and heard gunfire at 2:00 a.m. the police chief said no suspects in custody. it is unknown whether the victims were targeted or how many shooters were involved. the highly contagious omicron subvariant ba.2 accounts for nearly half of the covid cases in the united states as yet another variant is in the world health organization's concerns. this new variant is called the xe and could be yet more contagious than ba.2. the u.k. had 600 cases over three months. >> the storied career of coach k ended last night but not the way mike wanted it to. his duke blue devils were eliminated by the north carolina
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tar heels in the semi finals of the ncaa men's tournament. the find round of the women's tournament kicks off this erch. more "politics nation" with al sharpton is next. nation" with l sharpton is next and what life must have been like for them. and as i pass it on to my daughter, it's an important part of understanding who we are. (johnny cash) ♪ i've traveled every road in this here land! ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, to myman. ♪ter, ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ crossed the desert's bare, man. ♪ ♪ i've breathed the mountain air, man. ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ i've been to: pittsburgh, parkersburg, ♪ ♪ gravelbourg, colorado, ♪
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♪ ellensburg, cedar city, dodge city, what a pity. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in.
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coming up on "politics nation" how americans can rise up and learn from ukraine's battle against tyranny as we fight to preserve democracy at home. later, my political panel joins me to discuss judge ketanji brown jackson and what could be a history making vote on monday. we'll be right back. vote on mo. we'll be right back.
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in ukraine. although the situation remains extremely dire, ukrainians have proven deeply resilient in defending their right to self-determination. intelligence experts predicted ukraine's capital city of kyiv would fall in a matter of days, but it's still standing over a month later. much of the world has rallied behind ukraine as a symbol of global struggle between democracy and tyranny, which brings us back to the u.s. where main stream politicians of both parties have come together to authorize millions of dollars in aid to protect and preserve democracy in ukraine. but remain deeply divided about the same issue here at home. voting rights are under siege by republican lawmakers all over the country. many of whom still stand by
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donald trump and his lies about a stolen election. gop led state legislatures continue to past laws limiting ballot access in their states and on a federal level senate republicans are using the filibuster to block voting rights legislation. this moment is reminiscent of the early days of the cold war where the u.s. preached about liberty and democracy around the world but still enforced laws to discriminate against black and minorities at home. it took those in the civil rights movement to resolve that contradiction so it is not surprising the right wing today is fixated on rolling back so many gains made back in the 196 0s. in the same way we cannot allow russian president vladimir putin to turn back the clock in eastern europe, we cannot stand by as the far right tries to
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political panel. joining me is dana milbank from "the washington post" and michael steele, former chairman of the rnc and an msnbc political analyst. dana, peace talks are set to resume tomorrow between russia and ukrainian officials. the likelihood of presidents putin and zelenskyy meeting face-to-face was dismissed by russia. this comes at a time when zelenskyy has to keep his country's moral high despite the casualties of war, economic despair and civilian suffering and must retain the confidence of the west to ensure weapons keep flowing to ukraine. on the flip side, your latest piece "the washington post" speaks about koch industries that continued to do business with russia as other companies pull out.
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you write quote, the koch posture towards russia to fight democratic protections in the united states. so koch money doesn't go to proputin republicans, it flows to some of the main stream of the party as well. can we expect them to start giving it back? [ laughter ] >> that's a nice thought, reverend. doubtful. it is i suppose admirable if you want to use that word koch industries is helping at home as well as abroad. this actually has been a good news story in terms of corporate america in general. the vast majority of companies, some 450 multi nationals will pull out of russia in total or in part in some symbolic way but
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you have koch industries that is not only continuing to do business as before in russia but defiant about it. you have koch interests out there arguing against the u.s. sanctions. so it's really an extraordinary thing to see this major american company working against what appears to be both the american foreign policies and the interests of the united states in this case and how in terms of negotiations that are to restart between ukraine and russia it's very difficult having seen the atrocities that russia has committed to think that this is going to be fruitful that it's anything the ukrainian people can get behind it really looks as if it would be very difficult to make concessions when you just see the kinds of obvious war crimes that are being committed that are now revealed more than ever, that have be
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committed by vladimir putin. >> michael, let's turn to donald trump who held a rally in michigan with the republican primaries kicking off in about a month, it will be a barometer to see if trump's influence carries any weight. ahead of that, he's sure rounded himself with some of the most politically toxic members of the gop like michigan, secretary of state secretary christina who he allowed to speak for a significant amount of time last night. she also spoke at the patriot double down qanon conference in october. trump has also appeared with marjorie taylor greene and matt gaetz in georgia and next week, he'll be with madison cawthorn in north carolina. these folks aren't the glen -- glenn youngkin type republicans can hope swing districts in
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battle ground states. how does trump benefit from aligning himself with this group? >> immensely. unlike the youngkin situation who had in the eyes of many inside and outside the gop perfected the move creating distance between him and trump but at the same time getting some benefit from base voters who liked his narrative on crt and liked his narrative on parental rights. these individuals are fully embracing trump and trump-ism. they can't hug him tight enough. the fact he lets certain individuals, particularly african american individuals who are willing to not only espouse qanon crazy but do so with such glee emboldens him and feels
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that particular cup he likes to have continually run over which is his ego. and so when you're looking at going into the upcoming elections, there has got to be serious analysis as to what benefit the party is gaining from this and when you're looking at some of these elections, candidates that are well poised right now to win some primaries, candidates who have already won primaries are not necessarily going to see victory come november because how they translate to a very different electret, general election electret isn't the way they will play in primaries now so at the end of the day you have to measure the yardstick, which is what mcconnell is doing. he has his eye to the house and senate about control and he's not as i understand necessarily jumping up and down with some of
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the candidates that are being embraced by donald trump because he knows full well in a general election there are going to be more -- that will be a tougher fight for them than it otherwise could or should be. >> tomorrow the senate judiciary committee will vet whether to advance ketanji brown jackson's supreme court nomination. right now judge jackson is expected to have all the dell dn susan collins and a hand full of others. do you think this process has gone well for democrats so far? >> i have to say this process has not gone well for anybody because the republicans have made an atrocity out of it saying we're going to have a dig dignified process with the attempts to suggest she's soft
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on pedophiles. i think it went well for judge jackson, the fact she's getting any republican support in the environment is a good thing. she's able to keep her cool when being hit over and over again with this pedophile qanon nonsense. she didn't agitated and i think that earned her a great deal of respect to help with her image. i think this process has been lousy for the supreme court and lousy for the country. it may or may not be good for democrats but definitely good for judge jackson. she's comported herself very well in a bipartisan vote at this moment reflects an unusually good reaction. >> they will vote whether to recommend the doj charges, two of donald trump's former aids with contempt to congress.
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peter navarro and dan scavino. both have refused to comply with subpoenas that from the january 6th committee. the committee is moving towards recommended charges for trump but some lawmakers are skeptical, skeptical of the attorney general merrick garland will do anything with the charges. listen to what california congressman adam schiff said this morning on our air. >> i think the justice department is airing on the side of not wanting to create controversy by investigating those that may have committed crimes but nonetheless high up in the last administration. i just don't think that's tenable if there is evidence of crime that needs to be investigated regardless of who it is. >> how crucial is the justice department concerning the january 6th investigation? are you optimistic that
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accountability will happen by the end of the committee's report, briefly, please, michael. what do you think? >> i'm not optimistic. i think this justice department is rather timid in your opening expressed that very well. they are looking at this because it involves donald trump and high up government officials. either they're nervous what they may mean. the only thing to be concerned about is what the law requires. if the january 6th committee puts in front of the justice department credible evidence of wrongdoing and criminal activity, however that's linked up, they have a responsibility under their oath of office to pursue that evidence and to report back to not only the congress but the country who are waiting diligently for their analysis and what they're going to do. i'm not confident this justice department is prepared to do that because they're more concerned about how it looks politically and how it may impact and land politically than about lady justice standing
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there blindly doing her job. >> dana and michael steele, thank you both very for being with us. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. next, my final ths stay with us what about screening for colon cancer? when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers, even in early stages. early stages? yep, it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. consider it done. .
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in the fog of war. this week i went to the white house to witness president biden sign the overdue anti-lynching bill. with the stroke of a pen, lynching became a federal hate crime with more than a century of struggles. on friday the house passed a marijuana legislation bill that would establish procedures for expunging previous convictions from people's records. senate majority leader chuck schumer is working with senators cory booker and ron wyden on similar measures. in california, a reparations task force took a step forward voting to limit state compensation to the descendants of free and enslaved black people. legislation may be written as early as next year. in florida, a federal judge struck down a voter suppression
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law declaring it unconstitutional since it was using tactics to suppress black voters. and the national football league has announced that all 32 teams are required to hire an offensive coach who is female or a person of color of an ethnic or racial minority for the next season. we want a lot more than that. and in colorado, a federal jury has awarded $14 million to 12 protesters who were injured by denver police during the 2020 protests against racial injustice following the murder of george floyd. by the way, you can talk about all of these issues confronting african americans, black people and all people around the world as much as i care about it. one way you can rise up is by participating this week in the 2022 national action network
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convention starting this coming wednesday going through saturday. i met with the u.s. ambassador to the united nations linda thomas green field who will be speaking at the convention. hillary clinton will be there. as we said, the dnc chair. and attorney benjamin crumb and others, the ahmaud arbery family, the family of george floyd. many will be there as we deal with all of these issues. reverend jesse jackson is going to be there. we are going to not let tomorrow just be about when dr. king was killed from wednesday to saturday for free. we're going to continue to keep the dream alive. go to www.nationalactionnetwork. get the agenda. chris hayes is going to make a special address on race and media at the convention. you don't want to miss, be a
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part of it. that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll be back here in the morning on "morning joe" early monday morning. and i'll see you back on "politicsnation" next weekend at 5:00 p.m. eastern time on msnbc. our news coverage continues on msnbc at the top of the hour. thr . i had a blood clot in my lungs. i thought i was gonna die. i was worried that he was gonna grow up without a mom. i don't want this to happen anybody else. get your vaccine. ♪ ♪ do your eyes bother you? because after all these emails, my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? why do we all put up with this? when there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients like an electrolyte, antioxidant,
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of those, nearly 9 out 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way ♪ ♪ it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body fromyrizi. overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good.
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